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a active officials have questions. How do we handle salt and pepper. a what do we do aabout presenting silverwareand plates. awe have contingency plans that we need toknow what ais allowed and what is the asafest decision. a he was forced to furlough 60 employees but was able to a supplied with community support. There are no mor athan 60,000 acases of covid19 in the bay area we aapproached 10,000 cases. Allie acontinues to be the hardest hit area of the state a with more than 32,000 acases there. Both Santa Clara County and Alameda County are the hardest ahit back dr. Anthony fauciathe nations top leading infectiousdiseasea expert says reopening athe country too quickly could result in deaths. They have the way forward to reopen thea economy. Daji says it states and acities reopen too quickly it could trigger aanother outbreak which they may not be able to control. There is a areal risk you will trigger an outbreak you may not be aable to control and will set you back. a dr. Fauci said the agovernment is working on several vacines fora covid19 access until trials take place athere is no guarantee. Live in sacramento. Governor newsom and lets listen in. a e have beena underperforming as a nation and as a state to provide aadequate testing for all that seek ait and all that need it. In the stae f acalifornia we recognized eary on we need to do more and better. aas a consequence we push the a reset buttera button and we approach the challenge quite differently. It wasone month ago oar so ago when we were averaging 2000 tests aper day, and a state as large as ours athat was completely unacceptable. We put together asome very a specific and prescriptive guidelines and expectations and put aout our stated goals in terms of what we want to do to achieve substantially amore testing and i wanted to give ou a reporta card on that. We have surpassed 1 million tests conducte in the state of california. a 1,033,000. a just in the last 24 hours we were able ato conduct over 31,000 tess. a in the last few days testing north of 40,000 people each and every day. You alook back over the last seven days average north of 35,000 tests and on our way ato do justicea to our commitment that is to get to 152 tests per 100,000 apopulation which is tests north of 60 and 61,000 a each and every day. We are confident we can achieve that goal. Its a phase one goal and we want to do more and do better thana that. In an effort to keep you abreast, you may recall our a goal was to hit 25,000 by the end of the month. We are now in the first week doing 25,000a plus 10,000 meeting 35,000 on a dailay abasis, on average. Making progres. The second commitment we made a to you. a thats nice but what about me. What i mean about that is what about you. What about someone seeking a test but does anot want to abe charged and cannot afford to be tested and you cant find a testing location ina their community. awe made a subsequent commitment. Ita is not just the number but where the tests are aproximate to people in urban centers within a30 minutes or 60 miles in rural communities. We made a commitment with partnership awith optimum serve to focus 80 sites in arural a california. And to provide six sites that will abe provided in aa more culturally competent wa focusinga on the needs of the black aand Brown Community in the state of california. a a76 of those 80 sites are fully operational. The only concerna over the remaining afour is some site negotiation that has extended a alittle abit longer. a substantial development in terms aof those 76 sites. athe four remaining sites we ar working athrough in real time but the announcement i wanted to make atoday is aan additiona six asites will be put up to go aeven deeper into world california. For the folks in lake acounty and amendocino county, you deserve those points of access. awe are committed to getting those atesting sites up and operational with this new commitmentfrom optimum served verya shortly. Other parts of the state even more remote Rural Regions of the state, we aare looking not to dew point fixed sites or sites that have a point of tests athat are fixed to a particular location. a but to start to do these aroaming tests that can expand our acapacity even further. I would remind everyone if athe would like to go to the acovid 19. See a. Gov website. Click in the testing button and put in youra zip code and you can determine he closesta available testing siea and we have 240 Community Sites plus the optimum and ayou will see they are stil testing deserts. The announcement we awill do with more and then we start these roaming testing sites shortly to proide more coverage. I awant to remind people it was an outstanding question asked yesterday. a what about costs. Just so you know, athe site we are providin the covid19 site, those test sites aare free. Regardless of your status, acommunity, clinics are a providing testing afor free. These other Community Sites ar a providing testing afor free. Optimum served and fairly. There aare pop up sites all throughout the state of californiaa and some of them ma chargeau outofpocket. I would encourage ou to tell a friend and aencourage them to go to th acovid19 site to take a look a the aavailability of the sites we have up so you can aavoid coming outofpocket. We are tryinga to do our best to softe that edge aand make sure people know that costs should not be aan impediment to getting these tests. A long way aof saying 1 million is an aimportant milestone and not whre we need to go and we need to aget north of 6080,000 tests every day. Some would argue well north of thata and im not going to debae athat. Wea go as far as we possibly ca and i mentioned a few weeks ago that aall of our testing capacia was at 100 Testing Capacity we acan be shy of 100,000 tests pe day right now. There is still some supply chain constraints. There is still some issues with swabs in the transport media issues related to reagents for pcr test. This ais not the universe of antibody tests in the aserum tet , athats a separate discussion ain a separate frame and we can talk more aabout that. These are the pcr atests primarily that we are speaking toa and we are confident will provide the kind of quality and insurance in trms of reliability and fda approved and to theextaent we can monitor athe efficacy we do as efficient and aas effective as we think is aout there many other tests are popping aup tha dont have that gold seal and always points aof caution at this pint of acare popups that you may arun into. Go to our website 1st and we would encourage you to go to covid a19. Ca. Gov. These new sites acome up and we put them up quickly. athese roaming sites will provide ainformation about wher they will go to cover multiple counties and help aus again through ur next phase oaf reopening here in the state of california. In orer to aaalso advance our testing capaciya, we put out an executive rder just a little bit ago that directed a couple departments, the department aof consumr affairsa and our board of pharmacies, folks that a oversee our pharmacy industry in the state aof california and we have 6400 92 different pharmacies in he state of a california that are licensed ina almost 6500 and thousands more pharmacists that they are a responsible for overseeing. That board with the adepartment ofa Consumer Affairs just today finished up their work and provide guidelinesa to expand the points of contact afor testing into pharmacies throughout the state of californiaa let me make this acrystal clear. The pharmacies of the ability to do tests and it doesnt mean everyone will Start Testing today or even detemined ait is in theira interest to test at all. aits a determination on the basis of each aof these pharmacies and whether they want to do this. aamany of you do know there is test for hepatitis in manay cases and afor hiv and protocol and procedures, appropriate corrective here and making sure we isolate folks that may be symptomatic aor asymptomatic. We have to work through all of those. Those awill be done on each sit and donea in collaboration with the oversight uidelines that a these two agencies have put forward. The good news is awe will aincrease additional sites with our pharmacies in the state of california and we hope to see those pop up very, very soon. athat is also we think it important milestone aand effort to broaden coverage for testing in the state of caliafornia. All of this cannot come soon enough. aaall of this is part of our roadmap to reopening part of the asix indicators that we hav beena reinforcing over and over again anow for many, many weeks the acapacity to test leads to the capacity to trace. I want to aupdate you on that. We beleve by tomorrow or the next day or by the end of this week athe first cohort of those that were training through ucsf and uclaa and the new protocols for contact tracing. That firsta cohort will be trained and we are starting to recruit the nex acorey hart. athis is foundational testing. The availability to trace, you neededa tracing network and tha beginsa the protocols of isolating aand quarantining individuals awho have tested apositive or have potentially been exposed. Progres in that spacea as well. All of these thoughts aand indicatorsa connected to one another another. Again amoving in the direction that we are hoping for if the astage. a again, this is the second stage. In that second stage we are a amaking meaningful modification to the original stayathome order. a i mentioned yeterday aand they areinforced today over 70 of or aeconomy and the state of california is open with modifications. a and i am sober with modifications. Today we announce aaadditional modifications astate wide for our stay a ahome order that include office and ifa you cannot tell athe work we will allow for office modification a and aoffice openings on a statewide basi. We are also on a astatewide basis making it clear thata malls and those otherwise not just traditional utastrip malls and those ouleta malls can be open for pickupa. I want to distinguish again for pickup. Not dissimilar to the a announcement we made alast week retail. His wouald include malls but again aonly for pickups. Offices aand malls for pickup and ain addition to other Services Like carwashes, pet grooming. a taking clarificationsa and happenng already on adog walking. All aof these areas are being modified sttewidea. I remind everybody whata i mean by state wide is the following. Forgive us. I know how confusing all of the state wide order affords the opportunit for local governmenta to come in to confom with those guidelines. One can choosea the region like the bay area and the six cunties acan choose to be a little bit more prescriptive aand restrictive. Parts aof southern california, not everyone is compelled into this phase a that phase is afforded to everybody everybody. Those that are getting variances oan the other side t loosen in deeper into phase two more quickly should know the state wide order applies to them even if they are in tahe process of applying to get the a technical support. A Self Certification for aa regional variancea in the guidelines are available as i speak on aour covida19. Ca. Gov website. If you go to that you acan see what additiona modifications state widea wide. In progress that is encouraginga to many and on the basis on the numbers and i will update you on hospitalization and the like that you continue to tracka and continue to show encouraging signs in the stability and the predicate for allowing us ato move in this direction. Dataa and Public Health science abased decisionmaking. Accordingly we would introduce today the guidelines for the number of other industries in the state inclding athe restauranta industry and guidelinesa opening in room din in restaurnts. a many restaurants open for takeout and this would allow for patron to come back into these countiesa that have conditions that affords this. We made very clear last week the aconditions we are looking for and to go deeper into phase two and we made it clear that today we would put out those guidelines and we put athat outa and you will seek guidelines statewide aand county by county that we aare putting out today for a number of different industries. a by the waya the industries are included bt not alimited to outdoor museums and Botanical Gardens and thats available in terms of the state wide order and aguidelines and reopening o outdoo museumsa. We provide similar guidelines for carwashes and afor restaurants and today awe can announce that based on technical consultation in the selfa certification and attestationsa thats done encourage with Health Director and athe county administrators including county board of supervisors afocusing on the needs o athe most vulnerable and asoft the testing they havea a plan to begin to modify these loosening if we see a thread and athat butte is now on our website and now able to move a deeper through their self acertification process and the planning work that theyve done so butte county and el adorado countya have met those thresholds and work incredibly collaboratvely with our Department Teams and Health Officials. I should note that we have been in contact awith 2 countiesa in total. a for were having deep Technical Assistance calls today. Those are adynamic conversations and have confidence that just this afternoon there will be two additionalcountiesa that should self attest they are working through more formal votes in their local acounties and aurisdictions to codif the recommendations and based on the interaction awith us will pick those up on her website as well. Progress is ain place soberly w make the point. I dont anticipate every one of the 27 counties weve engaged with in the four weve been aengaged wih all awill be able to self attest. a i know this isa a point of concern aand it was brought up jut yesterdaya with the wonderful outreach in the a aspirit of cooperation we received from krn counaty that is describeda certain condition that they would like our Health Directors ato consider to allow a modiication of sortas based on data in science and unique circumstances where we can apply asome flexibility. I senta this 10 days ago. We are not ideologues not ajust our team but the collectivea wisdom of Health Directors aacross the state of california. a we are in the spirit of collaboration. In partnership, what we want to address thse issues. We will be doing so to the extent possibl. Possible on the basis of Public Healtha being the Foundation Guidelines and principal. There are unique characteristics in counties where aathey hit on all cylinde and they had 13 out of the 14 guidelinesto aget a new variance and they ahave a uniqu circumstance with a federal prison or a askilled nursing facilitya that had some a challenges but they feel like that is under control. Those athings are all part of a the dynamic engagement and conversations we lok forwaard to having. There is an eagerness ato resum those aconversations we had ove the eekend and aconclude them and we will doeverything in a our power as quickly as possible t adjudicate these nuances aand details and be as fairminded aas we possibly can ai want to make that clear to everyone wtching and members of the plus that we are committed ato this dynamic process. also imaplieda yesterday, and hope you see it here today, the fluidity of these a announcements. a as conditions present themselves ain indicators turning from yellow to green we are updating our asite on a fairly consisten basis and awe will be directing that to the part of Public Health. Primarily traditionally through these press aconferences. I want folks ato knowa we will modifications on a consistent basis statewide and also a providing updates on these regional variances. athe whole idea is to get us al through this phase two so we can amove into phase three. We are not there at phase three yet aand there are parts of the state that and and are moving deepera through phase two and i hope thats an encouraging signa both from a Health Perspective and aan economic perspective. Its a and for us and not in order. I recogniaze health is defined by taming the beast athat is tha coronavirus or c 19 as a streaming arefer to but addressing social determinants of health and the impact of positivity as it relates to thea health of families and communities all across the state. All of these are factors. We dont see them as competing factors as much as we asee them as a collaborative frame in the context ofa a Broader Health frame. Again guided by health aand guided by data, we will acontinue to march down this more meaningful path and again in real time. And aso, again, keep taking a look at the coviad19 website. It is a adynamic website. In that respect i want ato make something available and also toa make you aware of whats been on our site. You an look aaat the attestations, aSelf Certification of the containment plans and a protection plasa that for example, buttea county, is putting out. you acan alook at that on the county by county but you have the aability to look at the total number o apositive cases identifieda in butte and the number of people hospitalized ia the number of people in icus by county throughout the state of california and encourage people to take a look aat that. This i about selfa certification and w will all collectively be monitoring peoples succaess in this space. We abelieve success is an leaves clues and can provide acapacity and guidelines for subsequent effrts in other aunties. Each one of these Self Certifications and attestations becomes its own aabest practice and i hope and forms others in that process. a awe must always be informed by data and on the covid19. Ca. Gov go county by county and on a daily basis aget updated on how awell your county is doing and weather or anot they reach thos prescribed goals in their aSelf Certification. They want afolks to be aware of that as well. awe will keep adding all of tha information to the database in the dashboard and continue to monitor the success. awe believe aand hope these countiesa that are moving more quickly ainto phase two will be successful. a thats broad strokes. agood news on testing. Progress not where we need togo abut progress nonetheless. More places ato go in rural california, aas well as, pharmacies throughout the statea of california. More opportunity now to reopen based upon athe ability to get more support for tacing, a isolation and quarantine and continue ato develop the kind o Dynamic Partnership and twoway aconversation with our team and our staff. Your team your staff. We are taxpayers, all of us. Folks athat are trying to do their best to help you and your community to move quickly into phase two and do so safely. And ain that spirit before a quickly aupdate you on a few daily numbers, i want to protect aour most vulnerable thats why i also awant to make an annuncement and ana update that just five weeks ago we aannounced a very bodacious goal. This is not ato ademean or a diminish the incredible work other governor are doing. I am part of californias work we announced a project called aproject room key to help avulnerable people to in and we today passed the threshold of over 15,000 rooms for project room key. 7 thousand people at the a county levela and the city leve they have abeen able to bring into thosea rooms. Hundreds more every single day a and we are working with the a cities and counties and achallenges at the local level. Thats the nature of any applicatio implementation but providing athe framework which is our commitment as a state and aTechnical Assistance for the locals. And we got all those out as well aand theres families and individual ain those trailers, in addition to those 15,000 rooms. a i want to thank the team for the gooda hard work thats been done by Jason Elliott and others, to work overtime to atr to get these rooms up aand ready. They now worked very closely with cities and counties to make sure we aare populating th remainder of those rooms. We also want to remiand people, other vulnerable populations and aseniors and we talk about skilled anursing facilities. ayesterday we reminded you skilled nursin facilities are asmall in terms of the total number of facilities we license afor our seniors and for adults 7442a just through our department of social servces our seniors remain the e1most vulnerablea. The mortality and morbidity rates in that cohort are obvious to all of us at this stage of athe pandemic. I ajust want to encourage our seniors, and those who care deeplya our seniors, and those who helped build the middle class and build this remarkable place we acall home. California the great state in the aunited states. We have aa great responsibilitya to protect them and as we begin the modificaions and we hopae and 70 plus of the economy anda as we begin to modify with these dining opportnities,a lets make sure we do so cogniznt of our own health but the health of aour most vulnerable and those are our seniors. aa thats why practicing and not just preachinga what is in thes aguidelines is so foundational. It is a way of saying this. We are putting this thing out. To do even more the public has been incredibl. 40million apeople have practiced physical distancinga in a state larger than any other ain bigger than 21 states populations combined and you agot it to this point but athe worst mistake we can make. a many of ayou may have seen dr. Fauci atestifying. The worst mistake we can make isa to throw those face a coverings off and disabuse ourselves that this virus ahas gone away or taken the summer off r its on a adeep sabbatical aor vacation. It is not. It is still virulent. It is still deeply, adeeply deadly. a and aif we love our community, and awe do, and we love our restaurants aand retail and we a love our pets groomers and the like. Let praotect themand protect atheir customers and protect on another. a i encourage all of us to read the guidelines. We have checklists up and businesseshelp awith these efforts aand i think these guidelines area based on best apractices, science and virulence aand all of those epidemiological aissues that ar so front and center in our daily live. again, the application is at the alocal level. The amonitoring is all of us trying to encourage one another to do more and do better than youve done to date. I a just want to remind everybody of that. This disease is still ubiquitous and deadly. 77 people lost atheir lives the last 24 hours ato this disease. 77a. This disease is taking lives on a daily basis. Lives losta in families destroyd because aof this virus. We saw an increase of 1440 new positive case ests ayesterday alone. We are seeing more people tested. Till seeinga an increase in the total naumber of people positive. a i will remind you if you have been tested once it dos not mean you can disabuse ayourself either. a the aconcern around getting the avirus an hour after you are tested. a thats why the testing has to increasea because we want you t be able to be tested on multiple occasions so we can environmen securea, environment securea so we can more rapidly move into the subsequent stasisa as we move toward immunity and towarda a vaccine. I cannot impress upon you more the anature of the virulence an the importance of continuing to washa your hands. Physically distanced from people you have not otherwise come into acontact with. amake sure you wear face coverings aand protect yourself and ayour family in their community and others when you start going back in with these modifications into restaurants and athe like. The final point and i aopen it to questions anda they want to remind everybody thata we do on a daily basis a a total number of hopitalizations aand people in athe icu. Icu anumbers went down 1. 4 . The atotal number of people wen upa slightly 1. 1 in those numbers you see bouncing back and forth awith the net margin of 1 aor 2 . It is stability for weeks aand weeks weeks. Well beyond 14 days. The stability ais encouraging but again awe are not seeing th significant decline that we a need to see. acaution always. The number of apeople tested positive in the number of people dying in points of concern. Again, a mix of optimisma and a sober outlook i terms of the world we are now enterig intoa with these modifications. a progress, nonetheless and continue spirita of partnership as a foundational principle and data driviga decisions in science and health driving these announcements. With that im happy to take aan questions. a thanks, governor. Im hoping you can provide some clarity on the targets. Last month after you mentioned you atalk about your 25,000 daily goala, is that the next targeta is 8090,000 tests per day. today i heaard 61,000 and 80,000. Can ayou just thoroughly explai what your next target is in by what timeline ou expect tao meet that in the subsequent ones cleara. I was very specific. 60 80,000a. 60,000 is 60,800. ait is based upon a harvard study e are using to aguide some of aour decision that is a baseline decision, 152 test for per 100,000 and we are assuming its higher in roughly 40 million californians get you arounda the 65,000 frames. 2000, 14,000 to 25,000. We said within a month or two later specifically the words used by dr. Fauci and myself. We said 60 and we ahope to get a to 80. The areference to 90 plus with full throttle capacity within a our existing system if everything went off ithout aa hitch and every machine awas working and every supply provided wth abundance. It gives you a sense of what we are capable aof doing at that level. a that is athe number you may be referecing. a that is our next goal. We are currently exceeding the 25,000. 25,001 week ago. We are doing better than we projected on that ramp up at 35,000. a today we lid out ita, again, a framework ato provide more points of access and testing. Pharmacies in athe universe of a over 6400 just shy of 6500 in againa, not all aof them by anya stretch will Start Testing and theya cannot all do it overnigh for avarious reasons. awe are creating more points of access and optimum served that has already abeen producing asignificant in rural counties. I agave you two specific counties wre we continue to do where we can with abbott labs and others. a the apoint of care. a the antibody tests, a lot of us are afocused on, we talk more about surveillance. In other words surveillance is not an easy word or any of us but we have pcr surveillance aalso part in the panoply of solutions aand testing with kaiser and you may appreciate thisa. There is a lot of pool test pilotas that are be considered now as well. Blood banks already ado that and all kinds of interesting things a happen in athis space that we have not share necessarilay and theres a lot of that happening as well. Progress abeing made in those anumbers getting 6080. We continue ato believe we are well within aour grasp, but again, many, many aweeks the away. a expect there is a concern about bringing employees back given some that re receivinag more in unemploymenta and operating at reduced capacity which translate into bringng ain less money. Any conversations covering this a my background is the restaurantbusiness. not only starting as a bus boy and a awaiter working my way up through acollege and pen to paper one atime employee. Pat kelly we grew the business and opened a number of restaurant. poiant of pride that i say this anot a point of promotion. A deep experience ain the industry. a working inmanaging for decades. The answer s aaffirmative. Absolutely yes. One size does not fit all. Not only from my personal background aand experience through amy deep collaboration over decades within the industry and arecognition that each restaurant is different and distinct and as aa consequence the aguidelines we put out provide amore flexibility than believe some other states. Every state is different. I deeply respect what oather states have offered. asome ahave said it should be opened in athe first phase in a just 25 capacity. athe other 730 and we decided not to be prescriptive and we worked with our Health Officials aand to provide spacing. All the sanitation and ppe and ingres aand egress you will take a look at the guidelines we put out, and thre aare many, many specific recommendations and guidelines ain specific recommendations. It goes to the spirit of your questiona. Look, i am not nacve and no one should be but one of the abiggest mistakes we can mae in this pandemic as we move in to a eopeninag phase is somehow overpromise what it means. None aof this means anything if customers do not feel safe. None of athis matters in direct response if employees dont a feel safe and dont want to come back ato work all of this is foundationa on a Public Health mindset. ado not see the issue aof economic opening and growth disconnecteda. They are directl connected to your aquestion. How do we bring back a healthy workforce. What abouta if they are exposed or tested positive for covid19 and how do we protect athat workforce so they dont feel like they have to go to work and aare having symptoms but no being honest with atheir employr. How do we amake sure they hav sick leave and they can be supported ain isolation as we movea through the tracing protocols. That is paart of the guidelines we put out and also part of the details that we are rolling out. I think theres a adeep desire for people to acome back to work. a not aeveryone will come back. You are anot incorrect about th employmenta issues. Those aare more temporary. awe see a deep eagerness in the space to eopaen. One aof the things in closing ad forgive ame for extending deepl in industry ive been part of the pasta past, before my time in public life. I aalso recognize that within the industry there are restaurants aand bars. There ar restaurants that are full service arestaurants that are much more limited service. There are conditions related toa fixed furnishings and those that acan be moved around. We are trying to work through a panoply of issues, a myriad of issues, that all required a installation of thought and application of athese rules at the alocal level. And there is outdoor seating or ventilation beomes less a significant beause the out doors themselves provide for a greater ditributiona of airflow. So all of thse things aare being considered and there is a outdoor seating limitations and alcohol Beverage Control and i could ago on another 10 or 15 a minutes going through these criteria. a that is why again it is a phased approach. We have to work through all of a these things and we will continue to awork with the industry. The on thing ai know the a guidelines that we put out today are anot static. We recognie we will haear from folks and what about the circumstance you never considered andwe want to be considerate of those and augment aand update if its Public Health first focus we would make an adjustment if it does not impac in that space. Forgive me again for being long awinded and i do hear from thos restaurateurs. I do recognize the complexitis. a i arecognize the eagerness to test it. See how far we can go and ahow closely we Work Together to continue to modify in athe future. You have said we will have reopened 70 of our economy with modifications as we move through phase two. Can you define that more how aare you arriving at that number . Wht asections of the economy are you atalking about. We laid out i think 17 sectors. Go to athe covid. 19. Caa. We announced four additional sectors reopening that represent probably north of 70 a north of the economy fra manufacturing, logistics, warehousing and the essential workforce as it relates to the a Food Supply Chain and hospitality thats been open with limitations. Tens of thousands aof hotel rooms ahave been afforded. Our care workers and first responders, project means hotels open with modification and ayou go industry by industr and sectors that never closed. Constuctaion and the like. You add those categories up and you are anorth of 70 and happy if you are notsatisfied with what you see on the covid19 website to quantify athat aeven further but i think last week dr. Angel and dr. Galli were verya good and limited restaurat work and i hope i provided transparency fr the offices aas wella. ayou been listening to governora newsoms daily news contest right there. The agovernor on this tuesday afternoon talking aabout a lot of different issues out there. At timesa scattered and i lost myself and what he was trying to say there. ahe began talking about athe testing. Weve conducted more than 1 million test costs ain ta state. a41million tested just yesterday. We wanted to hear more informatio aabout restaurants. ahe started to talk aabout tha i still ave aquestions. I know he kept pitching to the covid19. Ca. Gov website for Restaurant Owners to get the specifics where there are about 100 recommendations as to what employees should do when they come back to work. Office buildings can open up but only if counties have state approval. And im aasking you, if you are getting the asame thing. The same with astrip malls . Rate. he aalso said the pickup servi only. Ita doesnt sound like i can go toa amy favorite strip mall and hit the Beauty Supply shop in the atackle shop. Mike, there isa lot of concern about which restaurants awill survive post covid19 pandemic witha been in business for decades and they cant see a way forward aout of this. A lot of us were hoping for a specifics perhaps restaurant tables cannot be amore than 10 feet closer to each other and you havea to have half the nuber of blinad hooks you have in the kitchen as bfore. We did not get those specifics. I aknow the governor talked for a minutea at the beginning of his aaddress about testing. He said our state reach 1 million acovid19 tests and sai the goala here is to test between 60 aand 80 people for the coronaviru every day is just business most part is open and 70 plus of california abusinesses are open but with he spaoke about the originality f these changes. You and i live in the abay area i amay go between three or foura bay area counties. Just because skate parks are supposed to be open according to the state that can be open it doesnt mean all the states parks are open ain Alameda County they are nota all opena i called the fremont skate park is closed but the skate Parkin Alameda ais open the aburden is on the individua to find out if what i need is open and cannot ago there and i so how. a we area keeping have an eye on year on the governors news confernce aand we are talking about the weather because mike and i talked early on mornings on 2. An awfully reat achilly day. Hes in the anorth bay. Rosemar we saw decent rain in the past 24 hoursa. Yes. Me tooand it was quite nice. Both of you happy tuesday and looking partly sunny and mostly cloudy skies. A live look over the aoakland estuary where we continue to see aa few peaks of sunshine here aa there. Wea get into the second part ofa the afternoon as the showers went down at least for now. Before we move forward lets take a look aat the rainfall. That momen in the Santa Cruz Mountains id really well in danvillea almost three times of an inch in half amoon bay almos 3 10. a as well santa rosa and the norta bay did well. As far as urban areas for most of central and south pay anywhere from the tenth of an inch or a quarter of a ainch and we have skate or ms. Scattered showers. We also have some up over the sierra. Snow levels down to 6500 feet today. No advisory afor travel but youa find some slick aroads over the sierras for the next 1224 hours. a heres a look at the system that remains part off the a pacific the pacific west coast and that will bring us waves of offandon scattered showers, not only for today but even a into thursay and mostly cloudy skies and asoggy weather in som spots. a we have a pretty agood breeze. Monte aalto 26 Miles Per Hour i middle peak 18 and given that these awind numbers are in our hills not aquite as breezy around the bay area and we have some out therealong the coast and inside the bay and the futurecast model shows you into athe afternoon breaking away to patly asunny and partly cloudya. Tomorrow things change and once gaian we start out dry but look what is on the horizon. Scattered ashowers in the forecast for wednesday afternoon aand we go through th day awith a few sprinkles and a you get into thursday morning we start aout dry and another shot out at rain especially for the anorth bay. Unsettled. The temperturesa outside have 61 degreesin san franciscao and low 60s on walmart creek and upper 50s in santa rosa. Call afor some miles inland to the east bay and south bay and upper 60s ato near 70 degrees aexpected in 60s around the bay 66 for oakland in the north baya 65 expected over napa. a a mix of sun and clouds. a a slight chance for scattered showers remaining in the forecast for thursday. Friday is a adry day and saturday is mainly dry and it looks ikea saturday evening more rain ain the forecast. Sunday looks soggy as well. Back to ayou. Still to come. Its not the way graduates ever imagined they awould get their diplomasa and what one bay area city is approved as an alternate to the traditional graduation ceremonay. Breaking news out of richmond. aone person airlifted after crash aon the richmond parkway. It ahappened around 11 00 a. M. A avehicle went down a 20foot embankment. a investigators are working to learn the acause of the crash. The afederal lawsuit filed against aGovernor Newsom that h allowed nail salons ato open. Te asuit was filed this morning on behalf of the aprofessional Beauty Federation of california and individual salon owners. Governora newsom said the First Community spread of acovid19 was in a nail salon. athe highly regulated staff is trained. There are more than 500,000 licensed salon workers, barber and askincare confessionals who are out of work due to the acoronavirus restrictions and Governor Newsom has yet to acomment. Californias only carmaker awants to get operations back t normal as aquickly as possible. atesla ceo elon musk restarted productionat athe fremont plan defined order from the Alameda County Public Health department. Scott ahegarty said musk is violatng the agreement with Public Health officials who agreed to allow the plant reopen next mondayafter specific steps were taken to a protect aemployees. President atrump said californi should let tesla open up the plan anda elon musk we treated and asaid thank you. atransit agencies around th country aare calling for more a money from congress in the next covida19 relief package. They need abillions of dollars a to cover their operating deficit and aprojected revenue declines. Th agaencies have declining a ridership and are receiving lesa funding through tax payments. Here inthe bay areaa our Public Transportation system has been brought to its knee a by covid19. Our ridership is about 7 of what it was three months agoa and it means that our budgeta is deep in the red. Gm went on to say that they are facinga 600 million budget dficit. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has aunveiled a more than a 3 trilliona aid package and follo sending money for hazard pay for aessential workers. athe house vote on the measure is expecte aon friday. a something exciting happening in the east bay and it was the Pittsburgh Unified School District that ahanded ou dozens of smart thermometers. Students showed up to collect belongings and projects left in the classrooms before athe lockdowna. They included a contribution from athe not profit can to help which a provided the district with 2000 thermometers to help families detect sides of athe coronavirus. These are aaamazing thermometers. a there ais an app that connects to the phone that provides tons of information back ato the phone aand its a ton of help tht they aget to the district. a principles or notifying parents aof pickup dates and locations to get their childrens belongings. aby graduation ceremonies will be allowed under a anew order. a the order will allow for more athan 200 cars for up to three hours and ccupants muast be from the same household. No aone is allowed to leave except to use the restroom and provide a athering place athat includes traffic and safety issuesa. Making it a great day. I remember my high school a graduation yeserdaya. It feels ita like right there in st. Ignatius church a congratulaions toa all. Our next newscas coming up at a 4 00 and dr. Oz is next. D nothing like i have ever seen in my career. Happy hypoxia. Covid patient who is should be gas sp ping for air. A case that shocked the nation. This young man was unarmed. Dr. Oz shot and killed i while jogging. Suspects now facing murder charges. Justice has to be done. Dr. Oz come up next. Irens] dr. Oz it is day 113 of the coronavirus pandemic in america. Were going to be

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