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the way that we expand healthcare to more people and bring down premiums is by building on the affordable care act. how much is it going to cost? i will ask him again tonight. if you ask ernie he says go figure. he we will find out. we should be the party on the side of hard-working people. tonight in america 200,000 people are in jail without having been convicted of anything. that is outrageous. we are going to end. most americans feel like the political parties have been playing you lose i lose. for years. who has been losing this entire time we have. iowa is in the rearview mirror. new hampshire votes next tuesday. for some it is now or never. the youngest candidate pete buttigeig was in the line of fire with a strong performance in iowa raising questions about his electability. greg is here with the sparring at tonight's debate. >> reporter: the stakes were higher tonight. was the eighth debate. so far the most contentious we have seen. there was definite increase in the tax especially targeting the front runners pointing so we need to stand out or bow out. ladies and gentlemen tonight democratic candidates for president of the united states. the public without a clear winner in iowa seven democratic presidential candidates took the stage in new hampshire days before tuesday's primary. the latest numbers show pete buttigeig leading senator bernie sanders by a hair making him a target. i don't have 40 billionaires contributing to my campaign. coming from the pharmaceutical industry. coming from the abilitya broad scope of support across the spectrum including african- americans and latinos. it is popular to say it makes you look like a cool newcomer. i don't think we have a newcomer in the white house.>> reporter: the former mayor standing by his experience in moderate views. offering a way to do these game changing transformations that will galvanize and energize not polarize the american people. it is called total acquittal. >> reporter: they set their sights on president trump rush off his acquittal in the seen it a pitchman child. synod impeachment trial. he has always been a cook and he will always be a crook. what we have to do is we have to beat him in november. we have to beat him because he is incompetent and bad for the american people.>> reporter: trump is not the cause of all of our problems. we are making a mistake when we act like he is.>> he is a symptom of a disease. >> reporter: they tackled issues like climate change women's rights healthcare foreign policy and extended conversation on race. we cannot just say crimin justice is the only time yo want to talk about race specifically. need to start having race conscious laws. what we mean in terms of the african-american community is to understand that we have got to start investing the time. in education. in healthcare. >> reporter: several stressing unity for the democratic party. and the country. conveying a real sense of urgency. we cannot solve the problems before is by looking back. we have to be ready to turn the page and change our politics before it is too late. if you are tired and the yo reporter: there were several discussions about who had the best strategy to be resident trump in november. a driving factor for many democratic voters the latest new hampshire poll shows sanders and first pete buttigeig in second followed by warren and biden and 4th th big question is of course is the endgame. who won and lost in the debate? you saw amy klobuchar giving an emotional. she gave a good turnout tonight. a good performance. will it matter because she did not do well in iowa. she needs to do well in new hampshire. bernie sanders have a great night. he was a target. he fielded the attacks and turned them around into his own responses. for losers joe biden came out early is that we took enoch and i went and i think we will take he admitted they are not going to do well. which won't help the conversation about electability. elizabeth warren we did not hear from her very much tonight. now to san francisco a debate watch party in the mi reaction. >> reporter:ople's opinions. many people did feel the surprises were amy klobuchar and tom stier. you can see they have a countdown clock up. more than 100 people were here. many said they are still deciding on their top candidates. the crowd came to the democratic debate watch parties hoping for clarity. some with a favorite in mind. to me yang is the only candidate speaking about issues facing the country now. and not 10 years ago. all the candidates to be talking about basic income. and technology in school.>> reporter: others deciding between that seven choices. and the four others who not qualify for the debate. it seems like a mess right now. it is tough to see a clear differentiator amongst the candidates. in my opinion it is too early to say.>> reporter: at times there was applause. many were glad to hear substantive discussion about foreign-policy education and the economy. i think biden was definitely trying to stand out. he was definitely trying to be a bit more forceful. i think he does succeeded at that. i think pete buttigeig had a problem defending his record on race. >> reporter: many mentioned the discussion about race felt awkward and revealing. tom stier taking a position on reparations which nobody really is willing to do. nobody is talking about desegregation. i wish that would have come up.>> reporter: others felt amy klobuchar had a breakout performance. she really brought it tonight. i was really surprised by how strong and confident she looked.>> reporter: some struggle to name their top three choices feeling each one brought strengths and would this is. and weaknesses. warren and pete buttigeig. i would have to think long and hard about the third. i really am not a i am not a fa i don't think tom stier has a shot. >> pete buttigeig was disappointing tonight. asjoe biden's performance. a kind of wish elizabeth warren had more presents. >> reporter: with three weeks until california's primary many people say this debate helped did not leave them with a clear winner. the democrats have a lot more to do in order to win over at my boat especially being a person of color. i think they can really improve on showing how their plans can benefit us. the first time i can remember since i've been voting since ronald reagan that i haven't had a clear candidate this close to the election. the most important thing is beating trump.>> rert president trump was definitely on people's minds tonight as a big factor. the heart of this a lot of people are struggling between whether the democratic party should pull to the left and go more progressive or go to the center get the white house in 2020. the reaction from them very telling about the democratic party and its electorate. more fallout from the impeachment inquiry today. two government witnesses were dismissed from their jobs lieutenant colonel alexander banman was fired from his white house job at the national security council. his twin brother also let go. in his testimony he told lawmakers he did not think it was proper for the president to ask ukraine to investigate the bidens. he is being transferred to the pentagon. eu ambassador gordon sumlin who testified there was a quote on ukraine that he is being recalled from his post as well. dianne feinstein said in a statement this is a clearcase of retribution as i have seen during my 27 years in the senate. luchsinger colonel banman and ambassadors sumlin shsty. was rewarded by removal from the job. we have no information about a police standoff in it s home on hall drive in orinda regarding an alleged sexual assault that had taken place in walnut creek. when they arrived 41-year-old david justice took off in his car speeding away. eventually he returned to the home. police say minutes later he came out of the back of the house holding a shotgun to his head. after four hours of negotiations they were able to make an arrest. he is now facing multiple counts of with his bail set at $5 million. clinton hill investigator's are trying to track down burglars. this is video from incident earlier this week. henry spoke with a resident who was in their home on the intruders burst through the front door. >> reporter: surveillance video captured how pleasant hills neighborhood. a man is wearing a sweatshirt ard the knoc when no one answer door this happen. one man in red shoes kicks open the front door of the home and goes inside. and three other men follow. all of them are wearing masks. nobody answered the door and they assumed no one was home and kick the door several times forcing it in. loud noise. a lot of commotion. i thought it was my kids. coming back from school. when she went to see what was going on she came face-to-face with the strangers in her house. they answered very fast. they ran in very fast. they grabbed as much as they could. we did surprise them. >> reporter: they were surprised not only by her but her husband. i looked and didn't identify and yelled robbers. my husband ran out of the ba you can see the intruders running out of the house with her husband in hot pursuit. the four men jumped into a pathfinder. the husband grabbed one of them let go after they tried to run him over. pleasant hill please tell me that they have arrested two of the four suspects. the same crew broke into a house nearby in case others by ringing the doorbell or knocking to see if anybody was home. the suspects are targeting residents they believe that the homeowners have left for work.>> reporter: the man who knocked him of the door was the last person to rush into the house. the same man is seen here a half hour earlier that same day at a home in walnut creek. door asked if they had seen his lost dog. if someone shows up at your house make your presence known without opening the door. two other suspects. the same crew may be responsible for similar crimes throughout the east bay and as far south as milpitas and san jose. ahead finishing touches for tomorrow's chinese new year parade. tonight's coronation ball and what it takes to bring the event to life on tv. another sunny another warm day. we are tracking a system offshore. it won't bring rainfall but it will impact the we can forecast. more the effort to contain the coronavirus as we get laid were tonight of the first death of a u.s. citizen. mike: anyone hear the slogan, 'mike will get it done?' ok, let you what the 'it' is. as mayor, i expanded healthcare coverage. as president, i'll build on obamacare because healthcare is a right. i created nearly 500,000 jobs in new york city. as president, i'll build an economy that delivers good jobs with higher wages. i'll take on the gun lobby and save lives. and i will stop trump's assault on women's reproductive rights. i've got a record of doing things. i've got the resources to take on this fight. as mayor, i held myself accountable for results. as president, i'll offer common sense plans and i will get it done. 's stay on the offensive, and let's win. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. there is laid the word of the first death of a u.s. citizen from coronavirus in wuhan china. the center of the outbreak. the embassy said the person who died was about 60 years old. the new york times reports the victim was a woman who had underlying health conditions. the number of new coronavirus infections in china is still rising. within 34,000 cases. the death toll in china is at least 700 722 right now. five american evacuees who arrived at travis air force base from wuhan china are showing symptoms of the virus. the five have been taken to hospitals for treatment. another flight of evacuees arrived overnight. 53 of the people remained at the base in fairfield mac ringing the number quarantined to 234. cdc said a young child with a fever who arrived at travis on wednesday has tested negative for coronavirus. another scare on board a cruise ship in new jersey. the cdc is testing for passengers on royal caribbean's anthem of the seas for possible coronavirus infection. they were taken to a hospital for evaluation. everyone else has been allowed to leave and the ship was cleared for his next cruise tomorrow. royal caribbean announced they are barring people with passports from china hong kong from boarding the ship's mac royal caribbean has seen his stock think about 15% in the past couple canceled the next eight sailings of spectrum of the seas vessels out of shanghai. china accounts for about 5% of all cruise bookings. the statehouse lab chment w condthe coronavirus. greg reports the lab will be able to return results much more quickly in the cdc in atlanta. >> reporter: our goal is centered around early case recognition. isolation contact tracing to prevent further spread of this novel virus in our nation. using affective improvement public health measures.>> reporter: officials are putting test kits in the hands of state and local health officials to help speed up early detection of the coronavirus. beginning february 12 this facility in richmond will be one of 16 california state labs testing for the virus. prior to this all testings for coronavirus was being done at the cdc lab in atlanta. it will allow us to get results faster for patient care and protecting public health. >> reporter: the cdc was taking up to seven days to provide test results. local testing could cut down the turnaround time to 48 hours. so far in the u.s. over 90% of the test the cdc has run have been negative. once the test comes back negative someone can be released from whatever isolation that they have been on. >> reporter: the task force says more than 20,000 passengers entering the u.s. have now been screened at airports including sfo. more than 300 americans are now quarantined in california alone. at military bases such as travis air force base. all steps to curb the spread of the virus. our top priority is keeping the wrist the public low. we are working on all fronts to do that. >> reporter: health officials in contra costa county won't th tested. all results so far have been negative. as a friday there are four confirmed cases in the greater bay area. the president's task force said nationwide they expect the number of coronavirus cases to rise. we expect to see additional cases of this novel coronavirus in the united states from returning passengers as well as through contracts tracings to detect human to human transmission within our country of close contact. >> reporter: in addition to being made available on state and local level those kids are going to be available worldwide. on wall street stocks gave up some of their games for the week. the dow jones was down 277 points. the nasdaq was down 51 and the s&p lower by 18 points. tech and healthcare companies among those in the red. today is friday did not feel like a february day. lots of sunshine temperatures in the average. a few spots around 70 degrees. looking for rainfall. no storm showing up yet. the highs from this afternoon san francisco 63. santa rosa 69. if you 70s vallejo livermore and antioch. this weekend it will be cooling off a bit. some areas of fog tomorrow morning. fierce guys. biggest deal will be as early as sunday night. the wind advisory in place for a good portion of the bay area. as we head toward sunday. the north and east bay hills this begins saturday 7 pm. for the coast san francisco east bay valley's this begins sunday morning. we could have winds going up above 40 miles per hour. outside right now we have clear the partly cloudy skies is check in on the low clouds and fog trying to regroup offshore. most areas right now in the 40s to the lower 50s. outside we will cloud things up near the coast and portions of the bay overnight. overnight lows upper 30s to the 40s to start saturday morning.a talk about the full forecast coming up. the preliminary ntsb report on the helicopter crash that killed kobe bryant is out in the found no sign of engine failure. officials say the chopper slammed into a hillside during foggy weather. the helicopter was going 184 miles per hour when it hit the ground. it was destroyed by close impact forces and fire. at the time of the crash to pilate was relying on visual readings. with that transition could be very dangerous. and confusing for the pilot. and they could lose their situational awareness. the ntsb said final conclusions will take more time. gianna bryant died in the crash along with john kerry and alyssa. in the pilot. all nine victims will be honored at a public memorial at staples center on preventing wi lays out its plan for handling dangerous fire conditions and what it wi during those power survives. libby schaaf with her state of the city address and her top priority for 2020. the state of our city is one of intense change. and possibility. growing up in a family that struggled economically powerfully influenced my values. bernie sanders he's fighting to raise wages. and guarantee health care for all. now, our country is at a turning point. hard working people, betrayed by trump, struggling to survive. in this moment, we need a fighter. bernie sanders. we know he'll fight for us as president because he always has. i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message. the focus mayors fifth state of the city address tonight. we are unafraid to declare that housing is a human right. she outlined several success stories during her speech at the oakland museum of california. she said last year alone 880 people went from being homeless the house. a private partnership is helping to get vulnerable people in their homes. in just a year and a half keep open house has kept more than 2100 families. that is more than 4000 oakland there's in their home. she said the city has built more than 22,000 housing units. still with more than 4000 people living in on social media is in the headlines. president trump posted to twitter and facebook and edited video of house speaker nancy pelosi ripping up his state of the union speech. however the video the president posted appears to show her ripping up the speech while he was alluding to tuskegee airmen of staff requested twitter and facebook take down the video. the companies have not complied. facebook official social media accounts were compromised today. by the same group that hacked into hbo new york times and nfl accounts. facebook twitter and instagram accounts were compromised. the hijacked accounts were returned to normal in less than an hour. facebook announce all of its corporate social media accounts were secure and restored. pg&e releasing its plan to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfires this year. the utility said it plans to prune or remove more than 1 million trees near power lines install 240 miles of stronger lines and poles including some underground lines. in 400 new weather stations and 200 new high-definition cameras. they will monitor conditions in real time from its wildfire safety operations center. it is taking steps to reduce the impact of power shutoffs. they are installing automated devices and distribution lines to make shutoffs more targeted. they are adding transmission switches to redirect power to keep substations energize. providing backup power to important infrastructures such as hospital and water systems. in boosting the website and call center. i am -- three weeks into its emt training and help to save a life. the quick action that paid off when he saw wrong side of the law with his job. we investigate and lays out the investigation accusations against him. later in sports mark shows us how phil mickelson managed to clean climb up the leaderboard. the chinese new year parade is tomorrow. we take you to the pre-parade festivities and show you the last minute preparations. tom steyer: listen, every democrat running for president is better than the criminal in the white house. we all have progressive plans to address the big challenges facing our country. what makes me different, is i've been working for ten years outside of washington, to end the corporate takeover of our democracy, and to return power to the american people. i started need to impeach to hold this lawless president accountable. i'm proposing big reforms like term limits... ...a national referendum... ...and ending corporate money in politics. as president, i'll declare climate change an emergency on day 1. and, use those powers to finally address the climate crisis. and, i've spent 30 years building a successful international business. so, i can take on donald trump on the economy - and beat him. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message - because there is nothing more powerful than the unified voice of the american people. the countdown is on for tomorrow's chinese new year parade, and a lot of work goes into making lee is life with a at the preparations. >> reporter: we are in front of the broadcast center that ktvu put up just for this parade, teachers have been set up for the spectators so they can enjoy the colorful event. >> it's always a really good feeling that we are able to walk away. >> floats gorgeous and glistening lined up along the waterfront ready to be rolled out on saturday afternoon at the starting point at second and market street. it took months to build these creations to celebrate the year of the rat . >> we really hope everyone enjoys what we've done for them. >> at the intercontinental hotel the newly crowned miss chinatown usa honored with a coronation ball. this year's letter is lauren ling from houston. she is an advocate for women and girls.>> i definitely want to represent chinese-american girls, to show them they don't need to be quiet or complacent. they can use their voices. >> yang said she was inspired by her older sister who was 27 teens miss chinatown usa. the vocalist averred just jamming will also be the grand marshal for the parade. he is being honored for decades of service. the nonprofit china town community developing center provides affordable housing. >> it's very special, his work earned him recognition from president barack obama who named him champion of change for 2011. >> being grand marshal, it's not a big deal for most people, but for me, it's a big deal. >> at union square, krista spent much of the day setting up the mobile studio for ktvu's broadcast of the parade. there will be dozens of microphones along the route to pick up sound and hd cameras to capture the pantry for those who work from home. >> this is my 33rd parade, and about 30 one of them has poured rain. to have a sunny day is a blessing and a great reason to come out. we get to be here firsthand and hear it and see it right in front of you, it's amazing.>> the parade and good weather usually attracts a huge turnout. there are thoughts that people may avoid large crowds because of the coronavirus scare but public health officials say there's no reason to be scared. >> everybody is buzzing about i will see you tomorrow, it should be a really good time. we want to remind you that you can watch parade here on ktvu, live coverage starts at 6:00 tomorrow night. new video into the ktvu newsroom shows traffic backing up on northbound 880 at high street and oakland, that's where a person was hit by several vehicles. officers were responding at around 7:45. the victim was pronounced dead at the scene. the california highway patrol is trying to determine how the person ended up on the freeway. did they walk there, where they left they are? all lanes of the highway are now back open. the long- overdue barter service to downtown san jose is being delayed again. it's being blamed on glitches after recently opened stations. right now they only offer light rail and bus service and bart will come later. the station opened in december but are still not fully functional. one problelast night had to do trains not stopping exactly where they are supposed to on the platform.>> they are working to shift the day with bart to make a resolution. >> bart says they are hoping to have a better idea of when passenger service will begin. >> 2 investigates has learned that a sheriff's deputy who allegedly texted photos of jail inmates to his girlfriend has resigned from his job. >> our investigator reporter tells us that this is not the first time this deputy has been in trouble. >> reporter: driving across the cartoonist bridge, that sheriff's deputy would evade the tolls day after day on his way to work. records show he was caught in 2016 during an internal affairs investigation, he also lied about a driving under the influence charge. he claimed he only had one beer but it turned out he was almost twice the legal limit. he visited 4 bars and three cities, still he kept his job. >> what he is doing is wrong, it's been brought up by my mom, that if you see something wrong, you say it. >> his girlfriend saw the story on ktvu and said she had another story to tell. >> i told him not to send me any pictures. >> over several months he spent messages and pictures of a mate inside the martinez gel while on duty. one showed a murder suspect in an ambulance, another showed handmade weapons and in text messages the deputies cause the inmates third post, vermin and animals and other comments we can show you on tv. >> i know they are in jail for a reason, they did something wrong, but they also have a right to their own privacy. >> not only is it against federal privacy laws but also a violation of sheriff's department policy. after learning about previous bad behavior she felt compelled to speak up. >> i'm going against a police officer. i've been told that i should be very careful. it's not easy coming home and watching my back. >> spataro would not return my repeat calls, and his attorney and the sheriff would not comment. but a sheriff let us know that they were upset. >> it's a safety issue, you are supposed to be watching the prisoners, and you are busy taking pictures, someone can get hurt. >> the 18 year veteran deputy has abruptly resigned on thursday, one day after his ex came forward. longline's for a rare treat, coming up the annual release. temperatures in the 60s and 70s, but we will cool off for this weekend. in three minutes, new details on a homicide in hayward we told you about two nights ago. the man in custody and why he faces a child endangerment charge in addition to murder. tv just keeps getting better. how you watch it does too. this is xfinity x1. featuring the emmy award-winning voice remote. streaming services without changing passwords and input. live sports - with real-time access to the most 4k content. and your movies and shows to go. the best tv experience is the best tv value. xfinity x1. police in san jose are investigating a shooting that claimed the life of a man early this morning. officers responded to a report of a gunshot victim being treated original center in san jose at around 4:30 am. investigators learned the shooting happened on telly road near 101. scene investigators were at the scene all morning long. that man died at the hospital, no word on his identity. this was the fourth homicide in san jose this year. new details about a deadly stabbing in hayward. the alameda county district attorney's office today charged 40-year-old elmer with child attachment and murder. he was arrested after he killed his wife on a tuesday as their 11-year-old daughter watch. hernandez was stabbed multiple times at their home. now to davis where a teenager is dead tonight. it appears to be an accidental shooting at the hand of his own brother. 19-year-old jared vargas suffered a gunshot wound to the chest. the high school senior was rushed to the hospital but did not survive. police say the call came in by the victim who accidentally shot his brother. >> the person on the other side of the gun is cooperating, the family has been cooperative, it's just a tragic event all the way around. the russian river brewing company today released its most anticipated beer of the year, piney the younger. some people waited in long lines for chance to taste the triple ipa. it's only on tap for two weeks of. it brings in folks from all around the world and people can also take some home, two bottles per person while supplies last. >> i'm excited. now i can drink at home, piney the younger will be in my underwear, in the privacy of my own home. >> the line outside formed yesterday and crowds are expected throughout the weekend. expect to wait anywhere from one hour to six hours. you have to be pretty dedicated. it's only available at the russian river brewery in santa rosa. and emt training with only three weeks under his belt come action when he saw a stranger in need. and mark will be back with a complete bay area forecast. he shows us what to expect for tomorrow's parade, and beyond. tom: my mom always told me actions speak louder than words. she was a school teacher. my dad joined the navy and helped prosecute the nazis in nuremberg. their values are why i walked away from my business, took the giving plo good cause, and why i spent the last ten years fighting corporate insiders who put profits over people.

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