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Between the opposition and Ruling Military Council are set to resume. And of the trump baby is back. Protests in the u. S. As the fourth of july parade is criticized as wasting taxpayers money. The United States welcomed the seizure of an Iranian Oil Tanker in the strait of gibraltar. It was detained by the u. K. Early thursday. It is said they were delivering oil to a libyan refinery in reach of sanctions. Iran called the interception illegal and the summoned ambassador in tehran to explain. Reporter a tanker in the shadow of a rock, the Oil Tanker Grace one. Calm, but the ship is at the center of a diplomatic storm. Spain revealed the u. S. Had been monitoring the ships journey and passed on intelligence to the government. Giving the gibraltar government grounds to believe the vessel, the grace one, was asking in breach of european sanctions against syria. In fact, we have reason to believe the grace one was carrying crude oil to a refinery in syria. That refinery is the property of an entity, subject to European Union sanctions against syria. Reporter the grace one is believed to have been loaded with iranian oil and made it as far as to beltre. Its final destination is claimed to be a refinery in syria. Under cover of darkness, 30 royal marines, under direction of royal gibraltar police, boarded the ship using a helicopter and inflatables. Inflatables. Naturally we were aware of the operation. We were studying the circumstances in which it happens. It was a demand by the u. S. , the u. K. We are looking into how it affects our sovereignty because it happened and what we understand our spanish waters. Reporter the u. S. Are applying what they call maximum pressure on iran to force renegotiation over the 2015 nuclear deal. The e. U. Is trying hard to support irans economy against the pressure. However this ship was headed to syria, which the e. U. Definitely has sanctions against. Iran being under pressure, trying to twist the arm of iran, of course they are trying to find a way to survive and export their oil. The fact they did not go through the suez canal and went around from africa and good hope south of africa and coming back, it may be a way to avoid being tracked. Reporter iran reacted angrily and stuck in the middle of all of this is the grace one. Paul brennan, al jazeera. We have reaction from tehran. Andrter a strange destructive act, that is how the Iranian Foreign ministry is describing the events that took place thursday morning in the strait of gibraltar. They are saying this act is illegal because sanctions the e. U. Imposed on the Syrian Government is not endorsed by United Nations, therefore iran does not recognize them as legal. Ship was making its way to a mediterranean port city to be sent to a refinery. And this seizure by the British Government will be seen as a very hostile act and something the irananians will not accept. The Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson said this act will likely increase tensions in this region further and that is something iranians do not want to see, but they are saying this act on behalf of the americans is a very provocative and will likely cause further strain between the relationship of iran and washington. National security adviser warned any military conflict between iran and the u. S. Would be a catastrophe for the region. Heaking on al jazeera, said even nations who are of iran cannot risk compromising their national security. He warned the Iraqi Government could not guarantee to keep control in any military escalation. We told the United States that the ability of the Iraqi Government to exercise control in such a situation and reality and crisis will be limited in the case of military action. It will create a different situation controlling all of its aspects will be difficult for the Iraqi Government. Reporter new details emerged about an attack on a Migrant Detention Center in libya. They were hit by two airstrikes and there are reports guards shot at migrants and refugees trying to escape the bombing. In tripoli 60 were confirmed dead with 77 injured. We have the latest. Reporter sheltering from the theyg son, sun, searched just meters away from where fellow detainees were killed. Held against their will in a Detention Center close to a military camp. The u. N. Said it puts these already vulnerable men, women and children at great risk of exactly the sort of tragedy that occurred tuesday night. It has been revealed two airstrikes hit the site. The first using a garage, the second, acell. A cell. They shot at refugees and bombing refugees and detainees as they tried to escape the bombing. The uns as it could be a war crime. We called to investigate this incident to make sure the perpetrators are brought to justice. Thes important to note United Nations provided exact coordinates of the Detention Center to the parties. Reporter even so the u. N. Security council failed to agree on how to respond. They reports suggest refused to approve a statement condemning what happened and calling for a ceasefire. Libya has been caught in a power struggle between two rival administrations for many years, but it escalated in april when forces loyal to Khalifa Haftar launched offensives on the capital. Projects that allegation. His Spokesman Says they were targeting a weapons depot controlled by an armed group allied to the tripoli government. Unless something changes in how the International Community approach and unite around what happened in libya, we can just expect more horrific incidents like this to occur. Reporter and they say the u. N. s in action against Khalifa Haftar sets a dangerous precedent. Three and a half, almost four months of even condemning that aggression by a warlord, that in itself is a sign of a serious failure happening at the United Nations at the highest levels. Reporter people smugglers have exploited the chaos in libya, which has become one of the main departure points for african migrants fleeing poverty and war, trying to reach europe by boat. They say a United International approach is needed to end the conflict and ensure migrant safety. We spoke to the survivors and have this update. Reporter these are the migrants and refugees who survived the airstrike tuesday night. They have been sleeping here on the ground since then. N. Many of them are grateful to have survived the airstrike, although they lost friends. Currently they have been sleeping here on the ground. As you can see. Supervisors say they are currently relying on aid organizations including local donors, private donors for food. Womenisors say children, and their husbands will be transferred to other Detention Centers while the other migrants will most probably have to stay organizations, especially the unhr, decides to put them. These migrants are from different african nationalities including somalis, nigerians. They also have arab nationalities, migrants from syria and yemen. After a boatdied capsized in the mediterranean Late Wednesday evening. It is the latest in a long series of tragedies involving the illegal sea crossings from africa to europe. Four passengers were rescued, but one has died. Our correspondent is close to the tunisian libyan border. Reporter we are here at one of a few camps very close to the border with libya. This is where many migrants, especially african migrants, and up. End up. Four individuals were handed over by the tunisian authorities less than 24 hours ago. One ofin hospital and them just passed away while we have been here. He was from the ivory coast. Behind me, we spoke to him earlier. He was visibly shaken. They were on a boat of 86 people going from libya all the way to europe. Only four turned up yesterday and there are three remaining. The rest died at sea and the rest are missing. This is a story we hear quite often. I am going to find out from mohammed what his story is. [speaking foreign language] reporter mohammed tells me he was one of 75 people on a boat that capsized in may. It made headlines around the world at the time. He survived and wants to stay in tunisia, but most of the other people died at sea. He is here for economic opportunities. He wants to work, he is a barber, he told me. Not everyone feels the same. They feel they are stuck in limbo here. The country does not have enough [indiscernible] they are trying to get others sent to other countries, safer countries. A few said they work. You will notice quite a few empty beds. They work the body job here and there to work a little bits of money to help them by foods and basic stuff not provided here at this camp. When i spoke to the red crescent they said there is a lack of funding and the government is in political turmoil. Is economy and unemployment high. They said they have not adopted the draft asylum law that was signed in 2014. Many people are coming from libya and are still stuck here in limbo. Yementhi rebels in carried out drone attacks in saudi arabia or the rebel group claims all flights have been halted or the Saudi Coalition spokesperson said their forces intercepted and shot down multiple drones at the airport. Live from london. More ahead, torture and sexual violence. Venezuelas government accused of a brutal crackdown on its opponents. And, how Climate Change is helping the u. K. Grow its Wine Industry with a Record Number of vines being planted across england and wales. Hello again and welcome back. We are here across the southwestern part of australia. We are watching a frontal boundary pushing through curves. We could see clouds, rain and wind. Once the system pushes through friday, you will see a change of air mass. Temperatures dropping, air daytime high only reaches 14 degrees. Rains continued to the south. It will be better conditions as we go to the rest of the weekend. The same funnel system will make its way toward adelaide. Those clouds are going to be increasing as we go into the weekend. The temperature not too bad, 19 degrees is the high with winds coming out of the north. From melbourne, a nice day saturday with a temperature of 16. For the north and south of new zealand, one weather system slowly pushes out of the north. Auckland, that are conditions for you, but that will be slower toward friday. Still see clouds and wind. For the south christ church, it will be nice here from friday into saturday. With a temperature of about nine degrees. Japan,ake our way toward rain starts to ease across must of the much of the area. Tokyo getting a break in the rain. Osaka at 32. Welcome back, a look at the top stories. The White House National john bolton welcome to britains seizure of a tanker of iranian oil off the coast of gibraltar. They summoned the ambassador in tehran and protest. The u. N. Says a Migrant Detention Center in libya was had by two airstrikes. There are reports of guards shot at inmates as they tried to flee the bombing. Off the coast of tunisia 83 people feared dead after a boat capsized in the mediterranean Late Wednesday evening. To sedan where people across the country have been out in the streets demanding a return to civilian government. A secondtalks resume day between the opposition in the military agenda. Negotiations collapsed, killing at least 100 people. We have the latest. Despite an internet blackout that curbed their ability to organize, tunisian protesters took to the capital khartoum and other cities to demand an immediate handover of power to a civilian led governmentnt. The African Union and ethiopia are mediating between the two sides. Protesters and opposition leaders want to 72 hour deadline for the negotiations, which resumed wednesday. Any negotiation needs to start from the points we cannot agree on. It is one main point, the transitional council. It is their point regarding the head of the council. Both sides agreed to a civilian majority. It was suggested87, then adjusted to 55 plus 1. That would be five civilians in one military. Reporter after al bashir was removed from office, those calling for complete change in sudan say there is still a long way to go. In khartoum students redemanded the internet. Something they have agreed to but not yet implemented. They called for the postponement of the Academic Year until the political situation is more stable. It was a similar scene in the and of sanaa in the south, this city in the east. Will notsay protesters stop until all demands are met, including holding military leaders to account for murdering civilians last month. [indiscernible] an independent investigation into the killing of peaceful protesters. 2018, more than 200 People Killed and almost 1000 injured. Reporter so far the military agenda agreed to demands from the opposition to release prisoners, but protesters are concerned military leaders may prolong the negotiations in order to take advantage of potential splits among opposition groups. Activist Group Code Pink set up a large inflatable baby trump balloon at the National Mall in washington ahead of the u. S. President s Independence Day speech. Code pink said they secured a permit to bring the float into the mall, but are not allowed to floated. The event is politicizing an important holiday and wasting taxpayer money. We have more from washington. The event might have proved controversial, but there seems to be a good turnout despite the poor weather. Reporter right. There were two issues the white house was concerned about. One, that no one would turn up or it would not be the massive and donald trump been billing. It would be inauguration all over again, that is what they were worried about. You thought the area behind me would be full of people. This is where the vips, Republican National committee vips, donors to trump, were given tickets. This is why was controversial. Democrats were not given tickets. This made everyone say, is this just a Campaign Rally . Also 500 members of the Armed Services were given tickets to fill in the space below them. This is a Pretty Healthy turnout, actually. The next thing he has to pull off the thing the white house was scared of was prepared remarks. He talks very generally about we are coming together as one nation with the special salute to america. He pays tribute to the troops and so on. We were told that is what the prepared remarks would become a very general, patriotic, all about the troops, not his political upsets and upheavals and who he does not like very much and the democrats and so on. We will have to see whether or not he sticks to the strip. He did not get what he wanted, did not get the military parade, but got these fighting vehicles by the lincoln memorial. Two tanks stationed further away. It was worried they would damage the lincoln monument. Trump has tweeted he is on his way. We expect his speech in half an hour or so. Now we have to see if he sticks to the script. Indeed. Thank you very much. A powerful earthquake has had the u. S. State of california. Hit6. 4 magnitude earthquake north crest north of los angeles. They have been responding to incidents including medical assistance and fires. The earthquake was the largest in Southern California since 1994, with tremors lasting more than 20 seconds. Violence, thel u. N. Has accused venezuelas government and military of a campaign of violence to silence opponents. More than 5000 people were killed for resisting arrest last year. The u. N. Report says they appeared to be illegal executions, but by may this year a further 1500 have been killed for the same reason. The report detailed how they manipulated crime scenes and planted drugs and guns to justify the killings. Many have fled chaos in the country since 2015. We have more on this story from buenos aires. Reporter the United Nations said the report is based on over 500 interviews that took place not only in venezuela but also outside and they were carried out by United Nations, human rights representatives in the country and also the former chilean president. It is not only extrajudicial killings carried out by Security Forces mostly in poor neighborhoods. This report says those operations where anticrime operations they are also saying they use the force took her tail. It also talks about the rule of law in venezuela saying the opposition had been neutralized and criminalized and also saying institutional checks and balances have been dismantled in venezuela today. This report comes out just as it is being discussed, the death of a navy captain in court. He passed out. Apparently he was beaten and tortured. This is what his lawyers are saying. They shocked not only the opposition and human Rights Groups, but also the world. For human Rights Groups they are saying this shows the culture is systemic and the report shows everything they have been denouncing for a very long time that has been happening in this country is going on. That is why the opposition is asking people to take to the streets this friday july 5, it is venezuelan Independence Day. The opposition is asking people to take to the streets to denounce torture at the same time the government is asking its followers to do the same. Five people have died in the latest Syrian Government and russian airstrikes on the idlib province, the last remaining rebel stronghold. Three people were killed in strikes on the idlib countryside. More in a residential navy at neighborhood. Of the Ethiopian Community and israel agreed to end violent protests against police brutality. Demonstrations began in response to the killing of an 18yearold ethiopian by an offduty officer. He said he was trying to break up a fight but witnesses say he started the altercation. The officer has been arrested. The parents of the victim say they want peaceful protest to continue. I want the demonstrations to keep going, but nonviolently, until they charge the policeman who shot him. Violence should not be solved with violence. I only support fair and nonviolent demonstrations. We are all demonstrating to stop the violence. The russian president says he is concerned armed fighters are flowing into libya from syrias idlib province. We are warned the situation is deteriorating. Putin made the announcement after speaking with Giuseppe Conte in italy. We have more now from rome. Reporter on the question of libya and following the bombing of refugee detention facilities this week, president putin said he was concerned the situation was deteriorating rapidly. He was worried about the bleeding out of fighters from into, idlib in particular, libya. He called for a ceasefire and the lyrical talks. As to the point and purpose of his meetings here in rome with the italian government, they became pretty clear in a press conference he held alongside with a Giuseppe Conte. Dialogue called for and said sanctions, the annexation of crimea, were not a desired end state. Sides werethe two natural allies and saw no obstacle for full ties. He wants the lifting of sanctions. He said he hoped italy would speak up on russias the half appa e. U. Level. He knows pressure does not have many friends in the e. U. Matteo salvini, the far right leader, now deputy prime minister, has called those sanctions madness. Mr. Conte has asked for russia to be introduced to the g8. An opportunity to probe for cracks at the divisions in the e. U. And win advocacy at the e. U. Level. In the meeting with pope inncis, mr. Putins third six years, an opportunity to present himself as statesmanlike like on the world stage, a president whose Foreign Policy left russia isolated on many fronts. He had been feted not just by a Senior Member of the European Union, but also by the head of the catholic church. Wine production is a growing industry here in the u. K. In part because of Climate Change. A Record Number of vines have been planted here in england andwales. We have the report from worcester in northern england. It is not bordeaux in france or tuscany in italy, but britain, where more vines are being grown for winemaking than ever before. It in the wind and rain takes skill, the right variety and determination to grow grapes this far north. The signs are good. Soon these flowers will bear fruit. Instead of being such high levels of short days and high, intense sunshine, we have an extended period of lower light levels and that has an impact on the quality of the fruit. Reporter this year alone 3 million vines have been planted in england and wales, almost double 2018. Viticulture is growing in popularity here, but a business that comes with an element of risk because of the on per addict ability of the british weather. But with warmer and drier summers predicted, it is being established, making Wine Production one of the Fastest Growing sectors in u. K. Agriculture. The thing is under pending enabling the sector with Climate Change. We are seeing an increase in the skills that are required, an increase in investment, modern technology being brought into the sector, that create a great picture for producing worldclass wines. This part of southern england has a long history of winemaking, but it is expanding fast. In part also due to strong sales of british wine here and overseas. We planted round about 50 acres of vines over the last two or three years and will continue to buy or lease land and plant more vines. We are confident in the future of this market. Reporter back in North Yorkshire there is little rest in the vineyard where they are hoping for a bumper harvest. While of course keeping an eye on the sky

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