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A surprise election. Turkeys president says he fears a new wave of refugees from syria and he is repeating his threat to throw open the doors to europe. Brent im brent goff welcome. Oil prices have soared today on the back of two drone attacks that took place on saudi arabias oil facilities. The strikes over the weekend saw the crude oil output dropped by 5 . Washington has hinted at a military retaliation. It blames iran for the strikes. Houthi rebels say they are the ones who did it. These oil tanks are exhibit a as the world tries to assess who is responsible for attacks on saudi facilities. They show idenentical impapact points. That indicates a high degree of sophistication in the attack. Houthi rebels in yemen have claimed responsibility. They have been fighting the salaries for years in yemens civil war. Some analysts doubt whether the rebels couldve lost drones or missiles able to hit the tanks. Yemen is to the south of the saudi refineries. The u. S. As the satellite images suggest a in attack from the north. Suggest an attack from the north. Secretary of state M Mike Pompeo said the u. S. Would make sure iran is held accountable for its aggression. Donald trump took to twitter to threaten those responsible. He tweeted there is reason to believe we know the culprit. We are waiting to hear from the kingdom. The saudis replied in full agreement with washington. Although the initial indications and evidence show the attack was not launched from your many territory. Yemeni territory. They are ponds that follow the agenda of the revolutionary guard and ththe iraniann terrort regime. Iran deflected blame. We rejeject these types of statementstsnd projections. The islalamic republic of iran s cleared the people of yemen and the rights. But to accuse them of these attackcks and defensisive measus is in line with the u. S. popolicys they have adopteted ar their own failures. Oil prices spiked as traders factored in saudi arabias seeming inability to defend its crucial oil infrastructure. Governments, including germany, have condemned the attack. Brent lets take the story to the u. S. Capitol. Oliver is standing by in washington. We have saudi arabia saying the weapons used in this attack came from iran. We have the u. S. Saying that iran is responsible, despite who the rebels in yemen saying they did it. How do americans and the saudis know they are right . Oliver the saudi Led Military Coalition in yemen today said they believe that it is iran behind these attacks. They believe that iranian drones and missiles fired frorom them came from m the direction of irn rather than from yemen. That i is one important aspect. Ththe satellitite pictures y yey suggests the s same. We also o have to stress that te special envoy for yemen at the United Nations said he is not 100 convinced. There are other theories around at this point as well. Even the saudi led coalitionon cocontinueso o investigatate wha theyey are trying toto focus o o the need to make surere that whe these drdrones were lalaunched. They need to make sure where these drones were launched. Brent the president of the u. S. Tweeted that we are locked and loaded. You know as well as i do, we have seen that before. Back in june, he threatened military action against iran. When they shot out a u. S. Drone. He did not follow through. Is his latest threat different . Oliver the president is an unpredictable president. He is always up for surprises. It would be unreliable to suggest that the threat he is posing now is more serious than it was in recent times. In the time he mentioned when the american drone was shot down. We should not forget why the president is doing all this. He is trying to force iran back to the negotiating table. At the core of this problem is the nuclear deal from which the u. S. Has pulled out the President Trump believes iran is still working on a deal. They are trying to get him back to the negotiating table. The iranian president rouhani ruling that as long as the sanctions are in place. Ruling that out as long as the sections are in place. He is trying to make them blank. Not much success for so far. Brent over, thank you oliver, thank you. Benjamin netanyahu has promised to annex all settlements in the west bank as he seeks to burst turn boost turnout to his conservative base after repeat election. It has been held because netanyahu has been unable to form a Coalition Since election in april. His main opponent has been mobilizing support. We pick up the story from there. For the second time in a year, this cafe owner will be casting his ballot. He hopes Benjamin Netanyahu will be able to of to form the next Coalition Government. He sometimes stops by for a coffee and pastry here. He sees no alternative to the long circulator the man has experience. Its important for people to have someone to run the state as he does. A state like israel, with so many challengers, and having good relations with World Leaders around the world. Following the last directions in april, netanyahu failed to form a governing coalition. Some analysts describe it as a fight for his political life. These elections are not about a policy issue at all. They are shakespeare. They are to be or not to be. Three criminal investigations hanging over his head. He has proven the ability to overcome any obstacle. He will be able to do that now. His main rival emerged as a real threat to netanyahu in the previous election. He served as a military chief underr netanyahu, and touring southern israel, he is trying to sway voters with his security record and a calmer leadership. This appeals to this person who would like to see a more centrist and less ultraorthodox government. I am voting for benny gantz and his team. They are politically in the center. They all have clean hands. They care about the general public. Pollsters predict a tight race. Netanyahu is fighting for every vote. He hasnt been shying away from making promises. His pledge to apply sovereignty over the Jordan Valley and the west bankk if reelected has triggered heavy criticism abroad. Most people are cynical about these promises. Including the right wing, who are in favor of annexation, they say, you have been Prime Minister for 13 years. Why havent you done that yet . You are telling us a week before the election, you are saying there is a historical opportunity to do this. The cafe, all eyes on election day. They know it will begin with Coalition Building the day after. Brent i am joined now by miriam. You have seen this election is widely seen as a referendum on Benjamin Netanyahu. How is he faring in terms of popupulation popopularity . Miriam thats trtrue. These elections are truly about should netanyahu stay or go . He is faring quite well. According to polls, he is more popular than his competitor. The reason why he is still popular despite the corruption charges and indictments and the things he is facing, there are three reasons. The first is security. Ever since he has been governing, israel has been fairly safe. Ever since the first and second intern fathers, when buses were to help blowing up in tel aviv and jerusalem, it has been dramatic. Its something israelis still vote on. If the number one issue they think of when they go to the polls. Thats something netanyahu stands for. He has been given a lot of threat credit for his ties wiwith World Leaders. Putin n d trump. He has been given a lot of credit for raising israels standing in the international community. Brent this election is a repeat election. Mr. Netanyahu was unable to form a Coalition Government after the election back in april. Is there any reason to think that problem has . . Been solved will he have a better chance of building a coalition after the election tomorrow . Miriam miriam thahats a good ququestion. Even israeli analystss watching the news dont have an n answer. Polls are usually quite accurate in israel. The outcome is pretty much the same as last time. There is a good chance of netanyahu forming a rightwing coalition. They have been edging closer. The last polls are getting a majority. Its a likely outcome he will become the next Prime Minister. There is the option of unity government. That would be blueandwhite. Thats a line with the kingmaker government. Netanyahu h has refused to sit n a unity government. If that happens, it would have to be without him. Brent miriam, thank you. Here are some of the other stories making headlines. In zimbabwe, people are paying tribute to robert mugabe, the late president s coffin arrived in his home village today. His legacy is controversial. Some consider him a hero, others say he was an autocratic leader who presided over human rights abuse ands abuses, and economic ruin. Key supporters in tunisias first race are salivating after initial results indicate they will go through to the runoff vote. Two men, a law professor and independent and the media backed candidate, appeared to have tapped into voters dissatisfaction with the countrys political elite. A sea of candles has been laid to honor the 22,000 polish officers who were executed by the soviet red army in 1940. They were imprisoned after the soviet Union Invaded poland in 1939 whehen the polish army was fighting hitlers troops. For decades, the soviets blamed the nazis for the massacre. Todays brexit talks in luxembourg between british Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Eu Commission president Jeanclaude Juncker ended without any breakthrough. There is no less than seven weeks until written leaves the european union. Johnson was heckled during his trip by anglian angry british retirees living in luxembourg. It was not quite the welcome he had been hoping for. Boris johnson, boot on his way to meet luxembourgs Prime Minister. Earlier Jeanclaude Juncker Jeanclaude Juncker, he met with to discuss brexit over lunch. The Prime Minister expressed optimism that hardbacks it could be avoided. There is a good chance of a deal. I can see the shape of it. Everyone can see roughly what could be done. It will require movement in the system by which the eu can control the u. K. After we leave the socalled backstop, to go, from the treaty. Eu officials cautioned johnson had failed to come up with an alternative to the backstop. The british Prime Minister has said he does not seek to delay brexit beyond the current body august 31 deadline. He also seemed to be in a rush to depart from the meeting with his luxembourg counterpart. He did not hold back his frustration. You cant hold the future hostage for political gains. [applause] now it is on n mr. Johnson. He holds the future of all u. K. Citizensns, and citizens not living in the u. K. Its his responsibility. Your people, our people, count on him. The clock is ticking. Use your timime wisely. Luxembourg Prime Minister accused johnson of playing the blame game. This brexit is not my choice. It has been a decision from a party or David Cameron to do it. They decide. I deeply regret it, but dont put the blame on us, because now, they dont know how to get out of this situation. Situation they put themselves in. Its not my choicice. Talks will continue, but the e. U. s confidence in johnsons ability or willingness to achieve a deal is fading fast. Brent the leaders of turkey, russia and iran met today for a summit on a serious push in the final rebell enclave in the ably province. Rorouhani supports alshaters defensive. Albasshars defensive. Turkish president is concerned it will cause a new flood of refugees into turkey. They have operation posts to enforce a buffer zone agreed to last year. Syrian forces continue to advance with the help of russian airstrikes. Lets get more now with our correspondent julia hahn. Good evening to you. Why is turkish president erdogan so determined to stop more refugees from coming in. Julia there are about 500,000 people in recent months that have moved closer to the turkish border, seeking safety. That is due to the attacks by the syrian army. Anand their rusussian backers. President everyone is afraid there could be another massive refugee inflow. He is afraid of that because of the domestic applications for him. Turkey hosts 3. 6 million Syrian Refugees already. He mentioned today they have spent 14 billion on hosting them. That he cant take more people into turkey. That is due to the fact that antirefugee resentment has been growing here in turkey. That is heard president everyone hurt president erdogan. We heard from people in the streets and assembled today. Turkey cannot host more refugees from syria. We have reached our limit. Our young turkish people are dying while fighting in syria. What are young syrians doing . They sit around and smoke she sure. Is this fair or right . We have to take care of refugees. They are muslims like us. They lost their homes, savings and honor. We have to help. In turkey, unemployment is a big problem. A lot of young people are unemployed. Even University Graduates cant find jobs. We should take care of our own citizens first, that we can look at the others. I see signs in arabic everywhere. We have started to lose our national identity. Very sad. Brent was the turkish government able to get through it aims in these talks with russia and iran . Julia the three leaders suggested they have some kind of plan. They did not provide details. The fact that they are on opposing sides of the conflict do not does not make it easier. It makes the situation complex and messy. President everyone used the opportunity to win support by russia and iran for another huge project he has in northwest syria. He wants to establish a socalled safe zone east of the providence province. He has had many discussions with washington right now. Still a lot of disagreements over how the safe zone is supposed to look the mr. Erdogan plans to resettle up to 3 million Syrian Refugees over there. Its very important for him that he has the support of iran and russia for this. Brent brent julia hahn istanbul. Activists in india say changes have been made for the lgbtq community. It comes a year after the Supreme Court overturned a colonial era law that criminalized gay sex. It was used to threaten indias gay community. Hollywood films will now be being made with gay characters. Some restaurants and cafes are declaring themselves gay friendly. Samesex couples hope over time, their union will be no big deal. A walk out in the open. Just one small pleasure that makes their years of struggle worth it. They can finally be themselves. They used to be different. Their relationshihip was stitila crime when they got married in 2017. They faced disiscrimination from all sides, even from their families. They physically assaulted the couple they were so furious. They are homophobic. They havent accepted my marriage. Trying to use us being together as evidence. Its still illegal for two men to be staying together in a sexual relationship. That was a treat to us. Until the ruling last year that gave the regal light legal rigight. Itit ended colonial law that stopped samesex relations. That spark quotes of equality. Sparked hopes of equality. Itt was a weight off my shshoulders. Thank god. Wewe genuinely thought this woud not happen. I f felt it would may take anotr 15 years. Thats a slap in the face for those againsnst gay people, including his parents. I havent met them. They sounded defeated that they do not have anything to hold against me now. They have nothing, but to accept. Vishua is luckier. His mother has shown more understanding. Despite the b blessing of t thoe who susupport t them, the coupls still s see a long babattle ahe. Many in indias t Traditional Society still stigmatize them. Their marriage is not legally recognized. They need the same recognition that straight couples get. Property rights. Wills. Or the right of adoption. Their fight continues. For now, they are enjoying their time as a couple. With a new sense of hope. Brent sports now. Match day for the bundesliga. Schalke, looking to build on their handsome when before the International Break ended in style did it in style. The schalke boss is 101 111. Consistently inconsistent has long been a scgak schalke trait. The hosts started it with eight minutes in. The schalke defenders looked like statues. Pepper born paperborn scored. Sane rising highest on 3333 minutes. Lots for the home teens head coach to ponder. More of the same after the break. A slice of luck, but they were clearly the better side. Taste scored three more. The 51 win means two victories on the valves. The right kind of consistency. Here are the bundesliga standings after match day four. Leipzig stay on top following their draw with buyer bayern. Augsburg come out of their relegation plate place and mainz jumped into the top four. You are watching you to be news. Here are the top stories we are following. Globobal oil prices have spiked after two drone attacks on saudi arabia and oil fields. Donald trump has hinted at a military retaliation. Ththe u. S. Is planning iran for ththe strikes. Hohouthi rebels say they are behind the strikes. Erdogann has met with russian ad iranian counterparts for a summary of the syrian regimes push in their final rebel enclave. Vladimir putin and rouhani support the offensive. Erdogan is concerned it will relate unleash a new influx of refugees into turkey. You are watching dw news come alive from berlin. After a break, i would be back to take you through the day. Will be back to take you through the day. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] capital we begin with the headlines. Donald trump says the u. S. Is locked and loaded ready to respond to attacks on sasaudi Oil Installations american officials are blaming you ron other major world powers call for restraint. Tunisia awaits final results of the natations presisidential ve early tallies indicate voters snubbed establishment candidates opting for outsiders instead. And Boris Johnson takes his break that

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