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District attorney pamela price is fighting back against the group trying to recall her. Thank you for joining us here on kron for news at 5. Im noelle bellow. Im grant lotus. Happening now. The Alameda County supervisors are considering next steps. Meanwhile, the state opened an investigation into one of the groups behind the recall low prices in december. Her campaign filed a complaint against the Political Action committee financing. The Group Leading the recall effort against terror. In a letter the California Fair Political Practices Commission says it is investigating potential violations, but it has not made a determination. Between. September 2023, and november 2023, they donated approximately 578,000 to safe coupled with the practices of the signature gathering company, pci communications that literally paid for hundreds of people to come into our community and gather signatures using bait and switch tactics and misleading people and engaging in fraudulent signature gathering. The registrar of voters determined earlier this month, the number of valid signatures on the recall petition was sufficient to call for a recall election. Supporters of the recall also held a News Conference today. We are here all of thats why again, it pay have is not we call is going to happen. Guess what . And you guys history. Public safety pointing told this recall investigation that is going on could take a few weeks up to several years and penalties could range from a warning. 2 fights. As we mentioned, Alameda County supervisors are meeting at this hour. Theyre determining whether to certify the signatures gathered for that recall. And if that happens, what happens next . Kron fours dan kerman joins us live with details. Dan. Well, the da has called the recall illegal because the charter was not followed. Backers of the recall say it should move forward hs quickly as possible. A big decision lies before the Alameda County board of supervisors whether or not to move forward with the recall of District Attorney pamela price 100 speakers are now in the process of weighing in, including leaders of the recall and backers of the da to we want to see election as soon as possible. The people want a special election. And we feel that you should listen to them and take said a special election. I do support him price because shes ethical, honest and very well qualified as a lot better job than last year tell you that for sure if the way the county has process this recall is that we call. And that you have a legal obligation to not scheduled the election, whether its a special election or november or any other date, if the board votes to move forward and certifies the petition signatures they have until may 14th the set a recall election. If they make that decision between may 9th and the 14th, the special election can be set 88 to 125 days in the future. Alternatively, the recall can also take place during the november 5th general election, which would save the county a boatload of money. If the recall is successful in prices voted out of office, it will be up to the board of supervisors to appoint someone to take over the apind da will serve 2 years until the next general election in november of 2026, whoever wins that election, well finish out prices term which runs until january of 2029. Now the only thing we havent discussed is what happens if the Price Campaign pushes forward. With this talk that this recall was illegal and files a lawsuit if they follow lawsuit. And a judge agrees that the recall was illegal. This is whether or not the board of supervisors set a date or not, this could turn the whole process on its well, grant. Think what important for the entire this encampment and other cameras around the country across the world, that not about the university not about students, it is. Going to get with the law . Studentled propalestine protests continue across the nation and here in the bay area. Tense now cover the quad campus at San Francisco state university. Similar to statements being made in other College Campuses around the country. These protesters say theyre out here to push University Officials and u. S. Officials to disclose expenditures. The college may have with foreign investors. At issue is the balance of free speech and student safety. Some of the rhetoric that weve seen in some extreme cases like at ucla and Columbia University. Its clearly crossed the line where jewish students are being blocked from accessing common spaces. And so were looking to take proactive steps to prevent some of these more extreme things from happening here. Now, as state did release a statement saying they will respect the students rights to protest and will work to keep everyone safe. Similar situation is playing out at stanford where demonstrators have been camping since last thursday. And stanford is where we find kron fours lezla gooden who is live for us tonight with the latest. Lets look quite an encampment there. Just a few moments ago, they actually started to speak on their its also theyre talking about what to do if you are detained while protesting that been out here all afternoon. Speaking with student protesters in on protesters on the protesters tell me that they do have some concerns when it comes to those vio ations at the university has been speaking about what they would like for them to be more clear about those direct violations. Student protesters continue to occupy their homemade encampment on stanfords campus at White Memorial Plaza and the possibility of receiving disciplinary action for being here is a concern start off with 19 for out of like 2 or 3 more. Cant exactly remember who have gone. Gotten letters from the office of Community Standards and are basically being put through their internal disciplinary process. The language is very student protester, grace smith feelr those who have received these notices. Have been treated and just and given little explanations who are who have put through this disciplinary process. Either brown or black or muslim or out or any combination of those things. And the few white students that have been are and design us students. And we think that is very deliberate. Protesters say they would like to have a clear understanding of the wrongdoings if they are to be disciplined. Their policies on free speech are extremely vague. White plaza is a free speech zone from 08 00pm to 08 00pm. And 08 00pm. However, what exactly does free speech constitute . What is it not constitute . We spoke with other students who did not wish to go on camera. One freshman tells me he doesnt believe the university should punish students participating because they arent disrupting daytoday activities on campus. But others feel differently. Another student says while the students have a right to protest, they should not be allowed to stay at white plaza overnight. And we also reached out to the university directly to hear about what their next steps are regarding this encampment up. Also, if they had any contact with students on these potential violations. But we havent heard back as of news time, biden staffer was going for leslie, thank you. Meanwhile, at uc berkeley, more and more tents are being set up today. Is the encampment. Thats propped plaza is growing now in its second week. Demonstrators are calling on the university. To stop investing in companies that work with israel, especially if theyre involved in making weapons of war. And protests really escalated, got violent. Some cases at Columbia University today. The school has now started expelling students after some of them took over an Administration Building there on campus. Some formed a human blockade in front of the building and kerry furniture and metal barricades in sight. Protesters told the school the school have to forcibly remove that. This comes after the university gave protesters a monday deadline yesterday to leave the encampment. Of more than 100 tents that have been set up on campus in order to avoid suspension. Since then, some students have been suspended until june of 2025. Congress is taking on antisemitism with a new bill that would make hate speech against jews punishable by law. The house is set to vote this week on the antisemitism awareness act. The bipartisan bill that codified the definition of antisemitism by adopting the International Holocaust remembrance. Alliances definition. Supporters say the move would give the Education Department more clarity and authority over antisemitic speech at these college protest. But opponents argue the bill still too broad and threatens free speech for all of the latest information on the israelhamas war. And of course, these College Protests both here at home and be on. You can head to our website kron 4 dot com. But gray whale that washed up off the coast of alameda likely died because it was hit by a ship. Thats according to the California Academy of sciences. On april, 20th, the great whale identified by scientists as a 40 foot adult female washed up off the shore of crown beach. It was then told to Angel Island State Park where scientists performed necropsy that determine the will likely do due to Blunt Force Trauma from from a vessel strike. However, the official cause of death will not be fully determined because they say the whales body was in the decomposed state. Also the body position of the whale made it tough to tell for sure. Tomorrow regular Ferry Service will resume between San Francisco and sausalito golden gate. Ferry service was suspended back on april 19th after damage was discovered to one of the piers pilings repairs are now complete. Regular service will pick back up tomorrow morning. Crews needed load tide conditions to complete these repairs which they have received over the last 2 days. Some extremely low tide. Of course, weather is going to be pretty perfect for a ferry ride tomorrow, i believe. But Lawrence Karnow is here and im curious. Lauren says the extreme low tide that weve been seeing the last couple days have any implications for the forecast headed into the weekend . Yeah, i dont. I dont really think that cone size, but we have we are looking at will have an impact is the rain that could possibly be moving in itself . Weve got these u. S. To forecast models finally coming together now and bring in some rain, maybe a significant rain event. The bay area, especially for this time of year out the door. Its nothing but sunshine around the bay area. Looking good outside right now, clear skies to the coastline. That breeze again is kicking up around the bay area. Going to see more of that overnight tonight. Temperatures about this warming up very nicely today. 76 right now in santa rosa. 74 in concord. 71 degrees in livermore, 70 in san jose. And 61 degrees in San Francisco. So here we go. Those winds kind of kicking around again this afternoon picking up that seabreeze again, the blow once again, little more northerly component in that. And thats why were nice cloudfree around the bay area. Even along the coastline overall, highpressure holding on. Although weve got a couple of system now trying to roll over the top. That ridge, weve got one just to our north. But right now, staying dry across the state. Things likely to change, though, possibly as we head toward the weekend. But enjoy a nice evening outside temperatures. Pretty mild out there. Even warm through 7 oclock cooling down with clear skies by 8. Thank you, lawrence. More jobs cut at tesla, including 2 top executives, which department is going to be impacted. Plus, San Franciscos trying to raise awareness about hepatitis b, the new resolution that will change the month of may. But first, a historic step towards easing marijuana restrictions. Kron fours rob nesbitt joins us next with the d as proposition. A historic step towards easing marijuana restrictions. The da today propose reclassifying cannabis from a schedule one to a schedule. Threedrug kron fours rob nesbitt spoke with the ceo of the National Cannabis Industry Association. He joins us live here in studio with more on how this change will benefit dispense dispensaries. Rob. Noel owners of Cannabis Stores will tell you how hard the industry is hit by high taxes. Its part of the reason why the for 20 event in Golden Gate Park was canceled this year. Todays announcement from the federal government will help ease tax burdens. The cannabis industry celebrated a big win tuesday when the u. S. Drug Enforcement Administration announces plan to move cannabis from schedule one status to schedule 3 ceo of the National Cannabis Industry Association, aaron smith says for years marijuana has been viewed federally as having no medical value and a high potential for abuse. It seems absurd. But, you know, since the 70s cannabis has been a schedule, one substance alongside drugs like heroin lsd, President Biden called for the review back in 2022. Reclassifying does not legalize cannabis federally, but it would allow pharmaceutical companies to get involved with selling drugs in states where it is legal. It will also remove tax code called to 80 e on Legal Cannabis businesses. Marijuana businesses are unable to deduct things like their rent, their payroll marketing expenses, their compliance costs, the cost of the security cameras in their in their facilities. Spark on 6 dispensaries in the bay area. And ceo eric pearson says 2. 80 e has limited investors from taking cannabis seriously. He hopes becoming a schedule. Threedrug will change that when that gets eliminated, it frees up capital that makes investors more interested. And investing in cannabis companies. Thats capital comes in which helps the industry, which is otherwise struggling from other taxes. The proposal must still be reviewed by the White House Office of management and budget before can join the same classification as tylenol. The National Cannabis Industry Association wants congress to go even further by removing cannabis from the controlled substances act. But it doesnt address issues such as lack of access to banking services. The mass incarceration around marijuana and, you know, a myriad of issues that are results, tons of the conflict between state and federal law. I asked myth when he thinks the reclassification could go into effect if passed by the white house. He predicts changes before the november election. Reporting in studio. Im rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. Thanks, rob. San francisco officials are raising awareness about hepatitis b, introducing a resolution calling the month of may. Hepatitis awareness month. Officials say there is a dire need to address the rising great of hep b and c hepatitis is caused by a virus in the blood. Health officials also want the States Department of health to expand services to treat people and increase awareness with the api community, which is at greatest risk. Only 6 . Of the u. S. Population is a a p i but that 6 accounts for 58 of americans living with hepatitis b, San Francisco has one of the largest api populations in the nation which makes hepatitis b awareness and essential local issue. About us as an estimated one in 12 americans has hepatitis b. The majority are not aware they have it. Police and sunnyvale are investigating a deadly shooting that happened just after midnight this morning on south bernardo avenue near highway 2. 37. Police responded to reports of multiple shots being fired when they got to the scene. They found a man inside of a car suffering from multiple gunshot wounds. He died at the hospital. Police have not released any details on a possible suspect or a motive. In a round table discussion. South Bay Community leaders joined California Attorney general rob bonta highlighting ongoing efforts to prevent gun violence. Trying to identify best practices to help keep communities safe. The focus was on equipping local Community Leaders with the tools necessary to stop the shooting before it even happens as well as implementing rules in other cities. We status quo, state of affairs where we have more Mass Shootings in a year than days in the calendar year where the leading cause of death for our youth. Is gun violence. Where we lose 45,000 people each year to gun violence. We have more guns in more places and that creates more gun violence and morgan death. Bonta says investing in the community will lead to meaningful change. These spare the air summer smog season officially begins tomorrow. Taking a live look here at downtown san this summer. The agency is encouraging bay area residents to drive less and look for ways to share. Shorten or change your commute to help reduce smog traffic and gridlock around the region. Its a pr campaign trying to get the word out. They want to remind people as the weather. Gets warmer as the risk of having to call the spare the air alerts for unhealthy air quality increases. Lets get your check of that. Weather forecast was absolutely beautiful today. Hoping for another Beautiful Day tomorrow, right . Think so. Even warmer around the bay area tomorrow. Partly sunny. Those temperatures go to sneak into the low 80s. But yet this time of year, High Pressure begins to build overhead. That tends trap some of the blues down below. And thats why sometimes you get some of hazy air that the smoggy air around the bay area outside right now looking good. That breeze has been blowing a bit again. Some of those wins 20. And 30 miles an hour, air quality looking fantastic. It winds like this that as a sweep all that away and looking good across table for the entire bay area, thats way its going to stay again for tomorrow. Good all the way from the coast to the south bay, even north bay, east bay, looking good as well see that nice seabreeze again. In fact, pretty strong wind may be more of an issue in parts of the bay area overnight tonight that breeze already blowing outside. Heres the forecast models. We take you through the night. Things calm down a little bit. But then you see tomorrow morning, those winds start to ramp up, especially in Solano County. Some of those wind gusts 30, maybe 40 plus Miles Per Hour. There as we head toward tomorrow morning. I think that will be the peak of the offshore winds. Their normally winds kind of kick it up outside. So National Weather service has issued a high wind advisory in Solano County, a sustained winds about 15 to 25 gusting to 35. Maybe 45 Miles Per Hour in that area. So if your traveling toward the Sacramento Valley are coming back, youre going want to watch out for that, especially in a highprofile vehicle like a truck as that will be blown around. And some of those winds early tomorrow morning. Onshore winds, though, kicking in right now. And it looks like really just some nice weather out there around the bay area. High pressure looks like it is going to hold on. Theres one week system to our north up in Pacific Northwest washington. The oregon bringing them some showers right now. Looks like that ridge going to stick around for at least one more day. Then after that point, it starts to get really interesting. Again, weve got a big weekend ahead. We were talking about the big contrasts in these computer models. Well, theyve started come together now. So will the rain will be dry . Boy will have the answer that coming up in a few read on little nervous will sort it out can turn away the yanks. Thanks. All right. Thanks. Layoffs. They are not over for tesla, not even 2 weeks after laying off at least 14,000 workers. The ev company is now laying off hundreds more, including 2 senior executives, according to a report by tech site, the information elon musk sent a letter to those executives saying any employee who doesnt pass the excellent necessary and trustworthy test would be out of a job. A Previous Report by bloomberg says tesla could end up cutting more than 20,000 employees in total. No word on if any of those layoffs are here in the bay area. Nasas budget battle reaches a fever pitch on capitol hill, right . The agency faces program cuts amidst escalating threats in space. But first, just how much money could be new Oakland Police chief be making a look at the numbers. San franciscos Mission District is getting state funding for affordable housing. Nearly 38 Million Dollars will be used to develop a Housing Community on south van ness avenue. It will provide 168 Affordable Homes to lowincome families, formerly homeless families and People Living with hiv. Earning between 25 to 80 of the San Francisco area, median income. The project is expected to begin construction in winter 2025. The Oakland City Council is set to vote today on approving a contract for new Oakland Police chief floyd mitchell. Under the terms of the proposed contract, mitchell will receive an annual salary of more than 365,000. That includes an annual salary of 325,000 and 40,000 coming from premium pay required by the contract between the city of oakland and the Oakland Police management association. Mitchell will also receive a monthly car allowance of 750. Up next, why the recount is a highly contentious race for silicon valleys 16th congressional seat. Is effectively half over. Plus, people came together at the State Capitol to promote civil rights, freedom of religion and inclusion on the muslim day and campaign to build a new city in california is moving forward. What happens next . Now that the group, California Forever says group, California Forever says it has enough peaceful music time to get up, sweetie kissing [child voiceover] most people might not think much about all the Little Things you do every day, but for me, just being able to do those Little Things is the best part of my day. Ready, mom [child voiceover] it hasnt been easy, but sometimes the hardest things in life have the best rewards. inspirational music and its all because of my amazing friends at the Shriners Hospitals for children and people like you who support them every month. When you call the number on your screen and just give 19 a month, youll be helping other kids like me do the Amazing Things that make up the best part of our day. Because Shriners Hospital is more than just a hospital. Its. Where my back gets better where my legs get stronger. Where i get to be a kid. Where its the best part of my day with your gift of just 19 a month, only 63 cents a day, well send you this adorable love to the rescue blanket as a thank you. [child voiceover] please go online to loveshriners. Org right now on your phone or computer to send your love to the rescue today. Will you send your love to the rescue today . Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for giving. Because at Shriners Hospitals for children, going to the hospital is like going to see family it really is the best part of my day. Please call or go online right now to give. If operators are busy, please wait patiently, or go to loveshriners. Org right away. Your gift will help kids just like me have the best part of our day. Tonight at 5. 30, California Forever. The group working to build a new city in Solano County has reached another milestone. Indeed. They have submitted enough signatures to qualify for the november ballot. And kron fours. Tiffany justice has details. The group sayth

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