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Wane. He is responsible for corn ending efforts in the north bay. Tom baker was there today as they talked about the next steps. Tom . Reporter he is a big job, the fire moves so fast and it did wipe out everything in its path, what is important about this is a private and Public Partnership needs to get together to fill the gaps that the government alone cannot to. They need to do this as soon as they can to speed this all up. This is a great effort moving forward to get to where we need to end up. Reporter rebuild north bay as a nonprofit of key officials, dismiss officials and nongovernment agencies in north bay counties affected by the firestorms, this will operate for years to come, the goal is to raise as much money as possible to fill the gaps where insurance and government cannot make people fully whole. Disasters are about people, not politics. Reporter the newly appointed director is no less than james lee with. They need to be identified and then utilized in all of this to maximize the people that have lost everything. We will as Business Leaders organize in napa and sonoma, we will fix this, my personal goal here is to do everything we can to not lose a single citizen to someplace else. Reporter the fires destroyed 8400 structures, mostly homes, 3000 were in santa rosa alone. This created a massive housing shortage on top of the shortage before the fires. I think you will see a whole host of policies going out that will literally change the culture in terms of how we have built housing in northern california. Reporter a possible incentive would be to waive developmental fees that can run from 40,000 60,000 per unit, lowering overall cost, plus streamlining permitting. Also, rent characters, beware. We will work with the local district attorney, the state attorney general and the News Agencies to these people to make sure that this does not happen. Reporter the president has ordered and approved every california request so far. Ive never seen this work so well in a disaster as it is following these terrible fires. Reiterating again this amazing collaboration that has taken place since the 1st day. It continues today with all of these Government Entities and i want to thank our state partners. Reporter this could target individual people and set up policies to prevent this from happening again with such things like building codes. We will see how well this works, but the people in charge seem to know and have credentials. Tom vacar, ktvu fox 2 news. Thank you. Sonoma county officials open to Debris Removal Permit Center at the department of health and Services Building on 5th street, this is where the county is offering help to begin clearing the property. This is a critical First Step Towards rebuilding the homes that were burned in the north bay wildfires. I am not seeing any hitches right now, i am hoping that everyone gets on board and the federal government and State Government and the local agencies have the opportunity to start their work and get these sites cleared and get everything ready to go. Also Environmental Agency crews started to survey and remove toxic materials left over. Anything from household chemicals to propane tanks, after the epa work is done then they can begin nontoxic cleanup of ash and rubble. Big name entertainers will take part in a benefit concert for the fire victims with metallica headlining. Please support in any way you can pick we are there to help as much as we can, we do this through music, thank you for supporting. The metallica members released a video saying theyre proud to take part in this event. The guitarist nearly lost his house and sonoma, Dave Matthews will also perform at the fundraiser at at t park coming up on thursday, november 9, tickets range from 50 to 200 and will go on sale friday via ticketmaster. Some of the best seats will be reserved for fire survivors, First Responders and volunteers. The concert is part of the Major Fundraising Campaign by a coalition of bay Area Business and community leaders. For more information on tickets in the event itself, please go to our website, ktvu. Com. Our first check of weather this hour with meteorologist, marc tamayo. More records today, at least one, we will have more by the end of the day, this is the live camera at San Francisco bay, a lot of sunshine and this warm to hot pattern all week long, up in the 90s, so far at least 90 degrees breaking this old record of 89 setback in 2003. This is the 2nd day in a row that we have had these records. More 90s coming up for cloverdale, morgan hill in pleasanton and saratoga. All of these locations are 90 degrees or above. A hot stretch and temperatures peaked yesterday. It looks like this warm to hot weather pattern will stick around into your thursday and friday and into your saturday as well. The temperatures will change a bit over the next few days but a minor drop off in the numbers. We will still hold onto a lot of 80s. This is a live, looking towards the Golden Gate Bridge what has been interesting with this week is the coastal spots are warming up as much as some of the other areas. Some of the beaches are in the clear and right now San Francisco is 80 degrees. More 80s and low 90s toward santa rosa. 93 in santa rosa and livermore in the upper 80s. We talked about a dropoff in the numbers as we head towards the weekend and we will talk more about that coming up in the 5 day forecast. Eventually there could be some hints of rain all and we have a lot to talk about. Today jurors in a murder trial heard from a crime scene investigator about he dove into the bay to retrieve a gun that was used to kill the victim. The San Francisco Police Officer that took the suspect into custody testified and described the suspect is looking like a deer in headlights and said that his hands tested positive for gun residue. His defense attorney said that no matter what the evidence says it will show that the bullet was not fired at her but ricocheted and killed her. Sherri papinis disappearance through National Attention one year ago, she was missing for three weeks until she was finally found alive injured on the side of the highway. Today the Shasta County Sheriffs Office released new information on the search for two women that she say abducted her, we are joined now from the newsroom with the fbi sketches. Also a newly released 911 call. Reporter heather, the Sheriffs Office says an fbi office met with sherry Sherri Papini and now the suspects are posted on the most wanted website, she described both of her abductors as Hispanic Women that partially covered their faces and spoke in spanish. One of dr. Had long curly hair, pierced ears and thin eyebrows between 20 and 30 years old. The other woman had street black hair with some gray and thick eyebrows between 40 and 50 years old and about 5 foot seven. She was reported missing from her home in redding on november 2, 2016. Investigators found her phone at the end of her street. Three weeks later on thanksgiving day she was found alive along the side of interstate 5 in yolo county west of sacramento. Investigator said she was chained around her waist and wrist and was battered and bruised. She also had a brand that had been seared into her right shoulder. Sherri papini said her abductors had a handgun and drove a dark suv with a large rear side window. They threw her out of the vehicle. The Shasta County sheriffs spokesperson says they have been tracking 600 tips and they gave her husband keith a polygraph test and ruled him out as a suspect. They released her husbands 911 call when he first discovered that his wife was missing. I just got home from work and my wife was not there which is unusual. My kids shouldve been there by now from daycare so i was like maybe she went on a walk, i couldnt find her, i called the daycare to see what time she picked up the kids and the kids were never picked up. Reporter sheriffs investigators interviewed a man who was an acquaintance with her and had been exchanging Text Messages about meeting just days before her disappearance. They say they have ruled him out. There is a 10,000 reward for any information that helps them find the suspects. The Sheriffs Office tells me that they cannot release any more detail about that strange brand on her shoulder, they say it is part of the investigation and they do say that Sherri Papini is continuing to work with investigators. Did they say anything else about a possible motive . Reporter right now they are not releasing any information and they are really trying to keep things close to their hand as they try to identify the suspects, they are hoping that these suspects might help. Thank you a bartender accused of killing a man outside a popular restaurant in an oakland neighborhood appeared in court. Our crime reporter, henry lee, was there with exclusive surveillance video. Reporter this started with an argument and ended in a deadly attack with a baseball bat in broad daylight. We will show you some video that we obtained today. Reporter this all happen sunday afternoon outside this restaurant at 19th and telegraph in oakland uptown, a popular spot right across from the box leader theater, the shows 28yearold juan espino running away from the restaurant where he works. This is a short time after police say he got into a verbal argument at 19th and telegraph. A little more than a minute later he walked towards the restaurant with a baseball bat in his hand. At that point the suspect walked up behind the target. He then bludgeoned him in the head with a baseball bat according to police. The victim was taken to a hospital where he died. Today Alameda County prosecutors charged him with murder and an enhancement. They have been identified as 42yearold cookie york, the defendant was represented today and friends and family did not want to comment. Late this afternoon we did receive a statement from a restaurant that reads sundays events are tragic and heartbreaking and will have a lasting effect on much of the community, we send our deepest condolences to the victims family and anyone else that is affected by the horrific tragedy. Theres far too much violence. Reporter he is no longer employed and is being held without bail. Live in the newsroom, ktvu news. We saw some video, how critical is that . Police have a copy of this video and they will use this as they build a case against him, we do not know, the attorney has no comment at this point, but we have no idea if it is indeed him as Authorities Say that it is. This is key evidence against him if it goes to trial. Thank you. A sign of the bay area housing crisis, some people are now living in rvs, why some of these makeshift homes were towed. Plus President Trump says there is unity within the Republican Party, this comes as there is a big ruling on healthcare subsidies, we have the latest out of capitol hill after the break. President trump today touted great unity in the Republican Party just one day after two retiring senators offered Harsh Criticism of his character and leadership. No other republican has doing them today and lawmakers rallied around him on his way to a hurricane briefing. Residents say that senators bob corker and jeff flake are retiring because they could not win reelection. He followed up today comparing the administration to the mccarthy era. He is saying that because he has nothing else to say, i do think this, i wish him well, i really believe he will do the right thing for the country, he will vote for tax cuts because we desperately need these tax cuts to put our people back to work. Also a federal judge ruled that the government does not have to immediately start paying monthly healthcare subsidies that the administration has cut off. States including california wanted to force these payments to continue while the course katie court case was being heard, theyre designed workarounds to give low Income Customers better options. The city of palo alto is taking action to remove an unsightly scene around a prestigious university, we are talking about abandoned vehicles mixed in the campus. Jesse gary is live in the san jose studio with more on what is prompting the towing. Reporter they puts in a complaint about resident complaints with parking regulations around el camino real, looking at the video, warning notices have now been placed on the windows of dozens of rvs that line the west down main of the street. People unable to afford rents are choosing to live in these types of vehicles but city parking regulations mandate that they move every three said days for a short time, many owners say that people do comply with the law, this morning sometime between 8 30 am and 9 am the towed and hauled away several vehicles, they say that they belong to owners that are habitual violators of the law. Theyve been out there for months without moving and all three of them have been issued multiple citations, 5 or more in addition to warning notices, 2 of the 3 have expired registration in excess of years. Reporter the towed vehicles are impounded until owners bring the license plate and registration up to date, you would think that this would have a chilling action for those that were parked there, this is not the case and we will explain more in the next hour on the ktvu plus channel instead of this channel because we have the world series. We will see you over there in the 5 pm hour. Reporter live in the san jose studio , jesse gary, ktvu news. Governor brown wants to build water tunnels to move water to southern california, the Trump Administration is saying not so fast, we have details after the break. Another warm to hot day across the bay area, lots of 80s and 90s. It looks like tomorrow will be a warm forecast, eventually we will cool off and we will talk about your 5 day outlook in a bit. Pending home sales are way down across the bay area and the state of california according to a New California association of realtors survey. Here in the bay area the number of pending sales fell 10 point 8 on a yearoveryear basis in september. Their survey says this is the largest regional drop in the state and could be due to the ongoing housing shortage and high prices. Statewide, pending sales fell 6 . Governor browns plan to bring two giant water tunnels took a hit today from the Trump Administration. The white house says it will not support the proposed massive water project. According to the u. S. Interior department, the government chose not to move forward and will not fund the project. Governor brown wants water districts to pay 16 billion to build the tunnels. The Obama Administration backed the project but it ran into problems last month when two key water districts opted not to pay. Check in now with marc tamayo, it has been 80 out . San francisco in the mid 80s earlier this afternoon, we are looping this forecast over and over again sunny and warm. Temperatures yesterday were extremely hot in a few spots. Today, minor cooling but still on the warm to hot side, especially for late october. Hard to believe halloween is only a few days away. Here on the satellite we have mostly clear skies up and down the coastline, we have a storm system up to the north and it is interesting with satellite estimates and wave heights close to 50 feet. Some of that swell will be approaching the bay area coastline as we head to the weekend. Right now, clear skies, northerly flow in place and there is a warming wind direction. You will notice its presence over the past few days, not only here in the bay area, but getting ready for baseball in los angeles. Temperatures cooler than yesterday but still in the upper 80s. Closer to sacramento, 87 and up towards the north coast, 60 degrees. Lets check in on some of the current numbers locally, 80 showing up in San Francisco, 93 in Sonoma County and santa rosa, cochran 89, fremont 85 in san jose 89, they are easily in the lower 90s this afternoon. Day 2 of records in south bay this week. Heres the camera looking at the Golden Gate Bridge, beautiful here, you can pick out the nice texture on the bay waters and also check out the headlands here as well. We are getting ready for the winter storms to move into the bay area, things are not showing up just yet. This could be changing as we head into november as we start to see signs of potential pattern change that could deliver rainfall. As far as overnight lows we are starting your thursday with mostly clear skies, temperatures in the upper 40s for the cool spots, lots of 50s in San Francisco, oakland and morgan hill 54. Here is the deal with the forecast model we are showing you this as we go into thursday morning. Not much in the way of fog with mostly clear conditions. As we put this into motion for the afternoon, so we will show you these bright colors once again. Mostly sunny skies for thursday, essentially we are showing you two colors on the map with the yellow in the 70s and orange in the 80s. A few neighborhoods could be flirting with 90 degrees. I am thinking more of an onshore breeze and a bit of a bump in the wind speed that could cool off the coast in bayside locations. It is still going to be a warm forecast for your thursday. In fact, here is a sneak peek at some of the highs for tomorrow. Santa rosa 88, vallejo 85, antioch 88, keeping an eye on the seabreeze, San Francisco upper 80s and if the seabreeze holds off they could rise back up. 79 for thursday and the coastline has been beautiful, 70s towards Half Moon Bay and san jose 85 in gilroy in the upper 80s. Another warm day headed our way for thursday but we eventually cool things off, especially into next week and we discuss this more in your full forecast in just a little bit. I cannot get over how warm it is, it was difficult to sleep in San Francisco last night. No air conditioning and i was this close to putting my fans away. Thank goodness that i did not as i would not have gotten any sleep. It is much warmer but i do have ac and i have not even used it. I have the windows open. Okay, lets go. Thanks so much for joining us on the special edition of the 4 on 2, our coverage will continue at 4 30 pm on ktvu plus, at that time we will sit down with an expert to learn more about what is being done to prevent major flooding this winter and how the recent fires in the north bay can contribute to the danger. And heres a live look at Dodger Stadium where game 2 of the world series begins in 40 minutes, it is 97 degrees out right now. And threatened to shut down news organizations that report the truth. If that isnt a case for impeaching and removing a dangerous president , then what has our government become . Im tom steyer and, like you, im a citizen who knows its up to us to do something. Its why im funding this effort to raise our voices together and demand that elected officials take a stand on impeachment. A Republican Congress once impeached a president for far less. Yet, today, people in congress and his own administration know this president is a clear and present danger who is mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons. And they do nothing. Join us and tell your member of congress that they have a moral responsibility to stop doing whats political and start doing whats right. Our country depends on it. Home to the world series, the nfl, college football, the daytona 500, the ufc, and the fifa world cup. The worlds biggest events are on fox sports. We are fox sports. This is the time when the real work begins. The dust has settled, the gloves are off. Welcome to the fight. In game one, the doctors of flex their muscle. Joe starts the

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