Transcripts For LINKTV Al Jazeera English News Bulletin 20240713

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Cease fire broken, tax resume on idlib a tax resume on Idlib Province with at least 20 one people killed. The United Nations consider setting up a Monitoring Mission in libya to keep an eye out any intentional future ceasefires. U. S. Senator senators launch formal proceedings for the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump. House democrats read the charges in congress, triggering the legal process. The trial, which donald trump has denounced as a con job by the democrats, is going to start next week. Here is more from washington. The ceremony laden impeachment trial of President Donald Trump is now underway. All persons are commanded to keep silent on pain of imprisonment. Donald j. Trump has abuse the powers of the presidency in that using the powers of his high office, President Trump solicited the interference of a foreign government, ukraine, in the 2020 United States president ial election. Reporter john robert, chief justice of the u. S. Supreme court, has taken his own most has taken his oath to serve as presiding officer. But an impeachment trial under u. S. Law is not just a judicial proceeding. It is a proceeding that is both legal and political, with most of the jurors who will decide the president s guilt or innocence being members of his own political party. And in an election year, there is little reason to believe that republican senators would vote to remove their own leader from the white house. Shows mosting americans expect a fair trial in the senate, not one rigged in the president s favor. Democrats say to get that, they need to open the proceedings to new witnesses and new evidence that appear to incriminate trump further. It,he president is blocking and again, the american people, just about all of them, are asking question, what is the president hiding . A this is precisely about president so we can look behind ourdaily drama and see how actions will reverberate for generations. So if we can put aside animal reflexes and animosity and coolly consider how to best serve our country. Reporter now the senate has some and President Trump to answer the impeachment charges. Its a hoax, Everybody Knows that. Reporter but it is unlikely he will make an appearance. Opening arguments are scheduled for next week. An associate of Donald Trumps lawyer has come forward with allegations the president knew exactly what was going on pressure efforts to ukraine on his political opponent. The explosive allegations came from this man. He said he was an associate of donald trump and worked in ukraine with the president s personal attorney, rudolph giuliani. Now he is speaking out. I want to get the truth out. Reporter an interview, he is in and describes delivering messages directly from the u. S. President to craniums. He what it was an effort, he claims, to dig up dirt on President Trumps former rival, joe biden who is running against him. He was aware of all of my movements and he knew exactly what was going on. Reporter these allegations come at a sensitive time for the president as the u. S. Congress begins the trial phase of his impeachment. Trump was impeached in december on charges of obstruction of congress and abuse of power, effort after reportedly pressuring ukrainians to investigate joe biden son hunter. On thursday congressional Watchdog Agency released its report stating the white house violated federal law by withholding military aid to ukraine, part of the quid pro quo allegation against trump. Trump also denied his he and hisp with associates, even with photos of them sidebyside having surfaced. Know, if i had a conversation are remembered with him. Reporter the white house is attempting to block witness testimony. In of statement, White House Press secretary pushed back on the claims, the allegations are being made by man who is currently out on bail for federal crimes and is desperate to reduce his exposure to prison. But his claims may be hard for senators to ignore. Alwaysguy at the top looks. You dont have this big of an operation just being run by a bunch of rogues, it never happens. Reporter democrats have released new evidence, Text Messages and emails they say prove the president leveraged political powers president ial powers for political purposes. He said there was pressure to remove the ambassador to ukraine from her post, even releasing texts which suggested she was being watched and that her life may have been a danger. Before trump recalled her last year, she testified in november she received a warning from a colleague. She said she wasnt sure, but there were concerns about my security. Reporter Ukrainian Government has now launched an investigation into possible surveillance of the former u. S. In bassett are u. S. Ambassador. Rob more than 2700 people have entered guatemala in a fast growing u. S. Bound caravan that originated in honduras. Chronicple are escaping already or gang violence. U. S. President donald trump is pressuring mexico and Central American nations to accept more migrants. His administration is also beginning the process of sending asylumseekers from the u. S. Border with mexico to guatemala. John homan is in what amount of city at a shelter where migrants have started arriving. A couple of hours ago, there was no one here. Let me show you what is here now. There is food being gavin out to people who are arriving, food and water food being given out. Here putting on fresh clothes, and then you can see people just beginning to bed down for the night. Theres quite a lot of people that have arrived. People are coming for different reasons. Some of them we have been speaking to are coming because they say basically i dont earn enough to live on, so much is a result of not earning to live i cant go on in my country need to get out. Other saying they need to escape from violence. Under his has been in the grip of a number of gangs so people are trying to escape that as well. The people are trying to get up through mexico and probably to the United States. Mexico has said its not going to allow that. It has been under a lot of pressure from President Trump and the United States to not allow people from Central America to reach the u. S. Southern border. You can expect once these people get to the border of guatemala and mexico to be met with street resistance there. Rob russia has denied bombing civilians in the deescalation zone in syrias Idlib Province. At least 21 people have been killed in recent days. The damage caused by one of several airstrikes in the Northwest Province of idlib. Survivors trying to salvage what is left. Emergency crews combed the rubble to cover the body of a child. Ther civilians were among casualties in idlib city. In the afternoon, idlib city was targeted by jets. They hit the Industrial Area and a market. Most of those heart have serious injuries. Reporter in the nearby hospital, they try to console of father who is grieving his son. A ceasefire which started on sunday was shattered on wednesday. Attacked idlib city as well as several rebel held towns. The ceasefire was broken by turkey, which supports the rebels, and russia, which backs the syrian governments nine month offensive. Fighters linked to al qaeda are the strongest forces in these areas, home to around 3 million civilians, according to the you in. Close to 400,000 syrians have been forced from their homes in idlib in the past 10 weeks. No tent, no shelter, no food. People are starving to death and there were being bombed. They are dying because they are hungry. Russia has announced a minute terry and corridors have been established to a now people to cross over into government held territory. Many havelear how children. Rob the iranian president says dialogue over his Countries Nuclear program is still possible. In a televised speech, rouhani said he wants to prevent war but he also revealed iran is now enriching more uranium per day than before signing a nuclear deal in 2015. Tehran is accusing europe of yielding to u. S. Bullying after it triggered a dispute mechanism that could reimpose you and sanctions on iran. When the u. S. Pulled out of the nuclear deal, we contacted the other parties and expressed our preparedness to fulfill our obligations. In terms ofay nuclear power, we have no limit. We are in a much better situation compared to before the deal. Our uranium enrichment today is much higher than that stipulated in the deal we signed. We cannot sit on our hands as they abandon their public if they abandon their obligations, we will reciprocate. Rob still ahead, a deadly pakistan. Several areas hit by avalanches and blizzards. Air quality in northeastern china for the most part isnt bad, just south of beijing has been quite bad recently. Daytime temperatures at or just above what the average would suggest. Is ahe coast of japan different story. There is rain developing, you might think the wrong time of year and you would be right. But the waters are warmer than they were so they are capable of doing this sort of thing. It doesnt change the temperature much but the heavy rain for some will be a bit disappointing. Its the rainy season in indonesia, reflected by the satellite picture. We have seen a bit of easing recently in Southern Sumatra and western java will see it start to build again on friday or saturday. Borneo andf northern theres a hint of this drifting eastward. It looks pretty wet on saturday. Jakarta will be less so. Rob youre watching al jazeera. A reminder of our top stories this hour. The u. S. Senate has launched a formal impeachment trial President Donald Trump. U. S. Chief justice of the Supreme Court has been sworn in as the presiding judge, along with 99 senators as the jury. Or than 2700 people have merged in what amalia in a fastmoving caravan heading for the United States. They will first have to enter mexico. The Trump Administration has been pressuring the Central American countries to accept more migrants. Irans president says new dialogue with the world over its Countries Nuclear program is still possible and he wants to prevent war. Rouhani also revealed iran is now enriching more uranium per day than before signing the nuclear deal in 2015. Five countries who lost citizens when a ukrainian jet was shot down shortly after taking out from tehran have urged iran to take full responsibility for the incident. Representatives from canada, ukraine, sweden, and britain have met in london. They also demand compensation for the families of the victims. Reporter a moment of reflection for the 176 victims of the flight. Countries united in grief together in the british capital. They are demanding accountability, compensation, and eventual closure. Canada lost 57 people and has emerged as the leader in the fight for justice. There are many, many questions. Families want answers. All of the countries assembled here today want answers, and the International Community wants answers. The world is waiting for those answers, and we will not rest until we get them. Iran initially denied responsibility for the craft, blaming technical failure. Later it admitted it shot down the aircraft, mistaking it for a u. S. Cruise missile. It happened several hours after iran launched a Ballistic Missile strike against forces in iran in response to the killing of top iranian general custom solemani. Experts from several countries have been allowed to provide Technical Assistance and the probe. Ukrainian experts are analyzing the planes back bar black box data recorders but so far few details have been released. Getting to the heart of what happened to the flight will require cooperation between all of the countries involved. In recent days, rhetoric surrounding irans controversial Nuclear Program has escalated and now the u. K. , france, and germany have threatened new sanctions against the country. The deal was agreed in 2015 to limit the Countries Nuclear capabilities in return for lifting economic sanctions. Washington with grew from the agreement in 2018. Iran has been dropping its commitments ever since and is now enriching more uranium than before the nuclear deal. Responding to the threat of sanctions,fresh rouhani said european soldiers in the middle east could be in danger. This tense Political Climate of mutual distrust and suspicion could hamper investigators working together to establish how and why so many lives were lost. Steve barker, al jazeera, london. The government criticized his exclusion from a you and peace conference, saying he shouldve been included in the talks because tripoli has signed turkey. With a ceasefire despite the fact that have yet to sign a deal. Al jazeera has learned the you and is considering a Monitoring Mission in libya to guard against changing his mind. As our diplomatic editor now reports from new york. James the German Foreign minister in the east libyan city of benghazi meeting the general who brought fresh conflict to libya nine months ago when he launched an offensive on the capital tripoli. The general is still not fully signed up to a ceasefire, just days before an International Summit is due to be held in berlin. Earlier this week, russia and turkey, which are on different sides of this conflict, some old the general summoned the general and fired the prime one signed the ceasefire agreement and the other did not. Al jazeera has obtained a copy of the latest report by the u. N. Secretary general to the Security Council. It is critical of what it calls unrecognized government in the east, and says the territory controlled by the general has become a hub of Illicit Activity , including the sale of drugs and arms. The month, the president of seeker to counsel is hopeful about what could come out of this weekends early in summit. We are waiting for the good news from the conference. Al jazeera has learned from a number of Security Council members that there are plans to monitor a ceasefire. Beent in yemen has observing a shaky ceasefire for about a year. A joint commission would be set up with five members nominated and fiveime minister by the general. Libya is rather larger than the municipality. The monitors could be supplied in yemen as in yemen by the United Nations, but a number of different options are under consideration. From severalteams places or a combination of those. Told by one diplomat that the Security Council could authorize a mission very quickly, but we are not there yet. One man has shown he can be both defiant and fickle, and he stands in the way. James bays, al jazeera, at the United Nations. Is said to have offered a temporary ceasefire of 10 days. Is being seen as an opportunity to restart talks in doha. The u. S. Has said a reduction in violence would see forces pull out in return for security guarantees. Pakistans foreign minister said the taliban offer is a positive step. Were following the story from kabul. There is some uncertainty over what the announcement will mean in practice. With the announcement of what many are calling a ceasefire in the taliban were are referred to as a reduction in violence, the situation really depends on what happens next. We spoken to members in the Leadership Structure of the taliban. What we have been told is that they cannot confirm exactly how long the ceasefire will be. Initial reports were suggesting a week to 10 days. They can say they have agreed in principle in a letter that was delivered to the you and negotiators for a short reduction in violence. That language is very important here. They were keen not to call it a ceasefire. They acknowledged that perhaps it is what they are referring to , it may look like an agreement is reached, but they cannot call ceasefire,lly a referring to it as a reduction in violence because they dont causeo interrupt or disruption within their ranks. The taliban is very focused on the fact that within the ranks of their own organization, there is a great deal of skepticism when it comes to negotiating with the United States. The taliban also know that their biggest bargaining chip, the main power source they have in any sort of talks is their ability to have military strength and their ability to arry out Violent Attacks at provincial and district level. Rob authorities are upping those who have not evacuated near the volcano to leave their homes immediately. Around 54,000 people are in Evacuation Centers across the province because of the threat of a largescale eruption. We join scientists as they monitor the volcano and we got this report. Reporter he looks deceptively small, and right now deceptively benign. A lake formed in the center of a much more a much larger ancient volcano. It is explosive and threatening what experts call a volcanic tsunami. Water. Gas and since sundays first eruption after being dormant for 40 years, scientists from the philippines volcanic agency are working overtime to try to predict what it might do next. Our observation for the next few days, we are trying to that it will intensify. Reporter researchers are tracking the number and intensity of many earthquakes coming from the volcano as well as testing for gases it emits. Although the plumes of volcanic dust and ash have declined, the amount of invisible sulfur dioxide gas is a good indicator of how much molten rock is moving toward or reaching the surface. Is very tricky its not always you get what you see. There are a lot of things happening underneath and one way to know actually what the is ifo is doing right now we monitor the sulfur dioxide. Reporter the test pose a potential danger provoking warnings of an imminent volcanic explosion, forcing filipinos to seek safety. There has been criticism that they were not able to give warning about the eruption, especially as increased activity was detected months ago. But in spite of their experience, active volcano such as this one are notoriously unpredictable. And no one can predict what it will do next. Southern africa is facing a hunger crisis on an unprecedented scale. Thats the verdict of the United Nations. The u. S. World food program says 45 moving people there are in onlyt need of food aid and has half of the 500 million it needs to respond to the emergency. His flaming drought, flooding, and economic hardship. Nearly 50 Million People face chronic food shortages. Avalanches and extensive weather have killed 100 people across pakistan in the last few days. A weather emergency has been declared in many areas but experts say the colesville is likely to continue. The violent snowstorm and heavy rain has left a trail of , particularly in pakistans northern areas. Problem is because of the poor infrastructure which could not take the weight of the recent storm. As you can see the 10 roofs did not stand a chance against the ofs did not tin ro stand a chance against that weather system that was dropped over the area. Most of the poor people in these regions are already living on steep slopes which are vulnerable to avalanches and landslides. Can hardly poor afford proper accommodations. Although the government keeps promising new homes, it would be better to concentrate on how to improve the standard of construction, even in the rural areas of pakistan, to mitigate the effects of Climate Change and to minimize casualties. Due to heavy snow, the roof of this building collapsed, causing a lot of damage and losses. Despite claims from the government, we havent received any help and are at the mercy of god. Small helicopters are not able to cope

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