Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 3pm 20240711

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Hospitalizations are surging out of control in california, 45 counties are now in the states most restrictive tier meaning the spread of covid19 is widespread. Thanks for joining us today at 3 im Sanaz Tahernia hospitalizations have increased 81 over the last 2 weeks in cases here in the bay area have now surpassed 138,000. All of these numbers increasing right ahead of the thanksgiving holiday when many people are hoping to gather with their families our Capitol Bureau reporter Ashley Zavala is live for us in sacramento with more on californias latest covid19 update ashleigh. Yes and as well the states Top Health Official doctor mark galli says that those hospitalizations and covid19 cases are surging in the state thats leading he and other state leaders to request a 7 counties to take a step back in the states tiered reopening system with an even larger majority of counties and the states most restrictive tier. Statewide i dont believe weve ever seen as many hospital admissions. Increased like we did just in the past 24 hours californias Top Health Official noting serious concerns with the climbing rate of covid19 cases and hospitalizations hospitalizations in the state are up 81 over the last 2 weeks with icu admissions increasing by 57 california tuesday reported 15,329 new cases they anticipate 12 of those new cases will wind up in the hospital 2 to 3 weeks from now although were the lighter color at the moment. That these numbers are really going up and going up quickly and then we are truly in the midst of a cern here in california with this latest data and in an attempt to maintain the States Health care Delivery System state leaders ordered 7 more counties to take a step back in reopening not a single california county is left in the states least restrictive yellow minimal tear asked tuesday about the possibility of another statewide stayathome order state leaders didnt say if theyve established a mark to meet before making that decision were trying to be. Fall fall and. More targeted with our approaches we know that number of communities and people are fatigued and tired. We want to make sure that any actions we recommend. Really allow us to do the things that are low risk. Without as many limitations. Now doctor mark kelly says that there are a few counties that have stabilized their covid19 numbers this week enough so that possibly next week they could actually take a step forward in the states tier of reopening system he would not say which counties though reporting live in sacramento, Ashley Zavala kron 4 news asher thank you for that update. Now the handle of california counties moved into the purple tier today, 3 bay area counties remain in the red tier moran, San Francisco and san mateo counties before San Francisco that might be short lived kron fours dan kerman is live at city hall with the latest stadium. You know the Health Director had a News Conference today, he said people should not be relaxed by the fact that we did not move into purple today, he says that could still happen before the end of the week that quickly he says the reason for that everything is up hospitalizations are up they have doubled since the end of october now at 54 people in the hospital. Daily cases, let me give you some idea over the last 3 weeks theyve gone from 73 daily. 2. 95 cases per day 2 now a 118 cases per day he says thats why purple isnt likely it will most definitely happen soon enough. A number of tests coming positive in the last 4 weeks increased by 265 . That means just last month our rate was 28 percents. And today it is 2. 1 and going up. If you look at our now regional map youre surrounded so the fact that were should he says for not taking precautions first holiday together and sent outside people and again question is this are kerr are but we do expect on west of the herbal just said. And while that is very grammy indicates that that means people really have to Pay Attention not travel over the holidays as hes been saying all along not take that one test that they have taken and assume that they are safe and not being able to spread it because of course when she take a test once youre exposed there are a few days in between. When you are not showing a positive when in fact you might be and could be spreading the virus. Now if San Francisco does move into purple it will mean several things that will mean will be subject to that 10 00pm to 05 00am curfew it will also mean the closure of indoor museums as well as Fitness Centers houses of Entertainment Centers that are outside as well as movie theaters. And it will mean that retail will have to reduce capacity to 25 again we are not there yet but the Health Director says we could just be days away. Live at city hall dan kerman kron 4 news thank you for that. Now california has recorded more than 1 million coronavirus cases an 18,000 deaths in the state here in the bay area there have been over a 138,000 confirmed cases and more than 1900 people have died from covid19 hospitalizations went up 81 in the last 2 weeks and icu admissions are up 57 within that same period. And an alarming rise in new covid19 infections and hospitalizations has led to a new tough a strategy to get businesses to comply with Health Orders in the south bay. Kron fours rob fladeboe explains what theyre doing you what theyre going to do now he live from san jose rob. Its nice an awesome here in san jose across the street from valley fair westfield shopping mall, santana row just up the street here bloomingdales over here behind me theres a home depot in a costco up the street here all of these businesses and then some can expect to be paid a visit by a new Business Compliance Going Forward lets take a look at some video here of various businesses across town. The county Health Department says it has been hearing a lot of reports of crowding of overcrowding at many of these businesses the businesses are not complying with the county health order of limiting capacity to 25 . Beginning on thursday these Business Compliance teams will be fanning out across the city and they will be ready to Issue Citations and keep in mind in the past many of these businesses are allowed a grace period of 72 hours to come into compliance and then the fine will be waived all that goes away affective on thursday when these businesses are going to be fine on the spot. All of this coming as covid cases are rising hospitalizations up 88 here. The county Health Officer doctor cody recently said that if this doesnt stop hospitals could reach capacity in just 3 weeks, heres more on the need to do this to comply now from county Council James williams. It is absolutely critical. Given where we are in the midst of the pandemic. Every Single Person in Santa Clara County come together. To do your part to help keep us safe. We do not want. Thanksgiving or black friday shopping to turn into a time. When. People are transmitting unknowingly asymptomatic lee covid19 to friends to family to neighbors. These compliance teams will be wearing yellow vests that it will compliance Business Compliance on those vests now keep in mind as i said the fines here had been waived in the past if businesses came into compliance but that goes away now and these businesses are going to have to be fine right away. They want the pay on the spot theres a process for that but they will be cited then theyll have to pay that fine which could be as low as 250 but there could be multiple fines and it could go up from there again that takes effect on thursday and also on black friday right on through the weekend live in san jose rob fladeboe kron 4 news route. Thank you for that. And thanksgiving is almost upon us, but unfortunately, the coronavirus pandemic and the slow economy has left many families in need of Food Assistance this Holiday Season. Kron fours Charles Clifford reports from Sonoma County today where the for help is a greener than it has been in years. The Redwood Empire Food Bank provides people food not only here in Sonoma County but also people who live all the way to the oregon border and right now they are seeing a massive increase in demand people wake up and theyre hungry we can help we do Redwood Empire Food Bank ceo David Goodman says that after an initial surge following the start of the coronavirus pandemic demand for food dropped over the summer but as winter sets in and the coronavirus pandemic drags on demand has spiked by the war the demand now is exactly the way it was after 2 weeks in the initial hit of covid19 right now they are providing food to 80 to 90,000 people per month roughly 30,000 households. They have also added 42 extra distribution locations across northern california. But while demand is up donations of food and money are actually down theyre also worried that federal assistance could soon end. Goodman says they need help from the community. The first thing is we need their time we need volunteers were only 70 staff at the food bank or a 1500 volunteers. We need volunteers. We need food where the Redwood Empire Food Bank without food were entirely irrelevant and then we need funds because without financial contributions, we cant fewer trucks we cant refrigerated food the day could dedicated staff and goodman says that if anyone wants to volunteer or make a food or financial donation. They can visit redwood empires website at www dot rtf be dot org. In santa rosa Charles Clifford kron 4 news. Coming up here on kron 4 news at 3 widespread fraud in unemployment claims in california find out which bay area death row inmate got jobless benefits as part of scam. Plus our dining tense, a safe way to eat out during the pandemic what Health Experts have to say about the new way we eat outs and after the break a lot of concerns over the spread of covid19 ahead of the thanksgiving holiday well take a look another country that just celebrated a big holiday and how it affected the spread there. Bay area homeowners, learn how you can eliminate monthly mortgage payments and improve your cashflow. Look, this isnt my first rodeo and let me tell you something, i wouldnt be here if i thought reverse mortgages took advantage of any american senior, or worse, that it was some way to take your home. Its just a loan designed for older homeowners, and, its helped over a million americans. A reverse Mortgage Loan isnt some kind of trick to take your home. Its a loan, like any other. Big difference is how you pay it back. Bay area homeowners, learn how your neighbors are accessing hundreds of thousands of dollars with a reverse Mortgage Loan from the bay areas number one reverse Mortgage Lender other mortgages are paid each month, but with a reverse mortgage, you can pay whatever you can, when it works for you, or, you can wait, and pay it off in one lump sum when you leave use a reverse Mortgage Loan to renovate and update your home, pay off large bills, and Cover Health Care costs. Or just have the money on hand when you need it call now for your free information kit. Youve probably been investing in your home for years. Making monthly mortgage payments. Doing the right thing. And its become your familys heart and soul. Well, that investment can give you taxfree cash just when you need it. Call for your free reverse Mortgage Loan guide look, reverse mortgages arent for everyone but i think ive been round long enough to know whats what. Im proud to be part of aag, i trust em, i think you can too. Trust aag for the best reverse mortgage solutions. Call now so you can. Retire better thanksgiving day is a 2 days away and many people are rushing to get tested before gathering with their families. However, there is a false sense of security with negative test results. Joining us now is ucsf infectiousdisease virologist doctor George Rutherford doctor rutherford thanks for joining us this afternoon. Sure my pleasure now a negative is comforting i guess for a moment, but then you have to figure that the negative tests only needs your negative at the time the test was taken in could potentially contracted the virus right after it so it really is a false sense of security right. And its a little its even even a little bit more complicated than that i mean youre tested if you got exposed on seized a 0. The test doesnt turn positive until day 3. So if you take you a couple of days to get so got tested on day 2 after exposure. If you get if takes a couple of days to get your test back and you walk into a. To thanksgiving on day 4 that youre on the verge of creating a super spreader event. I mean its its its its scary when you think of it in that way now i saw graph that you tweeted a couple of days ago about the number of covid cases in canada prix and post canadian thanksgiving for those who dont know is october the graph showed an increase before the thanksgiving holiday. But then that number skyrocketed after the holiday. I know canadas covid guidelines are similar ours here in the United States. So do you see the same thing happening here if people arent careful. Oh yeah, i mean it could it could happen here when we did we dont know yet right its and i think weve. I think talked a lot about this and i think people have by and large got the message. And are going to be this thanksgiving and this long weekend coming up. So im you know, im hopeful that that you know we wont see that same. And up next generation that that was seen in canada. I you know, ill i also want to just call everybodys attention to whats going on france. Where theyve actually hit at about 3 weeks and in shelter in place and theyve really turned. Over and are starting to get. Might much lower case counts so i mean if they can do it there i i think we should be able to do it here as well. So just as they do you 2 or 3 weeks nationwide lockdown are shutdown would actually help our numbers kind of moving other direction. I you know you never know right nobody theres no one has done this before here in the united you just dont know whats going to happen. I think its going to be complicated to try and do that. For it on the other hand theres no reason at all to do it know why where theyre adding. You know Great Success in controlling the the outbreaks. But. Something you know were going to have to i think the states are doing things. I think we have to give it give it a little time to see how well its working. And i do think that some degree we all have to kind of be on the same page all the states i know how hawaiis one route but you know you go to other states. There are guidelines arent as strict so we really do have to be on the same page as an entire country. Well thats true as long as people are going to travel between states we have to be on the same page. Were not going to are going to have to not let people travel travel between states. That now doctor rutherford what do you think with regard to thanksgiving holiday. What do you think are the biggest factors for a super spreader would be potentially dining indoors. Gathering in large groups may be eating family style meals you think its a combination of all that where do you think it will be kind of starting from. Yes, yes, yes, and yes, its its basically all those things so that you know the bottom line is that when you start mixing households. Start having people from lots of different households together. Youre going increase your your risk of coming into contact with someone whose infectious. And the ways the ways to minimize that are to have. You know first of all just a seat within your own household or if youre going to have another household over just have to. Well have another household over it outside and at 2 separate there are a lot of practical suggestions like serve the plates in the kitchen as so that we dont do so that were not passing things are waiting in a buffet line keep your mask on while youre not eating and drinking. To you know just being careful all all around its just its its going to be its going to be complicated unfortunately. I do think it also go without saying that to some degree know when the pandemic first started we all kind of sat at home and did the whole zoom thing as much as we dont want to do that we want to spend time with our family or probably be a better bet to thanksgiving dinner. Via zoom you can still get together years not physical proximity to your family members or other households. Were going to have a zoom call on thursday evening. Theyre going to have people calling in from europe and south america and. You know all over the state and you know we just wouldnt be able to do that otherwise i mean i think its a terrific idea. At the same as being there in person no its not the same as being there in person. But its you know got to work this year only a promise you just this year. We have to work some substitutes. Its definitely not going to be like previous years, but this is also situation that weve never really experienced here in the United States at least not during our lifetimes. Doctor rutherford anything else you could want to hammer home our viewers with regards to thanksgiving in just the Holiday Season coming up. Its not too late to get your influenza shot. And we did we live in real terror that we could have a name but we could potentially have an influenza outbreak at the same time as were having really increase hospital them because of covid. All right doctor rutherford with a ucsf thank you so much and we want to wish you a happy thanksgiving and a happy Holiday Season. Thanks for joining us today. Every thanksgiving get to thank you. I want to switch gears for a moment and talk about the weather here is a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza and the Oakland Hills off in the distance, no traffic coming into the city lots of sunshine about kron 4 meteorologist john trouble hes standing by with a look at our forecast. Well a lot of sunshine out there for your tuesday and our warmest day of your forecast ahead of us we do have some modest changes as we work our way through the rest of the week and its a holiday week. So we want to see that weather holding up, heres the good news for you for the bay area at least it will be holding up the sunshine that youve got over berkeley today will remain for the rest of our forecast ahead you can see those clear skies a quiet picture on radar from the morning on into the afternoon. This to our west thats a frontal boundary cooler air going to be slipping into the bay area thats the only impact were getting from this now if you are heading to the north happen to be driving up towards reading or north of that into oregon come tomorrow morning watch out for some slick spots there will be some rain snow mix once you head north of redding along i 5 and that will result in a slippery situation as you near the oregon border tomorrow morning into midday tomorrow. The same snowfall really tapers off before it reaches lake tahoe but enough of it to get conditions wet at least on i 80 notice during this entire time, the bay area remaining dry were going to be looking at dry conditions lasting through this forecast not just tomorrow but through thursday for thanksgiving friday and the weekend after thanksgiving to lets take a look at what were expecting on thanksgiving day its mostly low 60s out there so do anticipate some cool weather but good enough to get outside in the backyard with the family and friends hopefully are close knit bubble and enjoy what will be a nice sunny thanksgiving, sunny and cool. Temperatures dont change much for the rest of the forecast we remain in the 60s. Covid19 testing in high demand across the country ahead of the holidays, well take a look at the long lines right here in the bay area when we theres no bad time to start at amazon. I like the flexibility. It also allows for picking up shifts. Safety comes first, speed comes second. Safety. Safety. Safety. Were making sure that somebody is getting their very important items. It makes me very happy. Want to eliminate odors without heavy, overwhelming scents . We get it. Introducing febreze light. It eliminates odors. With no heavy perfumes. In light scents youll love. New febreze light. Just between us, cleaning with a mop and bucket is such a hassle. Well i switched to swiffer wet jet and its awesome. Its an allinone that absorbs dirt and grime deep inside. And it helps prevent streaks and haze. Stop cleaning. Start swiffering 10s of thousands of california in jail and Prison Inmates are accused of scamming Californias Employment Development Department out of covid19 related unemployment assistance estimates of the massive fraud could be near 1 billion dollars. Kron fours noelle bellow joins us now live in the newsroom with details that were uncovered details that were uncovered today. Noel. According to a handful of state district attorneys serial killers rapists child molesters and murderers have been claiming covid related on employment Sacramento County da Anne Marie Schubert said and i quote the inmates are mocking us. All told between march and august at least 35,000 unemployment claims have been made on behalf of Prison Inmates in local state and federal institutions across the state of california of those claims 20,000 have already been paid out totaling more than 140 Million Dollars that have gone to these inmates that includes notable death row prisoners like convicted killer Scott Peterson and serial killer, kerry stain or some 133 death row inmates have claims in their names, some of them have filed more than one claim here locally, 22 inmates in the San Mateo County jail pulled off the scam. Investigators learned about it while reviewing recorded jail phone calls back in july where inmates were bragging about how they were gaming the system. Honestly staggering. Is shocking and some of the initial observations from the day that you again with the tremendous cooperation corrections and rehabilitation. Prisons. Hey its in prison. There are theres true Social Security numbers and they used to perpetuate his fraud. Theres also theres been Social Security numbers. Prosecutors say the problem was compounded by dysfunction at california edd which they said does not cross check unemployment claims against a list of Prison Inmates which is apparently something that 35 other states do now of course the investigation is ongoing as the announcements today only detail what they found from march to have more on this coming up on kron 4 news at 5 as well as on our streaming service kronon you can download that for free in your app store sauce. Thank you know well. Coming up next to joe biden a formally introduces his first picks for key cabinet positions, details and reaction from our political analysts. And a concerning trend in california cases and hospitalizations have bay area homeowners, learn how you can eliminate monthly mortgage payments and improve your cashflow. Look, this isnt my first rodeo and let me tell you something, i wouldnt be here if i thought reverse mortgages took advantage of any american senior, or worse, that it was some way to take your home. Its just a loan designed for older homeowners, and, its helped over a million americans. A reverse Mortgage Loan isnt some kind of trick to take your home. Its a loan, like any other. Big difference is how you pay it back. Bay area homeowners, learn how your neighbors are accessing hundreds of thousands of dollars with a reverse Mortgage Loan from the bay areas number one reverse Mortgage Lender other mortgages are paid each month, but with a reverse mortgage, you can pay whatever you can, when it works for you, or, you can wait, and pay it off in one lump sum when you leave use a reverse Mortgage Loan to renovate and update your home, pay off large bills, and Cover Health Care costs. Or just have the money on hand when you need it call now for your free information kit. Youve probably been investing in your home for years. Making monthly mortgage payments. Doing the right thing. And its become your familys heart and soul. Well, that investment can give you taxfree cash just when you need it. Call for your free reverse Mortgage Loan guide look, reverse mortgages arent for everyone but i think ive been round long enough to know whats what. Im proud to be part of aag, i trust em, i think you can too. Trust aag for the best reverse mortgage solutions. Call now so you can. Retire better great gifts at this price . Is this for real . Not exactly thats bargain bliss setting in youre basking in the glow of great gifts at deep discount prices. And is that. Mmhmm Grocery Outlet jingle i want a doll house, a pony bike our top story at 3. 30 a major increase in covid cases and hospitalizations across california. Heres a look at the latest numbers as 45 counties are now in the states most restrictive tier meaning the spread of covid19 is widespread since the pandemic started more than 1 million 100 and 25,000 people have tested positive for covid19 and more than 18,000 people have died. Hospitalizations have increased 81 over the past 2 weeks and icu admissions are up 57 . All of these numbers increasing right ahead of the thanksgiving holiday when many people are hoping to gather with their families. Health officials are pleading with people not to gather in or slow the spread and protect your loved ones. And a coronavirus testing rush across the country ahead of the thanksgiving holiday, many people are getting tested. So they can spend the holiday with their loved ones despite Health Officials saying thats not a good idea. They can see the long lines here in los angeles new york and dallas people even waiting in the rain in new york. Now here in the bay area appointments are required and many testing sites and they have been booked a full kron fours phillipe reports from contra costa county. Check out the long line of more than a dozen cars with drivers waiting for a covid19 test here outside of a Contra Costa Health services clinic, a 2500 bates avenue. These people are trying to get tested before the holiday. Once they get their test they can have the results within 24 to 48 hours and that will give them some reassurance when theyre around family members knowing whether or not they have tested positive for the virus and whether or not they need to quarantine i sleep and keep themselves away from other people. Now the county has seen. More tests being administered over recent days leading up to the holiday because they wont be administering tests on thursday but they will resume on friday. They were averaging around fivethousand tests per day but in recent days, we know that number has approached. 7,000 tests per day on average and county wide since pandemic started more than 584,000 covid19 tests have been administered so says an f horton time right now. Appointment only though the county says they were allowing some walkups for t because of increased demand you have to set an appointment before you come out here, even though the line is long. The wait is only about 15 to 20 minutes. In concord phillipe djegal all kron 4 news. And air travel could soon come with a major confirmation of passenger has taken a covid19 vaccine. The International Air transport Association Says its developing an app that would carry coronavirus test and vaccination certificates this comes as Major Airlines around the world debate whether to require covid19 vaccination for flying. Yesterday, the ceo quanta said his airline will likely make vaccinations mandatory korean air and Air New Zealand say they are considering similar measures, but so far major us carriers have not commented on the subject. Vice president elect Kamala Harris was the first historic member of the Biden Administration as the first woman and first nonwhite Vice President elect. Now biden is expanding his list of diverse and historic nominees for key roles. I washington correspondent alexandra le mon reports. President elect joe biden introduced his historic picks for key cabinet positions were going to have the first woman to lead the intelligence community. The first latino and immigrant to lead the department of Homeland Security and a groundbreaking diplomat at the United Nations bidens choice for dhs secretary is handle my your test if confirmed he will be the first immigrant and son of refugees to lead the department my father and mother brought me to this country to escape california congressman lou correa says mayorkas has decades of experience and was one of the architects of the dhaka program majorca. I believe will work. Not for a program, thats good for immigrants. But immigrant program thats good for all America Avril Haines could be the first woman to hold the post of director of National Intelligence she too was an experienced Public Servant and a trailblazer for women in intelligence political analysts say bidens cabinet picks are well qualified and that along with their diversity will send a message to the world that its not going to be a bunch of old white guys talking to you it may be some people who look like you and the people where youre from. And that does lend some credibility to interactions bidens cabinet will also make history with the first ever president ial envoy on Climate Change john kerry and biden is expected to nominate former Federal Reserve chair janet yellen as the first woman to be secretary of the treasury in washington, alexandra le mon. Hers are watching joe bidens cabinet picks for signs of the direction his administration will take. Catherine heenan host of inside bay area politics is here with more catherine well so far the president elect has gone for experience and diversity and weve seen that hes promised his cabinet will look like america. I asked political analyst michael yaki for his thoughts on how biden is doing. Hes done a pretty good job and when you look at when you look at it was put in there and the fact that you have the first warming director of of National Intelligence when you have janet yellen the former fed chair, as the search or the treasury, the first woman to have that up youve all 100 majorca at dhs this is a good a very good especially for his National Security which is not only by diversity and balance and looking like america, its right sending a message to the rest of the world where americas going to be come january 20th 2021 no partisan warriors as somebody put it these are mostly trusted establishment figures. Well progress of speed happened certainly with the janet yellen appointment thats thats a very good sign. For the progressive side, this is someone who in her career at the Federal Reserve bank in San Francisco. I might add really a Ground Breaking study and on disparity up based on gender. I think that we look at the point of 100 my or ca another a berkeley alum i might go bears. Someone who was inside the agency so who helped formulate the dhaka policy thats a strong signal and the dreamers on and doc on on on how were going to change policy at the border and ensuring that we never ever. Engaged in a policy of separation of children yockey says the biden team overall sending a message of stability is something he says the president elect will desperately need. If hes going to be able to focus on the pandemic and the economy son os thank you for that catherine. Now coming up and dont take down those crock pots just yet for your thanksgiving dinner because they could injure you an important recall that you need to know about this. And a monolith mystery in the middle of nowhere the mission to find the origin of an unexplained over time, you go noseblind to the odors in your home. background music but others smell this. upbeat music thats why febreze plug has two alternating scents and eliminate odors for 1200 hours. Breathe happy febreze. La la la la la. Struggling to clean tough messes with wipes . Try mr. Clean magic eraser sheets. Just wet, squeeze and erase icky messes in microwaves and on stovetops for an amazing clean, get the power of mr. Clean magic eraser in disposable sheets. Time now to check in with a news nation on wgn america to see what theyre working on tonight marni hughes joins us live from chicago with a preview. Hi morning. Hi there thank you rising covid cases continue to impact so many peoples lives and tonight, youll hear one Health Care Worker who lost her hands after battling the virus. Her emotional story and why she wont be home for the holidays. And were also focusing on the devastating cycle of gun violence and children and america. I talked with a mom who lost her only son and she is now partnering with other moms demanding action will share her message for change. And an incredible rescue the scene this 2 Police Officers say the woman who was trapped in her car after it plunged into the water. Theyre going to be joining us live tonight to walk us through that miraculous save in ohio all of that tonight right here on news nation. Thank you so much money were looking forward to and news nation airs on wgn america 08 00pm our time you can find it on your list of channels on your screen more details available on our website at kron 4 dot com. And still ahead speeding up security screenings at the airport a look at new technology if you for those of you are traveling this week who want to let you know about new technology tsa is using Chris Schuler has details. Were actually expecting our passenger levels to approach pre pandemic levels. Over the next several weeks and thanks to a 96 Million Dollar investment by the tsa nationwide this computed tomography or c t Scanner Technology will speed up the process of getting through security and better ensure your safety seat he is in fact the most advanced technology. Available for tsa passenger screening checkpoint operations the Technology Allows tsa officers to see 3 d images of the items inside a carry on bag which they can rotate 360 degrees while inspecting all we imagery interrogation of actually looking rotating slicing dicing. The image or since trouble was the first airport in the state to have this new C T Technology and investment of almost 700,000 the airports director says the cte machines not only make air travel safer. But also speeds up the check in process you can leave your electronics your toiletries inside of your baggage. So youre not taking all of those items out and having those screen separately were not going into the bags of the passengers carry on to the level that we once but this man says hes a bit wary of the new scanners on one hand its. It sort of seems a lot safer. That way. And then on the other hand. How invasive its Technology Getting in on peoples privacy. That was Chris Scholer reporting for us pretty soon that these scanners will be in 434, us airports. It was an historic day on wall street with the dow jones climbing above 30,000 points for the first time, the s and p 500 also climbed to an alltime high fueled by optimism about the development a coronavirus vaccines and news that the transition of power in the u. S. To president elect joe biden has begun. Now we have a warning for anyone looking to cook their thanksgiving dinner in a crock pot, the crock pot 6 quart express croc multi cooker has been recalled due to a problem with the lid. According to the u. S. Consumer product safety commission. The cooker can pressurize before the lid is locked. This can lead to it suddenly detaching while in use causing the potential for burns from hot food. And Health Experts say Outdoor Dining tents are generally safer than dying inside but cautioned that theyre not all equal. Experts say the structures should be well ventilated now it ends with 4 walls and a roof for example might not have better ventilation than indoor than Indoor Dining room igloos an individual tents or a creative solution, but shouldnt be shared with people who are not in your household. Health experts suggest that between parties tense should be cleaned and left open for at least 20 minutes. And today, Purdue Pharma the maker of oxycontin at dilley pleaded guilty rather to criminal charges and admitted its role in the Opioid Crisis in a virtual hearing the company admitted its impeding efforts by the u. S. Drug Enforcement Administration to combat the crisis it was also revealed that the company paid doctors to write more prescriptions painkillers purdue will now pay 225 Million Dollars as part of this deal. And theres now a 50,000 reward being offered for information in a cold case out of fremont the money is being offered as part of the governors crime tip reward program for information leading to an arrest and conviction for the murder of emerson zuniga. Police say in january 2007 sony go was attacked with a metal object while walking down a stevenson boulevard he died from his injuries. This is a photo a sketch rather of the suspect who police say drove away in the 1990s blue minivan if you have any information please contact fremont police. And on the peninsula man is under arrest for allegedly molesting a child at his home in San Mateo County. According to the Sheriffs Office says 33 yearold Leonardo Rivera reportedly molested a 15 yearold girl in october this year, San Mateo County Sheriffs Office said they waited until they could gather enough evidence before arresting him today the childs mother alerted authorities and officials believe it was an isolated incident. Now talk about our forecast as we take a live look outside at San Francisco International Airport. Got some clouds off in the distance we also have kron 4 meteorologist john travel with a look at our forecast. Well a lot of sunshine out there for your tuesday and our warmest day of your forecast ahead of us we do have some modest changes as we work our way through the rest of the week and its a holiday week. So we want to see that weather holding up, heres the good news for you for the bay area at least it will be holding up the sunshine that youve got over berkeley today. Will remain for the rest of our forecast ahead you can see those clear skies a quiet picture on radar from the morning on into the afternoon. This to our west thats a frontal boundary cooler air going to be slipping into the bay area thats the only impact were getting from this now if you are heading to the north happen to be driving up towards reading or north of that into oregon come tomorrow morning watch out for some slick spots there will be some rain snow mix once you head north of redding along i 5 and that will result in a slippery situation as you near the oregon border tomorrow morning into midday tomorrow. The same snowfall really tapers off before it reaches lake tahoe but enough of it to get conditions wet at least on i 80 notice during this entire time, the bay area remaining dry were going to be looking at dry conditions lasting through this forecast not just tomorrow but through thursday for thanksgiving friday and the weekend after thanksgiving to lets take a look at what were expecting on thanksgiving day its mostly low 60s out there so do anticipate some cool weather but good enough to get outside in the backyard with the family and friends hopefully are close knit bubble and enjoy what will be a nice sunny thanksgiving, sunny and cool. Temperatures dont change much for the rest of the forecast we remain in the 60s. Up next with the ongoing pandemic how the San Francisco spca is letting checkout adoptable pets. This ho do you have cheese . Of course, more cheese for less chedder in our dairy. Do you have kale . Absolutely more kale for less cabbage in our produce section. How about pizza . Yep, more pizz. More pizza for less dough in the freezer section . Now youre getting the hang of it. More milk . For less moolah. As weve been trying to convince her family to adopt a pet this Holiday Season here is one way to do it. The San Francisco spca has a live stream where you can take a peek at what their adoptable and adorable pets are up to at this very second camp for puppies kittens and cats their rooms are decorated with festive snowflakes stockings and candy canes. The holiday windows are sponsored by macys and purina and will be up until january 3rd spca is allowing one on one appointments for applicants who want to visit their potential new furry friend and we have a link on our website to see all this cuteness and maybe even fall in love with one of the spca pets in need of a home thats what i will be doing later on this afternoon. So cute. Unfortunately like Everything Else new Year Celebrations in new york city will look different this year due to the pandemic the iconic ball drop in times square will still happen but like other Holiday Events in the city the public is encouraged to watch the show virtually from home to help prevent the spread of covid19. We are working with the city in the state to create a safe event that people can watch from the comfort of their home this is pretty much like no other time that that people can can remember the bulls been dropping in times square since 19 o 7 with the exception of 2 years during world war 2. I love the new york accent now and why pd will be out on new years eve, rebounding anyone who tries to gather in times square. The macys thanksgiving parade has also been redesigned this year with an 88 reduction in the number of people participating and the traditional Christmas Spectacular radio city music hall has unfortunately been canceled. Now thanksgiving this week over is asking customers to only use the car service for essential needs. Uber is pleading with the public to follow cdc guidelines to stay home and limit gatherings this Holiday Season to help keep our loved ones and communities safe now if you must travel over face masks. Their face mask policy is still in place for both drivers and riders so if you are leaving the house and taking an uber make sure to grab your mask. Workers with utahs department of Public Safety were recently left baffled when they discovered a mysterious metal monolith in the middle of the desert. The air crew was on a mission to help count Bighorn Sheep for the department of wildlife resources when they spotted the structure in a remote area of red rock. They joked that it could be an alien life form and added that quote it is illegal to install structures or art without authorization on federally managed lands. No matter what planet youre from i wonder if the process to request the authorization is the same. Now if youre hungry bears were caught looking for food and dumpsters achiever lake in Fresno County. The Fresno County Sheriffs Office shared this video taken on sunday and it shows the 2 black bears are rummaging around in the way east at the marina. According to a Facebook Post the video was captured by a deputy who was on patrol at the time. The deputy says it looks like the pick the bears were playing hide and seek its so key cities their videos and just want to go out and hunt them but thats obviously not a good idea. And that wraps up kron 4 news at 3 our coverage continues at the top of the hour on our kron on app and thanks joining us. Announcer today, on an all new dr. Phil. I found out that my exhusband, jerome, was killed in 1981. 16 years afterwards, you arrested . Yes. Announcer she believes her brothers testimony sent her to prison. Everything he said in that courtroom was alive. He told the court that he watched me. Now hes going to face his sister for the first time in 24 years. You lied in the courtroom. I listened to you. I was sitting there. I didnt live. The police department, they lied in the statement. Why did you put me in prison . Why did you do this to me . Lets do it. Have a great show, everybody. Here we go. This is a safe place to talk about hard things. Stand by

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