Transcripts For LINKTV France 24 20240713

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Lay out plans for his new term in office. The Prime Ministers top priority to get britain out of the e. U. Next month. And a state of emergency declared in parts of australia were more than 100 bushfires are raging todayay as temperatures t record levels. Hello and welcome. First, it was andrew johnson. Then, it was bill clinton. Now, it is the turn of donald trump, who has made history by becoming the third u. S. President ever to be impeached. Surprise,t is no big given democratic control of the house of representatives. Next month, trample face trial by the senate, which will determine whether or not he remains in office. Highlye in the house was partisan. Nearly all democrats voted for the charges, while every republican voted against. To get some analysis on what unfolded in the house of representatives yesterday and what is still to come, lets talk to doug herbert, our International Affairs commentator. As i said, it was a highly partisan debate, followed by a highly partisan vote. That split is also plalaying out in homes across the united states, isnt it . . Doug as america goes, the republicans in congress go. Donald trump once told a rally, what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what is happening. He has remade the Republican Party in his image. What we have seen during that debate and i have to single out the republicans. This is not a false equivalence exercise, he said, she said. The republicans have built their case largely around a denial of basic facts, and they have also tried to promote can only be called an alternate reality. Turn to the evidence. Fox news is perhaps culprit number one in the spreading of disinformation among millions of americans, who rely on it as their mamain new source, especially throughout these hearings. What were some of its captions last night during this hearing . Basically, one of them was delusional democrats walk off impeachment cliff. That was one caption. The other was the lefts impeachment lies exposed. An alternate reality from what you saw on other mainstream networks that do not spread disinformation. You had hosts on fox news the reason i am putting fox news up there is not because of my obsession with fox news, but because it is what donald trump watches. It is where he gets his version of reality. It is what he watches in the morning. One wondered if the democrats have psychological problems. Another host said a disgusting pattern for three straight years. Laura ingram, a host that donald trump regularly watches, called it a lame circus, a cheap traveling circus that never leaves town. It might sound to viewers like i am being to inside politics, hitting too close to the nittygritty of american broadcasting. I cannot emphasize enough how important or nefarious from your point of view fox news is, because this is where donald trump gets his news. The republicans in that debate which were in that alternate reality one of them compared donald trump to jesus christ. People might chuckle when they hear that comparison, but the fact is Many Americans hear that, and now donanald trump wil be the incarnation for them, their champion of jesus christ. Anchor we know what it is the prpresident t things about a alf this. He has called it a hoax and a witch hunt many times. Do you think he appreciates the seriousness of what is happening . Doug he does even if he does not let it on explicitly, you are right. He was asked of this month whether impeachment weighs on him. This by calling it a witch hunt and a coup, he said it is a big fat hoax, but look. Reality, he has waged a Relentless Campaign since day one, because he has had this nagging sense that he is perceived as an illegitimate president. That he does not have the right to occupy the white house. He has been compulsively obsessed with convincing Anyone Around him that he is a legitimate president , showing of howreditary was red america was. He says, regardless of what he says at rallies, calling this a backlash against democrats, he knows that in history textbooks tickets from the next to his name will be donald trump, third president to be impeached. Better than abraham lincoln, better than george w washington, he has repeatedly said to anyone who will listeten. Nobody has done more. All of this undermines those contentions. Regardless of his rhetoric, it cant help but nag at him. Pelosi said they may delay submbmting articiclesf impeachment to the senate. Why would she do that . Doug leverage. The senate trial is supposed to be a trial, but as of now, those ,ho are overseeing the trial 5347 you need 57 to remove the president. She wanted to be a fair trial. Right now, the major person overseeing it, mitch mcconnell, has said he is not an in parchment impartial juror. He hopes for a quick and speedy trial and has said he is working tightly, coordinating with the white house counsel, working with Donald Trumps lawyers in his trial. Ganize nancy pelosi is holding out sending these articles of impeachment to try to perhaps get the republicans to compromise a little on rules that would favor a little more of what she would see as an impartial trial. The republican response they said she could wait forever. We dont care if she never sends those articles to the senate. Anchor thank you for your commentary and analysis today on the program. It was herbert there. Douglas herbert there. In the United Kingdom, it is a day of pump and performance in the british parliament. The queen traveled fromom her he at Buckingham Palace to reopen the house of parliament after Boris Johnsons election victory. The queen then led out the plan for momonths andnd years ahead. As expected, it was brexit that top the priority list. Health care, crime, and constitutional reform also featured. Johnson called it the most radical queen speech in a generation. Covering all of those events from london today is our correspondent. Your take what is away from what we heard in the queen speech today . the main take away is very clearly that domestic agenda, and the divorce with the e. U. It is brexit. Exit must get done. Get brexit done. That is very much the mantra for Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Straight into the queen speech, which was written by this conservative government, as is the tradition the government of the day we had immediately the fact that this bill was going to be reintroduced, the Withdrawal Agreement bill very much getting that january respected forne the end of phase one. And for the United Kingdom finally to divorce the other e. U. Members states. He joins us here just as the queen has left. You see some pageantry, very elegant, that is finishing. The other big take away is the National Health service, and the fact that there were promises campaign, ande promises made today in the queen speech about enshrining 34 billion pounds for the National Health service, a service that is ailing and that needs investment. Interestingly, a fast track for qualified medical specialists and Health Professionals to come , along with the Australian Point system, immigration point system, that will be introduced by 2021. Anchor this was a slightly pared down ceremony, by a british standard. For one thing, the queen did not wear her crown today. She made a similar speech two months ago. Why are we hearing her do this again . Well, she did not wear a crown, and indeed she did not when she did it nine weeks ago on october 14. Yes, some people have a sense of deja vu. Why is she doing it all again . The first time, remember that Boris Johnson succeeded theresa july, the end of basically because her party wanted her to go and she could not get the deal she negotiated with the e. U. To the house of commonons, despite bringing it back three times. Basically, he wanted his own mandate, and that is what he got. Majority. N 80 seat almost unexpected, the size of that majority. It very much wants to be seen as taking the initiative in the first hundred days. We have witnessed real paralysis in Even International policy whiche of the impasse in parliament and politicians had come. We have the new deal Boris Johnson negotiated, and he wants to introduce that as soon tomorrow. We expect with that comfortable majority that he will get it through. And then in january that it will be on track for january 31. Pared down ceremony. The queen arrived by car, not by carriage. A government feeling very empowered as it approaches christmas on the dawn of 2020. Anchor benacdicte paviot b paviot, life from london. A state of emergency has been declared in new south wales, australia. The nation endured its hottest everyday, with average temperatures of 41. 9 degrees celsius. Also blazing across the state and have so far claimed six lives. With the latest, here is joseph well. Jo sitwell. Jo authorities fear the worst is yet to come. The Fire Department does not even have enough men or trucks to contain the flames. We have 2000 personnel on these fires at the moment. People another 500 people will be elevated d from standbyy into some of the most t risk areas given the normandy the in normandy. Has declared its second state of emergency in 12 months. It allows firefighters to shut roads anand force evacuatitions. Isthe biggest concern for us the unpredictability. When you have turbulent wind conditions and spot fires, they can turn very unpredictably. Jo this is one of the worst fires, the mega blaze surrounding sydney. It has c covered the city with smoke. Air pollution has never been worse, with health officialsls concerned byby its consequences. Hospitals haveve already experienced a surge in cases of respiriratory problems. As c conditions are set to wors, authorities urge people to remain indoors. Course foranon is on a new Prime Minister after its former premier resigned two months ago. The current frontrunner to take on the top job is hassan diab. Won the backing of has below. Lebanon has been gripped by crisis for months, and mass protests have demanded the entire Political Leadership of the country step down. One of the Biggest Challenges for the Prime Minister will be to stabilize the economy, and to try to quell the anger in the streets. A bit earlier, i spoke to our correspondent in beirut and asked her to tell us more about that frontrunner. Professor, an engineer. He works in the American University of beirut. Governmented once in before between 2011 and 2014. He was the minister of education which fell within his purview as a professor. The idea of the nomination he is an outsider, not seen as being allied to anyone in particular or having any particular political background. Is that is not strictly true. A primelf served under minister who was allied with a Certain Group of Political Parties here. He does have some alliance there. In terms of pleasing people here who say they want somebody who is a technocrat, he does sort of fit the bill, but already people are starting to come forward and make accusations of him. A former student of his at the American University in beirut said he is to take the papers of his students and put his own name on them and publish them. Somebody else that he bought his sons way into working in the medical lab. People have not looked into these things yet, but what is newclear yet is whether the whether he is a new person being nominated by the political establishment, or whether there is corruption of previous people put up for this role. Brute reporter in beirut ahead of the nomination of a prospective Prime Minister in lebanon. Algeria a has a n new prime minr today, sworn inn admitted amd unrest. Wonon more than 80 of the v vote, but millilions boycd the election,n, saying the vote did not repreresent real change for the country. Y. Here is a a closer look at the background and politics of algerias new president. Far from the fresh protesters demanded, 74yearold tebboune is a political veteran and has held political posts in the buda flickr regime bud aflika regime. He promised to work with, not against, the hirak protest movement. Im ready for direct dialogue with the hirak, with the person they choose for the dialogue, to find solutions and prove our goodwill, with god as our witness, to build a new algeria. Ne was brieflyou Prime Minister in 2017, but was fired when he tried to crack down on corruption. Many o of those he accused are w behind bars, something he put center stage his camign. Protesters worry he is just another member of the corrupt political class. His son is in prison at accused of laundering drug money, pumping demonstrators to carry white powder in their hands. His finance Campaign Manager was jailed on corruption charges. He is also rumored to be the preferred candidate of an army chief. He is fake. We came out to say there is no tesident and this hirak won stop. They chose their own president and we are not going to step back. Reporter he is not wellknown for his charisma, but he will need every now every ounce if he is to convince the movement to come to the negotiating table. Bolivia, whereo prosecutors have ordered the arrest of former eva morales. The interim government has accused him of sedition and terrorism, following the election in october, described by many as rigged. Morales is currently in mexico, after fleeing last month. James just a month ago, abel morales was head of state. He was forced out after being accused of reading a president ial election. He is in exile in argentina and Bolivian Police have accused him of promoting clashes between Law Enforcement and his supporters. Minister taunted him with a picture of his arrest warrant. President has previously said if he returns to bolivia, he would have to face trial. He knows he has to give answers to the country and he has toto account for himself before the Justice System and face the consequences. James new elections are due to take place in early 2020. Morales has said h he hopes to play a parart, even though hehe wont officially be a candidate. Me tothey do not allow enter, i will look for the way, accompanied by personalities with the press. I will enter to campaign. I am not afraid of beingng arrested. James after 14 years as president ,t, morales inspires bh love and hatred among bolivians. His trial would be a highly divisive affair. Businessets get some for you on the program. Stephen carrolls onset to take a look at some of the Main Business headlines. You are going to be starting with a European Court rululing over frances regulation of ainbnb. Stepephen the eururopean courtf justice has thrown out a case taken by hoteliers in france, whwho argue the government shoud regulate airbnb like it is an estate agent. Hotel owners wanted the home Share Service to follow t the accounting rules of that sector. The court ruled that airbnb should be classed as an Information Society service for collecting homes with renters, and not in a state agency. The company has welcomed the decision. Anchor staying in france, the french government is helping in their stepping into help Small Businesseses hurt by ongoing strikes. Stephen t the measures inclclue givingng them long to papatheirr taxes. S. Shops, restaurants and h hotels haveeeeen a drop in earnings since the stririke began the e junior finance minisistemt represesentatives s of small businenesses earlier to discuss their situation. According to one survey, 80 of small firirms say they hahave bn hit by the disruption. Catherine in la rochelle in western france, there are few people strolling the streets or sitting on cafe terraces. Not many people are checking into hotels either. For Small Business owners, t the ongoing strike is takingng a tol on their bottom linene. There should be at least 30 or 40 persons d during this period. But it is practitically n0n0. Christine across france, the story is the same demonstrations, few trains, and fewer tourists. This restaururant has s lost haf itits clientele. Because toenalizedd come here, transport is quite complicated. Theerine a survey by confederation of small and mediumsized firms foundnd that 80 are affected by the strike. 49 had seen a drop in revenue. 42 say theheir business is in danger. Without the metro, the normally lively montmartre neighborhood is quiet. The speaker says he is losing customers. He has had to cut in half the number of baguettes he makes each day, a drop of production that could have consequences for his employees. My last option is to put them on partial unemployment, a catastrophic solution, because we appreciate the people w we he and we dont want to lose them. Catherine Officials Say measures put in place to compensate those affected during the yellow vests protest have been reinstated. They include delaying tax payments, andupport foror works s whose hoururs have been cu the bank of england is investigating how investors were able to eavesdrop on press briefings before they were broadcast. Traders aave given splitsecond advantage in key policy decisions taken by the central bank. The audio feed was made available by a third party supplier. Hedge funds reporting for the times newspaper. The british conduct authority says it is examining the issue. Has agreed to pay more than 4 million to settle claims of gender discrimination. Tell us more. After anthis comomes investigation by the u. S. Rights watchdog which found a a culture ofof retaliation against those o complain. Bylog post written in 2017 susan fowler about her experience with the company sparked the me too movement against sexual harassment. Will be used to compensate employees who experienced harassment or retaliation. France,e, the gogovernment is cuttinggtsts subsididy for people buying electric cars. Stephen currently, you can get a 6000 euro r reduction, thankso a govovernment bonus schcheme, t that amomount will fall next ye, leading to fears that motorists will stick to more polluting vehicles. Buyers of electric cars and france are eligible for a 6000 euro green subsidy, a nice selling point. The french government is reducing the bonus amount. Autoworkers are worried about losing customers. Should i choose electric, diesel, or petrol . Year, fornext individuals who buy an electric car ththat costs more than 45,00 euros, the bonus will drop. The car is costing less then 45,000 euros. The reduction will gradually be decreased. A decision has upset some motorists. At the moment, i have no economic interest in buying an electric car. Reporter the ministry estimates the electric car markeket will reach 100,000 units in 2020, double this years volume. For some manufacturers, that growth makes the case for reducing the bonus. Most car builders in the coming months and years will produce fully electric cars. There are more choices. That means they will be cheaper and more accessible to everyone. At 20200 euro bonus for electric b bikes and 900 euro bonus for electric scooterss remain uncnchanged. Stephen on the markets, it is a mixed picture in europe this lunchtime. Red. Ac dipping into the in london, investors reacting to the latest Interest Rate decision from the bank of england. The rate unchanged to 0. 57 ftse 100 trading u up in the moments aftr that decision. Anchor the second year in a row therere is an eightyeyearold y as the biggest earner inin youtube. E. Ephehen a preretty stgegering figure. This is according to forbes magazine. Ryan of ryans world earned 26 million in the year to june. That figure is u up 4 million n the previous year. Ryan does things like review toys. Earnedondplace channel 20 million. And a russianamerican at 18arold was million. Between the top 10 earners, they managed to rake in 162 million over the years. Forbes calculates these figures based on ads, sponsorored conte, tours,dise sales, and because youtube stars now tour the world to meet their fans. Anchor and it makes people fel very old. Old and poor. Stephen carroll with our business update. Time for a a short break. Stay with us. World news headlines. Hey, im valalerie junune. Cong u up reel south. You are e a princess. [valerie] for young latinas, a right of passage comes at age 15. You have to be responsible. You have to be mature now. You have to know exactly what you want in life, like strive e for your goals. You haveve to be and act an adult now. What makes a q quinceanera mass a quinceanera m mass is that declaration. [valererie] but inin the s, a quinceanera has evolved into m more than a birirthda. Its a commitment and celebration of a maturing identity. I want to invite friends to notice or be part of this new culture that theyve never r seen beforore firsthan. You have to cocombine bothth your culture and our c culture

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