Was on the wrestling team. Another friend said he changed after visiting the middle east. Also today we learned the name of the four marines killed. Tomas sullivan from massachusetts, Carson Holmquist of wisconsin and david wyatt of north carolina. Now we turn to james who has latest from washington. After a gunman opened fire on a pair of military facilities in tennessee leaving four marines dead and one critically injured [ indiscernible ] they were said to be looking into trips that is suspect previously took to jordan and perhaps the middle east. He was killed by police during the shooting thursday. The fbi made clear yesterday that they are looking another a variety of possible motives. Including the possibility of domestic terrorism. Officials say these lone vs wol v wolves are more dangerous. Fbi officials overseeing the investigation and said they havent found anything yet that ties the suspect to an International Terrorist organization. We are conducting a thorough investigation to determine whether this person acted alone. Back to you. From james there in d. C. Lets go live now to tennessee outside the recruiting office the scene of one of the shootings. Could you describe the emotions there tonight in chattanooga for us . Well its hard to describe how many people in the city of chattanooga have been absolutely heart broken by this tragedy. So many people didnt know these four victims these four marines, but so many hundreds are coming out here to the military recruitment center. You can see crowds keep on gathering and gathering as the sun comes down. They are laying flags down, they are adding crosses they are putting up balloons, a number of people just saying a prayer here, stopping to shed a tear. They are also asking why, why an upstanding member of the chattanooga community, somebody who was well loved and well liked by High School Friends and College Friends by the community, engage in possible terrorist acts. So far the fbi a to today said they do believe Muhammad Abdulazeez did act alone. At this point the fbi is saying at this point that they believe that the action were of his own free will. I know that two years ago he failed that background check there a a Nuclear Plant in cleveland. Last year he also traveled to jordan. Three years ago he also had a dui. Today the police chief said they called him a coward. What can you tell us about folks there in chattanooga . What have you learned about his personality, his character in the last year or two . Well the only thing that ever popped own their radar was the fact that the dui. Like you said other than that trip to jordan just a few months ago, he really wasnt on authorities radar. A lot of people at the college today had a vigil. He graduated in about 2012. They knew him. People were friends with him. They said he did not seem at all radicalized although he was open about his muslim faith. They said he did not seem unusual or radicalized to friends and the community at large. Are you hearing stories about bravery from the officers . I bring this up because the police chief talked about many officers dragging those who were wounded away from the shooting scene. They were talking about the bravery there. The chief of police said if it wasnt for the bravery of those officers, there could have been possibly more lives lost. They said the Police Officer who was shot in the leg officers were exchanging gunfire with the gunman can dragged him into safety. As the police chief said, if it wasnt for these brave officers who risked their lives there could have been more deaths. All right. Thank you for that report. We will send it back to the desk. Back here closer to home a multiagency raid on a marin growing operation juana growing operation we are told one person was arrested but police are still looking for two others. Once gone day San Francisco sheriff addressed the on going criticism he is facing. They have filed a formal complaint. The Sheriffs Department released him from custody. Hes accused of killing this woman here. The San Francisco chronicle reports in the complaint that the deputy said the release of sanchez with the felon record and history of deportations shows that the policy, quote recklessly compromises the safety of sworn personal, citizens and those who come to visit the San Francisco area. Today the sheriff responded. Have been following the law as the law is written. If there is conflicts between the practice of local law as it intersects with federal law then lets have an open discussion in the board of supervisors. They also report in that young con plaint that he ordered complaint that he ordered them not to pass that information back to them. We will hear more about that at 5 00. All right want to bring you up to speed on some breaking news down in Southern California. These are live pictures from there. This is chopper video showing the flames. You can see some of that fire actually on the interstate. It has been reported that at least five vehicles have burned. You can see the traffic there at a standstill. Also a chopper down below most likely probably doing some water drops on the fire. You dont see loft flames right now a lot of flames right there. This is a main roadway between los angeles and las vegas. At least five cars have burned but you can see it is a mess along i15. Cars are avoided the flames there in the middle of the roadway. We do not know if anybody has been injured in this fire. Coming up after a break it is a problem that is still not fixed. We find out where the money went that was suppose to fix broken elevators at this Apartment Building here. And what tenants say what they are doing about it. I am tracking a cooling trend for the start of your weekend and the possibility for showers by the end of the weekend. I will lay out the pattern for you coming up. On this friday i believe we are going to get a shot of the bay area commute. It looks a little sluggish. There it is, i80, berkeley absolute parking lot on this friday. Time now is 4 15. You watching the four on two. Two bay area mayors are going to get in the audience with the pope. They have both been invited to a twoday event. Jerry brown is also attending. The trip is set for next tuesday and wednesday. Cancer unfortunately is part of many of our lives. My father and brotherinlaw passed away because of the disease. You may know someone with it or maybe you yourself are battling it. Today i went out there and spoke to two women connected to breast fest. They are a mother and a daughter. Their bond is spring. Started about 15 years ago strong. It started about 15 years ago when my mom was diagnosed with it its quite fight ive been through. This is my second battle. I am a fighter. Definitely a fighter and a survivor and i will kick it. The reason we started it was to help lowincome women with cancer get medical treatment that they couldnt afford or wasnt covered through health care. Not just that but the social services we offer is so important to. To two through Something Like this alone is go through Something Like this alone is scary. Shes always thinking of other people. She does this every year and really helps a lot of women and men. When we first did it we thought we were just going to do it one year and one time. We have come a long way. The best some of the best california breweries are going to be here. The ticket price will get them free food. Once they come in every something free. Im really proud of her. Thats amazing. My mom is my best friend. I love her dearly. Shes great. Shes an amazing person. I just love her so much. Shes my inspiration. Great to hear those stories. This event not in San Francisco this year. Yeah, people who attended are probably used to it being in San Francisco. This year they moved it back to marine county. Its inside on the island lagoon. Its nice there. They do well when it comes to fundraising. Yeah, they do want the support. So far they have raised a move half million half million in 15 years. It started out as a one time event, when it becomes successful you want more and want to be able to give that. On our website ktvu. Com, if you look under the entertainment tab, theres a link to get tickets. 55 today. It jumps ten dollars at the door. Lets do it. It should be a nice day outside. I hope so. Lets ask about it. We have some nice weather coming our way. We will have the possibility of some wet weather coming our way. I think we want to step back to Southern California giving you a live look at whats going on there. I15 and you can see there we have it looks like still vehicle on fire. A wildfire burning in that area. I can tell you its very hot. Its very dry as well. We have 95 degrees whether. We have relatively humidity down 15 . Thats very dry out there. Firefighters definitely have their hands full there. Here at home we have increasing clouds on the way. We had temperatures warmup once again for today. Some of us were a tad cooler and some us were a tad warmer than yesterday. The cool down will continue for all of us saturday. By sunday, the possibility of a few sprinkles. I will show you that. Its going to last all the way into monday. 91 in concord. Definitely a warm summer day for our inland communities. Upper 70s santa rosa. Around the bay very comfortable day. Im going to give you a shot from up above. First, the system that will be responsible our cooling trend as we head into saturday, we have this system that will be dropping into the great basin. That will bring our temperatures down. We will wake up with the low clouds and patchy drive drizzle tomorrow morning. By saturday evening. We have Tropical Storm the tropical the Tropical Storm coming our direction. We will be tracking it for you. The winds 18 Miles Per Hour in fairfield. 14 concord. 21 in oakland. The winds have picked up a little bit. Heres a look at the future cast model. I will roll it through as we get into saturday, notice not a lot going on. By sunday afternoon there is the cloud cover. We have that subtropical moisture pulling in on sunday. Then the remnants of it coming in on monday. Its sort of very wide and broad over the sierra. We will see that possibility of showers and thunderstorms there. For us its just a slight chance right now. Tomorrow morning upper 50s low 60s in the forecast. Afternoon temperatures will continue to be on the mild side around the bay and our inland communities will be in the upper 80s to low 90s. We have a good looking forecast for you there. As we get into the second half we have temperatures in the low 80s expected for areas like san jose, how did that happen . Ended up with all the highs in here. We will give you one view around the bay area. 84 in sunnyville for tomorrow. Mid to upper 60 for San Francisco. There is your extended forecast. Not a bad weekend in store. Again, that chance for a few scatshowers coming up sunday as well as monday. We need it. They are saying that the fire has burned 50 acres and its moving fast. Wow. A lot of folks going to vegas absolutely. We will see you in a bit. Repeated problems for the elderly and disabled living in a 13story Apartment Building. Could this be a matter of life and death . Of course. We discover Public Housing elevators repeatedly broken and out of service more than a year after a promise to fix them. Now they are suing the city. Its a Bay Area Program training women to get into the Tech Industry. Now that theres foster farms simply raised, its tougher than ever to be a foster farms chicken. But foster farms simply raised chicken is 100 percent natural with no antibiotics. Well youre an herbalist. Help us to be natural. Will those herbs do it . Those . One grows hair, the other increases energy. Gasp do i look natural herb man . Can i call you herb man . Im trying to look natural. Call me natural. You look like a steve. Can i call you steve . Hi steve. Im natural. Say something. Why arent you guys saying anything . Introducing new simply raised chicken with no antibiotics. From foster farms. Simply better. Female announcer get three years interestfree financing on brand name mattress sets. Plus, get free delivery, and sleep trains 100day low price guarantee. Sleep trains interest free for 3 event is ending soon. Your ticket to a better nights sleep its been a problem for years. A 13story Apartment Building in downtown San Francisco that houses lowincome families, seniors and also the disabled, the problem is the elevators rarely work. We first covered this story a year ago. Promises were made by the city to fix it. We checked in to see where things stand. They do live on the top floor. Public housing for the elderly and disabled in San Francisco. Yet over the fourth of july Holiday Weekend her apartment felt more like a prison. I couldnt get down all day yesterday. With one elevator already down with maintenance someone got stuck inside. What if there was an emergency . Exactly. What would you have done . I have no idea. When the elevators are out this is the only way out. I for many of the people who live here, these stair arent an option. This has happened on more than one occasion. We found an Elevator Repair Company opened more than 60 Service Tickets at the clementina towers since the start of 2014. This one after they had to pry open doors to release a trapped passenger. We first reported on elevator problems back in march of 2014. A month later the mayor announced 5. 4 million in emergency funding for repairs there. They said they have used that no one fix elevators at four properties and modernize elevators at two other locations but not at the clementina towers yet. What kind of work are you guys doing today . Elevator. Work only recently began here and could take until november to finish. The Housing Authority insists its on schedule. Sit a total health and disregard for them. He is suing the Housing Authority on behalf of 21 residents. It accused the city of negligence. They said tenants caused the problem. You push emergency call button too much. You stop elevator on certain floors and then it gets stuck. A lot of blaming of the tenants thats whats going on. Barbara smith agreed to sit down talk about the repairs. You just decided you cant two on camera . She backed out. Just canceled . They said its been working to find money to over haul elevator cars tat clementina tower since last year. At the clementina towers since last year. Records show smith has been aware of the problem even longer. Almost two years ago smith wrote to Housing Authority managers this el variety elevator situation is a horrible mess. He said hes been stuck in one of the elevators before. He said please help. Just because we are lowincome doesnt mean we are low priority. Lets talk about the mayor. It was april of last year he announces the funding. Now in 2015 not many repairs done at the clementina towers. That that whats residents are so upset about. At the time back in april of last year, the Mayors Office came out and said 5. 4 million. They even called them emergency short term repairs. They said they have waited long enough. They said the repairs are just now getting started. Let me stop you there, we keep hearing the word repairs why not just rip them out and get new elevators . Its a good question. We are hearing them use the word modern iization. [ indiscernible ] modern eyization. A lawsuit. Where does it stand right now . Well the attorney in this case says he thinks this could go to trial in february. They are not satisfied with the citys response. The city has denied the allegation. They said they are not liable. The attorney said he think which he is take this for to the a jury. Just before now, there was a dead line to make some critical repairs to the elevators in one of the towers. We just found out from osha they have given them an ex tension until early august to get those short term repairs made. All right women getting trained to write code in disadvantaged countries. We are taking a look at the latest meeting. We are also following that wildfire down in Southern California. Here are live pictures for you. This is along i15. So far we know that at least five vehicles, they are even saying several vehicles have burned. We will be right back. Today we are taking four minutes at 4 00 to learn about a Program Based right here in the bay area thats helping women gain the skills they need to rise out of poverty. Its a nonprofit that trains women for technology jobs. Thank you for joining us. We say code right . Women who code, what is coding . What does that mean . Its lin goer for programming lin two for programming. We were looking at numbers today. It says 57 of College Women get a degree. [ indiscernible ] then it says 12 of Computer Science grads are only women. The number that kind of surprised they is that by 2020 they expect 1. 4 million jobs in computer fields. You only have 12 of women graduating in that industry. Yeah, we are actually looking at being a million engineers shy of the market means. You can also transition into a career in technology as an adult. Thats part of what women code is doing. We are also working to keep women in their careers. Women are also leaving the Tech Industry at a rate of about 56 . If we can attract more people and women to the Tech Industry that is how we are going reach those goals they are leaving because theres a fear about it or why would you say they are leaving . Theres a lot of reasons that a lot of women decide to leave. One of the big reasons is family reasons. You dont quite fit in, you are not like everyone else you might be on a team of 30 and theres only two or three engineers. Little tiny things that happen day after day that make you feel excluded and then you get the opportunity to change into Something Else or you get the opportunity stay home and you take it. If i am sitting at home and im either just graduated from college, or if im older and ive been laid off from my job but i still have home years in my left to work, how easy is it to learn how to code . Are we talking about going back to school and spending thousands of dollars . Its very simple. We have classes every night of the week, monday through friday and are hosted by Tech Companies so you get connections you get to network and the support you need. Its easy. Its just all you have to do and come and join us. What would you say would it cost you money . Its free. So i can learn how to code for free any day of the week and then whats the chance of me getting that job . They are incredibly increased. Rather than you going to get the job on your own without our help but it is a support system. Because now i have the skill . Exactly. You are getting exposure to job opportunities. The other day i walked by this one spot and they are teaching young girls how to code. I mean grade school. I am curious what you think implements coding to the School System . It needs to be implemented to the Elementary School level. It needs to be part of the core curriculum in u. S. Schools . What about can i become a coder, and feed my family, pay my bills . Does this career pay . In the by area starting salaries are often close to 80,000. And the market needs more engineers. Its a great career path. We have an event coming up. We have a full screen about it. You are asking people to bring their resumes. It is on wednesday the 22nd from 6 00 to 8 30 time p. M. Thank you guys so much for being here. Thank you. You can find out more information about women who code and their Upcoming Event on ktvu. Com. In just two weeks bart will shutdown for a major maintenance project. The bus bridge will be setup. Bart is asking riders to stay away. We will explain that one. A bit of a cool down. We will have a look at what you can expect for your bay area weekend coming up. Heres a live look outside. Not looking so good as the friday evening commute is just getting under way. The four on two back in just a bit. If you thought your bay area commute is bad turns out you are right. A new survey ranks that area among the worst for drivers. New york washington d. C. And philadelphia ranked the very worst city for drivers. We are asking you do you commute in the bay area and how bad is your commute . Many viewers said yes it is bad but it could be worse. She wrote i take the bus from my neighborhood, my commute is about 45 minutes to an hour. Traffic may suck but i can read and do other things while the driver gets to and from work. It saves my sanity during commute hours. He said i would take oakland traffic over San Francisco traffic. I would take the worst bay area traffic over a regular commute in l. A. Thanks but im good. She wrote l. A. Traffic is the worst. I live in the bay area and every time we go to l. A. I never drive too much. Traffic at all hours of the day and the crazy drivers i would rather be stuck here in traffic. Well in just two weeks bart there shutdown the tube. The bus bridge will be setup. They are asking riders to stay away. It is being called a critical track may want nans. Sit going maintenance. Joining me now is jim. The this shutdown affects the people trying to get across the bay from oakland to San Francisco, correct . Thats correct. We are going to have the normal service we would normally have in the east bay. You guys do overnight work all the time. This is a big section of track. Its a big project right . This is a being project. Sit it is one of our two most important interlockings. Its not affecting the way people are using bart now. If something happens we have seen things happen that means you wouldnt be able to get trains in and out of the waters of the bay. It more of a reliability issue, not so much of a safety issue. Without this service we dont have the flexibility if there is a train that breaks down, we cant run in both directions on the other track because we cant move trains from one track to the other. You brought some interesting things to show us whats wrong with the track. Tell me this is the rail right . Yeah. Tell me what it all means. Okay. So this is a normal rail. We will allow it to run down to this line here and then so this is if it wears down by normal use its still fine. Its fine. So what we see here is rail thats worn past that standard. Its gone past that. There is no way we could dont run trains over this so we need cut it out and put in brand new rails. Is this what it looks like in the area you are talking about fixing. The big thing we are talking about is the ties. They last about 3035 years. Overtime the wood begin to break down. How long have they been out in the area . They could be up to 30 years. So its time . Its time. Right now its just a little shaky and we dont want you cant use it. All right. People are saying i still bart is the way i get in, what else do i do. The numbers you going off of, i know you pick a low rider ship weekend. You still talk about 90,000 people that go on that weekend. Tell us about this bus bridge. Who should use it . People that the bus bridge is intended to serve are people that have no other options. So we have a map that shows modified service. All the other train lines are as normal . Everything is going to run normally. The schedule of course is going to be different because we are not going across the bay. What i think people will find and you will have better Train Service because they will come more frequently. All right thanks so much for joining us. Youre welcome. All right lets turn to an update on this wildfire. Images are unbelievable. We can see right over your should our tractor trailer on fire. I know the authorities have just said at least 500 acres burned there on i15. That is unbelievable. Just imagine in edition to the friday afternoon commute joushgs joushgs you have all those folks on their way for to the vegas. They got out of their cars and ran and took off. We are talking about two Different Things though. You have the wildfire on the side, but now you have a trailer on fire. You have the vehicles nearby. You know all those immediate vehicle has to be evacuated. Absolutely. 500 acres burning along the hillside and then you have vehicles on fire as well on the freeway blocking the freeway. Well we will continue to monitor this. So far nobody has been injured. We have some great weather coming our way for the weekend. We may see some wet weather by the backside. I will explain in a moment. Plenty of activities going on at the moment. We find bill there. So bill you have cross beer, live music good food, that sound like your kind of party . We are just a few clicks from that right now. He had a list of things, i said where do we go on friday . He said here. I thought yeah. Behind me here i have some beer judges. They know about beer. He is in charge of this whole operation. 6th annual festival here. We are over here in a beer tent. We have about 27 breweries from all over the state. Its going from 12 00 to 6 00 tomorrow. Whats going on here . Why is there a stable full of empty classes . Why would you table and full of empty glasses . I actually make beer. There it is, look at this bad boy. You have experts what we are going to do in the 5 00 hour is we are going try that out. I want honest opinions. I want to know what you think of this beer. I dont know. Its kind of dark. [ laughter ] oh you will be fine. Shes not a beer drinker. These two guys are. This is going to be a good event. The weather is nice. I really do like blues. The weather is probably about 88 degrees. This whole weekend you are going to be looking at mid 80s. Its going be perfect. I know we have that big fire burning down south keep an eye on that. When we come back we will line those bottles up. This could go bad for me. [ laughter ] she does shlt know doesnt know anything about beer. Thats the beauty. [ laughter ] shes cool. Shes not insulted, she just doesnt know anything about beer. Thats why we got her because shes going to like it. There you go. We hear you bill. [ laughter ] im putting this in the shade. I am back here at 5 00. We are going to unlock this thing and pour some beers and get some honest opinions about my favorite beer that i ever made. Love it. All right thanks. All right we will see you in a half hour bill. Lets take a look at what is going on outside our doors. Temperatures warmed up quite a bit inland. 92 still in areas around liver more. 71 in oakland. San jose at 79. Temperatures slightly warmer in some areas. A tad cooler in others. Sfo down by 4. Mountain view down by 2. We are going to get to that cool down. It will be for my saturday. Also tracking the Tropical Storm. It will be off the coast of Southern California as we get into tuesday. This in edition to monsoonal moisture will be coming our way. Sunday into monday we have the slight possibility of scattered showers, maybe even thunderstorms over the mountains. Let me show you what i mean as we roll there this into your saturday morning. As we get into the afternoon not a lot going on saturday. I want to take you to sunday. Scattered showers a possibility. Here at home we will start out mainly dry. Maybe some patchy drizzle sunday morning. By the afternoon these clouds are moving in from the south. We will have a possibility of scattered showers. Looks like maybe sunday afternoon and monday as well. As we get going shaving off a few degrees from today. 74 in oakland for tomorrow. 86 in livermore. South bay upper 80s. 77 san mateo you. The extend forecast with your bay area weekend always in view. Temperatures coming down for saturday and again that unsettled weather moving in sunday monday and then temperatures not bad. We are dry again on tuesday. All right the diamond celebration under way today at disneyland. Exactly 60 years since they opened the gates there. Taking a look at one story making the rounds of social media today. Yeah, we like this one. We are talking about disneyland. It marks 60 years today since they opened that disney land. July 17, 1955. 17 million to build it. Not bad. Well i read a write up from that day. He said, quote what will it cost a doting father to bring his family here . Well pal you will have to shell out 1 a piece for you and your wife and any other grown ups. The kids get in for 50 cents. Okay so part of the celebration, there will be night parade and a new fireworks show. A lot of people are following this. The 60th anniversary celebration has been going on for a few months now. Yeah. Down there in march i had a blast there with the kids. Fun time. The happiest place in the world. We are not done here yet. On the four at 20 two we are going to give you another live picture of that wildfire down in Southern California. I15. Its between los angeles and vegas. As you see a tractor trailer even a boat on fire. This has charred at least 5,000 acres. We are back in just a bit. Female announcer sleep trains interest free for 3 event is ending soon get three years interestfree financing on beautyrest black, Stearns Foster Serta Icomfort even tempurpedic. Plus, get free delivery, free setup, and free removal of your old mattress and sleep trains 100day low price guarantee. But hurry sleep trains interest free for 3 event is ending soon. Guaranteed sleep train your ticket to a better nights sleep today had white house is expressing concern the Congress Might not give the Irans Nuclear program a chance. They hashed tout deal following months of negotiations. This morning they said the agreement was a big win for iran. It is comments like that along with chants of death to america that have many lawmakers skeptical about a deal. Many republicans say they are denouncing it and some democrats are voicing opposition. Law makers are allowed 60 days to reject or approve. If the United States congress were to successfully kill this agreement, it would have a terrible impact on the standing of the United States in the world. [no audio] president obama is vowing to veto it. A vote requires a 2 3 majority. That means the gop would need to rally democrats to oppose the president to stop the deal. They scheduled to vote monday on a resolution endorsing the deal. Now to julie and frank. I guess you could say we are learning more information about the gunman in tennessee. We are. Investigators are digging into the background of the gunman who killed four marines in attacks on two military facilities in tennessee. They seized his computer and cell phone and looking for any sign of a motive. Investigators are also looking at his trips abroad. Including 7 months in jordan and we are learning about the four marines who were killed. Ktvu fox 2 news at 5 00 p. M. Starts now. The marine corps released the names of the four men who were killed. One of them received a purple heart. 40yearold purple heart recipient Thomas Sullivan was from massachusetts. He was a purple heart recipient and received a medal. Confederate Carson Holmquist was 27yearold. Leaves behind a wife and a son. David wyatt lived in tennessee with his wife and children. He knew how to gently lead others. And 21yearold Lance Corporal skip wells was the youngest of the 4 victims. He died doing what he loved for the love of his country and his family. We also learned his last text he sent to his girlfriend said active shooter. He was from georgia. We have Team Coverage tonight. Wee girn with

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