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And new cases, the governor said there is some positive news today. He said hospitalizations for the coronavirus continue to drop as well as the number of people in intensive care units. With a Record Number of deaths he said the state is not out of the woods yet heard he urged people to keep up their actions that are helping to turn the tide on the virus. I know there is deep desire, people are making calls on an hourly basis saying its time to open back up. Consider the deadliest day in the state of california, the last 24 hours. 8. 5 increase in the total number of deaths. We saw 5. 6 increase in the total number of people tested positive in the state of california. The governor also offered assistance to people with Student Loan Debt being 21 out of the 24 largest student loan servicers have agreed to hold off on payments for 90 days. He also signed an executive order to ban debt collectors to garnish those 1200 payments that are comingthe federal government. Now we go to napa county where some businesses there are getting ready to reopen. Although its not mandatory, people are still being encouraged to wear face coverings while out in public. Cristina rendon is live now with more on these relaxed orders. Reporter well, napa countys Health Officers say after looking at the relatively low number of cases and taking into account that the numbers are not trending upward, they are choosing to slowly lift a few restrictions. A peaceful thursday morning sunrise at Eagle Vines Golf Club welcomed golfers for the first time in more than a month. Napa county residents only can golf in pairs, no carts, only walking and safety precautions must be followed. Its part of napa county amending the shelter at home order and easing some restrictions. As soon as it came out yesterday the phone had not stopped. Its exciting, a little nervous, trying to make sure everyone is doing the right thing while we are making sure we are doing the right thing. Eli that the first tee time of the day. I think golf is a sport where you can really socially distance, so i think it should be okay. Under the new revised order napa county is also allowing construction, driving religious services and landscaping and gardening services. Realtors can also show Owner Occupied homes where as before they could only show vacant homes. Showings are limited to the realtor and to buyers. As a realtor we need to be masked, we need to be wearing gloves and shoe coverings. We also have to make sure all door handles are properly cleaned and that buyers are not touching the house when they are viewing the property. Spring is the most active time of year for selling, so its very exciting. This is not a get out of jail card, this is slightly opening the door just a crack. Napa county Health Officer says the county has 57 cases of covid19 and there have been two deaths, but the numbers are not trending upwards. The deli case rate is pretty flat. And also we dont have many hospitalizations, and the volumes in the Emergency Department are low. Still she strongly recommends wearing face coverings and essential businesses and public. Back on the links golfers can not share equipment but they are happy to tee up and taken the views from wine country. I get to see it every day,he says they are taking this day by day and making measured decisions, also looking at what other Bay Area Health departments are doing as they move forward. In just five weeks, more than 26 million americans have lost their jobs. Last week a staggering 4. 4 Million People filed for unemployment benefits. Here in california the state has made almost 4 billion in Unemployment Insurance payments since march 15. Many economists verdict an appointment could search to 20 across the country. There is no question that april was a dreadful month for unemployment. And employment generally. 44 states including california are paying an additional 600 weekly in unemployment and if its which are provided under the cares act which was passed by congress. For more lets bring in james mcbride, Financial Advisor with the mcbride group. James, it is always good to have you on here. Obviously the job losses continue to mount, how much longer do you think until we reach the bottom, and until people stop applying . Unfortunately i was doing some research this afternoon and i saw a report on the labor department. They expect the number to go up to about 23 . Thats of employable persons being unemployed. To put that into perspective, there was about a 10 Unemployment Rate in the Great Recession, we are about 60 now. If it goes to 23 , we will be bitingly close to Great Depression numbers, which was 25 unemployment. So im afraid it will only go up in the foreseeable future. Weve already wiped out all of the jobs weve added since the Great Recession about a decade ago. With these huge numbers of people out of work, and obviously a whole lot more people will join the ranks of the unemployed in the country, how much do you worry about there being a backlog in delays in terms of getting people financial help and getting people into unlimited benefits . That is something that the government, to its credit, is working very hard on. If you look at the response of the government providing a quiddity for individuals, it is a big improvement over what was done in 2008 and 2009, but this is a huge country, and there is going to be some problems getting money to the people, and we saw that with getting loans to Big Companies and the companies in turn giving the money back. Its not a smooth process but i think you have to tip your head to the state of california and the federal government for sending out stimulus checks, many of which have reached friends of mine and also the state of california which is ramping up its unemployment program. In california we are talking about 3. 4 Million People have lost their jobs, like you say in the space of about five or six weeks. I went back and looked and you and i talked about seven weeks ago, at that time the unemployed number was about 200,000. We went from 200,000 to 6 million last week. The numbers are truly unbelievable. Before i let you go, what does this all mean for wall street, as stocks were relatively flat today, even with this terrible jobs report. Its almost as if investors expect that this is what is coming. What is weighing on investors right now, do you think in any way they are seeing some light at the end of the tunnel . There is a lot of talk about what things might look like once we again reopening. Do you think they have a bit of optimism . I think there is a bit of optimism, i think you your 100 right. Earlier today the stock market was up about 600 points. After the jobs report came out, so the market is doing it normal function and it is optimistic. What happened later in the day, with the drug to help people with covid19, it had some very bad numbers, Research Reports came out in the positive, it is looking forward, but any gains we have in the market are dependent on getting some sort of vaccine, getting us past this virus. Until that happens, the market will be looking over its shoulder. That is the absolute key to all of this. All right financial analyst james mcbride, always good to have you on, thank you. Thank you alex. A San Francisco supervisor is now confirming to ktvu that for residents at an assisted living facility in his district have now died from covid19. Christien kafton live for us this afternoon in the city where frustration is growing over what is taking place at this nursing home. Reporter that supervisor reaching out to the department of health in San Francisco into the state and we try to reach out to those named departments of how to get more information about those for people who have been confirmed to have died in Central Gardens and so far weve been met with little Additional Information. Central gardens convalescent hospital is the exact kind of facility officials have been most concerned about. A living situation with the vulnerable population. The facility on ellis street sits in dean prestons district, the supervisor confirming that four patients, all in their 80s, have died. It is tragic, four deaths reported there. A total of 67 people are positive, a mix of staff and residents. Ktvu spoke with a certified nursing assistant inside the facility on tuesday who said she hadnt heard of anyone dying but it was scary at first and that patients who tested positive were separated from others. For the patients security, the residents, they are better, no call for no fever, hopefully everything is okay. We try to do our best. Samantha supervisor said he reached out to the state department of Public Health and and franciscos Health Department and had a tough time getting any kind of timeline on when the patients died or any Additional Information about them. I wish i had a more thorough update that i can give you. We have been pounding on the virtual door of the department of Public Health to get more information. Ive been frustrated so far with not hitting more. Samantha supervisor says there are other Skilled Nursing facilities in his district and throughout the city and worries about the ongoing risk and says he needs more information. These folks need to be our top priority in terms of testing and prevention. We know that if they contract this virus it could well be deadly. Weve also reached out to the various departments of health. I reached out to San Franciscos department of health earlier today and they referred us to the state department of Public Health. They sent back an email late this afternoon saying they were denying my request for an interview and had no Additional Information after that about the timeline, identities of those who have died or whether or not there is an investigation currently underway. Live in San Francisco, christien kafton, ktvu fox 2 news. Nonetheless, very sad development at that nursing home. Nonprofits are losing out on a large portion of revenue right now. After the outbreak has forced them to cancel some important fundraisers. Up next we will talk with the the impact of calling off their gala tonight. The house approves a nearly 500 million covid19 relief bill. Coming up next, and east bay congressman joins us to talk about this new ground of funding and the frustrations surrounding it. And in the bay area weather, lots of sunshine, a warm day out there, but warmer temperatures will move in everyone is working a little differently now. So we can still answer your calls. And we are monitoring our system 24 7 to ensure that we have a fast reliable network, keep the customers connected, and making sure people are staying safe. And were still on the road. Solving Critical Issues as they arise. Go to xfinity. Com prepare. Thank you. In these uncertain times, look after yours your family, your friends. But know when it comes to your finances, we are here for you. What can i do for you today . Well take a look at the portfolio and make adjustments. Im free to chat if you have any more questions. Our j. P. Morgan advisors are working from home to help guide you through this. For more than 200 years, weve helped our clients navigate historic challenges. And we will get through this one. Together. Just about an hour ago Congress Approved a new round of help for Small Businesses. As ray bogan reports, before that key vote, lawmakers approved and Oversight Committee into tracking the trump administrations response. Reporter wearing personal protective equipment and voting a small f identical groups to promote social distancing, the house approved a select academy to oversee the federal governments coronavirus response. Its said to consist of seven democrats and five republicans and have subpoena power. It is already being called the san, republicans and president. Eight different committees doing the work, making sure the harder tax dollars of the American People have the proper oversight, but we need a ninth for what reason, its political. This is not an antitrumper antiadministration thing, its simply to say we have to have proper accountability. The house is also set to pass 80 400 billion in Coronavirus Relief read its already been approved by the senate. The bill is an extension of the overwhelmingly bipartisan cares act and provides money for the paycheck protection program, Healthcare System and testing. Despite coming together for Coronavirus Relief, lawmakers are still on the attack. Remember, the speaker herself said theres no data that Shows Small Businesses need money. Those critical funds were blocked and held up for 16 days. Everyone knows this is not enough. Due to republican opposition, this package fails to provide necessary relief to our local, state and tribal governments. Any future coronavirus bills will have to wait. The senate is out on recess until may 4. Joining me now to talk more about todays vote is east bay congressman eric swalwell. Thank you so much for being here. This bill approved today will restart the Small Business loan program which has of course been swamped by demand. Are you confident that those who desperately need the money will in fact get it this time around . Im confident we will see a better flow of the money at this time around. Weve learned a lot from the first of 400 billion we funded. A big problem was that the banks were prioritizing their biggest clients. From their perspective they thought well lets get the bigger loans out, we make more money off of those, they are easier to process because they have an existing lender relationship. That was not the intent, and we did not intend for Companies Like ruth chris or shake shack to get the ones applying. I heard from a pastor in livermore that his church and other nonprofit organizations were having problems applying. We want the smallest of businesses, the nonprofits to be the ones to benefit, so we put reforms in place to make sure the money flows faster. We also know that there is already a massive backlog of applications, are you concerned that those who need the money may get it a little too late . Yes, that is a big concern but we did put 350 billion more dollars into the fund, 60 billion is directed toward minority communities, rural communities, the under banked microlending institutions, to try to the line if they did not have a big line of credit with the bank. The hope is that in the bay area, because weve sheltered in place that we will be one of the first to come out of this, and that we can see people going back to work very soon. So reforms have been made and we will see how it rolls out to Small Businesses this time around. There is no leaf or local governments in this bill, do you think there should have been . Yes, in the last bill we passed over 100 billion for state and local governments, and this is not a red state, blue state problem. Senator mcconnell said today we dont want to bail out states, the whole country is suffering from this, weve all been hit in the es that are stepping up to pay for hospital needs, Unemployment Insurance, can get help from the federal government. We are all in this together, going through it together and we need to come out of it together. That also includes funding for our schools, especially to connect students who do not have distant learning connectivity. We really need to make sure. I see that in hayward and other parts of the district that not every student is able to do Distance Learning so we need to be able to give states the funding they need to connect all students. I want to get back to todays vote, normal procedure changed dramatically since there was a vote last time, just about three weeks ago. Tell us what things were like on the house floor today. It was a scene ill never forget heather. We were voting essentially with a few dozen members at a time, in 10 minute blocks, everyone wearing a face mask and using Hand Sanitizer and quickly getting off the floor. I attended an Intelligence Committee hearing and we were all spread out this morning wearing face masks. I told my colleagues that if you took a dramatic of this today and went back in time and showed it to me a month ago i never would have believed the scene, but these are the times and i think we have to lead by example and show what the future workplace will look like for the next couple of months if we are going to climb out of this. All right congressman swalwell, i appreciate your time today. My pleasure, be safe, thank you heather. It was a wonderfully warm day around the bay area, and mark is here to tell us that we will bump the temperatures up even a little more than this. Yeah, thats right, we will turn up the heat a little more in your friday forecast. Tomorrow should be one of the warmest days of the week and we could be talking about a few spots well inland right around 90 degrees in your friday forecast. So lots of sunshine for tomorrow as we take a look at the graphics showing you tomorrow, highlighted as the warmest day of the week. Forecast highs in the upper 60s, 70s, 80s and close to 90 degrees. This area of High Pressure has been building in over the past few days area as a result we have those warm temperatures not only here in the bay area but even out towards Southern California. Right now its 80 in santa barbara, 99 in palm springs right now for this four clock hour. As we come closer to the bay area satellite, right now most areas reporting mostly clear skies. Some fog offshore, a few patches, but tomorrow we are expecting lots of sunshine. The numbers you see right here will be warmer in your friday forecast. Take a look at the numbers, San Francisco 64, 80s outdoor santa rosa and antioch and out toward the concord area. Heres our live camera looking out toward sfo, we had patchy fog this morning, lots of clear skies this afternoon for your thursday afternoon. Heres the deal for tomorrow morning, most areas in the low 50s, a few spots in the north bay, santa rosa, maybe napa, upper 40s. Tomorrow afternoon, brighter colors reflect warmer temperatures, theres the eventual temperature range for your friday afternoon. Lots of 70s, lots of 80s and a few 90s sprinkled on the forecast map out toward santa rosa and the fairfield area. San jose made 80s, even oakland and hayward in the lower 80s for your friday afternoon. Another weekend, we will cool things off a little bit, but not much. We will talk more about the weekend outlook and have your full update all coming up in just a little bit. This is a night Young College of Football Players wont ever forget, and more than one way. Up next we will preview tonights unique nfl draft, right after the break. And be sure to tune in tonight for last man standing followed by mental samurai and that 10 and ktvu. Well this is a day athletes look forward to their entire careers of. The nfl draft. Even though the circumstances surrounding tonight draft are unprecedented, that does not mean it will be any less special for those Young College Football Players. For more on how this will all look we are joined now by sports anchor jason applebaum. And it will all be done online, it is really remarkable. Reporter yes, this is a remarkable undertaking, we have gone 41 days with no sporting events whatsoever, so i have talked to more people that are more excited about the nfl draft. We have a live sporting event so to speak for the first time in a whole long time. And the virtual draft, if you will, is obviously going to be done all online, everyone in their respective homes, that a preview of what his house looks like and he will all of todays 32 draft picks from his home in Westchester County new york. He provided us a little tour today on twitter. Sure, announcing the selections from a man cave is decidedly lowtech, but, this draft is anything but. One tv executive who produced super bowls and Olympic Games said nothing comes close to this in its complicity. Just look at what is going on in his house. Although when he makes the announcements it will look nice and tidy, it is all smokes and mirrors folks, by the way Amazon Web Services is providing more than 100 video streams throughout the broadcast and the 49ers and all the other teams will take full advantage. The general manager john lynch showed off what his headquarters look like from his house, head coach shanahan gave us a little tour of his setup, you Better Believe those two will be in constant communication for the next five hours or so. As for who they might select, with the first pick, its always fun to speculate, many draft experts, including our own sammy memo who used to work on the desk in our station has them taking the physical wide receiver, one of the names you hear is cd lamb, who was a playmaker, he can block, out of oklahoma. The raiders hold the pick right before the 49ers. So if they take lamb, the 49ers can take another wideout, like henry rugs or jerry judy. One of the most memorable draft of moments was forever change the fortunes of two teams came 15 years ago today. But the first election of the 2005 nfl draft to San Francisco 49ers, they select the quarterback from utah. The 49ers were one of those cha all too well, eryn rogers was sitting there on the board, and he slipped all the way down the draft board, he just watched on, it was painful, he slipped all the way down to number 24 when finally the Green Bay Packers took him and obviously he has won a super bowl in green bay while the 49ers have gone through a whole plethora of quarterbacks. Got a mention though, this first round here coming up at 5 oclock, beginning no cal or stanford players are projected to go in the first round although there are a couple from each team that should go on day two or three which is tomorrow and saturday. Guys, back to you for my draft headquarters in my basement. All right, should be a fun night, as you said jason, a sporting event of sorts at least on tv, once again. Good to see you, thanks justin. Coming up, how coronavirus concerns have colleges and universities making very tough decisions. With at least one school in Southern California now turning to online courses in the fall. Up next, violence breaks out in europe between police and protesters as tensions escalate amid the coronavirus shutdown. Its only human to find inspiration in nature. And also find answers. Our search to transform. Farm waste into renewable natural gas led chevron to partner with california bioenergy. Working to provide an alternative source of power. For a cleaner way forward. Tensions are mounting at a covid19 has forced a lockdown of much of that region. More this afternoon now from london. Reporter the coronavirus is helping to fuel violence in the top housing projects around paris and other french cities. Last night young writers clashing with Police Setting buildings and cars on fire. There have been many arrests. It was triggered by a run in between a young person and an officer. Six weeks of lockdown in crowded high and employment areas are feeding flames and there is tension not just in the suburbs, buce police have s Million People on suspicion of violating one of europes toughest lockdowns. Handing out over 900,000 penalties with the fines of up to 150. Countries across europe are beginning to ease lockdowns, in germany this week the guidances that stores can open but germany runs on a federal system like the uso each state is interpreting the rules differently. Some are allowing some shops to open, others, shopping malls, creating tensions there, too. Finally it looks like one alleged terrorist did not get the memo. Last month isis warned its members to stay clear of europe due to covid19 dangers. Earlier this week Police Arrested in Southern Spain a british man who had been active in isis in syria and iraq, described as a most wanted terrorist. He was sheltered in place, and now he will be sheltering in jail. In london, greg palkot, fox news. Fullerton has announced it will continue to hold all Classes Online when the fall semester begins in august. Es in the state to officially make that call. University Officials Say that while the fall semester will start remotely, they will monitor information coming in from various Health Agencies and then gradually make adjustments accordingly. So fullerton, the first school to make this decision here in california. This is a very tough call for universities all across the country for more on this issue we are joined now by Washington Post educational reporter nick anderson. Its good to have you with us today. How many more colleges and universities around the u. S. You you imagine will make this announcement that they will offer remote classes for the fall semester, at least to begin with . Its a little hard to tell right now what the plan is from universities because they dont have enough information yet to make decisions. Every College Student in the country and their parents want to know, can i go back to college. Right now colleges are saying we need to wait and see. What i expect is that by june or july the latest, we will hear some very more specific plans. Im hearing from purdue, for instance, that perdue is planning to reopen in some fashion. Even if schools reopen, they will open under very, very different circumstances than you would ordinarily see. It is hard to imagine. I was going to ask, how the college atmosphere might look different, even if you have a campus that does decide to reopen, during the fall semester, things will not be the same. They will have to be social distancing measures, Safety Measures that are put in place. Im just imagining College Students in a dorm room, dining hall, attending sporting events, all of those things will have to be altered in some way. Lets talk about dorms first, that is one of the toughest problems. College president s right now are trying to figure out, okay, if i need to quarantine some students, do i have beds for them. They are trying to figure out how many roommates students can have. They are trying to figure out whether students can go to lectures, if the lectures have more than 50 or 100 people, is that adequate social distancing or do you need to break the lectures into small pieces . Sporting events, parties, that kind of classic College Campus ambience will be under heavy restriction. So if a lot of universities shift to Online Learning model for the fall semester, do you imagine there will be some parents out there, especially parents who are cash strapped right now, because of this crisis, who might reconsider paying all that money to send their son or daughter to this university where they will just be learning online . Thats the problem, you put your finger on it. It will be very difficult to predict how many students show up on campus if the campus is not open in person. There are students who will be afraid to travel. There are students who will want the College Experience in decide to take a gap year because they want to wait it out. There are parents who will say hey, wait a minute, this is not what i paid for when we signed up. I dont think i want to write that check. So colleges are very sensitive to this. They also argue, i think with some reason, that a College Degree is about earning credits toward graduation. The professors, faculty and all the folks that are delivering that instruction remotely, that is quite a considerable expense, so your tuition does pay for that. I think there will be some debate about whether colleges need to adjust their prices in order to attract students. That would be interesting to see, if we see a shift there in the cost of higher education. We believe the conversation there, good to have you on and we appreciate your insight, educational reporter nick anderson, thank you so much. Amid the pandemic charities and nonprofits face huge challenges. How the prolonged lockdowns are affecting their ability to serve those in need. End of the bay area weather, a bit warm out there today, but the real warmup moves in tomorrow with a few changes by the weekend. We will update your five day forecast, coming up. music canceled their own raising events, even as they scramble to support those in need. Journey me this afternoon is that the Development Director at Saint Anthonys in San Francisco. Susie, thank you so much for being here. I know that tonight was supposed to be a really big night, your annual serving hope gala, but you made the difficult decision a few weeks ago to cancel it. It is a significant loss of revenue for you. It is, first id like to thank you because you are our mc every year and you do such a wonderful job of it is rained raise important funds for the organization, we are looking at this year. It is my pleasure, i love to be there to help so that all the great work of Saint Anthonys. Talk to me about how big of a whole that is to try to fill now. Well the loss of 400,000, combined with the expenditures that we are us eac service, its almost 3 4 of 1 million by the end of this month and will keep growing as we continue to serve during the pandemic. For instance, in our dining room on a normal day before the pandemic we would serve about 2300 people, 2300 lunches a day. Yesterday we served 3800 meals. So there is a significant increase in the need for that. We are doing that without any volunteers, all staff driven and theres quite a big expense that goes along with that. So by not having the event and by being committed to the community and making sure we can still serve those most in need, Saint Anthonys really needs to turn to the public and see, how can they help us. Now more than ever those donations are more important, we are not just talking about what you serve, at the dining room, but provide like that fre program and also those in shelters that you now had to move to hotels. Correct we have a Free Clothing program, we see about 150 people each time we have the open curbside. They get a hygiene kit, clean underwear, socks, clothing, coats and shoes if they need that. And you are right, with our winter shelter, we have it each year, we dont get any government funding for any of our programs. We have that from about november until the end of march. We kept that program open into april because there was a need for that but needed to close that down for the health and safety. When we ask the city to help us find hotel rooms for the the program theyreally tough de would do that for them. Last week we moved 22 people into 20 hotel rooms nearby, we pay for a month of hotels, and we are also still providing service through our resource center. We gave each of them a welcome basket so they felt a little bit like they are at home. And we are continuing to advocate with our supervisor matt haney, and to the city to find hotel rooms for those indis so all of the people who are experiencing homelessness at this point. They do not have the privilege of sheltering in place, and its imperative that empty hotel rooms in San Francisco that are ready to go, that we house the people we can, that we can place them in those hotel rooms. So important, especially with so much of that money coming directly out of Saint Anthonys pockets. Thank you so much for talking with us. Folks at home if you have an extra few dollars and want to make a donation, please consider doing so with Saint Anthonys, appreciate it. It was just a dynamite day we took a stroll around the neighborhood earlier today just to get outside. We are going to really warm things up in time for this weekend. That will be the weather story, in fact you will definitely notice the warmup, you noticed it today but you will really notice the change into your friday forecast. A few spots tomorrow could be flirting with the 90 degrees mark by about 3 or 4 oclock tomorrow afternoon. So thats the headline, mostly clear sunshine into the afterno hours, temperatures in the upper 60s, 70s, 80s and right around 90 degrees. Writer colors represent the warmer temperatures, heres the 90 degree contour pushing closer to the inland east bay. He will definitely notice the change for tomorrow. The source of the warmth is this area of High Pressure off the shore, not only in the bay area but in Southern California theyve had pretty warm temperatures, upper 90s in palm springs right now. Weve actually had some evolved this morning, approaching cape mendocino, thats where we have cloud cover. Current numbers, 83 in santa rosa, walnut creek at 79, san jose at 76 and a San Francisco at 64. The cool spot out toward Half Moon Bay at 59 degrees. Look at this camera shot looking above San Francisco toward the golden gate bridge, lots of clear skies with some fog this morning, but not the case this afternoon. Mostly clear conditions, temperatures to start out your friday morning, most areas in the 50s, a few upper 40s in the north bay valleys. Nothing but sunshine for your friday forecast, and then into saturday, it looks like tomorrow will be the warmest day, saturday some cooling with more low clouds and fog, but still inland a few spots could be right around 83 to 84 degrees. So cooler inland but still fairly warm all weekend long. Take a look at the numbers for tomorrow. We have sprinkled a few 90s on the map toward santa rosa, fairfield, antioch and brentwood. San francisco, upper 70s, 77 and even the coastline right around 70 degrees. Is a mid80s and gilroy 90 degrees by about 3 oclock tomorrow afternoon. Tomorrow, the warmest day of the week, the weekend will be cooler, but just a little bit of a drop off in those numbers. Then we rebound into next week. By monday and tuesday, no rain clouds at all in this five day forecast and it looks like that dry weather pattern will continue through the rest of the month and possibly as we start off may as well. So a dry pattern and warmer one especially in your friday forecast. The coronavirus pandemic has of course brought about a lot of uncertainty but heroes are stepping up all around the bay area. In the spotlight right now is chauncey jackson, the director of Environmental Services at laguna honda hospital in San Francisco. Jackson and his team were nominated for playing a vital role in maintaining cleanliness throughout the hospital and longterm care setting after a recent outbreak of covid19 in the facility. Employees there say the teams efforts helped to keep the infection numbers down. If you know someone who is making a difference right now, let us know about it. This can be anything, a Healthcare Worker on the front lines or your child who is just stepping up around the house to help out. It could be a postal worker going the extra mile in your neighborhood. Email us the details along with pictures or video to go along with the story and send it all to my hero at fox tv. Com. The Real Estate Market has been hit especially hard by the coronavirus pandemic. Up next at 4 oclock, we will tell you that the Housing Market is hanging on and demand is still high even during these turbulent times. Also, the Staggering Number of people filing jobless claims have for a serious logjam at the state level. Coming up tonight at 5 oclock, we will take a closer look at peoples frustrations and what is being done to fix the issue. 5 people have covid19 antibodies. We will speak with an expert from berkeley about the study and what this could mean in the fight against coronavirus moving forward. The current state home orders are indeed taking a toll on the Housing Market. Earlier today i spoke with and economist at redfin and he says in the bay area we are seeing your homes up for sale still there. Sellers in the bay area have reacted the same way as they have across the rest of the country. I mentioned the number of homes hitting the market is about half of what it was a year ago. The same is true in the bay area, it fell a little further, about 60 of what it was a year ago, so little bit of a bigger drop but its starting to recover a little more as well. We havent seen demand in the bay area fullback as much either, and i think that might be that some markets are a bit more resilient to the shelter in place orders. Sizable share doing that, and that gives them a little more wiggle ro r what is happening. We are, if your job has not been lost in your work is not disrupted, you might still be in the market for a home. As we look ahead, what is redfin predicting in the months ahead . We are watching every indicator on the a daytoday, to see what is changing in the market, how many people are reaching out to agents about buying a home, and this is some of the earliest indicators we have as to what is happening. Over the last two weeks demand is starting to come back. We were down at a low of about 20 from precoronavirus levels, down about 35 , now thats come back to about only 20 . We see homebuyers ask to meet with agents virtually, so we think going forward, this is an early sign that we are headed in the right direction of recovery. Features such as Virtual Tours have been so helpful that he thinks they will be used even after the state home restrictions are lifted. A major storm system brings dozens of suspected tornadoes across the southeast and Southern Plains. We will take a look at the damage, coming up. Ng at home. That could mean an increase in energy bills. You can save by setting your heat to 68 or lower. Unplugging and turning off devices when not in use. Or just letting the sun light your home. Stay well and keep it golden. A storm system this morning tornadoes from the Southern Plains to the southeast, and causing at least six deaths. More now from arlington texas. Reporter Severe Weather was forecasted for the region but many say it still took them by surprise. The National Weather Service Reporting at least 26 different tornadoes, tearing across the Southern Plains and touching down in medill oklahoma. Emergency Officials Say a man f quarter mile away. Another hardhit town, nearby smack it came in so quick, to the south, massive damage in polk county texas after a powerful tornado struck there, about 75 miles north of houston. Trees uprooted and cars tossed around. After the storm came through, First Responders had to go door to door conducting search and rescue operations. It went 15 feet in the air and landed right on top of the house. Anxious residents are assessing the damage to their homes. Local officials promising a fast recovery effort but folks there say it wont be easy. Came back here, and the home was not there. I woke up thinking it was all a bad dream but it wasnt. The National Weather service dispatched a team damage and determine if the storms were in fact tornadoes. And if so, how strong. Ktvu fox 2 news at 5 starts now. This disease continues to spread and we need to continue to spread the word of vigilance. California just had its deadliest day since the coronavirus began. But as the number of cases and deaths go up, one bay area county is reopening some select businesses. This is not a get out of jail card, its just slightly opening the door just a crack. Golf course is open, and construction, just a few of the industries allowed, but there are still Certain Health requirements they have to meet. Good evening everyone, im frank somerville. And im julie haener working from home. Lets take a look at the latest numbers on the outbreak. There are more than 37,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus in california. 1440 people have died, so far more than 165,000 people have tested positive as california moves to ramp up capacity. Governor newsom said in the past 24 hours, they were the deadly so far in california, 115 people lost their lives to the coronavirus. Despite the increase in deaths and new cases there is some positive news. The governor said hospitalizations for the virus continue to drop as well as the number of people in intensive care units. With the Record Number of deaths he said the state is not out of the woods yet. We are not immune from this virus, theres no vaccine for this virus, the disease kills more people in the state of california in the last 24 hours than any previous 24 hours. We still have more positives in this state every day. Also at todays briefing the governor offered

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