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Deliberately. Nce unveiled plans to over overrule a a retirement t system seeingng people working for lonr to get their full pensions. Stephen carroll will have the details. To thend welcome backk frfrance 24 newsroomom. First, to italy, where the german captain whoho forceced hr way past a m military patrol vessel almost three weeks ago is being questioned in court today. Carola rackete is accused of aiding illegal immigration after bringing 42 migrants rescued off of libya into part. She was arrested soon after reaching lampedusa, but only spent a couple of days on house arrest. [applause] nearly three weeks ago, whistles and applause from a crowd of the port of lampedusa. They turned out to welcome carola rackete, along with less impressed italian police. The 31yearold captain of the seawatch ththree had just brokn through a blockade in defiance of orders not to dock on the island. After spending t two weeks a ata with several dozozen exhausted migrants she rescued on board. She was arrested for her resistance. The countries far rightwing minister on the issue. This is a criminal act, an act of war. A trial, enough to where this young woman will go. Despite his anger, a george ordered her released two days later in charges of endangngerig police lives and charges of endangering police lives being dropped. Many across europe have hailed her courage. Many believe europe needs to step up to the plate. I hope the e eu will change s policy and there will be a safe possibibility for people, refugs in partiticular, to cross the ococean so that civil rescue wt be needed anymore. Despite still facing charges of helping people smugggglers ad resisting authorities, she wants to help those in need. Theres been a suspected arson attack at an animamaon company in japan. A a man has been takaken into custody. Happenedabe says whatat was too appalling for words. Selena reports. Of windowsmoke out and flames engulf a japanese Animation Studio in thehe city f kyototo. Around 70 people were i inside e office w when the deadly blalaze started around 10 30 a. M. Local time. Thats according to the local fire departments. Many were lucky enough to make it outside, but others remain trapped on the upper floors of the threestory building. Police have arrested a 41yearold man suspected of arson. Is currently undergoingg treatmenent in hospital. Witnessesay the man w worsted in and poured a gasoline like substance in the studio. He was reportedly told to drop dead before setting the fire. Shinzo abe says the incident was too appalling for words. I am praying for the souls of those who are killed were killed. I would like to express my condolences to the victims and wish them a quick recovery. Reporter japan has a famously low w crime rate a and violent incidents are rare. Authorities are yet to determine a motive. In other nenews, the inteternational criminal court gave its fininal vererdict on te amount of operations a congolese warlord is liable to pay his victims. In 2017, they rewarded totals upwards of 10 million u. S. Dollars. They contested the entitlement of several victims. Stephanie is following the story for us. He verdict larargely confirmed what the earlier judges said. They kept with the 10 million in damagages saying g there s no or argument to get more. Wheny, what we have to say we talk about the damages, these are for the victims of the ga was that lubon convicted up. In congo, that is strange because it is not necessarily against the victims of this militia, but against mostly child soldiers of his conviction. All of thisis money goes to a vy specific group of former child soldiers who fought in the militia. Officials have selected a group of 425 former child soldiers illegible soldiers eligigibl. A lower coururt said they were werent thehey w werentt abo get preparations, but they can now apply to get preparations. A partrt of ththat money, of th0 million,n, is reserved for any vivictims that m might be e ided in the future. What i is important to note is none o of this money is s going direrectly to vicictims. Its not like former childld soldiers getet a certain amountf damages,s, but it is into collective preparations. As a trust fund for victims now setting up programams for r forr chilild soldiers to get them psychological help, job training , reintegrated into society, so all of this money, the 1010 million, is going to be put into collective programs and plans to help child soldiers get back on their feet and integrate into societies, so n nobody is gettig a certain amamount of damages fr themselveses. Anchor the World Health Organization declared ththeyearoold ebola outbreakn congo a p public hehealth emergy of international concern. This should mean more funds to fight the spread of ebola. Sdays meeting since ththe outbreak started lat august, more t than 1600 people have died. In o other news, france has unveiled controversial plans s to overhaul i its penenn sysystem. Reforming the french retirememet heheme, w which faces major deficits was a campaigign promie of e emmanuel macroron, stephen carrrroll is here is mccrone emmanuel macron. Stephen carroll is here. Take us through what the system is and why the president wanted to c change it. Reporter there are currently 42 separate regimes under the public pension s system inin fr. Alall with differerent rules. Unlike other countries, france, most peoeople in france have thr public pension and not a private pension. This is a very important issue for people in this country. Everyone under the Current System gets a different pension depending on what your salary was when you were working and how long you worked for. One example, in the private sector, employoyees pensions are cut based on their 25 best years of earnings, and in the Public Sectors, it is six months of earnings. The retitirement age i is 62, at was controversial when they raised it from 60. To get your full pension, you would have had to pay into your pension for years. The retirement age has been creeping up already and is cucurrently on average about 63, as high as 67 for some people. The other problem is that there is a deficit in the system. There is not money to financnce itself. A report published in january said the deficicit was to contie untiti2042. Anchor s so whats in the new plan . Reporter the big change is that it will be much simpler. Several of the 42 systems will be down to one universal engine system. It will have a pointsbased system wherere it will give equl rights to any worker r no matter where you workrk. That will be a big improvement for independent workers and selfemployed people, but not entirely clear how it will affect public sesector workers. The legagal requirirement age wl stay at 62. Pepeople will be legally reqequd thereetire at t tt age, but is an equilibriumum age of 64. Retirement, if you retire at 64, you get your full pension, but you dont if you retire beforehand. Otherr changes, the minimum amount of pension is set at 85 of the minimum wage, a big increase from the moment where it is 50 of minimum wage. Women with children will get 5 extra from contributions from the first child to account for the timeme out of the workrkfor. Anchor what happens next . Reporter this is just a report. These are going to considered be considered by the relevant departments. There is expected to be a bill going to parliament by next year. The idea is that this new system would be i in place from 2025 so people born in 1963 will be the fifirst ones who would deal with this new system if we stick to the timetable. We can expect there will be oppositition to some points ofof reform of this reform, particularly around the e Public Sector workers. A lot of people talk about t 19, when the last changes to the public Pension System was. Thats bed that spread widespread protests. Anchor thank you, stephen. Center back. At is what a crorowd at a donald said in reference to one of the four democratic womom he has been attacking recently. On the same day as the rally, lawmakers killed an attempt to impeach trump. We have the report. Reporter reveling in contntroversy, a triumphant dond trump was all smiles after a motion to impeach him was largely rejected by congress. The. Trump i just heard United States house of representatives has overwhelmingly voted to kill the momost ridiculouss project ive ever been involved in, the resolution, how stupid is that, of impeachment. Reporter the impeachment bit had bebeen brought b by Texas Democrat al green after trump tweeted last weekend that four congresswomen of color should go back to their country. The comment sparked waves of outrage across u. S. The u. S. , pumping accusations the president was trying to exploit the countrys racialal divisions for political gain. Apologize, ando instead, appeared to double down on his attacks against the four freshman democrats. Pres. Trump these congresswomen who are constant trying constantly trying to tear our country down, they never have anything good to say. If they dont like it, let them leave. Reporter the motion to impeach donald trump was highly unlikely to pass, and has exposed d deep divisions in the democratic party. While some are itching to oust the president , others, including nancy pelosi, 12828 four aa stronger case and see any premature impeachment attempt as counterproductive, as it would ultimately have to be approved by the r republicacancontrolled senate. Anchor prosecutorsrs in the u. Have d dropped a case accusing kevin spaceyey of groping u umag 18yearold man as a r result at a resort bar. It was one of the e few criminal cases of the me too era. We report. Reporter charges dropped. Prosecutors in massachusetts have tossed a sexual start Sexual Assault charge against kevin spacey. Space he was charged with indecent assault and battery last year, following accusations the actor had groped a young man at a bar on nantucket island in 2016. The man, 18 at the time, claimis a spacace he got him. The accuser wawas ordered to tae the statand this month after he said he lost the phone he was carrying on the night of the alleged incident. Investigators sought to gather information about the phones contents. When asked if he knew whether evidence as a crime, he chose to claim the fit amendment. This is two weeks after the defendant abandoned a civil lawsuit. Kevin spacey was one of the earliest and biggest names to be accused of sexuaual assault durg the me too movement. Anchor the latest on the african nations. S. Won in the third plplayoff. The final game is tomorrow. W. We have a report. F for these algerian fans, a plane ticket has become the holy grail. Dozens of people have flocked to the National Stadium in the hopes of getting a lastminute ticket too see algeria in the final of the africa cup of nations. The airport told us there were no tickets to cairo, so i went to the Tourism Office and the same answer. Then, we were told the sale was taking place at the stadium and they say the same thing. Ththey think we are idiots. Iill go to egypt on foot if i must. Gogo algeria. Reporter these people werent quick enough, and are leaving the stadium emptyhanded. On tuesdayay, the algeririan authorities the tickets were quickly snapped up. Thehe was only a limitited amount o of tickets, and the prices were e definitely inflat. It would be great if algerian authorities would install an air bridge to take the fence to the final. Reporter unless this 3003 hundred air bridge can be built before friday, it seems many fans will have to be in cairo in spirit only. [chanting] anchor thats it for now. Stay tuned. Our life e today isnt t thee we dreamt of. Wewe t thought t that in t the , everything would be easier, le finding a job would be easieier. That i isnt the case. Does our jobs,s, thats how we make anand means ends meet. Evererything here is so expensi. She, her husband, and her daughters all used to be nomad. , lured by they left the idea of a better life, but theyre lacking everything here. Money, food, and a space. She would love to go back,k, but this is impossible. We sold all of o our animalso going back to the steps would be difficult. Actually, we dont have a future there at all. She and her family, millions of nomads like her family and her, millions of nomads are running out of space. The tar is ununable to deal with the influx of immigrants. It is momore than it can h hand, packed w with people. The city is suffocating in the smog created by cold fired stoves, mostly found in the europe f filled neighborhoods that have become slums. Why are these families leaning the steps leaving the steps . How are they adapting to their new lifestyle . What d does the future have in store for mongolias nomads . Rule,erstand this massive it is important to reaead mongolias l last herders. , this man iss prepararing his flocock for win. At 2000 this plateteau meters that has animals will spend the coldest part of the already 40 is degrees celsius. I hope its going to be o ok. I really hope we are going to make it. Ifif the weather is bad, we will feel the cononsequences come spring. Because weather conditions these past few winters have been extreme. Part of his flock didnt survive. Last year before winter, i had 900 goats and sheeps, but today, i only have 400. That is every n nomads worst nightmare, a glacial wininter, following a dry y summer. The ground freezes, stopping the grass from growing, and animals then like food and are too weak to survivive. Killed last year, 700,000 animals were killed, a disaster. The animals are the only source of income for us nomads. If we lose our animals, our income plummetets, and this hasn effect on our way of life. For is a huge challenge nomadic herders. This s weather phenononon is new, but in the past t few year, itit has becomome more freququed more intenense. Meananing, in ththe past 20 yea, hundreds of thousands of herders have left thee steps. The massive rule exit us e xodus is unable to cope with. Its population of 1. 5 million is three times at capacicity. Migrantsts have to deal l with poverty as well as water and electricity shortages. To keep warm, they burn coal. Burnedman and her family through 300 kilos per month. At night, y you have to get p twice to fill the stove. During the day, you have to do it every fivee or six x hours. Knows w who lives in a yurt its impossible to live without call. Sometimes, temperatures can go under minors already degrees celsius. Three times a week, she stocks up at the market. Hi. How much is a bag of cold today . How much is the bag of coal today . Its 120. And would . Would is one euro. I will take one bag of coal and another of wood. Where do you want me to put them . Every day i go through one bag of coal and one bag of wood. In total, she spends 45s per month, a third of the households income i inow i can n use electric heatating. It is one way of doing it, but it is far too expensivive for m. I cant afford it. Likee her, all the former nomads do ththe same. In the yurt neighboborhoods, the are 200,000 families and as many chimneys. In winter, breathing is hard. The air is more polluted than in beijing or new delhi. Particle levels can reach 130 times the maximum level recommended by who. The consequences for her children are dramatic. In the city park hospitals, peed at trick departments are overwhelmed. Rest pediatric departments aree overwhelmlmed. Respiratory issues are the first cause of mortality in children anan mongolia. A. Does he still havave trouble breathing, especially at night . During the day as well. This boys sixmonth soda and he has been in the hospital with pneumonia. Is your neighbor polluted . What are you doing to help your child breathe . W when i go out, i cocover hp with scarves. But the area still polluted air is ststill polluted. Its hard to see one of my children fall sick. I willll even cough for severarl days. Seeing my son like this, suffer without being able to do anything, it pains me. The number of Sick Children i children herere has increased so much that they have to double the number of beds in the department. [speaking foreign language] the children who come e here hae breathing problems. Their organs their respiratory organs are very damaged. When they fall ill, it is difficult to treat them because they quicklyly have complicatio. To protect the children, the government has taken a radical and unprecedented step. Winter, all of the schools in lomba tar will close their doors longer thahan usual. The students here are taking their last classes before the hoholidays. The children in primary, middddle, and high school have holiday until december. Until february 10, it is the first time hololidays will be ts long. Usualllly its two weeks. The decision was taken to protecect them so they dont lee the house and breathe inin bad air. All of the 38 students i in this class say the pollution affects them on their wa too school. I it hurts my throat and maks me want to throw u up. When you walk and you feell the pollutioion, you feel ba you get t nauseous and your head starts spinning. So, when you leave the house, you have to wear a mask. Authorities and mongolia are not able to reduce pollution. Ngos for help. On one of their projects is designing yurts with better insulation so they need less coal to keep warm, leading to less pollution. Jeremiahhis project is from zimbabwe. One has been lifted so [indiscernible] on this property, 40 bator,ers from ulan their testing their innovation. The door looks like this one, just like this. You can see the plane door, but what we are standing on n now, e have put this insulating material in the kitchen as well to prevent heat from escaping. I inside, a device e measures temperature, huhumidity, and Carbon Monoxide levels. For aah is full of praise project that preseserves mongngolias traditional habita. Hey, im darius rucker. Coming up onreel south. Miguel i is a dedicateted family man. He works hard, goes to church, serves his community. But as an undocumented immigrant, an unexpected traffic stop lands him in deportation proceedings. [indistinct chatter] after over a decade living in the us, he faces an agonizing decision. Go back to mexico, or become a fugitive in his adoptive homeland. Next on 120 days onreel south. [femalale narrator] support for this program is provided by south arts, sponsors of the southern circuit tour of independent filmmakers, with funding from the National Endowment for the arts

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