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If Elizabeth Warren comes in third in her home state, what is it safe for her campaign and the future . Despite her saying im in it for the finish is basically the into the campaign to be blunt. I dont how she finds a bridge. The same with Michael Bloomberg. He has spent 500 million and he has 6 delegate from the American Samoa. He has to take a look at the campaign and say am i in this to send a message or do i think i have away to get to the final. We have to remember. A lot of calculation is around the convention. If you can get into the convention without one person getting a nomination. You have things that can happen. We have to see. Tonight. Some people thought solidified Bernie Sanders. I dont think it will happen. Going back to Elizabeth Warren. But she position herself for a possible Vice President on abiding, sanders ticket. I dont see her being Vice President to sanders. Not ideol same. She is a woman. They are both the same type of politician. I dont see that happening. To progressive, to left. Whether she could hook up with the biding contingent and somehow find a place for a vp there i think that is not likely. I think he would look at someone else. Lets say sanders wins texas, california. What we are headlined for todays primary be . Because of the size of california, more than 400 delegates. I think it may be called almost tied because of the number of delegates at play. We will see what happens. We will have toa delegate count at the into the night. Bloomberg, he is in it to win it. There has been pressure for him to step aside and clear a path for joe biden. What do you think will happen . They will sit with his people and say we need this to be a oneonone contest. Is Bernie Sanders and joe biden. Michael, you need to step aside. Elizabeth you need to step aside. Let the focus begin on where the Democratic Party will go against trump. Do you see Michael Bloomberg leading after super tuesday . No, not really. At a certain point he has to look and say im not resonating anywhere. Thats a tough thing. We are watching the results. We will have it all night. Much more to talk about. We will back with you a little later. Thank you. Joe biden was in oakland today before heading to los angeles to work the primary results. How he went oldschool to try to win lastminute votes. I have been here 25 years. Historically, primary elections do not hit the percentage that a general election does. Reporter people may wait until november. As for coronavirus concerns. They say each Voting Center has hand sanitizers and wipes. Stepping has not been effective. They wanted me to reiterate that it is not too late to vote and to register. You have 45 minutes or so to register. You can do that at any vote center. You can show up here at the registers office. Thank you. The closely watched results in the democratic primary. They have called 9 states so which of your devices are protected by daily security updates . Daily security updates. Far. Daily . I dont know. The only thing. Biden has one 7. You can see im struggling with this. Them in orange on the map some providers you have to manually download updates behind me. Arkansas, minnesota, oklahoma, to each device. Alabama, north carolina, comcast business securityedge updates every 10 minutes tennessee, virginia. So far Bernie Sanders has only to help keep your connected devices protected one 2. His home state of vermont and colorado. Against new ransomware, malware and phishing threats. Michael bloomberg one in the American Samoa caucasus. Every 10 minutes feels pretty good. We are in the newsroom. Get secure, reliable internet and voice for an amazing price. Call today. Comcast business. Reporter it has been a very beyond fast. Good night for former Vice President joe biden. As we have said he has one 7 states including arkansas which was called in the last 15 minutes. Moments ago joe biden was declared the winner as i mentioned in arkansas. We will take a look at the results. Joe biden with 30 . Bernie sanders coming in second with 21 . That state has 31 delegates. Moving to minnesota. We want to show you joe biden speaking in Southern California. We should tell you fox news is projecting joe biden has one amy, a former president ial candidate endorsed joe biden and is from minnesota. Massachusetts. That would give him 8 states she launched a flurry of Television Campaigns and radio ads. Her endorsement of joe biden is working. He is winning in minnesota with and Bernie Sanders 3. The big are up for grabs, california 37 compared to 32 for Bernie Sanders. The two big states, california, and texas. We can do extraordinary texas are up for grabs. Things. Our agenda is bold. A lot of delegates available. 228. The second minutes behind healthcare that is affordable california that being in texas. And available to everyone in when you look right here. It is a long line of voters in america. Access to hospitals. Texas. I have a friend there. She has been waiting 90 minutes to vote. People were handing out snacks i promise you, cures for cancer. To persuade people to stick out the long lines. As you take a look at the screen, you could see Bernie Sanders is leading, 29 standing up to the nra and gun compared to 24 on joe biden. They will remain opened until everyone that was in line manufacturers. Leading the world to take on before 7 pm gets a chance to come in and cast ballots. That is the latest on some of climate change. I will start by rejoining an outfit i put together. The national results. We will continue to monitor the remaining areas where voters have headed to the polls today we will move it along way. Including california where the polls closed at 8 pm tonight. A country with quality education we take you to a Campaign Rally in vermont with bernie that doesnt depend on the zip code. Triple funding for low income sanders where he has one on the school districts. Raises for teachers. Primary night. Let us listen. We will see all new income and wealth going to the top 1 percent. Increasing exponentially the prospects of success. Free community college. Providing credentials for every it is a movement which says United States will have job for the 21st century. Healthcare for all as a human significant reduction in the cost of going to college and student debt. If you volunteer, you pay nothing. We can do this. Right. It is a movement that says we lets get something straight. Wall street did not build this country. You built this country. Will bring major reforms in the middle class built the education making sure all kids country. Unions built the middleclass. Go to College Without being in debt. What makes the movement unique, we are taking on the corporate establishment. We are taking on the greed of wall street. Lets go joe. The greed of the Drug Companies who charge the highest prices in the world. The middle class is getting the greed of insurance clobbered. Too many people in jail. Companies. Giving the crisis of climate people are getting hurt. Its where we were raised. Change, the fossil fuel there is a reason im running. Industry, we are saying their theres a reason im a democrat in the first place. Shortterm profits are not more people who build our bridges, important than the future of our country and the world. Repair our roads, keep our border safe and keep care of our kids. We are not only taking on the they build our cars, pick up corporate establishment. We are taking on the political our garbage, veterans, dreamers, single moms. By the way, every dreamer had help. Im coming and you are not establishment. Going anywhere. We will provide a pathway. We will win because the people a pathway to 11 million. Understand it is our campaign, i dont think i can get into our movement which is best positioned to defeat trump. That. The iron workers, Steel Workers comp oil workers, plumbers. These are people that had been forgotten. I agree with you. You cannot be trump with the the people trump forgot. Same old kind of politics. The people i have never forgotten. I will always remember. An economy that awards work. What we need is a new politics reestablishing middleclass and this time brings everybody that brings working class along. Everybody. Regardless of their race, people into our political ethnicity. Whether their gender, disability, economic status. Movement. Which brings young people into our political movement. Democratic, independent. Like we did in South Carolina, across america today. In november, will create the like we will do all the way to highest voter turnout in the white house. Thats why i was proud american political history. Yesterday being embraced by amy klobuchar. We won minnesota because of amy we are going to be trump because this will become a klobuchar. We are doing well in texas contrast and ideas. Because of overwork. One of us in this race led the overwork. So incredibly proud to have opposition to the war in iraq. You are looking at him. Mayor petes endorsement as well. A man of character and courage. Another candidate voted for the war i was proud to be endorsed by jim. He is something else. One of us has spent his entire our campaign reflects the life fighting against cuts in diversity of this party and nation. That is how it should be. Social security and wanting to expand social security. We need to bring everybody along. Everybody. We won a nominee who will beat another candidate has been on the floor of the senate calling trump. Also, keep nancy pelosi as for cuts to social security, medicare, medicaid and veterans speaker of the house. Programs. One of us led the opposition to win back the United States senate. If thats what you want conjoin us. We want to nominate who was a democrat. Disastrous trade agreements a lifelong democrat. Which cost millions of good up democrat. And obama biden democrat. Paying jobs. That is may. Join us. This starts with the revival of another candidate voted for decency, honor, character. Disastrous trade agreements. One of us stood up for trump has fanned the flames of hate and sought to divide us. Consumers and said he has insulted, dehumanized we will not support a disastrous bankruptcy bill. And the way he talks about people. He has not a single sense of another candidate represented empathy. He doesnt have any compassion. Credit Card Companies and voted no regard for the values that for the disastrous bill. Made the country who we are. Not the way you were raised by your mom and dad. We have 2 goals in front of us. He looks at honesty, decency, respect and uses it at us they are directly related. Weakness. He doesnt believe we are the first, we must beat a president beacon of the world. He doesnt believe we are part of something bigger than that apparently never read the constitution of the United States. Ourselves. A president who thinks we the maven i announce candidacy. We are in the battle for the soul of america. Winning means uniting america. Should be an autocracy not a democracy. Second of all we need a not sowing seeds of division, anger, hate. We have to be trump. Movement in our developing. We cant become like him. Lac, white, latino, native american, straight. We can have a never ending war between parties. We need a president that can fight. Make no mistake. We need this badly. Someone who can heal. Of people making it clear every day. They will not tolerate the look what we did when we passed great task level of income and obama care. Saving the automobile industry. Wealth we are experiencing. When we passed the violence against women act. Its not enough. We will not give tax breaks to its a start. We need a president that can billionaires when a half million of americans sleep on heal. Thats what i will do as your president. I promise you. The street. We will not allow 49 of new income to go to 1 when half our people live paycheck to its about delivering results, your family, community. Paycheck. Our reach should exceed the i dont know what will happen later. We are doing well in texas. Grasp. Theres no doubt we can grasp whatever we reach for. We have one colorado. Ladies and gentlemen. I quote an english poet, an im cautiously optimistic that irish poet. Later in the evening we can win here is what he said. The largest state in this i believe it. Country, the state of he said history says dont hope on this side of the grave. California. Once in a lifetime the title no matter what happens. If this campaign, if it comes wave of justice rises up. Out to be a campaign in which hope and history rhyme. We have one candidate standing up for the working class and we can make hope and history the middle class we will win rhyme. Theres nothing we cant do. That election. If we have another candidate this is about the future. Who received contributions from its not about the past, its about children, grandchildren. Its about leading the country and the world again. We have to remember who we are. 60 billionaires we will win this is the United States of america. That election. Its time for america to get if there is another candidate back up. In the race spending hundreds once again fight for the of millions of dollars, we will proposition that we hold these truths to be selfevident. All men and women are created tell him in america you cannot equal. Certain inalienable rights. We say in school but we dont buy elections. Realize how profound. We never lived up to the words. We never walked away from it. Im excited about where we are. We have come a long way. I believe every fiber of my being that is who we are. Lets get back up. We are a decent, brave, resilient people. Once again, i want to thank the we can believe again. We are better. Great state of vermont and all the people in this state. We are better. Get back up and take back this country. The United States. Theres not a single thing we not only for the victory you cannot do. God bless you and may god protect our troops. Gave tonight. The years of love and support you have given me and my family. Thank you. Vermont, from the bottom of our joe biden has one eight states so far of the 14, on super tuesday. Bernie sanders has 13. We are still waiting on hearts, thank you very much. California, texas and maine. Maine is the last i saw. Lets go on to the white house. Almost neck and neck between Bernie Sanders. And joe biden. Still a lot more to, the super thank you. Bernie sanders is tuesday. Talking live to an enthusiastic crowd in vermont. Probably the most focused and on points that we have seen joe biden, so far on this campaign. We are going to continue our 14 states are in play. Super tuesday coverage now. Bernie sanders has one 3. Colorado, vermont, utah. It is a little bit past 7 30. A little less than 30 minutes the two biggest states, we now before the polls are closed dont have results. Here in california. California and texas. We are starting to get a right now, Bernie Sanders is better picture of how things are shipping up all across the country Caroline Charlie in washington, d. C. Tonight from the latest from there. Leading in texas. We will bring in our political good evening shirley. Expert. So far joe biden has one 7 and sanders 3. What are your good evening, mike and shirley. As he mentioned, biden was thoughts . I think sanders thought he would do better tonight. So far joe biden is the basically written off for dead, comeback i. He has had a good after the first two contests, then came South Carolina this weekend, he slowly made a come night. A lot of delegates get split. Back. And he is weeping tonight, through the states through the south, capitalizing on his great support with African American voters. He is having a very good night had sanders been able to run away with this tonight. Tonight. But it is too early to write off senator sanders. He is also pulling a few wins. There were some projections where he could have almost ended the ca he mentioned three, the big prizes texas, and california could be where he runs away with this. Today is so incredibly important, because almost 10 times as many delegates come out of super tuesday, as the entire primary process, up until now. Reporter senator Bernie Sanders winning his home state of vermont, hoping his momentum is going to make them is the democratic pick in the end. You dont get what you dont fight for. I am in this fight. Reporter many moderate democrats are now coalescing around joe biden, who took virginia. Former rivals, pete buttigieg, and senator, amy klobuchar, are asking their voters to move their support to the former Vice President. I think i will do well in florida and michigan. Reporter meantime, former new york city mayor, Mike Bloomberg, winning samoa, giving the selffunded billionaire his first win. No matter how many delegates we went tonight, we have done something no one else thought was possible. In just three months we have gone from 1 in the polls to being a contender for the democratic nomination for president. Reporter bloombergs Campaign Verify that he will reassess tomorrow, after the boat. He certainly didnt do nearly as well as he thought he would today. The next vote, after tonights a week away, when another six states go to the pole. Is a much smaller although, about 350 delegate. Frank and judy, back to. Carolina, im curious, you covered joe biden, im hoping you had a chance to see joe biden in Southern California tonight. Did it strike you how focused on on point unsharp he seemed tonight . As opposed to in some of the debates, where it kind of seemed like his mind would wander, as he was answering questions . Reporter frank, that is exactly right. This was the old joe biden. To joe biden we are used to sing on the streets of dc. Even on the campaign trail in New Hampshire. He seemed defeated, he seemed sad. He was getting angry at reporters, saying get out of my face, man, give me some room. He was ducking out of New Hampshire come to go down to South Carolina. This is a brandnew joe biden. It will be interesting to see the final delegate count, which could be a ways away. The final. We have projections later tonight, but the final count, how well did biden do . Can he get close enough to sanders for this to be a two man race . The other one has been bloomberg. Will he get out of this race . He spent half 1 billion on his ad campaign, how is he going to go forward . And say down the road. All right, in washington, d. C. , caroline thank you. We will be back with more super tuesday coverage after this. Resses. The ross spring dress event, on now what . Oooh. Ahhh. No. Yeah . Yes oh yeah si. Yes. Thats the sound of saving 20 to 60 percent off Department Store prices. At ross. Yes for less. Former Vice President , joe biden, was in the bay area this morning, before heading to l. A. He spoke with diners in oakland. Yesterday, he received endorsements from former rivals, amy klobuchar, and pete buttigieg, along with beto orourke. All right, joining us now, to talk more about super tuesday is high school professor, from san jose state. So far it has been a good day for joe biden, polls will close in 20 minutes. In texas, sanders is leading joe biden, but still overall, what would be your thoughts on how joe biden has done so far tonight . Well, absolutely, this is a huge come back story for joe biden. You know, he really struggled through the early states, but he was banking on South Carolina, and it paid off. Not only a very strong victory there, but a strong victory speech that night. I think really convinced a lot of voters that he had what it takes. I think at this point in the race. So, we are seeing that tonight. The fact that the other moderate candidates have gotten out of the race, and support is really consolidating, behind biden that we totally reshapes the race at this point. We are really down to a two race night right now. Mike bloomberg has dumped hundreds of millions of this campaign, and Elizabeth Warren. And we just saw her home state of massachusetts, she is coming in third, not a good night for her. Will they stay in the race as they said they would stay in it to win it . Or will they drop out . I think it is very likely that warren will choose to end her campaign, within the next week or two. You know, coming in third in your home state is really not a strong showing. And, she has a problem that Mike Bloomberg doesnt, that she needs to raise money. It is going to be hard for her to keep up fundraising at this point. Bloomberg can stay in it as long as he wants to. But, you know, he really put all of his eggs into this super tuesday basket. It doesnt look like it is paying off for him the way he had hoped. So he may choose to cut his losses as well. If you see warren getting out in the next week or so, who you think she will throw her support behind . Will she give it to sanders . Her will she take one for the team and support biden . I think that is an open question. That gives her a little bit of leverage right now. So, she may wait to make that decision. Ideologically, she is certainly closer to sanders, so we might see her come out and endorse him in the end. But you know, it is a hard thing for any candidate. They put so many months and years into their life of this, so it is a tough decision to step aside. We have been talking about this how it has bet for joe bid we saw texas, we saw california, and in texas, right now, Bernie Sanders is leading while i believe about five percentage points. Assuming sanders wins both texas and california, does that make the night that much better for him . Yeah, i mean that is what we expected coming into nights that sanders would do strongest in california, and the other western states, and you know, looking good for texas. So, that is not really a surprise. But given the large delegates in both states, it may, you know, give him the advantage in the delegate count. So, it really is shaping up to be i think sanders versus biden race. And in a way, that is a nice thing for voters, because they have a clear choice now. You know, they dont have these five or six candidates to decide among. It is a clear choice for voters comedy want to mark progressive, you know, leftist policies, would you want the more kind of Traditional Center centerleft democratic policies. If you are Bernie Sanders, and his supporters right now, i know we still have telephoning, and he had the lead coming into california, what you what are you thinking right now that biden has done so well if you are Bernie Sanders supporter . Well would you be nervous . I think you are probably even more motivated to get out there and support your favorite candidate. I think we have seen a lot of enthusiasm for sanders. And that is a real strength for him, as opposed to biden. I think a lot of voters are choosing biden is kind of you know, the moderate candidate. But not so much the support for biden himself. Whereas, with sanders, if it is more of a cult of personality. Polls close again here in california in about 15 minutes, we will be watching those results. Could take a while for them to come here in california, thank you so much for your expertise tonight. We appreciate it. Up next year, how republicans are celebrating californias contributions to todays historic super tuesday. Its only human to find inspiration in nature. And also find answers. Our search to transform. Farm waste into renewable natural gas led chevron to partner with california bioenergy. Working to provide an alternative source of power. For a cleaner way forward. Californias blue territory, but republicans, even here in the bay area are watching the race closely. Andre senior, in walnut creek tonight, where one gop organization is hosting a watch party. Andre . Frank, we here in bourbon highway, downtown where the gop republican car party right now, watching all of these results come in. They are watching who their candidate will face off with in the november elections. The head of the republican party, you will kind of get an idea of what is happening tonight, the folks what the party are watching for tonight. Matt, thank you for joining us. So paint a picture for me what is going on behind me . A lot of enthusiasm from the republicans along the county. They are all really excited people and i think we are very optimistic about its tonight. Yes, a lightly, lightly grew. Tonight. It is republicans from all over the county, young, old, immigrants, all kinds of people. Some officials who are also running yeah. Yeah. I misha shari, she is running for congress, billy molly, some running for state assembly. The numbers come out recently that the Democratic Organization and the Republican Organization here in the county kind of raised a recordsetting amount of money, tell me what that means for the organization right now. We are outraged by the Democratic Party by about two and half times last year. So we are excited to get republicans elected on the local, state, and federal level, and do whatever we can to support our values and policy. You see getting traction in an area here . Absolutely, we have actually increased their Voter Registration by 3000 republicans in the last couple of months. Our fundraising is you know, becoming skyrocketing high. I think theres a lot of enthusiasm. I think we are getting a lot of traction. We will check in with you, but i did get your first take on what is happening right now, the numbers are coming in, and we are seeing a heavy favorite leading toward biden right now. What are your thoughts on biden versus sanders. Yeah, i think the establishment is trying to kneecap bernie, but there is a lot of enthusiasm in california and texas. Matt, thank you so much, we will talk you. That will do it from here, we will keep an eye on what things are going on here. We will talk to the republican party, hosting a watch party. We will see donald trump face off in november. We will have much more coming up in the yet 00 hour. Im andre senior, ktvu, fox 2 news. And a quick update on whether, a sunny, and warm day to get outside and vote. Record heat, once again, open 76 degrees. Break the old record of 74, setback on this day, in 2012. So, take a look on the 70s once again. And even some 80s. The warmest day of the year, so far, in santa rosa. 85 degrees. San francisco, 73, and san jose, 76. And temperatures, well above of average. Storm tracker is still a peer. So we have this dry weather stretch. In fact, right now mostly clear skies, and still, some while numbers, currently 59 in San Francisco, 58 in napa, and fremont, checking in, 64 degrees. Outside, right now, as i mentioned, mostly clear skies, and that will be the case, first thing tomorrow morning. Lots of sunshine, in your wednesday forecast. Tomorrow, the last of the warm days this week. But still, we will see upper 60s, all the way to the upper 70s through wednesday afternoon. San jose, 76. The coast, 68, and san mateo 70 degrees. Some changes headed our way, thursday, we will clear things off, if you asked her clouds, more clods on friday, and then saturday morning we bring in the chance of a few scattered light showers. Mark, thank you. All right, the rumors have been swirling about the possibility of tom brady coming to the 49ers. Nfl insiders say this is more than just a rumor. It is going to actually happen. Up next, with sports in a moment. Mark in the newsroom now. We talked about it a second ago, is this really a possibility . Tom brady coming to the San Francisco 49ers . Well, some substantial forces are really talking about it like it could be the real thing. Rumor, moving up to some pretty credible football writers, reporting today that there is a chance that tom brady could be headed to the 49ers as wild as that sounds. Some of the talking points that you can look to, with regard to credibility, respected nfl reporter, tom curran of nbc sports says quote, the 49ers are closing hard, on tom brady. It has been confirmed that there is mutual interest both sides talking about this. Brady of course is from the San Francisco bay area. It was his boyhood team. So, there could be some interest there, really, with him, and Kyle Shanahan is reportedly in the past required about tom bradys availability back before he acquired jimmy garoppolo. The wackiest part of these talks, grappa low might actually be traded back to new england where Bill Belichick could see him in the patriots quarter back in the future. We did our own super tuesday pole. Ktvu twitter poll, 49er fans right now , 71 say stick with jimmy g. Come on. Tom brady, local kid or not, only 29 of the 660 votes we have taken so far say he would look good in a 49er uniform. I think a 49er uniform with number 12, i think john brody. In the meantime, got a little Cactus League baseball going on down in arizona of course. And then the San Francisco giants, very hopeful signs. The guys have acquired in the offseason. Wilmer florence, to have some right and pop, into the sunny picnic area there, for a three run homer, against the rangers. And then posey, down by iran, later in the game sixth inning, center field that will play the run. Giants tied, now watch this, very theatrical, lefthanded from venezuelan yup syndrome is, trying to make it as one of the giants bullhead pictures goes when inning strike out two, gave up know run, texas did wind up winning the ballgame, 6 5. The giants take it, back ranch, where they are in business against white stocks down in the fourth, jorge matteo, one of the young talents from the letter is. Gets it through the hole, and the leftcenter field, for a two run single, another youngster might be a year or so away. Rbi shot, deep off of the board. Got himself an rbi double they wind up winning 65, over the white sox. Looking good there. In the meantime, got a lot of stuff to show you. Check this out, starting with senior night, at jackson state. Take a look as they have the team manager take a crack at it. From 30, no less. Three back that was max lee. He puts it up there, obviously a very popular guy on the team. Lets get it back to the newsroom, guys . Thanks, mark. The polls are about to close, and california will be back tonight at 10 00. We have much more of our special super tuesday over on ktvu plus. Ess event, on now which of your devices are protected by daily security updates . Daily security updates. Daily . I dont know. The only thing. Im struggling with this. Some providers you have to manually download updates to each device. Comcast business securityedge updates every 10 minutes to help keep your connected devices protected against new ransomware, malware and phishing threats. Every 10 minutes feels pretty good. 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