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President s have a sit down at the nato meeting. And fears of a humanitarian crisis mean deepening despair for migrants stuck in a makeshift camp in bosnia. Welcome to the newshour. Donald trumps political rivals have laid out what they say is overwhelming evidence of the u. S. President s misconduct in office. A 300 page report making the case for impeachment alleges abuse of power by trump and says he used his office to solicit foreign interference for his 2020 reelection bid. A report from the democrat led House Intelligence Committee says a phone call between trump opened ukraine president a dramatic crescendo of monthlong campaigns to extract personal, political benefits. Saying donald trump constructed the impeachment inquiry by two ignore those subpoenas. In withis at war an adversary, russia, to it involves a scheme in which donald trump withheld official acts, white house meeting, as well as hundreds of millions of dollars of needed military assistance in order to compel that power to deliver to investigations that he believed would assist his reElection Campaign. Our correspondent is following events for us from capitol hill. The political hot potato which is this report has now been passed to the House Judiciary Committee. What sort of reception do we expect it to get . The timeline of events is very specific in the coming days and weeks. Factter thats right, in that action right now approving this report and in passing it to the House Judiciary Committee for review is happening as we speak behind closed doors. Adam schiff, uterus hard from, and other members of the intelligence many are now voting to finalize or get the stamp of approval, innocence, to this report. Once it arrives in the Judiciary Committee, they will then hash over the report and consider whether or not to put additional evidence forward or perhaps even wider articles of impeachment. Income the House Judiciary Committee has the constitutional mandate to draft these articles of impeachment. In laymans terms, they are the charges that trump will face once he eventually goes to the senate to be put on trial. Of course, then there is as or break its a make session there, but the general consensus is nothing will happen because the senate really is controlled by the republicans. Reporter it is. In fact, that would have to be to vote toans convict him to remove him from office from office. That looks very unlikely. But its interesting, prosecutors from the nixon impeachment inquiry, they said they are still some likelihood that trump may be removed from office. It would take a Dramatic Development and a dramatic ground shifting of Public Opinion amongst americans. That hasnt happened yet. In fact, polls show that still about 50 of americans support impeachment and 50 do not. Those numbers have not moved at all since the beginning of these hearings that have taken place. Andhe situation continues, we will monitor what happens on capitol hill. Lets join richard painter, he was the cheap data the chief ethics lawyer under george w. Bush and he joins me now from neapolis. Good to have you with us on the program. What do you think of the Current Situation and the fact that the House Intelligence Committee has actually formulated this report it is going to the Judiciary Committee . The evidence in the extortion plot aimed at ukraine is overwhelming that donald trump thought to sought to extort help for his Political Campaign from ukraine in return for hundreds of millions of dollars of military aid. That is clearly something that is an impeachable offense, high crimes and misdemeanors under the United States constitution. The Judiciary Committee will consider that, along with the other crimes committed by this president , including the obstruction of justice in the rush investigation, and the fact that President Trump has instructed people in his administration not to respond to any of the congressional subpoenas. That is obstruction of congress, and that something that Richard Nixon was impeached for, and i expect donald trump would be as well. On top of that, we have his vicious attacks on the freedom of the press, a violation of our first amendment, his attacks on muslim americans, the travel ban, there are a number of things he has done that Many Americans believe are unconstitutional. Impeachll be a vote to the president , almost certainly. In terms of the way the president is conducting himself, his tactics and calling the ,nquiry very much a witchhunt to appeal to his base. Does that in the long term allow him to retain republican support that he seems to have you heard our correspondent talking about the fact that Public Opinion is sort of 5050. It hasnt swayed one way or the other, even though impeachment hearings have been going on for weeks. Mindll, we have to keep in this is a president that most republicans did not want to be nominated for the republican ticket in 2016. There was a lot of opposition to donald trump, a lot of concern about donald trump. He is appealing to a very far right, rabid base in the republican party. Thats how he got the nomination. Thats maybe 10 or 20 of the American People at most. So we dont know whats going to happen in the senate. Theres only 20 republican senators. At some point they look at the evidence and say this is so overwhelming, we might as well remove him from office and put mike pence in there and go into the 2020 election with mike pence or another candidate. Mike pence is even more conservative than donald trump on a lot of issues, but he at least appears to know how to handle himself, at least most of the time. Know whethernt the senators will decide that he has too much baggage to take into the election with him. In terms of what we know about the way the white house, the oval office works and operates, taking your experience of being the head of ethics under george w. Bush, you might say you are the conscience of the oval office when you were there, at least allowing the president to have those checks and balances. With the grade the president with the way the president is conducting himself now, do you think there are any checks and balances, anybody talking to him about the way he is conducting himself, maybe, or the way his subordinates are coming terms of the way the impeachment process has progressed . There are absolutely no checks and balances in the trump white house. He does whatever he wants, when he wants. They cant control his racist comments, his islamophobia, homophobia, and he just goes on and on ranting and attacking people. He calls it a witchhunt, even though the evidence is overwhelming. The checks and balances will have to come from the congress. It all boils down to, do the republicans in the senate want to go into the 2020 elections with donald trump in the white house, having clearly committed high crimes and misdemeanors . Or would they do what the republicans did in 1974 with Richard Nixon and just ask him to step down . They said if you dont step down, we will get you out of there. We will convict you. It was very similar back in. The poll show that nixon was very popular. He won his election by an enormous landslide, unlike donald trump. And yet the republicans, when they saw the evidence, they turned on him. They said mr. Nixon, mr. President , you are going to have to resign. So we will just see what happens here. Thanks so much for joining us on the program. Thank you. Therocs are appearing in Worlds Largest alliance. Leaders are in the United Kingdom and divisions are becoming clear. The u. S. And french president have disagreed on several points including the return of foreign fighters in syria. Its supposed to be nato 70th birthday, but there is no celebration. Instead, an atmosphere of disagreement and division, with the u. S. President who once called the alliance obsolete, now saying he fears that france might leave nato. Heardent trump and i president macron say that nato was great. I think thats very insulting to a lot of different voices including a man who doesnt great job of running nato. Its a very nasty statement to essentially 28 countries, including them. Reporter those comments were particularly pointed as President Trumps next meeting was with the french president. There were uncomfortable moments when they were asked about european countries, including france, not taking back their nationals, now prisoners in. Yria, having fought for isil [indiscernible] there are a number of fighters on the ground. Have foreignt you fighters coming from europe. The number one problem are not the foreign fighters. [indiscernible] trump this is why he is a great politician. That is ok. Reporter the trumpmacron disagreements are not the only ones at the summit. The french leader attacked turkey because of its recent incursion targeting the kurds in northern syria. [indiscernible] they now are fighting against those who fight with us. Reporter turkeys president erdogan later met with his u. K. Host as well as president macron and german chancellor merkel. Hes threatening to block natos plan to protect poland and the baltic states, less others agree with him on syria. Despite all the differences which exist, and which we have to address, we also have to discuss the future of nato and things we have in common strategically, but i am optimistic about this meeting. Reporter on top of all the other problems, im told there is currently considerable tension between chancellor merkel and president macron over european defense, europes role in nato. The state of the alliance right now is full of division. It is a multidimensional mass. James bays, al jazeera, london. Nato leaders gathered at her reception and buckingham palace. They were welcomed by Queen Elizabeth the second and prince charles, but disapproval of the alliance hasnt come just from world leaders. There are protests in london against the nato meeting. The protest brought together people campaigning on a variety of issues, denouncing donald trump. Some of it belong to antiwar groups like the stop the War Coalition and the campaign for nuclear disarmament, announcing kurdish and prokurdish forces protesting the actions of president erdogan, particularly in syria. It is symbolically being led by people who work for Britains National health service, the nhs. The Public Health system, which according to the protesters is under threat to the future in a trade deal between President Trump and Prime Minister johnson. They are saying it is clear that the u. S. In such a trade deal would put pressure on britain to allow greater access for American Pharmaceutical Companies to sell their products at a higher price. Boris johnson says that is nonsense, that the nhs would not be for sale. This is crucial, because it is the number one issue that the public has identified in the Election Campaign even ahead of brexit. Are about 10 ves ahead in the opinion polls, but if there is a slip up, if President Trump does go further in his statements that could harm Boris Johnsons prospects. Ahead, including anger and frustration in democratic republican congo on the state of security as more people are attacked and killed by armed groups. In pressure is brewing on altos Prime Minister step down immediately on the murder of popular journalists. Their reports state it assion describes riotous and saying the toll is more than 200. Heres is more from tehran. Security services kill protesters during demonstrations last month. State Media Broadcast the iranian government side. His report describes some of those involved in the protests as riotous and thugs, armed with firearms and knives. In a southwestern city there are media reports and ledge massacre took place, but tehran said they were dealing with separate to separatist elements who had ulterior motives. If the military forces and police didnt interfere, not only with the lives of people in the region have been in danger, but also the import of essential goods into the country would have been jeopardized since the number of trucks had been reduced to 400 at day. This causes security and force the cutie forces and the police to get involved to protect the people. Authorities insist some protesters were armed and were firing at security. This is where the hostile groups work hiding and shooting at the police. But thank god the armed forces vigilantly came to the fields and foiled their plans. Is still unclear have any people were killed. Amnesty International Say its more than 200, a figure the government rejects. I can tell you that the numbers and figures given by hostile groups about the deaths in irans recent protest are sheer lies. Are different from what they announced and the numbers are far less. U. S. President donald trump had his own figures. President trump iran is killing perhaps thousands and thousands of people right now as we speak. Thats why they cut off the internet. The cut off the internet so people cant see what is going on. The violence is the worse a country has witnessed for decades. The government claimed outside forces were behind some of it. The actual number of those killed will eventually be known. For now, the iranian government says Security Forces acted to protect lives, but thousands of protesters were killed in what they call special circumstances. Organizationhealth said efforts to eliminate measles have fallen back. 55 people have died since the epidemic started in midoctober, 50 those were children under the age of four. Ratesare low immunization of just over 30 . Making Solutions Include immunizations compulsory and closing schools. 153 new cases have been reported in the last 24 hours, bringing the number of cases in this outbreak to almost 4000 two the population of 200,000 people. Jessica washington is our. Orrespondent just bring us up to speed on what you know is going on in terms of the way the authorities are trying to get this outbreak under control. Jessica there have been a number of government initiatives in terms of trying to get this outbreak under control. As you mention, when the outbreak first began in october, one of the earliest deaths one of the earliest steps was to close schools. The focus is on making sure that children in that most vulnerable age group of six months to four years old were vaccinated. Since then, as the crisis has widened, the scope of the emergency measures has also widened. The message now from the government is that everyone under the age of 60 sp vaccinated. And this compulsory Vaccination Program is requiring a number of initiatives from the government. There are Health Clinics set up by around samoa, some run government organizations and others by Public Health workers. There are signs that those initiatives are working. Since a state of emergency was declared in midnovember, at least 60,000 people have been vaccinated. You are in the capital, but the problem is nationwide in the urban as well as rural areas, as you mentioned. As far as the authorities are concerned, where are they indicating are the hotspots . Jessica it isnt exactly clear on where the hotspots are. We do know that most of the cases are concentrated in this island where the capital city is located. We do know that it is mostly in the towns and urban areas that the outbreaks have occurred, but authorities are trying to discern where else the outbreaks might be occurring. They have initiated a number of steps in order to determine that. For example, there are mobile vaccination clinics which roam around the whole country tomorrow and friday, basically checking in on houses around the country, we seem to have just lost jessica there. We will be monitoring events with her throughout the day. At least i people have been killed in protests in the eastern democratic republic of congo. Residents accused the u. S. Peacekeeping force of failing to protect them against the notorious armed group. Doctors at the main hospital in an eastern city are treating patients with gunshot wounds. Summer participating in a protest on monday. The doctor say several need emergency surgery. Onwe receive seven patients monday. One of them was shot in the head and died in the night. Three are in critical condition. Others are victims of recent forces. By the allied they have killed over 100 people in one month and over 2000 over the past five years. She has three children and three other relatives. Attacksed in the latest. Her remaining son was nearly killed, too. The attackers say they would protect us. Then they shot my husband and killed him, and then our children. The two children watch their parents as they were hacked to death. Its those scenes that are causing anger on the streets. They accuse Government Forces of not doing enough to protect them from rebel attacks. Protesting also been. N the provincial capital goma they say the situation is not acceptable. The army has warned protesters to keep off the streets. We spoke to the governor who said the provincial government also has reports that some protesters armed with chevys and clubs. Machetes and clubs. The group has caused a lot of harm. And it is causing tension within the population. But protests will not solve the problem. Areven some politicians telling the armed groups to join in the protest. The sentiment by many protesters is that they wont relent. Some are angered by the military, claiming the protests have been infiltrated by armed people. They say the army is trying to vilify the protesters and deflect attention from what is really going on in that region. They say there is genuine anger and frustration about the state of security and this is an issue that needs to be addressed. Explosion has ripped through a factory killing at least 23 people. Have started in a tile factory north of the capital khartoum. Extreme weather and an economic crisis have left nearly half of zimbabwes population facing severe hunger. In trying to double the number help to over 4 million. The situation is only expected to get worse before the april harvest. Extreme weather and economic meltdown have pushed those people into severe hunger. For a country that used to be the breadbasket of southern africa, the situation is nothing short of tragic. There is no other way of putting it. The crisis is being exacerbated by a dire shortage of foreign currency, runaway inflation, mounting unemployment, lack of fuel, prolonged power outages, and large scale livestock losses. The country director of save the children zimbabwe said she has seen the effects on both rural and urban children. In the rural areas, families are having to make tough choices. In cases of rural children, they have to make a choice about whether the children stay back at home and do chores and find other means of livelihood, or go to school. In the urban areas, families have got to decide on what kind of meal they will have for the day, because families in urban and rural areas, sometimes can only afford one meal a day. They also have to decide on the composition of that meal. They will resort to buying the cheaper types of food, so that is also having an effect on nutrition for school going age. You find the children are beginning to not go to school because they have to walk long distances to school, and if they have to do that on an empty there isthen clearly motivation to sometimes stay behind. Is being estimated that at least 17 of children in rural areas have dropped out of school. Iscant say for sure that it all because of the food but in thesituation school administration, they have certainly noticed that since the onset of the food situation, there has been a gradually dropping out of school of children. Still ahead, the longterm effects of teargas exposure are investigated as protests in chile enters the 87th week. Comments about elon musk and his cave rescue in court. Sonoko sakakai well, i i grew p in a very smalall town called kamakuura, which is about an hour outside of tokyo. And so i was immersed in the old world, old japan, very artisinal, without even knowing what that word is. Theyey have this craftsmananshi. That was s the way pepeople liv. You had t to know howow to work with your hands. And it was a an awakening for me as a young child looking at the craftsmans work

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