Transcripts For LINKTV France 24 20240622

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Chris froome is trying to keep the jersey. And which place will you eat the most chocolate . We will discuss in the press review. For the first time turkey strikes jihadists inside syria. Early this morning, three turkish fighter jets bombed positions at the Islamic State group and the government has decided to crack down on militants. The country is also discussing whether to let the United States have access to a here to a key airbase close to the syrian border. Turkish Prime Minister davutoglu has given a press conference. That conference what important points to the Prime Minister make . On the airstrikes against isis targets in north syria this morning, he said the turkish fighterbombers have completely destroyed three ias targets. Foreign guided missiles from turkish airspace. He stressed that they did not actually enter syrian territory. That shows that he wants to show that turkey is sticking by the rules of engagement set up for conflict along the syrian border. It does not want to appear to be invading syria. The government knows very well that the Syrian Civil War is extremely unpopular in turkey and people would not like the Turkish Armed forces to be seen to be invading syria. Aurore we are hearing reports that 297 people have been detained in a nationwide police operation. What can you tell us about the suspects . Jasper very little. 37 of them were foreigners, but he did not give the nationality. He emphasized that these raids this morning were not a runoff. A oneoff. They were continuing through today as well. He was trying to make the point that turkey would go after militants on its soil much more aggressively than it has been. The rays took place in 13 provinces. The main groups targeted where the isis group. The kurdish militants groups, the pkk and its syrian cousins. And the dha pc. And the rate on the in the raids on the gh k pc, one female member of the group was killed. Aurore Jasper Mortimer reporting from ankara. Burundi is expected to reveal the name of its new president this afternoon. President nkurunziza is seeking a third term. His candidacy is said to be unconstitutional. Our correspondent tells us that the results are predictable. There should be no surprises this afternoon when the name of the winner is announced because the majority of the opposition boycotted the point. Nkurunziza is expected to win a third mandate. The European Union made an important announcement saying it would review its cooperation with r d. This is a major announcement because 50 of the rondaes budget of the burundis budget we went to the funeral procession, and a friend told us that it would take a long time before peace and stability returns to burundi. The question is what is going to happen next with the opposition. The modern leaders of the opposition are saying that they want fresh elections and more dialogue with the government. Analysts are saying the big question now is that these groups alone will probably not topple the government, but if they have the backing of a foreign nation, things might change and the rondae and foreign minister is saying that the burundian foreign minister is saying that he is seeking backing of these groups. April till of uncertainty aurore barack obama is heading to kenya. His ancestors homeland, for the First Time Since being elected president. Security has been boosted. The airspace will be closed during his arrival, and at least 10,000 Police Officers have been deployed in the capital of nairobi. Our correspondent says how the population is preparing for his visit here it for his visit. This market trader is hoping to cash in on u. S. President Barack Obamas visit to kenya, his First Since Taking Office seven years ago. In anticipation, a he made 400 tshirts. In the old country of kenya. There is president obamas ancestral village, thanking him for changes paid largely by outsiders and the kenyan government. Electricity could reach them for the first time, after obama won election in 2008. More water for drinking. Obama is a source of pride and profit, but for the kenyan obama, he is a Family Member first. They hope he will continue to inspire. He proves too many kenyans that you can arise from humble backgrounds to become one of the most powerful people in the world. Both americans and kenyans are united in fascination over obamas paternal line. For more aurore for more analysis, lets bring in douglas herbert. Doug, a lot of people are happy to see barack obama in kenya but there is also a lot of disappointment. Doug lets start with the happy part. There is a obama mania spreading. The tshirts, the potemkin village aspect of nairobi, the capital, where roads have been repaved, reasphaltic. There is a real euphoria, and they want to put their best foot forward for this president. Polls show that 80 , eight out of 10 kenyans have a favorable attitude toward obama. That is probably what he wishes he had back home in the United States. This is his fourth trip to what we have been calling his ancestral homeland because his late father, barack obama senior, was from kenya. It is his first trip as a sitting u. S. President. The first time he went, back in 1987, when he was a young man working for Community Service he literally went, crashed on his ands couch traveled to his fathers ancestral village, which we saw in that report. He had a goat in his lap while he was riding along the way. There is a sense among some kenyans, a disappointment that because he is now president , he is the big cheese now and he cannot do those things. There is a little disappointment in that. There is also a disappointment among some kenyans, a sense that he sort of avoiding kenya and there are some big reasons for that involving their president. He has gone to a lot of other countries in his first two terms. He has been to egypt, to tanzania, to south africa, senegal, ghana. Why did he and void why did he avoid kenya until now . But people are happy that he is coming. Having a u. S. President , and visit your country is still a big honor for a lot of these people, and they are very proud of barack obama. That favorable Public Opinion the 80 of kenyans, really do admire what he has done, and they think he has done good things and perhaps well sat will have some sort of influence on kenya. Aurore there is a lot of controversy about the choice of countries he is visiting. Doug the white house has been very upfront for several years. The president of the country kenyatta, was under indictment for charges linked to violence in the aftermath of elections in 20072008, in which hundreds of people were killed and thousands were displaced. It was ethnic violence. Those charges were dropped, but one of the people that barack obama is likely to be crossing paths with while in kenya is the kenyan Deputy President , william ruto and that is a man that still faces indictment from the International Criminal court. Barack obama does feel like the benefits outweigh the drawbacks and he really wants to try to rebuild a tattered relationship with kenya. Both security issues, trade issues, economic ties, are all important, and obviously the fight against terrorism because kenya has been a target of the auch of bob of the all should bob the Al Shabaab Group in somalia. He will not shy away from bringing up gay rights. Gay sex is subject to 14 years in prison in kenya right now. It is illegal. Obama said i will bring it up. I will not shy away from the issue. Kenyan officials would like him to remain silent on that issue and they have made that clear. Aurore thank you very much douglas herbert, for your analysis. In somalia, Government Troops say they have won back the control of a town backed by the African Union forces. According to security sources, al shabaab fighters have now fled that stronghold. The insurgents also lost the bageled the battle for a nearby town thursday. John kerry hit back at critics of the nuclear deal, saying a better agreement with iran would have been a fantasy. Skeptic of sentences that could make it skeptical of sentences that could make it easy for iran to build a bomb. But john kerry says that is not true. Take a listen to what the u. S. Secretary of state had to say about that. Secretary kerry the u. S. , after laboriously negotiating this agreement with partners, if we were to walk away from those partners, we have squandered the best chance to solve this problem with peaceful means. Whether or not they have produced the fissile material for a bomb. We cannot bomb that knowledge away, nor can we sanction the knowledge away. Aurore the 19th stage of a Tour De France is about to kick off. There are three stages left before the end of the race on the shelves elysees, but today is one of the most important. This is one of the last chances of chris frome of Chris Froomes rivals to catch him. He has today and of course tomorrow. They are going to eat up some time, with chris froome. This could be the stage for it because there are a lot of climes. The dissents can really be dangerous. That is where we could see a fall. If he crashes out, he will not win the race. There is also this legendary uncategorized climb a huge climb, 20 two kilometers, absolutely terrifying. It is a position from which may be some of his rivals can try to get away from him. Nobody is really managed to do it. He has managed to reel them in. There is that big final climb as well. We are six kilometers away from the finish line. It is going to be a very exciting stage, and it is now or never for the other contenders to the crown. Aurore . Tell us what the fans have been telling you. Dan the fans are always having a great time on the mountain stages up in the alps. People intend to set up camp getting the very best spots. There will be hundreds of thousands of people along the route today and also on saturday. Another famous climb where you tend to see huge crowds. For now, the fans here are getting ready. They will not be where we are for quite a while. Aurore dan, thank you very much. We will come back to you throughout the face throughout the race. Time to take a look at todays Business News with kate moody. Kate International Creditors are back in athens to start the nut temples process of finalizing the third bailout. The deal has been reached after marathon talks in brussels last week with just an agreement to restart formal negotiations. 86 billion euros will be at stake. Our correspondent explains. Creditors head back to athens to work out the terms for a third greek bailout package worth 86 billion euros. Negotiations are next step after greece adopted the reforms negotiated in brussels 10 days ago. The Greek Parliament has passed a second package adopted wednesday overhaul the greek judiciary system and changed banking laws. Creditors are looking to hash out details on reforms to labor laws and restrictions in the Product Market. Other issues of privatization of state other issues are have edition of state assets and Product Market restrictions. A deal is hoped to be secured by the second half of august. If it fails to do so, the ecb will likely stop providing emergency liquidity assistance to greek banks, which could lead them to collapse. Debt relief is not on the table, but the imf has said it cannot support a third bailout unless greeces debt is restructured. Any right off is flatout objected by berlin and its allies. Since being elected in january, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has kept creditors out and moved negotiations to brussels. Aurore tell us how the markets are doing today. Kate the european markets have tipped upwards. Midway through the tape midway through the trading day the dax up. Manufacturing activity in the eurozone slowed down over july which could raise concerns about a slowdown in the second half of the year. Company earnings have been driving the markets this friday. In london, pearson stocks climbed 3 after news that it would sell a newspaper. Trading for gold is at its lowest level in five years. Copper prices have hit a six year low. Plans were announced to close some minds. To close some mines. Vodafone has reported an uptick. The worldss second largest mobile operator is trying to reverse years of declining revenues and fight off lows lowcost competition, offering bundled broadband, telecom, and tv services. Air france klm saw its loss decreased to 79 million euro in the second quarter. It said it would scale back routes among other costcutting measures. It has struggled against european budget and golf longhaul carriers. The pilot strikes last september cost the company 500 million euros. Firsthalf profits dipped after paying a heavy fine in china related to its baby food business. It has given up its infant formula unit, hit by a food scare, to focus on the french dairy giant said sales have risen in line with expectations but it is facing a slowdown in key european markets. Aurore finally, you have truly Important News for anyone who has a sweet tooth, and you have statistics about who eat the most chocolate in the world. Kate that dubious honor goes to switzerland, where the average citizen eats over nine kilograms of chocolate per year, 20 pounds of chocolate. Austria and germany tied for second place with eight kilos per person. This is all a study by euromonitor. It features india venezuela and china as the fastestgrowing market. Americans pursue americans consume only 4. 3 kilos per year. That puts them about 20th in the world. More than 18 billion worth. In france, the average is only 4. 2 kilos per person. But you and i can skew that data a little. I brought you a little square of chocolate. Aurore i reckon we eat more chocolate than the swiss, more than 9. 1 kilograms of chocolate per year. Kate in the newsroom we do anyway. Aurore kate moody, thank you. It is time now for the press review. Aurore you are watching france 24, and it is time to look at what is grabbing headlines around the world. Florence phenomena florence the Eminem Florence villeminot is here with me. Flo it is a huge story across the press today. It is on the front page of the wall street journal, talking about how can you is getting ready for obamas kingship trip. His visit has raised the excitement level in kenya, and that is an understatement. If you look at the canyon press, lots of excitement in the kenyan press. In the kenyan press. If you take a look at a people called the standard, kenya stands to gain a lot from this homecoming tour. The visit comes with an endorsement that gives kenya the opportunity to further strengthen its diplomatic and its trading ties. Another editorial, this time in the daily nation, it agrees that it is an historic visit. It is symbolic and it is the first time a sitting president has ever visited kenya. Also, obama will attend the Global Entrepreneurship summit accompanied by investors, so it is also a Good Business opportunity. Aurore a Good Business opportunity, but also a massive security operation for locals there, put in place to protect the president. Flo the streets of nairobi are quite empty, and yet nairobi welcomes obama a little sign in the back says, nairobi anans should stay out. There is also the Al Qaeda Affiliated Group Al Shabaab that is posted in neighboring somalia. Cnn went so far as to say that kenya is a hotbed for terror and this upset a lot of kenyans. You can see this, a screenshot from cnn, where it is calling kenya a hotbed of terror. Kenya took to twitter using the someone tell cnn, the was used 75,000 times yesterday and it is continuing. Some of these tweets are angry, some more sarcastic. I pulled out one that is pretty funny, pulled out by a twitter user. You can see a giraffe in front of Mount Kilimanjaro oh, my god, a terrorist in a hotbed of terror. Aurore the case of a severely braindamaged man is at the hit at the heart of the debate over the right to die with dignity. The case took a significant twist yesterday. Flo a medical team that had been charged with ruling on his future said that the calm answering conditions to made a decision to make a decision are not in place. The medical team said doctors are facing serious Security Fears. You can see that we are talking about the impossible decision. It says it is self a tough decision it is such a tough decision. That the man is going to die like a Roman Emperor at the circus deciding whether or not a fighter is going to live or die. Aurore and this leftwing newspaper is critical of the Security Fears that the doctors talked about. Flo absolutely, because the Security Fears are quite significant. Prolife activists online have called for members of his medical team to essentially be kidnapped. The paper is critical of these prolife activists the hardcore traditional catholics, and the fact that they are threatening doctors. They are calling these prolife activists fundamentalists and he says they are just as bad as islamist fundamentalists. Essentially, what they are doing here is a form of verbal terrorism, and they are walking all over frances sigrid principle of that sacred principle frances sacred principle of freedom. A euthanasia law essentially gives doctors the right to withdraw care. Aurore lets move on to a lighter story. We will take a look at a communist paper, focusing on a very french physician, and that is a Summer Camp Program partially funded by the french state. Flo they are partially funded by the state, meaning they are relatively cheap and therefore accessible to poor families

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