Is really the one spot that bore the brunt of the storm. Reporter absolutely. We heard the noise coming in around 1 00. It was pitch black when hurricane what exactly happened in lake charles, louisiana. Laura making landfall early thursday as a category 4 hurricane. The storm sustained winds of up to 150 miles per hour, bringing the threat of storm surge and tornadoes. Lake charles, louisiana also taking a direct hit from laura as the storm weekend. High winds shook buildings and knocked down trees. It is pretty devastating. Reporter thursday morning heavy flooding could be seen across the northwest gulf coast. Areas some 40 miles inland could be affected by days. More than half a Million People were asked to evacuate, but some stayed behind. Officers are coming to work early and planning on working late. Reporter laura is moving further north. Tornadoes, tree damage, and Power Outages remain a concern. Hundreds of thousands are without power. Red cross units have been deployed to help with rebuilding efforts. We have been providing, you know, quite literally beds and a roof to those that have evacuated and displaced from the homes. Reporter rebuilding efforts are certainly needed here. You can take a look at what is next. This was ripped off straight here. Another piece of it maybe 100 yards from our hotel room. Cleanup definitely happening today. The National Weather service there says be safe. Know what you are doing because it is still a danger even though today it is a gorgeous, sunny day. Mike . No time for sightseeing for sure. The population, 80,000 rate where you are at. I am curious if you yourself are seeing both or high water vehicles searching for people or residents there that decided to ride out the storm . Reporter in lake charles we have an added problem, mike. There was a chemical fire about 2 or 3 miles away from us. There was a chlorine leak there. They have been monitoring that through. I10 was closed for a period of time. You can see some of the cleanup happening at our own hotel. Lower numbers than we thought, but still water rescues are underway in different parts of the state as well as texas. It does seem like more damage has been caused by the wind this time around than the water. Caroline, thank you. Wildfires out west. We are taking you live as the Sheriffs Department is giving you an update on what is happening with a fire burning in santa clara county. Lets listen in together. Evacuees can check online to determine if their home is accessible by going to the following website. Www. Smcgov. Org smcwildfire recovery we will have this information on our website as well for those who didnt catch at. You can also call 211. Evacuees temporarily housed in hotels should not checkout until confirming that their house or address is listed in this zone. Assistance can be found in all of your lobbies through the american red cross. For large animal assistance, please call laura and robin could mosey at 6504500520. We apologize for any miscommunications over the past 24 hours. We have been working diligently to make sure you got home as quickly and safely as possible. We try to get these orders in place as quickly as we could after receiving them from fire. In summary, as of noon the general areas of law honda and pescadero are now open. Due to continued fire operations in the other areas, the other orders are still in effect. There is still a lot of work that needs to be done there and we are working diligently with the county to assess repairs and make sure the infrastructures are in place for those residents to make a reserve home as well. We will let you know when other areas not listed here today are safe to return home. Again, thank you so much for your patience and cooperation. I will now take any questions. We are listening in as the Sheriffs Department is giving an update on the cz you complex fire. It is already about 127 square miles. It is about 21 contained. We know 646 buildings have been destroyed in this fire. Not exactly how many of those are homes. There is a map available. I will give it to you here and we will link it on ktvu. Com under web links. It is smcgov. Org smcwildfire recovery. You can find out if your home has been impacted by these fires burning. Some homeowners are getting relief being allowed back into the areas. Likely many more will have to stay where they are sheltering because of the wildfire threat that still continues. Good to be able to bring you this update. To the north bay we go. The lightning complex fire continues to burn. It is burning into a sixth county area. It has grown to 367,000 acres. It is 33 contained. That is a good number compared to where we are at the last few days. It grew 7600 acres overnight and is the while largest wildfire burning in the state right now. It has damaged at 1300 homes and structures in sonoma, blake, and yolo county. While there still may be smoke in the air in some areas and you woke up this morning and maybe your area was clear, it is important for you to have a plan to be prepared. As i have said here every day, you need to be ready. We have probably another few more months of peak wildland fire season. Six people have died in this fire. Four others have been injured. Today some evacuated from the fire are allowed to return home in a phase reentry process. People are first required to visit the countys Reentry Center located at the Mission Church in vacaville. There are some changes to bring you about the lightning fires. They are at 576 square miles in area. Containment grew from 30 to 35 . Authorities are alerting people they may see large columns of smoke and it will likely be coming from these controlled burns. Now to oakland where police are condemning the action of protesters last night after a march that started downtown oakland turned destructive and led to vandalism. As allie rasmus explains, the situation changed dramatically. Reporter sweeping up broken glass and boarding up windows, dozens of businesses picked up the pieces after a night of damage. It started off with 200 people peacefully marching in support of the black lives matter movement, calling for justice for jacob blake. About an hour later, by 8 00, Oakland Police said the crowd had grown to about 800 people. The crowd made their way down broadway toward the Oakland Police department. People marching were met by police in riot gear. In this video, it doesnt appear Police Used Tear Gas on the crowd. Police issued this morning at the barricades. Violence will not be tolerated. Reporter by 9 45, agitators in the crowd try to set fire to a business before the Fire Department put it out. By 11 00, they closed businesses and the fire station. Their focus and target was destruction and damage, breaking windows and lighting fires. We know most of our downtown buildings are boarded up and in some cases protesters ripped the plywood off to set fires. There was nothing peaceful about last night. Their intentions were deliberate to cause damage. Protesters walked down to the grand avenue offramp. Several people were arrested. Police say no protesters or Police Officers were injured. Allie rasmus, ktvu fox 2 news. How sports teams are banding together to stand against Racial Injustice following the shooting of jacob blake in wisconsin. Air quality starting to improve. We will have your full forecast including what firefighters are facing out there right now on the front lines. You have the power to know before you go with mornings on fox 2. Download the ktvu fox 2 news app. This is my body of proof. Proof i can fight moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. Proof i can fight psoriatic arthritis. With humira. Proof of less joint pain. And clearer skin in psa. Humira targets and blocks a source of inflammation that contributes to joint pain and irreversible damage. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Humira is proven to help stop further joint damage. Want more proof . Ask your rheumatologist about humira citratefree. If you cant afford your medicine, abbvie may be able to help. The shooting of jacob blake in wisconsin prompted nba teams to postpone their playoff games. 16 and all. Games have been postponed. Also last night, the dodgers game was postponed. With more on what lies ahead check in with frank mallicoat. Nba players have voted to keep playing, mike. It is obviously a very emotional issue. Players were not comfortable taking the court tonight for those three playoff games. The game is scheduled tonight in orlando. They have all been postponed. Lets take a look at those games. Nuggets, jazz, clippers, all of those games will be rescheduled for another day while the league and players sort through this. They hope to resume the playoffs on friday. This all started yesterday when the Milwaukee Bucks refused to take the court against the orlando magic. This is all in protest of the shooting of jacob blake. The magic followed informal poll to cancel the season, but the games will go on tomorrow. As for the bucks, they stand united. When we take the court representing milwaukee and wisconsin, we are expected to play at a high level. We hold each other accountable. We hold ourselves to that standard. In this moment, we are demanding the same from lawmakers and lawenforcement. We are calling for justice for jacob blake and demand all held accountable. A number of other leagues joined the protest, including majorleague baseball. Many games were postponed yesterday, including the dodgers game in oracle. They said they would opt out and not play the both teams decided it was best to postpone the game. Giants outfielder believes it was the right thing to do. People are starting to learn they can use their voices. There are ways to make change as athletes. I think that is something that is really cool because we have been given a special platform for guys to speak up and to use their platform is inspiring and hopeful. The giants and dodgers are playing a seven inning doubleheader today to make up for yesterdays postpone. The giants, by the way, are currently on a sevengame win streak, taking on the dodgers. We are just getting word espn right now is reporting that game is likely being postponed due to the protests along with the phillies National Game as well. That is the very latest. I am frank mallicoat, ktvu fox 2 news. All right, frank, thank you for that. Lets turn to bay area weather. It has been a bit of wilde weather over the last few days with fires here and a hurricane there. I wanted to start with what is happening here today. If you are like me and you got to open your windows, we have seen the air quality improving a little bit. You can see with the exception of san jose, ty good. We have not seen this many fran oakland, concorde, also livermore is yellow. A little bit of smoke hanging out there. Near santa cruz that is where we have a little bit of smoke this afternoon. You can see over the last couple of hours we started to see this retreat and in its place we are actually getting blue skies and sunshine. As we take a live luck here in oakland looking toward San Francisco, 59 degrees in San Francisco right now. The two in santa rosa. Livermore we are warming up a little bit. I wanted to take a tour of the weather and where these fires are. Look at the humidity level here. 100 humidity. That is our marine layer helping out firefighters. If we head a little further to the north, 100 humidity. Temperatures are in e under 10 miles per hour. As we head a little further to the east and we get to the east and north of napa, humidity is dropping a little bit. They dont get as much of the influence there of the marine layer. Again, notice the wind there. 8 or 9 miles per hour. That is not too bad. Again, you notice martin road there, 92 humidity. Firefighting conditions have been good in the last 24 hours. We will continue to see that throughout the day today. 65 in San Francisco. A little warmer than yesterday. 89 in concorde. As we move a little further south, about 80 in redwood city. Not extreme heat, but a little bit of warmth. Santa rosa, you will be right where you should be this time of year with 84. San francisco, a little cooler because of the lingering clouds of the coast. Low 70s in oakland. About 81 in san jose. Taking it all together and looking at your extended forecast, we will see an warm up. They will cool down slightly on saturday. We will watch that marine layer. We had quite a marine layer presence. That will compact as we get into saturday and sunday. Temperatures are staying steady. I will be back in a little bit and we will have an update on the former hurricane laura. Thank you. Still to come this noontime, a new report is ouica unemployment claims last week . The impact right here in california. Covid19 continues to take a toll on parts of the economy. The Labor Department reports 1 Million People filed for Unemployment Benefits last week. That is down 98,000 from the week before. The number of people filing new applications has been volatile. This many businesses have closed due to the pandemic reopened and had to shut down again. The overall Unemployment Rate remains at 10. 2 . In the meantime, one in five californians filed for unemployment last week. This is often more than 19,000 claims just a week before. Since the covid19 pandemic began in march, nearly 8 million California Workers have filed for firsttime unemployment claims. The salesforce is cutting 1000 jobs. Bloomberg Business News reports the San Francisco based company will eliminate positions including sales and customer support. Reports indicate 165 jobs in San Francisco will be cut. A Company Spokesperson says salesforce shifting resources for continued growth. This news comes as salesforce announced for the first time quarterly revenues top 5 billion. The ceo of tik tok is stepping down from his job. Kevin meyer did announce his resignation yesterday in an email to employees. This comes as the video sharing app faces enormous backlash from President Trump who claims it is being used as a spy tool. The president has threatened to ban the app. Tik tok hired meyer, a former disney executive. Coronavirus in california. We may be on the backside of the curve but cases are being reported still everyday. According to the latest numbers out of Johns Hopkins university, there are more than 687,000 cases statewide that have been reported. That is an increase of 5000 cases compared to the same time yesterday. More than 12,000 people have died from covid19 in the state. Right here in the bay area, there are nearly 82,000 cases and nearly 1100 people have died. Starting tomorrow, Alameda County will start to roll back some of their covid19 restrictions specifically in the county. Hotels will be open to the public, not just to essential workers. Hair and nailbusiness outsidere wineries can offer outdoor tastings even if they do not serve food. For us, we have to get our staff back and get them trained up. We have new protocols in place. I dont know how we would get our hydraulic chairs downstairs or how we would set up and not block the entire walkway. And on a busy street, it is not feasible for us. And one other issue businesses will have to deal with when they set up shop outside, smoke from the wildfires in the bay area. Even if they are allowed to open tomorrow, some businesses are likely to wait until the air quality is much better. Still to come at noon, destruction along the gulf coast. We will have the latest on hurricane laura after it makes landfall overnight. Try my 4 mini munchies with marinara or ranch. Back at jack in the box. Try my 4 mini munchies with marinara or ranch. Back at jack in the box. Cleanup is underway this afternoon following a demonstration in oakland in support of jacob blake, the unarmed black man that was shot in the back by police in wisconsin. Last night this all started as a peaceful rally and march with about 700 individuals. They were met by barricades and officers in riot gear once they reached Oakland Police headquarters. Some of the crowd ventured off from the march and broke store windows and set fires. One was set right outside of the entrance of the alan beatty Alameda County courthouse. Several people were arrested. There were no reports of any protesters or Police Officers who were injured. Protests in kenosha, wisconsin are continuing but they were peaceful last night after two people were killed before. Reporter protesters hit the streets of kenosha for a fourth straight night but this time there was little to no violence. No reports of riots or looting. The demonstration started after police shot 29yearold jacob blake in the back at least seven times. Community leaders say they will keep up the pressure until they start to see real change. It is the same old same old. It is always the same conversation and that is what we have to stop. Reporter it was a stark contrast from tuesday night when two people were shot and killed and another injured by a suspected militia member. The suspected gunman is in custody after being captured on video opening fire with a semi automatic rifle. The shootings prompted the governor to double the number of National Guard members here. The people of this community deserve to have the opportunity to read and ultimately to work to heal this community. Reporter meanwhile investigations are moving forward. The state department of justice said officials found a knife in the car blake was trying to enter, but there is no way to tell if he was holding it when shot. The mayor and the council kicked the can down the road one year at a time. I think probably because they suspected no one really noticed. Reporter the shooting has prompted the strongest protest we have seen so far with athletes. At least two people have died in the United States after hurricane laura left a path of destruction. It may landfall overnight near cameron, louisiana as a category 4 hurricane. The storm sustained winds of up to 150 miles per hour. Lake charles, louisiana took a big hit. Thousand along the gulf coast are now without power. It is pretty devastating. Winds came through and did their damage. It looks like a bomb went off in lake charles. Red cross units from across the country have been deployed to help with rebuilding efforts. The president is expected to visit the gulf coast over the weekend. Lets talk more about what is happening in the gulf coast by welcoming back meteorologist kyla grogan. It has been an incredible storm to watch. Obviously very devastating for louisiana in particular. I was watching it last night when it came ashore as a category four. Not just a category 4, but a very strong category 4. Take a look at this loop. You can see as this rolled across, this was about 1 00 a. M. Local time. This came in as a category 4, but in its wake that was spinning up. A home collapsed. 82 mileperhour wind gust at the airport. Currently it is Tropical Storm laura as winds have dropped to 65 miles per hour. Eventually this will start to bank to the east. Believe it or not, this will make its way back out to the atlantic ocean. If you look at the Historical Context of this, it is very interesting. We consider a major hurricane anything category 3 or higher. This was the seventh major hurricane to hit louisiana. It tied a record for wind speeds in 1856 with the last island stormu consider the dest hurricane katrina. That came in as a category 3 with 125 mileperhour winds. I think the big bullet that was dodged here, this wasnt aimed squarely at, you know, an area that was a big city. Was in new orleans or houston. It has certainly devastated communities, but when it comes to how many buildings it was able to take down, it is a little bit of a different story. Many people left without power this morning. You are taking a look at this live as it rolls through little rock. This is a look at the past 24 hours. Certainly people there are going to be cleaning up and putting lives together once again. This area has known this kind of devastation. Boy, i tell you it was one storm to watch and one for the books. We head through the Hurricane Season and we potentially have a lot more storms ahead. Guys, back to you. It is also very early for the wildfire season. Lets get caught up starting with the lnu lightning complex fire. Its spread to a six county. Evacuation orders have been issued. The fire grew 7600 acres overnight. It is now the largest wildfire burning in the state. Nearly 367,000 acres have burned. This fire is 33 contained. The fire complex has damaged over 1300 homes and other structures in napa, solano, sonoma, lake, and yolo countys. The czu lightning fire burning in San Mateo County really did not grow much overnight. Cal fire reported this fire has burned 127 square miles, which is less than a half square mile than it was last night. Flames remain at 21 contained. More evacuation orders were lifted for some areas in San Mateo County. 646 buildings have been destroyed with more than 23,000 others still threatened by flames. People can check the status of their homes by going online. We have posted a link on our website on ktvu. Com. Officials with the santa cruz countyve a great example o why you need to obey evacuation orders. Deputy spent many hours yesterday searching for a 73 yearold man who spent two nights in the mountains. Chris clark says the man tried to get back to his home in the evacuation zone, but that man ended up getting lost. I feel bad for this person because, you know, they are just trying to get back home. I absolutely get it. We had to divert all kinds of resources to help him. The Sheriffs Office as the man is not hurt but Officials Say people will realize why they need to follow evacuation orders for their own safety as well as people who go out to look for a person missing in a fire zone. Fire crews battling the szu fire. It is totaling 576 square miles. Most significantly, the containment jumped from 30 to 35 . Authority say the crews have been making Good Progress here with help from the fog. It has consumed about 4 1 2 square miles. 90 homes were evacuated. Evacuation warnings in the lima. It was much more difficult than it looked. Reporter lifting up and out of there, there is absolutely a sigh of relief. The voice behind the helmet camera, snatching two firefighters to safety. The call came straight to the hangar. We have multiple firefighters trapped. Reporter the dispatcher a bit panicked. It put the hair on the back of my neck up. Reporter this is the in th settings. Even in the water, we train a lot for that. Reporter two men needed extraction. 12 minutes to get there. By the 100 foot line, they knew they would probably only get one shot. It was challenging with the emotional side of it. Reporter luckily they found the pair immediately. Fire was roaring 75 yards away. I saw their head lamps and flashlights. This is as bad as i was thinking it could be. Reporter strapping them in took no more than a minute, but felt longer. Knowing the winds he was battling and to know that it was my job to get them hooked up onto the line as fast as i could. Do not let go. Reporter in 33 years of flying, never has a pilot hovered so long, so close over a fire. We try to let rescue go so we could go to the next one but this one really kind of hit home for me. Reporter hit home because the stakes were so high and these were First Responders too. Only at touchdown did the crew relax. The great feeling really starts after you get them on the ground back into safety. Reporter before a fire truck came and picked them up, another call. There are always fist bumps as we are leaving. We are kind of back to work. Reporter the fire rescue will be unforgettable, just like the thank you note they got from one mans mother. She mentioned she has two wonderful daughters. That kind of hit us hard. Reporter henry one flies about 1000 missions each year. Still to come this noon time, waivers granted to resume in class instruction right here in california. The two day area schools that can reopen. Plus, the final night of the rnc. I am in washington with what to expect tonight plus their response from democrats coming up. The Republican National Convention Comes to an end tonight. President trump will deliver a speech. It was his Vice President in the spotlight last night at the convention. Ray bogan has the story from washington. Reporter the Vice President chose to deliver his nomination acceptance speech from one of the nations most Historic Sites , fort mchenry. What happened there more than 200 years ago inspired the star spangled banner. I humbly accept her nomination to run and serve as Vice President of the United States. Reporter wednesday it was the Vice President s turn to make his pitch to the american people. Where joe biden sees american darkness, we see american greatness. Reporter the third night of the rnc followed the theme land of heroes, including this moving moment by 25yearold madison hawthorne. The gops nominee for the 11th congressional district. Be a radical for freedom. Be a radical for liberty. Be a radical for our republic, for which i stand one nation under god with liberty and justice for all. Reporter on social media, joe biden delivered a counter message to the convention with a video message addressing the recent Police Shooting in kenosha. Lets unite and heal. Do justice. End the violence and end systemic racism in this country now. Reporter this afternoon, Kamala Harris is expected to deliver a speech condemning the president s handling of the coronavirus pandemic followed by the president formally accepting his partys nomination for president from the white house south lawn. Tonights lineup includes appearances from porter former new york city mayor, mitch mcconnell, and the president s daughter, yvonne the trump. Stay with ktvu for coverage of the final convention. We will have the president s nomination speech, as well as the speakers leading up to the president live at 7 00 tonight. An interruption of the state capital where lawmakers learned members of the state senate has tested positive for covid19. The person is senator brian jones of san diego. The news of the positive test result was confirmed through his facebook account yesterday. We dont know what is going to happen on Unemployment Insurance if the government doesnt act. August 31st had been the date for a recess, unless the governor calls for a special session, something his office as he does not plan to do. I will tell you what, the fog has burned off. Blue skies. I cant even smell smoke outside. It has been about 2 1 2 weeks. It has been a bit of a run. I think all of us are breathing a sigh of relief that we can breathe a little air today. It is certainly Getting Better pretty much area wide for us in the bay area. There are a few spots hanging onto some smoke but a big difference today. Certainly you can open those windows with a little more confidence today. The marine layers helping firefighters get a handle on things. Lets take a look outside. You can finally see San Francisco and a bit of a blue sky. This is the airquality right now at this moment. A lot of green deaths out there. San jose is hanging onto that red dot, meaning their air quality is not so great. We have made some improvements and hopefully we will continue to see that move in the right direction. We had a marine layer. Boy, was it present this morning. This was around 2000 feet, which is a very well established marine layer. That kept us pretty cool this morning. 58 degrees right now in San Francisco. Concord, 71 for you right now. 79 in san jose. The sun is coming out in a lot of spots. We will warm up more today than we did yesterday. Hey, i loved this. Look at this wind. Nice and calm. Great news for firefighting as we take this down to the surface. Fairfield, about 13 miles per hour. Everybody else is under that 10 mile per hour mark. These are good conditions for firefighting. Today we will see a few coastal clouds hanging out. I will call this partly sunny skies. As i mentioned, a little bit warmer. Those of you inland could see lower 90s today. Here are the highs. Places that will see the aunt 90s, antioch and fairfield. 65 in San Francisco. Pressure build in a little bit slightly over the next day or two. We will see temperatures pop up , especially for friday. That should be our warmest day. Putting it together here in your fiveday forecast, we have a pretty nice day today. We will warm up tomorrow. Notice we will pullback again saturday and sunday. That is good for firefighting conditions. We wont see any of that extreme heat coming our way. At least for now at least, we will see that marine layer can press a bit by the weekend. Nothing that would cause me concern that we will have more difficulty with firefighting conditions. The news there. Guys, back to you. Thumbsup. I love it. Still to come, california parent telling ktvu about hardships theyre facing now that a federal program to help feed their children has expired. Local leaders are putting their support behind a proposition that would provide millions of dollars for San Francisco schools. A group of supervisors and School Leaders is proposing proposition 15 for november. It would raise nearly 12 billion every year for schools. If passed, this would year for schools in San Francisco. Every year looking at not just cuts to the public education, but many times we are just saying why cant we deliver what we know our students deserve . Why cant we pay our teachers a living wage . This will allow us to do that finally. It is not just another bandaid fix. It is not a small thing at all. It is fixing the structural problem with how schools are funded in california. The proposition supporters say the schools across california face a 20 billion shortfall next year. More than 100 schools and School Districts here in california have been given waivers to resume in class instruction. Most of the schools are in central and southern california. The majority of them are private schools according to a list from the state health department. Of the 109th graders, two are in the bay area. That has been off the states watchlist for 14 days. California parents who rely during the pandemic are wondering what they will do without it since it has expired. The program did provide grocery money for children who qualify for free and reduced lunch. Fox 2s allie rasmus has the story. Reporter as the school year starts, and classes are online, cafeterias are offering grab and go meals. Experts say this program helped fill in the gaps for families who rely on these meals. It provides families with food resources that they might otherwise have lost since schools were closed. Rate the country and the onetime benefit called pandemic ebt helped families struggling to put food on the table. I have to pay all of these bills. I have to pay the rent, the water, the trash, and all of this stuff. Almost nothing is left to pay for food. Reporter a mother of two said the benefit just about made ends meet for her family. I was able to buy food for my kids. I was able to buy breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Otherwise we are eating beans and rice. Reporter a single mom works at walmart said without day care, she has to stretch we were like, okay. We have an ebt card so i think we can shop at safeway. You know, we always shop at the . 99 store or grocery outlets. Reporter she has to pay for a babysitter, breakfast, lunch, and dinner for her daughter. It is kind of hard for me because that is really a lot of help for us. Reporter she said she will lean on food banks to help now and she is not alone. They have been overwhelmed with demand recently. Second harvest is currently serving twice as many people now as before the pandemic. We are serving more than half a Million People a month. Reporter many families that need food dont always qualify for benefits because the income threshold is low compared to the high cost of living in the bay area. So many clients depend on School Breakfast and school lunch for their kids. Even though most schools are providing grab and go lunches, sometimes multiple meals a day, it is been a real challenge for families to access this. Reporter limitations include those without childcare or without access to reliable transportation. School districts are getting more strict. Last spring they gave meals to anyone that showed up, but now they are checking ids and parents cant pick up multiple meals for kids that live in the area. I am sure a lot of people will say there are food banks for food and meal pickup and everything, but a lot of people dont have the transportation or the means to go to those places. Reporter allie rasmus, ktvu fox 2 news. Thank you, allie. Parents were very surprised to hear about a zoom call that was hacked. My sons zoom meeting was hacked by three men who shared pornographic photos to all of the children in the class. Bad once. The district confirmed this incident happened and they are trying to make sure this will not happen again. They say all teachers are required to set security protocols for all zoom classrooms. The czu lightning complex fire has damaged a Christmas Tree farm on the west coast. The farm estimates about 80 of its 35,000 Christmas Trees are gone. One of the familys homes was burned as well. Across the street from me, i could hear this thunderous roar. I looked out the window and there is just a wall of flames coming at me. The family says they want to replant more trees, which could take between 5 and 10 years to grow. That will do it for us. More coverage online right now on ktvu. Com as well as the ktvu news app. Our next guest is coming up at 4 00. And starting at 7 00 tonight, uninterrupted coverage of the Republican National convention. Dr. Oz starts now. Announcer she was stabbed to death 20 times. Neck. to the back of her two different knife blades used. Police determined her death a suicide. Dr. Oz do you know how rare suicide by knife stabbing is . Never felt it was anything but a murder. Daduncer she texted her every day for four years even but one dayd died she got a reply. It dinged. Announcer coming up next. Dr. Oz season 11 starts now. I became

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