So people can walk or bike to a park. Reporter during tuesdays board of supervisors meeting they announced a soft opening of parks in the county, the first easing such restrictions she put in place on march 17th to prevent the spread of covid 19. Try to judiciously maintain the measures that will allow us to be open in these areas. Reporter among the parks that will see and even restrictions, annabelle state park in santa rosa, and Jack London State Historic Park in glenallen, the playground, picnic areas and restrooms will be off limits. When parks do open, parking will remain offlimits from the concern of supervisor david raven, worried about the accessibility for people with disabilities. There will be certain parts that have parking lots. Reporter residence can only visit the parks in the neighborhood. At the to people to respect the social distancing and facial covering requirements. Reporter of all nine counties sonoma has the Second Lowest number of cases, 222 since the outbreak, with 117 active cases currently, 103 people have recovered. Its a delicate balance by Sonoma County leaders of keeping the spread of covid19 and check while slowly trying to usher the community and do some sense of normalcy. This is the first step, not the final step. Am hopeful we will continue to move toward equitable access for locals to get into Regional Parks. Reporter coastal beaches and parks such as dorion Regional Park are not a part of this move, they will remain closed. Sonoma county Officials Say they will study the soft opening and determine whether they should lift more restrictions in the future. To the south now, this was the scene today at beaches in santa cruz county. The help officer says they are closely monitoring the data with the hope that restrictions used by next monday may 4th. But they also may implement more restrictions after issuing more than 200 citations last weekend according to the santa cruz sentinel. Those tougher restrictions might include limiting the hours of beach access, possible weekend closures or limits on what people can bring with them to the beach. A survey of bay area businesses found a majority support the stayathome orders. The bay area counseled asked 178 businesses about the current response to the that iris that includes those orders. 80 that is just right, in the meantime, 60 said they have laid off workers were expected to take that action. 42 think shelter in place orders should be lifted in the next 30 days, 26 said they want to see them and in the next two weeks. Some Small Business owners so they can no longer wait for state and county governments to lift covid19 restrictions, so now some are reopening on their own. Its a move that puts them at odds with the law. Reporter tuesday the owner of vacavilles serendipity salon tempted karma and the law by resuming business, despite the existing shelter in place orders. I am more worried about the guarantee loss im going to take if i continue to stay close. Reporter six weeks of shutdown and melting bills are forcing her to become a soft law, she is losing 16,000 per month, so as may approaches shes reopening her twoyear old salon. First up, and easy a nurse staffer extensions redone. If you take precautions you reduce your risk of contracting the virus. Reporter the posterior resume businesses sweeping from the north bay to southern california. I am a Small Business, i need the revenue to survive. Reporter from bars to salons. Sums if they wait for the state to greenlight reopening californias economy, they wont have a business. I decided to open my doors is my stylist can make money. Reporter for the handful who have reopened, many more are clamoring to do the same, but online. They are fuming over the perceived inequities over who is allowed to be open and who is shut down. Summer worrying if another month goes by and there is no clear opening date for the california economy. The need is for there to be a vision of how the Small Business person can cope with this in a truly sanitary and helpful to society way. Because it does get worse and worse. Reporter leah rivera says shes limiting the number of customers, using gloves, masks, sanitizer and strictly enforcing social distancing. Vacavilles police chief says he will do outreach, not Issue Citations to try to get Business Owners to comply with existing orders. We certainly are concerned for our local businesses that are suffering and struggling. Our intent is always to educate and find ways to work with the businesses. Reporter a growing number of Business Owners feel the best way to work with them is to let them go back to work. The governor today laid out the states roadmap to reopening. He says it will begin with lower risk activities and Business Ventures that should have an easier time accommodating social distancing. Says it will then move on to higher risk situations. That will be things like gems and movie theaters. He says major events like concerts or conventions will likely remain offlimits until there is either immunity or a vaccine. More on the plans tonight. Reporter today in an hour plus News Conference very much lacking in specifics, the governor laid out scenarios to reopen california and he vowed he will not be pressured into premature anything. Politics will not drive our decisionmaking, political pressure will not drive our decisionmaking. The science, the data, Public Health will drive our decisionmaking. Reporter the governor says there has been a lot of progress on testing, tracking, therapeutic medicines, vulnerable populations, homeless, healthcare surge capacity, appropriate personnel and personal protective gear. The state Health Officers showed a very encouraging sign. The total number of hospitalizations from covid19 and the total number of admissions into icus from covid 19 have remained stable. Reporter as specific as newsom would get on anything was suggesting, not approving, reopening schools early for the next school year. We are considering the prospect of an even earlier school year into the fall, as early as late july, early august. Reporter but opening up lower risk nonessential places such as Retail Stores increases curbside pickup, manufacturing offices and public spaces all requiring continuing social distancing, few specifics. We believe we are weeks, not months away, for making meaningful modifications. That could be interpreted as anywhere from 2 to 7 more weeks of hunkering down, regarding close contact activities such as personalcare businesses, hair, nails and gems. Months, not weeks. Reporter even more sketchy, mass gatherings. Where we are back at concerts and Convention Halls and with tens of thousands of fans in large stadiums. We will take some time. Reporter nuisances california is not going back to pretran19 days until we have widespread immunity or vaccine or both. It could start a second wave that could be even more damaging than the first and undo all of the good work in progress that you have made. Now to washington with the president s as a Small Business loan program is working. Today the white house announced the sba has processed 450,000 in 24 hours. But some banks are reporting many loan applications in limbo and even though billions of dollars have been processed, getting help to Small Businesses has been an issue, with Larger Companies and chains applying for millions in loan money. Theyve got the tell all the banks, no more big boys, no more of these chains, go after this. Go approve the Small Business loans and get it more personnel there, right away. New York Democratic senator Chuck Schumer wants a committee to provide oversight of the money allocated by the cares act. Stomach a report this morning that u. S. Consumer confidence is at its lowest level in six years and stopped the lower on wall street. The dow lost 32 points, nast xl 122 and the s p was down 15. Coming up, joe biden picks up another reimbursement endorsement. Under the birds rescued from an illegal cockfighting ring. Today we are learning more about the massive raid. Warmer days out there, today got up to 90 degrees, tomorrow not as warm. A cooling trend towards the weekend. And an impressive airshow from the countrys best, the reason behind todays military flyover on the east coast featuring the blue angels and thunderbirds. Taking a live look right now outside of highway 24 in lafayette where the free flowing traffic has become a common site. Ktvu news at six will be right back. New video shows controversial what markets operating in the bay area. Tmc today posted exclusive video of two markets, one in San Francisco and one in oakland. They were both selling live animals and raw meat the customers. We talked to tmc who said the markets looked dirty and unregulated. We want to warn you the video may be hard to watch. Theyve been operating it for years, this is what, they are on essential business. The question is, is it a safe business . And is it a regulated business . I dont think either are the case. When youve got blood on sidewalks and all over the place in these animals thrown in the trash cans and their throat slit and blood, like how can that be safe . How can that be safe . So there are Animal Rights groups all over the country now that are trying to stop this, or regulated. Of got to tell you, having jumped into the story, im not seeing the kind of response i thought we would get from this. A wet market in wuhan, china was initially identified as the source of the coronavirus, although later reporting suggests that may have come from a nearby laboratory. Here in california state lawmakers are working on legislation that would shut down what markets. To the east bay now, where authorities are investigating a cockfighting operation. Deputies rated rural pleasanton and recovered hundreds of birds. We have more on the call that tipped off investigators reporter a cockfighting ring busted in the east bay, with roosters fighting to the death. The coliseum style gladiator fights. Reporter it happened with a tip called into the Alameda County Sheriffs Office about dozens of people at an illegal cockfight. The form of animal cruelty. Those birds go into those fights and usually only one comes out alive. Reporter sky fox flew over the sprawling property south of 580. Investigators said the cockfight was held inside and out building. This is the view from the ground. Sheriff Sergeant Ray Kelly says investigators set up the open Police Helicopter before rating the property saturday with the help of Dublin Police and chp. When Law Enforcement arrived from all of those individuals began to run for the hills. Reporter 10 people were detained, but no arrests have been made as investigators try to identify the ringleader of the operation. Deputies found more than 120 roosters, 59 hens other checks and unborn fellow. There were bird cages, up to about 600 birds, if you include the checks and several hundred eggs that were being incubated. Reporter some birds didnt make it. Among the dead, these two chicks. We also found birds that had serious injuries to their extremities where they had been sliced by these razor knives that were put onto their claws. Cockfighting is one of the most cruel sports. Reporter the roosters were most likely shot up with performanceenhancing drugs. The words are doped up with amphetamines and other drugs to make them more aggressive so that they will fight in the ring to the death. Reporter none of the recovered chickens had to be euthanized. The Sheriffs Office and others are taking care of the birds in the eggs while trying to find those responsible for the fight these numbers just in from the National Weather service, some of the warmest weather we have seen this season, look at fairfield at 92, 90 in antioch, 86 in santa rosa, 86 in napa, not too bad. Warmer today than yesterday by a couple of degrees, certainly. And we will start the trend down now as we head towards the middle and end of this week. Its not going to get cold, but the fog is back up the coast, you have seen that. And fog will kind of continue to push a little further and lend each day. I mentioned this in the earlier broadcast, but i think it bears noting that we see the fog at the bottom of the screen coming in here. Okay, so this picture, if you step outside after the newscast and look around, wherever you live, san jose or concord or whatever, the air quality on a day like today typically wouldnt be that great. High temperatures, you might even see a spare the air day. You wouldnt be able to easily to the other side of the bay, but because of the fact off industry, things are not as much particulate in the air. We are seeing incredible air quality. Remember this, because it makes a big difference when you dont drive, when you commute and take mass transit. Enough of that. As we go through the next couple of days, temperatures trending down. Tomorrow will be a good 5 to 6 degrees cooler than it was today. No more 90s, mostly low 80s and the warm spot. We will get specific with that and the five day forecast your today democratic president ial candidate joe biden picked up another key endorsement. I am thrilled to be part of your campaign to not only endorse you, but to help highlight a lot of the issues that are at stake in this president ial election. The endorsement from former secretary of state Hillary Clinton comes one day after speaker of the house nancy pelosi endorsed joe biden. A new poll shows joe biden with a 10 point lead over President Trump in a headtohead matchup. The Usa Today Suffolk University poll shows 50 support for biden, 40 support for the president. Back in december when biden was in the middle of a tough primary battle, he trailed the president by three percentage points. Results are coming in from todays ohio primary, joe biden easily won the state almost entirely mail in election. Ohios primary was originally set for march 17th, a month after early voting had started and thousands of ballots were cast. The primary was extended until today because of the pandemic. Virtually all voters were required to mail in their ballots. Several states are considering all mail in voting this november , despite opposition from the white house. An incredible show back east today, but the blue angels and the thunder boards performed over new york and new jersey. Are reporter tells us that they did it to honor frontline healthcare workers. Six f16 fighting falcon and six f18 hornet aircraft flying over parts of new york and new jersey, a salute to the frontline heroes. The thunderbirds and blue angels chose a flightpath over dozens of area hospitals, healthcare workers at om harassed hospital, one of the hardest hit in new york, walked out to catch thanks a glimpse. The air force and the navy working alongside the npd and fdny to keep people six feet apart. There was a second flyover for trenton and philadelphia, where philly mayor jim kennedy had expressed some criticism about the event. The Philadelphia Inquirer reporting, he couldve used the money spent on the flyover on Something Else to fight the pandemic. And the thunderbirds performed a similar tribute in las vegas and colorado earlier this month, their mission, to bring americans together and to remind them that they can overcome this pandemic together. Coming up, the fbi announces the arrest of a michigan man accused of defrauding bay area customers of n95 masks. Plus using the power of music to bring joy to others. We introduce you to three southbay musicians were using their talents to lift up others with weekly virtual concerts. Federal authorities in San Francisco have charged a man from michigan for a scam involving masks for the coronavirus. 24yearold rodney al stevens on the second was charged with wire fraud for allegedly scamming at least three people and paying hundreds of dollars for n95 masks they never received. Stevenson is charged with creating a fake ecommerce site the sell masks for at least 40 each. Federal authorities allege stevenson falsely claimed to have n95 respirator masks in stock and available for saleng shortage caused by the pandemic. But the masks, including some for a healthcare worker, never arrived. At the end of the day a fraud is a fraud and if you are doing the crime will come after you. But at times like this when we should be united and working together and taking care of the healthcare workers that need the masks and to take care of the families and patients coming in. Reporter stevenson was arrested at his home in michigan. Attempts to reach him today were not successful. Is website says unexpected delays in the supply chain are causing shipping delays. If convicted, he faces a maximum of 30 years in prison, five years of probation and 1000 fine. Three San Jose City Council Women held an online News Conference today calling for support of survivors of Sexual Assault, child abuse and Domestic Violence during the covid19 crisis. Councilwoman sylvia arenas, Magdalena Carrasco and maia esparza say stress and social isolation during the Public Health emergency can increase the risk of Sexual Assault crimes. The situation can often worsen when families are forced to live in cramped public housing. Living in these conditions even before the crisis meant often the children were living with strangers and there is absolutely no space for privacy in these types of living conditions. And we know that child abuse, Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence were already pretran19, very serious dangers with families that were forced to live in overcrowded housing by the economic conditions. At todays Council Meeting the Police Department also give an update on the Sexual Assault response and strategy work plan. The plan was created to dedicate staff and resources following a spike in the number of Sexual Assaults. Coming up, growing concern over the nations food supply, the action taken by president p plants in operation. Later in sports we are from the 49ers joe staley for the First Time Since his retirement became public. But first, the growing debate over San Franciscos homeless crisis amid the pandemic. Why city supervisors are at odds with the mayor. January 10th, 1982, joe montana rolls toward me, let the ball go, soars into the air and makes the catch. Those are incredible moments, but the win in 2017 has to be my favorite. False mac teammates help each other find a way to win, just like covered california helps you find Health Insurance you can afford. Theyre the only place you can get Financial Assistance to help pay for Health Coverage. Plus, this year, the state is providing more help than ever before. And because a new law requires californians to have Health Coverage or pay a penalty, covered california has made it easier to get financial help, but times limited. Visit coveredca. Com or call to enroll today. Dad, im scared. Its only human to care for those we love. And also help light their way. Its why last year chevron invested over 10 billion to bring affordable, reliable, ever cleaner energy to america. The top stories, Governor Newsom says he is beginning a plan to start the new school year in late july or early august, no official decisions have been made but he is concerned about students falling behind in their studies. And laid out his plans to reopen the economy, first, businesses that can easily accommodate social distancing can reopen, including Retail Stores, going to higher risk businesses like gyms and movie theaters, and concerts and conventions will not resume until there is immunity or a vaccine. Opening many park starting tomorrow, people will have to maintain social distance and maintain a face covering, parking lots will remain closed except with a disabled placard. Beaches will stay closed for the time being. You are watching ktvu fox 2 news at 6 30 pm, growing concerns now about a possible shortage of meat. After several processing plants are forced to shut down due to coronavirus outbreaks among workers, but as ray bogan reports, the president is taking action to prevent further disruption. Reporter the coronavirus is impacting americas food supply in more ways than one, infecting workers who help supply it, and changing where and how americans consume it. We have consumer demand it 40 or 50 of normal. Reporter some farmers have had no choice but to plow crops as Fresh Produce rods. We are trying to redo the supply chains, but it through a grenade in the middle of it. Reporter plants are shutting down as workers become infected, tyson, smithfield and gbs have closed processing plants, millions of animals, including pigs, cattle and chicken, will be depopulated because of the closures. He added that the Food Supply Chain is breaking. It is a nightmare today. The white houses President Trump will use the defense production act to declare plants our critical infrastructure, the government will supply them with personal protective equipment. New cdc guidance explains, workers cannot get covid19 from the meat, but they can get from each other, the cdc says its best for plant employees to work at least 6 feet apart with partitions between them, and they suggest staggering shifts and break times and screening workers before they start. Reporter as for shoppers, there is no evidence the virus can spread through food or packaging. Ray bogan. People who receive state or federal help to buy food have a new option when it comes to shopping, people eligible for the cow fresh or snapper friends can buy food on amazon or walmart using a ebt card, anyone financially affected by the restrictions is encouraged to apply online for a requirement with the interview being dropped for the time being. Restrictions on what foods can be bought are the same as when shopping in a grocery store. San francisco is allowing more than 100,000 people to access a suppleMental Healthcare fund, for food, rent and other necessities, they are freeing up 138 million from sf medical reimbursement accounts, funded by employer contributions. Usually it can only be used for medical bills, but the mayors declaration allows covered employees to access funds for other expenses. In San Francisco, the board of supervisors is at odds with the mayor for not securing more hotel rooms with the homeless, for the homeless, they are demanding that the mayor comply with the law that they passed. Reporter the coronavirus pandemic has only heightened the ongoing homeless crisis, laying responsibility it bayview park near her home squarely on the mayor, she says she is worried. This is not social distancing, these people dont care about social distancing in the homeless community, they have already been harassing seniors in this area. Reporter four weeks they have been calling on the mayor to put the homeless into 8250 hotel rooms, even passing legislation requiring them to do so, but so far a mayor has only placed a fraction of that. As of yesterday, 928 homeless, marginally housed people are sheltered in hotel rooms while huge encampments line the streets all over San Francisco. And we learn of new outbreaks in congregate settings every week. Reporter for her part, the mayor says its not as easy as the supervisors make it to be, there are security, staffing and logistical issues that dont have easy answers, she said as much as she would like to get them in hotels, it is easier said than done, especially for those with Mental Health or Substance Abuse issues. Eating people to comply with basic requests like Wearing Masks or staying 6 feet away from not only one another or even the people trying to help, has been very difficult. Reporter the supervisors held an online News Conference to say the mayors excuses are wearing thin, they are saying the state and federal government can help cover moved into the hotel with the homeless, and additional staff can be trained, they insisted is a act of political will. Demanding the mayor past with do with a past. We unanimously passed legislation, the executive branch of the city, the mayor, her job is to enforce the laws of the city. Disagree or not. Reporter the supervisors say there is still time for the mayor to work with them to get the citys 8002 going to hotels, and if she doesnt, they might look for a legal way of forcing her to do so. Ktvu fox 2 news. Another coronavirus outbreak at a nursing home in vallejo, what we are learning about the mounting number of cases. A look at countries around the world, including some where restrictions are loosening, and one country that is extending them. music nearly 20 at a nursing home in vallejo have tested positive, at least 18 have been affected at the care center, a number of workers tested positive, the state has not release the exact number, they said it was less than 11 workers, so far no deaths have been reported. Across the bay area, more than 7800 confirmed cases of coronavirus, 277 people of died, statewide more than 45,000 people have tested positive in more than 1800 have died. In the us, confirmed cases now exceed 1 million, and more than 58,000 people have died. Russian president Vladimir Putin announced plans to extend the national nonworking period there until may 11, but the extension comes as several European Countries begin reopening. Reporter weeks of lockdowns are coming to an end across the globe, where more than 3 Million People have tested positive for the coronavirus. But countries are taking different approaches to easing the restrictions. In spain and italy, people will be able to spend more time outside in the coming days, including more vulnerable groups, while in france, officials will begin to open up stores in museums. Countries are taking a gradual approach to prevent a second wave. We will have to learn to live with the virus given that no vaccine is available in the short term. Reporter sending people back to work, many businesses will follow social distancing protocols, as well as require employees and customers to where facemasks. Every day there are zero dollars going into the bank account is concerning, but its nice to see customers again. Reporter meanwhile, russia is far from lifting its lockdown, with cases surging in recent days, the virus is quickly spreading outside of moscow, where people have been under lockdown for a month, and they are a week or two behind of the countries, lockdowns remain in place after more than 21,000 people died from the virus. New driving centers where people could not get to the test, we are expanding home testing. Reporter uk health Officials Say testing will have to increase before lockdowns are lifted, in london, benjamin hall. A warm one today, 92 degrees in fairfield, not as warm tomorrow, in the coming days a cool down. Lets go to alex savidge for the stories we are working for the 7 00 news on ktvu plus. The requirements for receiving a government stimulus check seem to vary widely, in some cases recipients arent even alive, while other people still havent gotten their money, and among the things that the coronavirus pandemic may have changed forever is the way we eat, the shifting trends in Consumer Behavior expected to last well beyond the shelter at home. Much more coming up at 7 00 over on ktvu plus. After the break, finding their groove to help children with special needs. A bay area trio spreading the joy of music through virtual concerts. A live look outside on this tuesday evening as we wrap up another beautiful warm day in the bay area, well be right back. Some Companies Still have hr stuck between employees and their data. Entering data. Changing data. More and more sensitive, personal data. And it doesnt just drag hr down. It drags the entire business down with inefficiency, errors and waste. Its ridiculous. So ridiculous. With paycom, employees enter and manage their own data in a single, easy to use software. Visit paycom. Com, and schedule your demo today. Dont bring that mess around here, evan whoo dont do it. Dont you dare. I dont think so [ sighs ] its okay, big fella. Were gonna get through this together. [ baseball bat cracks ] nice rip, robbie. Raaah when you bundle home and Auto Insurance through progressive, you get more than just a big discount. Im gonna need you to leave. You get relentless protection. [ baseball bat cracks ] a group of musicians in the south bay is proving that shelter in place doesnt mean you cant connect with others, showing us how a trio of musicians, each with special needs, is using the power of music to bring joy to others. Reporter inside this unassuming building in fremont, is celebration happens every thursday. Meet the dream achievers. All of them fremont musicians with autism, who have performed internationally and now on facebook. Whenever i strome my guitar, it feels like im a rockstar. Reporter the have found the group, hosting a weekly live concert at the friends of special needs facility, and giving everyone a little boost. [ singing ] sweet caroline. The joy that the band gives to people, if we cant be there in person, that is the next best thing. Reporter kathy is the mother of greg, she says the concert has become the highlight of her week. [ singing ] we are the world. And i noticed that you are a dancer . Yes. Anna and i start dancing off to the side to give people the permission, we know they are feeling it, and the joy i was talking about should be felt and expressed. Its all right playing inside, but i havent seen my friends for so long in front of me. Reporter summarizing how so many of us feel, he says the concerts help them feel better. A reminder of music, kindness and connection. Somewhere in time or somewhere down the line, they will roll on, and be able to rock n roll, they are all my brothers and sisters, you to maureen. Reporter the concert is next thursday, ktvu fox 2 news. Weve posted a link on ktvu. Com. The use of Online Services is at an alltime high, libraries have been shut since the order six weeks ago, but e books and e audiobooks can be checked out, digital checkouts at the Public Library are up from 40,000 up to 66,000 per month. Checking in on high temperatures from today, they were up there, 92 in fairfield, we looked at them once, look at them again, tomorrow we are going to drop that five or 6 degrees, in the warmest spots, a nice outside right now, plenty of sunshine, patchy fog along the coast, if you look you will see it right here blowing in at the corner of the screen, just below the camera, barely make out that, and the fog will keep doing what its doing. A little bit more intrusion each night and each day, that is what is going to facilitate the cooling around here, as the warm weather comes to a cooling period. That is where we are now. Tomorrow will be cooler. You will see the five day forecast, temperatures to down, a couple clouds as well, friends of the beach, a little bit of fog, it will fill in again tonight, further into the bay each day as we go into the weekend. A little bit deeper and further, now in livermore, the further and it gets it the cooler we get, extending through the weekend, the extent of the rain later will be extending. The current temperatures, 85 in brentwood, 84 in fairfield, pretty warm, 5 degrees warmer in concorde than last night this time, fog tomorrow night morning, and the temperatures, the oranges are 80s, getting pushed further to the east, most of us will be in the 70s and 60s tomorrow, a beautiful day, the pattern holds, clouds as we go through tomorrow morning, more clouds, thursday more onshore flow, the fog goes away, and another system to the north. Igh pressu bounced around, and we will continue the cooling. Everything ive said, i will show you the five day forecast. [ laughter ] can see the numbers, wednesday, tomorrow, cooler, general trend, is Something Like this. We will see you tonight at 10 00 and we will update the forecast, there is a slight chance for rain on sunday, we will see how that works out. The city of alameda plans to begin closing off certain streets to cars and traffic to allow more room for people to either walk or bike while maintaining social distancing. And between grand and oak and riverside avenue, and those who live on the streets will have access, closures are similar to the slow streets idea in oakland and San Francisco. 49ers defensive lineman joe staley spoke for the First Time Since he announced his retirement over the weekend, mark has what he had to say in sports. And a look at the primetime lineup on fox, at 8 00 the mast singer, and last man standing in 9 00, join us for the 10 00 news and 11 00 news, right here on ktvu. When the murrays started using gain ultra flings. They fell head over heels in love with its irresistible scent. Looks like their dog michelangelo did too. Unfortunately for him, its more of a forbidden love. New gain ultra flings with two times oxi boost and febreze. Seriously good scent. And if you love gain flings, youve gotta try the dish soap. Hello everybody, zooming at you from napa tonight, you talk about and the faux football careers, usually pretty brief, players come and go, but others make a lasting impression. Both on and off the field. Hello. [ laughter ] goodbye. [ laughter ] joe staley, who of course announced his retirement this past weekend, 40 some years of covering football, one of the most likable and personable gentlemen youll ever meet, perennial allpro, 13 seasons all with the 49ers, originally came from Central Michigan is a first round draft choice, the physical injuries and physicality of it all finally caught up with them, but i say, retirement over the weekend, but it really wasnt easy. Happy and sad day, i did not want to quit playing football, still have a huge love for, its going to be a weird transition, and going forward, it was the right decision for me and my family. But yes, its tough, because football is what i know and what i love, since i was a little kid. Everybody is definitely going to miss him. May be atv career on the post game show, who knows. [ laughter ] a lot of us felt like summer arrived this week, it felt that way as an summer vacation, with each passing day, it seems less and less likely we will see any nba basketball, certainly not the regular season, steve kerr on a zoom Conference Call seems to have resigned himself to that fact. It feels like the end of the season for our team, just does, we dont know anything officially, but given what we went through this season with all the injuries and the tough record, we are absolutely in offseason mode. Yes, 1550 at the time of the shutdown. So it is over. April 28, the days of yore, sports history, here is this date in sports history. Walkoff wins the order of the day for both bay area baseball teams on april 28. He throws it late the oakland as and the Baltimore Orioles in 2018. And the giants and mets on a cool candlestick night in 1993. The ball game is over 1988 was a historically bad start for the orioles, they lost the record 20 firstrate game to start the season. On this day in 1985, George Steinbrenner hired billy martin to be manager of the yankees the fourth time. If you dont like him, youre fired. He was hired and fired a fifth time, that is the stain sports, april 28, i am joe fonzi. Talk about characters, billy martin. Yesterday, we showed you the husband betting against his wife, a former College Softball pitcher, check this out, this is the replay, actually a letter a prospect, he takes his wife, riley, deep, and throws in a bat flip just to rub it in, heres the revenge, today. [ laughter ] as riley goes to bed and noah serves one up and she make sure she throws in a nice bat closet to rub it in, too. [ laughter ] whats good for the goose is good for the gander. That is sporting life in napa right now. She got her turn, didnt she. Ght, live News Coverage continues at 7 00 over on ktvu plus. Good night everyone. Hey, will you steam my uniform next . Yeah, w. Interesting. Do you recall this conversation . Leonard, want to go halfsies on a steamer . No, sheldon, we dont need a steamer. Looks like that rumpled chickens come home to roost. Hi. Here are the makeup sponges you asked for. Oh, thanks, i thought i had more. Damn, youve got more makeup than i do. Youve got better makeup than i do. Yeah, im borrowing this. Hey, hey, hey, hey. This is my comiccon makeup. I love you, but there are some things a man doesnt share with his girlfriend. Thats a wise policy. I once borrowed my sisters makeup for a costume contest. Got a terrible case of pinkeye. Yeah, but luckily, i was going as a zombie. I won second place. I feel like you guys just went to comiccon. That was san diego comiccon. This is bakersfield comiccon. Is that better . Well, its a lot smaller. Its more about the comic books. The way these conventions used to be before they went all hollywood. So to answer your question, no, its not better. Well, then why are you going . Its a comic book convention. You know, its like pizza or particle accelerators, even the stinky ones still pretty good. All right. Well, you guys have fun. I guess ill see you sunday night. Yeah. Okay. Oh, hang on a second. Hold this. What was that for . To show people when they dont believe me. Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started. Wait the earth began to cool the autotrophs began to drool, neanderthals developed tools we built the wall we built the pyramids math, science, history, unraveling the mystery that all started with a big bang bang

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