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Details ahead. Plus, today marks day 3 for kaiser permanente. Workers on strike. Were live with reaction from the picket lines. From the bay station, youre watching kron. And news. Thanks so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. Im stephanie lin. Happy fleet week friday. Its during this hour about the historic air show will get underway, including the iconic blue angels. We have Live Team Coverage of the festivities happening today through the weekend. Kron fours rob nesbitt is at marina green with the best places to catch all the action. And our meteorologist kyla grogan is live on the embarcadero to give us the fleet week forecast. But lets start crissy field with kron fours Charles Clifford charles has the scene looking out there. Well, it is a Beautiful Day out right now. Not a cloud in the sky. Not a breath, a win. No sign of fog. And all of probably getting a little hot out here at crissy field, but just should be a Beautiful Day for fleet the air show this afternoon. Now all of this started this morning with the parade of ships underneath the golden gate bridge. Lets go and take a look at some video here that started. With as always, the San Francisco Fire Departments fire boat. Actually 2 of spring water out of their hose, sort of leading the parade, the next ship in line with us as the navys john p murtha, which is actually been docked piers 30 32 all week. Its going go back over there. You can actually take a tour of the ship. Check it out. If you want a parade continued with some ships from the coast Additional Navy ships. Now the air show we expect will start probably within the next hour or so, maybe about 12. 45 usually starts off with some parachute from the navy carrying the American Flag down. And then theres just a series of shows the continued throughout the afternoon. Usually theres a coast guard, a demonstration usually get. We mnght get an f 35 from the air force today doing a demonstration. Theres usually a commercial jet of some sort that makes passes from united and then, of course, at the end, the blue angels are the headliners of this event on friday, saturday and sunday. Dont know exactly where that when theyre going to start probably about 3, 3. 30, somewhere in there. Now, if you need more specific information about getting here, transportation or when specific thing starts or ship tours. You go to kron 4 dot com. We have a whole fleet week page there with links and information. But for now in San Francisco, Charles Clifford kron, 4 news. All right, charles sounding like theres going to be a lot of fun activities for people who are headed to San Francisco who live in San Francisco this weekend. Lets talk now about our forecast now as we take a live look outside. Take a look at the scene right here, golden gate bridge. And we can some ships moving just under the bridge right people on board probably enjoying all this beautiful. Nice weather. Speaking of that, lets check in now with kron 4 meteorologist kyla grogan for a look at our fleet week forecast. Hey kylen. Hey there. So it couldnt be better. Honestly for the blue. Blue skies. They have. Very little or 0. Lets call it in the way of any kind of cloud cover to deal with. And they have light winds. So we have warm temperatures. We are under that heat advisory. But other than that were picture perfect today. So lets take a look at we can expect today for the temperatures. Were going to see things are going to be getting a little bit warm today just as they were yesterday. So looking out as you can see, youre looking for temperatures as we take some of the look at the graphics right now. X 2, if we can getting up to likely in those kind of mid to upper 80s as we go across the daytoday. Now, as far as our heat advisory is concerned, it has been extended until saturday. So now saturday at 11 00pm originally was supposed to be just until today, 11 00pm. But temperatures really are going to give us much of a break tomorrow. So these are the highs are looking out for today and temperatures right now. You can see just 83 degrees in San Francisco or at 87 in livermore. 89 in san jose. Im already at 76 at Half Moon Bay, which, by the way, get up to 90 yesterday and set a record. Wind is nice and calm as you can see and were looking good. So highs today are going to be another scorcher. I think were going to see a 87 or more here in San Francisco. You could see some mid to upper 90s heading in the inland spots to when it come back a little bit. Well talk more about our extended forecast. Would you believe we have a chance of rain in the forecast . Ill have details on that when it come back in just a bit. Back to you. All right, kai looking forward to that information. She soon. And given this weeks warming temperatures, a reminder of a Santa Clara County libraries, they are opening as cooling centers. A heat advisory has just been extended to 11 00pm tomorrow. You can check out a complete list of cooling centers on the county website and people are advised to check in frequently with older adults and those with Chronic Health problems at this time because of those higher temperatures. Officials say if you happen to see someone who seems distressed because of the heat, please do not hesitate to call 911. And now to some developing news, the hazmat team at Contra Costa Health is investigating a release of Petroleum Coke dust at martinez, refining company. They say that that release has stopped no word yet on whether or not it will affect surrounding neighborhoods. Well be sure to keep you updated when we get more details into our newsroom. And new information surrounding this upcoming the upcoming Asia Pacific Economic cooperation summit or apec. It will be held San Francisco and President Joe Biden is now hinting he could potentially meet with chinese president xi jinping. Kron fours. Tiffany justice joins us now with the latest on the stuffing. Iseventy, we do know that francisco will be hosting the apec summit in november. And there are some reports that the chinese leader, xi jing ping may be there. According to the washington post, the white house is now preparing for a facetoface meeting between President Biden and president xi jing ping here in San Francisco next month. This morning, the president was asked during a jobs report briefing about the potential facetoface meeting with xi jing one of the prospect for a meeting between you and president xi of china San Francisco next month. There is such meetings set up, it is a possibility. The goal fully stabilize relations between the 2 countries, the u. S. And china, the 2 Worlds Largest economies not seeing eye to eye as the tie between the 2 countries has been strained in recent years. There has been disputes over taiwan. The origins of the covid19 pandemic and allegations of spying. You may remember earlier this year the u. S. Shot down what was believed to be a chinese spy balloon. Reason why its important at this juncture is because 2 countries have been having. A number of clashes. They have, of great implications. Not just in terms of economics but also security because these 2 countries are Nuclear Armed and they have been at loggerheads with each other. The last time the president and the chinese leaders spoke to each other face to face was back in 2022. At the g 20 summit. That was also the first inperson meeting between the 2 since President Biden took office. I think he probably tightlipped about it because they havent decided how its going to. They out. And this is a week is a long time in politics. And this is a meeting that. Is going to occur. Weeks from now. It will probably a lot could change between now and when it actually happens. According to the washington post, chinas top Security Agency hinted last month that any meeting will depend on the u. S. Showing, quote, sufficient sincerity. And the apec summit is set to kick off on november. 11th in kron 4 will have full coverage of that event throughout the week. Reporting live to just kron. 4 news. All right. Another major event happening in San Francisco. Thank you so much. Different. Happening today, the Kaiser Health care workers strike reaches day 3 on the picket lines. Thousands of employees across the nation are participating in this kron fours. Michael thomas is in santa clara with the latest. To route to nationwide . Were talking about 75,000 workers protesting unfair labor practices in for better pay better staffing and performance bonuses. That includes locations of washington, colorado, oregon maryland, virginia, almost 60,000 right here in california with 20,000 coming out of the bay area. Contract expired over this past weekend. Workers say they want to 67 raise and a 25 minimum for health care workers. Kaiser right now. 23 an hour in california. 21 outside of california. I that it has kept its promise of hiring 10,000 new coalition represented employees. And its done so towards goal, which was december. Take a look. This is a quote from kaiser said, bar getting session has been scheduled to begin on october 12 a new agreement to ways with market leading benefits and ensure our high quality care is meet our members need take a listen to what one of the bargain members and kaiser workers had to this im on the Bargaining Team myself. And my thoughts and observation is that thats why were out we have been asking them bargain in good faith state representative. Usual half was also in santa clara to show support that they come to the table and bargain in good faith. That these people want whats best for their patients. They want better staffing, better quality, better and it continues to outsource workers and remains open local hospitals ers when it comes to wait times and holds a agents and members may experience some michael, thank you. In the south bay, a dozen migrants including 5 children were bused and dropped off in san jose. Santa clara immigration Officials Say they were dropped off in the city saturday night bused in from el paso, texas. Authorities say that the migrants were on the streets for several days until a neighbor called a nonprofit. Migrants are now in a temporary shelter. Prosecutors say the 2 yearold child pulled from a bathtub in rodeo earlier this week did not, in fact, drown but died from abuse. They also say there was a second child who was abused in that home and who suffered lifethreatening injuries. Investigators found the children around 9 oclock monday night after getting reports of a toddler drowning. The child was taken to a hospital but did not survive destiny. Deboe and Tyshawn Haywood are charged with murder, child abuse and torture. The suspects are each being held on a Million Dollars bail. 7 excuse me, San Ramon Police are looking for the suspects involved in vandalizing High School Parade floats with hateful speech and swastikas. It happened a California High School earlier this week an email was sent out to parents say the campus is no place for racism and hate and there are counseling Resources Available for students. School staff also said parents and volunteers help to repair the flow so the parade could go on as planned. Well have more on this story. A kron, 4 news at 2, 3, and happening right now in San Francisco, mayor london breed and other officials are celebrating local popup shops as part of the vacant a vibrant program. Local Property Owners also spoke about the importance of the program. The event kicked off at 11 15 this morning at whack donuts in the embarcadero center. Coming up, a phone scam warning from police. What they say to look out for. But first, we continue our Team Coverage of fleet week in San Francisco. Were live at from degree. And well call the skies blue angel blue today. Hardly a cloud in the sky. Ill have details on your forecast, including the weekend for a fleet week has officially arrived in San Francisco, bringing air shows navy ships and several vendors to the city kron fours. Rob nesbitt is at marina. Green were a lot of the weekend. Activities will be happening. Robert easing out there. Stephanie, here at the marina green. Its a really a onestop shop for fleet week. There are so many vendors set up all along the green. It says all these tents that you see behind me all branches of the military represent. I see the navy. I see the coast guard. I the u. S. Army national guard. Really everyone is here for the public easy. All the people theyre going vendor to vendor and theyre really catering to the kids. They got so many games set up for families to get to stop by. And also, of course, let parents or adults know what branch of the military represent, what they can do for you, offering jobs people getting into the military. The parade of ships just went by here about a half an hour ago at the marina green in the bay. The public seeing 2 giant navy ships go by here in the bay. This is 42nd annual fleet week. And of course, so many people are excited when every branch of the military shows off for our city, from the parade of ships to the famous blue angels flyover that will be happening around 3 p am going to be very loud here in just a few hours. The marina green is a great spot to see the blue angels. But of course, anywhere in the city. As we know youre going to here them and see them. I also talked with lieutenant nick lipper from the u. S. Navy about this years fleet week. He says it was a tough one to organize when a Government Shutdown was looming but they were happy to avoid that. And still put on the fleet week show. Its really just a testament to. Not only the military, but actually doing components and people, San Francisco to make all this happen and get all these moving parts into one coherent event and, you know, hopefully something valuable to the people. San francisco. This is, of course, the kickoff the fleet week. That event will be happening all week in the blue angels will doing their fly over their famous flyover. I should say saturday and sunday at 03 00pm and there will also ship tours that you can do. Those will be happening from 10 00pm to 04 00pm on saturday and sunday at piers, 30. 32 and 35 so great opportunity. Get on one of these ships that funny and see what its like live on the ship work on the ship. Its pretty cool if you havent gotten people should take advantage of that reporting live when the marina green, San Francisco, im rob nesbitt kron 4 news. It is definitely on my list of things to do this weekend. Check out one of those warships senate. I love seeing all those Family Friendly activities out there as well. What a great opportunity for people to connect with our service men and thank you so much, all right. Lets talk a bit about our fleet week forecast as well. Taking a live look outside at the golden gate bridge. We saw some ships actually going underneath the bridge at the top of the hour. We could see some sailboats out there now. And for more on our blue angels forecast, lets check in now with kyla grogan. Hows it looking out there for you, kyra . Hey there. Well, tell you today is just a gorgeous day. Perfect for flying. Yes, its going to be a little warm like we were yesterday, very warm in some spots. But for the blue apangels, this is which call great weather. No pressure for the meteorologist here in San Francisco this week. We always have to try and deliver. And i think weve got it today. But lets talk about what happens this weekend when they also have shows that are happening on saturday and sunday. Saturday is going to be very similar to today. So expecting temperatures to be similar, expecting conditions to be similar, but things are going to change just a little bit as we get into sunday. Thats when our weather pattern is going to start to cool down. Get some clouds in there. And by the time we get to sunday, were looking for a high of about 70 degrees. Lets talk about todays highs, though. San francisco about 87 degrees. 96 in santa rosa and livermore. You can see mount view about 91. So its going to be another well above average, warm one. And its all about the High Pressure thats keeping us warm right now. And that is why were seeing these skies that are so blue and so clear. But also so warm now thats going to change as we head towards the weekend because by the time we get to monday, believe it or not, not just a temperature drop, but a little rain expected. So this is what were looking out for monday into Tuesday Morning about a 10th to a quarter of an inch in the north bay possible. Much less elsewhere. But just to show you, this is your saturday looking good with the sunshine, keeping the marine layer bay by sunday. Notice that marine layer is going to try and build in as we get into our sunday night. And then as we get into monday, thats when were going to see a few showers roll through. So thats a good thing because we are little dry with all of this heat. And certainly we could use a little bit of a relief from it. So you can see california still under this. Heat advisory in Southern California and Central California and also here in the bay area that now goes through saturday at 11 00pm. So just be prepared to be ready to deal with this heat for one more day here as we get into saturday. And then by sunday, well start to see some cooling now by monday. Whole different story. Here comes a few showers. Were back to reality with the temperatures kind of back where we should be right now. It feels like july and october, but anyone whos lived in the bay area knows that this is our pattern that we get this little pop of heat. And certainly it showed up at a good time. I think so. We have those clear skies to deliver for the blue angels as well. Ill be back later in the broadcast. Well talk more about can expect if youre going to be out and about for the festivities this weekend. Back to all right. Thank you. A San Francisco neighborhood could be one step closer to reach in silent with its history of pollution. Air quality district officials are moving to reduce industrial dustin bayview Hunters Point which they say has been disproportionately impacted by air pollution. The Martin Marietta Materials Company has been ordered to cease operations at their sand and aggregate Processing Plant by october 31st. A scheduled hearing is also set for the companys open lot of Raw Materials on pure 92. The owner of the company says hes been working on getting permits for years, but they remain pending. He adds that he plans on opening a new facility that will have environmental controls. Now to the south bay. A former teacher is accused of assaulting a child at a san jose middle school. Authorities arrested Matthew Gonzales earlier this week. The alleged assault happened at herrt Hoover Middle School where gonzalez had previously been a teacher. Has been booked in the Santa Clara County jail. He is accused of illegal behavior directed towards a child under the age of 14. And Morgan Hill Police are looking for the suspects who broke into a Community Pumpkin patch, stealing a tractor and leaving thousands of dollars worth of damage. It happened on tuesday night has spina farms. The owners went on social media to report but that this crime saying the suspects even threaten their security guard. No suspects have been identified yet. This is an ongoing investigation. In the east bay. A driver struck a 12 yearold bicyclist forcing a shutdown on the westbound lanes of lone tree way and brentwood. This happened just after 5. 30, wednesday evening. According to police, the child was sent to a hospital after the accident. Fortunately, they did not suffer serious injuries. The cause of the crash is still under investigation. Officers are asking witnesses to please get in touch. Is an ramos. Emergency services are implementing a new phase to improve their response to mental distress calls. Starting this week, firefighters will now be the first to respond to mental distress calls to help deescalate a situation instead of the police. This is only when an incident does not involve immediate danger to the patient or others. And police will be staged as a secondary responder close by the citys fire and Police Departments got training last summer on increasing their awareness of mental and Behavioral Health crises. Still ahead on kron, 4 news at noon, independent audit is being called over race over the San Jose Animal Care Services department. Well speak to the mayor about this decision. The first a Mental Health program is working to expand services to bay area. Expand services to bay area. Use details ahead. She found it. The feeling of finding the Psoriasis Treatment shes been looking for. Sotyktu is the firstofitskind, oncedaily pill for moderatetosevere plaque psoriasis. For the chance at clear or almost clear skin. Its like the feeling of finding that outfit psoriasis tried to hide from you. Or finding your swimsuit is ready for primetime. Dad oncedaily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. Dont take if youre allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. Sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. Serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. Tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. Sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. Tyk2 is part of the jak family. Its not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. Find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. Ask your dermatologist about sotyktu for clearer skin. So clearly you. Sotyktu. A new program aims to expand Mental Health services for foster youth in sonoma county. On tuesday, the board of supervisors approve approved a 3 year Residential Program to shorten treatment. Wait times. They say this will help foster use keep their connections with family and friends instead of seeking Residential Treatment Services somewhere else. The short term programs are designed for kids who have experienced trauma and are having difficulty and their living environment. Sonoma county is the second county in the state to be licensed for their own shortterm program. The national highway Traffic Traffic Safety Administration is urging a recall of more than 52 million air bags. Officials say debris left in the air bags during manufacturing could cause a deadly rupture. So far, one death and 7 injuries have been linked to this issue. The inflators in the air bags were produced by arc automotive and delphi automotive. They were in vehicles made between 2020 18 by 12 automakers, including gm, ford and stellantis. The Newark Police department is warning residents about a new phone call scam where the scammer pretends to be a walmart employee asking for money back on a fraudulent transaction. Police say the suspect or the scammer calls victims to demand money back from a transaction and then offers to transfer the call to local law enforcement. The scammer then asks the victim to clear their debt by spending or rather by sending the money through welsh for through wire transfer. The caller knows the victims names address and phone number. Now, police want to remind the public that this information can be easily found online and that phone numbers can be easily disguised to look as if theyre from a legitimate business. Coming up, pro bowlers will be taking over the bay area. Details on the new wnba team. And a grammy awardwinning artist reschedules there performances at chase center. Plus, were speaking live with san jose mayor matt mahan on the latest moves from the city to address homelessness. Welcome back. More housing for the homeless is coming to the city of san jose. The vta board of directors approved a 5 year deal to lease 7 acres of land at the agencys ceron bus. Start. You can hold up to 200 tiny homes. San jose mayor matt mahan has been fighting to get this plan approved for months. He joins us live now to talk more about this and other issues that are happening in the city right now. Thank you, mayor, for joining us today. Thanks for having me stuff in it. Mayor, youve been pushing to have these homes built at the ceremony art instead of the homes among other properties in the area. Why in this opinion why is this in your opinion, the best move . Well, one, we get the economies of scale. We have a homelessness crisis that is at a very significant scale. San jose alone has over 4,000 neighbors living outside in tents and vehicles, which is a humanitarian crisis. We need to act like its a crisis which means building safe, dignified shelter quickly. And when its available requiring that people come indoors and take advantage of it. So roni has a lot next to it. A parcel about 17 acres. Its an empty field. Its been an empty field for decades. Likely will be for years to come. Im thrilled that the vta board last night unanimously voted despite what was a lot of initial opposition. We were able to secure 7 acres of that site to put 200 tiny homes that were receiving from the state of california. Thanks to the governors leadership. It will be able to move 200 people out of tense and encampments across the city and get them into a safe, dignified place, connecting them to support of services. Like case management, drug treatment, job training, job placement and helping them get on the path to permanent housing. This is going to have a big impact on our homelessness crisis here in san jose. And what is your response to the vta workers and even a City Council Member who did express some safety concerns about having all of those homes on one property. Well, every time we have built one of these quick build communities, the initial reaction from folks who work and live near the site has been one of concern. And i think thats human nature. What weve seen, however, is that these sites not only work for the people who are served at the site, but they actually make the neighborhoods better off. We have consistently seen a reduction in crime and blight when weve built one of these sites and im talking about within halfmile radius of the site, which actually makes sense when you stop and think about it. Were getting people out of unmanaged encampments where they themselves are often victims of crime and were getting them into a managed environment with onsite security with supportive services. And so naturally, you actually less criminal activity. You see less trash, less graffiti, less blight. So really its a winwin. I think thats what we have to convince our fellow californians of his building basic dignified shelter in getting people indoors is a winwin for everybody. Are there any reassurances for people who are concerned about the safety, though, are will there be in the area . Yes, we actually have 24 7 security on site. We run 6 of these quick build communities already. We have operating them now for 3 years for the longest running one. We have not had significant security issues, but we do have on site security. 24 7, addition to case management. The number of Homeless People unhoused people in the city of saint of san jose is quite significant. More than 4,000 youve officially declare homelessness a crisis in san jose. What this mean for residents of san jose . And why do you think that this was necessary at this time . They write my colleagues and i brought forward a declaration earlier this week to say that were in a shelter crisis. We have thousands of People Living on our streets and we need to remove barriers. Its not enough to call it a crisis or emergency. We need to act like it. If an earthquake hit and put 4,000 of our neighbors out on the streets, we have fema trailers out of the county fairgrounds within 72 hours. We have a safe, small individual room, a dignified place for every single one of those neighbors. In no time. And its our failure to treat this like a crisis. That is whats leaving thousands of our neighbors to live and die on the streets. Just last year, we had nearly 250 people die in encampments here in our county. So we have to move faster. We have to be bolder. We have to be more pragmatic. We have to pursue solutions that give people alternatives to encampments faster and more cost effectively basic dignified shelter. And then clear encampments as we offer people, housing require that people come indoors. And speaking of building more housing, offering more you reopen the arena hotel near Santa Clara Universitys the homeless as well. No vacancies at this point. There. Is there a plan to connect the people who are there with services so that they eventually cancer transition out . Im so glad you asked the rio hotel is a perfect case in point for what im talking about were able to use a combination of local dollars from the city state and state funding to buy a rundown. Hotel, rehab and offer it as interim housing with case management. So people are connected to services. Youre right that its completely full action. A waiting list for interim shelter right now. And it has enabled us to go out to a stretch of the Guadalupe River that runs through our downtown offer housing to every person along that stretch and then clear out that encampment clean up the watershed there and we will maintain an encampment free. Its a winwin. Were getting People Housing connected to services and we are reclaiming public space making our downtown safer and cleaner. This is exactly the kind of solution that we have to prioritize in your experience and your understanding of this issue are most of the unhoused population from the san jose area or are they coming from outside the city . Our data may be different from that of San Franciscos or other places. What weve repeatedly seen when we do indepth interviews with the thousands of people in our streets is that the vast majority were last living at an address in our county. So they tend to be from the local area, not 100 , but typically in the in the range of about 80 , which is significant. The other question i often get is are people actually willing to come indoors . And the truth is the vast majority of homeless residents are willing to come indoors if offered their own small private room. Just the dignity of privacy, a room with a door that locks and that doesnt mean need to wait to build brand new apartments that take 5 years and cost a Million Dollars a door. We certainly need more affordable her supportive of that. But i dont think it can be our only approach to solving street homelessness. We need more Immediate Solutions that are more cost effective. Ok, got it. We do want to ask you about another topic here, very top of mind for your jose. Animal care and services. Youre now calling for an independent audit of the centers protocols. Overall performance. What led to this decision . So heard concerns raised by some advocates volunteers. Weve also heard very positive stories. But you may have seen has been some press coverage recently. I think the the challenge overall is that our shelter is well beyond its capacity. We have something on the order of 800 animals in the shelter that was built for a little over 500. So the staff is exhausted. The space is overcrowded. And weve weve had some challenges. And what i what i want to see us do is have independent audit that can benchmark against other shelters. Help us identify the places where we can most improved. We have to get back to being a no kill shelter. That is that is our goal. Were not there right now. We know that shelters across the country have been challenged with an influx of sadly whats been thousands and thousands of unwanted hats off to the pandemic. A lot of people adopted it turns out they were ready to make that commitment. Our shelters, the shelter of last resort. Its where the sickest animals, goats, where the stray animals go. And when people decide to move in and leave their pet here unattended, we end up taking that animal. And so weve been under great stress, but theyre also been enough concerns. Raise that. I want to have an independent analysis to tell us where we can improve and how we can improve. How did it get to this point where you have this severe overcrowding in the shelter and it not having been flagged it sooner. Actually, in the last 2 years ago in both budget cycles. I put forward memos arguing for more funding and we have done that. Our council has been supportive of that. Our city manager has been, but a lag here to be honest with you. There have been years of underinvestment. We have not had the staffing. We have not made the Capital Improvements that we need to make in that facility. And i think that really became clear when we came out of the pandemic and just had influx of hundreds of animals, many of of which were pretty bad shape. Frankly, a lot of stray animals with with diseases. Weve had outbreaks of hand luke and and other and parvo. And so weve weve got to better manage this. But i think were going to need Capital Improvements. In addition to more robust staffing because these animals cant speak for themselves. Weve got thats why we need the audit. We need somebody to come in and really evaluate and give us a comparative analysis with other shelters around the state in the country to see what we can learn from them. How soon as this independent audit going to kick off a because to your point, a lot of animals are still to the public step in. How about your . Yes. Thank you for asking that the audit will start very soon. Assuming the Council Approves that we requested an audit and now we need council approval, but it will be prioritized quickly in the report would come out in the 1st half of next year on. Pushing for it to be as quick as possible. In the meantime, the public can absolutely help. Ive been out to the shelter myself a halfdozen times now and what they tell us is they need volunteers, people to come in and help inperson take the dogs out for a walk comfort. The animals do basic tasks around the center. Thats really helpful. Fostering is a great opportunity to to try it on for size if adopted is for ou. You can take an animal home for a week or to see how it works. Really get a feel for it. And then, of course, our ultimate goal is to find a permanent home for every animal at the shelter. And thats, of course, the biggest impact people can have making that commitment to bring home a new, a new member of the family. All right. San jose mayor matt mahan, thank you for joining us today. Thanks for having missed a all right. Talk about our forecast now taking a live look outside of with thats alcatraz out there and San Francisco bay. And its looking like a Beautiful Day to take a quick stroll around the city and enjoy the planes and the ships that are on the water today. Lets check in now with kyla grogan for more on what we need to know about those blue angel skies. Yeah. Well, the first thing you need to know is it is hot out here again, everybody. Im out on the deck here right on the embarcadero. Kron 4 is and its just been heating up so quickly. They would not surprise me if we blow the forecast again and go right past the numbers that were expecting today yesterday, parts of the city here San Francisco. Got up to 90 degrees. So the good news is for the blue angels. This is kind of perfection in the blue skies. The fact that our marine layer has been minimized so as far as they are concerned, this is good stuff. And this means that they are going to see blue skies, which means were going to see all of the lovely flights that happen, unfortunately does come with a side of the sea. We are under this heat advisory has been extended through saturday night because temperatures tomorrow are expected to be just like today. And this is what at right now. Already at 79 degrees at this hour in San Francisco, you can see were heating up out of Half Moon Bay where we set a record yesterday and 90 degrees there already sitting at 76 89 in san jose. Thats another hot spot. Vallejo sitting at 89 as well. The wind is nice and calm. Thats another nice bonus for the blue angels flying today. Highs today are going to be well above average. So make sure youre taking care and get ready for mid 90s if youre in love. But even if youre in the city, i think we could potentially see spots of San Francisco see that 90 degrees again, the record and sanford is going to be 94 degrees set in 1992. You can see all the ones down there. We did beat a record yesterday in Half Moon Bay. Well see about today. Its 87 will be the number were looking out for. If we beat but lets look ahead towards the weekend, shall we . And everybody likes the weekend forecast. Theres the heat friday and saturday. Theres a cool down coming your way on sunday and ive got a little rain in the forecast as well. Well talk about that. Thats next week. When i come back in just a bit for now, send it back to the desk. All right. Cuyler, thank you. Import reminder to stay hydrated if you plan to be outdoors. And a 1 Million Dollar reward could be yours. The unique contest requirements that has set for that grand prize. But first, the wnba is enpanding to the bay area. The latest plans to bring a latest plans to bring a womans team here. Travel. There is nothing like it dancing is my passion. But with my moderatetosevere eczema, it hasnt always been easy. I was constantly itching. Whatever i was doing now, im staying ahead of my eczema theres a power inside all of us to live our passion. And dupixent works on the inside, to help heal your skin from within. It helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema. So, adults can have long lasting, clearer skin and fast itch relief serious allergic reactions can occur, that can be severe. Tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pains, or a parasitic infection. Dont change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. Healing from within is a powerful thing. Ask your eczema specialist how dupixent can help heal your skin from within. 2025 is set to be a huge year for the profession for professional basketball here in the bay area. The wnba is coming to San Francisco. That Expansion Team was awarded to the Golden State Warriors kron fours. Dan thorn has more. Very pleased to announce that the wnba is coming to the bay area. Ask it. Ball is getting bigger in the bay area. The Golden State Warriors have been awarded a new wnba franchise. The new team is set to hit the hardwood in 2025. For me personally. Its a very, very exciting moment to fulfill a dream that ive always had for Womens Basketball warriors. Owner joe says hes always believed the bay area was a great option for wnba expansion. It was announced thursday the new team will play their home games at chase center. But the franchise will be headquartered in oakland and practice of the war years old facility having the presence in oakland, the physical presence, which weve maintained the entire time. But having now a team thats headquartered there thats practicing there. I think is really important. Former wnba player and current Athletic Director oakland tech. Alexis, great loss and says this is huge for the bay areas aspiring athletes. Im really excited for our girls boys to be able have up close personal experience. Gray lawson believes having the team based in oakland but playing in San Francisco. Is the best of both worlds. I think is a lot is the cultures there. I think that they can have a little success. The warriors were not alone in trying to get a wnba team to come to the bay area, the African American sports and Entertainment Group announced back in 2021 their pursuit to draw team to oakland, a spokesperson for the group says they congratulate the warriors on getting awarded a franchise. But they will be meeting with the wnba to explore options to bring a team to oakland. And that was dan thorn reporting for us. Its still being worked out. What the teams name or brand is going to be warriors. The warriors owner told reporters it will likely be reflective of the whole bay area. Were going to stay tuned on that. Another bay area football, the niners are getting ready to take on the dallas cowboys. Its the biggest game of the year so far they eliminated cow. They eliminated the cowboys from the playoffs. Each of the last 2 years in the last preseason game. The cowboys defended the niners pretty well. Even though San Francisco pulled off the victory and niners quarterback brock purdy says there are some big lessons to be learned from that last game. Back in january. You enow, they were really good defense. Like i said, theres times where, you know, just a pass rusher. My rhythm. Just felt off game. They did a good job of just getting offset with some little so there are some some areas and their record, definitely better at. And so, yeah, it was games where i got a smart with the ball in the playoff game. Patty, smart with it. We did well with but the end of i do expect more myself to able to, you know, take the next step and, you know, go through, reads progressions, even with pass rusher might be, you know, the more aggressive. The niners have now won 14 straight regular season games. That streak will be put to the test on sunday. Kickoff is set off set for 5. 20, sunday night. All right. Lets check in on our forecast. Conditions taking a live look outside at downtown San Francisco. Beautiful view of the city. There. You can see the transamerica building on the right hand side of your screen lovely. Looking at the sea from there. Nice and blue. Lets check in now with meteorologist kyla grogan. For more on what we need to know. Hey, kylen. Hey there 70. I can confirm it is getting very hot in francisco. We are out here just feeling the heat as it ramps up. So we talked about how nice the weather is for the flying that happening today. But lets talk about this weekend because of the air show, of course, goes saturday and sunday as well. So as we get into the weekend, thats were going to see things start to change, but not for saturday. Saturday is going to be the same story as today. Weve got the heat dominating and staying very sunny. Now by sunday. Well see a few clouds roll in. It looks like the high on sunday will only get up to about 70 degrees. Heres the highs are looking out for today. Upper 80s even potentially a little warmer than that in San Francisco. Those mid to even upper 90s in parts of our inland communities. And as you can see, Half Moon Bay looking out for about 86 degrees today as well. So it is that the High Pressure thats in control and that is whats bringing us these hot temperatures and the sunny skies. But as we get towards sunday and then into monday in particular, this fronts going to drop in. And when that happens, were looking the potential a little rain in fact, models right now, kind of getting a little bullish on some of the north bay rain. Well see if that holds. But it looks like between a 10th and quarter of an inch. So here is your saturday. You can see that weve got the clear skies and hot temperatures once again by sunday. A few clouds rolling in that marine layer trying to make it back. And then by the time we get to monday, here comes the front and that means were going to cool down, get a little bit of rain in there, too. And thats going to change everything. So live look outside as we are waiting for the blue angels to take to the skies are going to start things a little earlier. Some of the jumps and things are going to be happening very hot all throughout california. You can see that heat advisory still in effect in Southern California, Central California. And now here in Northern California in the bay area until 11 00pm on saturday. So make your plans today and tomorrow to stay cool and stay safe if youre going to be out and about. All right. So the cool down coming on saturday and then really cool that down as we get into monday. As you can see, those showers expected. It looks like monday into potentially Tuesday Morning and then we go back to kind of come back down to earth and reality temperatures that we are actually in fall, which were suspending reality a little bit here. But at least doing it at a good time in the blue angels are getting those beautiful blue skies to fly. And back to you. I have a hat ready if you plan to see the air show this weekend. Thank you. Well, a strong jobs report has just been announced. The later the Labor Department says 336,000 nonfarm positions were added just last month. That far exceeds the 170,000 estimate by wall street. The Unemployment Rate remained at 3. 8 . But strong jobs growth could be troublesome for the Federal Reserve as it looks at how much more Interest Rates have to be raised to bring down inflation the biggest stars of latin music converge last night at the 2023 Billboard Music awards. Check this out. The evening featured performances by many latin music stars. But 2 artists dominated the night. First up, peso pluma the supplemental walked away with a towards the most of the night, including new artist of the year. The other big winner of the night. A global super superstar that by with 7 awards last night, including artist of the year. The other big winner, carol g with 5 awards. Coming up, more on another big music superstar coming to San Franciscos chase center. Bay area residents will be dancing in the dark at the chase center next spring because Bruce Springsteen is stopping by. Springsteen announced today the rescheduled dates for his 2024 tour. He says all tickets for the postponed performances do remain valid for these new dates. Springsteen and the e street band will perform in San Francisco on march. 28th. Take a look at this. Its the Worlds Largest jack o lantern. A projection of the Worlds Largest anyway. This is the largest display project at the las vegas sphere. The massive theater contains the worlds highest resolution. Wraparound led screen. That looks very realistic. The exterior is filled with 1. 2 million hockey puck sized led connected to a computer that controls every single one. Programming them to create imagery on a massive scale which you can see demonstrated here. It measures 366 feet tall and 516 feet wide. Wow. Of the sphere open just one week ago today. Happy early halloween. Well, anyone looking for a new pair of kicks crocs is out with its first pair of cowboy boots in they look interesting. Check this out. This is what they look like. The Company Claims customer demand is what led to the design. The boots features a shiny texture and western inspired stitching. As you can see there. It even has a spinning spurred on the back. The cowboy crocs will cost you 120 when they become available later this month. Interesting. Well, if youve got a ring security camera, some rare footage could make you alongside a lump sum of money. A ring is offering a 1 Million Dollar reward to anyone who captures a alien sighting on their doorbell camera users to spot a u f o flying past their property or perhaps some aliens walking down the street can submit their ring footage to amazon. Well, it will be reviewed by a socalled space and extraterrestrial expert. If your video happens to meet the Scientific Evidence criteria set forth by ring, you will get the reward money out of the world contest runs through november. 3rd. Give it a shot. He cut a ring camera. That will be from us today in the newsroom. Thank you so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. Im stephanie lin. Before we go to break, lets send things over to Olivia Horton for a look at whats coming up next. A live in the bay. Hey, libya. Hey, stephanie, thank you so much. Appreciate that. Just a quick tease. Before we head to break everybody. We have an amazing show as always, but its friday, which means were going to take a look back at the week. Band of course, we celebrate hispanic heritage month. So we had a lot of awesome guest this week for that. And we have some things to do. Everybody ever heard the everybody eats festival. Thats coming up this weekend. Stay thanks for tuning in to live in the bay, everybody. H

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