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appear to turn a blind eye to a president's obstruction. >> it was indeed another day of heated debate and for more we are joined by greg lee. >> reporter: this is the last few hours right now for the democrats, before the defense team takes over to our. seven impeachment managers are trying to sway the mind of the senate, this as the president's approval numbers are up. and two thirds of americans say the senate should call new witnesses. >> president trump tried to cheat. he got caught. and then he worked hard to cover it up. >> reporter: democratic house managers are now in their final push arguing for president trump's removal from office. on the last day of opening arguments the managers focused on the second charge, obstruction of congress. >> no president ever used the official power of his office to prevent witnesses from giving testimony to congress in such a blanket and indiscriminate manner. >> reporter: i have a very easy >> i've said this before, exercising constitutional privileges is absurd. >> reporter: the managers continued pressing for at least four senate republicans to vote for witnesses and or evidence. some gop members say they believe that president trump will use executive privilege, which would in turn drag out proceedings. >> you don't realize how important character is in the highest office of the land until you do not have it. until you have a president willing to abuse his power and coerce an ally to help him cheat. >> the best thing to do is to end the trial with no witnesses for either side. and have congress do oversight regarding what happened in the ukraine, in a professional way. and i prefer outside counsel. >> reporter: friday morning president trump spoke at a march. he did not address the trial directly but criticized immigrants. >> they are coming after me because i am fighting for you and we are fighting for those who have no voice and we will win. >> reporter: again the president's defense team will begin arguments tomorrow. mr. trump tweeted his frustration with that calling saturday, quote, the death valley and tv. >> what exactly does the schedule look like for the defense team? >> reporter: they will start tomorrow and like the democrats, they get three days, up to 24 hours if they want them. the defense for the president says they would only take about three hours tomorrow and then less than that 24 just to see what happens and then pick it up on monday after that. >> what would the impact be for someone on john fulton if he is approved by the senate? >> reporter: some republicans have said that doing that would draw out the process of executive privilege being used. democrats are arguing that chief justice john roberts good the decision unilaterally within the confines of the trial. also arguing that because bolton no longer works for the executive branch and because he is willing to testify, maybe he is exempt from all of this. something to remember, despite or whatever the chief justice decides to rule, the senate can overrule it with a majority vote. it will be exciting next week waiting to see what happens. >> thank you so much, greg. the trump administration is again threatening to cut funds to the state of california, this time overstate requirement that private health insurers cover abortion. the administration says that the policy is discriminating against healthcare entities that refused to cover abortion services when taxpayer dollars are involved. the u.s. department of health and human services giving the state 30 days to comply or face the loss of unspecified funds. five other states, illinois, maine, new york, or gone and washington have similar laws on the books but for now only california faces funding cuts. president trump is making history today. is the first sitting resident to address, in person, the march for life rally in washington, d.c. president trump said that he is a strong defender of unborn children. >> we are here for a very simple reason, to defend the rights of every child born and unborn to fulfill their god- given potential. >> the president's reelection campaign announced the creation of a pro-life voices for trump coalition. that will recruit americans with pro-life values to support the president's reelection bid. tom stier continues to campaign here in the bay area. today in san francisco he had a town hall meeting with leaders of latino communities about immigration and other issues. yesterday in richmond he had a roundtable meeting at a pub to talk about his criminal justice policy and how to reform the system. he was joined by former inmates and how they try to reenter the workforce. kamala harris could soon be announcing her endorsement of democratic presidential candidate joe biden. "the new york times" reports that according to multiple official senator harris may endorse biden after the senate impeachment trial. biden and senator harris have stayed in contact since she ended her bid in early december. that is despite her slamming biden during early debates for working with past segregationist senators in the 70s. so far a spokesperson for harris has said that no official decision is made. france today announced three confirmed cases of coronavirus. those are the first cases outside of asia and the usa. authority say that all three sickened people traveled to china and two of them are in the same family. they were the first cases registered in your. health officials there say that they expect more cases and that virus must be bottled like a wildfire. here in the u.s. officials are working with partners and other bay area counties to prevent the spread of the virus. >> we have stood up our emergency operations center to help organize ourselves. we are working with providers, we sent out an alert to physicians so that they know what to do when someone comes in. >> health officials themselves are just learning about this new virus and say symptoms typically include fever, cough and shortness of breath. people who suspect they may have contracted be virus or have come in contact with someone who has, are being urged to stay home and avoid spreading it. here in the bay area local health departments are screening some sick patients for coronavirus. alameda has tested fewer than 10 patients with symptoms and the cdc has cleared the rest. contra costa tested one person in the test came back negative. santa clara and san francisco have no patients being tested. chicago woman in her 60s is the second confirmed case of the virus to hit the u.s. fox news correspondent jonathan serrie has more on what authorities are doing to stop the spread of the new deadly virus. >> reporter: a deadly virus outbreak that started in china has been to america. the cdc says that a chicago woman in her 60s has become the second confirmed case in the u.s. she is now hospitalized and isolated and health officials say there is little threat to the public at this time. >> we have a solid response plan in place. there is no need for the general public to change their behavior in any way. based on this news. >> reporter: both coronavirus patients in the u.s. recently traveled to wuhan, china, where the outbreak started. that city and several others are now under complete lockdown by chinese authorities, hoping to keep the infections from spreading further. here in the u.s. passengers from china are being screened at meter airports across the country. and some lawmakers are floating the idea of expanding the screenings. >> we were able to check people coming out of that specific area of china but now that the airports are closed out, people traveling there are going to other airports and it makes it more challenging. >> reporter: they are ramping up prevention experts but some experts say that it could be difficult to contain of transmission happens before people develop symptoms. >> if you wait until people develop symptoms then you are able to reduce transmission that way. if it transmissions earlier on then it will be difficult to contain. >> reporter: the cdc is testing doesn't of potential coronavirus cases in at least 22 states. in atlanta, jonathan serrie, foxnews. nearly 96,000 gallons of napa valley wine spilled into the russian river. coming up we will explain how it happened in the environmental concern. first. getting into the super bowl spirit, not fans are lining up for autographs from one 49ers standout. mostly cloudy skies over the bay area this afternoon and a few sprinkles recorded over the north bay. i will have what you can expect for the weekend coming up. for a emergency on day 1. congress has never passed an important climate bill, ever. this is a problem that continues to get worse. i've spent a decade fighting and beating oil companies... stopping pipelines... stopping fossil fuel plants, ensuring clean energy across the country. how are we going to pull this country together? we take on the biggest challenge in history, we save the world and do it together. at at&t we believe in access. the opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world. connecting with the things that matter most. and because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet. we've created access from at&t california households with at least one resident who receives snap or ssi benefits. may qualify for home internet at a discounted rate of $10 a month. no commitment, deposit, or installation fee. visit, to learn more. police and military personnel are at a home in stockton where officials found hundreds of military explosives prompting the evacuation of 20 homes. officers from the explosives yesterday when they were called to the home to check on an apparent natural death. bomb squad officers determined the devices were likely military and called travis air force base for help. >> right now we really have to slow down this investigation and experts go in and figure out exactly what are the devices and if they are safe. >> it is unclear if the man had ever served in the military or why he had stockpiled the weapons. time to talk football. the 49ers heather final full practice today before they had to miami to take on the kansas city chiefs in super bowl liv. this will be quarter back jimmy g's their time going to the super bowl and his first as a starter. the last two times he was tom brady's backup and says that his past experiences at the super bowl will help this time around. >> i think when you get down there, especially with the media availability and all the requirements and obligations you have to do, i think having been through that and obviously being a starter is different with time management and everything. but having seen all that being up close and personal with it, i think it will help me. >> he was back up to the best. the team has another week of rest and practice before heading to miami for the big game on sunday. meantime, in daly city fans are waiting for a fan pep rally. >> this is exciting. ann rubin is their life, the turnout has been huge. >> reporter: the line here at dick's sporting good, makes it about 225 people that got wristbands for this. it is a chance to get an autograph and spend the day with other diehard fans, soaking up the super bowl spirit. before the sun came up, 49er fans started lining up outside of the daly city dick's sporting good. >> i got here this morning and i am a diehard 49ers fan. they will not be in the super bowl every year. >> reporter: the big draw today, fans hoping to get jerseys signed, footballs and a surfboard. >> he is a special guy and a good running back but i am here for the fact that he is a server. >> reporter: his superstar performance in the nfc championship still has fans talking and they hope for an encore on super bowl sunday. >> he is in beast mode, like bo jackson. you say marchand who? he is like mozart. he makes music on the field. >> reporter: now fans are stocking up on 49ers year and the sporting goods store says it is flying off the shelves. >> we have been receiving shipments all week and no sooner we get on the tables that people are here shopping and ready to go. >> reporter: this family picked up a few items. >> going into this kind of anxious and nervous but we are ready. >> reporter: fans say that event like this add to the anticipation that they are counting down the days until the big name. >> everybody is into the super bowl spirit. we are all one big family and we are supporting each other and wanting our team to get the victory in the super bowl. >> reporter: fans can only get items signed if they are purchased here. rahim is supposed to be showing up at the store any minute now and is expected to stay about an hour and a half, but the fan party will extend after that tonight until about 8:00. sarah and andre. >> exciting fans out there getting ready to meet him. thank you for the life report. >> anxiously awaiting. remember you can watch super bowl liv on sunday february 2nd, right here on ktvu box 2. we will have life report from miami. hopefully the weather will be other than what we had today. >> we have a little bit of unsettled weather over the the bay area mam he is not looking that much better, to tell you the truth. looking over san francisco, with mostly cloudy skies and a few sprinkles reported over the north bay today. santa rosa is picking up a couple one hundredths of an inch or so. live from ktvu, looking over the estuary and seeing san francisco in the backdrop. we're having a mix of sun and clouds and hartley cloudy over most of the bay area. livermore is enjoying sunshine and santa rosa has been mostly cloudy and drizzling for most of the day. upper 50s to low 60s. livermore is one of the warmer spots and upper 50s and santa rosa. here is a look at some of the scattered shower activity, not all of this is hitting the ground but likely to have a little bit of drizzle and if you sprinkles embedded along highway one, the cosigner, highway 101 from santa rosa, and richmond bridge it looks like them sprinkles. over american canyon and going towards napa, it is confined to their today. central and south bay remaining dry with a few sprinkles popping up over san francisco at this hour. here's a look at that system. we have more rain coming our way over the saturday night timeframe. here's a look of futurecast, notice the shade of blue overlake county with parts of sonoma county and the north bay, central and south bay likely to stay dry. although mostly cloudy as well. tomorrow morning we wake up mostly cloudy and may have a little drizzle out there but not a big deal. here is 5:00 in the afternoon, again northbay favored here with a few scattered showers. the best of us will be dry. saturday into sunday it looks like it will sweep through into the overnight hours. that we wake up sunday morning with a few scattered showers and dry out by the afternoon. and so for the most part i don't think you need to cancel your plans. may have a few sprinkles over the course of a saturday but really it is overnight saturday into sunday when the wave moves through. there is a beach hazard alert for dangerous surf currents and large breaking waves until 9:00 this evening for our coastline. temperatures tomorrow morning under mostly cloudy skies, low 50s to start your day in san francisco and oakland and upper 40s for santa rosa and the east bay of san jose and livermore. for the afternoon low to mid to upper 60s. morgan hill, 67. the afternoon-you will be mild. when i come back i will have a look at the rest of your weekend and make tahoe if you are traveling for the weekend with anup. we are developing following news out of turkey where a 6.8 magnitude earthquake has struck the eastern part of the country killing at least six. people were seen running into the street after the quake hit and at least five buildings and in one town have collapsed. the region has experienced several aftershocks, the strongest 5.4. coming up residence in houston are shaken awake by an explosion rocking their homes. video of the intense blast sending debris flying for nearly 1 mile. tune in tonight for wwe friday night smack down beginning at 8:00, followed by the 10:00 news and 11:00 news right here on ktvu. this is my body of proof. proof i can fight moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. proof i can fight psoriatic arthritis... ...with humira. proof of less joint pain... ...and clearer skin in psa. humira targets and blocks a source of inflammation that contributes to joint pain and irreversible damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. humira is proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage,... ...and clear skin in psa. want more proof? ask your rheumatologist about humira. one person dead and two others injured after an airplane crashed your golf course in auburn this morning. the airplane went down on private property around 10:00. that is about one mile from the auburn immiscible airport in the fsa is investigating. in houston, two people are dead after a warehouse explosion early this morning. this is video of the explosion from a home doorbell camera several blocks away. you can see the intense blast right here shake the camera before it falls. several windows were blown out in nearby homes. officials leasing details this afternoon about how the explosion happened. >> there is a tank, a 2000 gallon tank of propylene that has been secured and so we don't have an active leak at this moment. that we have some areas that still have some fire and we are choosing to just monitor those and contain them until they burn out. >> a smoke plume could be seen miles away with every scattered for blocks. fire officials say that some homes close to the explosion removed off of their foundation. two people are on the run after a violent shootout in seattle. one woman was killed and several others hurt, including a child, after multiple gunshots rang out outside of the mcdonald's. police arrested one person and two others got away. cell phone videos show multiple people running away from the scene that witnesses describe as chaotic. >> everybody was in a panic, hiding behind cars and doors and jumping into alleyways. >> this is the third shooting to occur in downtown seattle and last week. people that live in the area say that the violent incidents are sadly becoming more common. it was day three for the sex crime trials of harvey weinstein. among those that testified including a high profile forensic psychologist that has worked with criminals and victims. >> reporter: day three of the harvey weinstein trial features testimony from the expert witness. on friday jurors heard from the forensic psychiatrist who is considered a blind expert and did not speak about weinstein's accusersctly. instead educating jurors about common myths. she told jurors that the vast majority of victims do not immediately report what occurred, especially in cases where they know the attacker. she explained it is common for victims to maintain contact with the perpetrator often because they cannot believe the attack happened to them. >> it was very important i think for her to be able to educate the jury. and about these cultural assumptions. >> reporter: they are looking to counter doubts from the attorneys who ask why some accusers continued to interact with the mogul after the incidents occurred. one of those being the sopranos actress, who testified in front of jurors on thursday. she detailed how weinstein attacked her in the early 1990s, doctors did address the same topics during the 2018 retrial of bill cosby, resulting in his conviction on charges that he drugged and molested a woman. weinstein has maintained that the sexual encounters were all consensual. if convicted he faces life in prison. in new york, bryan llenas, fox news. a judge is also allowing actress rosie perez to take the stand. she spoke with perez about the attack prior to going public and perez said that she told her that weinstein her but could not go public because weinstein said quote, he would destroy her. the dna custom company says that it is laying off 100 employees. 23 and me is known for its testing kits for researching genetic background, building family trees and determining predispositions to help with issues. a spokesperson says that the layoffs affect 14% of the workforce. victims of violent attacks on their property, but lost. a look back at crimes any deeper dive in answering the questions, can the transportation agency be held accountable of crimes on its property. the chinese new year start saturday. up next a new exhibit in danville that was part of a personal election years in the making. beyond the routine checkups. beyond the not-so-routine cases. comcast business is helping doctors provide care in whole new ways. all working with a new generation of technologies powered by our gig-speed network. because beyond technology... there is human ingenuity. every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected. to do the extraordinary. take your business beyond. two passengers attacked by a mob of teenagers filed lawsuits against an agency and lost. >> the question remains if a crime happens on what property, who is >> reporter: it is no secret that you deep pockets and that does not mean it is the criminal himself. these two cases involve passengers and begs the questions, if you are attacked on b.a.r.t. property, can you prevail? this is a group of teens in a b.a.r.t. station. some of the teenagers got on a train and then attacked this man, his wife and daughter. >> they reached over to grab my phone from me in my lap. when i pulled it away they took exception to that end i had three individuals on top, swinging at me and kicking. >> reporter: he sued b.a.r.t., as did another passenger who said the same group attacked her and stole her phone. >> she was hit and punched in the mouth with a tooth dislodged. >> reporter: this week no damages were awarded saying that b.a.r.t. is not liable if the passengers are attacked before they get on a train. >> it was a horrible incident and i'm sure it was terrifying to be on the train and platform. but at the end of the day it was not our fault that it happened. >> despite be fair jumping and the rowdy action of the crime, there was not enough to alert b.a.r.t. and the train operator that this was a potentially dangerous situation. >> reporter: this is an attorney that represented the plaintiffs and argued that no matter if they were on the train or platform, b.a.r.t. had the duty to protect them once they are in the paid area of the station. i asked if b.a.r.t. will always prevail? >> i don't like to think that anybody is untouchable in the legal system. these types of cases involving one party being responsible for the criminal acts of a third party are extremely difficult cases in general. >> our station agents did call police absolutely immediately. the train operator basically, what the jury said is that they followed the procedures and the proper training. >> reporter: riders that we spoke to had mixed reactions. >> not sure why they lost. i still feel that b.a.r.t. is a great means of transportation, especially for commuters like me. >> if they were paying attention they would have seen it happened. the mobs are looking for people, bad people look for people not paying attention. >> reporter: the attorney we spoke to said that he has definitely seen improvements since 2017 and tells me that it is still possible that b.a.r.t. passengers can prevail if they sue b.a.r.t., depending on the situation. live in oakland, henry lee, ktvu fox 2 news. officials say they hope new signs posted this week will help people that are homeless by stopping well minded people from handing them money. the signs went up at key intersections on wednesday, discouraging passersby from giving panhandlers money. instead it is suggested to donate to organizations that help the homeless. >> the city wants to continue to spread generosity but we think there are better ways to help homelessnestreet. >> i asked for $.50 one time and i got a $100 bill. that does not happen often. people don't ask for money for things to do, they do ask because they needed. >> the city hopes that the panhandlers will stop asking for money and look for services that will help them with long- term. authorities in sonoma county are assessing the environmental impact to the russian river after wine spilled into the water. nearly 100,000 gallons of cabernet spilled out of a large lending tank at rodney strong winery on wednesday. a door to the bottom of the tank popped open and allowed the wind to rush down a sewer system and into a creek, then into the river. oaklands lake will be close to swimming and fishing and otr activities unt further notice because of a sewage spill. it happened on wednesday also. you should avoid touching the water and the park will reopen once the tests show it is safe. a new gallery is opening this weekend at blackhawk museum with an exhibit called tran 27 for the start of the chinese new year. we got a sneak peek at the gallery and we are sharing why the exhibits are personal. >> reporter: there is a story being told inside this new exhibit in danville's blackhawk museum. is a bit of a love story. >> represents his love for china, his dedication to be country too. >> reporter: elizabeth is the curator of the "into china" gallery, a tribute of arts in history of china that features an imperial dragon, terra-cotta warriors and a scale model of the forbidden city that is 19 feet long and took 15 years to build. each piece has a story. so does the exhibit and the museum itself. this was ken's vision, the billing year who built the elite gated communities of blackhawk. >> the nexus is my father, he was passionate about certain things in life. he wanted children especially to experience this type of a, you know in china or whether the old west or automobiles, to just learn and be fascinated. >> reporter: every piece in the gallery is here because can bearing brought it here. >> he was so in love with it that he went all the way to the border of vietnam and acquire that. >> reporter: is family says that every time he took a trip the exhibit grew. and the five years that it took to create the gallery was personal. >> every day i saw him except when he traveled. he would come here. >> reporter: the space is filled with pieces meant to impress with size and detail. from a throne made of wood and gold, to the 28 pieces that make up the dreamland exhibit. >> many places in china you have to go from boat to one village and the other. that is white is the dreamland, the ideal place to live. ♪ >> reporter: this is part of his life story. >> he started his life so simply, he was not wealthy. he acquired knowledge throughout his life as well. you know? so this museum represents i think, his passion of life. >> reporter: as they get ready to open the doors there is sadness that he will not be able to see it. >> he would be very proud. my father passed away six months ago and his dream was to have the galleries opened and just have people enjoy them. that is our mission. >> reporter: but in here they say somehow it feels like his story continues. >> i think he is still alive here. you know? very much alive. >> reporter: in danville, claudine wong, ktvu fox 2 news. >> so the "into china" exhibit will open the first day of the chinese new year, saturday january 25th. be sure to join us for the san francisco chinese new year parade on saturday february 8th. you can watch it live right here on ktvu channel 2. american firefighters killed in australia have been identified. coming up, what we are learning about the american heroes. a cloudy day over the bay area and a few sprinkles recorded over northbay. more rain on the way for the weekend. i have more details coming up. at at&t we believe in access. the opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world. connecting with the things that matter most. and because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet. we've created access from at&t california households with at least one resident who receives snap or ssi benefits. may qualify for home internet at a discounted rate of $10 a month. no commitment, deposit, or installation fee. visit, to learn more. a new report says low income b.a.r.t. riders will be affected most when they get rid of the paper tickets. low income riders are more likely to use paper tickets instead of a card. the report suggests this riveting free cards to low income riders through community- based organizations. b.a.r.t. has stopped selling paper tickets at several stations and plan to phase out the use of paper tickets by the end of this year. authorities in alameda county are searching for people that lead them on an early morning case. it started at 880 at 3:30 a.m. following a hit-and-run destination. a driver got off the highway and fled sheriff officers and then got out of the truck near 69th avenue and got in another vehicle. eight-hour camera actually captured the suspects driving in a second vehicle but they eventually got away. flagler have staff in southeastern australia paying tribute to three american firefighters killed when their plane crashed while battling fires. killed were capt. ian h. mcbeth of montana, first officer paul clyde hudson of arizona and flight engineer rick a. demorgan jr. of florida. all were military veterans and according to the governor they served on a california-based crew that was a private company that was contracted. >> reporter: three american firefighters will not be returning home to their families after traveling clear across the globe here to australia to help battle the unprecedented wildfires. we are told the american plane and the american crew went down in a fiery crash over the snowy mountains. >> today is a horrible reminder of the dangerous conditions that our volunteers an emergency service sees undertake a daily basis. >> the crew on board were well known and our hearts are with all those suffering what is the loss of three, remarkable and well-respected crew. >> the caretaker that crashed had the capacity of dropping 4000 gallons of fire retardant in a single pass. they say that colson aviation will send a team to assist in emergency operations, our thoughts and prayers are with families of the three crew members on board. now, colson also grounded the other aircraft while the crashes investigated, fewer air takers will be available to assist in battling the wildfires. but without a doubt, as you will see in this social media video of some firefighters being welcomed at the airport, australians are credibly thankful to have the support of american firefighters. the and isc says the department of interior has sent more than 200 wildfire personnel to aid in the crisis. the death toll is now at 31, including eight firefighters, five australian and three american. i am and equipment, reporting from the operation center in sydney for fox news. let's take a live look outside at the weather. it was a nice day today, shaping up to be a nice evening as well. i went outside today and realized i did not need a jacket and i did not need a scarf, more on this weather. let's bring in rosemary orozco, with a look at the weekend weather. we were talking just a few moments ago how it is a little warmer out there. even mid to upper 60s reported over areas of the south bay today. giving you a look over san francisco where we are, mostly cloudy. the winds have been generally light, storm tracker 2 noticed some green on the screen and we may have a few sprinkles along highway one, areas of the north bay, east bay shores, san francisco. it is mostly evaporating before it hits the ground but we may have a few sprinkles going on out there. it definitely favors northbay for later today and into tonight. and then tomorrow we will get another chance before we all get a chance at that rain. here is a look at the system back in here. it will take another 24 hours or even longer than that. we are beginning to see some moisture over the bay area. here is your future cast into tonight, again if we stop around 8:00 or 9:00, lake county and sonoma county and the northbay, a better shot at seen rain then where we are central in south bay. those areas expected to stay dry. as you get to tomorrow morning mostly cloudy skies and perhaps a little drizzle to start the day. it looks like primarily over the northbay with a few passing showers late in the day. central and south bay likely to stay mainly dry. late saturday night and into sunday morning we see a wave move through bringing all of us rain. it looks like it will happen when we are sleeping. sunday we wake up with scattered showers and then we dry up for the afternoon. saturday looks to be mostly dry and as far as future cast, up to a quarter of an inch for areas up in the central bay and south bay and northbay could pick up a little bit more than that. we definitely could use some. hopefully we get mark coming. although i do not see much in the next few days. here's a look at temperatures for tomorrow morning, upper 40s to low 50s. it is not so bad. and then into the afternoon low 66 per northbay, low to mid 60s were the inner east bay, 60 degrees expected for san francisco. into southbay we will go 66 in san jose and 67 tomorrow for oregon hill and gilroy. definitely mild for many out there. the sierra is a cool one, in the 40s, south lake tahoe is cloudy and cool. for the weekend we will be dry as we get into saturday. sunday a mix of rain and snow expected. the snow levels are expected to be fairly high, above 7000 feet or so. no advisory for travel posted just. of course we will track that, if it changes. here's a look at the extended forecast for saturday will be one of the warmest days. as we get into sunday temperatures drop off. monday, into tuesday, not bad. temperatures definitely feeling more mild these days. >> that is good news that it is going to be dry on saturday because the oakland a's are gearing up for the upcoming season with the and will fan fest. it is held tomorrow from 9:00 until 3:00 and the manager and hometown hero marcus simeon will join other players and alumni to welcome fans back. the fan fest will feature free food, giveaways, games and activities for kids. the pentagon releasing new details today on the iranian missile strike on iraqi military bases. what we are learning about dozens of soldiers with traumatic brain injuries. coming up at 5:00, and east bay neighborhood just received a $20,000 bill to clean up a homeless encampment. while it all comes down to the property line. the deadly coronavirus spreads in the u.s. with two cases and then three cases in france. there are no cases in the bay area but local health departments are preparing just in case. rnia public school children couldn't get fresh produce in the cafeteria, we took action. we partnered with local farmers, school kitchens, a non-profit. that program now serves over 300 million healthy meals every year. the difference between words and actions matters. that's a lesson washington dc could use, right now. i'm tom 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this month iranian missile strike on iraqi military bases. the military says symptoms were not immediately reported after the strike and in some cases became known days later. the 34 u.s. service members were diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries and 17 are still under medical observations with others returning to medical military duties. >> we have seen our medical experts on the ground diagnosing and treating any and all members that need assistance. >> president trump initia said there were no injuries. iraq has asked the u.s. to remove all troops out of the country immediately. german police arrested a 26- year-old man accused of killing six people and wounding two others, all believed to be members of his family. they were shot in a house and two of the victims were the suspect's parents. the suspect called police to report the shooting but did not give motives. the age ranges from 36 to 62. thieves in detroit are making off with truly hot wheels. motor trend was tweeting out this video from the detroit eastside yesterday. it showed a 2020 corvette stingray on blocks. the beautiful car that has not even hit the market yet appears to have been untouched, except for the missing wheels. motor trend identified the car as an engineering vehicle owned by general motors. detroit police are now investigating. more than one dozen never before seen artifacts from the titanic are now on display at the titanic museum in loss vegas. titanic the artifacts exhibition titanic museum in the country. it contains a mix of items recovered from the ship, along with replicas. the tragic sinking of the titanic back in 1912 and the loss of more than 1500 lives is something that still generates interest. >> a key element of the titanic and why it resonates so much with people is because of the idea that this was the unsinkable ship. this was a technological wonder that would change the way that humans dealt with the environment, dealt with the natural environment. >> some new items on display at the titanic museum include a pair of leather boots and a cosmetic jar with cream. the fbi over how it audits some state back on checks. how fears of a possible threat prompted the move. a silicon valley job posting for hiring a nanny is getting a lot of attention because it is pretty lengthy and has a long list of requirements. it is a 1000 word post from a ceo with twin 10-year-olds. according to the post with household and corporate staffing agency, the calendar group, the ceo is looking to hire a house manager/cook/nanny. a few of the requirements include control, organize, motivate and plan for household staff. strategically plan vacation based on kids levels. do calisthenics with kids, including situps, lunches squats and push-ups. and be a strong swimmer and lifeguard. they also need the applicant have remained their heart to love the kid and mom and a high- capacity between loved deeply by them. interesting post there. a woman from nevada is breaking ground in the u.s. military. second lieutenant katerina shoemaker is now nevada's first- ever tank maker, after leading a platoon of 16 soldiers and four tanks. she joined the army national guard in 2015. she says that it took a while to earn the aspect of her peers. >> a lot of guys were incredibly concerned that things would change for the worse. soldiers would stare at me and almost run away like nobody wanted to talk. you get past the fact that there is a female really quick when you are relying so heavily . the tank only has four people and you need all four people in order to make it work. >> she says that as time passed other soldiers began to see her simply as a competent officer. she hopes that her successful open doors for other women in the military. >> the department of justice has ordered the fbi to audit how gun background checks in some states are performed. as fox's got morrow explain, the move comes after several members of the colorado delegation came for a check after an 18-year-old woman from florida came to colorado, bought a shotgun and sparked fears of a possible school threat. >> reporter: the fbi being ordered to audit how it oversees some state's back ground checks. is all laid out in this letter from the inspector general, michael horwitz. it comes almost one year after a perceived school threat closed classrooms for half 1 million students when she flew from florida to colorado and bought a gun at the shop. >> i would like to see a detailed explanation of how this purchase was effectuated and how we make sure that in the future these types of purchases don't happen. >> reporter: five representatives asks for the investigation here's why, colorado is one of their team point of contact states where the state in this case, the cbi, is responsible for firearm background checks, including using a federal database. the rest run a national background check directly to the fbi. in the case, she passed the cbi check but did not recognize that she would have failed the background check in florida because she was too young to buy a shotgun there. >> we have laws on the book for a reason and need to make sure that they are working effectively. if there are ways to improve them we ought to be willing to take a look >> reporter: it is not just democrats that agree. colorado republican democrat, scott tipton says that the inconsistencies with the background check laws are problematic for at risk individuals and law-abiding citizens. i appreciate the fbi's response to our inquiry and i look forward to the report. the cbi, which contends that it's checks are more thorough than the federal ones alone have been conducting its own interviews to address how gun shops can play a role in verifying different state's a new case of the coronavirus in the u.s.. 36 million people in china under a travel ban. so far, no confirmed cases here locally and that's good news.. three new cases in france, the first outside of asia and united states. authority say all three had traveled to china. two of them are from the same family. the second person in the united states and has been infected. the first u.s. case was reported earlier this week after a man returned to washington state. the second person lives in chicago. health officials around the world are now ramping up efforts. some say this outbreak could be difficult to contain if transition happens before people develop symptoms. >> if you wait for transmission of symptoms, -- the cdc says it's now testing doesn't of potential coronavirus cases in at least 22 states. >> so far 26 deaths have been reported. wuhan and other china cities have been put on lockdown affecting more than 36 million people. we don't have any local cases here but local health departments are getting ready, just in case. >> reporter: andre, public health

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