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Losing in 1990, bid for governor, 2 republican pete wilson, feinstein achieved another first when she and barbara boxer. Were elected to the u. S. Senate during 1992 socalled year of the woman making california the first state in the nation to have 2 female u. S. Senators taking on the gun lobby would be a whole marker for 3 decades careers. I am quite familiar with firearms. I became mayor is a product of assassination. Im aware sound my assassinated colleague and put a fingers through a in a 1994. Her assault weapons ban was passed. Senator, i know something about what firearms condition after the ban sunset in 2004 feinstein repeatedly tried to get another assault weapons ban passed. But as congress became more polarized, she failed to win support. It exempts 2000, 271 weapons. Is this knopf for the people in the United States that will moderate democrat feinstein championed an offshore Oil Drilling Ban after the bp oil spill in 2010. Were here to announce this band that would permanently ban all new offshore oil drilling in federal waters all along. The west coast, she was also behind the california desert protection act, which among other things designated death valley and joshua tree as national parks, though, few by some as a late convert to support same marriage. She spoke in favor of repealing the defense of marriage act in 2011. We now have a bill that strikes doma that says if a state takes action to legalize same marriage, then that is a valid marriage. And the federal governments that the federal benefits that would a accrue to a same couple chair of the Senate Intelligence committee. She called for an investigation into the cia torture tactics in relation to 9. 11 detainees. Later in 2016 is the ranking democrat on the committee. Feinstein called for an investigation into how Russian Hackers impacted the election that brought donald trump to power. I think its necessary that we come to grips with this. I think its necessary. That there be a real investigation in 2017, feinstein became the top democrat on the Senate Judiciary committee when it held hearings, son Neil Gorsuchs nomination to the Supreme Court once a hotly contested issue. Is no longer a hotly contested issue. We move forward. Feinstein foretold the future when she said she would support gorsuch and warned he would vote to overturn the constitutional right to abortion. He wrote that he believes there are no exceptions to the principal that, quote, the intentional taking of a human life by private persons is always wrong. End quote, this language has been interpreted by both prolife and prochoice organizations to mean he would overturn roe. In 2018 at the age of 85 feinstein faced greatest challenge for office. She squared off against fellow Democrat Los Angeles state senator kevin de leon, who said it was time for a change. Many agreed with feinstein getting reelected with just 54 of the vote in our final term in office ended up being quite a challenge following the divisive twentytwenty confirmation hearing of Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett feinsteins competency was called into question for this comment. This has been one of the best set of hearings that ive participated in in february of 2022. Feinsteins husband to 40 years. Richard bluhm. Died of cancer in just 2 months later for unnamed senators called feinsteins fitness into question in the San Francisco chronicle article saying her memory was rapidly deteriorating. The 88 yearold feinstein, who is by this point, the old a sitting u. S. Senator responded with a list of recent achievements. And in a statement, she said the real question is whether im still an effective representative for 40 million californians and the record shows i am. California needs a warrior in washington in january of 2023. To California Democratic Congressmembers Katie Porter and adam schiff both announced they would run for Feinsteins Senate seat, pressed about her future. Feinstein remained unsure. I think people should they want run. For me, i just need a little bit time. But a little over 2 weeks later in february, feinstein issued a statement saying she would not run for reelection but with serve out her term which ends in 2024. Dan kerman kron. 4 news. And although we havent heard yet from the president , we know that in february when senator feinstein announced her retirement, he did issue a statement saying that she was a passionate defender of Civil Liberties and a strong voice for National Security policies that keep us safe while honoring our values. And then he went on to say, but he served probably more senators than anybody else. And he said, quote, i can honestly say that Dianne Feinstein is one of the very best land feinstein dead at the age of 90 after a long careers. 31 years in the senate. And it all started here. As mayor of San Francisco, first female mayor, as you heard dan kerman with a look back and were just starting to get now. Responses from around the nation as you are passing. Lets take a look at the first one that we see this building, florida senator marco rubio. And you can see on the screen there, he writes, senator feinstein was a political pioneer. With historic or ear of public service, intelligent, hardworking, and always treated everyone with courtesy and respect. May god grant her eternal rest. We will have much more coverage all throughout the morning on her right now, though, were going to take a moment. Get a look at the weather. This friday morning and the traffic for you getting out the door. Good morning, john. Good morning to you guys as well as we kick off this friday. Were going to be looking at conditions out there that are nice and clear to get the weekend started. Tonight into tomorrow morning. Thats when some light sprinkles will make their return to the bay area. So dont be surprised if your little pitter patter overnight tonight into early tomorrow. Right now were looking outside it very clear skies across from the Berkeley Hills cam showers up north and the oregon washington areas. Not so much here yet. So weve got a dry trend ahead of us today. It wont be until overnight hours that any sort of light sprinkles make their way our direction 50s to low 60s for current numbers. Oakland conquered as well. San mateo each at 60 degrees. San francisco at 58 while nevado up to petaluma in the midfifties later on today. Some 70s free, slightly cooler day than yesterday. Very pleasant way to start this weekend of your full round up as we go. All right, john, thank you for that. Well, is it friday morning and we want to make sure you get to where youre going. If you are taking the bay bridge right now about 11 minutes, meteor lights are on the air. Our san mateo bridge, 12 minute ride 80 to 101 heading across towards peninsula. December fell bridge 7 minutes and the Golden Gate Bridge. 37 to the tolls. 18 minutes. No hazards or delays there. Darya. James, back to you. Thanks. A lot rain. It is 607. Another big story this morning. The clock is ticking as thousands of kaiser permanente, Health Care Workers are set to strike if theres not a deal by tomorrow. Yeah. And if a strike is called, this would be the Largest Health care strike in u. S. History with crawfords Michael Thomas on the story for us live in san jose. Michael. Hi, good morning, everyone. You know, were not talking about a small number. Were talking about almost 75,000 Health Care Workers across the nation and james and darya mentioned, this would be not only significant for health care but also u. S. History. Take a look. This is video we have from previous tickets that theyve done over the last few months. Kaiser permanente workers authorize a strike a few weeks ago and this includes workers in washington, colorado, oregon, and almost 60,000 right here in california with 20,000 workers coming out of the bay area. Workers Biggest Bands right now are better paid a solution to the stopping short that. They say theyve been having this is a last statement weve gotten from kaiser. Its up on your screen now reading, quote, the Coalition Unions are position to strike in october. However, for the last 26 years of our historic Labor Management partnership. Weve reached agreement with the coalition every time with no strikes and quote, they go on to say that its top priority is caring for its members and patients that it has plans in place to ensure it can continue to provide a high Quality Health care. Should a strike actually occur but that they remain at the bargaining table in good faith. And if the strike does happen, it would happen by next wednesday, october 4th and ultimately that you have until september 30th tomorrow to come to that agreement and things have been messy between the 2 over the last few months. Just earlier this month down in hollywood, more than 20 of those workers were arrested for protesting outside of the hospital. So time will tell if they can come to deal. And if they cant, well, next week, you may see a lot of kaiser workers out there picking it. Why this morning in san jose Michael Thomas, i will send it back to all right. Thanks a lot, michael. Check back with you later right now. Want to get to back to the breaking news that we just found out. U. S. Senator Dianne Feinstein has died at the age of 90. She was the oldest member of congress serving 6 terms as a senator from california since 1992 shows. 31 years. She served in the senate i think are most probably the thing that shes known for was gun control. And theres a reason for that. She led the effort for tougher gun laws, including a fresh ban on assault weapons. After first of all, the 2012 massacre of 20 children and 6 adults in connecticut. Remember sandy hook, but also as she pointed out our retrospective is how she rose in the office was with the assassination a party and look at San Francisco. She took over as salute also breaking barriers as well becoming the first woman to be the chair of the Senate Rules Committee and the Senate Intelligence committee. She was also the first woman to have presided over a president ial inauguration. Senator feinstein also served as we just mentioned, 3 terms as mayor San Francisco. That was from 1978 to 1988 after the shooting of mayor George Moscone e. Feinstein has said that she would not run for reelection. She was facing some calls to resign as she continued to have Health Issues and was battling those here in recent months. So well have to wait and see what happens you know, with her seat that will be discussion for a different day. You know, its interesting when she was talking about in Congress Issues talking about the cia detention, what they were doing with terrorists. And i just find this comment from her reflective of really her whole careers. And her devotion to a pop politics. She said, quote, history will judge us by our commitment to a just society governed by law and the willingness to face an ugly truth and say never again. And i think that thats interesting because you can apply that to any of the causes that she held dear to and why she fought for her particular stance whether whether it was agreed to by she wasnt liberal enough republicans. But thats thats how she let her life. 6. 12, is the time. Were going to take a quick break. Well be back a quick break. Well be back with more coverage of the every day, businesses everywhere are asking is it possible . With comcast business. It is. Is it possible to help keep our Online Platform safe from cyberthreats . Absolutely. Can we provide health care virtually anywhere . We can help with that. Is it possible to use predictive monitoring to address operations issues . We can help with that, too. With the advanced connectivity and intelligence of global secure networking from comcast business. Its not just possible. Its happening. 6. 14, right now continuing our coverage of the passing of senator Dianne Feinstein. You know, we want to go upstairs to the newsroom. Kron fours tiffany justice. Following this breaking story for us this morning. Her life and legacy tiffany. Dion find signs served 6 terms as a United States senator for california winning after winning a special election back in 1992. Find sign has had a lengthy political korea which has reached many levels of State Government in 1969, she ran for the San Francisco board of supervisors and one of serving as the first female president of the board in 1978 before becoming a senator. She served 3 terms as the mayor of San Francisco from 1978 to 1988. And during this time, there was much turmoil. The assassination mayor George Moscone e and city supervisor harvey milk drew national attention. Find santa city must coney as mayor becoming the first woman to serve in that position. She ran for governor in 1990. The campaign was not successful later running for u. S. Senate or a seat on the u. S. Committee. One of find sayings most significant legislative accomplishments is believed to be during her Early Careers when she won the Senate Approved amendment to ban manufacturing and sales of certain types of assault weapons. In 1994. But taking a back even further find sign is San Francisco, a San Francisco native she attended and graduated from stanford university. Im gonna send it back to you. Back to you. All right. Thanks a lot, todd. Were going to talk a little bit more about Dianne Feinstein now about her life and times here starting at San Francisco. And then as the oldest sitting u. S. Senator. So she was passionate about protecting reproductive rights and gun control just looking at, you know, the statements that shes made about being the first female mayor of San Francisco, but then also in the senate, she was one californias first to have female senators, the first female to head the Senate Intelligence committee. The first woman to serve on the Judiciary Committee Judiciary Committees top democrat. So she was not always embraced by the feminist movement, though. Interestingly. And so i i just want to read a quote from her. She said, i recognize women have had to fight for everything they have gotten every right and this was when she was bushs nomination for john roberts to replace the female Sandra Day Oconnor on the Supreme Court. And so she said, i must tell you, i try to look out for womens rights. I also try to solve problems as i perceive them with legislation and reaching out where i can and working across the aisle. And we have been getting some response and reaction is a bit early. Lot of people still waking up to this news and collecting their thoughts. I think we can bring up on the screen. We did see this morning, a tweet from florida senator marco rubio who has, as you may imagine, worked with senator over the years on various legislation. And you can see the quote, it says senator feinstein was a political pioneer with the historic or ear of public service, intelligent, hardworking, and always treated people with courtesy and respect. May god grant her eternal rest. We know that President Biden has worked with senator many times over the years. Fact served as a fellow senator with her before he was vice president. And that actually president than he released a statement back in february when she announced she was going to and he said that ive served with more u. S. Senators and just about anybody. And i can honestly say that there and find stein is one of the very best. Again, we havent heard from the president yet this morning, but we do expect hell release a comment or his office will at some point this morning, impossible to talk senator feinstein without talking about gun control because that was her. Biggest, significant legislative accomplishment. Obviously came early in her careers. So the Senate Approved amendment to ban the manufacturing and sales of certain types of assault weapons. And this is part of a crime bill. However, this it is it expired. 10 years later. So she continue to fight for gun control after that because that assault weapons ban ban expired and she became passionate immediately because she is the one who found harvey milks body actually she found his body when a mayor must go knee and harvey know that youre looking at the old footage here were assassinated. And, you know, she blatantly discussed how she butterfinger into that bullet hole. As she felt a pulse and that is, you know, resoundingly sound bite on the on the senate floor that she gave when she was pushing for stricter gun control measures saying that she was affected by gun violence. It propelled her to office and it was propelling, you know, her careers in the senate trying to get reform. Now. Well, were going much more coverage of the senators passing throughout the morning. So stay with us. At 6. 19, though, we do want to hand it over to john in the weather center. Get a look at the forecast on this friday. Heading into the weekend. Good morning. And thank you so much for that guys. We are looking at a very, very nice forecast for the start of the weekend. Its going to be a couple sprinkles overnight tonight leading into tomorrow morning. But for now, a very pleasant set up for your friday. Your view outside at San Francisco, the rest of the bay area which saw our harvest supermoon. So you may have noticed pretty bright out there, but youre going to see a nice dose of sunshine here in short order, rising above the Eastern Horizon skies out there are going to stay pretty clear for your morning hours, but increasingly cloudy towards the afternoon ahead of next storm system, which drops in later on today and results in those overnight. Sprinkles tonight. There it is right there. That low Pressure Center definitely pushing in some cooler air our direction as well. Thats the potential of showers and even some upper elevation snowfall in the sierra for the bay area. Things will be quiet until around midnight tonight when we could see just a few of those light sprinkles drifting into the peninsula and the east bay. After that, well see on and off light and brief sprinkles throughout the morning into the midday tomorrow. Well see most of our rainfall potential shifting inland inland contra costa and solano counties will be seeing that best chance of showers. Thats antioch conquered out towards rio vista in vacaville and even a chance of some sprinkles up in the north bay. Mostly as for what we will see rainfall totals in the bay area. Not a lot of it. Its again, like Tuesday Morning was with just some light showers enough to get roadways wet and enough to keep that extra layer with you tonight into early tomorrow. The rest of the region will see more significant rainfall. Sacramento could see a 3rd of an inch reading around a quarter of an inch of rainfall. And for the Sierra Nevada amongst our first Winter Weather advisories of the season. Snowfall will remain above 8,000 feet, but the potential 2 to 4 inches and upper elevations of Yosemite National park and just south of lake tahoe. Some of our mountain tops could see 6 inches of it. So a solid first dose of snowfall for many areas, 60s and 70s for San Francisco as well. 60s at the coastline and then 70s for the rest of the day. Nobody is quite getting up to 80 degrees today. Carlos at 75 south bay. Temperatures in the mid 70s. Well, the east bay looking at 70s as well, dublin, 73, he words and oakland at 71 degrees are very some upper 70s in spots like antioch and vacaville for the stimulant. Your next 7 days, temperatures will be cool for the weekend and then warming up into next week. Best chances of rainfall being overnight tonight into early tomorrow. Right now. Don, thank you for you are going to be traveling along the peninsula or in the south bay. Drive times. Still fairly light. 28 minutes traveling from 85 up to menlo park. 12 minutes into city. Right now. Meteor lights are on there. San mateo bridge about 13, 80 to 101. No hazards or delays the east bay. Were still seeing a lot of green here. Things are slowing down just a bit along 8. 80, traveling to hayward. So down in the about hayward. So down in the about 24 minutes. Thursday night football on prime. Its on. Welcome to thursday night football. Thursday night football is on come on, man when the hungry bears, holy mackerel take on the up and coming commanders. For a touchdown look for them to really be aggressive tonight. Its a classic nfc showdown, chicago and washington. Unreal stream thursday night football. 6. 25, youre just joining us. We have breaking news to report u. S. Senator Dianne Feinstein of california has died at the age of 90. This follows a number of health scares. She was the oldest member of the senate and had announced plans to retire. At the end of her term, which expires next year. We know that there are several people have already thrown their hats in the ring. More coverage on that to come. But in the meantime, reaction coming in. Weve heard very senators. Were going to share that with you coming up in just a little as for where she passed, thered been somewhere that she was in washington at the time. Were still looking to confirm that we have heard from family that they have been by her side recently as her health has been taking a turn for the worse as already mentioned, she has been dealing with some Health Issues really sort of accelerated starting in february of this year. And you remember in august that she was rushed to the hospital after she tripped and fell in San Francisco. So she went through that and she was briefly in the hospital. And as you said, james, in and out, so her family apparently we we we understand that they had flown to washington, d. C. , several to be by her side because, you know, at the age of 90, she was having a difficult time. She hadnt of light as she had shingles. She has battled various Health Problems as shes gotten older. Well, were going to have much more coverage of her passing her careerhigh legacy here in the bay area. And in washington. Coming up in just a minute, were starting to get some new reaction and responses coming in from various lawmakers. So were going to share that with you, too. Coming up at the half hour, mark, which is just a few minutes from now. So stay with us. Kron 6. 29, we continue our coverage now. The breaking news, Dianne Feinstein, the oldest sitting senator and a fixture of california politics has died at the age of 90. She was elected to become the first female mayor of San Francisco and then elected to the senate in 1992. We have news nations joe khaleel with more on her life and legacy well, thank you. A lifetime defined by a series of historic firsts. Dianne feinstein was a driving force in american politics for more than 5 decades. Senator, i know something about what firearms can but before she was a political powerhouse, she was diane goldman, one of 3 children. And in 1969, she launched a long shot bid for San Franciscos board of supervisors and one big can you say how many votes expect to get . I would expect to have a majority, if not all. Fast forward to november. 27th 1978 a dark day that would reshape feinsteins life. Forever. Disgruntled fellow board member dan white marched into city hall shot and killed both San Francisco mayor George Moscone e and board member harvey milk. Feinstein heard the shots discovered milk, spotty and tried to save him. Both mayor most goni part and supervisor harvey milk. Have been feinstein now the highestranking surviving official in San Francisco took over as mayor. Again, the first woman in that role. Eventually she earned praise for improvemants to City Services and furthering rights. I think the community is a viable Political Force in San Francisco after 10 years as mayor feinstein want to race for u. S. , senate a seat she would occupy for the next 3 decades. Plus, windows were broken. Now shattering more glass ceilings, becoming the first woman to chair the intelligence committee. The Judiciary Committee voted on that then leading the powerful Judiciary Committee where she spearheaded major legislation like the 1995 assault weapons ban. Sparking fierce debate and memorable exchanges like this one. Gentle lady from california. Needs to become a little more familiar with firearms and their deadly characteristics. And i say that because it is point personal privilege for a moment, please. Yes, certainly i am quite familiar with firearms. I became mayor is a product of assassination. Im aware sound my assassinated colleague and put a fingers through a later she lied. Democrats opposed to president trumps Supreme Court nominee brett kavanaugh, but her storied careers didnt have the storybook ending. One might hope for Failing Health during her final senate years prompted calls from her own party to resign and sparked debate about how old is too old to serve. I89 about was shingles. Kept her in california and away from washington. Only returning to the senate after a 2 month recovery. But the full picture of Diane Feinsteins life and careers is one of a trailblazer, a fighter, a Political Force unto herself. Well, 6. 32, were getting more and more reaction now coming in this morning. As people wake up to the news of the passing of senator Dianne Feinstein here on the screen. You see congresswoman barbara lee tweeting not too long ago. Quote, this is a sad day for california and the nation. Senator feinstein was a champion for our state and served as the voice of a Political Revolution for women. My profound condolences go out to her family and loved ones to talk more about her of political careering accomplishments. We have michael yaki, our political analyst who is on the line right now to take a look at our legacy. Good morning, michael. So along like yeah, i mean, where to start first at i i would go to gun control because that was the resounding from the moment she took office until until now. Really. So lets talk about that half and where she was with that where she brought that. Well, i well, i mean, when you really talk about incentive to talk first about fact that she is someone who served as a role model for thousands of women in this country can get all to stay in politics to persevere. In politics someone who started off losing several times for the board of supervisors. You know, i think that i serve. I know which she even still was proud of serving. Well, it well into careers. Whenever i would go to washington shoot. Introducing say this michael. He served on the board supervisors just like am and know, she lost several times shoes. Something that the death of her first husband she kept on going. And and then she became the president of the board of supervisors. Mission became mayor and she got reelected. This merit and we freaked. We take for granted. Now how . How well ease how it is just the norm that women are in politics are prominent in politics back in the late 70s. That was not the case. This is someone who it ran for governor nearly lost. Persevered. Youre going became u. S. Senator and, you know, hurt her legacy. Expand many things. But but for many, i dont think that we would have. And nancy Pelosi Hillary clinton, Kamala Harris with Dianne Feinstein for staying up there working her way through and taking in taking on the tough issues and take it on on the tough opponents in showing the cheap and wit. So. That new ways into into into the gun issue because that was essentially her trial by fire. Thats how she became mayor. Thats where thats where she made her first. Mark as United States senator bow. But lets lets first acknowledge appreciate and and pay tribute to the fact that she is so pave the way thousands of young women in this country to realize the train and the cob being part of the elected fabric of our country. Well, its interesting, michaela, mean on those 2 fronts, son on womens causes. Obviously, abortion rights is it is a huge one and the Supreme Court justices in the representation there and then on gun control, both of those issues that she worked for, her courage or she saw accomplishments in rise what she was trying to achieve and then ruled backs in her lifetime as well of all that she worked for. Sure. You know, i think its important to remember, you this city suffered a terrible tragedy with that with the massacre of 1, in california and you see this repeated out has almost mind numbing fashion every week on the news right now. But back then, this extraordinary and she took extraordinary measures. She went the floor of the United States senate. She went Judicial Committee where she was just Junior Member and she got. You know, that the the assault weapon ban i mean, this is assault women. Thats the things that today no even thinks you have a chance doing anything about. But theyre just trying to knock around the edges with bump stocks and things like that. She went and got got high capacity magazines and essentially ar 15 off the market over 10 years she it was extraordinary achievement. She took on the inner edge controlled. It has present the time she took arent the establishing took senate done nothing about this or its a tired, tired history and men should get that through. I think that, you know, that let that laid the foundation for all of the they make gun control advocacy that we still have today. Its not. Obviously its having difficulties getting getting through and in in our divided country and in the wake of the senate is right now. But she did. She got it through. And without her, we wouldnt be even have that discussion in history of that legacy being able to ban these types of right now were standing with the Supreme Court. You didnt rolling a lot of it. Would you have it up an opportunity to talk to her and hear her reflect on those things, though, on . You know how hard it was to get these things passed, for example, assault weapons. And then 10 years later to see that expire or, you know, just whatever process you got to and then how she felt about seeing 2 steps forward. One step back. You know. Sure. I mean, i mean, you know, i had the fortune of being able to see her at a lot of different you know, we went point i was working for. Speaker pelosi when i was working when i on board of supervisors, those on the commission on civil rights, i had the opportunity we could be with her at a lot of Different Things meter at her office. Talk to her and just and just sort of shoot the breeze behind the scenes on a lot of different events. And i would talk to her about me what was going how things were going in the senate. I was on the stage with during the time when she running for reelection. But were reflecting on the assault weapon were talking about, you know, al out and she would just say, look. I was i was. I could make or ear as many ways been. I would say its been a part all of her career has been, you know, its steeped fact, that. People die because of these kinds of and she was not. She knew she was going to make sure when it was expiring to say i need to get this thing that i need to get this thing but the congress has changed. People have changed. The presidency is change. Its going to be a lot harder to do it. And know that this was something that was source great. Continuing concern and anguish for later on her career that she could not get that. Get the extension passed do a change the change country. Michael, a lots to talk about. Im just looking over her her use a legacy and just the myriad of things that she has done in the senate, the committees that she has served on the run, the gamut. As you mentioned, she was a trailblazer. The first chair. Woman to chair the Senate Rules Committee. The first woman to chair the Senate Intelligence committee. Im looking at all the subcommittees. Youve got everything from rules and administration, human rights. As bump that, you know, into her on numerous occasions, criminal justice, energy, inc or transportation defense. I mean, she had she had a hand in so many different topics. Its almost as if any, in any topic interested her enough to participate . And she was she was and she was a conscience for for human rights, conscience for our country. Remember, you know, shes she Mister Office that worked out. It was her at work done exposing, you know, essentially that the terrible things that that that had been and that were going on at ghraib, that that that black site prison that we we put together interactive these are the kinds of things that that. You know, i think we should all be proud of because she exemplified so much. You know what we and the bay area will in California Care about. And there are the Little Things too. She was on the appropriations for she was sheriff chair of a subcommittee there. The subcommittee to do with things like. I mean, i drugs for for the more on edge, bringing ensuring that we had the kind of resources we need to to recover from various investors ensuring that are that we could get funds for the Golden Gate Bridge things that she and are often when working with people are are Work Together to make sure that we that time and she was on me, he was on appropriations committee, is what we work hand in glove to ensure that we brought home, but they can and make sure that the priorities that needed very needed. Were in she was instrumental in working on. Shes a Water Quality for the bay area. The whole negotiation over over things like water flow, which go for salmon and all things we care about. She was great champion, that occur. What she has done for the state for this city. Im really you i cant begin to scratch the surface right now. And and instead thinking more about the loss of a friend but role someone who and someone who was just trailblazer and we in the bay area. We in francisco should be really, really proud of the fact that its our area. They gave birth to this remarkable, remarkable person who made such an impact on our and our city and our state and our country. Sure did. Thank you so much, michael. We appreciate your perspective and and your thoughts on her passing this morning. Thank right now we want talk to our Political Correspondent in sacramento, Eytan Wallace and find out, you know what reactions might be coming in from our state capitol. 8 on good well, hey, good morning. And you know what . Ill tell you what, james and arent. Were actually here in anaheim in Orange County, because as you may know, and thats been about 5 hours from now, former president donald j trump. Its supposed to address more than 1000 republicans here at the state convention again in Orange County so far havent heard much reaction from here in anaheim. But but just a note on that for a moment because we do know that governor gavin newsom, of course, he is the one by the state constitution who would be in charge of appointing of appointing a successor senator feinstein has died. So he is now in charge that he has addressed this multiple times in the past. Of course, you may remember he said that he promised that he would appoint a black woman now to replace senator feinstein. But you also may remember just a few weeks ago, he said that he intended appoint interim person for this role because, of course, we have election 2024, coming up in which we already have people running for this and those include, of course, oakland congresswoman barbara lee and then of course, burbank congressman adam schiff and irvine congresswoman katie porter. Now cotton now Governor Newsom said he would not appoint any of them to the seat and said wants to appoint what he describes as a limited caretaker until the people decide in 2024. So thats at least where we stand with that right now. As it pertains also to reaction, well, i can tell you havent heard much hear from republicans at the convention, but i a few years reporting in the Central Valley where, of course, we have a lot of republicans, their longtime republican congressman david valadao. There would always speak very highly of Dianne Feinstein because he said even though hes a republican, shes a democrat that she was able to reach across the aisle on several issues, including, by the way, the issue of water water very important in state. Of course, weve had a drought for years. She worked on whats called the when acts that has to do with wacer, making sure water gets to farmers and water gets to those in the Central Valley. Of course, republicans and democrats working together to get that passed. In that sense, she even before her received praise from republicans on the democratic and and and of course, james, i heard you talking about all of committees that she has served on the chair that she has taken during her time in the senate. But of course, he praised by progressives for her work early on the gun control debate. She tried to what what many described as assault weapons and trying have that in the gun control debate. So thats where democrats thats republicans price no word yet that ive seen and ive been in touch with the new some folks this morning. No word yet from former today from former San Francisco mayor. Now Current Governor gavin newsom. But of course, as soon as i got that, i would get that right over to you, james and darya back to francisco, thank you for that live update on. Appreciate live update on. Appreciate time. Now we made it bmo has arrived. Hello . You said it. Hello to more ways to save money, grow your wealth, grow your business. Just what we needed, another big bank. Not so fast. How many banks do you know that reward you for saving every month . Hes got a good point. Did i mention bmo has more feefree atms than the two largest us banks combined . Uh, bmo . Just beemo, actually. Quick question, will all this stuff fit in your car . should i get rid of the mug . Bmo welcome back. 6. 48 and were continuing to get responses now from around the nation to the passing of u. S. , senator Dianne Feinstein, who died today at the age of 90 age of we believe in washington, d. C. , were still waiting to confirmation on her exact location. When she did pass, but we have heard from family and friends that they were nearby by her bed as she did pass. Were getting reaction this morning. We heard earlier from congresswoman barbara lee now hearing now from former first lady and former senator hillary clinton. We put that up on the screen. There you see it reads, quote, im deeply saddened by the passing of Dianne Feinstein. She blazed trails for women in politics and found lifes calling in public service. Miss her greatly as a friend and colleague. And so my condolences to all who loved how she achieved a remarkable political breakthroughs as a woman as we were just discussing a role model. San franciscos first female mayor first woman elected to the senate from california. So well continue to get responses throughout the morning. In fact, just getting a response now from senator feinsteins office, ok . So some official comments now coming in. Reading, quote, misses from her chief of staff. Sadly, senator feinstein passed away last night at her home in washington, d. C. So we have that confirmed her passing is a great loss for so many from those who loved and cared for her to the people of california that she dedicated her life to serving. He goes on to say senator feinstein never backed away from a fight for what for what was just and right at the same time, she was always willing to work with anyone, even those she disagreed with. If it meant bettering the lives of californians or the betterment of our nation. And weve been hearing that echoed both from michael yaki. We talked with earlier and our capitol correspondent wallace about how members of both sides of the democrats, republicans alike, remember fondly of her crossing party lines or at least reaching across the aisle to find Common Ground on so many different issues from water to gun control, to transportation, to just about anything. So well continue our coverage of that breaking news. Thats our major story today here on the kron. 4 morning news will have more reaction. A few minutes. 6. 50, though. On a friday, we want to switch gears. Get a look at the weather and traffic for you heading into the weekend. John, good morning. And good morning to you as well. We are looking really nice start to your friday morning weather wise. Weve got the clear skies out there. Not talking any of the low grade to this morning. You can see San Francisco, the east bay hills, all of it lit up under whats about to be a pretty nice sunrise. Now, coming up a little bit later this morning nights getting longer morning is getting a bit cooler. Definitely feel like october is just around the corner. You do have showers up to the north and washington, oregon and will make its way our direction evening hours. Tonight, theres the center of low pressure thats bringing showers to the north right now and will bring some of that our direction into our evening hours. Time to get out for you. We will see an increasing cloud cover towards the afternoon today. So not quite as Crystal Clear as we are this morning. But showers dont really get here until after midnight tonight and into early tomorrow. Theyll be brief and light with on and off. Sprinkles on into early tomorrow by midday shower potential transitions further inland. Inland solano and contra costa counties with your best chance of rainfall towards tomorrow afternoon. Well, a few sprinkles could also be seen across the north bay and at times elsewhere, as for rainfall totals these next 24 hours, we will see just a few 107 inch for most areas. Again, these are light sprinkles. Very similar to what we had on Tuesday Morning. As you remember, more significant rainfall for areas like sacramento and reading sacramento could see a 3rd of an inch of rain reading around a quarter of an inch. Some of our first Winter Weather advisories of the season on up in the central Sierra Nevada. This is just south of lake tahoe. Snow will fall above 8,000 feet, mostly 2 to 4 inches. Some of our highest of elevations could see 6 inches of snowfall. But nice to see that early season snow as we do kick off the month of october 60s to 70s for todays daytime highs. Nobodys getting to the 80s. So its definitely a cool and comfortible weekend ahead. Tomorrow will cool down a little further. Am sprinkles . Mostly clearing out a bit towards the afternoon. Sunday is going to be the sunniest day of the weekend and the most reliable one for getting outside and just enjoying a pleasant forecast next week. Warms back up quickly. We may be moving in october, but that doesnt mean the heat is done just yet rain. All right, john, thank you for on a friday, our bridges, i dont see any accidents there. So thats always good news. 40 min, right . Nice to that fremont street exit. But the meter lights are on 15 minutes. A 80 to 101 heading across towards insula. Richmond center fell bridge about 11 minutes and the Golden Gate Bridge. Maybe youre taking that right just under 19 minutes. Our breaking news continues with our coverage of the death of Diane Feinstein yield a sitting senator and a fixture of california politics dead at the age of she served 6 terms in the u. S. Senate. First arriving there in 1992. Quite the legacy. We have a statement from her official office, her chief of staff releasing this statement earlier might be difficult for you to reach all read the first section. It reads, quote, sadly, senator feinstein passed away last night at her home in washington, d. C. , her passing is a great loss for so many from those who loved and cared for her to the people of california that she dedicated her life to serving. And then it goes on to say at the very bottom she left a legacy that is undeniable and extraordinary and that involved many issues. One was cia tour. Sure. The other assault weapons ban. Because she took office here in San Francisco so many years ago when the mayor george must going at the time and harvey milk or assassinated. And that started her political careers here. Were going to much more from the bay areas local news station. We now with breaking news. If youre just joining us, it is a sad day in history, both in bay area politics and nationally, u. S. Senator Dianne Feinstein has died at the age of 90 passing away at her home in washington, d. C. , will get to the condolences and the reactions coming in this morning. But we want to start this hour with a look back at her life and her legacy, a storied one kron fours dan kerman with mayor must go knee and supervisor harvey milk. Have been you it was this announcement about the assassinations of mayor George Moscone e. And supervisor harvey milk in 1978. The launch. Dianne feinstein both a local and National Spotlight at thme

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