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It will be sunny but not very warm today. Temperatures will be below average. 32 Miles Per Hour and higher for winds towards cordelia. Low clouds and fog will be stubborn. Temperatures today will be below average. As much as 10 degrees and santa rosa. Even into livermore. Lets head over to sal and see if theres anything that is new that is popping up on the screens. Good morning, sal. It is still pretty quiet. Traffic is moving well. The fog i was there yesterday is not there today. I suspect it is because of the wind that you spoke of on the golden gate bridge, it looks good and clear. Traffic is moving along okay. There are no problems on the richmond bridge. Getting over to marin is easy. At the bay bridge toll plaza it is light. Lets go back to the headlines. The spare the air alert is still in effect in the bay area, and it has been extended until tomorrow. We are joined now with more of the record breaking days of poor air quality. Good morning, sara. Reporter good morning, pam, you can remember how bad the air quality wasnt 2018 during the camp fire. Spare the air alerts were issued for 14 days. Today marks 16 consecutive days of spare the air alerts. That is along a stretch of alerts that ive ever been issued by the bay area air Quality Management district. The alert stretches through tomorrow. Day 17. The containment on fires in the bay area is increasing but the smoke is still causing high levels of pollutants in our air, it can lead to health issues, especially for people with breathing problems like asthma or emphysema. Over the next two days the forecasted air quality is going to be in the moderate to unhealthy for sensitive groups range. It just depends on where you live. Conditions can change often. The conditions will fluctuate from our tower in the weather patterns will change. Some areas may experience some peak levels of air pollution and then it may subside as the day goes on. Reporter and environmental expert tells us that 70 percent of air comes from cars on the road, pollution. How can you protect yourself . Officials say that you need to stay inside with your windows and doors closed and set your ac and car events to recirculate in order to stop outside air for coming in. It is important to note that the longer that you are exposed to bad air the ntial damage it can cause. The time is now 5 03 am. In wuhan, china, million Chinese Students are back in school and the city to the first cases of coronavirus. They are wearing masks, but it is not mandatory for teachers or students in wuhan. Administrators are checking temperatures, and routinely disinfecting classrooms and other public areas on school grounds. Some schools also have Mental Health courses and counseling services. Wuhan, china had 80 percent of all the coronavirus deaths in china, but since may 18 and is does not have a confirmed case of virus transmission. A Citywide Campaign to emphasize the need to wear facial coverings that, and other ways to stay safe. The mayor says the city is working on a timeline for getting students back in the classroom. The San Francisco leaders say that in person learnischools ma of this month. More than 50 schools have already been provided with applications for limited in Person Learning. San francisco middle schools may reopen in midoctober, and high schools could resume in november, depending on the status of coronavirus cases. Democratic president ial candidate joe biden will make a speech about President Trumps handling of the coronavirus and how it affects schools around the nation. The Vice President and his wife, dr. Biden will meet in delaware and talk about the best practices for safe distance learning. The administration argues that the president s push for kids to go back to classrooms as part of an effort to get the economy back on its feet. Every single day we are one day closer to the day that we have the vaccine, in addition to the therapeutics that we have and we put the coronavirus in the past. The Trump Administration is accusing biden of siding with teachers unions and claims to push to stay out of the classrooms are political. The usda is extending the free grab and go school meal program, following backlash over plans to end it at the end of the month. Students learning at home will now have access to breakfast, lunch and dinner even if they do not qualify for the mail program. The flexibility helps meet increased demand for Food Assistance during the pandemic. Yesterday, mornings on fox 2 spoke with a representative from food policy advocates about the extension. Our schools and our food banks are teaming up with a lot of communities so that all families and any participating school will be able to show up and just get access to not only a meal for that day, and ms. For several days. For the kids. For the family. Meals for other kids within the community. The usda Officials Say it is unlikely that they grab and go free mail program will be continuing beyond the end of this year. The treasury secretary Stephen Nguyen said the white house is still intending to work with congress to craft a fourth economic stimulus bill. During testimony yesterday, on capitol hill, the nguyen said the white house agrees that more money is needed to help families describe during the pandemic, but he criticized democrats for passing broad stimulus packages rather than a smaller approach sought by the white house. We need to commit to working at good faith, with the congressional democrats. The president does not want to move forward with physical response. I am prepared to sit down with the speaker, at any time in order to negotiate. During yesterdays hearing, he said that he believes that a standalone action related to the Paycheck Protection Program would receive overwhelming support on capitol hill. Heres the latest on the wildfires and the bay area, cal fire is making progress on the biggest fire. The lnu lightning complex fires fire and the north bay is 70 percent contained. It has burned 586 square miles. That is bigger than all of marin county. 1400 buildings have been destroyed including 157 homes and sonoma county, 295 homes in napa county, and 299 homes in solano county. Calfire also has the czu august lightning complex fires fire 72 percent contained. Full containment is expected by tomorrow night. More than a. D. Buildings have burned we are sure not how many of those buildings were homes. Damage inspections are now complete for the czu august lightning complex fires, the group of fires has destroyed a total of 1500 buildings, including 930 homes. 133 square miles have burned, and containment is now 45 percent. Shelters are consolidating as more evacuees are returning home, and there are 500 people that are in the relief shelters as of right now. Pam, and steve, we are talking about our wednesday weather. Steve has a lot of information. How do we look, steve . It looks cool today. Everything will transition to a warm to weekend. For today it is not bad. A big fog bank. Watch out on some of the bridges. Ultima pass, out towards cordelia and fairfield, 3040 mileperhour gusts. With the fire and place, 16 days in a row . A lot of the smoke with the southwest when will be pushed east. At least today. If you can find that with the fog and the low clouds we will have hazy son. Some areas the air quality should be better today. How can it not be when you have a 40 mile an hour wind . The warm air is a live trapping everything. Big fog banks, it might take a while to get the fog to retreat for some. Everything is pointing towards a very hot holiday weekend. Maybe not so much the coast. It is inland, 96106. We are not surprised. By the time we get the sunday we have a high temperatures. 50s and 60s. Everyone is close. Concord, airport, sfo, 61 degrees. Cordelia, 32 mileperhour wind gusts. If you have to take a drive anywhere in that direction, watch out. Hang on. Along highway 12, we see gusts about 25 miles an hour if youre heading over to napa. Warmer weather, hot, it will kick in over the weekend. After this, the high build so far north we will start a cooling trend. 60s, 70s and 80s. These are all below average. Tomorrow, they go above and way above on the weekend. Governor newsom toward the wild fire damage, we have the timeline that park rangers gift for when the park can reopen and new details on the emergency funds that are heading to the fire victims. Why a visit to a San Francisco business has landed House Speaker nancy pelosi and hot water, what happened inside of the salon and how her office response. Power three or morning when you wake up with ktvu fox 2 news. Remember, you have the power to know everywhere you go when you download the ktvu fox 2 news app. Experience the ultimate sports hub. Where you can find games, news and highlights. All in one place, right on your tv. The xfinity sports zone. Use your voice to search every stat, standing and score. Follow the teams you love. And, even get notifications with breaking news alerts and more. So youll never miss an update. With the xfinity sports zone everybody wins. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Click, call or visit a store for details. Welcome back to mornings on fox 2, the Marin County Public Health director says he has seen a dramatic turnaround and the coronavirus cases in the past few weeks. But willis says that in august marin county recorded half the number of confirmed cases they had in july. The number of deaths are down. There were fewer outbreaks. He says it may change if people relax too much. When it comes to labor day, think small, think remote. Think outside. Virtual celebrations are great. We are still vulnerable to losing the gains that we have achieved if we relax too quickly. We have seen that happen already. We saw that happen in the month of june. Lets take that as a lesson for how we will approach september. He says because things have improved, there are no new risks of this includes kids going back a, possibly two classrooms. Governor newsom will give us an update on the coronavirus here in california, the numbers of new coronavirus cases have been trending down. Since the middle of last month, there are 717,000 virus cases in california now, according to john hopkins university. 4500 virus cases were reported yesterday. Californias single day record of virus cases is 13,000, around the end of july. 13,172 people have died from the virus, here in california. Barbers in San Francisco who has been out of work since the pandemic began are starting to cut hair again. Now that the city is allowing hair salons and barbershops to reopen outdoors, barbers are now setting up at the south Market Street food park. This area has been reserved for a few trucks, but sends tech employees are working from home, fewer customers means fewer food trucks. Food stylists hairstylists are now taking over the food spaces. It felt good to run clippers through hair. Hair on the ground, money in our pockets. We are excited to get back to that. The barbershop collective officially opens at 10 00 this morning. It will be open seven days a week and close at 6 00 each night. The food park owner hopes to add a manicure and Pedicure Services as early as next week. Find more information about reopening in the bay area on our ktvu fox 2 news app. Theres a listing of what is open and we are and the app is a free download. A visit by nancy pelosi to a San Francisco hair salon is causing a controversy. The owner of the east salon released video from inside the union street business in San Francisco. The owner had said that the House Speaker can be seen walking from the washing area with wet hair and a Face Covering apparently pulled down. And San Francisco haircuts are not allowed outside. They are allowed outdoors, not inside of a salon. It is frustrating and it is ridiculous the stylist to do. I think that nancy pelosi knew. Nancy pelosis deputy chief of staff sent a statement to ktvu fox 2 news saying the speaker always wears a mask and complies with local covid19 requirements. This business offered for the speaker to come in on monday and had told her that they were allowed by the city drive one customer at a time at the business. The speaker complied with the rules as presented to her by the establishment. The philadelphia mayor jim kenny is now apologizing after a photo of him dining inside of a restaurant in maryland went viral. This is the photo that made the rounds on social media. People are upset the mayor eight inside while restaurants and bars and philadelphia remain closed for Indoor Dining. The mayor posted on twitter saying and heart i am sorry my decision hurting those who work to keep their businesses going under difficult circumstances. I am looking forward to reopening Indoor Dining soon and visiting my favorite spots. We are learning more about a firefighter killed on monday while battling the czu august lightning complex fires. Diana jones. A volunteer firefighter from texas. Ms. Jones and her son, also a volunteer firefighter had traveled here to california together to fight the fires. Miss jones died in an accident on monday while moving her truck during a fire drill. She was a good emt. She was a good person. There are people that watch other people do things, and rather than stand back they go help people do things. She was not one to ever stand back. A second firefighter is now being treated for burns from the same accident. Ms. Jones had been with the Crescent Fire Department for about five years. Fire victims of the czu august lightning complex fires are encouraged to seek help to help center. It just opened at the pescadero elementary school. The hours are from 10 am to 7 p. M. , seven days a week. There will be representatives from fema, the dmv, the California Department of insurance and various state county social service agencies. Fire and National Park Officials Say it will be a long road to recovery at the mid basin redwood state park from the fire damage that was caused the by the czu august lightning complex fires. Governor newsom was there to see the damage firsthand from the fires, and putting the 118 yearold park which had many trees, more than one thousand to 1500 years old. Among other things, the fire destroyed big basin headquarters, and the nature museum. There is hope for the big trees. There are a lot of characteristics of redwoods, that facilitate their response to a fire. One is the remarkable sprouting ability. It is remarkable how many people saw images of what you see behind me, and reached out directly to say what can i do to help . The park will be closed for at least a year. The Forest Service Scientists Say that although trees were lost, most will survive and much of the vegetation earned in the crowns of the trees will quickly grow back and be replaced by buds that are already waiting to sprout. That is the interesting part after a fire. Steve paulson has always talked about this before. We have talked about the points raised fire, years ago, there were pine trees that were able to come back because they had pine cones that do not open. There are very tight until there is a fire. A lot of times theres a lot of rebirth in the forest. It is fascinating. If you want a perfect example, some areas now, you would never know theres a fire. A lot of greenery has come back. It is very resilient. We will get to it. Too many fires, obviously, as you know. It is giving us the hayes and the smoke. A west window 40 miles an hour, a lot of this will get pushed to points east today. It does not mean it is disappearing, but it means it might be moving around a little bit. It is just roaring. You can bind with the fog bank and i mean at temperatures today will be below average. Everyone is looking ahead to the weekend. It will be hot. I am focusing on today because it is going to be good. Temperatures are below average. Everything is pointing towards a rapid warmup by friday. The good news is it doesnt look like it will stick around. This lasted 810 days . This looks like after monday, it will start to cool down. Lets hope that that is the case. We dont need an extended period of heat. For the weekend, this is what we are looking at. The excessive heat watch will be posted. We have three days until that kicks in, but it goes until 9 p. M. Monday. 50s and 60s today. The 61 at sfo. Nap airport is also in there. Brentwood is 60. San jose is 60. Here is cordelia. A gust of 42. Napa, concord, oakland, they have a westerly component. This is a strong onshore breeze, or a win for some. Ultima pass, if you have to travel direction, 37 miles an hour. Breezy to indy. It will be very often and when. It will hang around for a while. Sunny and hazy, and then the low temperatures are above average, by temperatures will be below. 70s and 80s. After today, the aeros point up on the high temperatures. We get a jump up thursday, but a bigger jump will take us into friday and the weekend. It was one for the history books, we will have a look at the giants game, and we will tell you who led the way. Is a new day at fort hood as new leadership takes over. We will show you who is in charge and what is next in the investigation of the base. So youre a small business, or a big one. You were thriving, but then. Oh. Ah. Okay. Plan, pivot. How do you bounce back . You dont, you bounce forward, with serious and reliable internet. Powered by the largest gig Speed Network in america. But is it secure . Sure its secure. And even if the power goes down, your connection doesnt. So how do i do this . You dont do this. We do this, together. Bounce forward, with comcast business. Welcome to mornings on fox 2, happening now, a trial is underway for 14 people that are connected to a deadly attack on a satirical french newspaper. 17 people died in the shooting at the charlie abdo office. The people on trial are accused of being accomplices carrying out the threeday rampage five years ago. The french government considers the hearing a story candace having it recorded live which is a break with french legal tradition. The hearing is expected to last all the way into november. Today, fort hood is changing leadership following highprofile deaths of soldiers. Major general John Richardson will assume senior command of the post. The decision comes a string of tragedies and thats including the death of a specialist, vanessa keown. 14 soldiers have died connected to fort hood with foul play suspected and five of the deaths. They are reviewing the culture of the texas army post. To design proposals will be unveiled for a Mississippi State flag. A commission is now choosing a flight to replace the 126year old banner that included the confederate battle emblem. The recommendation will go on the November Ballot and if voters approve it it will become the new state flag. If not the design process will simply start over. Milani a trump is being accused of using a private email account for white house business. In her tellall book about working for the first lady, lonnie is Senior Advisor Stephanie Wilcox said she received emails on a private account about government hires. Malani is the best initiative and the other matters. She communicated with staff through imessage and other messenger apps. Your time now is 5 27 am. A bay area man arrested for making threats against a Health Officer what police say they found at his home, plus we need to help kenosha rebuild. President trump visits kenosha, following protests and riots after the shooting of jacob blake. What the president says he is prepared to do, and what he did not do. Of lives lost] george floyd. His name was george floyd. Say his name. Say his name. George floyd. Say his name. Say their names. Go to blacklivesmatter. Com so youre a small businor a big one. You were thriving, but then. Oh. Ah. Okay. Plan, pivot. How do you bounce back . You dont, you bounce forward, with serious and reliable internet. Powered by the largest gig Speed Network in america. But is it secure . Sure its secure. And even if the power goes down, your connection doesnt. So how do i do this . You dont do this. We do this, together. Bounce forward, with comcast business. Good morning to you. We are trying to get back to normal and San Francisco. We have details of the mayors plan to get students back into the classrooms by the end of the month. We will tell you who will get back into the classroom first. Estate Assembly Speaker is now apologizing after a bay area lawmaker was forced to bring her newborn baby to the assembly for during a vote. What the assemblywoman had said about working moms during the pandemic. From ktvu fox 2 news, this is mornings on fox 2. Good morning to you, thank you for joining us. Welcome to mornings on fox 2. I am dave clark area i am pam cook, it is wednesday morning, september you are having a difficult time. Varying weather patterns are around. It is constantly changing with the smoke in the air quality. September is usually not a fun month. The news is never really great. We could use rain. At least the temperatures are below average now. They are not going to have that direction for the next few days. They will trend warmer. Today we have a roaring when out there. There is a big fog bank as well. It was a full moon last night at 10 22 p. M. Theres a lot of smoke and haze. When you get a gust of 40 miles an hour it pushes a lot of that point ceased. There is one air aloft. Everything is trapped underneath it. 50s and 60s. It is called an inversion. It will only strengthen in the next few days. Breezy to wendy. Temperatures are on the high side, low average. 32 at fairfield, 40 a cordelia. 3540 at the ultima pass. Keep in mind that some of the bridges and the Higher Elevations could get good gusts. Sunny and hazy. Highs are below average today which translates to 60s, 70s and 80s. Everything is pointing towards a hot weekend. We will have more than 10 minutes. Things sometimes pick up the sour. Are we saying that, or are we okay out there . We are seeing a little bit more traffic. It is not Critical Mass at the bay bridge. You can see that traffic is going to be moving along pretty well from oakland to San Francisco. There are more cars than there were an hour ago. At 6 00 we suspect we will see a crowd as they turn the metering lights on. You could also see interstate 880 in oakland is looking pretty good in both directions. Lets go back to the headlines. All right, lets take you now to a live developing story and the south bay. This is the scene of a Homicide Investigation on clements avenue in san jose. Police told us that a man was shot at least once a, the scene has been active for a few hours now. Part of the clements avenue area is now currently closed while police are continuing their investigation, again, this is down and the south bay and san jose. We will update the story as soon as we get more information. San Francisco Mayor says she wants students back in the classroom for in Person Learning as soon as the end of this month. We have mornings on fox 2s allie rasmus joining us with the timeline and how it is easier said than done. Dr. Anthony fauchi . When the mayor spoke about this yesterday, she had admitted that this is not 100 percent within her control. The decision about when to return to classrooms has to be made jointly by schools, School Districts, teachers and parents. Even so, the mayor says she wants to do everything in her power to make sure that kids can get back into classrooms. Private and Charter Schools are expected to be the first to reopen, reopening any Public Schools would involve negotiations with the teachers unions. 50 schools have already submitted these applications for limited in Person Learning. Elementary School Applications will be granted first. This was the mayors timeline for some of the older grades within Person Learning and transitional resuming in mid september. That was the goal. Middle schools could also reopen midoctober. High schools would open in november. My plan is to do everything i can to work handinhand with the School District so that we can move forward and get kids back in school as soon as it is safely possible to do so. San francisco is in the red category when it comes to covid 19 infections and positivity rates, it is in better shape than every other county in the bay area with the exception of napa, also in the red. Understate rules of the county stays and the red category for more than 14 days, they will choose to allow schools to reopen, by counties and schools and School Districts are still having to weigh in on the decision. Allie rasmus, mornings on fox 2. A Community College teacher was arrested, accused of threatening dr. Sara cody, the health director. 55yearold alan was arrested by the Santa Clara County sheriff accused of stalking and sending 24 anonymous threatening letters to dr. Cody. Investigators tracked him down through a fingerprint on one of the letters. The lawyer says his client was exercising his constitutional right to criticize a public official. It is quite unclear how any of the alleged conduct falls outside of the scope of a First Amendment protection. The authorities released photos of what was found at his home, including 100 and 38 firearms, with thousands of rounds of ammunition and explosive materials. The state Assembly Speaker is apologizing to an east bay lawmaker, after she was denied a proxy vote one month after she gave birth to her new baby. The assemblywoman traveled from oakland to sacramento for the final day of the legislative session, and she asked to vote remotely because of the pan to make. She was denied that by the state Assembly Speaker, because Maternity Leave is not considered a high risk category for covid19. We are all faced with incredible challenges right now given covid19. What this has showed us is that our state system is not prepared for this. We dont value working families or parents. Especially new parents. The Assembly Speaker set his intention was never to be inconsiderate towards the assemblywoman and added that he is committed to doing better in taking into account the unique needs of his members. Governor newsom has until the end of the month to decide whether or not to sign a bill, calling for more oversight of Law Enforcement. The measure would create a statelevel agency or require the California Attorney Generals Office to investigate deadly shootings by Police Officers instead of local district attorneys. Civil rights lawyer john perez says independent investigations would eliminate conflicts of interest or perceived bias. They would conduct an investigation into a shooting, independently. That is the only way you will have confidence. We can work with you but lets make sure that the legislation is thought out and not rushed. Temper proposals were tabled including permanently stripping badges from officers who commit serious misconduct. It would require officers to intervene if they see another officer using excessive force, and also limiting the use of rubber bullets and tear gas to control crowds. President trump announces federal funding for kenosha, wisconsin. The Police Department has been hit by protests after the Police Shooting of jacob blake. We will provide 1 million to kenosha Law Enforcement so that you have some extra money to go out and do it really roug and you have done it incredibly well. The president also said that 4 million in federal funding will now be provided to businesses and kenosha, damaged during protests. However, he did not meet with the jacob lakes family. Numbers of the family spoke at a gathering where the shooting took place. Our nephew was shot seven times in the back, nothing can justify that. We dont have any words for the orange man, all i ask is that a keeps his foul language far away from our family. During the president s visit, there were competing protests by black lives Matter Movement protesters, supporters and supporters of President Trump. Portlands mayor ted wheeler says that he is now looking for a new place to live after his building is been the site of repeated demonstrations. According to the oregonian, wheeler sent an email to the resident and the 16th floor highrise saying that for his safety, they will move. Protesters gathered outside of the building, demanding wheelers resignation while some set fires and broke windows. Protests in portland are nearing 100 consecutive days. During a Law Enforcement roundtable, President Trump said he is willing to step in and assist. We can solve the problem in less than an hour. I hope they call. We can do something that i think the people will be extremely happy with. Maybe the mayor the governor well, but i dont know if they know what they are doing. It is so sad to watch it happen. And his statement, several groups including the Oregon Justice Resource Center says wheeler is not protected or supported people and businesses and they do not have confidence in his ability to fix that. We have another spare the air day here and the bay area. It will continue through at least tomorrow. Today we expect it to be gray and smoky, because of the wildfires. This is what it looks like yesterday from our camera in emeryville. This is looking toward San Francisco and across the bay. On a clear day normally, this is a great view of the skyline. It is out there somewhere. Today is the 16th straight spare the air day here in the bay area. Pam . That has been such a topic of our weather. Steve, i know it will heat up. I am guessing that the air will get worse, not better, what you think . Probably. There are signs here on some of the global bottles of baby scouring a lot of this out as we go forward. By that i mean 10 days out. We could get a cooler pattern, but until we got there temperatures will go up. It looks like the air quality is not going to be all that great. It has improved for some that with so many fires out there and the west wind, it does move it around. You can find an inversion and warm air loss combined with the fog. It is dropping everything underneath. The wind of change has been up early this morning. Boring for some. It will be sunny and hazy. Not as bad for some, as it was the past few days. F east. 50s and 60s on temperatures. It is also isothermal. Travis is at 32 miles an hour. Cordelia has had gusts of 42 miles an hour. They are rocking and rolling the onshore winds are in place. Oakland airport and napa airport have a westerly component. The onshore breeze is in place. Fog is up and down must the coast, breaking down towards southern california, breezy to windy, sunny and hazy. The low average high temperatures. The lows are running above average, but the highs today will be below. That includes the coast, the bay and inland. After today we will start up on the set area and by the weekend, pam is correct. It will get hotter. Friday we will start the process and then it will be very toasty with an excess monday. More people are getting backyard sheds, like this. Still ahead, the reason for this demand, as we are stuck at home. A federal investigation of mysterious objects in the sky. We have a strange signing by not one, but two commercial Airline Pilots near lax in los angeles. Do not forget, you can have the Morning Headlines delivered right to you by signing up for the new mornings on fox 2 newsletter. Go to www. Ktvu. Com, and sign up for the daily service. California phones offers free specialized phones. Like cordless phones. phone ringing big button, and volumeenhanced phones. Get details on this state program. Visit right now or call during business hours. Its a beautiful thing. 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Like this device to increase volume on your cell phone. phone ringing get details on this state Program Visit right now or call during business hours. Welcome back, a year ago today, 44 people were killed on a scuba diving boat in southern california. The conception dive boat carried 43 passengers on a Labor Day Weekend diving expedition off of santa barbara. The fire started while the passengers were sleeping. One crewmember died. Investigations continue on to the cause of the fire,whether o blame. The captain of the boat could face a federal charge of manslaughter. Police are searching for two people scene stealing catalytic converters off of cars. Three men in masks with dark clothing were seen going on are cars in fernwood street and 28th avenue. When the police got there, the three suspects took off, crashing into a median. One suspect was arrested but the other two got away. Please say they found a loaded gun, catalytic converter and tools used two steel carports. Police and daly city want to know if you recognize a couple here. Police say that they are accused of using a stolen credit card at a home depot store. Investigators point out they were seen with a dog that had for that was dyed purple. If you know who they are, call the police. We have an update on the story we told you about with Young Musicians in southbay, were victimized by burglars. The Santa Clara Police arrested a man who they say stole electronic equipment from the santa clara and vanguard drum and bugle corps. The equipment was found in the truck of 41yearold Brandon Dixon benedict. He is now facing charges of burglary and possession of stolen property. The faa is investigating a bizarre event near the Los Angeles International airport. We just passed a guy in a jet pack. Okay, thank you, were they on the left or right side . The left side, maybe 300 yards or so . At our altitude. Not one but two different pilots reported seeing what they believed to to see a person flying with a jet pack on sunday. The sightings were 10 miles from the airport, and at an altitude of 3000 feet. The danger is that a god for bid, if they hit the object, whatever it was, they could get sucked into the engine, and a low altitude i could cause considerable damage to the aircraft and passengers. Not even considering the person that would be in the jet pack. Law enforcement was notified and the fbi is now investigating. No flights were interrupted. Today at sfo, 50 flights are expected to come in and out of the International Terminal. Yesterday, they reopened part of the International Terminal that had been shut down for five months. Airport officials had been operating all International Flights out of a different terminal and they say they need more gates to handle an increase in travel. Spirit airlines plans to offer direct flights from oakland to John Wayne Airport at Orange County beginning this fall. The service is due to start november 17. Spirit airlines already offers nonstop flights from oakland to las vegas, and los angeles. San franciscos rail system is remaining close the through the end of the year. At the Train Service was shut down in march, but resumed for three days last week before being shut down again. The problem was faulty parts that connected overhead lines which could leave writers stranded. The chronicle is reporting extensive repairs are needed and that will happen while ridership is low during the pandemic. People are working from home and students are doing school work from home as well. Many families are now looking into sheds as a solution to add space. S sales are booming. Companies that build custom sheds to say that covid19 has dramatically increased the office and the backyard to have privacy and escape from everyone else in the house. The pandemic, sheltering in place, we are running out of room inside the house. You can take a nap out there, theres air conditioning and even a heater. We are able to do as much as we want with the structures, some of these are very elaborate. Depending on the shed, they can cost up to 5000 or 18,000. The builders are warning customers to check local codes and ordinances just in case you need a permit to build the shed in your backyard. The oakland as will not play again until friday at the earliest because someone in the organization had tested positive for coronavirus. Everyone else besides the one person has had at least two negative tests. Major League Baseball is not taking any chances. They are delaying the oakland as game. They will get back on the field iday in oakland, starting the series against the san diego padres. The San Francisco giants wrap up a series against the rockies this afternoon, and yesterday they played and it was one for the books. The giants had one 235. Alex dickerson hit three home runs, and tied a Major League Record with five extra base hits. Dickerson and Brandon Crawford drove in six runs a piece. No team in major League Baseball history has ever had three of its player drivein six runs and one game. Todays giants game against the rockies begins at 1210. That is pretty exciting, it is nice to have sports to talk about, because we have a lot of things that are not so great to talk about, including the weather. As we go over to steve paulson, we are talking about the spare the air alerts and the smoky air and the wind. That might be a problem for firefighters today. It is. It is cooler though. Anyway does not good but they are now getting the higher humidity and the cooler temperatures. They are banking on that because, they have meteorologists looking at the same thing i am, but they know it will get hot by the weekend. Not today. Were looking at the fires, there they are. You can see, it is creating a tremendous amount of smoke. You can combine that with the fog, and everything gets trapped underneath that. They are quality has improved for some. The worst areas are around santa rosa, redwood city and napa. It is even better towards the santa clara valley. We have had some days that have been a lot worse than that. A lot of the smoke is being pushed east today due to the strong southwest win. 50s and 60s on the temperatures. I dont think that anything is changing too much. Cordelia has 37 mileperhour wind gusts. There are pretty decent gusts that are out there. The towards rio vista, and ultima pass, highway 12 as well gusts that are at 25 Miles Per Hour. If you have to travel that, between 80 and napa, watch out, there are good gusts there as well. Fog is up and down the coast and i will build in. It alreadythe pacific northwest. By the time we get to friday, temperatures will go up. They will top out as we had to the weekend. Sunday is going to be the hottest day with 104105 readings for the most in the locations. Today the highs are below average. We go from one extreme to the other. 60s, 70s and 80s. Temperatures tomorrow will rebound to near average levels and then go above for four or five days. After that it is cooler. This will hang around for 10 days or so like we saw a couple weeks ago. You guys . A Church Pastor is refusing to stop Holding Church services, how much he has been fine since the pandemic began, next. I remember him saying i dont know what is going on, i am not me anymore. Looking at the life and death of robin williams, we will have details on the life changing disease that he suffered, and his final months. Gambling during the pandemic, how a casino in sacramento is trying to make customers feel safe. Motorcycle riders love the open road. And geico loves helping riders get to where theyre going, so to help even more, geico is giving new and current customers a fifteen percent credit on their motorcycle policies with the geico giveback. And because were committed for the long haul, the credit lasts your full policy term. The geico giveback. Helping riders focus on the road ahead. The geico giveback. Another day, another chance tlets do this. Rd. By making internet speeds fast and reliable. So you can keep up with your customers. By ensuring those speeds have wireless internet backup. So if the power goes down, your connection doesnt. And by covering all your connected devices with serious security. So we can handle this. And this. While you get on with this. And this. Be fast, be secure. Bounce forward. With comcast business. Get started with a powerful internet and voice solution for just 64. 90 a month. Call or go online today. Welcome back to mornings on fox 2, there is changing their policy on Face Coverings to keep drivers safe. Now, some passengers will have to take a selfie in order to prove they have a mask. If the driver reports a passenger was not wearing a mask, that person will have to provide photo proof of them wearing a mask, the next time they wanted to override. The verification expands on a similar requirement, imposed by luger on drivers back in may. Uber says the policy takes effect later this month. State officials awa 15 Million Contract to a Software Company who designed a tracking system to collect more detailed information on the spread of the coronavirus. This comes weeks after california had disclosed that covid19 tracking system reduced inaccurate case numbers. Health and Human Services secretary mark allie says that the Current System was not designed to handle the work that had come with the overwhelming Virus Outbreak in the state. The new system will now handle a much higher volume of test results, negative and positive. A casino out of sacramento is trying its hand at outdoor gambling. Stones gambling hall is now welcoming guests for open air gaming. It is under a special 10. Employees say they take extra extra safety precautions. They provide mistress for the air and keep guests comfortable during the hot weather. We were so nervous, when we opened it was like 100 degrees. We took ahead, being closed in general is a hit for snr workers. We are excited with the new concept, it is doing really well. Casino employees say transitioning to outdoor settings were challenging, but they say they hope it is a life during the pandemic. Air quality remains a huge concern for the Third Straight week. We will have a look at the conditions outside, and where the air will finally clear up. Some Business Owners in San Francisco are quite upset that Speaker Nancy Pelosi had her hair cut inside. What the San Francisco representative had to say about it. From ktvu fox 2 news, this is mornings on fox 2. Good morning, thank you for waking up with us on mornings on fox 2, i am pam cook. I am dave clark. How are you feeling this morning, pam cook . I am feeling pretty good, dave. Steve paulson, you always look great. You have a lot to talk about. Gets tougher every day, dave. I am telling you. All right. We have a nice ere. That is at least if you dont one hot weather. It is on its way. It will not be here until we get to friday and the weekend. Today it is okay. A lot of low clouds and fog. If you combine that with the smoke and the haze, a roaring win for some, it will be a day where high temperatures, not the lows, but the highs will be below average. Santa rosa, oakland, San Francisco, it does not matter. Roaring for some. Breezy and windy, a big talking

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