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Rebel fighters in libya. They will reportedly sold two phones which claims that we never intended for Sale Transaction to any policy in the on going complex. Thank you for what you found. Twenty four we start w with a a scandadal that couldld goo wront u. S. U. K. Relationsns this wednesday portions ambassador. To the united statates resigned after a series o of leaked emais revealed that he had called the Trump Administration and i quot. In at nine reaction donald trump it said the white house would no longer deal with came to rock. The resignatition has been penalizing base at home and approach. I think the reality was that in light of of the last few days is ability be effective was probably limited so its probably the right c course. The white house echo green second dark in his resignation letter. In which he said the current circumstances had made his position as uk ambassador to the u. S. Untenable. Pressure has been mounting on dark since the leak of highly critical diplomatic cables. Way describe them Trump Administration as inept in secure and incompetence. Trump lashed back with its high rate of tweets courting dark a very stupid guy. Pompous fool i concluding that his administration would no longer deal with the u. K. Ambassador. Before a parliamenentary selelet committee the head of the u. K. Foreign office called this unprecedented. Do you know of any other. Occasion on which a the head of state or friendly government. Has refused to cooperate with. Any of her majestys envoys nana ive been in the front office for nearly thirty seven years. And this is the first time in my service. The u. K. Prime minister said she greatly regretted that dark and felt the need to resign. Adding the officials have to be able to give full and frank advice. I want full of Public Servants to have the confidence to be able to do that. And i hope ththe house w will reflect on the importance of defending our values and principles particularlrly when they are under pressure. The leak of dorks cables comes at a particularly on welcome time for the u. K. Which is hoping for a free trade deal with the us off the track sets. Britains likely next leader Boris Johnson has come under fire for not standing up to trump. The decline several opportunities to black dark stressing instead the importance of the uks relationship with the us the king what they say. Emerald maxwell there are forcing. Many onto another source of tensnsion for the Us Administration and that surrounds nucuclear program. Early this wednesday donald trump want that t sanctions against iran would soon be increased substantially yes. After the Islamic Republic exceeded a limit on and rich uranium that some material which can be used. To yield and u. K. Weapons. The move comes a year off to washington walked away fromm the Multilateral Nuclear accord. Known as the j. C. P. Away. Now fronts for its part has been trying t to de escalate this crisis a man in my clothes top diplomatic adviser is in iran. For talks. What is the . Stepping up efforts to save the Iran Nuclear Deal frances top diplomatic adviser who city escalatete tensions of the to rn breach two tons of the agreemen. Last week iran said it had exceeded the limits set on its uranium stockpile well this monday the countrys Nuclear Agency announced him rich uranium to four point 5 purity. Over the three p point 67 ceilg setting the accord. And is considering ramping up 220 i i sixixty days time. Edging closer to the 90 needed for military purposes. The president honey has said these moves motivated by peaceful aims. The moves come after the us with to unilaterally from the deal last year slapping cripplingng sanctionons on iran. Dedespite assuranances from the internatioional community that toronto domominion binding by te terms of thegreement. In a game of for tat this wednesday donald trump has pledged to respond with yet further sanctions. The fronts britain and germany remain committed to o the deal. And to run is pushing for that protection from us tariffs. In may president rouhani has said that iran would roll back its commitments under the deal in stages. Every sixty days. In an effort to force the other parties to deliver on this side of the bargain. Not every man i meeting has been taking place this wednesday of the international atomicc Energy Agencys board of governors during the session among the thirty five members. Washington accuses tehran of extortion for offering to hold talks with itsts european partn. While enriching uranium iran reacted sayings us actions when neither let just a a minute. No legal mess they can listen. This said the six tendency of the United States to use the lead all you only laugh about sanctions as an instrumental quest sovereign states. And private entities should come to an end. The doomed to fail policy of maximum pressure. Is the main cause of canon situation and he runs decisions to bring back the balance to the j. Cpa. And what we are doing is in a very transparent manner. He is on the the surveillance of the body. Inspectors of the familys singular activitieies on the monitotoring we have nothing to hide. That set the Iranian Ambassador to the u. N. Speakaking that. Wellll s so this wednesday frans the night supplyiying the forces of rogue libyan general heidi farr hofstadter with u. S. Made missiles. Reaching a you an arms embargo. The countrys d Defense Ministry says the weapons discovered that a a come south o of t tripoli lt montnth. Where on usable the statement however does not explain how the missiles were lost . The e fine is likely to be suspicions of paris is indeed backing off on on the ground lets now at the ring in elmont body for analysis on this story is a non resident scholar. At the middle east institute and he joins us from london im not thank you so much for s speaking to us are from twenty four fron. But he has some explaining to do here doesnt it. Yes i think the overall this entire event or this entire episode has really revealed a very deep duplicity in frances Foreign Policy towards libya. Because as definitely surprise a lot of analysts and researchers that look at libya and you have to also take into account the fact that over the past few years france has really tried to play the role of the mediator in libya. So at this point time its really in an unenviaiable posit since the discovery of the jobless. And d my body what punitive measures couould parents facacef any if it is indeed f found to e preaching these you an arms embargoes. You also have to take into account the fact that friends is a major player within the e. U. And its also one of the permanent members of the Un Security Council so i really doubt that there will be. Significant option at that measures that will be taking against that however in terms of these javelins in particular the issue is there are usually and user agreements are not supposed to be preach so well still have to wait and look at what us action will look like given the fact that its been discovered that france support them and thats a big question so were not certain of punititive measuress regardig the you end up with this this coverage you think in any way put washington at odds with parents given that of course as you just mentioned these were. Very much American Made missiles originally sold to france. Yeah well now the issue is there still i think that the discovery that these missiles were french is not enough there are still sisignificant pieces of the puze that havent been really explained yes s so thehese j joe out of views but theyy were somehow simulultaneouously tranr to protect special forces ended up it was a yououng. But thth same te the French Embassy stad tt i had no military presence there and thereres technically passes support for haftar despite the fact that hes s staging a coupo theyre s still friends as thouh some explaining to do on how these and that the these ended up really in. Libya to be honest. Earlier my body one mistake you mentioned that many observers of libya have been questioning frances position what do you think paris will go from here on with now that this discovery has been made. I think that friends i mean this is merely a speculation because theres absolutely no knowing its very difficult to predict these things but i think that at this point hi. And given the attention or the scrutiny that its been put under i think that france will at least try to revise its position to a more neutral. One that doesnt mean that i will totally abandoned after because its still beholden to him as a would be strong man in libya but i dont expect that it will be actively supporting him militarily in the way it did previously. Not bad either thank you so much for that very interesting analysis. In france ninety fourth. Thank you. Now here on pariss famous shows a lease a preparations under way for the july fourteenth celebrations o one of the bigget stays. In the French National calalendr now thisis dates bacack to an important moment in the french revolution we are of course. Speaking about bastide day a reminder five years that this was the event that indeed in spite donald trumps. July fourth commemorations earlier this month now here in france people not the day with festivals and fireworks. What . What should be the idea . Its a final inspection for these troops and its all about attention to detail. A hey you arent in line there go back your colleague comes forward. Collision now the first foreign regiment to lined up ready to march in the parade as if it were the real event. White cap thats out of line is moreoticeablee than when everyone is wearing a brace so attention to detail makes all the difference. Do you feel the pressure is building has a big day approaches. In a perfectly in line the difficult decision but we are very well trained in the please. Sign in. And prison workers will practicing that bit missiles lease a this final rehearsal took place in dorne. So as not to disrupt traffic on the famous avenue. At the earliest the Republican Guard with a two am full time to the stables. I felt as if. We do food grooming session sort of horses coats of bleeding. Then its a night time trials acacross thehe capital under the admiring glances of house is fine. Theyre incredible sir well looked after. The last ones to take the place of these young Civil Service volunteers its the first time theyve taken part in this kind of ceremony. Its quite stressful this kind of events this for you its overwhelming but its whos in on a secret. The big finale is watched carefully by either light ofofficials from the president il viewing platform that checking for even the smallest mistake. To this sunday everything goes to plan. Ill say heree in paris an exexbit of artifacts from the team of the ancient egyptian pharmacy dont comee on has receceived a Record Number of physicists according to organize as a hundred and fifty items were b brought from egypt. One last time before they go into a new museum near the keys apartments [inaudible] behind these. Is this treasures thousands of years old click this bust over young pharaoh. Who came to the throne as a boy . And tragically died h. Just nineteen his name is known the world over to some common. Of the five thousand objects meant to accompany him into the afteterlife a a hundred and fiff them are in paris. Visitors from all over france eager to take a look. Vehicle with we want to discover all that we could hear its a privilege to have this new era in paris. Even if it meant traveling nine hundred columbus as im learning a lot. C. February. Its fabulous to have all these intact artifacts that made it all the way here. Its crazy. Cc for quote on the saudis to order. Knowing the history of his discovery. Its moving. Two more. For two british men archaeologist howard carter. And his patron count can often have been searching for two to come moon fruitlessly for years. When inn nineteen twenty two thy had one last try before giving up the search [inaudible] see it. It is a set of two ten comments the one farrow we founund everything for the objecects dot even have a scratch on t them. The emomotion that you feel in front of these gods amulets furniture vasases its the whole afterlife of faro yeah the dodowntown would only did a the previous exhibition held in. Nineteen sixty seven over a million visitors and this exhibition is expected t to welcome even more. Off to paris it willll move o oo london sydney and tokyo for returning home. To the keys museum in the chips. Now if you arere interested in that exhxhibition gate to the france twenty fourur website and look up a special p program t tt we did. On t tutankhamun on middle east mattis. Thanks to venice one of the main Tourist Attractions in the mediterranean the Northern City however is now paying a high price. For its popularity with only twewenty five million visitors pena the material costs on the logistics of f managing susuch l large numbers o of tou. As becoming more more challenging our correrespondent initially thats not only on those socks explains. This happened a few days ago on the seventh of july. But yet the image remains very present in the minds of the nations. With the alarm waiting this enormous cruise ship navy hit the key side in v venice. A c city t that i is classifieda unesco World Heritage site. That most of the rock. Thing to that happens here. For them. Im not interested you can now. See the island of san giorgio. Its about the same level of the crcrse ship. As well as several other small tail and all they could have been a tragedy with. Thatat i thought the novel that has it yeah. Worried and exasperated a large number of the citys fifty thousand inhabitants against these huge vessels the touristst tool as a ten Story Building and that navigate to within a few meters of the heart of the city. These huge ship is a danangerous process he did and i just have to look at the lay off. To see how it is built. To understand it this is for the c. Should not comoming through the small spaces. With one look is that chia is a geologist and has been studying the laguna for twewenty five ye. Hes concerned that the thousands of cubic meters of water the two displaced each time a cruise ships comes ththrough. Is aisisk t tthe fragilile ecosystem the laguna because some of the i dont know what the sentiments that are whipped up as the ship passes are then carriedd by the tides which are created b by the b boat trafficn the lagaguna. This flattens the morphology and reduces the available habitat in the laguna for animal and plant spececies andnd a lot of will nt paparticipate chair and i needed to talk. That with an economomic beneneff nearly four hundred d Million Euros then t this is unwnwillino give up the source of income. The police economical. This industry has a Major Economic impact its indispensable for our region. Were talklking about nearly fie thousand directly linked to job. So that is a lotot of families d people who are earningng a a lig thanksks to this business. Set to be done. Once they wait for a political decision. Cruise ships and gone to this passage of the incident marks basin. Roof of the difficult balance between busininess ecology and cultltural heritagage in this ue but fragile city. Another reminder of our top stories. This hour in france. Ninety four the u. K. Ambassador to washington whos been at the center of a diplomatic route resigns the announcement comes in the wake of the females. Criticizing. Plus the more whats continues between tehran and washington. So you went back to the agency session this wednesday meanwhile and diplomatic advisers a menu and michael met with officials in iran. In a bid to salvage the nuclear deal and tensions. Its not time for Business News with that france twenty four was very own. To lana disease up good evenings on anything to lana what is taking off with will be starting with juror powells appearance before congress the fed chair opening the door to a rate cut joan politicking extra steps. To outltline the negatives of the u economy beforee thehe House Financial Services committee saying trade tensions. And the strength of the Global Economy continue to weigh on Economic Outlook sam and fat piece of reports. The rain pelteted not mince his words in testimony to the House Financial Services committee in washington where he delivered a speech to congressman. It appears that uncertainties around trade tensions and concerns about the strength of the Global Economy. Continued to weigh on the u. S. Economic outlook. One of the us job market is performing well for the moment powell also pointed to brexit and aggressive trade policies with china as threats to the us economy. Many investors have interpreted pals comments as a sure sign of future cuts to Interest Rates. Such a move would fully weeks of intense criticism of the Federal Reserve from President Donald Trump who accuses the central bank of slowing down growth. We had a fad that would lower interest rate. Would be like a rocket yeah. But what a lot of a dress that its unnecessary but we dont have the fed that knows what theyre doing that was one of those little t things. Trump i is ruling on strong Economic Growth as part of his bid for reelection in. Twenty twenty while e the federl reserve has traditionally functioned as an independent institution the Current Administration has mounted pressure to cut Interest Rates to stimulate economic activity. Powell has underlined he would not quit his chairman post even if thehe president trying to fid him. The law provides power with a set full year mandate. Now markets have reacted positively to Jerome Powells statement the s. And p. Five hundred breaching the thrhree thousand mark for the firstst te and day session. To positive pictures you can see across the board on wallstrtreet at this hr the dow jones up two tenths of 1 nasdaq up six tenths of 1 at this hour. You have ended the session in the red witith the foot sea and the technology in paris of both the closing near the fax line while the frankfurt dax close down half a percent. In other Business News bentley is looking towards the future as a Company Turns a hundred years old the luxury carmaker unveiling the xp a hundred gt its the brands first zero emissions vehicle. And all the materials used inside are sustatainable. Okay i spoke aboutut police chif executive adrian hallmarking awesome if the car was a turning point for the company take a listen. Im going crazy this call to celebrate that centenary but also set a vision. For twenty thirty five was on target to show what could be delivered. By a brand like bentley in the luxury sector at that time so although the call isnt available for sale today its a clear statement of our intent for the future. And it is there a missions it is sustainable and its Pretty Amazing as well to look at but twenty thirty five thats a long way away. Is what we tried to ink encapsulate a number of technologies that would not be legal or feasible today to give a vision of what could be possible. So the autonomous capability wallace. On one level it is possible for some cause to be driven in certain situations without a driver. This call is basically that to demonstrate the capability that would be that would level. Five anywhere anytime at without a driver. But because its a bentley it also has a deployable Steering Wheel a deployable pedal box so that when the movie take shape you can take back control and have a full on driving experience. Now none of the materials used in this car sustainable can you give us some examples. Yes well of of course when we look to the future of luxury and interpret it how can we take ourselves forward we look to traditional materials first to see what we can do to make them even more sustainable. Already for example two of o our words that we use in our because we only use wood from trees that have already fallen and theyree all certified. But in this particular call we actually found the souls of previously buried would five and a half thousand years old three thousand three hundred bc approximately. Which being petrified underground. For thousands of years which you built up to extract from marshland. Prepare seal with recycle copper and turning to one of the most beautiful and rare types of wood in the world so again its a great example of a luxury and rarity and sustainability. Can be matched together i want to ask you because in a few days on the United Kingdom is set to get a new prime minister. One of the people running a for the top job is not averse to a no deal breaks it when britain has to leave on the thirty first of october how. How much of a disaster would a d no deal mean from bentntley . Well a hard brexit has no upside to bentley the downside weve been able to do a lot of work over the past twelve months to mitigate some of the effects of a hard hard brexit. But in the end there is still some paying for the us as a company. But if i break it into two simple pots first of all operationally keeping the fact youre going with components are going in and calls coming out. We did a lot of work to secure extra warehousing extra pop stalking facts and extra capacity some supplies as well as choosing another route into the u. K. For the european buys components which avoids dove and gives is guaranteed accesess to the nororth of england side. Continuity wise w wean be 95 susure we can keep buildingg co. Strategically those tariffs and duties were applied to it papaulson to because then thatt would either be passed on to the customer for was sold by us and either way. Reduces up profit because of cost or reduces our profit because of the volume drop because the price increase. So we looked at how can we balance that change our cost structure innovate more account fully offset the cost of hard brexitit. It wouldnt kill us as a company butt will certainly be a dampened on a profitable growth. Adrian hallmark speaking to me early on now after ninine years that time youre meant to extension has beenn unveiled i s not the biggest portent mediterranean and its aiming to compete with rivals and spent elsewhere. Private investment provided hot the two point six billion euro cost but twenty force team travel to dentures to check it out. The work never stops hundreds of container ships loaded and unloaded twenty four hours a da. The tender med two extension is finished moroccos port and its two thousand eight hundred meters of docs canal comedy the worlds largesest container shi. Allowing it to surpass spanish competitors can become the biggest hub in the mediterranea. The middle permitted to pay the capacity will come on the danger meant to has allowed us to triple a capacity in other word. Weve gone from a capacity of three million containers a year to nine meeting contains a year. That makes us the biggest ports in the mediterranean with the nine million container target we also i mean to become one o of e top twenty container ports in the world let. Them on the on the Paula Clinton up. The poporch is strategigically locacated on thee street t of gigibraltarith h access to both the mediterranean and to the atlantic. In two thousand eighteen before the extension the ports and fifty two million tons of goods to seventy seven different countries. Now it has the potential to more than double the volume of goods thanks in part to state of the art technology. Loading is managed from the control room with a view with the docks the goal is to reduce the wait time for ships. It also makes for better working conditions for employees. The port is driving investmentt in manufacturing in the area. At the nearby Industrial Park seventy thousand people work for nine hundred different companie. Were no nissan opened its factory here seven years ago exporting more than three hundred thousand cars in. Twenty seventeen more companies are following suit rival cacarmaker psasa recently set up shop here. To and that is up the business you allow the excuse that i of course you will be back in forty five minutes from business thank you for a lot [inaudible] what 07 10 19 07 10 19 [captioning made possible by democracy now ] amy f from new yoyork, this is democracy now the Current Crisis on the u. S. Mexico border is the worst i have ever seen it. I have been reporting on this issue for over 15 years and were at catastrophic levels. The way were treating human beings is in no way we have never done in the past. Amy as scabies, shingles, and chickenpox spread among Migrant Children being jailed by Border Patrol in texas, we speak to the prize winning john carlos frey, th

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