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Of louisiana and former virginia senator jim webb. The latest contender in the democratic race. Then, despite stirring up controversy, donald trump rises in the polls and leaves open the thirdparty door. Many people have asked me to go independent. I think i would do very well if i went independent. Well ask our sunday panel whether he could be a spoiler for the gop. All right now on fox news sunday. Hello again from fox news in washington. The u. S. And other world powers are working with a new goal of monday to reach an agreement in the iran nuclear negotiations. Its the fourth extension in the marathon talks and now we have word from vienna a deal could be within reach. Fox news correspondent kevin cork has the latest. The u. S. , iran and five world powers have given themselves until monday to reach that deal but theres reporting as you point out to suggest overnight that a deal could be imminent and announced as soon as tomorrow. Secretary of state john kerry and his team have gone to Great Lengths to reach a deal despite the violations of sanctions and destabilizing behavior in the middle east. The final push comes amid accusations from tehran that the west is trying to change the terms of the deal at the 11th hour and there are major sticking points. Among them, iran would like immediate relief to the embargo from 2006 and limit access to their military sites during possible inspections and they would like to speed up sanctions relief because of the economy there. Despite all of the road blocks secretary kerry remains optimistic. I think were getting there. We have a few tough things to do. As you know, the goal of the deal is to increase the time it would take for iran to produce enough enriched uranium fuel for a single weapon up from estimate of two to three months to about a year. If there is a deal that would limit irans Enrichment Program for at least a decade and that would be major development. Any deal the negotiators strike must go before congress, which now has 60 days to review it. So what are its prospects on capitol hill . Joining me here in d. C. , Senate Majority mitch mcconnell. Welcome back to fox news sunday. What does an acceptable iran deal look like . We already know that its going to leave iran as a threshold nuclear state. We know that. It appears as if the administrations approach to this was to reach whatever agreement the iranians are willing to enter into. So i think its going to be a very hard sell if its completed in congress. There was another option here i would like to remind people. Rather than spending multiple years trying to get one of the worst regimes in the world to agree to limit their nuclear capabilities, we could ratchet up sanctions farther because thats what brought them to the table in the first place. Administration chose to do down this path and well be interested in things like will iranians reveal their past research and development and what have they done on the past on this subject . Is it verifiable . Will we be able to look at all of their military bases . And by the way, even if youre satisfied on all of that, theres all of the other collateral activities and what theyre up to in syria and lebanon and gaza and yemen which is not part of this. The Ballistic Missile capability, the ability to launch such a weapon to a target is not addressed as well. This is a hard sell for the administration. Theyll have to get at least 34 votes assuming a resolution of disapproval passes. The president vetoes it. Hell have to get at least 34 senators to go forward. You know where the head count is just looking at what you look at in the senate. I mean, you say it will be tough. Where will the red line be for example for democrats who have said and expressed concern about this potential deal . I think theyll have the same concerns i just outlined. I know there will be a strong pull not to go against the president on something as important as this is to him. I hope there will be enough democrats willing to look at this objectively and look at the facts. Is this a good deal . Is this likely to achieve the outcome we had hoped for . If they can bring themselves to do that and make an objective evaluation of it, i think its going to be a very hard sell for the administration. According to a few press reports the white house had a Conference Call with liberal groups progressive groups getting ready for this push saying it will be the president s number one Foreign Policy achievement. At the end it said the white house remains confident that if Congress Rejects the deal, the president could veto that action and continue to move forward. Thats what i was talking about. It would require 34 votes for him to go forward. Can you see them getting that . I think its going to be a hard sell. He knows that the resolution of disapproval is likely to be introduced. Likely to pass. And very likely to get over 60 votes. If he vetoes that in order to sustain the veto he would need 34 votes which is what i referred to earlier. I think its going to be a hard sell. Hard sell. If it all gets shot down then whats next . Ratchet up sanctions. Thats what brought them to the table in the first place. Thats why they were hurting. Thats a strategy that i think could have been deployed a couple years ago that could have got us to a better place. There are other Foreign Policy achievements according to the Obama Administration talking about them. One of them is cuba. We dont have to be imprisoned by the past. When something isnt working, we can and will change. Americans and cubans alike are ready to move forward. I believe its time for congress to do the same. Ive called on congress to take steps to lift the embargo that prevents americans from traveling or doing business in cuba. Nobody expects cuba to be transformed overnight. I believe that american engagement through our embassy businesses and through our people is the best way to advance our interests. So, senator will congress will the Senate Confirm a u. S. Ambassador to cuba . Will congress lift the embargo . Let me quote somebody i rarely quote. Former president jimmy carter who would be hard pressed to think of any place in the world where we were in better shape than we were when president obama came to office. President carter got it right. What this president has been involved in is talking to a lot of countries. Talk, talk, talk. And cuba is a good example. He thinks that simply by engaging with them we get a positive result. I dont see any indication that cubans will change their behavior. What are we getting as a result of normalization of relations . I think it will not confirm an ambassador. They believe they dont need that. There are sanctions that were imposed by congress that the administration will have a hard time getting those removed. This is a policy that there is substantial opposition to in congress. You know conservatives are frustrated that they feel even though congress controls both chambers is not pushing back against the Obama Administration. Survived two Supreme Court challenges. You helped him get the trade agenda across the finish line. Most believe eventually hell get iran and cuba through too, if you ask him. Is that fair . I wouldnt count on that. He can win on iran on this deal with holding 34 democrats. Thats the way the approval process is structured. But on trade this is a long standing conservative position. Trade promotions we work with the president on is not just for him but the next president , too. Its a sixyear deal. We want the next republican president to have an opportunity to enter into trade agreements and have them considered by congress. Are there other things on the agenda that you think you can get bipartisan consensus with before the election . Well able to do something on cybersecurity. This coming week well pass a rewrite of no child left behind which conservatives have wanted for a long time and some democrats as well. Well be able to accomplish some things. All of us need to remember the president , whoever that is can veto a measure. Its a very powerful position. Therefore we will not be able to do everything conservatives would like to do. Senator, you mentioned cybersecurity. Hackers broke into the u. S. Office of Personnel Management stealing Background Investigation forms fingerprint records, Social Security numbers for more than 22 Million People. The Washington Post put it in perspective. 1 in 15 americans if all people called up in opm live together they would be the Third Largest state after california and texas. More people were affected by the hack than unemployed in american. 6 million more persons got hit by the opm hack that signed up for obamacare. Fewer people expected to attend college and graduate school this year than were affected by this hack. Friday the director of the office resigned after saying she would stay on to fix the problem. Whats your assessment of this problem and how now can the Obama Administration protect the data and provide some security for the 22 Million People affected . Im not sure they can. Its total incompetence. Complete and total incompetence and resignation of the head of opm is just the beginning. This is a total mess. Its no wonder they had a hard time with the website which is they launched obamacare. These cybersecurity issues are enormously significant. What were going to do is before august take a step in the direction of dealing with the problem with information sharing bill that i think will be broadly supported. This is an administrative disaster that the president needs to get a hold of and get straightened out soon. A couple more things. In the wake of attention on sanctuary cities after this murder of 32yearold kate steinle in San Francisco at the hands of an illegal immigrant fivetime deportee, will Congress Move on sanctuary city legislation . We should. For any sanctuary city, places where they choose to ignore the law, should not be receiving federal criminal assistance money. What do you make of Donald Trumps success in the polls . Im not going to get into all of the president ial candidates. Weve got a bunch of them. At the end of the day well have a candidate who can win. Heres a senator also who happens to be a candidate focus of criticism you are in his new book a time for truth. Texas senator ted cruz accuses you and Senate Leader chip of trying to dry up his fundraising and hurting him. He said you said one thing privately and not publicly about the debt ceiling. He says that you have been lying essentially. Not a great portrayal. Im not going to take the bait and get into a discussion about the president ial campaign. Weve got four senators running for president. A whole lot of other people as well. I think they can all do that without my assistance. Can a candidate who calls you and other republicans part of the Washington Cartel win the nomination . Its a free country. These candidates can say anything they want to. Senator, thanks for the time. Thank you. This week former virginia senator jim webb became the fifth candidate vying for the democratic president ial nomination putting an emphasis on his Foreign Policy. What kind of challenge does he pose for front runner Hillary Clinton . He joins us next live. 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Com former virginia senator jim webb is a decorated vietnam war veteran who served as Navy Secretary under president ronald reagan. He ran for senate and ran as a democrat in virginia and opposed the iraq war. Now hes running for the democratic president ial nomination facing an uphill battle against former secretary of state Hillary Clinton who is leading the field by double digits. Senator webb joins me now. Welcome to fox news sunday. Thank you. Good to be with you. Lets start with iran as it looks like this deal is coming to a head. You said about the iran deal that the administration is trying to get the end result of this could be allowing iran to develop a nuclear weapon. So that sounds like you would walk away from the table. Is that fair . I would be hesitant with what i see right now. I agree with senator mcconnell. What we dont want to do is send a signal to the region that we are accepting the notion that eventually iran would be acquiring nuclear weapons. There are other ways that we can improve relations with iran, confidence building gestures with the soviet union over many years, you dont have to have this deal in order to move forward with them. They seem pretty optimistic this morning from europe so well see what they bring to the table. As we said youre highly decorated vietnam veteran, former secretary of the navy, former senator involved in military and foreign affairs. This year the Obama Administration announced theyre cutting the army back 40,000 outside of the sequestered cuts. Your reaction to that . We go through these cycles whenever we have extended ground commitments. Weve done it three or four times in my adult life. I have great deal of confidence particularly in joe dunford. Ive known him for many, many years. I dont think military leadership would back anything they dont believe can work. The Ground Forces tend to constrict wherever we get away from longterm engagements. You support it . I agree with the notion that Ground Forces are reduced when our extended ground commitments go down. I dont know the numbers. I would have to take a look and see where they are. The president defended the Administration Efforts to degrade and destroy isis in iraq and syria. The defense secretary, ash carter, was up on the hill talking about the training of syrian fighters to go after isis in syria. Heres what he said. As of july 3rd were currently training about 60 fighters. This number is much smaller than we hoped for at this point. The administration allotted 500 million and hoped to get 5,400 syrians. This is 60. Is that acceptable . The longterm solution to the isis problem is going to have to come from the sunni leadership in the region. In the interim period we need to define specifically what our National Security interests are and how we can bring that about. And i dont think youre going to get there with us training these Opposition Forces in that way. Didnt work very well a few years ago before isis showed up. In terms of our National Security interests, i think youre seeing some impact. You mentioned general dunford up on capitol hill asked what is the biggest threat facing the u. S. He quickly answered russia. Do you agree with him . I would probably say china longterm strategic threat if you look at the expansion that they have conducted over the last 15 years. Ive been talking about it in the South China Sea and building blue water navy. I take general dunfords point about the turbulence with respect to russia, but i think our friends and allies in europe have done a pretty good job of helping us address that. As president would you send weapons to the ukrainians, for example . I would be open into looking at that. Thats where general dunford was in his confirmation hearing. May i Say Something about this situation with mr. Trump . Of course. I think the best comment that ive read in terms of why this is so inflammatory with Mexican American Community Comes from an individual who served with me in vietnam during some very tough combat. A Mexican American. Very fine soldier as are so many of them. He wrote a letter to mr. Trump and he allowed me to post it on my facebook page. I hope anyone who cares about this issue will take a look at what he said. He basically said dear mr. Trump, my father came from mexico as a worker and not as a rapist. And by the way, i served my country in the United States marine corps. Where were you . So this kind of divisive rhetoric by people who want to be commander in chief is not helpful and we have seen from the liberal side as well this kind of rhetoric as it goes to southern white cultures. We need to be inclusive and recognize that we have problems and that we can come together to solve them. Dont be throwing these bombs to our cultural groups. You mentioned the democratic race. In clear politics average polls you are 2. 3 . And well behind the front runner Hillary Clinton. You have an uphill climb against this clinton machine. Most political analysts will tell you that democrats have moved resolutely to the left and that basically Hillary Clinton has renounced clintonism which was the vital core of the senator used to be in your party. In a party that seems to thrill to Bernie Sanders and maybe long for elizabeth warren, who are the jim webb democrats . I believe we can bring a different tone to the Democratic Party. Youre right. The party has moved way far to the left. And thats not my Democratic Party but in and of itself. We need to bring working people back into the formula. Next saturday in the Far Southwest of virginia theres going to be a remote area Medical Clinic to take care of people who dont have medical insurance. Out at the wise county fairgrounds. I hope fox will take a look at it. Theyll take care of at least 6,000 if Historical Records hold, of people with no medical care. Theyll pull 3,000 teeth. These are people forgotten by both parties. They need a voice. The battles well beyond South Carolina over the confederate flag, nancy pelosi wants to ban certain flags and the Memphis City Council has voted to disinter a major general. Is this racial healing or part of political grandstanding . Unfortunately i think youre seeing it from both sides, which is why i mention the situation with donald trump with respect to Mexican Americans. Were seeing an issue which should have been resolved and now is resolved flying the confederate battle flag in Public Places morphing into something different. The best phone conversation i had during this whole last couple weeks was to a very close friend of mine, nelson jones, an africanamerican, fellow marine fellow Naval Academy graduate counsel when i was in senate. Nelson, we have have been talking about this for 40 years that American South has never been black versus white. Its always been manipulating emotions of black versus white. He said i was just at the barber shop. I asked brothers what they thought about this and they said here we go again. We were going to talk about jobs and education and harmony and bringing people together and thats what Inclusive Leadership needs to be. Senator webb, thanks for your time. Thank you. Up next, the general slated to be president obamas top military adviser calls russia the greatest threat to our National Security. Our sunday group joins the conversation and discusses whether mitt romney was right all along. Plus, what would you like to ask the panel about russia and negotiations with iran anything else. Go to facebook or twitter. We may use your question on the air. Its down to the wire in europes effort to saving greece from collapse. Eu leaders are meeting in an emergency summit to discuss the latest aid proposal that could be greeces final Financial Life line. If theres a deal, greece would be bankrupt by the time markets open on monday. Amy is live in athens. Amy . Reporter on friday it really did look like greece and its creditors were very close to a deal but it turns out that is not the case at all. However greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras says hes willing to compromise. Hurdles have been technical. This time they are being held up on the issue of trust and concern that the greek government simply wont do what it has promised. Now, trust and particularly from german side has eroded since the greek Prime Minister called a referendum last sunday here. Voters said no to a package of austerity measures but less than a week later their government turned around to creditors and said, okay yes, to the same package. Thats another reason why credibility is becoming more of an issue in these lastminute talks. It being sunday here greeks have taken to the beach in large numbers. Many of them say because the sea and sun are the only thing that havent been taken from them and are free. Theyve seen their economy shrink and cuts in pensions and loss of jobs and an ever fraying social net. Eurozone finance ministers are meeting in brussels later on today. Eurozone leaders will meet and hope that a deal will be clinched by the end of today. Its looking increasingly likely that the creditors will want to see the Greek Parliament actually enact some legislation on reforms before further debt relief is agreed. Amy kellogg in athens. Time for our sunday group. Fox news senior political analyst brit hume, karl rove and juan williams. Brit greece. It looks bad either way. New austerity measures put in place will further suppress growth. That country needs Economic Growth. The economy is flat on its back. While the pension payments and Government Spending has a lot to do with that and debt is enormous, theres no way out for greece to climb out of this without some kind of Economic Growth and austerity measures in near term will retard that. Julie, the trust level with creditors is low. Thats whats interesting in the situation this weekend. Its not a matter of what a package can look like. Everyone can agree on what greece needs but will greece be able to carry out a package of bailouts because weve been at this table before. Greece had previous bailouts and were in the same situation. I want to turn, karl to another deal thats pending. The iran nuclear deal. You heard senator mcconnell say its going to be a tough sell for Congress Even if they get across the finish line in vienna. Your thoughts . It will be a tough deal. If you look at the administrations red lines early on any time anywhere inspections and now were talking about managed access. Were going to do away with ability to enrich uranium. They still maintain that ability. They keep infrastructure. We were talking about snap backs on sanctions which is hard to understand how well snap back sanctions that were passed in years past when we had support of russia and china and we wont have automatic support at the United Nations to snap these back. This latest episode with the iranians trying to tie this into not only the sanctions that are placed on them for Nuclear Program but sanctions placed on them for developing a Ballistic Missile program and they want a license to proliferate and further engage in destabilizing the middle east. If i were a democrat, i would be worried about having to vote on this. A bad deal could be worse than no deal at all because a bad deal might explode next year in the middle of the president ial campaign. Juan if they get this deal as is being forecast now, can the administration hold the line with democrats as senator mcconnell says they need 34 because if the president vetoes this disapproval. Thats the super majority. So the key here is very interesting. Interesting political game going on. It extends into president ial politics. And the politics is get Hillary Clinton, former secretary of state, to come out against the iran deal because if they comes out against the deal and republicans would be quick to say if any deal comes forward that Hillary Clinton is responsible and a coindicted conspirator with president obama in terms of making this deal happen. Theyll arm the most dangerous country. What you heard this morning from senator mcconnell and from karl is republicans saying the pressure is on the democrats. Well hold democrats accountable and the question is whether democrats in the senate will remain loyal to president obama on this issue. Right now the argument is the status quo is unacceptable and that the only alternative as you heard this morning is additional sanctions. Dont forget. This is not a one sided deal. You have the iranians who say they would accelerate the Nuclear Program if a deal doesnt come about. Overwhelming response on facebook about iranians. They lied to us in the past. Why even consider entrusting them now. Is this a problem for democrats if they get this deal and have to rally those senators . I think it potentially could be. Juan makes a good point here. The most important democratic reaction to look for is not whats going to come out of the white house but whats coming from the Clinton Campaign because shes going to be most likely the future leader of this party going into the election next year. Shes so closely tied to this deal. She was secretary of state. She dispatched two closest advisers to lead secret talks that led to these bartnegotiations. She can come out and say a final deal has too many holes in it. It leaves iran with too many options. If she says that it will be difficult for president obama to get democratic support on the hill. When i heard a deal might be close, all i could think of was oh no. By comparing what we know roughly about the shape of a deal against the original goals of the negotiation are damaging enough. Who knows what additional concessions may have been made to get this final deal. My guess is the chances of it being a good deal are extremely remote and it would be politically tempting for Hillary Clinton as she waffled on trade remember, because it was toxic in her base. Will she do the same on this . If she does i think the analysis is right. It could sink the deal in congress. We mention the general the president tapped to be new chairman of the joint chiefs and his assessment of the biggest threat. Take a listen. What would you consider the greatest threat to our National Security . My assessment today senator is that russia presents the greatest threat to our National Security. This is without question our number one geopolitical foe. 1980s are calling for Foreign Policy back. The cold war has been over for 20 years. Juan, mitt romney said russia was the number one geopolitical foe and now general coming in to the chairman of joint chiefs saying the same thing. I think the Administration Responded what you hear from secretary of state kerry and from president obama is they dont agree with the general. Now, what youre hearing from the general which is a problem. I dont know if its a big problem. The problem is should you send arms to the people to resistance in ukraine. Thats the argument. You hear from military people a suggestion that its time to take on putin to make it very clear. When you look at it from a geopolitical more strategic diplomatic point of view and state departments perspective they are locked into changing things in the middle east and if you look at terrorists, people are concerned about isis. You dont get a big argument. Juan, i wouldnt call it resistance in ukraine. I would call it democratically elected government who have seen their territory invaded by russia. Thats a threat to our relationship with europe and to europes solidarity with the United States and international order. Now, we can argue as to whether russia or as senator webb suggested longterm china or isis and instability in the middle east is the most strategic serious threat, they are downplaying an actual threat. I have been talking with european leaders. Theres a fear of whats going on in ukraine and elsewhere in the region prompted by russia. Up next louisiana governor bobby jindal says greece is an example of where the u. S. Could go under a president Hillary Clinton or president Bernie Sanders. The republican senator joins us live from the campaign trail next. Fox news and facebook are teaming up to bring you the first Republican Debate of the 2016 president ial campaign. That will be live from cleveland on august 6th. One of the big issues is how the next president will deal with congress on spending and taxes, immigration and health care. We want to know what is your one question for the candidates . We want to repeal obamacare. What would they do to grow jobs . What would you do about immigration . Want your question to be asked, submit it in comments below or upload a photo or video by clicking on the link. A look outside the beltway at cleveland, ohio, site of the first republican president ial debate hosted by fox news a little more than three weeks from now. One of the candidates vying to be on that stage louisiana governor bobby jindal who would first have to overcome a big deficit in the polls. Governor jindal joins us from iowa. Governor thank you for being here. Thank you for having me. I want to first start with breaking news out of vienna that diplomats are suggesting a deal could be announced as soon as tomorrow, an iran nuclear deal. Your reaction . A bad deal is worse than no deal. We hear we wont get any time anywhere inspections and they will keep thousands of centrifuges. Sunni countries are likely to want their own nuclear capabilities. This would be a threat to israel to europe, to america. I hope secretary clinton will evolve her views as she evolved on other issues and come against this bad deal. Shes the architect of president obamas failed Foreign Policy but were talking about a threat to the region, to the United States. Never mind the fact that were not asking iran to recognize israel and to release american prisoners. Im talking about giving up enriched uranium and inspections. Those are basic tenants of a basic deal. You spent time talking about Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail. You said last week if you want to peek into the future with Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders, look at whats happening to greece today. Seeing whats happening to greece today, do you really believe that Hillary Clinton wants the u. S. To become greece . A couple things. Shell unveil her plans tomorrow. We know what it will say. It will be more taxes and more Government Spending and more regulations. Its feeding a greedier and greedier government thats going to swallow up the private sector economy. Never enough money or power for the government according to the left. Give Bernie Sanders credit. At least hes willing to call himself a socialist. Hillary and president obama are taking us down that same path turning the American Dream into the european nightmare. They are underfunded pension systems and slow growth in private sector economy is what we have under president obama and secretary clinton. Bill clinton said the era of Big Government was over. The most dangerous lie he told. More dangerous than anything said about monica lewinsky. Lets not follow greeces path. You have economic problems at home. Your Approval Rating in louisiana has hovered around 30 stemming largely from how you handled a deficit of about 1. 6 billion. A budget shortfall. You are waiting to hear whether louisiana will lose some of its Credit Rating and downgraded a bit. Why should anyone look at your economic record and say thats what i want for the nation . We actually measure prosperity on how people are doing in the real world and not the government sector. We balanced our budget eight years in a row without raising taxes. Largest tax cut in our states history. Secondly, we cut our state budget 26 9 billion. A 30000 fewer State Government brats. Weve had eight credit upgrades. Weve got more people working than ever before in louisianas history earning a higher income than ever before. We reverselook at louisianas economy and we have 60 billion and 90000 jobs coming into our state because of economic developments. Left doesnt like what ive done because they say weve got too much in government. Prosperity is measured in the real world and not the government world and thats the choice we face in 2016. Youve tried to pass a plan many look at to keep a president ial Campaign Promise by not raising taxes. The citizens explained it this way where revenue came from. How a governor can raise taxes without violating a no tax pledge. There is a budget gimmick. Governor jindal passed a massive increase in college fees which was offset with a new tax credit resulting in no increase in costs. Governor jindal could claim his credit was a new tax cut. Jindal could then sign an increase in the actual taxes including cigarette taxes and other levies without violating the pledge under the dubious claim that tax portion of this package was revenue neutral. Isnt that governor the kind of stuff that republicans hate about washington . A couple things. One, im proud that we found a tax credit, tax cut for working families paying tuition. In a lot of states, tuition is going up. In louisiana Second Lowest tuition in the south. Were one of the best states when it comes to students graduating with student debt. This is a huge problem nationally. Secondly, i would match my record against anybody in terms of cutting government. Were not slowing the growth rate. Weve cut government. Our budget is 9 billion smaller. 30,000 fewer people working for State Government than the day i took office. In d. C. Even the republicans talk about just slowing the growth rate of government. Weve actually cut the size of government and grown the private sector economy. I know the left always wants to raise taxes and thats not the way to answer our problems. In louisiana we privatized our state Charity Hospital system. Statewide School Choice where dollars follow the child and in new orleans nearly 100 of our kids are in charter schools. Double k theing the number doing math and reading level. I understand that. Some of this people glaze over. When its budget specifics and you do one thing and talking about one thing, just so that you can say you didnt raise a tax but its a fee, isnt that stuff that republicans hate . Right now theres actually a tax credit theres a tax cut for families whose kids are going to universities in louisiana. Thats an actual tax credit. Thats a tax cut. Bottom line is record is clear. Our budget is smaller than when we started. We cut taxes and not raised taxes. We have more people working in the private sector. What we dont see happening in d. C. Is they said give us republican majority and they would repeal obamacare and balance the budget and thats not happening. How do you break through . Youre at the bottom of the polls. How do you break through to get on that stage in cleveland . We have to embrace our principles and run on conservative principles. Jeb bush says we have to be willing to lose the primary to win the general. I disagree that. The left is telling us that we have to get the media to like us. Why not say well secure the border, shrink the size of the government, grow the private sector economy and invest in military and stand with israel. Lets give people a real alternative with this path toward turning American Dream into the european nightmare and elect a doer and not a talker. First term senator in the white house. Lets elect someone who has done things. Ive done that in louisiana. Ill do it in d. C. Ill do and say things youre not supposed to be able to do and say. Governor jindal, thanks for joining us from iowa. Thank you. When we come back, donald trump is drawing scrutiny for his comments on immigration but also drawing large crowds on the campaign trail. Well bring back the panel to discuss the trump effect on the gop next. The poll just came out and im tied with jeb bush. How can i be tied with this guy . Hes terrible. Hes terrible. Hes weak on immigration. You know, the sanctuary cities, he had five of them in florida while he was governor. Can you believe this . I didnt know that. Donald trump a rise in the polls showing him in a close race with jeb bush before a crowd of thousands saturday in phoenix. Were back with the panel. Brit, i talked to jeb bush earlier this week in new hampshire. I asked him about donald trump. Take a quick listen. Donald trump is he bad for the gop . I already stated my views about donald trump. Youre done . Im done. Im through. I gave my views. We need to be much more hopeful and optimistic about our ideology. We have the winning ideology. Limited government personal responsibility, individual liberty creates more prosperity and more advantages than any other form of political philosophy. We should focus on that and not get into a food fight that only brings energy to someone who i doubt will be president and is not a constructive force for our party. Not a constructive force for our party brit. Thats calling him terrible which is what trump called him. Theres a segment of the republican electorate thats been present for some time thats angry with gop leadership in congress and on the campaign trail than it is with democrats at least in terms of what you hear these people saying. Donald trump is captivated them for the moment. And by doing so, hes basically eclipsed ted cruz, the previous horse. He will have a run. I think the chickens will come home to roost. People will realize he hasnt long been a republican. For many years he gave more money to democrats, praised Hillary Clinton, said that mitt romney was too mean on immigration for taking positions weaker than the one that hes taken now and over time his moment will fade. It will take a while. Hes got a lot of money. He could be a thirdparty threat. Thats really something. Its there now. His moment is there now. Hes burning hot. He is. Were in a phase in the campaign where name recognition goes a long way certainly. I think the bigger problem for the rest of the republican field right now is exactly what you saw in your interview with jeb bush. Theyll continue to be asked about things that trump says and even people like jeb bush who want to try to avoid restating things theyve already said are going to have to come back again and say it one more time and pull them off messages they are trying to present to voters that in bushs case is more hopeful and optimistic. Isnt there something here that suggests that this antiestablishment and antipolitician on both sides of the party is striking a cord . There are i would define them different than brit. People are angry about the condition of the country and angry that republicans havent been able to stop obama dead. And they are there. He appeals to that. Right now look at where hes coming in the polls. Hes taking it from ted cruz and Mike Huckabee. Everybody had their moment and theyve had their moment by getting people shopping around and are they ultimately going to settle on them . I doubt it. Fox news poll says of all americans, 30 think hes honest and trustworthy and 44 do not. By comparison, Hillary Clinton is at 4552. In fox poll, 64 of republicans 69 of conservatives and 55 of tea partiers said he was a side show and not a serious candidate. He has a lot to do to overcome that. He does represent a threat for a third party. Youll notice how artfully his people are saying it now. What third party . Why would we . Were winning. Thats different than no we would never go third party. There is a threat to the republicans from this. No doubt about it. He answered the question straight on saying he would consider it. Which is ross perot all over again who got 19 or 20 of the vote back when. The thing about trump is this is a big field. So everything karl said i want to underline. 60 of republicans say they dont trust this guy and wouldnt have anything to do with him. We have a big field. You only need so much. He has name i. D. And money and hes to the right of everybody else which is why hes taking away from cruz. On what . On imimmigration . You said to the right of everybody. Specifically on immigration at the moment. My point is guess what . In this larger field we go down to super tuesday next year and this guy could still be around. Hes going to hurt the people that hes hurting now if he stays in the race. Hell keep hurting them so ted cruz and Mike Huckabee and ben carson and marco rubio, they wont get liftoff and its going to be him versus a couple of others who do get liftoff. So interesting to me that he hangs around like this at a time when jeb bush is raising money, you would know a lot about this at historic levels. We got seven months until the primary. We have plenty of time. Good idea to remember what happened in 2012 when the mantel of front runner passed on a weekly basis from one candidate to another. Newt gingrich had two moments in the spotlight. Herman cain shot up to number one. Rick perry when he first entered the race shot up to number one. This is a stage where sentiment is soft. People are fickle. And donald trump is having his moment. Whether hes a staying power is to be doubted. Last word, julie getting on that stage in cleveland pretty important. Its a huge deal to be on that debate stage where it will be most interesting to watch. Donald trump can take a shot at opponents but he does not take shots at him very well. Watch how he reacts in that situation. Panel thank you. I bet its not the last time we talk about that. Ill see you tomorrow for a special report on fox news channel, 6 00 p. M. Eastern and you can catch our Contender Series profile of republican candidate jeb bush on tuesday. Have a great week. 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