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Director for the center of chris what do think when Health Security whats driving you realize set i guess it was meant to the latest search. And President Trump commits the be. Chris Vanilla Beane is sentence of longtime ally still creating and still taking roger stone. Just days before he was set to go to prison. Inspiration from advice she got as a child. We will ask our sunday panel about the president s latest love many, trust view, learn intervention in the criminal to paddle your own canoe. Justice system. All right now on chris any thoughts about fox news sunday. Retiring . No. Chris why not . Because this is my life. Chris are you happy with where life is taking you . And hello again from fox news in its been good. I cant complain. Washington. In the face of falling poll chris in these challenging numbers and rising coronavirus times, its nice to know there are still some constants in the cases, President Trump is doubling down on his push to world, like Vanilla Beane. Reopen the country and that and thats it for today, have a great week and we will see fo means increased pressure on schools to bring students back for in Person Learning this fall. In a moment we will speak with education secretary betsy devos about the challenges ahead. But first, lets bring in Mark Meredith at the white house with the latest on the move by the president to save a political ally from prison. Mark. On friday, President Trump for the sweaty faces, could be to the prison sentence of h longtime friend and political consultant roger stone. The move has democrats and a growing number of republicans up on capitol hill outraged. Roger stone was not treated properly. 67yearold roger stone was supposed to go to prison this week after being convicted of witness tampering and lying to congress. Instead, hell remain a free man after President Trump commuted his 40 month sentence. He thought that i had been treated unfairly. Democrats say the commuconstr and the hidden smiles. The the criminal pals of the president and one for everybody else. And tbig statement ghs. Iecea republican senator mitt romney was equally outraged weeding unprecedented, i care. Historic corruption. Wear a mask. Lets all do our part to slow the spread. Pat toomey called it a mistake. The president seemed unfazed by the criticism during a visit to Walter Reed Medical Center last night. Cameras capture the president wearing a blue face mask stamped with the president ial seal. The photo op came as the white house continues to aggressively push for americas schools to reopen this fall. We are very much going to put pressure on governors and coming up. Everybody else to open the Contra Costa County tightening restrictions on face masks. Schools. But some fear reopening well take a look at the new within weeks without a vaccine restrictions and what led the ready could expose more students, parents and staff to coronavirus. The president s campaign described a rally in New Hampshire last night claiming bad weather, not the county to use them. Virus, forced the postponement, however the weather up in portsmouth was fine yesterday the concerns that the virus and its unclear, chris, one that rally may be rescheduled. Is spreading. Chris. Chris and we will have and officials in martinez more of the roger stone case later in the program. Are preparing for a protest Mark Meredith after vandalism of a black white house. Mark, thanks. Joining us now, secretary of education betsy devos. Secretary, you say that there lives matter mural gained national attention. Fro m ktvu fox 2, this is should be exceptions in hot spots around the country but mornings on 2. Good that the rule, the general rule should be that schools should be fully operational and fully open in the fall. What does that mean when you talk about fully open, does that mean in person, five days a we week . Secretary devos well, chris, we know that for kids, getting back to school and getting back to learning, getting back with their peers, with their teachers, is really imperative and fully operational and fully functioning means that kids can be back there and if four families that need their kids in school in person five days a week, that has to be an option, so the point needs to be how do kids get back to learning in the fall fulltime and how d . Theyve fallen behind this spring, we need to ensure their back in a classroom situation wherever possible and whenever possible and fully functioning, fully learning. Chris since President Trump and you started calling you may really increase the push this week for full school reopenings, there has been sharp pushback from governors and mayors and Teachers Unions. Here is some of that. If anybody sat here today and told you that they could reopen the school in september, that would be reckless and negligent of that person. I double dog dare donald trump to sit in a class of 39 sixthgraders and breed that air without any preparation for how we are going to bring our kids back safely. Chris reckless and negligent. Secretary, how do you respond . Secretary devos well, chris, theres nothing in the data that suggests that kids being in school is in any way dangerous. We know that children contract and have the virus at far lower incidence than any other part of the population and we know that other countries around the world ool every day so that has got to be the posture here. Parents are expecting that this fall their kids are going to have a fulltime experience with their learning and we need to follow through on that promise. Chris al all right, lets pick up on this whole issue and i want to get to the other countries and what the experience is there in a moment, but this week the president called out the cdc guidance that has been issued about reopening schools. He put this tweet i want to put the tweet up. He called the guidance by the cdc on reopening schools very tough impracticable to impractical. Lets go through specifically with the cdc is calling for. They say wash her hands regularly, stay 6 feet apart and wear a mask. Is that tough, expensive, and impractical, secretary . Secretary devos well, these seem to be measures that we are taking pretty much everywhere else in life and they are common sense approaches and as dr. Redfield has noted, the guidelines are also that, guidelines. There meant to be helpful in a posture of how you actually do things and how you actually move ahead and ensure that kids can get back into school. And as hes also noted, the cdc never recommended that schools close in the first place. So i think this, not if we do. Its not a matter of if, its a matter of how we reopen schools and how kids get back to learning fulltime. Chris but secretary, i want to get to this issue because the president of the United States said that the cdc guidelines were tough, expensive and impractical. I want to look at some of the other cdc guidance. They talked about putting up shielding in places where 6 feet of distance is not possible. Plastic shielding. They talked about staggered dropoffs and pickups. Is that tough, expensive, and impractical . Secretary devos well again, all of the guidelines are meant to be helpful, to help local education leaders decide and work on how they are going to accomplish what they need to do, and that is getting kids back in school based on their situation and their realities. We know that schools across the country look very different and that theres not going to be a onesizefitsall approach to everything, but the key is, there has to be a posture of doing something, of action, of getting things going, putting a plan together for your specific school, for your specific district or for your classroom that ensures that kids are going to start learning again this fall. Chris i think we all agree that kids need to learn and to the degree possible we want to get them back to school, the question is, how do you balance safety and learning . You have cited the American Academy of pediatrics and a report that they issued which said indeed that students do need to get back to school and that there are real costs to the students in terms of not getting back to the school, but that association issued a new report on friday along with the Teachers Union and i want to put up what they said there. They said science should drive decisionmaking on safely reopening schools. Public Health Agencies must make recommendations based on evidence, not politics. They say leave it to the Health Experts to say when schools should reopen in various localities. Secretary devos im glad you cited the American Academy of pediatrics because they also have noted that this whole question of school and going back to school in the fall is one of health for students. And there are multiple measures for student health. We know and as secretary azar said, this is a question of health versus health, not health versus Something Else. We know the kids are suffering mentally with many mental issues. We know that kids are suffering with Emotional Learning issues. Know that kids from vulnerable populations and homes been suffering by not being in school learning. All of those are measures that have to be weighed along with the risk of a virus and we know again from the data that kids dont get this virus the same way adults do and so again chris do we know about how they spread the virus because ive been the science fair isnt so clear, secretary. How they spread the virus conceivably to the parents, grandparents to teachers in the school, custodians and the school, do we know that . Secretary devos well that is something that is obviously continuing to be looked at and studied and again, theres a lot of data that suggests that kids are not spreaders, but the point is that kids have got to get back to school and we can do that safely and every community, every school, can look at what their actual physical circumstances are and figure out ways to do this safely. We are doing it and many other areas of life. If we can get back in other areas of life, we certainly need to get back to schools. Kids cannot afford to not continue learning. Our nation cant afford to have kids not learning and preparing for the future. Because its our future. Chris we have found the costs of getting back to regular life. We, in a lot of states, particularly in the south, the southwest, we reopen the bars we reopen restaurants, we reopened gyms and weve seen a spike in cases that is almost doubled what we had in the height of the spring, so its not like reopening is an answer. In many cases it creates new problems. You mentioned earlier about other countries, you and the president have both said, well, other countries are reopening, so lets look at the statistics there if we can. Lets put them up on the screen. Germany reported 378 new cases on friday. Denmark, 30, norway, 11. Meanwhile, the u. S. Reported 68,226 new cases on friday. Question, is it really fair, is it reasonable to compare the situation in countries that have 20 new cases in a day with a country that has 68,000 new cases and in a day . Secretary devos well, we are talking about schools and other countries experiences with reopening schools. And it has been shown to be very successful, kids have gone back to learning environments and have done so safely chris but schools happen in an environment. If theres 30 cases in a state in a country, thats very different than a place where its out of control and there are 70,000 new cases in a day. Secretary devos and we are not talking about places where its out of control. We are talking about the world, not the exception. And where there are hot spots in the future, in the fall, of course that has to be dealt with differently and i would reference miamidade county, which has a very robust continuity of learning plan that was put into place in anticipation of hurricanes, but its very appropriate here. The state of florida has said in the fall parents and students need to be able to count on a five day a week, in Person School situation. And where those parents or where that situation suggests Something Else for a short period of time, there has to be plans to have learning continue 100 of the time, fulltime in a different setting. So miamidade chris i have one last secretary devos students to continue to learn. But what i have one last question, secretary, because both you and the president have threatened to cut off funding for School Systems that dont here you are. Speak of the schools arent going to reopen again. Breaking that promise and so why should they receive funds for something theyre not going to do . Chris and President Trump tweeted friday, schools must be open in the fall. If not open, why would the federal government give funding . It wont. If two quick questions and i need a quick answer if i can from you, secretary. One, under what authority are you in the president going to unilaterally cut off funding, funding that has been approved from congress and most of the money goes to disadvantaged students or students with disabilities, and secondly, isnt cutting off funding exactly the wrong answer . Dont you want to spend more money to make schools safer, whether with plastic shields or health checks, various other systems doesnt it make more sense to increase funding for schools where its unsafe rather than cut off funding . Secretary devos look, American Investment in education is a promise to students and their families. If schools arent going to reopen and not fulfill that promise, they shouldnt get theo decide to go to a school that is going to need that promise. Chris you can do that. I know you vouchers, i know you support vouchers, and thats a reasonable argument, but you cant do that unilaterally, you have to do that through congress. Secretary devos what we are looking at all the options because its a promise to the american people, to students and their families, and we want to make sure that promise is followed through on. Chris secretary devos, thank you, thanks for your time, please come back, this is an important subject, a lot of parents care about it. Up next, the new debate over whether to reimpose coronavirus restrictions as the u. S. Hits another single day record for new cases. We will talk with a Top Public Health expert, thats next. Its easy to get lost in the economic uncertainty. The volatility. The ambiguity. This moment calls for more. And Northern Trust delivers more. With specialized expertise. Proven strategies rooted in data and analytics. And insights borne from over 130 years of successfully navigating economic turbulence. Giving you new clarity. Inspiring confidence. And helping you uncover new paths forward. Northern trust we do have a ratt problem. 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Dr. Inglesby well, i think the first thing to say is that probably all americans here share the goal of opening schools safely as soon as they can be, so i dont think thats even a matter of debate in the country. I do think that there are going to be many challenges to opening schools safely and just kind of asserting that just because they want to open safely doesnt make it so. Its going to be pretty difficult for many schools. States around the country have been preparing for this so its not like nothing has been going on to that effect but there are still some uncertainties about transmission in schools. As you said earlier, its true that many schools have been opened successfully in different parts of the world, but in those places, most of those places, th with plans sure. Ou, because there have been outbreaks in some summer camps around the country this summer. Let me go back to the question that i asked secretary devos, where is the science here . What do we know about the risk of kids getting the illness and what we know about the risk of kids spreading the illness . Dr. Inglesby so we do know that kids are at much lower risk of serious infections than adults, but not zero. There have been deaths in the United States of children, including tragically at death yesterday in South Carolina of a 5yearold, so there are serious outcomes in children, but far, far less than adults. Whats less clear is how efficiently kids will spread the virus in school both to each other and to teachers, adults, and parents. In some places in the world it seems like that has in israel and the last couple of months, a large outbreak in schools when they reopened and so i think there still is uncertainty that we are going to have to live with. We probably wont know all the answers when we started in the fall but we will have to watch very carefully and react to what we find. Chris what to think of the president and secretary devos threat to cut School Funding for schools systems that dont reopen fully . Dr. Inglesby yeah, no, i think issuing an ultimatum for schools opening is the wrong approach. I think guiding schools and helping schools with Financial Support and encouraging schools to follow cdc guidance and state Health Department guidance is the right way to go. I think our incentives are all aligned in the sense that everyone really does want schools to open safely but mandating it under a very tight timeline such as what happens in florida this week where they are required to open schools five days a week in 30 days before the state has really even had a chance to review schools plans seems really like the wrong approach to me. Chris lets step back from schools and look at this whole resurgence of the virus in new parts of the country, especially along the sun belt. I want to put up a graph of the wave of cases. At the height of the pandemic this spring, we recorded this is at the height 36,000 new cases in a single day. On friday we saw 68,000 new cases in a single day. And i want you to take a look at this chart and the yellow line. You can see that as we were all patting ourselves on the back, we bent the curve of new cases in midapril and after going down from the peak, the new case increase started to plateau, but since midjune, really for a month now, we have seen that huge spike on the left part of the screen. Doctor, how serious is this surge in new cases and how do you explain it . Dr. Inglesby its really serious. I think the country is not in a good place with respect to covid right now. I think of course there are places in the country where there are states doing well, but as you said, across the south and in california and in a variety of other states, we are having sharp increases in cases, sharp increases in hospitalizations and ventilator use and now increases in deaths. So i think there are number of explanations and it probably depends on the particular location but in general i think we dont have unity of metrics, weve been getting conflicting messages about mask use at the white house level, from state governors. We had insufficient attention to indoor large gatherings and too many people are meeting for social gbasics. Wearing face coverings, 6 feet apart, telecommuting, avoiding large gatherings and really having a strong central message and in places where the having serious hot spots and if we should be given consideration to stepping back from reopening, moving back a phase. It doesnt need to look like exactly like it looked in march or april, i think we should still try and have people going to work but this idea that we can normalize large social gatherings again, thats just not right and we are going to have to change course or we are going to continue to see these rises. Chris let me talk about another aspect of this surge, and that is whats happening with not new cases, but deaths, and i want to put up the same chart, but focus on a different line. Again, look at the yellow line here. Thats not the new cases, thats the number of deaths, you can see that that spiked in midapril, has come down sharply, although there has been an increase in deaths in the last week, more than 800 the last few days. How much comfort should we take, doctor, in the decrease in deaths against this huge increase in cases . Dr. Inglesby i dont think we should take any comfort in that number. Its wonderful that the number of deaths went down to into the 200s but we are not back to 80900 deaths a day in the United States. If you compare that to the numbers in europe, for example germany, six deaths yesterday. France had deaths in the teens in the last couple of days and there are parts of the world where there are no deaths. Vietnam has had no deaths from coronavirus since the beginning. Thailand has had no deaths in six weeks. New zeal this. So it is not normal w900 deas country. We can do better, we can actually make this disease much, much less serious in this country. Chris finally, President Trump wore a mask in public for the first time yesterday during a visit to Walter Reed Medical Center. You talked earlier about the mixed messages coming from washington, the white house, various levels of government. Do you think it would have made a difference if President Trump and Vice President pence had started Wearing Masks months ago . And what you think of this debate, the argument that wearing a mask is a matter of personal freedom . Dr. Inglesby i do think it would have been better to have started Wearing Masks, demonstrating Wearing Masks at the highest level of government along time ago when cdc came out with the original guidance, but at this point i think the most important thing is to look forward and to think about what will make the most difference and i think that having the president , the Vice President , and governors Wearing Masks when theyre out in public is the right thing to do. I dont think we should think about this as a personal choice. We dont think its a personal choice to drive through a neighborhood at 80 miles an hour, we agree to slow down because we want to protect kids. The same thing is true here. We want to wear masks to protect our neighbors. Chris dr. Inglesby, thank you, thanks once again for joining us, always good to talk with you. Up next, President Trump commutes roger stones prison sentence, drawing blowback from democrats and even a few republicans. We will bring in our sunday group to discuss that, plus the Supreme Court ruling on whether investigators can see the president s tax records. Come on in, were open. All we do is hand you the bag. Simple. Done. This smells so good. Big thanks to you guys at home. Were here right now. We adapt and we change. I mean you just figure it out and well do like we do as safely as we can. I got a new job. Weve just been finding a way to keep on pushing. Were lookin for a day at a time baby. Chris coming up, joe biden lays out his buy American Economic plan of the president responds. Its a plan that is very radical left he says the right things because hes copy and what ive done. Chris we will ask a panel about the New California phones offers free specialized phones. Like cordless phones. phone ringing big button, and volumeenhanced phones. Get details on this state program. Visit right now or call during business hours. And accessoriesphones for your mobile phone. Like this device to increase volume on your cell phone. phone ringing get details on this state Program Visit right now or call during business hours. And the hidden smiles. The foggy glasses, and the muffled laughs. A simple piece of fabric makes a big statement i care. Wear a mask. Lets all do our part to slow the spread. Of the has saved my life and his giving me the opportunity to fight for vindication. Chris longtime trump ally roger stone celebrating friday night after the president commuted his prison sentence just days before stone was set to be locked up. And its time now for our sunday group. G. O. P. Strategist karl rove. Former democratic congresswoman jane harman, director of the wilson center, and senator Mitch Mcconnells former chief of staff, josh holmes of cavalry consultants. Carl, roger stone was convicted of lying to congress and obstructing justice in the investigation of possible collusion between the Trump Campaign and russia, the special counsel of course found that there was no collusion, but met romney, republican senator mitt romney said of the president s commutation of roger stone, he tweeted yesterday it is historic corruption. Is it . I dont think so. It may be unpleasant. You left out witness jim tampering, the third charge of what she found guilty. I thought it was interesting the president didnt pardon roger stone but he commuted his sentence. Roger stone remains convicted of those three charges. Attorney general barr defendant the prosecution in a recent hearing by calling it righteous and appropriate in saying with the sentence was fair. I thought what was interesting was that on friday night when this occurred, the Biden Campaign sent out a spokesman who issued a statement and we havent heard from biden sense. Smart. I think he realizes that this is not going to change much. If you didnt like donald trump, you dont like this decision, if you like donald trump, you like the decision. In the 115 days left in the campaign, joe biden has decided apparently that its more important for him to talk about coronavirus and the economy and trade and buy america than it is to talk about roger stone. I think it would be good advice for the president as well and i think it would be good advice for roger stone if he cares about his friend donald trump to equally remain silent. Chris lets talk about the merits of this commutation. The white house says that stone the stone prosecution was carried out by overzealous prosecutors who were investigating the russia hoax. Interestingly enough, the commutation however got the special counsel, robert mueller, to write an oped piece in the Washington Post today and he writes about stone. He communicated in 2016 with individuals known to us to be russian Intelligence Officers and he claimed advanced those russian Intelligence Officers. Congresswoman, did the president commute roger stones sentence because roger stone covered for him during the investigation . Well, only the president can answer that, but it certainly looks like that. I thought muellers oped was compelling and the fact that attorney general barr, as karl just said, called this prosecution righteous, ought to make clear that there werent many people in the white house certainly, or in the pardon process, which was not followed, who thought this was a good idea. Trump is issued very few pardons. According to the Washington Post today, 36. 31 of them are too political or personal friends. Thats a low number of pardons, but the process he has followed the lack of process is shocking. And let me just say one more thing. We will get to the Supreme Court decision, i know we will, but there is an issue about whether, along the way, President Trump and pardon himself, maybe after the election. Lets imagine. There was an office of Legal Counsel opinion august 5th, 1974, just before nixon resigned, thats of the president cannot pardon himself. Congress might be able to pardon, but thats something i think we ought to be anticipating at this point. Chris will except im not sure what he would pardon himself or, since nobody has found that he committed a crime. Of course were not talking about pardons here either, were talking about commutation. Josh, let me bring you into the conversation. As we have pointed out, attorney general barr, who was stuck pretty close to President Trump ever since he was appointed, did call the prosecution righteous. He did call the sentence, the reduced sentence which he pushed for, 40 months, fair, so how do Senate Republicans when theyre asked about it, how did they defend this commutation . Well, i think youve got to approach it in the context of everything thats happening in the world. I mean, the idea that we are sort of expressing outrage or taking time over the plight of a 67yearold washed up political consultant in the backdrop of 120,000 americans losing their lives to coronavirus and 20 Million People being unemployed, seems a bit small. Seems a bit ridiculous so i think Senate Republicans are really smart to focus on what matters here on what matters to their constituents and the voters ultimately in 2020 are what are you doing to get this country back on track mike the more time frankly that the president and democrats spend on litigating and relitigating the 2016 election, the worse off everybody is, because frankly, nobodys interested in that any longer. Chris all right, lets lets turn to the other big court case this week. The Supreme Court by a vote of 72, including the two trump appointees, voting with the majority, ruled that the president does not have absolute immunity from any investigations, however they did send the case, the investigation of whether or not the subpoenas into his tax records back to lower courts to adjudicate, here was the reaction from President Trump and have Speaker Pelosi. Political witch hunt, the likes of which nobodys ever seen before. Its a pure witch hunt, its a hoax. We have a path that the Supreme Court has laid out that we certainly will not ignore. And we will never stop our oversight. Chris karl, your thoughts bf the Supreme Court, they dealt setbacks to the president despite the conservative majority, whether it was rocco or gay rights or this ruling on his immunity issue. There were actually two issues this week decided by the court on his immunity issue. One involved the subpoena by the manhattan prosecutor whos looking to the payments to the socalled hush payments and in that case the court held that the dash that the prosecutor could move forward with requesting those documents but that the president had the same rights that anybody else had in those situations, meaning that theyre going to be lots of quartz challenges, lots of arguments, and those the prosecutor is unlikely to see those tax returns if he ever sees them until well after the november election. And the other one, the House Democrats were dealt a severe blow. They wanted to use the president tax turns as a case study for creating legislation for ethics, maybe on tax reform, and the court held a 72 margin but that just didnt fly. They did not have an unbridled ability to force the president to compel the documents for legislative purposes. They actually had to show that those documents were critical and they werent allowed to use the president as a case i donw what Speaker Pelosi thinks shes got in the wave options but ive read that decision, thats a very tough decision, 72 ended basically i think ends the ability of the house of representatives to get a hold of those tax documents without the new circumstances arising, which again, are not likely to occur between now and the election. Chris all right, bama, were going to have to take a breaker but when we come back, President Trump announces an aboutface on daca while joe biden unveils an economic plan that sounds awfully familiar. We will have the latest on the 2020 state of play. Are over a million Walmart Associates doing their best to keep our nation going. Because despite everything thats changed, and our communities. Our priority will always be to keep you and our associates safe, while making sure you can still get the essentials you need. 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Now, less than four months before the election he says he wants to protect the socalled dreamers and even give them a path to citizenship. Whats going on here . Well, i think election is going on here and i think the fact that some of his some republican senators and top states are not popular with latinos is whats going on here. I dont see any chance that he will follow through with that promise. George w. Bush came close. He had a very good proposal, which lost in Congress Just by a few votes. It was tragic when that happened. Thats been out there for years, Congress Agrees almost nothing, so i dont see this as a logical, sadly, or likely result of his latest statement. Chris karl, as a political strategist and mastermind, when youve been opposing daca and protection for the dreamers for years, can you sell that youre not a protector of the dreamers in the last 115 days before the election . You know, you ask a political question, i give you a nonpolitical answer. For god sakes, lets say yes, lets have the democrats and the republicans in congress and the president of the United States do something that we vitally need, which is a legislative solution to the situation faced by millions of Young Americans who came here at a young age and who know no other country except ours, who need a path to citizenship. So yeah, is it likely to happen, i agree with congressman harmon, unlikely to happen. I dont really care what the president is critical to my credible on this, he said yes i wish to god we can find a way to say yes but after what happened with tim scotts bill for the democrats in the senate refused to even take up the measure and allow it to be debated so that we could maybe find a compromise language between the house and senate on reform of Law Enforcement in the aftermath of George Floyds death, im with the congresswoman, i think its unlikely but for god sake i wish it was. Chris of course tim scott legislation youre talking what had to do with policing reform. Josh, you are expert congress. The something the president can do to executive order but the path to citizenship is talking about, wouldnt that have to be passed by congress . And what are the realistic prospects for any kind of Immigration Reform between now and november 3rd . Yeah, i mean i certainly hope that it requires legislation. I imagine if theres another democratic administration, at some point they love the ability to try to weave in a whole bunch of Illegal Immigrants through executive fiat. Its not possible to do that. The prospect of legislation however i think its pretty for the reasons that karl pointed out. If you cant get Something Like police were formed on, where 70 of the package is entirely bipartisan and Senate Democrats wont even debate it out of rampant fear that republicans might get an accomplishment in an election year, the prospect of doing something as grand as Immigration Reform seems pretty for precisely the same reason. I think the president has had an appetite to do this for several years now. Hes talked about wanting to get this to some kind of a congressional consideration. Unfortunately theres so much politics here and i think democrats particularly at this point in the election cycle, a better issue than a solution. Chris all right, lets switch subjects because speaking of shape shifting, joe biden, the i guess almost certain democratic nominee for president , issued his economic plan for 2020 and beyond this week. And it had a familiar ring to it, buy american. Here are some of the Vice President. When the federal government that spends taxpayers money, we should use it to buy American Products and support american jobs. President trump accused joe biden of stealing his americafirst plan and it wasnt over that in this long speech about his economic plans, joe biden made no mention of his support over the years for International Trade deals like nafta and the pacific trade partnership. Yeah. Well, his First Campaign for president was thrown off the rails by plagiarism. He plagiarized a British Labour Party Candidates speech speeches. He is apparently now plagiarizing Donald Trumps economic plan but hes also going back to the old favorites. Part of this sounded like the old stimulus bill. Were going to take hundreds of billions of dollars and give it to favored industries and we are going to give monies to companies that do good things like but there is also in 110 pages, a lot of stuff that is sort of interesting. For example, he picked up on something with the big favorite of Bernie Sanders and elizabeth warrens. He calls it the end of shareholder capitalism. In other words, we are going to no longer have companies be concerned about the people who own stock in their companies. We are going to take away the power for the people of own stock in companies and give it instead to people who dont on most companies, namely government and unions and Interest Groups and they would sit down with managers of companies and arrive at an understanding as to how those companies are going to operate, particularly with regard to social issues and economic issues. Chris let me bring in congresswoman harman before her head swivels off her neck. I think it might. Chris let me ask you this question, congresswoman, and joe Biden Campaign credibly as an economic nationalist . Well, thats part of his plan. Build back better is a good tagline. It also could be capitalism for all. I mean, lets understand, karl, that stockholders are not the only people who matter in america. They do matter, but workers and education of workers and our rmd and hightech future when the and i think thats where biden is going with this. I personally did not vote for nafta, by the way, but i salute democrats and republicans, josh, they can work together, on the recent u. S. Mexicocanada agreement. Thats a very good trade agreement and it is techsavvy and it will build jobs in three countries, so im saying trade is a good thing. I dont think biden disagrees with that, certainly the Democratic Party doesnt disagree with that under fair circumstances, and i think that this new economic plan is better than anything weve seen and its has modest cost and its paid for. He has three more pieces to come out by the rollback of the 4 trillion deficitbusting tax cuts that were enacted recently. Chris want to get josh, but karl, Quick Response to congresswoman harman . Its not that he says hes going to have others join in with the stockholders. The plan is called the end of shareholder capitalism. They dont want the shareholders to matter anymore. Instead they want crony capitalism chris okay. All right, i heard this. They say that exquisitely in the plan. Go read it, 110 pages. Chris josh, i want to push for Something Else and while the president is trailing in the balls, a lot of Senate Republicans, your old home, they are in trouble as well. Let me put it this graphic on the screen because there are a halfdozen senate incumbents, Senate Republican incumbents, according to real clear politics, who are either losing or are in tossups. We got less than 2 minutes. Is her old boss, Senate Majority leader mitch mcconnell, about to become the Senate Minority leader . Well i think the most important thing to start with as we are 114 days until the election and if you look back 114 days, chris, we were just beginning in the middle of march and economic shutdown due to coronavi even envisioned, so i think my point there is in the trump era, 114 days is a long time. There is an awful lot that is going to happen and i think the issues that govern what voters are looking at a november may be entirely different from what theyre looking at now. Let me just say the outset, the one piece thats concerning the republicans is that the candidate level, democrats are raising a ton of money. They are out raising republicans by significant amount. The other side, what republicans have going for them is that they do have superior candidates. The 2014 class that was elected as a very strong class. Got people like cory gardner, joni ernst, thom tillis. Extremely, extrema Susan Collins extremely strong candidates. Chris i think most of her when he mentioned there is either in a tossup or in a state that is now leaning democrat. We will continue this conversation. With got 115 days according to karl rove. Thank you panel, see you next sunday. Up next, a power player of the week, tops in her craft creating stylish hats and still going strong at the century mark. These shrubs arent board approved. You need to break down your cardboard. Thank you. Violation. Violation. I see youve met cynthia. At least geico makes bundling our home and Car Insurance easy. And it does help us save a bunch of money. Two inches over regulation. Thanks, cynthia. For bundling made easy, go to geico. Com thanks, cynthia. Chris shes 100 years old, the hat maker for generations of stylecontrast washington women and as we first told you in martz, she has no intention of slowing down. Heres our power player of the week. This is my home, my second home. Chris vanilla beans second home as her famed hat shop, special part of washington for 40 years. Why do you think hats are important for women . Its. Chris her creations are beautiful and intricate, no two statement. Chris whats a proper church at . Well, and he had thats not too fancy. Look at that chris civil rights leader dorothy height, whose hats were so icons iconic president obama singled her out at a funeral. She would come when she needed something to match the outfit. Chris is a famous picture of dorothy that is now a u. S. Stamp, if your hat that shes wearing there worked

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