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General part of san jose, but i mentioned that accident on kert near. Fortunately for, instead of using 87, you can use 101 and go around and use 280 instead. Go this way and do that or use 85 and use 17, so theres a good way to avoid that crash. Lets go to the east bay. This is highway 4. You can see slow traffic coming through. Getting up to concord. When you get to the bay bridge toll plaza, thats crowded to the mcarthur maze. Its a ten minute delay before you make it to the span. 6 01. Back to the desk. Thank you. The death toll went up from the deadly mud slides in the Santa Barbara area in the last hour. The Santa Barbara spokesperson says the deaths went from 13 to 15. Most of the deaths, pam, occurred in the community of montecito. Yeah, it was 100 miles northwest of downtown los angeles. Home to many celebrities including Oprah Winfrey and ellen degeneres. Heres a look at the map. Officials worry the death tolls will keep going up as more than 20 people in the area are listed as missing this morning. But right here, a 14yearold girl was rescued by the Santa Barbara Fire Department. She was trapped in her house for hours after flowing mud and debris tore her house apart. Reporter kelly wright shows us about the damage to that region. It was hit hard by the december wild fires. Reporter waves of mud fuelled by heavy mud in Southern California. The run off brought debris cascading down from last months wild fire. Without vegetation to absorb the water, the low lining areas have been vulnerable to flooding and mud slides and large boulders were pushed down the hillsides rupturing a gas line and sparking fires at several homes and other houses were washed away only completely destroyed. I cant quite believe it. Is that a house behind us . Crews spent much of tuesday rescuing people stuck in the mud. Including one teenager trapped up to her neck for hours. Dozens more had to be pulled out by helicopter. This car was one of many vehicles parked at the top of a hill, pushed to the bottom and covered in mud. They were a few people who didnt listen to the Fire Department when they told us to take every car off the street, so those few conditions got so bad, authorities had to order new evacuations, forcing some people to drive into the flowing rivers of mud. That was kelly wright reporting. Trees, boulders and other debris poured onto highway 101 and a major link between ventura and Santa Barbara counties. That highway is not expected to reopen for at least two or three days. The bay area is helping out with the relief efforts. The California National guard mobilized black hawk helicopter crews including a 7person team from the 129th rescue wing based at moffitt field. These areas are cautionary tale of what could happen in sonoma counties and napa county if theres rain there this season. Time is 6 04. Part of 121 in napa county is still closed after a deadly crash last night that may have been caused by a landslide. It was reported at 5 00 last night on highway 121 near Wild Horse Valley road. A car went off the highway, then went down an embankment and crashed into a tree. One witness said the car was hit by a falling rock. That may have caused the driver to swerve and lose control. The driver died in the crash but authorities cant get to the car because that hillside is not stable. The chp hopes to reopen that highway this morning. San jose police opened fire on a man who was reportedly carrying an ax. This was a confrontation that happened last night outside of a power plant. Ktvu allie rasmus, youre in san jose. What happened . Reporter it happened around 5 00 yesterday afternoon at the Metcalf Energy Center out in san jose. This is a power plant that supplies power to san jose. Its on a private lotto owe enclosed private lot. This is as close to it we can get. There was a car parked outside the gates and when Police Arrived to check it out, they saw a man walking in the area and Police Reported to dispatch that man appeared to be carrying an unusual weapon. Following behind him, hes on foot. He has an ax. Now a cup ouple of minutes after that, you can hear the officers on the dispatch saying the man refused to drop the ax and shortly after that you hear Police Report that shots had been fire and the man with the ax was shot in the chest according to that Police Dispatch report. Police have not commented on the mans condition. But the shot was fatal and the man died. This is san jose first officerinvolved shooting of the year. A spokesperson told us none of their employees were hurt and theyre cooperating with the investigation, but they were unable to comment further on what happened. Theres no information yet. We have not heard from San Jose Police about this. Any information about who this man was and what his relationship if any there was to the Metcalf Energy Center where this happened. Back to you. T, thank you thank you for that update, allie. Theres 8 candidates the special election closed at 5 00 last night and the field includes former supervisors angela and acting mayor london breed and supervisor jan kim and state senator mark leno and the other four are Community Advocate richie greenberg, activist and educator amy wies and a social worker, ellen lee zu and Michelle Bravo qualified to be on the ballot. Dennis who had taken out the paperwork to run for mayor said yesterday he decided not to get into the race after all. Also not on the list are assembly man david chui and Carmen Farrell said he would not be running. Yesterday supervisor aaron peskin called on the board to find a replacement for actor leaving london breed as acting mayor would give her an unfair average in the june election. Six members of the board would have to approve that to approve a new acting mayor. Theres no indication who that caretaker mayor might be. Overnight a federal judge threw a wrench in the trump administrations plans to end protections for Illegal Immigrants who enter the country as children. It comes as the immigration issue heats up following a meeting at the white house. Doug luzader has more from washington. Reporter this federal judge in San Francisco hit upon the issue that is the construction of ongoing negotiations here in washington. What to do about daca, the deferred action for Childhood Arrivals Program that president obama began and President Trump has tried to end. The president pushed back by a federal judge who decided with a number of states that are fighting white house efforts to end protections for young Illegal Immigrants. A surprising turn and the Justice Department promised to fight it saying promoting and enforcing the rule of law is vital to protecting a nation, its boards and citizens. Did should be a bill of love, truly, it should be a bill of love. It followed a very unusual day at the white house as President Trump convened a meeting of democrats and republicans on immigration. And in a move that shocked the White House Press core allowed the media to listen in. For people who arent in the white house everyday, you would have to explain how rare this is. Rare, but a strategic move as the president made his case for renewing daca protections if exchange for border wall funding, something democrats will continue to resist. There what no agreement on that and were going to be working on that. While theyre working that out, theres ace distinct possibility that all of this will up and end efforts to prevent a government funding shut down on january 19th. I think they have the what theyll put in a spending bill already done, but fighting this down to the 19th will be rough business. Rough business and there is not much appetite on either side of the side to keep kicking this can down the road. Doug luzader, fox 2 news. Thank you. Time is 6 10. Unanswered questions after an earthquake may be possibly be solved through the sky. Coming up, the San Francisco officials are working on and how it could improve safety. I want to try every way possible to give them something to remember. I want to show me gratitude to them by coming back and laying it on the line for them. The raiders coach gruden, what he has to say about the team moving to las vegas. Im going to lay it on the line right now. A lot of cloud cover over us and maybe a tiny bit of rain and im excited Going Forward and im excited about next week. Ill have more. Welcome back to mornings on 2. Its 6 13. An Alameda County judge ruled to let public month note be used on pay for the lawyers of max harris. One of the defendants in the ghostly warehouse fire. His codefendant are awaiting trial on 36 counts of involuntary man daughter in connection with that fire. Brigs has been working pro bono for free because harris doesnt have the money. The judge admits granting public money to a defense team is rare, but says he believes its in the best interest of justice. Brigs will be paid between 72 and 140 an hour. One of the two men convicted of stealing top rated wines from the French Laundry restaurant in wine country in 2014 received a 37month prison sentence. 53yearold alfred pled guilty to one count of conspiracy to transporting stolen goods. A second defendant, a 44year old man pled guilty earlier and received a 15month prison sentence and Authorities Say the men broke into the highly acclaimed restaurant the day after christmas in 2014 and stole more than a half Million Dollars of wine. The port of San Francisco is in the process of creating a policy of how it will use drones along the water front. Port officials says they sent engineers on boat to inspeck the seawall to inspeck the seawall. They say it would have been an opportunity to use drones to carry out that inspection. City officials have given approval for some departments including the port to use drones once they have adopted guidelines that address privacy concerns. The port expects to have a policy in place by the end of next month. Northern california will be presented in a National Health and nutrition survey. People in Monterey County will be selected at random to join the 2018 study conducted by the center for Disease Control and theyll be interviewed and given a health exam at no trial and its to influence programs for obesity, diabetes and heart information. Information from 14 other county as cross the country will be included. Pam, okay. The time is 6 15. Sal is over there. Lets see how our morning commute looks. How does it look . Were looking at a commute thats mostly good, but we have things going on. I want to mention northbound 87 this morning, northbound 87 at the area, you can see traffic is going to be slow approaching kurtner accident. Northbound 87 at kurtner still be cleared and traffic is going to be okay. If youre driving on 101 or 85, you can easily get around this problem. 85 and 280 look pretty good. Theyre pretty decent alternate routes. As we become back up, you can see traffic is moving well. This is a live picture ever 87. You can see its crowded heading toward downtown san jose on the guadalupe parkway. Highway 4, westbound traffic is busy there. Im going for the slowest traffic right now. At the bay bridge, its slow. 880 looks good and so does 580 getting out of oakland. Lets bring steve in where todays forecast. A lot of cloud cover and a tiny bit of rain. Not a lot. Its more cloud cover than anything else. Cloudy skies to the north. Mostly cloudy to the south. Theres yesterdays system. The satellite loop and rainfall radar and thats pushed south out of the area. Coming down out of the northwest, sometimes you can get a tiny bit of rain out of this pattern. We had good rain, yet were below average for this time of year at least on a percent of normal and im going with the water which starts october 1st. 11 and three quarters and 7 17 for oakland 78 . 7 point 08 and. 08 and speaking of san jose and today, by the way, real quick, not san jose, but santa rosa, were in you santa rosa in 2011, put on your thinking cap it was our last cold blast. 29, 1969. 70, 1962, the record high. A lot of cloud cover. Well see radar rainfall does show a. 01. It could be cloverdale north toward montecito county. The cloud cover spills over the ridges and the ridges deflect this to the north. 40s on most of the temps and there were 30s. Cloud cover comes in the 40s. Graden was 40. Occidental point ray and belligerent day george bay theres a breeze theres a southwest towards parts the delta. 34 in truckee. 52 in monterey. In the mountains, sierra, it looks cloudy. An isolated snow shower, but no big deal. In Southern California dealing with a little rain. San diego, but the cleanup has begun for Santa Barbara and the system moved into arizona. Snow into flagstaff. That system is on its way. There it goes into new mexico. 50s to the north and maybe a few upper 50s to near 60 san jose with more sun, but again, i think theyll be a lot of cloud cover. Into thursday, then friday into your weekend looks better. More sun and warmer. Pam will accept. There you go. Thank you, steve. Ill enjoy it before the next rain comes in. Tuesday. Okay. 6 19 is the time. Former vicepresident joe biden was in San Francisco last night and coming up, well tell you what he said about a special initiative from his time in office. Later, progress on the streets of oakland. Mayor shaft talks about whats behind a drop in violent crime. Like i tell jack jr. , its all about big values, jr. Prices. Thats value jacks way. Woman so, greg, its a lot to take in. Woman 2 and i know thats hard to hear, but the doctors caught it early. Hi, blake my dad has cancer. Woman and i know how hard that is to hear. But youre in the right place. Man and dr. Pascal and her team, they know what to do. They know what to do. The doctors know what to do. So heres the plan. First off, were going to give you all. voice fading away like jacks oneofakind going breakfast pockets for 2 each. Three of jacks famous tacos and a small drink for 3 or a classic bonus jack combo for 5 its like i tell jack jr. , its all about big values, jr. Prices. Welcome back to mornings on 2. Governor brown will introduce his proposed state budget. Californias projected to have nearly 20 billion in reserve while the states economy is strong. And analyst say the governor cannot over spend because of new cost to california. President trumps tax overhaul will lead to less federal revenue by will cause congress to cut funding for social services and that means the state has to set aside more money for programs such as medical. Last years budget was 183 billion. Time is 6 23. A state lawmaker wants to make it easier for people who have marijuana convictions to clear their records now that marijuana is legal in california. The bill was authored by Democratic Assembly man rob of oakland and it will county clerks have to expunge records right now, californians who have a pot conviction, you have to initiate the process. Some individuals dont know they qualify right now, and if they do, they dont know how and if they know how they may not have the resources to execute it. Theres so many barriers and obstacles and pitfalls along the way, we should stream line it and make it easier. The law that involves pot convictions was approved by voters as apart of proposition 64 which legalize recreation marijuana in california. A pence pen congressman introduced itmajor parties have to have medical exams from the u. S. Navy. Congressman boyle says his bill would help voters as they make a major decision. Boyle says quote, americans have a right to know whether an individual has a physical and Mental Fitness to serve as a president of the United States. Last weekend, President Trump commented in a tweet that he is quote a very stable genus. Now on friday, the president will get his first medical checkup since taking office last year. The 71year old president will be examined at wall hibbert reed medical center, the Military Hospital in washington. President s are not required to undergo an examination, but they have done so for years and a report is released on their health. A navy rear an adimoral time is 6 25. For the first time in history, theres two african corey booker of nurse gentlemen other members of theyre both lawyers, they held state level offices in their home states. Harris was californias attorney general. She was expected as a replacement for el franken who resigned last year. Corey booker spoke out against then alabama senator sessions during his confirmation hearings when sessions was nominated as u. S. Attorney general. Former vicepresident joe biden was in San Francisco yesterday evening talking about his new book about his late son. I didnt want it to be about about pain and remorse, i wanted it to be about hope, theres a way through this that you can find redemption and purpose. The book is called promise me dad and it reflects on his son who died in 2015. Biden is launching a uc president interviewed by San Franciscos Jewish Community center, but he did not address suggestions that he might run for president in 2020. Time is 6 26. Still ahead, ktvu interview with new head coach gruden, coming up, youll hear about what he said about helping derek carr bounce back from a downed season. Reporter plus a proposal to increase the tolls on most bay area bridges is gaining momentum. How much more drivers could have to pay and the important decision that will be made later today. Sfx squeak sfx stair creak sfx clink sfx deep breath sfx grunt sfx tinny headphone music sfx feet shuffling sfx slice sfx gasp sfx inhale. Exhale. Sfx lights scraping on roof sfx metallic scrape sfx grunt covered california. Its more than just health care. Its life care. Well, good morning to you. Thank you for joining us on mornings on 2. Middle of the week, january 10th. Im dave clark. Im pam cook. We have a news weekend. Tuesday looks like our next so, so rain. Decent storm . After that it does. Around the 19th it looks good. Cloud cover and rain. David hood said steve, im heading to heavenly snow or rain. Heres the deal. When you write me youll see some people say i had four inches here. You have to tell me where here is and tell me im going to reno. You have to tell me when youre leaving. If youre going today, theres local clouds out to the valley and fog at blue canyon and a few isolated snow showers, not a big deal up in the sierra. You can see moisture is streaming in coming from grass valley, Feather Falls and shot out to chico. Not accumulating amounts. Whats that . They got 1 1 last week. There you go. There you go. Theres snow and they could get a tiny bit today. You can see on the rainfall projection and i use that loosely. After thursday, i think well be good until monday. For us though a lot of cloud cover today. It continues to spill over the ridge of High Pressure. 40s and 50s on the temps and east bay temperatures, 52. Black hawk and san ramon in there. 45 lafayette to 44 in pleasanton. Westerly or northwesterly breeze in place, almost done with the rain except for san diego, but the big cleanup continues. They got too much rain. Low 60s today. 6 31. I bet you get that too, like, theres a bad accident here and youre look where is here . I have to ask that all the time. How long is it going to take me to get there . Get where . Good morning, ill tell you how long its going to take if youre driving to the carnegies bridge to the macarthur its back up at the bay bridge. No problems with crashes or stalled vehicles on the span. Its slow. Northbound 880 is get ting a little slower passed oracle arena, although its slowing passed high street in front of oracle, it looks good. Traffic southbound slow just after 2 38 and pockets into union city. We look at the traffic in the south bay, 87 recovering from an earlier crash near curtner and 2280 is filling in. 208 is the best to get into the west valley. Back to the desk. Thank you, sal. Happening today, a Transportation Agency could take the First Step Towards raising tolls on several bay area bridges. Voters will make the decision on whether to raise those tolls. Ktvu alex at the toll bridge. The toll fee s s may go up to 9. Reporter its hard to wrap your head around this. A trip across the bay bridge during rush hour right now would ultimately cost 9 an hour. In the end, voters will have the final say on this toll hike, and later today, theyll be an important decision made by the metropolitan Transportation Commission which will decide whether to put this issue on the june ballot. A special committee, if that committee gives the green light today, then voters in all nine bay area counties will be deciding whether to gradually increase tolls on the 7 state run bridges here in the bay area. This is proposal would not affect the Golden Gate Bridge. The money from this toll increase will go to pay for various transportation improvement projects, better freeway interchanges and more bart cars and expanded bus and ferry service, still a lot of drivers say another toll hike would really hurt. Yeah, its like increasing gas, right. It affects everybody and thats not something everybody wants to have to pay more. Were not getting paid more labor wise in the field, so you know, its going to force people not to work in the city or raise their labor rates in the city. Now if its approved, the toll hike would be phased in over 6 years starting with a 1 increase in january of 2019. And by the year 2025, that 3 hike would be in effect. Now if it does take effect, it will cost 9 bucks to cross the bay bridge during commute hours and 8 to cross all the other bridges here in the bay area again with the exception of the Golden Gate Bridge which has its own district. The metropolitan Transportation Commission meeting at 9 30 this morning and again, deciding whether to put this issue to voters on the june ballot. A very important decision happening later on today. Alex savage at the bay bridge toll plaza, thank you. 6 34. A little boy in richmond is recovering after a family dog attached him two weeks ago. 4year old kaizen was playing with his brother under a blanket on the couch when the dog for unknown reasons went under the blanket and bit kaizens head and sculpt and the older system who was babysitting there grabbed scissors and stabbed the dog, a rottweiler so kaizen could getaway. Away and he needed stitches and his mom describes the scary ambulance ride on the way to the hospital. The whole time, you know, i was massaging his hand and talking to him and i told him, he said, you know, you have to be strong, and dont go to sleep because you might not wake up. Today hell go back to the doctor to see if his bandages can be removed and the rottweiler which was a stray was adopted in september. Has since been euthanized. Contra costa Animal Services if you adopt a pet you need to know the animals background, get it spade or neutered and make sure its vaccinated. Time is 6 36. An olympic figure skater who competed in the pears event in san low sda last week will be leaving in san jose last week will be leaving the bay area without equipment. She and her family visited San Francisco before going back home to boston. They stopped to get something to eat in japan town and when they went back to their rental car, they found out someone had broken into their car. The bag that had her skates and both of her very expensive costumes were stolen. It may take weeks to replace those missing items and she cant practice without her skates. Ms. Castelli and her partner did not qualify for the olympics or world championships, but theyre alternates for a Major International championship in taiwan later this month. In oakland, a new report shows Violent Crimes have dropped in the past five years and the new numbers show a 23 drop in 2012 in overall Violent Crimes which includes rape, homicide and assault. Oakland ended 2017 with 72 people killed, but its the Second Lowest homicide totals since 1985. Oakland mayor shaft credits the decline to a holistic approach to crime fighting. We have over the last five years, reduced shootings by 50 . Homicides by 42 . Robberies by 38 . This is by no means mission accomplished. Chief Anne Kirkpatrick says the Police Department has been working on restoring community trust, reducing crime and cutting down on officers use of force which has dropped 75 since 2012. Officers are still trying to crack down on car breaks in which are actually up 53 since 2012. Time is 6 38. Speaking of oakland, its official, jon gruden is back as a raiders head coach after a 16year absence. Ktvu mark aibanez caught up with mark ibanez caught up with gruden. When did you think you know what, this might be the year, and why . Well, i got a lot of respect for make davis. We have been friends the last six, seven years and weve had numerous discussions over the years about coaching and his vision of the franchise and you know, the reality is when we had a ring of honor game in tampa a few weeks ago and i got around a lot of my old players, and i realized it was like this is what i love the most in life is being on a Football Team and being with the players, and i never really felt good about leaving the raiders under the terms that i left under, and i wanted to come back here and work for mark, and do Something Special here for the city of oakland because i love these oakland raider fans and i cant wait to get outside and meet them. With that being said, is it a little bit of bittersweet in that knowing the team in a couple of years is probably going to leave . Your thoughts and sensitivity was that im sensitive about it and i had a son here in oakland, i got a lot of friends in oakland, and i want to try every way possible to give them something to remember. I want to show my gratitude to them by coming back and laying it on the line for them. Final question, john, youre known as a quarterback whisperer, if you will, derek carr, you talked about him a little this morning, but things you like about him and maybe what what kind side tracked, what went wrong with derek carr . He got hurt number one. He got hurt. That can hurt any quarterbacks performance, but ive always liked him from the first time i met him. I think hes a great person. I think he has great talent. He has superb arm talent. Hes athletic and i think he has a passion to play football and to be great. I think hes got dynamic leadership traits. And hes in his prime. Theres a lot to like with derek carr and its our responsibility to get him to play at a better level. Would you understand us media guys now . Im going to tell you what a great job youre doing. I can tell you when youre not doing a good job too. I appreciate that, john. Best of luck to you. If what . Yeah. Anyway, famed golfer tiger woods, hes really excited about jon grudens return. Yesterday tiger tweeted, hes back.  aidernation. Tiger wood s s said that. And the picture of chucky. Yeah. Right. All right. 6 40 is the time. Sewage overflowing and spilling in the city of oakland. Coming up in our 7 00 hour, new accusations this morning that the city failed to disclose to the public. Coming up next, helping people stay aware while you drive. Coming up, technology that could save children during those hot summer months. And the best jobs of 2018 where youll find high salaries and increased demand. Good morning. Traffic is moving along pretty well if youre driving on most south bay freeways, but 87 is chucking along from an earlier crash. Cloud cover and a tiny bit of rain. Not much, but after today things look good. Well have more on that coming up. Welcome back to mornings on 2. 6 44. Take being a live look at stocks. All three indexes starting the day in record territory, but down today. Dow jones off 81 points and nasdaq and s p 500 are also losing some ground. Toyota and honda recalling more than a million more vehicles to replace takata airbags thats defective and potentially deadly. A new row call comes after takata says 3 million morin flaters are defective and they can explode and shoot metal pieces into the car at drivers and passengers and 20 people died and more than 280 injured. Car owners will be notified about where they can get the replacements installed. A glitch in a dog walking app led to the release of its customers records and the wag lab dog walking app mistakenly exposed web pages including information and lock box codes that can the information was on obscure pages on the companys website that were not password protected. It isnt clear how long the pages were accessible or if the information was used in the malicious manner. 6 45. World report released its list of the best overall jobs for this year for the first time for 2015. A Health Care Job cannot top the list and Software Developer was number one. Still, Health Care Jobs dominated the list because of their high salaries, low unemployment rates and the demand for workers. Dentist was number two on the list. Physician assistant was number three. Followed by Nurse Practitioner and orthopedic do its time to check in with gasia with whats coming up on mornings on 2. Another high profile actor is under fire accused of Sexual Misconduct and we just saw him win at the golden globes. What janes franko is accused of. The event cancelled because of this controversy and why we have yet to hear what he has to say. We have been reporting on a deadly flu season here in california this year. And you think you may have your family covered, right. You, your children, you all got the flu shot, but did you think of your pet. Your dog could be atrisk for the flu. What dog owners need to look for and how to prevent what could be a fatal bout of the flu in canines. Dave and pam, you have fur babies at home. I never heard of this, how about you . No. I was just thinking about that. My daughter was asking me, can mo get sick . Mo can. Good information. See you shortly. Theres new technology that has the possibility of preventing the deaths of little kids mistakenly left inside of a hot car. Its a prototype at the electronics show. Its a High Tech Center placed in the middle of car and it collects data. It detects the smallest vibrations using 2d and 3d motion analysis as it scans the car and it can sense the Slightest Movement such as a heart beat of a baby left in a car. It has the potential to initiate alarms and turn the air conditioning on or send calls for help. We see many Automotive Companies and Car Manufacturers that care about this problem and want to solve it and so we started collaborations with a few of them. Last year there were 42 deaths in the United States from kids left in hot cars and the developer hopes to have the sensor in vehicles starting around 2020. Thats a big deal. Yeah. Time is 6 48. Sal is right over there watching our commute. How do we look now . It looks okay. Its getting a little more crowded, dave and pam. The last time i showed you the drive between the carnegie bridge, it was taking 45 and now its taking not too bad but you have to start the timer again when you get to the maze and start waiting 20 minutes to get onto the bridge. Once you get onto the bridge, it looks good. 880 is getting more crowded at oracle. For the most part the traffic is going to be thats a terrible arrow. Let me do that again. South, youre going to see slow and on the san mateo bridge. This is a look at san jose. Traffic is beginning to wake up. Its not too bad and its bitter than the last few days. 6 49. Lets bring steve in with todays forecast. I gave up drawing. It doesnt work for me. I know what you mean. We have a lot of cloud cover and a tiny bit of rain is possible. Nothing compared to the last couple of days, but mostly cloudy skies you can see on the sunrise here. Well have a few breaks in the clouds, but plenty of clouds coming from the northwest and some could produce light rain. I would think further north. Better opportunity than if you were towards the south. But well match it for everybody. Sierra nevada, things are getting more lift there as it comes up there. The highest elevations coming out of Feather Falls and grass valley, you can see to the valley. Some of that could produce isolated light shower. Not a big deal. Maybe snow showers, but accumulations will be very, very light, even for us. Locations probably wont get anything, but if you pick up a couple, you can add that to the totals because we need it. Even after sunday night into monday, San Francisco is 71. Oakland, 78 . San jose at 68 68 of normal. And any sign of more rain . Yes, but not until next tuesday. 50 for San Francisco today. 40 in 1949, 32 is the record low. Were above low and the average high is 56. The light shower activity is showing up. Santa rosa north and to the valley. The low responsible for our rain and into Southern California moved into the four corner. Look for a cloudy day. Mostly cloudy. 40s on most of the temps and a few 50s on the peninsula and los altos has 42. Foster city, 52. A big different. 45 in 51 in san mateo. Southeast, so theres a northerly to a northwesterly component for most. 42 the clean up began and phoenix got rain with snow in flagstaff. For us, the cloud cover for tomorrow will be on the drier side and High Pressure will kick in. Mid 50s to the north. I would think north of santa rosa and napa. Overall were looking for a things on the improve as we go into the weekend, pam. Thank you, steve. 6 51 is the time. President trump responding to speculation about oprah running for president. Coming up, hear what he had to say about it. And keeping local students on the right track to success. The Community Effort to make sure it happened. Sorry. I cant make it. Its just my eczema again, but its fine. Yeah, its fine. You ok . Eczema. Its fine. Hey hi arent you hot . Eczema again . Its fine. I saw something the other day. Eczema exposed. Your eczema could be something called atopic dermatitis, which can be caused by inflammation under your skin. Maybe you should ask your doctor . Go to eczemaexposed. Com to learn more. Welcome back to mornings on 2. President trump is con if i department that he could defeat Oprah Winfrey if they ran together in 2020 in the president ial election. Oprah would be a lot of fun. I did one of her last shows. She had donald trump. This is before politics. Her last week. She had donald trump. And my family was very nice. I like oprah. I dont think she is going to run. Speculation has been building that oprah might run for the presidency. Her best friend gayle king said that oprah is intrigued about the idea of a president ial bid but king does not see it happening. Under pressure from floridas republican governor, the President Administration has reversed course and will not allow drilling off of the coast. They announced they were going to allow more Oil Exploration along both coasts but rick scott is worried it would help his states tourism industry. Ryan zinke says any plans for the eastern gulf of mexico and the Atlantic Ocean off of florida are, quote, off the table. A new effort to break the cycle of poverty for young people. It is called hayward promise neighborhood. It lets kids stay in school and go to college or find a different path. It includes the Hayward Unified School district. One student said that tutoring in the program helped him dramatically improve his grades. I wasnt that confident. I never raised my hand in class or anything, i never asked for help. And now. Im asking for help for anything that i dont understand. The importance of school is lost. A lot of times they dont need training to be reality tv stars or rappers or those things that they have an affinity for now. We need to remind them and have them fall in love with school again. They have seen an increase in graduation since the program started. The money to support it comes from the federal government. Some people in redwood city have banded together to fight a proposed rent increase. The rent is too high. Here is the demonstration they stages outside of the Management Company last night. They received letters saying that rents would go up by as much as 850 beginning next month. I have to get more jobs to, you know, get food my kids still and everything. And we have a lot of bills. We have to pay insurance. We have to pay more things. So that thats not fair. The tenants just want to negotiate and they want to negotiate rent increase thats are reasonable, not outrageous. Were hopeful that the Management Company will work with us but we havent made any Real Progress yet. Now, the tenants lawyers say they may make complaints to the housing department. The warriors play the clippers at oracle tonight. They have steph curry. He is healthy. They have won five games in a row. Their record 338 so far. The clippers have won 7 of their last ten games. The warriors have beat the clippers 12 straight times going back to 2015. Were just about an hour away from your chance to get tickets to an oakland as game. They will give away tickets to the april 17th game against the Chicago White sox. They are celebrating the 50th anniversary of their first game in oakland. Coming up today on the 9, the as president will be talking about the ticket giveaway, the Upcoming Season and a plan to build a new ballpark after the plans to build near Laney College fell through. The only words that i can use to describe what it looked like was a world war one battlefield. Devastating mudslides in Southern California. The latest on the rescue efforts. Reporter San Jose Police are investigating the citys first officerinvolved shooting of the year. The unusual weapon that the man was carrying when police opened fire. This is ktvu mornings on 2. Here we are the middle of the week. Yes, we are. Wednesday, january 10th. Im gasia mikaelian. And good morning. Im dave clark. Lets talk about the weather. I was just tell you it is a little nippy outside. Yes, it is. It is cooler. There are clouds and a little bit of rain may be coming in. Not much but enough that we have to mention it. Out to the valley and mendocino and lake county. Some of it light base, a steady light rain. That will play into the weather. More so to the north than to the south. There goes our system from the last 24 hours. That gave steady rain to san jose and areas south yesterday. That moved out of the picture. The cloud cover continues to spill in from the northwest. That will give us a cloudy sky. You see that picking up to the north and east. A couple 100ths look to be in the mix here. The cloud cover is moving back in. It is not organized. There is a little bit of a breeze west northwest for most or a northerly component. 44 in ukiah. The rain is ending in Southern California. Some some san diego but thats about it. Arizona, the low is kicking out. We will have a cloudy to mostly cloudy day. A couple one hundredths in the mix. Your weekend looks good. Upper 50s or very low 60s. 7 00. Anything right there on your screen that you want to get to . We see slow traffic in general. Today is the best day of the commute week because monday we had rain. Yesterday it was still wet. Today it is mostly dry. It is taking 36 minutes to drive on westbound 80 from the

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