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Lafayette le there are preparing for quite a bit of time without power. Reporter consider this, this whole thing , all these shutoffs may not be over yet because second largest fire infire, occurred in december of 2017. The shutoffs are forecasted to impact 22 counties which affects 264,000 customers. The intent of any power safety shut off is to prevent a catastrophic wildfire. Reporter a good increase from the county count and subject to change according to the ever changing weather. We are looking at the weather models every hour and making decisions real time. Reporter six of the nine counties alameda, napa, sonoma, solano and marin and contra costa are included. The shutoffs will begin wednesday into thursday and the time needed to restore power. While many dislike power shutoffs more people are complaining online about another loss of service. The biggest problem we have in this Carriage Hill development has been the at t service also goes out. When the power goes out. Reporter while many cell towers have backup battery power, many do not so here is a tip. When we called at t about this, they basically said you need to get your neighbors to call and if enough people call in to complain maybe we will do something about it. Reporter consumer psychologist says folks are getting fed up with denial of basic utilities. When it comes to these fundamentals consumers dont even think about it until there is problem but when there is a problem and is top of mind, it is a disaster. Reporter pg e went and gripped two decades ago when it better and ill advised utility deregulation. And in 2010 disastrous consequences from the san bruno gas pipeline explosion for safety practices. In the last two years, utility cost wildfires have been the massive unsolvable problem. I think there should be no confidence that consumers have in the company to lose their jobs. How exasperating is this . On a 1 to 10, a 10. And cell phone service, attend. Plus for sure. Reporter remember these productions are just projections on some may come true and some may not. This may get bigger or smaller and we will know more about this tomorrow. We do have the latest information including the areas that will likely be affected by this next round of power shutoffs and all that on the homepage at ktvu. Com. Rosemary joins us live now and we look at the weather and we hope and we pray that it is wrong so that the power doesnt go off and we are saved another one of these headaches. We are so incredibly dry that any amount of wind will create that fire danger. The advisory are talking about will begin rolling through wednesday and thursday and today another warm one but we have a storm that is dropping in, that storm relatively dry. Not expected to bring any rain to the bay area. It will drop temperatures and really going to kick up the wind. Lets take a look at the future caste model i have it started. On tuesday you see along the coastline some breezy conditions and a little bit of a wind blowing around. That is coming from the northwest starting tomorrow morning and into the afternoon and into the evening hours, notice how the bar shifts and it becomes the northeast wind. When it is a northeast wind we really save the dry conditions and the heightened fire danger. That is tomorrow night and into wednesday morning, that shade of yellow and orange and red over the Central Valley and Sacramento Valley showing you where you will see some gusty wind. As we rode through wednesday evening notice by wednesday night the wind is blowing quite strong from the coastline over areas of the north bay and the east bay. This is where we have the red flag warning moving into place. The east bay hills wind 45 Miles Per Hour or so and could even gust stronger than that along the peaks. From wednesday morning into early thursday morning, relative humidity is expected to be very dry at 10 . This is what we are dealing with, meanwhile temperatures will plummet starting tomorrow i will have a look at that coming up. Pg e ceo bill johnson testified at an oversight hearing of the state capital looking into the last round of shutoffs. He defended the outages saying the singular purpose is to prevent wildfires. They say the fire risk footprint has grown from less than 15 of Pg E Service Area in 2012 to johnson pushed back at accusations that the grid is in bad shape. The utility has spent aliens of dollars inspecting and repairing minds. Whenever we find increment that needs immediate repair we fixed or replaced it. We have assured that every piece of Electrical Equipment within the next or near the fire danger area is suitable to customers. Reporter they said it will be there in communicating with the public. He said pg e is working to ensure that future setoffs are left disruptive. Vandals have struck a San Francisco ice cream parlor and the folks who run the business are striking back. We are live from the Mission District where the shops owners are making sure the public gets a real good look at these taggers. Reporter we are talking about a lot of damage, look at this window and you can see the etchings on the window here on the other side as well. The owner estimated it will cost thousands of dollars to replace the glass for another time. The owner says the socalled artists are putting their work on display they want to be sure the public knows exactly who they are. The screenshot in San Franciscos Mission District specializes in organic sweet treats but she says the windows in front of struck a sour note. Is affecting the community and how the shop looks and nodded good first impression. Reporter in august vandals strolled by the shop, stopped and edged the windows with some kind of acid. The surveillance cameras captured sharp images of the group of three men and then again in september this year a vandal struck again ows and usi to seal the door shut. Cameras were running on captured images of the vandal wearing a gray jacket with a hood. I have no worries before for it, because they are so bold, no sort of hesitation. It is not a pretty picture. Reporter the owner says it will cost 6000 to repair the damage which would make these felony vandalism cases. The Police Confirmed they are aware of the vandalism and say they are investigating and say the video of the suspects will be useful in tracking them down. Video is also important for the prosecution once we do catch the person. Reporter workers have no idea why vandals would target this little shop. We have no reason to why this is happening other than somebody having started of sick fun. We have pictures from the suspects of the august incident from last year and in that case three men walking by and etching the windows. Have a still photo of the man who committed the most recent acts of vandalism where he damage the windows and the door as well. The owners are so fed up there offering a 2000 reward to anybody who can help them find who is etching the windows and doing the damage to the property. You can get that reward in the form of ice cream as well. And it sounds like the folks at the shop, dont know why they are being targeted but are there any other businesses nearby that are tagged in a similar way . Reporter my photographer and i walks up and down with the other businesses that have been tagged. Not quite like this but in the area there are numerous businesses that have that edged windows or markings on the windows. Think about it, for a Small Business owner this is a big expense and the owner says replacing the windows is something he canrustrating. Lets hope they catch these folks soon. Fresno police are searching for gunmen who believe open fire at a Football Watch Party last night killing four. It happened at 7 45 near fresno State University. They estimate there was about 30 people at the party including Young Children and family. Investigators say two men got through an unlocked gate and started shooting at a group of men in the backyard. The Family Living there has no criminal ties. Once they enter the backyard, they fired randomly into the crowd, it does not appear they were targeting any individuals on a fired. Once they fire the rounds they fled. It was almost immediate. The victims were aged between 23 and 40. Two are well known entertainers and in fresnos community. They are still trying to figure out the shootings connected to a recent spike in asian gang violence. What is in a name . When it comes to Northern California tourist spot a whole lot. We will tell you about the brouhaha over apple hill, coming up. California sues juul labs and we are learning about the claims in the lawsuit. It takes a village to raise to build a bridge. To throw a baseball. To throw yourself into the unknown. To lose fear, to create hope. We believe that it takes a village of over 200thousand dedicated, passionate, driven medical and nonmedical professionals to deliver on our belief in total health for all. We are kaiser permanente. Thrive. California and los angeles are suing juul cigarette maker. Attorney general Xavier Becerra said legal act juul. The lawsuit alleges the San Franciscobased Vaping Company marketed to use. He criticized Gordon Sondland and juul for appearing to make flavored cigarettes to young people. This number two years ago was one and and nine. The suit claims juul set underage users marketing material. North carolina filed a suit earlier this year. For more on the lawsuit and how it may affect the entire market we are joined by a business professor at San Francisco State University and consultant with guardian forces. Thank you for joining us. So you know when we talk about vaping at this point, there seems to be even from juul, yes these kids should not be using it and yes maybe we did some things that we didnt realize, that they say that would allow some of the young people to use the vaping products but does this lawsuit really change where this industry is headed or is it more of just kind of taking a stand and getting resources to fight it . I think the letter of what you said, taking a stand is the vast majority of it. It really is, if you look at what is happening with the Opioid Epidemic and certain venous apologies and counties and states have been getting some pretty sizable payoffs. So, i think that is probably the majority of it but there is a couple of aspects of this lawsuit that is very interesting. One is that the state of california has claimed that juul addition to the products being unhealthy and creating a Public Health epidemic, they also are concerned that juul did not follow through with this age verification process. So that it is not just you are selling unhealthy product youre selling it to minors in particular. They were finding way for minors to get around this age verification process. For example, if a minor did skip around that process, and they ordered something, they could call back and say oh, it was defective. And they didnt have to go through the age verification process. They said send me some more. Ive talk to kids about vaping at the High School Level and lots of stories. They say this isnt a problem this is beyond walking into the stores that kids used to do with cigarettes and try to pass a fake id or go to another place. It is fairly easy. In the loss of the talk about an individual named beer can who have 17 different shipments and didnt have a real name or addresses that were clearly phony. When you go to court on talking about this on you already have the Tobacco Industry is kind of a model to say you knew this would work, how successful do you think california will be here . I think it has a great chance of being successful. I think it will also depend on whether other companies, i other states follow suit. As you saw again, to refer back to the Opioid Crisis because it is so prevalent in business lot right now, what happened is after one state after another jumped on the bandwagon then that made it prudent for the pharmaceutical companies to do a broad settlement with the various states. The mac doesnt matter that juul made changes, they replace the ceo and made it tougher and taken their advertising done. Is the barn door already open . Is it too late to say to fix something and does it mitigate the lawsuit . Doesnt matter to the jury or shareholders . Shareholders are okay with that. We are making a lot of money lets keep it going. A jury will think otherwise. So there is so many stakeholders in the situation. I think, the basis of this claim is that you said you talk about beer can, beer can, how many other fake names were there . The problem with this is that juul did not verify these people and here is the problem. Juul is blaming the outsourced age verification vendor and i think this is a huge mistake and in many organizations. Its like when you go on an airplane with United Airlines no longer makes the food, do they outsource that your Kitchen Company . Same thing now with a company like juul. It is one thing for an airline to outsource food. United is not in the business of making food but they are flying us safely. However, juul, for age such an important issue about vaping. For them to say it is cheaper for us to pay a third party, then it is to do it ourselves. Thats where they will get in big trouble. They will get, if it came down to a jury trial they will be in big trouble because the prosecutors could state you mean you actually just want to compromise the age verification process he could save money . Thank you so much for the talk. It is something to watch as this moves forward and we watch with other states do. We appreciate your time. Took wall street todays stocks inched up sending more records across the board. They had a good day with chipmakers after the Commerce Department granted chinese tech business 90 days to do business. The dow is up 31 points to remain above 28,000. The snb snp kicked off some points as well. Lets talk what the weather and the weather headed our way that is causing these shutoffs. A big switch in the pattern. We see the fog regroup and move closer to the coast. Some of us are cooler as a result but still another nice one in many areas. Take a look at the 70s as we get a view over san jose a little bit of haziness and the humidity is up. San jose at 72 and livermore 73. Upper 60s outside oakland, 73 San Francisco, 77 santa rosa so and unseasonably warm weather once again but that will change. We will take a dramatic turn with our temperatures. Here is mostly the clear skies around the bay area. Some highlevel clouds moving through and off the coastline near weve got some fogs. This is a system that will cool us down, the system will kick up the wind and this is the system that will help create that fire danger. This will move through the Pacific Northwest and drop into california, there is moisture coming from the south and it looks like Southern California could get rain. We are not expecting much if any at all. Tomorrow morning, low clouds return to the coastline made an highlevel clouds expected as well. Into the afternoon a little bit of blue over the mountain so you mays agrees some drizzle. Over areas of the Higher Elevation in this year as some wet weather as well. Tuesday evening and once this moves through wednesday morning we wake up with clear skies and is wednesday morning when we see the wind picking up and it will be with us until thursday morning. Here is a look at the temperatures tomorrow, 53 San Francisco, 51 oakland, chilly 41 santa rosa and for the afternoon a big downturn on the numbers. 62 San Francisco. 62 oakland and mid to upper 60s in areas over the east bay and the north bay. Today santa rosa hit 80. So expect the cooldown tomorrow and the wind is picking up by wednesday morning so details in the extended forecast plus a red flag warning coming up. A dispute is brewing over the name of a tourist spot which is a popular destination. Some all the apple growers at apple hills is one orchard is trying to take over the apple hill name and the profits for themselves. When you type in apple hill on facebook or instagram,it takes you to this page which looks like it represents all of apple hill. It is actually run by the family that owns a vista orchards. The apple Hill Organization says is misleading and adding confusion and drawing customers away from the dozens of other farms in the area. It is sneaky because, i thought they were kind of like a group of farmers. The Growers Association is suing the family over the trademark infringement. The owner says after discussing my dreams with a trademark attorney and being informed no one person or agency can have sole rights to promote a geographic location such as apwas met with hostility and anger from the apple hill growers ownership of the roadapple hill. Gunfire outside of walmart in oklahoma today, we will tell you the latest on this investigation into a mass shooting. Spend your monday night with fox you can catch 911 at 8 and the prodigal son at 9 and then the news at 10 and 11 here on ktvu. Here in the club i cant even hear my own voice. Jack in the box wouldve been a better choice. Head to jack in the box and experience the joy of missing out with my 3 mini munchies. Get em delivered with doordash. Only at jack in the box should have gone to jack, a theyve got it all. Head to jack in the box and experience the joy of missing out with my 3 mini munchies. Get em delivered with doordash. Only at jack in the box three People Killed in a shooting outside of an oklahoma walmart today and the gunman is among the dead. As we report, police say all three of the victims knew each other. Reporter pulleys form a walmart spun into gunfire in the parking lot. Two men and a woman are dead. All i heard was mine gunshots and we saw three bodies on the ground. Reporter it happened in duncan, 80 miles south of the state capital. The entire incident took place outside of the store, one person was killed next to a car the other two victims killed in inside a vehicle. A handgun was found at the scene. Investigators are taking pictures and we are pulling video off the store video. Reporter a perimeter was around dozens of vehicles and officers were standing near a covered body on the ground. The situation drawing 20 of onlookers. We have a Good Community and lots of people good in our town. Just one of the things that just happens out of the blue. It isnt like a normal day thing. Reporter no staff was involved in the store itself was not evacuated. Several witnesses were taken in for questioning the particularly about what they may have seen leading up to the shooting. Area schools were briefly placed on lockdown. The shooting comes over three months since the deadly massacre at a walmart in el paso, texas when that star reopened wednesday with multiple security officers. And other alleged victim of child sexual abuse of against Jeffrey Epstein is speaking up for the woman who goes by jane doe says she was 15 when epstein sexually assaulted her and she claims to have flown with others to his new mexico ranch. The accuser spoke today during a press conference in los angeles. I first came into contact with an assistant of ebsteins well on a drama club field trip to new york city. I only experienced a glimpse of his role, but it left me with residual trauma which seriously impacted the trajectory of my life from that moment on. The accuser who wants her identity protected says she chose to speak up because she wants to encourage other victims, underage victims of Jeffrey Epstein to come forward and assert their legal right. Up next, fighting back against intolerance, leaders from across the bay area joined together to kick off united against heat week. We will talk live with the mayor of berkeley coming up to explain the movement. Will the president testify in the house impeachment inquiry . We have the latest on my President Donald Trump says he will consider it. So that early retirement we planned. Its going ok . Great. Now im spending more time with the kids. Im introducing them to crab. Crab . They love it. So, you mentioned that that money we set aside. Yeah. The kids and i want to build our own crab shack. Ahhh, youre finally building that outdoor kitchen. Yup with room for the whole gang. See how investing with a j. P. Morgan advisor can help you. Visit your local chase branch. Testimony picks up in the impeachment inquiry four more witnesses will testify tomorrow before the house intelligence committee. As omes as President Donald Trump treated thatider submitti consider providing written testimony in the impeachment inquiry after the speaker of the house said he should answer questions. But not all republicans agree it is a good decision. It would be a no for me as far as my advice whether he should come testify. You should be focused on the priorities of the country. The chances he would actually come and testify or answer questions or be deposed are slim and none. Reporter on tuesday round three of open hearings, but it is wednesdays testimony from ambassador to the eu Gordon Sondland that has lawmakers most interested because of inconsistencies between his prior testimony and what other diplomats and embassies staffers have said under oath. They want to know what he knew about investigations and if there was pressue use in exchan there is no investigation. Reporter in other news, special Counsel Robert Mueller in headlines of the house of representatives is investigating whether or not President Donald Trump lied in his written answers during that probe. The president committing perjury in the process of the investigation would be another article under the obstruction of justice. Reporter s lawyer says in a statement, read the answers to the questions. Themselves. The house investigrmation uncovered during stones trial is seemingly at odds with what the president wrote in his answers to the special counsel. Tuesday, wednesday and thursday of this week heard on those day hearings that there are hearings will have live updates during mornings at 2 and we will carry those hearings in the entirety live and uninterrupted on ktvu plus. San francisco largest Business Convention will begin, 170,000 people will be expected to be at the convention. Over the weekend final touches were put in place at the center. Most events kick off tomorrow and run through sunday. The event includes more than 50 keynote speakers including former president barack obama, tim cook and world cup soccer champions. Fleetwood mac will perform wednesday night. The streets will we remain closed until sunday at 8 pm. For more information visit our website at ktvu. Com and earli mayors from across the bay area came together in berkeley to kick off united against hate week which is meant to curb hate crimes and promote diversity in our community. For more on this effort we are joined by the mayor of berkeley. Really appreciate your time and thank you for coming in. You had a big event today. What is the message behind this movement . The message is that hate has no place in our society. And since 2016 election weve seen a significant rise in hate crimes throughout the country and affect the most recent fbi annual hate crime report statistic shows hate crimes are on the rise especially against latinos. And certainly the tragic shooting in el paso is evidence of that. We need to speak out as elected officials to say that people should report hate crimes, fbi estimates are an 150,000 and 200,derreported or why are they not reported . One, people may not know what a hate crime is. There may not be enough resources are focused on the part of local Law Enforcement to prosecute hate crimes and we need to create an environment where people are comfortable coming forward and report in the hate crimes. In my city, since the election weve seen swastikas, being drawn on synagogues. Weve seen hate crimes against muslims and immigrants. And the jewish community. So berkeley and the bay area is not immune from this troubling trend we are cinco. And so we need to increase education of hate crimes and reporting of hate crimes and we have Community Leaders take a child a strong stance to make sure that hate is not allowed in this country. This did the united against hate week was the 2017 rallies that ultimately turned violet in the city of berkeley where you had white supremacist groups who came there to hold rallies and then you had other folks who came to push them out, so to speak. This all begin then . Yes 2017 saw seven events in berkeley where white nationalists and their supporters demonstrated in our community and these events turned violent. As a mayor of berkeley i felt it was important to give our people an opportunity to speak out against hate but to do so nonviolently. So we conceived of the idea of distributing 20,000 posters for united against hate. Other cities around the area have joined and you see this movement. Im proud to see throughout berkeley in the region these posters. Let me ask you, this is a week full of events across the bay area not just in the city of berkeley but marches and vigils and film screenings. What ar county of los angeles is participating and we have some cities and universities on the east coast so it is growing from a berkeley movement now statewide, national movement. So we have lectures, film screenings, one thing i want to note is part of the night against the launch, a reporting website for hate crimes. So they are launching this to increase opportunities for people to report hate crimes to police and hopefully other cities will pick this up but we need to raise awareness and come together and say that we support love and inclusivity and tolerance of we stayed united against hate. You must be proud thank you for this. Thank you for your time. There is Nothing Better than thanksgiving leftovers but a lot of the tasty dishes wont fly with tsa. We will break down which holiday foods you are allowed to carry on your flight home. Im tracking a cooldown for the days ahead that will bring with it the wind and heightened fire danger. It happens a lot to get to through the security line at the airport and inevitably you have something with you you cant bring past security. Tsa wont allow it and you have to throw it out and with thanksgiving around the corner, the big question out there is, what leftovers are you going to be able to fly home with . We are joined by natalie a writer with by the way a new travel initiative from the Washington Post and my question is, how many people are bringing home leftovers from thanksgiving dinner on the plane . You would be surprised when you look at tsas social media on the website they have questions that run the gamut of what people are bringing on the plane from live lobsters to turkeys to other things. I am so boring. I just bring a sandwich. So what thanksgiving leftovers are okay to carry on . The ones that are good to go is your meats like turkey or ham or others, those things are good because they are solid. Also casseroles are fine, bread is fine. Hard cheeses are okay and pipe. As long as they are solid is okay to go. I ses when i was looking at the list and what you found out in terms of where this goes. Cranberry sauce and mashed potatoes are the ones that kind of confused me. Where the line is for, i get the bread and the meat. But the cranberry sauce on the potatoes. Yes, that one is tricky because in general, tsa experts say that if you can spread it or pump it or pour it it is not okay. So then you have a mashed potato that is pretty and you can pour it out of the container. Although it is okay to bring. At the end of the day the agent you are done with has the final say, so if your mashed potatoes look runny you may have a problem. But they do say that mashed potatoes are okay and for cranberry sauce, if it is coming in a can, if it is liquid, which is 3. 4 ounces so, you just have to be careful with how much liquid you have. Is there any sort of rule of thumb for the consistency of the food itself . That i need to keep in mind if im trying to bring leftovers on the flight . Yes you have to picture what you are doing with it and if you are putting whipped cream on top of the cake or pie or whatever, those are not going to be allowed and they will have to follow the liquid rule. Think about how you are serving it and if if you are sad with the water bottle you are really sad if you have to throw out the full turkey mill you thought you word bring home with you. Especially grandmas gravy. Just eat a ton at dinner and move on. Lets go outside now. If you are close to the beautiful view of the sunset. Another warm one on the bay area. Upper 70s at this hour. By tomorrow the afternoon high is a good five, tenant even 50 degrees cooler. Here is a look at the Storm Tracker and you can see mostly clear at the bay area. Fog is regrouping for tomorrow morning, he will see more fog at the coastline. Some highlevel clouds ahead of the system bring us the cooldown and the wind and with that we are looking at heightened fire danger in the coming days. This system, you can see washington and oregon has rain and snow there and this will drop south. It will comingle, if you look over Baja California you can see cloud cover and scattered showers. They will combine to bring the possibility of rain to Southern California as well as to the high sierra. Fern for us not so much and we will get cooler weather. We may squeeze out some drizzle on the model here. Tomorrow morning low clouds at the coast, midlevel and high clouds for the ride. For the afternoon blue skies over monterey, Santa Cruz Mountains and a sprinkle or two but not enough, nothing like what we need. The sierra expected to get some high elevation snow. Just right around lake tahoe to the south. Santa barbara and los angeles scattered showers here. Wednesday morning scattered showers continuing for us, it is passed on through but behind it we look at the wind. Thats another red flag warning for the east bay hills from 4 am on wednesday into 7 am thursday. Relative humidity expected to be 10 to 20 on wednesday. Gusting at 45 and some indicators say we could see wind gusting at 60 or 65 at the peaks. That is something to be aware of through wednesday and early thursday. Temperatures outside now under mostly sunny skies, 77 santa rosa, 77 concord and 72 san jose. Tomorrow morning a cool start 53 San Francisco a chilly one for santa rosa at 49 concord. Take a look at concord tomorrow. I showed you the current temperature is 77 degrees. Tomorrow the afternoon high in the upper 60s and you can see we hit that about noontime and then we level often dont see much warming for the second part of the afternoon. Look at the north bay, 68 and then for San Francisco and oakland low 60s, 62 San Francisco and 62 for oakland. 64 san jose. The extended forecast shows you the temperatures will not change as we roll through wednesday, thursday and friday into the weekend. Not much and nothing like what we have seen recently with the 70s and santa rosa 80 degrees earlier today. No rain in the forecast and we dont want to see the wind but that is on its way as well. Ford looking to take on tesla, with the latest electric vehicles. Will ford enthusiasts embrace the electric mustang suv . At pg e they are preparing to turn the lights on for thousands of customers, leaders say they face stiff criticism. The focus on the shutoffs and how the utility responded. An arrest and two sexual assaults for more than two decades ago, the suspected attacker caught using genealogy. More on how a trip to an ice cream shop helped police put this man behind bars. Ford is betting big on electric, the giant unveiled the new mock e and electronic mustang suv and experts call this fords attempt to cut into teslas market. But skeptics are worried mustang traditionalists will not buy it. We have more from los angeles. Reporter it was availing with the music and graphics that came to rose super bowl halftime show the new mach e mustang electric suv all electric as you see everyone clustered around. There is bill ford, the chairman of the ford motor company. It is a big deal for ford. To just put it mildly. He said, the ceo said we have to hit on this. Doesnt look like a mustang . Yes we think so. Will buyers think so . And people that have bought 10 million mustangs over the years by this one . Or, is ford too far ahead of the curve on this . We talked to the ceo about that very question. Are you afraid you are too far out in front on this . And that even if is people that dont want to adopt . It is true, the facts show that listeners may not know that less than 5 of vehicles are electric today. But, one in five new buyers have said if you get this vehicle right, i would buy it. Thats a higher ratio than weve seen. Reporter the most expensive incarnation will have 300 miles on a single charge. 0 to 60 in less than four seconds around 3. 5 seconds. Yes, those numbers are true to the mustang. But will it be enough to convince skeptical buyers perhaps . This is the future. And is it the future for ford . We will see. There is a delay to the start of the commercial season for dungeness crab in mendocino and del norte counties. The commercial season off the far Northern California coast was going to begin december 1 but now expected to be late for a minimum of 15 days because of the quality of the crab. The department of fish and wildlife is testing the crabs indicate softshell or poor quality crab conditions. Crab season south of mendocino including the bay area is still scheduled to begin friday. Took clashes between police and protesters are intensifying in hong kong and i have that story coming up. You know when youre at ross and you realize its time your sister stopped borrowing your sweaters . Yeah thats yes for less. Stop stealing mine. Never. Holiday gifts everyones sure to love at 20 to 60 percent off Department Store prices. At ross. Yes for less. And you realize you are the the hostess with the mostest. You know when youre at ross yes yeah thats yes for less. Entertain in style all season long. It feels even better when you find it for lessat ross. Yes for less. The situation is growing increasingly desperate for democracy protesters in hong kong, who have barricaded themselves on a university campus. Anybody who tries to leave faces arrest. Senior corresponded greg coppola has more from london. Reporter another day of escalating violence in hong kong. Police clashing with pro democracy protesters at the main campus of polytechnic university. We have repeatedly called for restraint from all parties in hong kong, violence by any site is unacceptable. The Hong Kong Government bears primary responsibility for bringing calm to hong kong. Reporter in a makeshift sea, police arresting any protesters who tried to leave. The extent of violence has reached the level of a right and anyone assisting the writers could be considered to have committed the crime of writing. Some of the worst violence weve seen since the process began back in june. An police used rubber bullets and tear gas to fight back against demonstrators who say they are not going anywhere until the government agrees to democratic reforms. We want a peaceful hong kong. I think before that, the government has to prove to the people and the police have to stop whatever they are doing. Reporter monday, some protesters tried to break through the barricade and escape, hundreds are still holed up in the university waiting for what could be a violent crackdown by security forces. The situation prompting the evacuation of most foreign students who say you were told to go home as soon as possible for their own safety. The students have pulled out, mostly americans are gone as well. I dont know any International Students staying in hong kong. Everybody has been called home. Reporter Hong Kong Police say protesters who surrender peacefully will be given a fair trial. Ktvu fox 2 news at 5 00 starts now. You are behind in modernization. You are behind in grid hardening, and you are behind in vegetation management. California lawmakers are sounding off as pg e becomes the focus of a comedic oversight hearing. All of this comes as more than 20 50,000 customers may have their power cut later this week. Evening everyone, i am frank somerville. And i am julie haener. Once again, pg e is planning to power in some communities because of dangerous fire whether point here is a list of potential outages. Pg e says the areas that will likely fill the biggest impact are sonoma, maureen, and contra costa counties. Customers could be without power for days. As pg e prepares to turn the power off to thousands of customers, Company Leaders face stiff criticism and pointed questions from lawmakers in sacramento. The focus on the shutoffs and how pg e responded. Greg lee is here now, he monitored that hearing and joins us with the latest on what happened today. Pg e was grilled by lawmakers for more than two hours. The oversight hearing included two other major utilities, so cal edison and gas and electric. The criticism focused by far on pg e and why senators say they are lagging behind. We thought that pg e would use a scalpel in implementing these planned blackouts. Instead, pg e has chosen to use a sledgehammer. Senators did not hold back when talking about pg e. The embattled utility, part of a hearing focusing on Public Safety power shut off. Lawmakers have been critical of the bankrupt companies block out and how frequent and how long people have been left in the dark. I think we are on our third strike. Third strike for pg e. Strike one was in san bruno gas explosion that they try to cover up and they lied about strike two for the 2017 and 2018 wildfires. Strike three is the inadequate response to these power shutoffs

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