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it's the news they dreaded the family say his body was found bushed beyond recognition and a suspect is under arrest. new details. we met amir's parents a few mights ago. >> the parents were suspicious about the suspect from the start. as far as they know he's the last person to be with their son. >> we don't know why to such an extreme to murder my son. he's not a big player in anything 23450 from missing to murder the outcome they feared. >> 20-year-old amir disappeared and his phone went dead 16 days ago. police found a burned body a week ago but nobody let on to them. >> it's been confirmed it is your son. i'm sorry to tell you. can we go see him. >> you don't want to see it. >> friends arrive at his home. the suspect is not someone the parents ever heard of until friends said they were together and planned to eat in oakland. amir's dad went to the apartment. on the phone the 21-year-old said they changed their mind about eating and amir was fine when they parted. >> are you sure my son was okay. you were the last to be seen with my son. >> if you've the name and number of someone last seen with your son you need to pull them in. >> amir was completing youth court to clear his record and staying out of trouble. >> i would drive him down to court sessions or counseling and he made sure he made every one of those. >> amir expoliced excitement about going back to school. >> this is 2020, i've chosen real estate like my mom. >> how he ended up dead will unfold in court. >> i only have 20 years. >> he killed him and burned him. >> it's too much. >> they are waiting to hear from a homicide downtown about their son as killing. next week they will be there in court seeking answers. >> not the outcome they wanted. we want to get to details on the corona virus, more than 1200 cases. the virus in china. cities are on lock down. three cases were reported in france. those are the first in europe and a second person in the united states has been infected. health screenings continue. as of yesterday 2000 passengers on 200 flights have been screened. here in the bay area there's no confirmed cases yet, local health departments are preparing just in case. >> at the san jose airport many from china were wearing masks from protection. one passenger said there's a sense of caution. >> they check the body temperature and when you go to the restaurant they check the body temperature. >> they have screened less than 10 people but no one has tested positive. >> they are isolated to home. they are not exposing others. >> alameda cord nateing with other health departments. >> this is above and beyond our day-to-day response, we need the pull in resources. >> how likely to spread to the bay area. >> we might see a case here or there. probably someone who traveled somewhere high risk. if we have identification processes we can control the spread. >> testing one person who came back negative. health officials say those with flu-like symptoms should call the doctor first. >> anyone who has traveled to wuhung will be someone we want to make sure we have seen by a doctor. >> the odds are the someone got sick in china and flew here they are likely only have the flu. >> there were rumor that's the coronavirus spread to fremont. that's not true. it's misinformation spreading faster than the corona virus. in china the city is getting a new hospital designed to treat the parents. a public market is the source of the new train. they aim to have it completed in less than a week. missouri senator asked the trump administration to issue travel restrictions. he had written to 4 cabinet sects. when will american travelers be notified. >> turn to for updates around the clock. a plane crashed today killed a father and son in auburn. it went down shortly after takeoff. the plane is a world war ii era high wing model plane. 80-year-old anthony wright and his 55-year-old son. video on social media shows the downed plane. >> we did need to cordon off the area wider than usual, there's different plane parts around the area. that could give you an idea how terrifying this crash was. >> another person was hurt in the crash. the faa is investigating what went wrong. the house impeachment manager concluded their arguments. the president's defense team has their turn tomorrow. kats presented evidence to support the charge of obstruction of congress. >> president trump tried to got, he got caught, and then he worked hard to cover it up. >> house managers mounted their financial push area geeing for the remoral of office. they focused on obstruction of congress. >> no president used the official power of his office to prevent witnesses to give testimony to congress. >> this idea thaw obstruct congress by exercising constitutional privilege the absurd. >> the managers press for four people to testify. some believe president trump will ceus executive privilege. >> you don't realize how important character is in the highest office in the land until you don't have it. a president that will use his power to coerce an ally to help him cheat. >> the best thing to do is to end with no witness and have congress do oversight with what happened in the ukraine in a professional way. >> friday morning president president spoke at the antiabortion rally. >> they are coming after me because i g for fighting fothos who have no voice. >> the president's defense temple begin their arguments on saturday. the president called it death valley. . the u.s. department of defense confirmed 34 american troops suffered brain injury. eight are in the u.s. nine others are in germany and 17 have returned to duty in iraq. at the end of the day it wasn't our fault. >> attacked and robbed. >> millions of dollars in stolen property recovered. the arrest made in the case. looking to get your business off to a fast start in the new year? it's go time! switch to comcast business and get fast internet on the nation's largest gig-speed network. plus, complete reliability with 4g lte backup. and, cloud-based security to help protect the devices on your network. greenlight your business in 2020 with fast internet and voice for $64.90 per month. switch now and get a $100 prepaid card when you add comcast business securityedge. call today. comcast business. beyond fast. . a twist in the legal battle blkehe's suing the california coastal commission the san mateo county sheriff for being forced to give up his property rights. the state constitution said the public should be allowed access to the coastline. it was a case that sparked outrage. passengers attacked by a mob of teens. now two of the passengers lost their lawsuits. >> this is video showing a group of teens jumping over the gate back in 2017. some of the teens got on a train and attacked him, his wife and his daughter. >> he reached to grab my phone. three individuals started kicking and swinging at me. >> she was hit several times and punched in the mouse. >> this week a jury ruled against him and earlier this month a court said bart is not liable if riders are attacked before they get to train night was horrible and terrifying to be on the train and the platform, it wasn't our fault it happened. >> despite what happened there was understand enough. >> paul is an attorney that respected the plaintiffs. no matter if they were on the trainor platform bart had a kuthy to protect them. >> these type of cases involving one party responsible for the criminal acts of the party. >> our station agents called police and the jury said they followed the procedures. >> riders had mixed reactions. >> i'm not sure why they lost. i feel bart is a great means of transportation. >> they would have soon it happen. bad people look for people who are not paying attention. >> there's been improvements and it is possible to win a case depending on the circumstances. now to the peninsula, dependence have busted a fencing operation. the recovery of 2 million of stolen property and the arrest of eight suspects. they recovered laptops, and $150,000 in cash. authorities say the stolen property is linked to burglaries across the county. a federal judge matsch require bonuses to fire prevention. the utility failed to meet goals including trimming and removing vegetation around power lines. pg&e was ordered to issue a response. tomorrow marks the first day of the lunar new year with people preparing to ring in the year of the rat. how people plan to celebrate. >> this is the most important holiday for the chinese community. it's about family, food and celebrating with fireworks. >> in chinatown on the over of new year lion dancers perform chasing away bad spirits. >> bring out the chinese culture and show it to the world. >> at far east restaurants workers were cooking the meals. >> this is dry oyster and mushroom. >> this is good luck and prosperity. if parents coming from china and trying to make a living men something. >> this time of year is when merchants set up stands to offer baked goods available only for the holiday. >> this is sugar and coconut milk. >> fruits with leaves and stems are a symbol of life. grapefruits mean to have. >> you have to keep everything in the house from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. it is you're happiness. >> hair salons were busy. haircuts are a way to prepare for the new year. >> we're putting good luck phrases, every year we clean up and that's part of the clean up. >> at closss time they chased out the old and brought in the new. >> in the days ahead it's about visiting family and friends and giving out red envelopes. i want to wish everyone a happy year of the rat. >> thank you so much. such a great way to spread the culture and special things about it. join us for the chinese new year's parade on saturday february 8. environmental groups call them forever chemicals, a film screens is pushing for new laws. >> can the 49ers stop kansas city. up first, in five minutes the crush of fans hoping to meet rahim. . a earthquake rattled the southern california deit was 14 barstow. it was followedded by a 2.9 aftershock. there's no reports of damages or injuries. a 6.8 struck in eastern turkey. 18 people are reported dead. 30 people were trapped in collapsed buildings. rescue teams tried to free them. it was followed by several aftershocks. in 992 strong earthquake killed 18,000 people. the remains of three american firefighters that died in australia have been recovered. they were from a fire crew paced in california. captain macbeth, paul hudson and rick morgan. the plane went down after dropping retardent. the cause is under investigation. a man who tried to hit livermore police officers with his car were charged. mathew kelly drove at two officers. the officers opened fire and shot kelly in the leg. kelly has addresses in fremont and union city. elizabeth holmes is representing herself. she phoned into a key hearing without a lair present. customers say they may have received inadequate care. her attorneys quit she had not paid her bills. she's accused of misleading investors saying her company could perform lawith a few tropes of glads. >> 49er fans gathered to meet their hero. they are counting down the days until the big game. >> the fans, they are unbelievable, we're going to a special place. the fan base will be crazy in miami. >> his smile says it all. he was scheduled to sign autographs for an hour and a half but it went on for an extra hour. leading up to the big game our team. >> miami will cover all if angles. coming up, a powerful explosion in a houston neighbor, killing two people, leveling a building and damaging homes. >> they are in the bodies of 99% of all americans. beyond the routine checkups. beyond the not-so-routine cases. comcast business is helping doctors provide care in whole new ways. all working with a new generation of technologies because beyond technology... there is human ingenuity. every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected. to do the extraordinary. take your business beyond. . a a movie screening bought a congresswoman and environmental group. why most americans have been exposed and what lawmakers are doing. >> movie night in redwood city tackled a serious movie. the environmental working group held a screening of "dark waters" whatever is killing the cows is in the drinking water. >> a attorney fights dupont. chemicals that have been used since the 1940. >> they are in the bodies of 99% of all americans. >> the group of chemicals are everywhere. >> these are the nonskip chemicals like scotchgard, teflon. they are in everything. >> there could be risks including cancer, birth defects and health problems. >> the companies don't have to tell us if they are using it or dumping. >> jackie spear has been working. >> we were successful to get language in it to require more reporting, more research. >> she says on january 10 the house passed a bill the pieces action account 247 to 159 requiring disclosures, monitoring and clean up efforts, the bill is awaiting action in the senate. firefighters foam is another test. >> we are testing the military sites. >> california is expecting to do more testing with results released in 2021. i'm a warehouse used to make plastics exploded in houston, texas. two were killed in the blast. the blast so strong it moved s was leveled. neighbors showed off holes in the homes. >> knocked all the par, into bedroom and the bedroom. the headboard was laying and that headboard saved us from the glass. >> officials say tests did not show any threat to air quality from chemicals in the plant. they will try to determine the cause of the blast when it is safe. trump on is threatening to cut off funds to california over abortion. in a statement feinstein said california has not taken any action against a health care insurer that's discriminatory. >> president trump is the fist president to attend to right the life. he's a strong defender of the unborn. >> we're here for a simple reason. to defend the right of every child born and unborn. >> the president's reelection campaign announced the creation pro-life voices or trump coalition. >> the white house is receiving criticism after releasing the sky force. side by side images, funding for space force was included in the $738 billion national defense signed in december. let's go to wall street, markets are lower, health care companies, airlines and branches led a broad sell out. >> california is holding steady. california added 12600 payroll jobs. professional and business services accounted for the most employment growth. rising acid levels in the ocean are harming young crab. in oregon, washington and british columbia. the shells were pitted and folded in. the scientist need more information about the effect of the entire ocean food change. the ocean is becoming more acidic. lots of clouds, we'll talk about shower chances as we head into the weekend. >> up first, 373 million reasons to play powerball. . the pow ever ball will be 373 million. and we caught up with people purchasing tickets. lottery officials said there hasn't been a jackpot this high since last november. >> everybody say it's destiny. maybe again. >> do you think it will work? >> who know. we know that if nobody wins on saturday the next jackpot will exceed 400 million. a lot of money. >> in the meantime, look at these numbers, lots of 60s and a few spots. fairfield 72. santa rosa 59, lots of 60s for san francisco, hayward, and morgan hill. not much tomorrow morning, fairly dry, fog tomorrow morning, a chance as we head into tomorrow afternoon. and then everybody picking up rainfall early sunday morning and scale back by mid-morning sunday and into the afternoon hours, here's the satellite. the bulk of the rainfall has been north. we had rain this morning in parts of the north bay. right now lots of clouds and fog, fog is a factor near the coast and the bay. most areas in the 50s for the 10:00 hour. here's the live camera. watch out for reduced visibility for tonight and tomorrow morning. overnight lows in the 40s and the 50s and as you can see, clouds and fog. mostly cloudy skies, three, four, we bring in showers in the north bay. everyone picking up rainfall late saturday to early sunday. beach hazard alert until 11:00 saturday. here's the weak system tonight that could generate a few sprinkles. drizzle south or sprinkles. as we take this into tomorrow, the shower chances in the north bay by tomorrow afternoon and the main action late saturday night and sunday morning. in the sierra 20s and 30s. our system will lead to more rain and snowfall. here is our forecast model. tomorrow morning the clouds and into the afternoon hours we bring in the chance of a few north bay showers, this is 4:00, we'll hold on to the possibility of scattered showers sunday morning. sunday afternoon we will have sunny brakes, lots of cloud cover, the maybe event moves in late saturday night, a chance clouds and another even, 8:00, chance on tuesday of next week. coming up, sticker shock for some homeowners, they are on the hook for a homeless encampment. tonight's extended ports cast, we'll show you what the 49ers are up to 9 days before the biggest games of their lives. the warriors made a trade and they went toe-to-toe with the pacers. looking to get your business off to a fast start in the new year? it's go time! switch to comcast business and get fast internet on the nation's largest gig-speed network. plus, complete reliability with 4g lte backup. and, cloud-based security to help protect the devices on your network. greenlight your business in 2020 with fast internet and voice for $64.90 per month. switch now and get a $100 prepaid card when you add comcast business securityedge. call today. comcast business. beyond fast.

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