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From the bay areas local news station. Watching kron 4 news. Thank you so much for joining us at 10 oclock everybody grant lodes Vicki Liviakis the president ial race is now down to just 2 key states georgia. And pennsylvania could announce the result any minute now so heres where the electoral votes stand as of this moment anyway out of the 270 needed to when President Trump has 214 joe biden has to 64 now this means that biden needs to win just one more state to get to 2. 70 of pennsylvania turns blue well our country will have a new president elect grant. We want to get right to the map now as we have a few key states that were going to focus in on and then well tell you exactly how things could play out number one georgia because the light red here and the Light Reading pennsylvania, North Carolina, that means President Trump is leading the dark red, dark blue means that our partners here with the Associated Press have called those states for their respective candidates. But the lead here for president tell trump in georgia as we zoom in here is getting smaller and smaller by the minute will slide over you have 16 electoral votes at stake and trump right now has a lead that is fewer than 2000 votes 2 million 447 in change 2 million 400 and 45 and change so fewer that 2000 votes and if you go back just to Election Night at midnight, trump was leading by more than 300,000 votes. Heres another key number 99 of the vote is in has been counted in georgia so they dont have many more to count. Will donald trump be able to stave off joe biden will you be able to hold onto the lead in georgia with trump trailing the way he does big picture to 64 to 2. 14. He needs to hang on to every state he can. Pennsylvania is the other key state that everybody has an eye on tonight as there feverish lee counting votes donald trump with a lead. He led big on Election Night. And right now as all these absentee ballots are counted because of covid donald trump still has a lead. But it is significantly smaller last hour it was 24,000 in change. It is down to 22,000 roughly right now as 95 of the vote has been counted. In pennsylvania 20 electoral votes are at stake there. Keep that number in mind that is the most Electoral College votes of any of these states that are still hanging in the balance of nevada has 6 that be easy right that we get by 2. 70 if youre in bidens camp figure just go ahead and win nevada. And you get to 2. 70 but nevada is counting votes ever so slowly. So we dont have any results from nevada and we dont know when we might georgia and pennsylvania are on it and the releasing numbers by the hour almost maybe not overnight, but we could have a winner in the next hour or 2 or 3 or 4. So thats the situation there. Arizona is the other key state that a lot of people are talking about now the associate press along with fox news and politico all called arizona for biden on Election Night well check in on the vote there. Unlike in georgia and pennsylvania, joe biden as the lead, but donald trump is cutting into his lead here in arizona. You see biden here leads by about 46,000 votes. And 90 yet over here 90 of the vote has been counted. In arizona so they hate democracy is messy could donald trump. Come back, he is trending in the right direction, trump is could he come back and take a leave from biden despite the fact that the a p and fox news and politico called it for biden sure its possible. If youre old enough you remember what happened in the year 2000 with florida. But heres the other key. If trump does win. Arizona say that flips read and you take away the 11 electoral votes. It takes biden down to to 53 will pennsylvania has 20 Electoral College votes. 20 plus to 53 would be to 73 that would get it done thats why pennsylvania is so critical georgia only has 16. If you take away arizona at georgia for biden hes still one vote shy of 2. 70, so thats where things stand right now well continue to track the votes, especially in georgia and pennsylvania again georgia, just 2000 votes, fewer than 2000 votes have trump in the lead in that state pick grant thanks for walking us through to try to get some sense of what all that means joining us now. Help us sort it out is David Mckeown hes a professor of Political Science at Sonoma State University david. Thanks for staying up late with we kicked off the show say that we could have an idea who wins any minute i read is that some overly dramatic promo writer or is this actually possible. Yeah i think thats what has been going on in georgia the last couple of hours what has happened in pennsylvania today where things are headed if you think about it the trajectory that weve been on since tuesday. It all culminates tonight early tomorrow and theres some poetry associated with that theyre so there are some scenes associated with that. But clearly this is a slow roll towards 2. 70 for joe biden even if he loses arizona has grant mention much of that moves forward through georgia through going thats and if you will up not only going thats but also john lewiss county there. In georgia and thats important because if you think about it. John lewis john mccain where this race, its where joe biden said its what it represents a changing of the guard. It comes down to really georgia and to philadelphia. And pennsylvania proper joe binds birthplace all of that is pretty poetic and sets up tomorrow for some announcement that joe biden is around 2. 70 after 2 70 right at that point. If youre in the bay area watching this you voted for donald trump tonight. You is there any hope is is this a done deal or if youre trump supporter is he still in the game still has a chance yeah, good question. He is not going to go gently into that fair wind right hes going to be in a place. Where hes going move forward with his lawsuits. But but he doesnt have lot of legal avenues he has political angles and political avenues and thats different and so the trump voters who are in california and theres a sizable contingent of that what do they look like with trump after the election and where do they go what they do. Those trump voters are going to be frustrated, but look. Speaker nancy pelosi is a person they love to hate shell still be there democrats will still be there. Democrats will be looking to words because look they had a mixed day on tuesday. So theres still the fire will still be there. The fight will be there. I think the question really is can these 2 sides unite can they get anything done like another covid really still going to get an infrastructure bill done that will be a challenge joe biden will try to do that is already started to act president ial. So theres been a slow roll but youre donald trump is the kind of go gently into that fair wind and neither are his supporters we have Trump Supporters can count President Trump for being a fighter of and thats his you know his moniker but the idea that he would go public with. You know these unsubstantiated claims about fraud and about cheating. In the he doesnt that ultimately undermine faith in democracy. You know, i democracy is what they say its messy they ive also heard democracy is a is a is a verb i mean you how much that survived the free to you know damage to credibility to no faith in the process. Yeah, i mean if you think about it look at the Supreme Court has something that is kind of amorphous are not really clear. It doesnt have its own cops, it has legitimacy. The presidency has legitimacy. Institutions Like Congress have legitimacy legitimacy what you mentioned is credibility legitimacy is the principal currency of democracy, if you lose the legitimacy to govern. You lose the legitimacy to be the democratic representative the people thats why you have to count all the votes have been cast because it has to be a legitimate outcome. The president argues it is in the legitimate outcome because he was ahead on election day with the people showed up on election day in certain states, but overall the popular vote. And the Electoral College vote tomorrow. Well show the joe biden slow roll that to 2. 70 perhaps probably probably over 300 when all is said and done. Thats going to be difficult for the president and his people to digest is serious people inside the white house know that thats where were headed. John lewis notes whether thats for headed. John mccain knows where thats where thats where were headed and so does joe biden and his team the question is what does that look like afterwards on saturday on sunday at the veterans day next week and to thanksgiving a National Holiday does the president rise to that occasion. He hasnt yet can he joe biden and his team intend to do so could all these mail in ballots because of the pandemic affect the senate race which we watched so closely. If youre a hardcore democrat david, you know you like that joe biden appears that hes going to win this thing. But if you dont have the senate you know maybe gets back in the Paris Climate Accord but how much can he really get done and could the Senate Balance of power changed last minute because of all these votes that are being now counted. Yeah if you look just at georgia for example, there are 8,000 military slash overseas ballots and the question is will those make a no one will call the race before thats taken to into account and if theres the arguably a big winner on tuesday was Mitch Mcconnell because of the senate for the reasons you just laid out for however theres also another aspect of this if we move to at least one run off in the senate in georgia possibly to the other big winner is Stacey Abrams because Stacey Abrams delivered john lewiss county for joe biden and raises money and has that so those 2, one or 2 Georgia Senate races to determine the balance of power and to deal with what looks living forward for by administration if that happens that will be absolutely crucial so in that sense that matchup between Mitch Mcconnell and Stacey Abrams will be a brawl in georgia that will occur in early january. All right. Thank you once again for joining Political Science professor David Mckeown we always love having you with us on the show and. Well be back visiting with you in the coming hours try to get up at 03 00am promise well the wait for nevadas Election Results just got a little longer officials announced today that the state will now accept mail in ballots postmarked by november, 3rd intel. Tuesday, the 10th. Yeah so week after election day in nevada still has nearly 200,000 ballots that need to be counted. And tonight. Another demonstration took place at a Voting Center. As outside a Voting Center in clark county which includes las vegas. A group of Trump Supporters gathered with signs. They allege Election Officials are quote stealing the election for challenger joe biden. Yeah, this is the president ial race and the matter remains too close to call at least at this hour. There is order miami. Hes joining us live now from las vegas with the latest or coats. I leave guys very very true. The race is too close to call here a joe biden only up about 12,000 votes compared to donald trump thats the latest update. We have final results could be days away. And we are monitoring everything out here and thats because about 190,000 ballots still have to be counted. Now a huge chunk of those votes about 90 of them are here in clark county which is home to las vegas, the Clark County Elections Department saying its counting 51,000 votes today alone were also waiting on thousands of mail ballots registrar of voters joe gloria telling us the majority of those wont come until this weekend many are wondering why its taking so long to count the ballots gloria says the goal is not to count fast but to count accurately. I think its important for the entire country to understand that mail ballots on this scale is very new to the state of nevada. We made a decision here to provide as much access as we possibly could as a result of the pandemic. And so our process is run a little bit i think the expectation is that you know, hey. They would be able to you know pull it out a little faster. Is it is it really just that theyre trying to you know dot the is and cross the ts or is there some kind of technical problem that they. Start talking about yet. Yeah well joe gloria was saying theres not been you know huge number of technical issues, its them trying to make sure everything is accurate. But also this is the first time that mail in voting in nevada has been this expansive mailin voting has been an option before because of the pandemic the state legislature allowed for every registered voter in the state to get a mail ballot. And so a lot of people been taking advantage of that so again its a combination of making sure everything is done correctly, but also weve never seen this many mail ballots here in the state before. Whats it feel like to have the eyes of america on your visit every you know this is everybody talking about it when you go to the grocery store. Yes, definitely a big topic of conversation both online in person, especially with the projections that the a p has again the electoral votes saying that biden has to 64 and with the 6th we have here if biden comes out on top thats the magic number right to 70 so it is something everyone is talking about and something that we of course are monitoring closely and youll get updates every day from both the state and clark county. So again tomorrow morning were waiting to see what the updated results are but again were not expecting final results until maybe a few days from now. I thank you so much for keeping us up to speed on all the goings on there in las vegas or come and i have a good night. Well its not just battleground states the counting of ballots also continues say in Santa Clara County more than a billion votes were cast this election. Theyre roughly 786,000 were cast on election day alone. Since that thousands more ballots have arrived from last minute absentee and conditional voters. Definitely counting its we had over 786,000 ballots that have already come to our office and theres a process to check the signatures to separated by precinct to open in flattened. The Santa Clara County registrar has 17 days to finish the count and certified the record setting election. And take look at this an east bay man stirring up some strong emotions from neighbors tonight after hanging a joe biden effigy from his home that you can see their brentwood. Police responding to the house on craig to court. Earlier today after angry social media post started circulating. The man since taken offensive edgy down but that has not kept protesters from gathering outside of his house tonight kron fours dan thorn joins us. Live in brentwood with more on this controversy. Dan whats the latest. Well grant vicki neighbors tell us this is exactly the type of negative attention that this man likes to draw on. He had a mannequin hanging outside of his home which had a sign around its neck that said sleepy joe cheater and that was in reference to the election which has been dragging out over the past couple of days, this man has been involved in controversy before and neighbors tell us this hanging mannequin is just the latest a racist thing that hes done and theyve had enough. People gather along garan parkway in brentwood angered by an effigy hung in a neighbors yard. Theyre protesting this mannequin found with a sign around its neck saying sleepy joe parentheses cheater the action is not only being called outrageous but racist brings the whole neighborhood its really disappointing the mans neighbors on craig court have known him as a trump supporter who likes to draw attention. Some are fine with him showing his support for the president , but the mannequin went too far anytime that you put a noose next american flags that just brings up way too much divisiveness you got to be smarter than Brentwood Police convinced the man to take down the effigy thursday after people expressed disgust with it on social media to redneck thing the homeowner identified as eric harvey has created this type of controversy once before in 2017, he flew a Confederate Flag outside of his home harvey telling kron 4 news at the time it was patriotic but neighbors say it shows a history of racist behavior if he doesnt know the implications of that symbol. And he said to get himself its racist and we dont stand for that umbrella and everybody is entitled to pretty nice. But it gets to a point when youre hanging what looks like a black man on racism is racism. Police were forced to block some streets near harveys home to keep the neighborhood from being taken over with protesters, but it didnt keep people from letting harvey know that what he did is not welcome in this community, he does this for attention as if hes loving this right now im sure. Harvey right now is not facing any charges. The contra costa dia says that although this mannequin was offensive. This man is protected by the first amendment. Meanwhile, the u. S. Secret service has been made aware of brentwood pg es investigation, reporting live in brentwood. Dan thorn kron 4 news all right dan how happening tomorrow Indoor Dining restrictions will change again in Contra Costa County. Just about a week after the county allowed restaurants to operate at 50 capacity. The county is shrinking that back down to 25 . The county decided this week to tailback indoor gatherings because of a rise in covid19 cases, a Restaurant Owner in martinez tells us that the roller coasters taking a real toll on her business that opened up just last year. Furniture is getting destroyed moving in and out every weekend every night we move some of it in and out but on the weekends on friday and starting next the street is closed. So we move all the tables that we can outside the tables and chairs and its getting trashed. And of course changing weather is also a concern for her its getting cold outside and shes worried that people may eventually stop eating outdoors and when we say its getting cold outside we mean like kron fours rebecca strong joins us now with a look at what tomorrow is going to be like yeah, its definitely going to be called guys its going to start to feel more like fall and its pretty. Quick that this change is happening thats all because we are following a storm system coming out of the gulf of alaska, pretty clear skies though. For the most part around the bay area tonight, the marine layer slowly moving through parts of San Francisco. This is our live camera overlooking our south of market area. And you can see not a whole lot of fog in your way. But yes that storm system heading our direction during the overnight hours. It could be bringing us some showers as we get into tomorrow afternoon so have the umbrella handy just toss in the car. Just in case, but so one thing that we are going to feel around the entire bay area is the temperature change its going to be anywhere from a 10 to 20 degree difference. So youre really going to feel it here and in its coming out of the gulf of alaska and its going to be a extra cold and were even going to see some snowfall in the sierra so that is some good and some much needed snowfall and just some rain of course scattered showers though through friday into Early Saturday Morning. But it looks like mostly saturday will be dry and then there is another chance of some shower activity as we get into your sunday as well. So just keep that in mind how much rain are we talking not a whole lot, but hey well take anything that we can get right. Were looking at about a 10th of an inch expected in our south zone for san jose about 207 inch for parts of our coastal areas like San Francisco and also a Half Moon Bay and the north bay mostly looking at that 200 of an inch mark as well. But again i just toss an umbrella in the car just in case because it is going to be scattered showers thats were expecting were also going to see the winds start to pick up as we get into the overnight hours tonight into tomorrow. We could see wind gusts of up to 20 maybe 25 Miles Per Hour on some of our higher elevations, so things are definitely get a feel colder than normal as we get throughout the entire day tomorrow. Highs tomorrow not going to be that high weve been seeing 80s and 90s on the board in some of our inland spots, this is how its going to top out tomorrow, were looking at the upper 50s to low 60s across the board so very evenly spread temperatures as we get to through the next couple of days and even into the weekend. 58 degrees in a san jose and San Francisco rather and were looking at this 61 for the high tomorrow in san jose oakland youll be at a high. 59 and it looks the weekends going to be nice and cool over the next couple of pretty much evenly spread temperatures guys, 50s and 60s during the day, but overnight lows getting into the 30s point well we are tracking the race to the white house obviously this is a live map of the electoral vokoun to 64 for biden to 14 for trump this according to the Associated Press our broadcast partners will take a closer look at the electoral map and which key battleground states could be determining. The next president of the United States plus california alexa to youngest Assembly Member in state history. Why this 25 yearold says serving in the assembly is a dream come true, but first Distance Learning challenges sow learning from home is hurting student performance across the bay area. And what some teachers now plan to do about it. Is in a bedroom or Kitchen Table this is pretty much how students across the bay area across the whole country youre going to school right now because of. Covid yeah you dont have to remind most one of mine in the perry, a 3rd going to school for the most part Distance Learning style get on the zoom in try to lock in but were finding that so many students are actually really falling behind yes, especially the youngsters kron fours that Taylor Bisacky spoke to School District representatives today who saw nearly 50 increases in failing grades for their students. As change remain at home stuck on these computer screens and out of their classrooms grades are falling at alarming rates many bay area School Districts are hearing from their students and an overwhelming majority say that distractions at home are getting in the way. Meanwhile students in the north bay say theyre feeling anxious about their future. Bay area School Districts like Sequoia Union high School District in redwood city saying where students are failing in Distance Learning. Alan server who is a trustee of the School District says students with more than one feeling great jump from 19 last year to 29 this year to 50 increase and its. You know its a meaningful increase number that is fairly representative but not something that were proud of or positive about to a number that substantially higher blow unified School District in Contra Costa County saw a similar spike. School officials in Sonoma County also held special meeting on thursday in october after reporting 37 of students across its 10 districts with high schools had at least one feeling greed. Thats compared to 27 over the same time period last year and a lot of ways weve kind of had to build this plane in the air when it comes to Distance Learning. And so we have a system thats clearly not perfect its not working and yet we have to hold kids accountable, and it somehow. And some of that accountability is just as unfair for kids and its their futures ultimately well be hijacked superintendent of healdsburg unified School District chris van den heuvel says the number of High School Students in his district with a dior has nearly doubled to 39 this year. In addition to the challenges of learning in home, he says students there were hit especially hard with simultaneous wildfires. This year now. Many bay area School Districts are brainstorming new ways to grade students said. Pandemic. Gives reason an opportunity to focus on that among many other things. So there is ongoing discussion across our district. About how to do more equitable grating educators say a large part of the problem is also zoom fatigue in getting their students to focus on the screens of all at home. Bay area School Districts say theyre working to solve this problem. Also implement new great system changes in winning in all the key locations by a lot actually and then our numbers or action is he getting whittled away. In secret. Democracy sometimes messy. And sometimes requires a little patience as well. But that patience has been rewarded now for more than 240 years. Are competing claims tonight from President Trump and his democratic opponent, joe biden we are getting ever closer to entering day 3. Since the polls closed and theres still no winner in the president ial election no and today, President Trump doubled down on his unfounded claims of voter fraud kron fours Ella Sogomonian joins us live in studio. With what each candidate had to say today l a grant and vicki incumbent is convinced the election is rigged against him. President trump is not accepting the mail in ballot counts believing the many of them in favor of his rival arrived past their deadline. After bunkering down in the white house all day wednesday resorting to tweeting his disappointment and skepticism. President donald trump stepped into the public eye thursday afternoon with an unwavering an unfounded message do not trust the ballot counts. I easily win. If you count the illegal votes. They can try to steal. Election from us if you count the votes that came in late. Were looking at them very strongly that a lot of those came in late. The incumbent vying for another chance at the highest seed in office is trailing behind his challenger, former Vice President joe biden in electoral votes as the remaining absentee ballots are being processed, although his allegations have not been supported by concrete evidence. President Trump Supporters have heard him loud and clear talking to several sites and chanting stop the count. Meanwhile biden is insisting every vote must be counted. He appeared on stage once again calm and collected. Democracy sometimes messy. And sometimes requires a little patience as well. But that patience has been rewarded now for more than 240 years. The system of government governance thats been the envy of the world, the procedure is not a new one once a ballot is received postmarked by election day. It must be counted. But again the president wants that to stop as hes seen many of them coming in are choosing biden to replace his seat. And you might remember granted. Vicki the president discourage his supporters from the vote by mail option. Live in the studio Ella Sogomonian kron 4 news. Heres the big board here is where things stand right now the key weve been watching this thing for the past. 2 plus days and it is now really starting to take shape in the form that has 2 potential states. They could be in italy called for joe biden our broadcast partners here with the Associated Press have been updating this starting on tuesday. When its dark red, its a state that they called for trump, dark blue, its been called for biden we have these light red states over here georgia North Carolina pennsylvania dont have to worry about North Carolina the biden team thinks trump has that one in the back georgia, though, and pennsylvania the biden team is feeling extremely bullish on being able to take the lead in those states and that is why President Trump a short time ago according to the Washington Post requested extra reinforcements from the secret service to go to wilmington, where his headquarters is for a big speech tomorrow, a speech in which joe biden could declare himself. The winner. If Vice President he could declare himself. The winner, you look at georgia and that state is razor thin the President Donald Trump had a 300 plus 1000 vote lead on Election Night. It is down to about 1700 you see how close this is right now this is with 99 of the votes counted. But georgia has been trending this way since tuesday, and they still have roughly according to voting officials there about 14,000 votes to count. Unclear if theyve gotten through them. They havent posted new numbers but pennsylvania has pennsylvania just drop the whole bunch of new vote counts and pennsylvania now is a state where donald trump again like georgia is still leading but that lead has just less then 20,000. Trump was up by. Hundreds of thousands a couple days ago right now. The lead. Is about 18,000 votes, joe biden is trying to overtake donald trump in pennsylvania 95 of the vote. County attorney here and you have 20 electoral votes at stake. Biden just needs one of these seas at 2. 64 trying to get to 2. 70 biden you know if you got bat in the 6 electoral votes there that would do it but nevada is a bit slower than some of the other states and counting their votes. So georgia or pennsylvania would do it for joe biden will keep a close look on well be tracking it all night and the kron 4 morning news if we dont the winner tonight will npbe on the air at 04 00am to bring you the very latest, but razor thin margins here their neck in neck, it really couldnt be closer in have so many different states where it is close a lot of folks sleeping with one eye open tonight. Meantime a 25 yearold from san jose is heading to the state capital represent parts of alameda and santa clara counties, his name is alex lee he was elected as the states youngest, and first openly bisexuae lawmakers now well this is his first time to get elected official. Lee was actually student body president you see davis is a Political Science major there he also worked in legislative offices for to lawmakers and speaking on zoom today. Lee says that in becoming a lawmaker has been his longtime dream. I helped write and pass laws and actually got signed and i knew that true impact the power of the legislature in california to make a difference peoples lives. I was also very frustrating, sometimes you know even though we live in very deep blue state a lot of a call saying visions that we that we espouse dont actually comes reality. Lee will be sworn in december 7th. Im Rebecca Strom in the kron 4 Weather Center in for lawrence tonight, a live look outside right now mostly clear around much of the bay area. The star camera overlooking our east bay zone on top of the hills pointing out towards the bay and San Francisco. And were definitely seeing a things clear for now but to big changes are on the way weather wise because were going to see a cold front heading our direction and its going make temperatures drop anywhere from 10 to 20 degrees depending upon where you live right now temperatures or in the 50s and low 60s for the most part 57 currently in livermore right now 60 degrees in hayward by our bayside spots a 62 in oakland, 59 right here in San Francisco, san jose youre currently at 62 degrees overnight lows though were going to be tracking 40s and 50s and its going to get even cooler and cooler over the next couple of days we are tracking the storm system coming out of the gulf of alaska futurecast for showing us said the possibility of some showers are on the way as we get into tomorrow afternoon we could see those scattered showers through much of the bay area in our north zone along the coast and our south bay zone. Through friday and into Early Saturday Morning before finally drying out how much rain are we talking all depends on where youre going to be were looking at about a 10th of an inch expected in our south zone in san jose and then about 207 inch for summer coastal spots and in our north a zone also the winds are going to be a factor theyre going to start picking up were going to see gusts of anywhere from 20 to 25 miles even 35 Miles Per Hour as we get into tomorrow guys so its really going to start feeling like fall. All right weve got to watch out for those winds though its still pretty dry out there right okay, thank the east bay now berkeley Public Schools getting ready to reopen gradually as the covid19 cases are pretty low there which is good kron fours gayle ong has the list of schools reopening next week. 3 Elementary Schools will reopen on monday. This will be a hybrid learning program mixed with half Distance Learning at home. The other half will be on campus and these will be the first schools in the district to reopen in person since the pandemic rosa parks, malcolm x and jefferson Elementary Schools in berkeley will welcome students back in small groups were talking probably 1824 students thats up to 24 students on each campus phase, one of reopening Elementary Schools for in Person Learning berkeley unified School District superintendent Bret Stephens says the remaining 8 schools from grades pre k to 5 that remains closed. Will reopen on january 13th the students will be split into 2 groups that alternate between Distance Learning and on campus learning steven says there were mixed reviews from families are declining the even though weve searched selected their family because we thought could use the oncampus were still a great deal of anxiety and worry among families the district completed a safety plan that includes modifications to facilities and Face Covering requirements for having our employees covid were reaching out to families and offering them information about how to stay safe when theyre on campuses the district is working closely with berkeleys Public Health department for families with children returning to school. It is advised to consider limiting other public activities to lower exposure. As more activities open up the pressure is more put on the individual to take on these individual actions to rest Public Health eir own spokesperson, matai says Elementary Students our top priority to get back in the classroom safely that younger kids for struggling much more with Online Learning and Distance Learning. So making that possible a older kids skin. Yeah, better to the technology as for the older kids last week Alameda County gave School Districts permission to reopen campuses on november 9th, the city of berkeley that has its own Health Department is in the orange tier of the states covid status indicating the community has a moderate spread of the virus upperlevel campuses will reduced to 50 . But the district does not yet have a model to accomplish that for larger facilities. At this time there is no target date for when middle and high schools will reopen in person and that plan could take weeks or months reporting in berkeley gayle ong kron 4 news. Love life and the challenges that come with it all how a new mini series being shot here in the bay areas painting the culture clash of immigrants living with their employers and coming up in sports. The niners are decimated by injuries and that a covid outbreak in 15th still got to play though nfl wants its money. Green bay is here jason dumas says here as well if you didnt watch the game the election business i dont blame him tell you what happened just a minute 15. On 4 sports brought to by xfinity. Alright, yall we knew coming into this game against the packers tonight, they 49 ers were severely undermanned but i didnt think it would be all that bad there. He is Aaron Rodgers right there on the hometown kid cow their returns home to play against a team that wanted to draft him that he wanted to draft first drive of the game rodgers goes deep to another nor cow native Davante Adams may just be the best wide receiver in the nfl, hes the first player with at least 600 receiving yards in 8 receiving touchdowns in his first 6 games in a season since randy moss in 2007. 2nd quarter nick mullens was gets drilled right here as he is goes the throwing heat intercepted by raven greene mullins was 22 of 35 for 291 yards and a touchdown. Solid numbers but empty numbers that turnover led to this rogers finds Mercedes Lewis for the touchdown. Its 14 to 3 packers. 2 minutes left in the half rodgers just getting warmed up look at this flick of the wrist. He 5 marquez valdesscantling has a 52 yard pitch and catch packers up 21 to 3 at the half. 305 yards for touchdown passes just 2nd half it was a rough game for the niners offensive line played here begin be here including the sac to Darrius Smith mullins was pummeled all night long green bay recovered the fumble all shanahan could do was watch official the packers handle the niners 34 to 17 after the game, the coach was asked about them having to play so sure hand we know is a new challenge we no longer a super comfy know that at the start of the week is going to be a challenge and then. Those in those 3 yesterday was obviously a bigger challenge, but. And i so that we could have a game and the so that we can play better than we did tonight you know being down like that and not being at her passing going thats good team like that usually thats usually what happens but i know we could have done better, i felt like we had a lot of really good place give us a lot of opportunities for whatever reason we didnt connect it did excite to go back and watch that film. Because our really do i feel like we got after those guys and done some good things that sets up on the players and you know you just told to go out there and do your best we didnt do that tonight. He hadnt seen all right, its not a great time to be a bay area football fan cal they were all set to host washington this saturday in berkeley but that game will now be canceled because of a positive covid19 case within the program we can confirm it is a player who is asymptomatic thankfully. Now i know what youre probably thinking if only one player tested positive why cancel the game. Well due to contract the Contract Tracing protocols, several other cows student athletes will also have to quarantine and a cow spokesperson says that they do not have the ability to field a competitive roster to play on saturday. So we have to assume several student athletes are quarantining right now the pac 12 approved cows request to cancel the game. This was the first positive test within the Cal Football Program since the daily testing at beginning out of october started cal head coach was asked about possibly not playing in Alameda County to get his team back on the field. Its been brought up a number of times throughout the past 7 months. Its been brought up again recently. Open to doing whatever we can do so our can we protect our players they have opportunity to play i dont know if thats an option currently that would be one for our Athletic Director and the chancellor. Playing football through a pandemic not as easy as some people made it out to be were seeing bubbles at this price . Is this for real . Oh, its real. Believe me. I mean this is upexpected. You would say. Remarkable . Absolutly. A remarkable deal. Thanks. I get that all the time. Wait. What . grocrey outlet jingle that came from me. Really. My first idea was in one quarter of an hour, your savings will tower. Over you. Figuratively speaking. But thats not catchy, is it . Thats not going to swim about in your brain. So i thought, what about. 15 minutes. 15 percent. Serendipity. 15 minutes could save you 15 or more on car insurance. All these crab pots way taller than the screen here though be staying dry a situation here youve got the commercial crab season that has been put on hold at least for one more month. Yeah, the state department of fish and wildlife delayed the season for the second year in a row, its because of concerns about the possibility of migrating little nothing migrating big wales getting tangled. Up in fishing gear of the delay is a tough blow though to the vendors at San Franciscos fishermans many of them are already in a financial crunch since they they lost their gear in the massive pier 45 fire that was back in december and had to take out personal loans to replace the president of the San Francisco Crab Boat Owners Association also last year and that fire but he says the fishermen support the decision to delay. I just want to be portrayed it as you know being really upset that we cant go fishing is we dont care about whales and that is not the case. We are all part of the process in deciding whether or not we should go in a group of fishermen who were on task force to decide voted to recommend to the fish and wildlife that we delay the season because of the amount of whales that were present. So we are part of the process. But for now the delay is until december 1st. It is possible though the season could be delayed again. Last year was delayed until december 15th for the same reason the recreational crab fishing season date though is a set to open up. This saturday. But a new mini series is being filmed in Sonoma County you see the set right here its the story of a white family that owns a ranch. And let he nics workers, latin x workers. Actually live there too. All right you can imagine some of the drama that might occur between the 2 families coming together the clash of cultures but as kron fours ken wayne reports for us tonight the show 2020 perspective. Its called casa grande, a big house where the landowner lives in a metaphor for the pursuit of the american dream. Its the latest production from petaluma native and iranian american filmmaker alley ap shark. Its all about just literally. No love in life and challenges and how and the immigration issue that theyre facing and also you know all shes the americans are facing as well so it. I think really interesting i think is really timely for this these scenes are being shot on ranch land near tomalin the grand themes that of peeling back. The the veil of the machine we all live you know if we did not have the hispanic workforce in america, working 14 hours a the 5 part many series explores how the farm workers and the landowners interact theres been extra effort to have latin x moy says make sure the stories are genuine as very proud to be part of this theres with racism i feel like this country is and raise him or at the moment, so very important latinos are portrayed. In very truthful and honest actress karen but saw they is from sinaloa mexico and came to this country with 300 in a language barrier were going to do a scene right now where we walking with our law guts on the streets figuring out where were going and i had a moment like that in my life i have. So many moments like that you know where wear your face with reality of adapting to a new there are the familiar elements of a mini series live conflicts, the trail and hope. Its a story that everybody can relate to so its a very human story were really getting into the psyche of like what humans go through no matter what color what race what anything we care about these stories because they are our stories i dont think therell be a time where give up on this story on these stories because theres still so relevant Warner Brothers is involved in the project and if its a hit look for more episodes soon into mahlers ken wayne kron 4 news well be looking for that one sit rusting. But could crest right was the wine country yeah back in 81 back in the day well that wraps up kron 4 news at 10 oclock. Yeah, well less sleep well, everybody we should have some answers tomorrow about the election the president elect us. Fortress trump. The mode is darkening. Has the president followed into a state of deep depression. Losing is never easy. America on edge. Theyre covering it up she spit at the cops face. And blearyeyed reporters. I have been standing here for two days. Gayle kings yellow dress. She slept in it all night. Plus, what becomes of the Cable News Networks now. They are addicted to trump. With the election overcome our big changes and store

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