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Reporter some places that were on the list were spared any outage at all and others saw the weather subside and few problems getting power back on. But there are still 32,000 customers spending a second night without. It was last night at eight zero 7 pm. That is a good thing. Reporter generators and extension cords put away as neighborhoods in the mount diablo foothills were reenergized by pg e. They are dependent on weather forecast. Reporter this home and retire for the phone company and recalls it is better to under promise than to disappoint. You get your outside estimate because that is what people need to plan for the worst event or the worst case. We feel pretty comfortable that once there restored they will stay on. Reporter it is nightly briefing they said overnight winds delivered in mount st. Helena recording a 65 mileper hour gust and winds are forecast to ramp up again in the north the overnight so napa and sonoma counties will stay out. Areas with the all clear have been patrolled for wind and tree damage and many more miles await inspection friday. We have not received any reports of damage yet. We fully anticipate that we will. Reporter as much is it is a relief to have lights on, residents in high risk areas are clear. And outage a versus a wildfire is no comparison. So a few hours of sacrifice is worth the safety. This morning around to a clock a. M. It was really windy. Reporter Business Districts will try to rebound from a day of lost revenue. Your total will be 37. 15. Reporter this stores one of the few to stay open thanks to big front windows and a willingness to run transactions the oldfashioned way. East bay when all summer without a fire safety blackout until now. The best Case Scenario is one and done. Being in the east bay hills it all depends on the weather. Reporter it is the north bay and napa and sonoma counties still watching for these alerts about their status and customers there are looking at 10 00 pam tomorrow for restoration and pg e said it sent out almost 1 million notifications before and during this particular event. Our chief meteorologist bill martin will join us in a few minutes and you can also get power updates and weather conditions any time at the website and you will find the major headlines on the front page. San mateo county is taking aim at scofflaws and investing a half 1 million in the task force to help keep businesses in compliance with health orders. We are joined now. This unit plans to visit was mrs. Starting on monday. Reporter half a dozen businesses on the list of noncompliance and county leaders concerned about a covid spike during the flu season and their approaches to educate first and if that does not work businesses can face fines. Truck pacifica beach yoga promotes hot yoga on his window front and in recent weeks it has become a hotbed of controversy. With numerous complaints of indoor operations going on for months. Those sweating it out without masks and the owner declined to talk and his patrons dont see a problem. I feel safe going to class. There are socially distant spaces that are marked out and clearly delineated throughout the studio. Reporter the of the studio is one of the businesses on the countys radar for not complying with the health order yet no action has been taken against the studio. San mateo county is comprised of 20 cities with no one system for enforcing rules and regulations about covid until now. If there is a business that is noncompliant and does not heed our warnings than we can find them up to 3000. Reporter eight county workers, nonsworn personnel perform the task force to crack down on violators and a Pilot Program for the next two months. This is a new division that we put together in two weeks and we think it is that important order to keep businesses open. Reporter the manager said among the complaints restaurants exceeding capacity limits and bars too. They are not opening bars or doors in the state yet and i think some of chosen to go ahead and open. If we dont adhere to the rules we have we cant move from different tiers. Reporter officials are eager to advance from red to orange and States Coronavirus risk tiered system so more businesses can reopen. At least one county resident thinks it is a good use of county funds. Until we are out of the woods, either for mitigation of the Current Situation or finding a cure, we do need to Work Together. That means all of us Work Together and not just a few of us. s reporter noncompliant businesses can be fined up to 3000 a day and people can report that behavior to the counties twoonone system or online. More than 60 of california parents say they are uncomfortable sending their children back to school. A poll released by the telephone Teachers Association also found that 65 or not confident in their School Safety and the president of the cta said many schools are ill equipped to open safely during the pandemic. 80 of those polled said the states Public Schools dont have enough funding to handle the problem. Encouraging news tonight from San Francisco where the number of coronavirus patients at ucsf is at the lowest level since back in may and the chairman of ucsf medicine said the hospital currently has just 10 coronavirus patients and there are only two of them on ventilators and he also said that so far there are no hints of any surge throughout the city. New daily case numbers are about 1 5 of what the city sought when numbers peaked back in july. It was a good day for fans of the house of prime rib in the city. The restaurant reopened for Indoor Dining tonight and customers and employees now get their temperatures checked when they come in and partitions are up. The restaurant is operating at 25 capacity but workers and diners alike are glad to be back. It just feels really nice like a return to normal. The owner said he has been able to bring back half of his stephanie tells us the restaurant has received 3000 reservations and they are booked through january. New tonight maki the lemur is back at the zoo after somebody spotted him in daly city tonight. Police say somebody saw maki in the playground of the Hope Lutheran church at about 5 00 this evening. Officers contained him until the zoo could come pick him up. Police think somebody broke into the zoo late tuesday night and stole him. He is in good shape and no arrests have been made so far. Police are hoping anyone with information about what happened will come forward. Coming up here a Strong Demand of flu shots and how some pharmacies are struggling to keep up and why experts say it is a temporary problem. Up next dueling town halls in the race for president. How rivals hit different tones before audiences into battleground states. In business you have to be able to shiftpivotadapt. Then do it all over again. Comcast business gives you fast, reliable internet on the nations largest gigspeed network. And now for a limited time, you can also get fast shipping with amazon business prime essentials. So no matter what comes next, youll always be ready to bounce forward. Get started with powerful internet and voice for 64. 90 a month, and ask how you can get one free year of amazon busines prime essentials on us. Call or go online today. Comcast business. Instead of a virtual debate, President Trump and joe biden held dueling town Hall Meetings tonight on two Different Networks at the same time. The townhall format provided regular voters with a chance to interact with the two candidates. We show you both faced some tough questions. Reporter the two separate town halls had a more civil tone than the contentious first president ial debate and the former Vice President joe biden answered questions in philadelphia, pennsylvania but then donald trump in miami florida. The president from the start was asked to clear questions from last debate about white supremacy. I denounced white supremacy. You did two days later. I have done it for years. Reporter he was asked about his handling of the pandemic and his covid19 diagnosis. The doctors ever tell you they saw pneumonia on your lungs . But they said no but they are a little bit different are perhaps affected. Reporter the moderator and first time voter asked him to clarify his stance on masks. Has your opinion changed on the importance of mask wearing. Specs that cure that you talked about cant be worse than the problem. He missed and always opportunities and kept saying things that were true. Reporter that is asked of biden about his stance on Law Enforcement reform and he said he would bring Law Enforcement and communities of color together in the white house to create reforms and one voter asked about his plan for the economy and biden said his plan would create more jobs and wealth for the middle class. He talks about a v shape recovery and it is a k shaped recovery and if you are on the top you will do very well. And another thing if you are in the middle or bottom your income is coming down. We just had a record of 11. 4 million jobs and we will have a phenomenal third quarter. Reporter dean of the uc berkeley Golden School of Public Policy said simultaneous town halls made it difficult for voters undecided but still he said he doubts the town halls or even next weeks debate will sway many. It is different than in 2016 where mr. Trump was new to the American Public and never getting a fix on him. People now have a good sense of who and what he is and they either love him or they dont love him. Reporter the next debate is still scheduled for next thursday, october 22 in nashville, tennessee. Democratic Vice President ial not nominee Kamala Harris is suspending inperson events until next monday after Communications Director and to others tested positive for the coronavirus. Senator harris had been scheduled to travel in North Carolina today and ohio tomorrow and the Biden Campaign said neither biden or harris was in close contact with any of the people who have contracted the virus. A moment at the end of the Senate Confirmation hearings for judge Amy Tony Barrett has set off some shockwaves on social media. In the video here, you can see senator Dianne Feinstein giving a hug to Judiciary Committee chairman lindsey graham. Feinstein also spoke out thanking him and calling this quote mac one of the best set of hearings that i participated in. Some progressive groups are saying that senator feinstein should now step down from her leadership position. Some democrats are saying that the senator was too diplomatic as republicans push to confirm the Supreme Court nominee for the election. And Advisory Committee said dozens of San Francisco schools have inappropriate names that should be changed and the chronicle reports that the principles of 44 schools received letters asking them to come up with suggested alternative names by mid december. They include lowell high and balboa high schools and James Lick Middle School and the offensive names include colonizers or slaveowners or people with known racist views and the changes wont happen until next year and not all of the schools may have a name change. Now to Santa Clara County where transit is behind bars and suspicion of robbery and making criminal threats. Investigators say 39yearold Russell Adams young used a stolen replica firearm to rob a store at the Stanford Shopping Center on saturday evening in palo alto. Security personnel there contact the police who took the suspect into custody without incident. Officials say he was in possession of a credit card, Prescription Medication and personal documents all belonging to other people. A shortage of flu vaccines and experts say it not really. Why any supply problems that local pharmacies are said to be just temporary. A red flag warning remains in effect and it is windy out there but not as windy as last night. It is a good thing with record highs to look at and the weekend around the corner. Proposition 16 takes on discrimination. Some women make as little as 42 of what a man makes. Voting yes on prop 16 helps us fix that. Its supported by leaders like Kamala Harris and opposed by those who have always opposed equality. We either fall from grace or we rise. Together. Proposition 16 provides equal opportunities, levelling the Playing Field for all of us. Vote yes on prop 16. Woman 1 get your woman 2 you can stay healthy and fill it out from the safety of home. Surfer or you can fill it out anywhere. Man 1 its easy to mail it back. You dont even need a stamp. Man 2 or you can use an official drop box. Woman 3 you can even drop it off at the polls. Man 3 then, track it to confirm your county got it. See . They got it woman 4 mail ballots are the simple, safe, and secure way to ensure that your vote is counted. Health officials have been hammering home the message that getting a flu vaccine this year is more important than ever because of the coronavirus. But now the demand is so high that some pharmacies say they have been running out of flu shot. Still, how Health Experts say you dont have to worry. Getting a flu shot is important. Reporter Governor Newsom is one of numerous elected officials and Healthcare Professionals who have been urging people to get their flu shots and the message appears to be working perhaps even a little too well and demand has been so high that the pharmacy inside this target in alameda said it ran out of the flu vaccine for people 64 years of age or younger for a few days last week. This cvs pharmacy was out of the highdose vaccine for seniors recently and the two pharmacies say they are now fully replenished. It was not easy to find. Reporter the Public Health Professor John schwartzberg said he couldnt get the type of highdose flu shot he wanted and settled for different dose from his doctor in berkeley. My Doctors Office had a difficult time finding it and my wife try to find it and she had a call several pharmacies until she finally found one that had the one that was optimal for her. Reporter with some places have run out of vaccines temporarily Health Officials say there is not a vaccine shortage and they say the many hiccups in the Distribution Process what places shouldnt be out of stock for more than a day or 2. Everybody is asking for the vaccines and how they are being allocated is not perhaps as smoothly done as it should be. We should not be concerned. Reporter doctor jeffrey silvers is a specialist. The were some early delays and deliveries and number two there is probably an increased demand for vaccines this year and with all of the concern about covid19. Reporter the largest pharmacy chain in the u. S. , cbs said it order twice the amount of vaccines for the flu that it ordered in 2019 and they also said it has administered 9 million flu shots already eat lean the number it gave out all of last year. Sometimes the store will run out at any given time, so we different we prefer them to other locations or get the vaccine as soon as possible. Reporter the message remains the same to get your flu shot. The last thing we want is for people to get covid19 plus flu at the same time and they are hard to differentiate and if you get them both together it could be a devastating result. As i mentioned we did have a few records out there today and it was a hot one and a heat advisory today and again tomorrow for the bay area and there is richmond and there is a record there and the other ones are tied so it is still pretty impressive to tie a record but still the Richmond Record is at 93 in the oakland record as well downtown and the temperatures around the rest of the bay area are pretty significant with 100 degrees in napa and not a record and San Francisco is at 90 and these were just the highs for october 15 and there is the wind field for tonight. You can see the area right in here and watch how quickly it goes away and that is 1 00 in the morning. By 7 00 a. M. The model it down and wouldnt it be nice to get rid of it that quickly . Hopefully it is almost a nonevent with fingers crossed. We do see some significant wind and we did have higher gusts up on mount st. Helena about 10 or 20 minutes ago up to 50 but you see the numbers have come down a bit so that is kind of a good sign. There is no fog at the coast and it will be another beautiful and warm day with high fire danger tomorrow and also some smoke in the bay area today and that us to do with the fires to the northeast into the southeast and the easterly wind is bringing that smoke in and you probably noticed it today and you will notice it tomorrow and the current shot shows no fog whatsoever. The current temperature is 77 right now and tomorrows forecast high may look a lot like what we had today and we may see a record or two tomorrow but most likely midto upper 90s and the hotspots and i dont know if we will see any lower 100s and tomorrows forecast ties look pretty nice with 97 or 98 in gilroy and 98 in morgan hill and we could set up the five day forecast here and you see the temperatures really cool off rapidly saturday through tuesday and that is a good thing because that gets us out of the super high fire danger zone so a red flag warning stays into affect tonight and the wind is there but not as robust as last night so that is a good thing and it looks like they will down, die down quickly tomorrow morning. I will be back here on sunday night and we will update the forecast. That is good news with lighter wind and cooler weather. Thank you. Coming up, the dodgers are on the brink of another disappointing postseason exit and our sports director mark is up next. The first tonight you can see a mess in San Francisco. This geyser at of nsn bush streets happened when a truck hit a fire hydrant around 6 30 night and they spent hours trying to shut off the water. They managed to finally turn it off around 10 00 tonight. The 11 00 news will be back right after this. In just a few months, weve learned a lot more about the covid19 virus. Its real. And its dangerous. So, on behalf of all of us working on the front lines, please take it seriously. And while we dont yet have a cure or a vaccine, we do know how to keep you and your loved ones safe. Wear a mask. Wash your hands. Stay six feet apart. Do your best to stay out of crowded spaces. And get a flu shot, its even more important this year. We can do this. If we do it together. How is it going, everybody. I guess if you are a casual baseball fan you glass, glance at the headlines but it looks like we are on the verge of the braves tampa world series and not so fast. Things could change in a hurry and the dodgers they are just too good to go down this easily. I would think against the Atlanta Braves for also a great team but this was not even close tonight as the dodgers and Clayton Kershaw on the mound and this postseason problems continue and ellie is up 10 and marcel gets to him and a designated hitter with a long smash it in a few homeruns tonight and it is a one minus one game but a 6 run 6 inning put this thing away in the middle of it is usual and the braves batting order and Freddie Freeman . To write and headed so hard on the ground it goes all the way to the wall to knock it and it is a 21 lead and they were on their way to again and had a big rbi double and 31 atlanta with the dodger bullpen and he scolds it to left and they will scamper home and 51 lead and the bullpen continue to melt down 102 is the final and the braves are up in that series 3 1. You swing it over to the merrick and leegin dusty baker you knew he was not going to fade away with his Houston Astros as they took an early 3 1 lead as tampa chips away and draws a gman solo homer and 8th inning and made it a 33 ball game going to the bottom of the 9th and Carlos Correa comes to the plate. This guy absolutely annihilating the ball in the postseason and the walk off majestic soaring shot and the astros will walk it off and they have had a definite mojo swing in this series so the astros were down 30 and they are very much and it trailing 3 2. We do have a little time so why not check this out. We leave you with a smile tonight and we showed you earlier back by popular demand this is plain weirdness in rochester, new york. A zamboni on ice at a hockey rink and they were in between breaks and i have been doing this for 40 years and i have never seen this. Fortunately, nobody was hurt. Freddie freeman had another rbi single but this is kind of cute because they are letting family members and some fans in and, check this out his little son, charlie, is able to wait for dad and it is an intimate crowd but they are doing a good job of keeping that bubble together and checking it out and that is the sporting life at this hour. So a lot more baseball to be played and we will turn it back to you guys. Charlie got to see his dad and that is awesome. Dad did great tonight. Good stuff. Thank you. And thank you for joining us, everyone. Take care and good night. Um. Its hard to believe im 50. Aaas of today, im middleaged. Whats he been the last 10 years . Delusional. He thinks hes a millennial, like us. Ive thought a lot about whats next. 51. Thank you, buddy. And its important that i continue to grow and that i stay mentally challenged. Which is why i am starting. Piano lessons, so that by next years birthday, ill be good enough to perform in public. Oh, great. Another thing to go to. Also, im gonna learn how to speak spanish. Iexcelente uh, i i havent started yet. Um, and finally, um and i know its a little bit of a midlifecrisis cliche, but. chuckles im gonna learn how to ride a unicycle sighs

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