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it really is. all we can do is pray. >> that is not normal around here. people will crash. people will do a hit and run. after the hit-and-run, that will lead to a shoot out. >> reporter: 24 hours earlier, another shooting at three clock the morning on wednesday on the on-ramp to 880 in fremont. hp said the driver of the bmw in that shooting may have been targeted by two cars that followed him from another location. after the shooting, the driver pulled up to a fire station to get help. at this point, chp says there is no contact connection between the shootings. there is no motive or an arrest in either shooting. the numbers are stacking up. we have 263 freeway shootings in the bay area since the fall of 2015. there have been 14 deadly incidents, and more than 100 people hurt. they are asking anyone with information to give them a call. that is what i am wondering, we have over 250 shootings in the last of 4.5 years. how does that compare to before? are there more shootings now? are there more reports of shootings? what is chp saying is going on? >> there is more reporting, and an increase in these types of violent actions. there were a lot of shootings on interstate 80, and highway 4 the east bay. now i say, every single freeway has had some sort of way shooting. it is unclear. the motives range from gang- related violence to just road rage. >> henry lee along the freeway tonight, thank you. concorde police are best getting the first homicide of the year. this happened around 9:00 last night on tree boulevard near oak grove road. they have a suspect in custody. sources tell us that harrison mercy eight was arrested for stabbing his mother to death. concord police they called 911, saying voices in his head told him to kill her. the name of the victim has not been released. san francisco's director of public works, mohammed nuru, and restaurant owner, nick bovis, were back in court for a corruption case. they are charged with fraud, for several schemes, including trying to bribe in sfo airport commissioner to secure a restaurant lease. the man appeared before a federal magistrate to get from the conditions of their bond. outside of court, both men declined to comment. and attorney for nick bovis, talked about his client. >> he wants to put this behind him. he understands what he did. there are legal aspects that have to be put together to make a determination, is it a crime? also, we will have to make a determination in the future. both of them will be back in court on february 27. they are currently free on a $2 million bail. now to the latest on the coronavirus outbreak. officials in china say they are more than 31,000 confirmed cases. the deaths have increased to 636. the world health organization has called a meeting next week to coordinate the international response to the virus. the agency stressed the need for more research on how the virus darted and spread. >> we do not know the source of the outbreak. we do not know where it is. we do not properly understand its ability to transmit. >> americans are under quarantine at military bases in fairfield, riverside, and san diego. the state department has their 500 more americans that need to be evacuated from china. a doctor in china that was reprimanded for sounding the warning about the coronavirus outbreak died today from the illness. the wuhan hospital announced the death of dr. li wenliang. he was among several doctors that alerted colleagues about the outbreak in online chats in december. to health officials reportedly brought in li wenliang in the middle tonight to explain why he shared the information . he was allegedly forced to sign a statement, admitting to illegal behavior. in the bay area, an infectious disease specialist has developed a test for the coronavirus. it cuts in half the time it takes to diagnose the illness. our reporter is live on campus with more on the story.>> reporter: while many talk about containing the virus, one dr. thinks that detection and the speed of detection will slow the virus. of a 24 hours, there is been a breakthrough in the battle against the coronavirus. this is in the viral discovery center in mission bay. >> this is a series of tests. >> reporter: we told you how the dr., professor of infectious diseases has been trying to figure out a way to cut the amount of time it takes to test someone believed to be infected with the coronavirus. >> it is important to identify infections, promptly, before he or she spreads a virus to other people. >> reporter: for more than a week, the doctor collaborated with a startup at mammoth labs. he administered the test to a patient carrying the coronavirus on wednesday. the result, way to detect the pathogen in a carrier, in less time than it does now. >> how long does it take now? currently, the only testing available that is clinically validated testing is done by the cdc. it normally takes 4-6 hours to run the test. the turnaround time can be 24 hours or longer to get a result. >> reporter: in an effort to speed up diagnosis, this cdc says they will distribute new test to diagnose coronavirus infections to state and international laboratories. the test have a lifetime. >> they don't have the capacity of quarantine or ice lending every patient that has a suspected infection. >> reporter: in wuhan china , more people of been affected. to 36 hours after birth, a baby was affected. mass quarantines have been ordered, in what seems like an uphill battle to curtail the pathogen that has killed hundreds and second tens of thousands. the test can be administered quickly, and cut down on who needs to be quarantined. dealing with the virus where time is of the essence, the doctor will be depending on the fda, which has a program to fast-track approval of the test, getting into the hands of those that need it. >> we are interested in deploying this test, making a widely available, not only in the united states, the more importantly to the regions of the developing world, or low resource countries.>> reporter: the california department of public health is leaving up its efforts to detect the coronavirus. we have live pictures of sky fox over the disease laboratory in richmond. this is one of 16 labs. we learned the lab will be performing testing on wednesday. the results will be available two days after they received the specimen. back to you. the universities across the country are now canceling study abroad grahams amid the coronavirus fears. the schools are trying to assess the risk to their program. some prohibit travel, affecting hundreds of thousands of students. the universities that hosted chinese students are reconsidering academic related travel to and from china. the experts say the scare threatens to cause lasting damage to exchange programs, which have expanded over the last decade and a half. there new cases to report on this cruise ship dock in japan. japan says there are 41 new cases of the virus on the ship. that brings the total number of patients on the ship to 61. 3700 people have been quarantined on the ship for at least the next two weeks. the annual chinese new year parade is set for the saturday night. while some communities cancel new year's events out of fear of the coronavirus, san francisco is going full speed ahead. rob is in chinatown, where leaders did address concerns the people may have.>> reporter: the parade is 48 hours away. with the shadow of the coronavirus looming, city officials are trying to assure people that the parade is safe to attend. here on pier 54 in san francisco, the flow makers are working methodically to have everything drilled, wired, and decorated in time for saturday's lunar new year parade. they have 18 floods in all. >> we are on track. we have last-minute things we are taking care of.>> reporter: the parade through san francisco's chinatown, typically attracts hundreds of thousands of people. it is the largest lunar new year parade outside of asia. this year, fear of the coronavirus looms over the celebration. city leaders and public health officials are offering assurances that there is no need to stay home and it is safe to attend the parade. >> people are concerned and fearful. i think the key thing to remember right now, there is no newly diagnosed coronavirus in san francisco. >> reporter: the health department is working closely with the department of emergency management, monitoring the coronavirus. >> the department is working 24 seven, with preparedness activities, working within the departments, and community partners, to ensure we are as prepared as possible.>> reporter: two patients from san benito county are being treated at ucsf. other cases are reported in santa clara county. >> the creation of the fear is unfounded. there are more people getting hit by cars right now, then people actually catching this. >> reporter: the coronavirus spartan anti-asian backlash on social media. there are reports that ridesharing drivers were refusing to pick up asian people at airports. >> we need to stand up and say, this is not acceptable. >> reporter: some businesses reported a drop in customers since the virus scare began. no one can tell for sure if the fear of the virus will affect attendance at the parade. that is the question. thank you, rob. a reminder, the saturday night, ktvu, will broadcast the chinese new year parade, live. julie will lead coverage, once again this year as they have done for the past 20 years. we have live coverage of the parade, starting at 6:00 here on ktvu fox2 news. a southbay sheriff's department celebrate the victory against human trafficking. coming up tonight at 5:30, the arrest, and number of women freed from traffickers. this is like a slap in the face. it is like, why? why would you do that? why would you reject people? >> the homeless say they are being rejected, and forced out of their homes. the city says it is a health and safety issue. coming up next, the extreme measures that fremont is taking to make sure that the homeless cannot come back. what a stunning day it has been today. we have warm temperatures and sunshine. what does your weekend hold? i have the details, coming up next. country. ac what makes me different, is i've been working for ten years outside of washington, to end the corporate takeover of our democracy, and to return power to the american people. i started need to impeach to hold this lawless president accountable. i'm proposing big reforms like term limits... ...a national referendum... ...and ending corporate money in politics. as president, i'll declare climate change an emergency on day 1. and, use those powers to finally address the climate crisis. and, i've spent 30 years building a successful international business. so, i can take on donald trump on the economy - and beat him. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message - because there is nothing more powerful than the unified voice of the american people. the city of fremont installed boulders along a stretch of cato road near companies like seagate and tesla. they say the goal is to keep people from parking there, especially the homeless. ann rubin explains there have been complaints about trash and property damage. she is in fremont tonight. most of these people with rvs did clear out on their own?>> reporter: yes, they did. the city only cleared a small section of cato road. on the other side of the boulders, there were still rvs. the people hem say they willng as they are allowed.>> reporter: it was moving day along a 1700 foot stretch of cato road. all but one rv took off, before the fremont rockers move-in. the homeless that reliving your say they are said to go. >> it is like a slap in the face. it is like, why? why would you do that? why would you reject people? >> reporter: fremont says it is no rejection, it is an issue of health and safety. they also say that the local residents and businesses complaint. >> this is a pilot. we want to see how the 1700 foot stretch of road goes. if it is effective. >> reporter: the city crews total remaining rv, that was abandoned by its owner. they started to install boulders, one by one, to block any future parking. >> we try to give people enough time to know that they could move. i don't know where they went. they may have just moved down the road. that is fine. we are okay with that right now. >> reporter: some of toys across the street are as well. they say the boulders are a bad idea. >> these are human beings. >> reporter: those parked outside the towing zone will be allowed to stay. fremont says they will send advocates out to talk to them. this comes as a huge relief. >> i very excited.>> reporter: she stopped packing for now. the city plans revaluate how phase i went before moving on with phase 2. >> we will go to newark next. we will try it. >> reporter: the city says they will spend the next few weeks evaluating the pilot program. about mid february, they will decide whether they will extend the boulders and no parking zones to the north and south.:i am curious. i have spoken with homeless people of the years. one thing they say is, regardless of what city they are in, if the city moves us, where will he go? where are the people who are leaving here going? >> as you heard from the last woman, they are considering moving to the next town over. she has moved several times. that is the problem. they stay in one spot until they are kicked out, and then move again. there are no good answers. a few cities are starting to consider some of those safe parking zones. thank you. disney is apologizing for billing in elementary school for showing a lion king movie. emerson elementary school was built $250 for screening the movie during a school fundraiser. disney is now waiving the fee, and the ceo issued an apology on twitter, saying, he will personally donate to the school fundraiser. the company that represents disney, says they take copyright violations are sleepy malicious. i hope you had a chance to get outside today. it is gorgeous out there. we have a lot of lovely skies and warm temperatures. if you look outside, we do have a shot of the golden gate bridge. you can see, it is a stellar, bay area day. it is 65 degrees in santa rosa. it is 66 degrees in san francisco. livermore is at 62 degrees. san jose is at 66 degrees. we are clear as a bell. i did have to zoom out just to get a few clouds in the picture. we are under the influence of high pressure again. that is shooting all the possibility of rain to the north. you can see it in portland and seattle. for the bay area, it has been all sunshine, all the time. we have mostly clear skies with light wind. we have a few 30s out there. it will be 40s tonight. it is warmer than it has been. tomorrow we look at san francisco. we will start off with patchy fog. we have beautiful sunshine as we go throughout the day. again, we will see 60s. it will be 62 degrees in san francisco tomorrow. if we look at our chance for rain, because we would like to get some, and we look at the extended forecast, i will roll this through the weekend. we have no rain coming to the bay area. we have a front that will try to come through of the weekend. it looks like a dry cold front. that takes us through wednesday of next week. that is not great news. we would like to see some rain. this is where we are for the season totals right now. if you look at where we would like to be october until now, we are at 72% in the north bay. we are less than 50% in oakland and san jose. to say we are due for rain is an understatement. it is not in the forecast now. if we look at the outside, we do have a stellar weekend. saturday and sunday look sunny and breezy. temperatures are reaching into the 60s in the inland communities. if you are heading out, we have great activities this weekend. the weather will be nice. pebble beach lav beautiful 60s on friday. they are in the upper 50s on saturday and sunday. it is a biwe get into the breezy conditions on sunday. these are conditions that tahoe. we have gorgeous sunshine. if you are going away for the weekend, we have a beautiful forecast on tap. they will see a change in the weather on sunday. friday and saturday is sunny. we do drop too much cooler temperatures on sunday. we will also get windy conditions. we'll talk about our extended forecast next week, when i come back. for now, i will send it back to julie and frank. president trump is celebrating his impeachment acquittal, and making clear, he remembers who supported him during his trial. i am ray bogan with who the president is calling friend and enemies, coming up. coming up on ktvu fox2 news is 6:00, the trial of donnelly cowell continues. a former officer takes the stand, describing how he tried to save nia wilson. a fire burns dangerously close to homes, forcing mandatory evacuations. also is 6:00, the efforts to put out that fire. this is a celebration. we have something that just worked out. it worked out. we went through , unfairly. we did nothing wrong. i've done things wrong in my life, i will admit. not purposefully, but i've done things wrong. this is what the end result is. [ applause ] president trump takes a victory lap today, holding up the washington post, saying it is the best headline he has ever gotten from the washington post. he described the impeachment inquiry as evil and corrupt. he said he was opposed from the beginning, by leaguers and liars, and dirty cops. president trump spent more than an hour congratulating his defenders, and condemning those in no uncertain terms, who he said worked against him. >> despite the end of the trial, house democrats say they will continue to investigate the president. ray bogan has more from capitol hill.:we have this gorgeous word, i never thought a word with sound so good, it is called total acquittal. >> reporter: in the wake of the impeachment trials conclusion, president trump is making it very clear who he sees as friends and enemies. the president offered glowing words for the gop leaders on capitol hill, mitch mcconnell and kevin mccarthy. >> mitch mcconnell, i tell you, you did a fantastic job. i love it! >> i will say, you will be speaker of the house because of this impeachment hoax. >> reporter: he did rail against a loan republican that found him guilty of abuse of power.:the president is guilty of an appalling abuse of public trust. what he did was not perfect. >> say hello to the people of utah, and tell them, i am sorry about mitt romney. >> reporter: he also directed his ire toward the house impeachment managers, who made the case that president trump should be removed from office. >> a corrupt politician name adam schiff made up my statement to the ukrainian president.>> reporter: nancy pelosi gave them nothing but praise. >> each and every one of them did a magnificent job. adam schiff's leadership, was a blessing. >> reporter: the president's battle with democrats may not be over. congressional lawmakers have said they will likely issue a subpoena to his former national security advisor, john bolton, to testify. and washington, ray bogan, fox news. one hour ago, dr. lauren wright, lecturer in politics at princeton university, joined us to talk about the presence acquittal. she said democrats have important decisions to make regarding former national security advisor, john bolton. >> the more transparency, the better, in general. it would be hypocritical if democrats fought all this way for john bolton's testimony and mick mulvaney, and then just dropped and said, no more. if you are saying this is so important for our democracy, and we want to hear from these people, i do think you have to continue to hear from them, even if it hurts you. >> she would on to say that the tensions are running high on the hill. both sides have a lot of work to do to make sure that all hope is not lost for bipartisanship in washington. still ahead, a crackdown on human trafficking leads to arrests across the south bay. coming up next, the results of the weeklong crackdown that freed five women from traffickers. three days later, the iowa caucuses are still too close to call. the candidates are locked in a virtual dead heat. the 49ers were so close, but they are vowing to be back. the coach wrapped up the season, here what he had to say, coming up. fighting climate change isn't just about polar bears. we're fighting for our lives, we're fighting for clean air and clean water. that's why i wrote the send billions from polluters to communities suffering the most. and only one candidate for president was with us back then, tom steyer. and he's still fighting for us, pledging to make clean air and clean water a right for everyone, regardless of your zip code. that's the truth. that's tom steyer. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. (vo) this is how you broke from tradition to create new paths to success. as you continue to work hard to secure your future... wells fargo will be by your side, helping you make it happen. this is your moment. this is how empowered becomes empowerful. and operation in multiple cities is taking place on multiple days, targeting human traffickers in the south bay. jesse gary tells us that the crackdown was meant to catch those involved in illegal rings, and rescue those that have fallen victim to traffickers. >> the bay area has a high concentration of commercial sex. >> reporter: members of the santa clara's human trafficking task force displayed evidence of the operation rebuild and reclaim. during the last week in january, undercover agents targeted text traffickers online, setting up meetings in a hotel. >> the detectives would respond to the ads, and set up a date for commercial sex. when the individual arrived, we would arrest them for solicitation of prostitution. >> reporter: 16 johns were arrested for soliciting prostitution. authorities arrested 36-year- old isaac lee, from the segmental area. lee recruited young women for sex trafficking, and kept them under his control, using drugs and intimidation. >> if they do not follow the rules, physical abuse is something that will be the result. >> reporter: resident trump signed an executive order, creating a position within his mystic policy team, dedicated to fighting human trafficking.:my administration will fight these monsters, prosecuting and persecuting them. we will lock them away for a very, very long time. >> reporter: officials say the area diversity, population size, strong economy exacerbates the problem. >> they will target the area, and bring victims here to exploit them. >> reporter: officials say five female victims have been rescued as a result of the operations last month. with hundreds of sex as representing thousands of victims, they say this type of crime is difficult to eradicate. >> the advertising online as part of the problem. you see people through social media, that we don't have access to. there is stuff going on on the street level. >> reporter: for that reason, these things will continue throughout the year. investigator say, statewide, 76 people have been arrested for sex trafficking. several hundred men were arrested as johns that were seeking sex services from the victims. at the santa clara sheriff's headquarters, ktvu fox2 news. san francisco is opening a sobering center for methamphetamine users, as the city struggles with a rise in drug overdoses. the chronicle says the center will be located in the tenderloin on a parking lot on jones street. it will have nurses, and counselors on hand, and tents that can house 15 beds each. the city officials say the goal is to get drug users off the streets, and connect them to treatment. the center will open sometime this spring. a maryland man is facing murder charges in connection with a bus shooting in bakersfield that killed a woman and injured by the other people. anthony williams was arrested on monday, after the shooting. he is charged with one count of murder and five counts of attempted murder. the bus was headed to san francisco. authority said the passengers were able to disarm the gunmen, and get him off the bus. an investigation is underway for what caused a small plane to crash near the columbia airport last night. both men on board were killed. the pilot is identified a 73- year-old robert clue. the passenger, 71-year-old, robert period, died. the cessna plane crashed into a field after 6:00 last night. it was 3/10 of a mile from the airport. the friends say the owner of the plane was a good pilot, with years of experience in the foothills. >> he has been flying for years. he would work on planes. i would say, he was one of the most safest, and most brilliant guys to fly. >> the ntsb said investigators to the crash site. a ruling on the cause could be more than one year out. the fight over sanctuary laws is escalating between the white house and the state of new york. the trump administration has temporarily banned new york residents from going into global entry. we have more on what it all means for travelers.>> reporter: the trump administration did temporarily banned new york residents from enrolling in double entry, and similar travel programs that expedite travel. this move follows the states greenlight law, allowing undocumented immigrants to apply for driver's licenses, and requires a court order for i.c.e. agents, wanting to access dmv information. >> they can enroll or reenroll in the programs that customer border protection offers. we don't have access to make sure they meet the program requirements. >> reporter: president trump, calls out the sanctuary laws, during the state of the union address, by implying that the and killing of a 92-year-old woman , in january, could have been prevented if new york was tougher on immigration. >> tragically, there are many cities in america where radical politicians have chosen to provide sanctuary for these criminal, illegal aliens. >> the defendant in that case is 21-year-old, [ indiscernible ], who is illegally in the united states from guiana. >> if the city had honor, this victim, would still be alive today. >> reporter: new yorkers that are currently enrolled in global entry can still use the program, but they cannot reenroll. the dhs band does not affect tsa pre-check. they have promised to defend the greenlight law. in new york, ktvu fox2 news. still to come, the race in iowa is as close as it gets between the pete buttigieg and bernie sanders. now, the democratic party chair says there needs to be a recount. at the crackdown begins on a vaping. details on the partial ban that went into effect nationwide today. huge tax breaks for the rich, while the middle-class continues to struggle. that's what happens when billionaires are able to control the political system. our campaign is funded by the working people of this country, and those are the people that i will represent. no more tax breaks for billionaires. we are going to guarantee health care to all people and create up to 20 million good paying jobs to save this planet. i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message because we need an economy that works for all of us, not just wealthy campaign contributors. now to the presidential race, 97% of the precincts have reported in the iowa caucus. the top two candidates are literally in a virtual tie. pete buttigieg has 26.2% of the vote, bernie sanders is up to 26.1% of the vote. elizabeth warren is third with about 18%, joe biden has about 16%, followed by amy klobuchar with 12%. 41 delegates are at stake. the national committee chairman, tom perez is calling on the iowa officials to re- canvas the caucus results, amid growing concerns about their accuracy. the vote was plagued by a number of technical issues and delays, that were blamed on a voting app. iowa officials say a re-canvas can only be done if it is requested by one of the candidates. so far, that has not happened. they have now moved on to new hampshire where the next party primary will be. pete buttigieg and ernie sanders have declared themselves winners. >> what i want to do today, three days late, is to thank the people of iowa, for the very strong victory they gave us at the iowa caucuses. >> to be fair, we see the numbers coming in, they are neck and neck. the vice president is quite a bit further behind. >> seven candidates have qualified for the next debate, tomorrow. are joe biden, bernie sanders, elizabeth warren, pete buttigieg, amy klobuchar, andrew yang, and tom steyer. new hampshire's primary is next tuesday. bernie sanders is boosting staffing for super tuesday, thanks to big fundraising in january. they said they raised $25 million last month. they will use the money to hire staff, and provide digital ads in 10 states. the vermont senator had $18 million in cash on hand from last year. the prosecution rested the case in the harvey weinstein sexual assault trial. the jurors heard from two women at the center of the trial, and several other accusers, his testimony was used to show his alleged, pattern of behavior. the defense team will call their witnesses to the stand. harvey weinstein has pled not guilty towarming in a hotel room in manhattan back in 2013. there was a separate assault charge from 2006. we have no word on whether harvey weinstein himself will testify. starting today, certain flavored electronic cigarettes are banned from the market. the partial ban as part of president trump's attempt to stop teenagers from vaping. certain was like fruit, candy, and dessert flavors from small cartridge based electronics that was like juul, are prohibited. tobacco and mental flavors are still on the market. still to come, the 49ers head coach and general manager put a bonus season that was so close to perfection. coming up next, we will hear what kyle shanahan had to say about anything would change from the loss in the bowl? the date is set. coming up, we have details about the memorial to honor kobe bryant, his daughter, and seven other people that died in a helicopter crash. temperatures are in the 60s at this hour. how much longer will the warm temperatures last? i have all of that information coming up in the extended forecast. look at that gorgeous sunset. [music playing] (vo) this is how you broke from tradition to create new paths to success. as you continue to work hard to secure your future... wells fargo will be by your side, helping you make it happen. this is your moment. this is how empowered becomes empowerful. mik'mike will get it done?'n, ok, let me tell you what the 'it' is. as mayor, i expanded healthcare coverage. as president, i'll build on obamacare because healthcare is a right. i created nearly 500,000 jobs in new york city. as president, i'll build an economy that delivers good jobs with higher wages. i'll take on the gun lobby and save lives. and i will stop trump's assault on women's reproductive rights. i've got a record of doing things. i've got the resources to take on this fight. as mayor, i held myself accountable for results. as president, i'll offer common sense plans and i will get it done. so let's stay on the offensive, and let's win. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. the nba trade deadline has passed, but not before more changes were made to the warriors roster. they traded d'angelo russell to the timberwolves for andrew wiggins and first and second round draft picks. the warriors also included jacob evans and others in the trade. last night, the warriors traded alex works and glenn robinson to the 76ers, for three second round picks. big changes with the warriors. for the 49ers, sounds like they want to keep a similar roster next year. what do you think? >> i like the way she did sports. >> that is a lot of fun. [ laughter ]>> we want to know about the 49ers, right?[ laughter ] >> the 49ers are set up for quite a while. they do not have that much money left in the to go out and hire new free agents. the guys they have got, established some caliber. they will have some contract extensions. today, as john lynch, who is some of the roster, with coach kyle shanahan said, they had a press conference and were asked about several things. they asked, would you do anything different? here's the situation, here's the key thing. this is a great lead. look at the ball, they handed this off, and it was ripped off five yards, getting second down. at five yards to go. he was a workhorse in the first two games of the playoffs. on second down, they did elect to pass, having it batted down by chris jones from the chiefs. we are in a third and 5 situation. they are pressured, and the passes of the mark, intended for kendrick. they had to punt. they use only 40 seconds on the clock. you can see jimmy garoppolo under pressure. for os is so easy for quarterback to complete a pass, it is not. kyle shanahan was asked today, would he have done anything differently? >> no, i have been through it all about it thousand times in the last three days. there isn't. i was excited with how the game went up to that point. i know we did not get it done. i do give a lot of credit to kansas city. they made that third and 15. we thought we had the game won right there. you look how you get back into it. to look at the calls, you always want them to work. when the play doesn't work, it is like, i will think of something different. maybe they can execute the play. i was happy with how the game went from the management spot. >> i would just say, i am a supreme kyle shanahan supporter. i think he is a good coach. someday he will be a great coach. i don't know how you can look at that and say, i would not do anything differently. it is amazing. to say he is totally happy with how it turned out? >> it did look good right there. his offensive coordinator was from the falcons. they have been outscored 46-0 in the fourth 1:45 super bowls. if you cannot go back, and honestly say, i needed to do something different, the first thing that pops in your head is, they were running the ball really well on that first downplay. running is what got them there. they needed to wind down the clock. they had the lead. it was second down a 5. you run the ball until it is proven it cannot be stopped. to say he would not do anything differently, i think that is a little stubborn. he is a young coach. i think he has some things to learn. >> the play the game, third down, 10 yards, there are two minutes left. the receiver beats both defenders. jimmy garoppolo overthrows and by five yards. he is pay $22 million per year. that was his moment. he missed it. i did read an article, cannot remember which paper was, or who the colonist was. what they said is, maybe jimmy garoppolo is a backup quarterback. maybe the 49ers should think about trading him. >> that is absolutely absurd. >> he got them to the super bowl. >> whoever wrote that, that is ridiculous to think that this guy, that led them to the super bowl, and keep in mind, going to the fourth quarter, he would have been the mvp of the game. he was having a very solid game. he had a very solid season. he has done what has been asked of him. that onepass you mentioned, it was a very difficult row to complete. i did not agree with the play call. why go for a bomb? >> the receiver had beaten both defenders by about five yards. he overthrew him. >> that was a difficult past to complete. >> bottom line? i am a supporter of kyle shanahan and jimmy garoppolo. >> they have gone over it, and they did review it. it's time to flush it and move on? >> yes. mikey play was when the chiefs had it, at their own 35 yard line. it was third in 15. patrick mahomes, through a dying quail. it looks like a pond from where i was. in the 49er defenders, circled the wide receiver. they were nowhere near him. you can tangibly see on the bench, the momentum change. they got up, they were pumped, they realized they could win. the defensive backfield deserves to take some heat more than jimmy garoppolo. >> we will continue this conversation. we have to get out of it. the producers like, you guys have to go. like i did not get anything. [ laughter ]>> that could go on for a while. will do this all night. :let's take things to a more sunny place. let's move on to the weather. we have had great temperatures in oakland. the high is 69 degrees. it was 69 in santa rosa. it was 68 in san jose. look at these numbers. it is 60s all over the map. we are talking mid and upper 60s. this guys are nice and blue. you can barely see a cloud in the sky. these are the current temperatures. we are off of those highs. look at this, 66 degrees in san francisco. you might be thinking, do i need a jacket? you could probably get away without a for a few more hours. throughout the night tonight, we are mostly clear. we will have 30s and 40s overnight. we have some patchy fog in the morning. be prepared for that. we have sunny skies when we start the day. the weekend is cooler on sunday. it does look pretty nice. one of the things we are glad to have some nice weather for, if you are heading out to the parade for the chinese new year and festival, they will have nice weather. at 5:00 on saturday, it will be 57 degrees with partly cloudy skies. that is great weather for the parade. i am glad we do not have any rain in the forecast. we could use some rain. this is what we normally see in february. as you can see, as we take a look at the calendar, we have had a dry start to the month. as we look at the next week or so, we don't have any rain in the forecast. we are at the point where we need rain in the forecast. hopefully it will show up soon. high pressure is in control. that is why we are warm and sunny. we have a low pressure system out in the pacific. it is not strong enough to bring us rain. tomorrow, we will have fog with mostly sunny skies. temperatures are in the 60s. we could even see 70s out there. toward the weekend, this is a low pressure system that will be a dry cold front. it will give us some wind on sunday. it does not look like it will bring us rain. these are the overnight lows. it is 45 in san francisco. it is 41 degrees in san jose. we were cooler not too long ago. tomorrow is beautiful with sunny skies again. look at this. we are looking for 60 degrees in the north bay. we are in the low and mid 40s, or 60s throughout the day. we have a quick look at the five day forecast. we will stay relatively warm and in the 60s as we go right throughout the week. we have no rain in sight. back to you. history was made at the international space station. >> nothing can make me more proud than to follow in the footsteps of my heroes. the important accomplishments recognized by the space agency today. a historic day in space aviation. nasa astronaut rosina cook set a record for the longest spaceflight by a woman, lending and cause asked on after 11 months in orbit. marcus white has her return from space, tells us this elevated astronaut is not the only trailblazer that nasa is honoring this week.>> reporter: after spending 328 days in the international space station, christina koch is back on earth. the 41-year-old landed in kazakhstan on thursday, as a recordholder for the longest spaceflight by a woman. >> highlighting the story, it helps us to move toward a world where everyone who has a dream, has to work equally hard to achieve that dream. >> reporter: her departure makes jessica a mere the only female astronaut in orbit. she had cook teamed up for the first all woman spacewalk. >> nothing could make a more crowded than to follow to the footstep of my hero, in one small way. hopefully, i will inspire the next generation. >> reporter: nasa continues the celebration of first in washington by honoring an airman during an event at their headquarters. >> if you don't know the history, the air force led the country in integration. >> reporter: brigadier general charles mcgee is one of the first black fighter pilots in the country. >> i love flying. to get off the ground, loop, role, and spin, and comfort your feet on the ground, that is it for me. >> reporter: trump honored him at the state of the union address this week. this is ktvu fox2 news at 6:00. san francisco's chinese new year parade is two days away. local leaders are trying to ease concerns, as the coronavirus threatens to cast a shadow over the big celebration. >> people are concerned and fearful. the key thing to remember is there are no newly diagnosed cases of the coronavirus in san francisco. >> the parade typically attracts hundreds of thousands of people to downtown san francisco. officials say there is no need to stay away from that parade. any fear of the coronavirus here is unfounded. however, it is a completely different story in wuhan, china. the number of confirmed coronavirus cases has gone above 31,000 cases. the youngest patient, is having a newborn, diagnosed just a 36 hours after birth. the death toll has gone up to 636. among the dead, a doctor, in china, who was reprimanded for warning others about the coronavirus outbreak back in december. the 34-year-old was reportedly forced to sign a statement, admitting to

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