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Its a northerly breeze and that is taking care of the fog. Heating up this week temperatures will be starting off 50s and 60s. But they will end up with 70s and 80s. All right he was there but now hes in there and hes updating the traffic. I moved about 50 steve. Moving right along this morning. Good morning everybody. Sal is off today. He texted me last night saying hes feeling a little under the weather. We are looking out at the liver mother valley. This is looking through the Livermore Valley. This is 580 going on to the dublin interchange there. Starting to pick up there. I want to look at highway 4 through the pittsburgh bay point area. Traffic is starting to build up a little bit but not too bad as you approach concord or walnut creek. Finally bay bridge toll plaza not too bad. Starting to build up a little bit on the cash lanes. 5 01 lets go back to the desk. Police in santa cruz searching for a missing eight yearold girl. Her name is Madison Middleton. She is four feet tall weighs about 48 pounds. She was last seen about 5 00 last night. She was wearing a knee length purple dress and riding a white razor scooter. Ktvu janine de la vega is in santa cruz right now. Another search intensifies to find ed kavanaugh. This is a photo of ed kavanaugh. Shortly after a car crashed into several parked cars. Police say they believe the person in the car died in a gunshot wound but so far no arrests have been made. Firefighters continue to battle flames all across northern california. Cal fire crews are spread out from the sierra down into the bay area up in clear lake as well. Some fires have damaged billings and required mandatory evacuations. Firefighters in Nevada County are battling a wild fire that is threatening nearly 2,000 homes. Several hundred people have been forced to evacuate. Four firefighters were also injured fighting that fire. Cal fire says one suffered serious burns, the other three were expected to be released from the hospital yesterday. We are checking in on that. So far the fire has burned 1500 acres. As of last night it was 15 contained. The cause is still under investigation. The bureau of lang management has installed four cameras on mountain sides. The goal is to detect wild fires faster. Spotted a fire more than 100 miles away from oregon. Funeral mrs. Be held in louisiana for two women killed in a movie theater. A man suddenly started shooting inside of a crowded movie theater. Investigators still looking for a motive and this case has reignited the debate over gun vol. They also placed his glove and hat at first base. That is the position he played. Youre looking at the teams Facebook Page here. Sergeant lunger was shot and killed last wednesday during a traffic stop. The funeral will be at oaklands oracle arena. Reporter on any other summer night this might have been a reunion of recent grads and current students. Expect a hug, the greetings were so somber. Everyone was thinking about the girl no long we are them. 19yearold claire orton shot and killed when she opened the door at her parents house tuesday morning. She was a longdistance runner before graduating. She always pushed us to be better and Work Together as a team. A lot of us or really all of us looked up to her. Its a tragedy. Reporter Walnut Creek Police say there was no inkling 21yearold scott who dated her several years ago would do such a thing. The 21yearold suspect went there. He had a previous relationship with her. Knows her and the family. And went there and killed her and then killed himself. Reporter like orton ran Cross Country and went to college as an engineering major. Friends say their breakup was friendly. It was a mutual breakup. He went to college and they just decided to be bests because he was going to be away and she was going to be still here. It didnt seem it wasnt a big deal. Reporter but this past year as orton was making the deans list, happy at her life in san diego state, burr techs was back at home. Taking a leave from his studies for undisclosed reasons. As far as her friends knew he hadnt been contacting orton. Explanations if there are any may come later but claire orton was killed at home where she probably felt safest and this vigil was mostly silent because there werent any words for that. We ran races together and always side by side and she was just always there and super motivating. She was the hardest worker out of all of us. New study shows that most car pool lanes dont save drivers time. The cal tran study Shows Nearly Half of the hov lanes are not meeting the federal stap cards of keeping the traffic moving at 45 miles an hour. For statewide the car pool loan was slow. Heads up if it will cost 1. 50 to park at the richmond state. 3 to park at bay fair. And 7. 50 to leave your car at west oakland. If a lot is too full, the price goes up. That is a heads up. Big changes coming to the way you go through security at the airport. They will test it at san jose and how it is more futuristic than anything you have ever seen before. Also the search continues for two missing teenagers in florida. Well telial about the pro well tell you about the pro football legend offering a 100,000 reward for anyone who finds them. The coolest temp is on the coast. Its at halfmoon bay. Having Necessary School supplies can mean the difference between success and failure. The day i start, im already behind. I never know what im gonna need. New school, new classes, new kids. Its hard starting over. To help, sleep train is collecting School Supplies for local foster children. Bring your gift to any sleep train, and help a foster child start the school year right. Not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child. Welcome back to mornings on 2. We want to bring you back to the search for that eightyear old girl missing in santa cruz. Janine de la vega you are in santa cruz now and that search is active. It definitely is. It is going on over night. This is at the apartment complex where eightyearold Madison Middleton was last seen. Officers have been searching over night. There is about 50 people on the ground and in cars. We know they are using to canines Walking Around in this area. She was last seen riding her scooter yesterday evening at about 5 00. Now she was last seen wearing a purple knee length dress and her hair was in a side braid. Surveillance video shows her about 5 00 p. M. She hasnt been seen there since. Her parents called into police about 6 00 p. M. An hour later. Officers have flooded the area looking all around the complex. They are following up on all leads. Using the Sheriffs Office search and rescue teams. They are work around the clock to try to locate her. They also counting on people to report any tips. They do say they have received some. I asked a Police Officer has she ever run away. They said no this is very out of character. We will follow up on any updates and bring them to you. Dave. All right we will keep checking back with you. Thank you. Reporter and season sunday the coast guard found their vessel off the coast but the boys were nowhere to be found. One of our boat crews found an over turned boat off the coast of florida. Reporter the coast guard is conducting search and rescue every ports in the air and water. Officials say trying to locate the teens in the vast ocean is no easy task. Right now our search area is about 33,500 square land miles which is approximately the size of maine. Reporter nfl hall of famer joe nee moth is offering qualified searchers a 100,000 reward for the boys safe return. Im not doing anything that millions of people dont do every day. Its love, compassion, respect for one another. Reporter a social media post by one of the teens is leading some to speculate the two may have been trying to make their way to the bahamas but their parents are insisting they wouldnt have gone out that far. Kelly wright fox news. Time is 5 16. A Drinking Water restriction. They are warning drinking or cooking the water without boiling it first can expose you to bacteria. However tap water is safe for bathing and other household uses. Cal water is running more quality tests. They are expecting test results by wednesday. Today is the last day for the public to submit their comments for the warriors. Recent poll showed 61 of voters accepted the arena. Now later this morning uc San Francisco will announce its position on this proposed arena. It is 5 17 and brian flores is over in sals spot. The brian flores. Yes. In for sal. Who is a little under the weather today. He texted me around 8 00 last night. 8 00 is the time im starting to get ready for bed. And sal said you might be feeling in storm. Im not feeling so hot. Yeah its nice to get that heads up. Yeah. Good morning, everybody. We hope sal feels better. But dont worry we have your traffic covered this morning. We are taking a look outside at the carquinez bridge to the mccarthur maze looking really good. 18 minutes. Not too bad. Hopefully it stays that way for you on this monday morning. Moving on to the Livermore Valley area. Traffic starting to pick up. Very heavily from 205 to tracy. Moving to the bay bridge toll plaza, not too bad right now. 810 minutes to get you across the span. It is starting to build up on the hash lanes. Finally san mateo bridge moving into foster city looks pretty good. 5 18. Steve paulson. Yes. How are you feeling this morning . Like a million dollars. How about you . Really sore. The workout that i didnt want to say anything. [ laughter ] im feeling like 100. We take the the same kick boxing class. They kick our butts. In a good way. We will focus our attention on the lull fire. It does look like its swarming up here. Again temperatures are going to be upper 80s to near 90 degrees. Southeast at 6 last time i saw. You know we dont want that to turn north or northeast. It does look like the breeze and the Higher Elevations. This is the hawkeye operation. That is northwest of healdsburg. 64 Degrees North at 22. West, northwest at 22. At the surface i can hardly find any breeze at all. On the coast and in the Higher Elevations there is a decent breeze. San francisco going to start off clear. 57. We will go 76 for a high today. It does look like temperatures will be warming up a bit. The question is how much. We will warm it up tomorrow. More toward the 80s. Today 76 for a high. Its the inland temps that look like they will head out quick. 52 halfmoon bay. 53 napa. Yet you can find 60s. Most locations are running a little warmer. Napa is six degrees cooler than 24 hours ago. So a little push here. Some wind driven. Picked up the breeze on sunday. High pressure is billing back in. 53 the water temp. San francisco by way 55. And the water temps are pretty cool. Until you turn down around santa monica. 60 ukiah. 59 monterey. Not much in the way of any fog. It is heating up. The question is how much. One forecast model is very, very hot. The other two not very hot. There will be 90s through the interior. 70s and 80s coast and bay. 90s through the interior. Warm to hot tuesday and wednesday. And then fog returns. I hope we make it through this little period. A major auto Company Planning to buy back 500,000 pickup trucks. Well tell you which truck is part of this deal and the reason why. I know youre staying golden by managing your energy use. Ns which means managing water too, sfx rawr especially during a drought. Learn to save water, energy and money at energyupgradeca. Org welcome back to mornings on 2. Fiat has agreed to buy back half a million pickup trucks from its owners. The problem is with the pickups from the 2008 to 2012 model years. The company will buy back the truck for their full Purchase Price minus depreciation. Owners can also ask to have their trucks fixed instead. The boy scouts of america expected to end its blanket band on gay scout leaders today. However some will be able to limit leadership jobs to heterosexuals. This will allow church run boy scoutouts that agree with their moral preaccept. President obama is on the second leg on his trip to africa making history as the first u. S. President to visit ethiopia. President obama is at a meeting right now. The president s visit is creating a lot of excitement. People welcomings state people lining the streets to welcome him. If he comes to talk about economical occupational political issues, we can understand that. But we dont want to hear about gay issues. Our religion is strong and our people will not accept that. President obama is expected to focus on counterterrorism and security while he is visiting ethiopia. Both countries share a border with somalia. Time is 5 26. Big changes to the way you go through security at the airport. Plus a young man is shot while driving his car in vallejo last night and that shooting leads to this major crash. Three parked cars damaged. Well tell you what we are learning about the victim in this case and why one of his relatives is so surprised this happened. A new sea chance to tryew look. Something different. This summer, challenge your preconceptions and experience a cadillac for yourself. Take advantage of our summer offers. Lease select cts models in stock the longest, for around 399 per month. Good morning to you. Welcome back to mornings on 2. These are live pictures. There is a police line right there behind the two Police Officers. Were in santa cruz right now. There is is an active search to find a missing eightyearold girl. Ktvu janine de la vega is there. She has been out there since 4 00 a. M. She will bring you the very latest on the investigation coming up in just a couple of minutes. Stay tuned. Welcome back. Monday, july 27th im dave clark. Good morning, im pam cook. Thank you for joining us. It is 5 30. Steve is talking about hot weather coming our way. Today is the day. Maybe the next couple of days. Most of the fog is going down the coast. There is a little bit patchy. There is not much of a breeze at the surface. And its favoring a northwest or northerly direction. Temperatures anywhere from 50s and 60s and halfmoon bay the coolest at 52 degrees. West at sfo at 10. That is really the strongest breeze i can find for anybody here. There is not much for one. That little system yesterday that has cooled us down has gone long. Just patchy, coast, fog. 5 s and 80s around the bay. Sal is fighting the weather. Hes a little under it. Brian flores here to pinch hit. Pinch hit. Yes, sir. Good morning, steve. Good morning, everybody. Sal feeling a little bit under the weather. But hopefully he feels better in the coming days or coming hours. Hopefully he will be back tomorrow. Lets take a look at highway 24. Folks in the control room were asking what is going on with highway 24 well, that is called road traffic. It is starting to get very busy as you approach the dublin interchange this morning. So be aware of that. I want to take a look at the bay bridge toll plaza where within a matter of minutes we saw you ten if you can see traffic starting to build up. Still 1020 police are searching for an eightyearold girl. She was outside her home playing when she vanished. Janine de la vega is joining us live. You are in santa cruz. What is the latest on this search . Reporter she has not turned up. This is where police have set up a demand post. They are searching the area. They dont believe this girl is a run away and they are taking her disappearance very seriously. Heres a picture of eightyear old Madison Middleton. Maryland sr. Have but she never returned hope maryland so about a to mile they they use r using two canines to track maddies scent. We have been told at least 50 people on the ground searching for this little girl by foot as well as in patrol cars. Some of the neighbors have taken it upon herself to go around and look for her. They feel very helpless. They want to help. One of them told me there is nearby homeless encampment. A lot of them hang out near the river so they are concerned where this girl may have gone. If she went into this area. If someone took her. So a lot of people all hoping to find eightyearold maddie middleton. We know a spokesperson is on the way to keep if. Reporter i talked with one of the victims relatives a short time ago. He told me the victim here is a young man. 2f years 23 years old. Last night he was found slumped over the wheel in an out of corral control car. You can see three cars hit. Now when vallejo Police Officers got out here to the scene, they found the driver of a black accra that crashed and hit the roadway. They found the driver shot to death inside that car. Got a job at the hospital. Just graduated. Reporter police are not officially releasing the name of the victim because they say they are still notifying the young mans family. No arrests have been made so far in connection with this homicide. Investigators say they have a lot of questions here obviously. They are hoping that more witnesses will come forward and help them figure out exactly what led up to this deadly shooting. They are still cleaning up from that wild fire in clear lake that burned eight acres and damaged three buildings. It happened early yesterday evening on dam road. Strong winds pushed those flames and the fire caused minor damage to the nearby apartment complex. But much heavier damage to two homes. One man was watching the flames from his apartment building. It moved quickly to the trees. Caught the trees all the way over toward b building. Down the hill. Wrapped back up around toward walmart. Cal fire battled those flames along with local Fire Agencies to get the fire out quickly even though it was less than ten acres more than 100 firefighters showed up with Fire Fighting vehicles. Fire crews made progress on the rag fire. As of last night the flames were 65 contained. The fire has return last age. The kibers fire is 90 contained. One campground in the area is still closed. The cause of the fire is under investigation. San Francisco Police and the San Mateo County Sheriffs Office are in facing an officer involved shooting near San Francisco international airport. Now San Francisco Police Got Call about a possible hit and run near san bruno avenue just before 7 00 a. M. Yesterday. It turns out the white sedan was stolen. An officer responding spotted the suspect. One shot is fired. It did not strike the suspect. One of the other officers can hear the suspect saying shoot me, shoot me, shoot me. A second shot hit the man. He was taken to the hospital in stable condition. Part of the highway was actually closed for several hours. Berkeley Property Owners will be getting from from its not clear that the inspectors may have their hands full though. The Bay Area News Group found in San Francisco which also has an inspection ordnance there were hundreds of complaints involving questionable balconies over a five year period. A woman reported the assault. Investigators say the suspect is latino between 4050 years old. Has dark skin and medium build. The victim was not a student or a resident. People living in the area are being asked to let the police know if they see any suspicious activity. San jose airport and Alaska Airlines are testing a new security terror cans of Alaska Airlines is already using similar biometric measures to allow travelers access to their if club lounges. We are talking a lot about wild fires. Now spotting wild fires faster. Coming up at 6 00 the technology being used that could see the fires days before they are reported. And joe jackson the father of the late Michael Jackson suffered a stroke. At this point we do not know exactly what his condition is but jackson is in brazil in part to celebrate his 87th birthday. Local media reports say he was absent from his party because he was already in the hospital. Friends and family are mourning the loss of Bobbi Christina brown. She passed away yesterday surrounded by her family. Back on january 31st police were notified of a medical emergency at her georgia home. The 22yearold was found unresponsive face down from in a bathtub. Her death could possibly lead to criminal charges now but authorities there have been accusations that her girlfriend girlfriend biggio got into his third. He is the first houston astro elected to the hall of fame. I want to thank the game for everything. The game has given me everything. My family, my friends, respect, but most of all memories of a lifetime. He was great. They all were. Martinez the first dominican to get into the hall since the giant legend got in 1983. And then he called juan to come up with him. The giants have bay area bragging rights right now after they swept the oakland as this weekend. Tim hudson was on the mound for the giants yesterday taking on the former team. Got offense from matt duffy. A two run home run in the fifth inning. Now the as did get within a run but the giants won. Final score was 53. Now they host the brewers for a three game series. What a catch. That series begins tonight. The as they are off today. They will be in los angeles for a two game series against the dodgers tomorrow. 5 47 is the time. We want to check in with brian flores who is in for sal today on traffic. I heard you say what is that on highway 24. Its traffic. So there is nothing going on out there. No. Well you know, the sensors and the chp incident page is reporting anything on highway 24. You were getting a little sassy brian. [ laughter ] some would say that. I apologize for that. Its because sal is off today. Hes feeling a little under the weather today. Really through the at mont pass so that will be very busy. I will move the maps up just a little bit there. See that accident icon. Southbound 680. Involves three cars there. That is gist going to choke things up there. Traffic starting to build up toward washington boulevard. As we look at the south bay traffic is moving through there. A little bit of a slow down northbound 101 from east capitol expressway. Over all not too bad for our friends in the south bay. I want to move to the bay bridge toll plaza where traffic is starting to build up as you approach the over crossing there is. Especially in the cash lanes this morning. Im going to say 1015 minutes to get you across the span. We will keep an eye on traffic there. Finally san mateo bridge this morning there was an earlier stall on the right hand shoulder. Traffic moving okay as you approach the highrise into foster city. 5 48 on the dot. Lets go to steve. Thank you very much brian. We have mostly cloudy skies. A little bit of bog beginning to form there. San mateo and santa cruz coast. 60s for some. 50s for others. Napa 52. 57 in the city. 59 san jose. Some mid 60s though for others. And again there is not much of a breeze expect for sfo west at 10. Higher elevations. That little spin in the atmosphere cooled us down. That also gave a northwest breeze. And bodega bay went down to 53. San francisco 55. That was a fast drop. 36 up in truckee. 59 down in monterey. Santa rosa 90s to 80s. Around the bay 70s and also some 80s. A little bit of patchy fog though. Sunny and warmer for most. And it does look warm to hot. Wednesday will be the hottest day no matter what. And then we might get a little bit of a fog and higher clouds as we go toward the end of the weekend. A cooler pattern by the weekend. Just keep in mind pam doesnt want it too hot. She wants the coast clear so we have delivered on that. Tens of thousands of runners took to the treat streets and the hill took to the streets and the hills for the San Francisco marathon. Probably nice it was a little foggy and cool in the city. Chris took first place. Anna bratton was the first woman to finish. Coming up in 25 minutes, sightings of something that looks like a lion. Walking through the streets well tell you about the efforts to track it down. But first a smaller cat has entered the race for president. Why he says this is the purrfect choice. Good morning to you. Welcome back to mornings on 2. Time is 5 54. The city of palo alto will install motion detection cameras and new fences along the cal train track. The city says the cameras and fences will be install the next month. Its all part of Suicide Prevention effort. The cameras will be imstalled at the meadow drive crossing. They will have the ability to alert the authorities when someone is out there on the tracks. The fences will be added to the east side of the track between oregon expressway and San Francisco creek. Meantime muni plans to update its security cameras with a new Artificial Intelligence software. Its capable of analyzing the behavior of humans and other objects like vehicles through live video feeds. The goal, they want to catch terrorists and other criminals inside muni train stations and tunnels. In response some city leaders introduce legislation that requires some cities to have this surveillance with written policies. Donald trump is the at top of several polls. The real estate mogul shows he is second in iowa next to Governor Scott walker. Trumps popularity will fade once voters start digging into his background. They are going to find he was pro choice. They are going to find he gave money to hillary clinton, chuck schumer, reid, and nancy pelosi because he wanted a democratic congress. The poll results pretty much guarantee that trump will. Meet limberbutt mccovens. He is running for president. While questions remain about the legitimacy of his four legged campaign, he has formerly registered with the federal elections commission. He even has a campaign. It looks like hes trying to scratch his way to the top. [ laughter ] still ahead a very serious story. Police are busy working around the clock in santa cruz. The resources being used right now to search for this little girl. A missing eightyearold named Madison Middleton. A warning to people in several los altos neighborhoods. The reason you should boil your tap water this morning. Vallejo Police Investigating a homicide after a young man drive driving a car was found shot to death. That car crashed into three other parked cars. Major crash here. Eightyearold girl is missing in santa cruz. Mornings on 2 continues. Good morning. Thank you for joining us im pam cook. Good morning, im dave clark. Today is a good day to go to the beach. It looks pretty good. Santa cruz coast not dealing with much fog. And a little bit in the city. Inland and bay side starting off clear. There is hardly a breeze unless you

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