Deciding jacob zumas fates the National Executive committee of south africas ruling party the anc is meeting this monday to call on the embattled president to step down the move was expected following Cyril Ramaphosa selection to a and c. Party head in december. Still as expected to be asked to resign and if he refuses of load of no confidence is scheduled for later this month opposition parties are threatening to call for the ouster of the African National Congress Party as a whole. From the countrys highest office recipe for respondents asia israel reported earlier. The. All five National Congress on these marshall. He saw access across two days on sunday. Ourselves and so is access. Though she was asked what exactly. Happened. Decisions happened while he was a asked me. And. Hes from sources. She told. Me. This crisis. And he told. Today. Movies. Mark. Eight. On the opposition. I was. All he saw me agency army told me he was so on and. She. Told me. How often more warmly . Agencies all see. Once. Largest ground and. He was a child. Commons. A motion more confidence in smart. Against e wall president. Yeah me and six. Ac ac. Jeanie russell hours. Jacob zuma is at the heart of several corruption scandals and trials his party believes the zulu politician is tarnishing the image of the African National congress erin okay has more. He was once considered to be an anti apartheid hero. The spending ten years in prison alongside Nelson Mandela for his activism. Jacob zuma is legacy is unlikely to overshadowed by scandals. Fraud Money Laundering tax evasion and even rape are just a few of the many accusations at home over his long political career. And two thousand five he was accused of raping a family friend who he knew to be hiv positive. Is related dismissed. But most of the accusations against jacob zuma arlingto. As early as nineteen ninety nine he was accused of receiving seven hundred and eighty three payments link to an arms deal. Well he served as Deputy President of south africa. Well you face charges for his relationship with a business and found guilty of soliciting bribes on his behalf. Prosecutors later dropped them into thousand nine. Heating his rise to the presidency. Yeah allegations of corruption continued. Two thousand sixteen it jacob zuma was accused of violating the constitution. Used millions of dollars in public funds to renovate his home. The core of more recent claims against them are centered around his relationship with the group as one of south africas wealthiest families. They are accused of unfairly obtaining government contracts and influencing political appointments their friendship with the president. Both sides have denied any wrongdoing. Rebuilding iraq a three Day International reconstruction conference is underway in kuwait and iraqi officials are seeking pledges from donors. And investors one month after declaring victory as the Islamic State group and after years of war much of the countrys homes schools hospitals and infrastructure. Are destroyed right above us reports on the effort to pick up the pieces and start again. Rebuilding a lawn that has been ravaged by war. Iraqi officials of life three Day International conference in q. Eight in hopes of attracting investors under his. On monday they unveiled proposals will rebuilding areas destroyed by the so called Islamic State group. The reconstruction funds claims that more than a hundred and thirty eight thousand houses have been damaged. More than hall the vast number have been completely destroyed. Deals with a with a two and a half Million People have been displaced. The cooling the substantial eight to restore basic services in the war battered nation. Read and a few other things that we have started restoring basic Services Like water and electricity. Wheelsre reilding schls. Have accomished is less an one percent out iraqi. Officials say western missile has enjoyed the majority of the damage the city was at the heart o the fiercest battle with the Islamic State group. At the sight stirred the june the crown. The great mosque of al nuri was the citys most famous landmark. Is where the leader of the militant group declared its self styled caliphate. Now all that remains of the medieval structure is degree and rubble. Activists say they hope to conclude builds. We have that less muscle will be reconstructed as quickly as possible. That it will be safe. Just watson from this is like the full. Mistake. The walkie government estimates reconstruction across the country will cost at least eighty one billion euros. But the United Nations says rebuilding muscle alone will cost more than eight hundred and fifty million euros. Attending to contain the scandal surrounding on sand the ngos deputy chief executive resigns this monday she says she takes full responsibility for failing to act immediately after Sexual Misconduct allegations involving the charities workers in haiti. Following the twenty ten earthquake seven former on sams Staff Members were found to have pay for prostitutes and downloaded they were later fired or asked to resign. On sunday the Uk Development secretary threatened to pull public funding from on sam unless the chair he reveals all the details. Of that incident. This monday marks the International Day against child soldiers and initiatives launched in two thousand two it follows u. N. Protocol that says the minim age for recruitment for forces in armedonflict at eighteen. According to the United Nations five thousand child soldiers were released and re integrated in twenty seventeen around the world but three hundred thousand remain active members. Of conflict for more on the story our gas is mohammad cd bay use commissioner on the Education Commission and former child soldier. Tell us about your experience how did you become a child soldier. We we we seem to be having a technical of difficulties and also i cannot here is we will. Get back to him in just a few moments. Hoping for a get out of prison guard french former budget minister shimon carries access hes afraid of going to jail and is appealing his three year sentence for fraud and Money Laundering. Exactly once embodied the fight against hiding money from the french government at when he was under former president falls alone until it was discovered that he had an illegal accounts in switzerland. Alexander aka looks back on the scandal. Back in the courtroom and still trying to avoid a student in jail. The disgraced former. Your and carries act was sentenced to three years in prison and banned from Holding Public office for five years from december twenty sixteen. After being charged with tax world and Money Laundering. Has yet to spend a day behind bars all the appeals process is ongoing. You can scandal shop fronts and hugely embarrassed foles were alarmed who promised that his government would be beyond reproach when he won the presidency. Because i cant being tossed by decision as head of state leading the fight against tax evasion. At in twenty twelve the media part websites dropped a bombshel. The budget minister who secret Bank Accounts overseas. That denying accusations in parliament. I have not to mister speaker and i never have hired foreign Bank Accounts not now not ever. Yell. For entering the world of politics because i could be in a Plastic Surgeon specializing in hadrons law. In his wife and you can make and between them they had three point five million year is from the french tax nine. And then the lights turned him into a political pariah. And scandal has left an indelible stain on the french political class. On his own even today all surveys show that sixty nine percent french people believe that most politicians across. This is totally wrong this perception as long as you created by this kind of scandal. The former mrs cary zack is not forced her to year prison term. So joan cusack is alone in the dark as he launches his appeal. As we were saying just a minute ago i this monday marks the International Day against the use of child soldiers and for more on the story our gas is mohammad cd bay use commissioner. On the Education Commissioner a commission and former child soldier thank you so much for agreeing to speak to us. Here on friends twenty four you were once a child soldier tell us at how that happened. Of. Ias born in a country that was engulfed in a ten year civil war and all i knew. Was that and i later learned that were started be gaze of a revolution and a case people were tired of government corruptio. And what i have to do with my family and i i had. No idea only always at their young ages five. I was involved in a conflict where i mostly families. And was forced a comic of the following people who took my friend away. From them for the next three to four year. So how exactly did you become a child soldier were you said sometimes we hear about children being kidnapped. We hear about them also being forcibly removed in other ways that from their families or their families. Killed at how did it happen in your case. Im a a happens in there is less in my particular case language was attacked. And the rebels came its sort of like no one really know how the cheese who gets a letter who gets to die. Armed groups are separated on june groups and within those two oups one group is our will be condemned to die in other groups in the force to be alcohol and. And often times they took case like myself because we are. Susceptible and we were young and so we dont really have. Much power to resist and on the der people would if you are able to have much use for. Up to find himself in the owner and. In Addition Group and so to me thats what happened everything happened so quickly arrivals came in. From out of mind higher family. And i were traces of gun i just happened to be in the group that day that was. Chosen to live and so. Thats how we have it in my spare and happy different scenarios work is will be kidnapped o. In other in other places in my particular case i was how it happened and part of a pe agreement. T gof giles of his you have you to staff are ground could be all these. Now ngos care came in iraq cross and they started like taking these kids off as of called edr to nationalm disarmament and demobilization group. And so they facilitated long. Sermons and also hes also using rap people going hes opposition broke off land actually help of the u. And and and they will talk to each eagles are working wel. Worse over weve always reached peace agreements its times like these kids go and so like some of the leaders realize that while the worst actually. His and it. And so they started letting kids go and semis case thats how it happened i was rescued. And say after of all musicians who although d where. Its a line between being a perpetrator and in effect. At such a thing line that you werent necessarily know youve crossed that line until you get. Your hair and so like you dont ask on why am i doing. And ending the creation of a gun like a forty seven to has a very low to no require and all. Makes it easier for these are. Peoples are actually able to give case like myself are gone because i agree yeah. Up installed and he will hold a gun is as the light on the line this is a gun makes it easier to carry makes it easier to u. And becomes onef those situations where when someone tells you to do stuff its always you were of that. And if you dont do it is going to be in this house. In a certain direction shunet russians was going to kill you and theyre going to shoot in that direction on the matter what you do as a sort of becomes like a choice as far as well it is no. You know how to say it you just use your told because every time in life. Is on the line and so thats how. It wasnt able to for years. Being told to do. Something in every time realize in i slightest hesitation on that i will be there and. While and when you left when you were nine or when you when you were allowed. And you know the war ended on. What kind of person were you what kind of child will kind of of values did you have what kind of a person you know were you in society and and and what kind of . You know. As sex did your did your experiences have on your development as a human being. I was i mean ias a prior in in my society. Issues that matter is my community. Was angry because of for a had lost it doesnt and it it losses the results of the war. Although somewhere along the way a day for out how much hygiene and loss and socially and. It became this idea of how to properly intrate me into society and. Grammars like you as a friend because of all these things. Became a revolving door and were you go into my case i found someone who has the same last name as me in a figure like local media related and it should be optional couple months late. And always for me to ride on arrived in realize like i dont know them and they dont know me and so literally being had in comm. Was a lasting and urces funds right now myself on the streets. Of freetown. In on him this look came out of state was at time use had brought in books. And use and writing books they gave to schools and was in negotiation process is some of the schools not want accept also shares because it is the modernisation and so. As a unit of will sometimes sizes of light entire school books on School Materials in exchange of accepting one child soldier and mathematically case i have also happen but what use of the do it was reasons you do that. And she was and it fo. In the end. So when we talk about reintegration programs of. Are are are you said you think that theyre adequate. And that is not you know what kind of structures are needed. All i in in that situation. Adequate steve not long in the same sentence on a current rate and wish at the current application. It is very most inadequate. Will be an isolated. Of saying that theyre not doing anything at all and so i think whats needed is in these support he said yes system in place Health Region great these games that and decided. Where is like farming family families and all find a home for them to have to be a support has to be . A support a house and through the school we not just like limbs schools i look well ive done that you in school now thats it and it will do some of them are older than what you Technical Training they have to be away. And have to be a mechanism that allows them to continue that on a year or two years after is genetic reintegration should not be a three weeks or six months process and raising questions has a lot mor. It is both sides have to heal. And so that it has to be more resources giving and more mentorship. Instead of just having it be this instant ages well now you hear your this program. Whatever it isn asset and i think regeneration the woe to do more. And that our is the is the national day of Peace Education is aragorns really re integration of almost also features and in san diego. We last week we sort of this paradigm shift where World Leaders as a lock on the front. Presence our house on the World Leaders in that way when you know when itsime to Fund Education and so i think the use of child soldiers needs to gai new music cash. Thats the status of where World Leaders kinds that were going to closer uses child soldiers. There will be a says that he will be punished or. Anything until a National Community comes together and do that people will continue to use child soldiers because or cautions or just like everyone so minimal and so theres no. Theres no terrorists from government ortiz christian uses out soldiers and i think is as a day to day comes and its just going to go out and i was also doing. All. Right well thank you for. Telling your story here on france24 mohammed cd via its you day and and we hope that by telling your story. We can help a get real change to happen and make it so that these images are not just. Empty hollow days that thank you so much for sharing your story on france24. So now for business and skate moody has started us on said welcome back gate of the white house has outlined its plan to revamp america. Crumbling roads and bridges has right this is one of the president s i campaign pledges or member. And along with tax cuts is when the problems is that contributed to a rise in the stock market after his election. Much of the plan was already known details released this monday outline two hundred billion dollars in federal government spending. Shown from hopes will stimulate up to one and a half trillion dollars in overall spending from state and local governments. She hundred billion dollars is incorporated into the twenty nineteen Budget Proposal which is also been unveiled. Are watching us on felt there is importing on whats new in these proposals. I have been so many infrastructure plans before from previous administrations thats why wouldnt looking into the details of this one to see what really is different and there is something a little bit strong can if you will about this one because. You might remember this is a president who said he wants to get rid of regulations as much as possible wants to make business making business is easier here in the United States hence why he wants the permitting process. To be quicker in this country to get new infrastructure building at. Most away is a to get realm ways to get apple trip had for example so that is something that is new here with the white house will insist upon. But its essentially what were looking at here in this infrastructure proposal and it is just a proposal from the white house. Is actually less than has been deemed necessary from those who are really in the know those who would be responsible for distributing that money actually coming up. With those repairs as you mention that. Importantly this is not eight million standing infrastructure proposal it is part of a wider a Budget Proposal that was unveiled a by the white house today the whole thing basically would have to be okay by congress. Federal government itself is committing a relatively small sum how little he paid for. Well by the federal government says certainly and all the large part of it so were looking at as you said one point five trillion dollars. All together thats the spending plan over the next ten years but only two hundred billion out of those one point five trillion dollars of major spending would be provided by the federal government essentially what this administration wants to see happening. Is that those two hundred billion dollars would go towards local and state governments. And local authorities to users and incentives for them to spend more so essentially the federal government is not really adding that much not putting that much on the table in fact democrats. Have proposed a in an infrastructure plan in the past it was as significantly higher as i was century what the federal government says it woods hates whats added Infrastructure Projects in the future. Is no more than twenty percent that is actually a really big chang. That is a smaller percentage a significantly smaller percentage that the federal the National Government would page was Infrastructure Projects is basically over to the states and local officials and authorities to really take care of those Infrastructure Projects. The plans that he has interviewed a rebound on wall street as stocks recover from their worst trading week in twenty in two years. Other advances surged five hundred points or just over two percent as you can see there after dropping into correction territory last week not investor panic around the globe. The xperia ages also drop slightly after spiking last week will concerns at all until you do remain elevated. Made european indices also started week on an upbeat note that fleeting gains of nearly one and a half percent for the one hundred and kick out of over one percent each. A former french budget ministers back in court facing a re trial over tax fraud shown goes exhibition twenty thirteen was environment he wont administration. And bring in a series of measures to increase transparency and crackdown on tax fraud. Represent nuts is looking at whats changed. Well. It was the infamous joan ties acuff a the minister in charge of talking tax ruling phones with himself accused the tax rolls. Zach repeatedly denied the allegations but in twenty thirteen he finally admitted to the existence of a secret swiss Bank Accounts. The scandal rocks the governments other than french president francois loans announces series of measures to increase transparency. The first little require that elected officials declared arrest its to a new independent commission and cools the greatest recy of politicians who works second jobs such as direct as a private companies. The second more now for the creation of a Financial Authority to investigate the most complex rules. Other january twenty eighteen the pnf has four hundred eighty eight and cases and three years is collected one point two billion euros in fines and confiscations. The third little which came into force gave greater protection to whistle blows increased regulation of lobbying groups and set up a National Corruption agency. Tax food has become even greater focus for the European Union since the leak of the palm all papers which revealed the extensive worldwide tax evasion and avoidance. Of a million aim which pops up again in those papers. None other than the house of his own ties i. June has a group was was already sentence to three years in jail hes killing that ruling. By back in korea thanks so much that came with a with a Business News i will be back in just a few minutes with more news coming up on friends before stay with us 02 12 18 02 12 18 [captioning made possible by democracy now ] amy from pacifica, this is demoacy now whahave w done . Moventrow an blosm and exode. Change inhe stree. Amy federaludge sta the dertation immigra rights leaderavi rair afteravi

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