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Scores glor the u. S. Womens hockey team red hot and ice gold. This is the cbs evening news with jeff glor. Glor good evening. Were going to begin tonight with breaking news from florida and a jarring revelation from the Broward County sheriff. He said today an Armed Security officer in parkland had a chance to stop last weeks shooting but did not. Video at the scene showed he was outside and never went in. 17 people were killed, 14 were hurt. The deputy has now resigned. Manuel bojorquez has more with this late information. Manny. Reporter well, jeff, the Sheriffs Office also released documents showing that the School Resource officer had received information about the shooting suspect, nikolas cruz, and his potential to carry out a school shooting, two years before it happened. But its his actions the day of the shooting that led to his suspension. What i saw was a deputy arrive at the west side of building 12, take up a position, and he never went in. Reporter Broward County sheriff scott israel said Surveillance Video showed Deputy Scot Peterson arriving at the building where the shooting happened about a minute after the first shots rang out but he never entered during the four minutes the shooting continued. When we in Law Enforcement arrive at an active shootinger we go in and address the target and thats what should have done. Reporter sheriff israel said Deputy Peterson was suspended this morning without pay but chose to take an early retirement. There are no words. I mean, these families lost their children. We lost coaches. Ive been to the funerals. Ive been to the homes where they sit in shiva. Ive been to the vigils. Its just there are no words. Reporter there was also a 20minute delay in the schools Video Surveillance system that caused confusion for deputies who did go in to confront the shooter, making the information they received on their roads inaccurate, though police say that did not endanger more lives. Two other deputies have been placed on restricted duty as the agency investigates how they handled tips related to the suspect, nikolas cruz. And, clearly, this is not the only dealing with these types of setbacks. Federal Law Enforcement sources tell cbs news that the f. B. I. s failure to act on a january 5 tip about cruz has been a body blow to the bureau. Jeff. Glor manny, mistakes still piling up here. And as all this happened today, a funeral was held for aaron feis. The Stoneman Douglas football coach was one of three killed while trying to protect children from the gunman. Some of feis players served as paul bearez today. The president met with school officialofficials and said somes and other stool School Personnel should be armed. Major garrett is at the white house with this. Reporter listening sessions on two consecutive days here at the white house and the president has done plenty of talking on his own, saying it is imperative that america arm School Teachers and other pern combating gun violence with weapons and teachers as skilled in arithmetic and grammar as they are in marksmanship. Expooim the biggest believer in the Second Amendment there is. I am the biggest. Reporter while President Trump says he is listening to new ideas about school safety, he emphasizedly Arming Teachers and other School Personnel, an idea backed by the National Rifle association. I want certain highly adept people, people that understand weaponry, gun. If they really have that aptitude, because not everybody has an aptitude for a gun. But if they have the aptitude, i think a concealed permit for having teachers and letting people know that there are people in the building with a gun. Reporter the president also endorsed financial incentives for teachers with handguns. Give them a little bit of a bonus. Frankly, theyd feel more comfortable having the gun anyway. But you give them a little bit of a bonus. Reporter a florida education commissioner suggested more frequent active shooter drills in schools. I think thats a very negative thing to be talking about, to be honest with you. I think i dont like it. Id much rather have a hardened school. I dont like it. Reporter at an annual gathering of conservative activists, n. R. A. C. E. O. Wayne lapierre echoed the president. It should not be easier for a matd man to shoot up a school than a bank or a Jewelry Store or some hollywood gala. Schools must be the most hardened targets in this country. Reporter lapierre also lashed out at democrats, the media, and Law Enforcement for their response to the parkland shooting. As usual, opportunists wasted not one second to exploit tragedy for political gain. The elites dont care not one wit about Americas School system and school children. Reporter mr. Trump consulted with the n. R. A. Leadership after last weeks shooting and agreedly not endorse an assault weapon ban or universal background checks for gun purchases. But he did break with the n. R. A. In calling for an age limit, 21 years old, to buy a semiautomatic weapon. Today, he said the n. R. A. Would change its mind. Were talking about common sense, and its grate thing. And the n. R. A. Will will back it. Reporter conservative activist david schiff from texas said he was concerned about the pretty embrace of new gun regulations. Because its a slippery slope. And i firmly believe its my theoree that the Second Amendment assures that we have a first amendment. Glor major is still at the white house with us tonight. Major, what happens next here . Reporter well, jeff, this listening process is designed by the white house and the republican congressional majority some time, some time to see if thats th new political atmosphere is actually shifting votes. Internally, the white house is still debating whether to sends the hill a package, a school safety, mental health, and gun decision there. They may just leave it to republicans on the hill to sort it all out. And republicans there may back legislation to ban bump stocks and improve the background check system, but at the moment, it doesnt appear mump else has a chance of passing. Glor our chief White House Correspondent major garrett. Major, thank you very much. At least four states are considering legislation now that would allow educators to carry a concealed firearm in schools. Eight states already do. Nikki battiste spent the day with a Science Teacher who carries a gun in his rural colorado classroom. I teach kids science, and sometimes you have to do additional things that of at small schools, and this is one of them. Okay. Thats the san andreas fault. People are dying, like in florida, and youre fyoure going to protect the kids, why not give them a tool to protect them with. Reporter how long have you been a Science Teacher here . This is my third year. Reporter and how long have you been armed in your classroom . This is my first year. Reporter what kind of gun is on you. Its a glock,. 9 mil. Reporter its concealed carry. Correct. Reporter where are your firemen . Can i show it to you . Reporter yes, please. In your cowboy boot. Thats why i wear boots. Reporter you didnt used to wear boots . No. Reporter is this gun loaded . Theres nothing not chamber. The school board would not allow for us to put one in the chamber. Reporter so its never loaded in class. Its in the clip. What chapter is this . 15. Reporter Karl Donnelson volunteered to carry a gun in his classroom. Hes one of about 100 armed staff in schools across colorado. If you heard gunshots right now, what would do you . Lock down immediately. All the classes would have their locked doors. I would run towards the gunfire, try to find out who it is, and take care of it. Reporter if an active shooter were to come in, you would have to make a split lifeordeath decision. Correct. Reporter are you ready for that . Yes, i mean, my biggest fear is missing. And hitting a student. Thats the risk you take about carrying a gun. May i miss . Yeah, possibly. But would you rather have 50 kids killed or one . Reporter colorado law prohibits firearms in schools, bait loophole lets School Districts choose to have concealed carry for staff. Armed teachers here are required to pass this training called faster saves lives a threeday firearm and response course which includes this Simulated School shooting scenario. And how often are you being retrained or refreshing . Every semester we go in and shoot the 100 qualification. Reporter 55 of colorado voters favored allowing teachers and School Officials to carry guns on school grounds, according to a 2015 quinnipiac poll. We sat down with other teachers here during lunch who are having the same discussion. I had really mixed feelings when they first came up with it because it was, like, what do we do . I mean, they could shoot our whole building up before we would ever have anybody get here for help. As a human being, it was very saddening to me that, thats what this has come to. Reporter do you think Arming Teachers is the right response to these School Shootings . Its at least a step to hopefully help, you know, deter people from coming in here. Reporter would you feel comfortable being armed in your classroom . Im more armed with books. Wed have to throw books at all of them. Reporter do you know who the armed staff are . Not for sure. I have a pretty good idea. Reporter despite these warning signs in front of the school, parents, students, and staff are not told who is armed. Do you think they have a right to know . Thats up to the school board, the administration. If anybody asks me, i tell them. Reporter a lot of people would say this is a terrible idea. Yeah, and thats their opinion. And i respect it. But i think our Community Wants our students protected. We cant afford security guards. And if teachers are willing to and go through the training, i think they should have the opportunity to help protect them. Reporter what is the answer to keep our kids safe . There is no answer. And im not saying were going to stop School Violence by having teach wers weapons, but least its somethingitis good start. And so there is no answer. But this is what we decided as a community, and as a school district. Reporter the school has other armed staff. Each had to pass a background check and a psychological investigation dispp, jeff, the superintendent says other schools considering arming their staffs have reached out to him for guidance. Glor all right, nikki, back from capito colorado tonig. Thank you for that report. Robert mueller filed new charges against Paul Manafort today. Mueller hit man fort, the president s forme Campaign Manager and his business part america rick gates, with three new charges, including banking g and tax fraud. The move puts even more pressure on manafort as the special counsel seeks his cooperation in the investigation of russian meddling in the u. S. Election. Missouri governor eric grietins was indicted today for invasion of privacy, a felony. Greitens, who is a republican, is accused of take a compromising photo of a woman whom he had an affair with, and threatening to tiewz as blackmail if he spoke about it. Grietins has admittedly the affair but denies making any threats. Move to syria now. With new atrocities reported every day, a message appeared today outside headquarters in new york. Three billboards on trucks after after 500,000 deaths in the civil war, nothing has been done to stop it. Warplanes are pounding a rebelheld down outside damascus with more than 400 civilians killed in five days. Charlie dagata checked in on a family we have been following in ghouta. Reporter in the mercless bombardment of eastern ghouta, nowhere is safe. Missiles rained down on the neighborhood. A 10yearold noor, and eightyearoleightyearold alad their plight to the world. Reporter today, it was almost too late. An explosion blew out their windows, sending shrapnel and glass through their home, slashing alaas forehead. We reached their mother, shamza katib, an english teacher, after the blast. How are your daughters doing right now . Are they okay. Reporter she told us she feels like her family and neighbors hav have been abandon. Reporter the Syrian Regime and its russian backers insist this weeks assault is aimed at rebels, but with the civilian death toll in the hundreds, many of the victims are children. A sobbing father couldnt bring himself to let go. The state department has condemned the bombing, jeff, but the u. S. Military has been focused on fighting isis in a different part of the country while the russians continue to prop up the Syrian Regime. Glor charlie dagata, thank you very much. There is much more ahead on tonights cbs evening news, including rare access to hightech war games. Reporter we got the first look inside war games designed to push warplanes to their technical limits. Thats the front part. Just for a shot. But why go back there, when you can stay home, with Neulasta Onpro . Strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection, which could lead to hospitalizations. In a key study, neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17 to 1 , a 94 decrease. Applied the day of chemo, Neulasta Onpro is designed to deliver neulasta the next day, so you can stay home. Neulasta is for certain Cancer Patients receiving strong chemotherapy. Do not take neulasta if youre allergic to neulasta or Neupogen Filgrastim . 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[heartbeat] glor planes that cost billions to develop arent worth much if they cant communicate with each other, which is why the military just wrapped up an exercise in california that featured dozens of aircraft, old and new. Conservative and our team in l. A. Got the only look inside these war games. Reporter the newest generation of warplanes and decadesold fighters from three branches of the armed forces took to the skies over the Mojave Desert for one of the largest testing exercises of its kind. We climbed into the tail of a kc135 tanker for an exclusive look at orange flag, a mock battle in the sky designed to push 25 military planes to their technical limits. Modern planes, like the f35 and f22, are essentially flying computers, but they have to share data, like battle plans and enemy coortz, seamlessly with older jets, like the f16. We watched from the air as pilots took part in a mock war scenario with planes just like those that have been deployed to the middle east and japan. At the halfway point, the jets approached the tanker for midair refueling. We were just a few feet away. Back here, they can communicate with the pilots and fly the refueling boom. This is the lever they use to extend the nozzle into the jet. Senior Master Sergeant ryan perry maneuvers the tankers nozzle on this f35 at 350 miles per hour, 25,000 feet above ground. Reporter everything from how accurately the enemy is detected to how effectively the planes communicate with each other is tracked. Its an enormous amount of data, 100 more times than the pilot can even see in the cockpit. And its all sent to this command center at Edwards Air Force base in real time for args nals brigadier carl schaefer. Were trying to work all the bugs out, so by the time it gets to the war fighter, there are no bugs. They can go right into whatever situation they need and operate seamlessly and share that information. Reporter commanders here at edwards say its a lot less risky and a lot less costly to find and fix problems here on the airfield than the battlefield. Flight testers now plan to hold one of these events every three months. Glor conservative, the only reporter invited to these war games. Thank you very much. And coming up next tonight, an anthrax scare for britains royal family. When a critical patient is far from the hospital, the hospital must come to the patient. Stay with me, mr. Parker. The at t network is helping First Responders connect with medical teams in near real time. Stay with me, mr. Parker. Saving time when it matters most. Stay with me, mrs. Parker. Thats the power of and. 3 toddlers wont stop him. And neither will lower back pain. Because at a dr. 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If its severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. Other side effects include gas, stomacharea pain and swelling. Ask your doctor if 90 days of linzess may be right for you. im 65 and healthy. Im not at risk. Even healthy adults 65 and older are at increased risk of pneumococcal pneumonia. Isnt it like a bad cold or flu . Pneumococcal pneumonia is a potentially serious bacterial lung disease. In some cases, part of your lung may fill with mucus, making it hard to breathe. Can i catch it from a pneumococcal vaccination . No. The vaccines do not contain live bacteria. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about how to help protect yourself. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist which is the only egg good eonly egglands best. With more farmfresh taste, more vitamins, and 25 less saturated fat . Only egglands best. Better taste, better nutrition, better eggs. Glor a familiar face is coming to face the nation. Cbs news announced today that margaret brennan, our white house and Senior Foreign Affairs correspondent, will be the new anchor of the broadcast beginning this sunday. We are thrilled for margaret. Her colleagues and a program that has been on the air for 64 years. Congratulations. House Speaker Paul Ryan announced today that the reverend billy graham will lie in honor in the rotunda of the u. S. Capitol next wednesday and thursday. Graham, who died yesterday at the age of 99, is only the fourth private citizen to be given that honor. Police in britain are investigating a possible hate crime against presiden prince hd his bridetobe, meghan markle, who is biracial. A suspicious package containing white powder and a racist message was sent to the princes office earlier this month, we are told. The powder turned out to be harmless. The royal couple is getting married in may. Up next here, revenge best served on ice. Because my body can still make its own insulin. 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Take me where i want to be. Let me dream, oh, let me dream. Yes unbelievable glor never gets old. 38 years to the day after the miracle on ice came a sequel. Ben tracy is in pyeongchang. Team u. S. A. reporter the two powerhouses of womens hockey. Canada takes the ice. Reporter . Facing off in the gold medal game was not a surprise. She scores reporter the way it ended was. And we are headed for a shootout. Reporter a 22 tie led to a shootout, then tied again. Two goals apiece in the shootout. Reporter . Jocelyn lamoureauxdavidson made these spectacular moves and scored. She dekes and scores reporter it was now up to goalie Maddie Rooney to contain canada. She is stopped the United States winds gold reporter this was the end of an agonizing gold medal drought. Team u. S. A. Last won gold in nagano in 1998, the first olympics to include womens ice hockey. Canada went on to win four straight olympic titles. So this time, the u. S. Team sequestered itself inside a florida ice rink for months of intense training. Team forward Hannah Brandt said the only goal was gold. With every Single Person on this team wanting the sail thing so badly, i think its going to be hard to stop us. Reporter that determination met this opportunity. The United States wins gold reporter it was not a miracle on ice. These golden girls did not need one. Ben tracy, cbs news, pyeongchang. Glor so great. That was the cbs evening news tonight. Im jeff glor. The news continues now on our streaming news service cbsn. We leave you with a look at a massive traffic jam in china. Should make you feel a little bit better about your commute home. 10,000 cars going nowhere fast. School shooting revelation. The shocking 20 minute delay. Did the accused killer come close to escaping . Then oh, my god. Bikini coffee barista pushed out the window. Are bikini coffee servers easy targets . They are becoming the prey for these predators. And Melania Trump shunned . The first lady has yet to appear on the cover of any National Fashion magazine. Then its a front runner for best picture, three billboards. I dont think those billboards is very fair. Now the story that inspired the movie, the billboards this family put up in a search for justice. My

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