Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 5pm 20240711

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Joining us on kron 4 news at 5 everybody. Im grant lotus and im Vicki Liviakis those scary numbers going up as we head into the Holiday Season with millions of americans already. Traveling for thanksgiving this week. Doctor fauci says hes very worried about how much the virus will spread during and what the pandemic will look like in 3 weeks when those new infections. Well have manifested covid cases are also surging here locally in the bay Health Officials urging people. To stay home, avoid large gatherings this weekend that definitely includes the south bay which is seeing a major spike kron 4 Sanaz Tahernia reports. Covid19 cases are hitting record highs in Santa Clara County with more than 500 newly reported cases a day and county Health Officials are expecting things to get worse if we look back in july when we were were really worried about an increase then we saw. 385 cases has a maximum and as we have seen our numbers are now much higher we were at 512 cases today. Tomorrow may be higher and we expect that to be the case Officials Say they understand the pandemic fatigue but we have to continue on. Adding that while those around you may seem healthy that doesnt necessarily mean theyre covid free to 60 of the times when people are infecting others are in or are infectious themselves. They have absolutely no symptoms. So if youre worried about staying away from somebody because they have a cough. Are they look sick. The more worried about the people that are new that are close to you that have no symptoms. With this recent surge in numbers Health Officials are urging residents to stay home and avoid gathering in large groups or traveling ahead of the thanksgiving holiday. They also want Business Owners to know theyre ramping up enforcement or officers will be looking at a variety of things but in particular. Well be looking at capacity limitations on making sure the stores are overcrowded. Making sure that those social distancing protocols that orange check mark has been posted. Well also be looking face coverings and enforcing face coverings at the business locations businesses that fail to comply with the safety orders will be fined the enforcement officers will be wearing special clothing. Making them easily identifiable and officials believe that if the proper are taken the county can flatten the curve once again. We know that we can do this together as a community. Weve done it before. We will do it again. At the time to act is now or any reporting and or we do have reports from witnesses that the suspect appeared to have been under the influence of drugs prior the attacks. Now dont update. On a story that we brought you earlier this week, the suspect in a horrific mass stabbing in san jose hes been identified. He is a convicted felon who had been deported 3 times and was released from jail despite having a long criminal record and a history of violence. The case is expected to be rekindled the debate is expected to rekindle over Santa Clara Countys controversial sanctuary policy. Kron fours rob fladeboe joins us live from san jose with more on. What police are saying rob. Its right grant and vicki San Jose Police this afternoon saying that the suspect in sundays blood ear and page a homeless man was indeed under the influence of drugs whats more they say should have been on the streets at all and that this tragedy was utterly preventable. Heres more. We do want to reassure the community that there is no reason to fear for their acts of violence that are c urches places of worship, shelter aiding the unhoused or any other Critical Service center because of this incident. San jose police on wednesday identified the suspect in last sundays mass stabbing at a local church as this man 32 yearold fernando hey sue slope as a homeless man with a long criminal history disturbing the peace, providing false information to an officer, resisting arrest, assault with a Deadly Weapon in which you received a twoyear prison sentence. A felony Domestic Violence which we were served received 5 years probation lopez is accused of stabbing 5 people sunday night at Grace Baptist Church in san jose which serves as a temporary shelter for the homeless on cold nights, a man and woman were killed 3 others sent to the hospital but are expected to survive. Shes garcia and san jose mayor sam liccardo said the stabbings were preventable pointing to the countys controversial sanctuary policy that prevents police from cooperating with federal immigration authorities what could have prevented this tragedy. I point to a single thing. But rather of multitude of tools and opportunities that were not utilize or failed. It is also unfair for the burden of rehabilitation to fall on places like great baptist clearly we need to do more. Im not arguing that the county should have held him for ice and simply arguing that we ship complied with the tenants of the values act which would enable notification of ice. So that before he is released out in the street. Ice can pick him up deported 3 times lopez is on probation in connection with a conviction for Domestic Violence in san joaquin county. And was jailed in san jose in june on a misdemeanor charge before his release. The county did not notify ice which had requested he be detained. Police believe lopez was under the influence of drugs at the time of the attack, currently. The Santa Clara County policy prohibits responded immigration detainers which allowed the suspect to be released. Suspect lopez was also released by judge following the same Domestic Violence arrest in santa clara. Despite having a violent history on what is known as i mentioned supervised own recognizance release program. Promising to appear in court. At a date in which he did not do. Fernando lopez was to have been arraigned this afternoon but the hearing was postponed at the last minute no explanation given. Police also did not name any of the victims we know though that death 4 of the 5 people were also unhoused individuals, including the 2 fatalities, a 5th person, a 5th victim was identified by mayor sam liccardo is nguyen pham a City Employee who was helping out at the church at the time of the stabbings he is among the survivors live in san jose rob fladeboe kron 4 news. All right robin now to another big story that were following for you just days before San Francisco firefighters where to begin distributing toys for the holidays comes word that someone as stolen 200 donated try sickles from one of their storage units, yes, terrible kron fours dan kerman live in San Francisco with more on how this is going to impact the families that obviously depend on the Firefighters Toy Program dead. Right you know, San Francisco firefighters have been collecting toys for kids for decades here in San Francisco now as you mentioned a setback 200 tricycles for the youngest kids have been taken by someone at this point who remains on the loose. This storage container had a lot more bikes it last friday, but the San Francisco firefighters Story Program says over the weekend or monday. Burglars are believed to have gotten past the chainlink fence and barbed wire at this bayview location cut the lock and made off with 200 brandnew donated tricycles similar to this one. It impacts us a lot some people for some children, its the only tory they get during holders thieves left behind plenty of other bikes, but none for younger children. The difference, it makes right now as children. That are under 5 will not be able to have any kind of vehicle to write on you know i can we head to why didnt anyone but these are the things were considering getting out to younger children. The San Francisco Firefighters Toy Program has been up and running since 1949 and just last year served 31,000 families most with more than one child. Theyre now reviewing security video but are hopeful whoever took the bikes will return them. Otherwise they hope somebody in the community will step up. Replace them, im hoping that the public will be. You know open their hearts and their pocketbooks a little bit maybe as a business could donate one bike. You know as a group effort. San Francisco Police are just launching their investigation into this crime again. Program starts giving out these toys to families on monday. Live in San Francisco. Dan kerman kron 4 news. Right and now to the east bay where a pastor and his family are sharing a message of love and gratitude this Holiday Season. After being victimized by vandals the hammock family just moved into there new home and rodale only to find profane graffiti spray painted on a wall but as kron forcefully to call reports now their pain is healing with community support. But teen years of marriage and countless hours of hard work in the community to culminate for the hammock family into a new home in rodeo. The elated band of 5 moved in saturday. But it took less than 24 hours for some of that joy to be stripped away neighbor actually pointed out. What happened and what was actually written on our home of older phrase f you spelled out on the front of their house were definitely disappointed to see those words or it could be honestly written on the wall thats of one of our kids bedrooms. I felt like violated and you know unsafe darnell hammock is a pastor at New Life Community Church of oakland. He and his wife jennifer say their congregation and new neighbors have supportive. They have painted over the graffiti but were still tasked with explaining the painful situation to their 3 young we had several questions run through our mind when we saw that war we targeted because we are a black family moved into this neighborhood when we targeted because someone may have recognized my work in the Community Fighting against injustice. What we targeted because we took down American Flag that has been on this property for 50 plus years see him despite this violation. They have no hate in their hearts. And ahead of this thanksgiving holiday. They say they have a lot to be grateful for um ali thankful for my family i love and support and so those are things that i value highly a report has been filed with the office of the sheriff. The family has also installed a Security System to deter any future incidents, we have 3 young black children they will experience some other kind of injustice and racism in the future, but again i think our message is be prepared for it, but also theres more people for you than against you. Now we respond in love. And that is love that dries out hate the hammocks plan on planting the roses neighbors have dropped off in support beneath the wall that was more dairy in rodeo believe youre right for in a man. I will good perspective there on a tough situation. No doubt that we switch gears right now on thanksgiving even get a check on the 4 zone forecast from first chief meteorologist Lawrence Karnow decided to pop on biden to turkey forecast, yeah, and you know looking good, you know probably a lot of folks going to want to be outside, social distancing life right now and so looks like its going to be a good holiday to do that. Beautiful skies out there right now as youve got mostly clear skies winds going to pick up that will kind of be the issues we head into tomorrow. Now yes certainly the travel issues around the bay area not bad at all youre looking no delays being reported sfo oakland or san jose on the plane flights there. High pressure trying to build in used to that some showers and far Northern California nothing expected here. But we are going to feel those cool winds blowing it will be dry tomorrow and then it looks like were going to see changes coming our way as we head into the weekend. But i think overall things staying very dry. So High Pressure building in the winds will be gusty at times especially over the mountain tops but should be nice and dry down below in many of the valleys and that means got a nice dry thanksgiving ahead and it looks like some nice weather ahead for the weekend to a more on that coming up in a few minutes, thanks Large National news now and President Trump has pardoned his former National Security adviser michael flynn. Trump announcing the calling it his great honor. Flynn is the second trump associate convicted in the russia probe to be granted clemency by the president. President trump commuted the sentence of longtime confidant roger stone just days before. He was to report to prison. Its part of a broader effort to undo the results of an investigation that has shadowed his administration and yielded criminal charges against a half dozen associates. Still to come the future by administration is moving forward what we can expect to see in the weeks before the inauguration. And millions of americans traveling across the country this week despite the pandemic what to do and what to expect if youre headed to the airport and we talked about the u. S. California is also see a major jump in covid cases and hospitalizations well speak with a local Infectious Disease expert about how a surge could impact life this winter. We have the power to harness californias Abundant Solar and wind energy, but its not available all day long. Use less energy from 4 to 9 pm for a cleaner california. Big story. Were following tonight, california seeing the biggest singleday increase in covid cases in months in the last 24 hours. The state Health Department recorded more than 18,000 new cases as well as 106 covid related deaths. The average statewide Positivity Rate is up to 5. 9 about 6 those numbers of course, especially disturbing considering where we are on the calendar the Holiday Season is really beginning now, yes, especially with so Many Americans traveling in gathering for thanksgiving, this week and joining us now via zoom ucsf doctor, peter, chinhong doctor thank you for being with us tonight can we expect another surge in the coming weeks. Yes unfortunately, vicki its going to be another if we look at what happened there memorial the and time if you looked at what happened comedian thats getting. About 2 weeks after tomorrow. We would expect seeing increased cases and continue to increase in house lies editions. So where does this end up, we have about 261,000 cases in the u. S. Were averaging a little over 2000 a day. You do the math that by the end of the year were going to be well over 300,000. You know if the predictions are correct that thanksgiving will cause an increase in cases and obviously hospitalizations in and deaths where does this start to level off we get right into christmas and then new it just doesnt feel like theres hope for light at the end of the near term tunnel. Well the light at the end of the tunnel, but its kind of a long is the prospect of people getting access to the back scenes. Were having. Vaccine company after company now releasing get to know that their data with astrazeneca and so that is going to accelerate the timeline for which most americans will be able to get the vaccine just by numbers were were talking about 4, 5 months away. Yeah. I mean, yeah correct but you know it may be that close. Its like the end of it all is looking at what happened in europe and when instituted us air partial lockdown and that really full lockdowns so lets if you, were seeing decline in cases in france in spain and the uk so there is potential light at the end of the if you know and public Health Officials act and they have acted decisively. I think they may be more austere measures coming on the road numbers continue to increase the doctor, you know what look we in the media we we do this story time and time again and and you are giving of your time to you know. Issue the warnings to folks out there but there is a kind of a covid fatigue i think i sometimes i feel like were being tuned out like. Even people who believe in him and who understand it i they just theyre numb to it at this point. So its vicki you in the beginning when california was feared and rest of the country was regionally affected particularly in new york area that thought was that maybe could california ends you know seeing she was sick at this point. People know positive youre right. This could a pandemic fatigue is probably giving wait upon resent but actually as people are rebelling against these months and months of getting off the life that they would like to remember from free covid. As you mentioned a lockdown im just trying to think about you know how you get this thing more under control in the next 3, 4 months it do you think a National Mask mandate is going to happen under a Biden Administration should it and you think it would be effective if implemented. Ive always been one National Strategy we can beat this until we have a uniform action by the whole country not like 50 different countries. I mean look at the countries with covid has been its always been a National Strategy and the alignment of science with politics. So im hoping that well get that i think thats in the road with that covid tossed for us. This talk about a National Mandate of but also i think National Distribution line or thoughts are on things like diagnostic tests. You name you know we havent had that National Strategy distribution the foreign thats something to look forward to. Well doctor peter, chinhong ucsf appreciate your insights and we know that the covid fatigue has been hitting a lot of people and understandably even the front line workers so we appreciate you know all the work that that you do. I think take care i think thank you. And there we have it cheese thats the thats thats where we are. Well we can talk about the weather now thats pretty lot to be thankful guys yet even in this tough year certainly beautiful skies out there right now no rain it looks like the holiday going to be fantastic and you see a lot of sunshine. The winds. Theyre gonna blow a bit though lets head over the big weather wall check things out for tonight going to see mostly clear skies out there note those winds begin to ramp up got a beautiful evening outside out over the bay with mostly clear skies out there right now and thats why its going to stay now you had the monterey bay tomorrow you can see those temperatures 50s in some 60s dress warmly on a thanksgiving, how Southern California can see some sunshine and temperatures almost 70 degrees in los angeles about 65 in san diego 64 degrees as you make your way to pasedena the high country lake tahoe yeah on thanksgiving day its going to be chilly up there 36 degrees for a high tomorrow 33 some gusty winds in the truckee so chilly conditions dress warmly. If youre heading that direction right now though highpressure trying to build in youve which system kind of sliding on by right now we cold front coming through the winds going to switch directions. That means were going to watch those temperatures really beginning to drop off tonights overnight lows bundle up or down into the 30s for overnight lows tomorrow by day looking at temperatures a little bit warmer tomorrow, plenty of sunshine. Most folks in the 60s right, cold this week, right, thanks a see still ahead for area food banks, they need extra help many families here in the bay area are struggling to put food on the table right now and theyre turning to food banks for help in the past 4 days Sacred Heart Food Bank in the south bays given away more than 3,000 meals to people in need its an astonishing number but it speaks to the need each meal includes either a turkey or ham and multiple side dishes for thanksgiving tables. The goal is to distribute more than 4,000 meals by the end of the day. If youd like to help theres still time theyre taking donations really they want turkeys and hams if youre able to provide those and they want you to know the staff and volunteers are taking precautions to make sure everyone stay safe and healthy. Everybody weve been trying to pivot and make sure we can provide this essential service so were doing all the things social distancing we have less volunteers than we used to but were still getting the work done if folks want to support us they can bring down a turkey or ham to our location here at 1381 south first street. Sacred heart is also starting to prepare for its various christmas programs. Those are coming up in just a few weeks. Coming up next fighting the winter blues as the days get shorter how you can come back seasonal depression. This year. Plus Holiday Travel under way despite the pandemic what you should know if youre flying out of sfo this week also after weeks of delays president elect joe biden well his team says the transition process is now moving or is your local election headquarters and as more states continue to certify election President Trumps Campaign Continues to fight for the white house so far. President trumps lawsuits have been unable to prove anything regarding that alleged a widespread election fraud. Our washington correspondent Alexandra Limon has the latest on the transition now to a Biden Administration. Weve been very encouraged by the progress that has been made over the last few days after weeks of delays and stonewalling by the trum

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