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Despite. President trump prematurely claimed victory of the great lakes state on twitter the other key state biden flipped to earn a lector ul votes, wisconsin. The president s campaign has requested a recount there and that leaves nevada and pennsylvania looming large tonight grant thats right want to take a look at the results and where things stand here on our trusty electoral map. Again the Associated Press, calling the states in dark blue and dark red, its the race to 2. 70 right joe biden much closer hes up to 2. 64 President Trump currently standing at 2. 14. And when you do the math. What do you need to get to 2. 70 if youre at to 64 6 and nevada here happens to have 6 electoral votes at stake and where do things stand right now joe biden currently leading President Trump. By about 8,000 votes to see. Biden there with 588,000 in change donald trump with just over 580,000. So that is close to 75 of the vote here has been counted so still a quarter of the votes yet to be counted in nevada. And they havent updated voting counting as of. Today so a lot of people are wishing nevada would got to pick up the pace here, but they are expected to have some new numbers tomorrow at 10 oclock. Another big state a lot of people are keeping an eye on tonight is georgia. Normally a reliably red state for republicans and donald trump still has a lead there, but that lead has been shrinking right now donald trump, Leeds Joe Biden he has 49. 7 of the vote to 49 point 06 and here are the votes and you can see right now. Its about 33,000 votes that donald trump leeds, joe biden by almost done 98 of the vote has been counted. But a lot of the votes that are still being tallied or from areas that are pretty blue around atlanta and several areas right there pennsylvania. Thats another state that President Trump has claimed victory and even though it has not been declared a state that he is a victor in the Associated Press hasnt declared it nor have any National Outlets and theyre still counting. So many absentee votes in pennsylvania, one of the products of this pandemic election and pennsylvania has a long way to go when you talk about when we might actually have some definitive answers we do know where things stand right now 89 of the vote has been counted. Npa donald trump has a lead still, but it is narrow and you can see there. It is less than 200,000. And when we enter this thing it was several 100,000 last night so that is a snapshot of where things stand democrats dont feel like they have a real chance in north carolina. But anything could happen the key for democrats hang on to arizona which is a state that is right now experiencing some unrest because in Maricopa County theyre still counting even though the a p has declared it a blue state for biden and biden once it when nevada and not have to worry about pennsylvania, not have to worry about georgia. This is the easiest path to victory for joe biden as President Trump has a lot of work to do if hes going to get from to 14 up to 2. 70. Democratic president ial nominee, joe biden said this afternoon that he feels confident he will emerge victorious after all the states finish counting all the ballots and president donald trump. Hes filed 3 lawsuits against states to halt ballot counting. Kron fours Justine Waldman is here with what the candidates are saying tonight just 8. Vickie joe biden urged the nation to come together once the election is finally behind and said while he campaigned as a democrat he will govern as an american president. Our work is hard for those who didnt vote for me as it will for those who did vote for me. Every vote must be counted. No its going to take our democracy away from us. Not now not ever. We the people will not be bullied. We the people will not surrender. My friends. Im confident will emerge victorious. California senator Kamala Harris joined biden on stage but she did not speak biden also ignored all the shouted questions from reporters about the Trump Campaigns lawsuit. Now President Trump has not spoken publicly at all today has been re tweeting some conservative articles but has said nothing this was his last tweet saying quote our lawyers have asked for meaningful access. But what good does that do the damage has already been done to the integrity of our system and to the president ial election itself. This is what should be discussed. Now biden is in wilmington, delaware tonight and the president is at the white house but there are no plans for either candidates to speak to the cameras tonight. And the white house schedule for the president was just posted for tomorrow. And donald trump has no Public Events planned but as we know plants can change live right now in the studio im Justine Waldman kron 4 news. Thank you jesse. And for the latest on how the Biden Campaign is monitoring the election result. We welcome in our washington correspondent alexandra le mon shes live for us in wilmington delaware, so alex tell us whats happening there now whats the mood. And how his team biden feeling what are they looking at tonight. Hey there good evening will the mood here is definitely different than it was last night, joe biden and his campaign are monitoring the evening. And the results that are coming in in private you can see its pretty deserted here at the chase center there are no cars or people arriving like we saw last night for that drive in raleigh because again joe biden does not have any more events planned for the day his team called a lid on the day and that means we will not be hearing from him again tonight, but we know that they are much like the rest of us monitoring the situation in nevada and in arizona now the 2 biggest counties in nevada had said that they expected to be able to release some big vote counts possibly final vote counts tonight and then they had to come back and apologize, and tell our crews who are on the ground there nevada actually were so sorry we made a mistake. Those counts wont actually be ready until tomorrow. So thats a little bit of a of a nailbiter there and then the situation in arizona is very interesting because the county is still also ongoing. And although some news outlets called it in favor of joe biden called the state of arizona in favor of joe biden. The Trump Campaign says that they think that President Trump could make up ground and possibly even when the state of arizona its really interesting that they would take that stance because at the same President Trumps has said he wants the county to stop altogether in places like pennsylvania. The president is asking for re count in suing to halt the counts. Yeah as you mentioned in pennsylvania, michigan even claiming victory with a tweet in states that havent been called how is biden reacting to that. Thats right joe biden has deployed teams of lawyers to many of those states now the lawsuits filed but by the Trump Campaign technically say that they want the counting. In michigan and pennsylvania to be halted temporarily because they say they have not had enough access to the counting center now Election Officials in those that is not the case they say that the process has been transparent and that both sides have had plenty of acts but President Trump is taking it further again he wants the county in pennsylvania to stop altogether. He has said this publicly and tweeted it. So joe bidens legal team is there to make sure that the opposite in fact happen said every single ballot that was postmarked by election day which is what the state law in pennsylvania says has to happen that every one of at legal ballots is in fact counted. Okay alexandra thank you for your work there in wilmington delaware. Well be checking back with you. Yes, we will maybe for several days and his folks are still being counted. President trump has filed lawsuits in pennsylvania in georgia in michigan. Lawyers against the move say its part of a stall tactic to try to discredit the vote. Our Jonathan Mccall talk to 2 lawyers today about the challenge is an uphill battle, the president could be facing jonathan yeah grant vicki, one of those lawyers i talked with today actually played a critical role. In the bush versus gore lawsuit back in 2000. He says what happened then to what happened now is night and day but he says at this point. The president appears to be just trying to find anything that will stick. The race for the white house know on a potential path to the courts. What hes trying to do is discredit the whole process even as million votes are being counted wednesday the Trump Campaign filed lawsuits in pennsylvania, georgia and michigan over claims that its observers havent been given enough access to areas where ballots are being counted crop has turned hes doing right now is trying to find some basis to get in court and sue jim sudden isnt elections lawyer here in San Francisco. He says the Trump Campaign is trying to find anything that will stick in courtroom. But with no claims of widespread fraud Voter Suppression or concerns brought up before tuesday night. Sun says right now theres not enough its that if you find pena that theyre all the signatures that on the house about the registration cards dont match and theyre all being thrown out. Yes, some stock. Yeah can get or sudden says the president s move could be part of a strategy to contest the results of the elections. Once its certified. The Trump Campaign is also requesting a recount in wisconsin, a state the president lost on wednesday. But jack young says it will be an uphill battle what we facing in 2020. Is possibly in certain states close elections. But none were close enough where recount is the liable. Young knows that all too well thats because he was a lawyer involved in the bush v gore lawsuit that decided the 2000 president ial election. He says in that race the Electoral College was tied and less than 600 votes separated the winner. Young says the president is facing a different set of circumstances this time. One that the courts may not be able to help him to some. That this election. Well go on. When in fact close. So if the president s claims do move through the court system they would have to do so quickly thats because the Electoral College. Still has to certify the votes from this race by the middle of december. Were live tonight in the newsroom Jonathan Mccall kron 4 news. Our jonathan still to come on the news at a one day after serving as a polling center. Levi stadium has been sealed off by the niners closed their facility one day ahead of a primetime matchup. And from rent control the Voting Rights for parolees to Rideshare Driver benefits we have the latest details and reaction on californias proposition and yet another election cycle right where voter projections proved unreliable were hearing how this could happen from the u c berkeley professor who studies over confidence from a statistical perspective. Seasons depend on good forecasts and even the imperfect forecasts are better than nothing. Well a continuing talking point on this election. How did the election pollsters get things so wrong. We most polls leading into the election showed large margins in favor of the democrats yeah had they get them so wrong again so this in 2016. But in reality the president ial race is still in a razor thin so its certainly not the blowout that we were hearing could be coming as kron fours noelle bellow tells us now a new study from U C Berkeley Haas school of business is looking at the accuracy of election poll. Pollsters. And everybody else is prone over confidence, professor of leadership at u c berkeley don more studies over confidence from both a psychological and statistical perspective. He and a former student analyzed polls from 11 election cycles in 7 day batches they found while its easy to take sampling errors into account. Its harder to account for all other unknowns is in fact. A 95 confidence interval the result land inside 95 of time up in the calls done within a week of the election. They land inside the conference normal just 60 of the time and as you go further back in time of course the hit rate goes down that so many questions about how why holzer been systematically off in this case in 2016 theres speculation about shy. Trump voters people who intended to vote trump but were a little bit embarrassed this time around that assumption seems less plausible. But more does note that polls did better in 2018 versus 2016 suggesting there may very well be a donald trump, a fact my question was going to be is there a so there are fixes. He runs from recent elections might lead us to question. Their effectiveness more suggest the inaccuracies arent an excuse to throw a pulling all together though. Suggesting even in perfect predictions are still useful. But he says people likely shouldnt base their beliefs on him perfect samples of information meeting. Uncertainties in the world, especially in the future that we will never be able to eliminate no matter how smart well informed we are in the newsroom. Noelle bellow kron 4 news and were also tracking the results of the state propositions that were on the ballot, then voters had to decide on a total of 12 state props want to take a. Look at a few of the results proposition 17 has passed this allows a person convicted of a felony who has served prison time the right to vote while theyre on parole. Voters rejected prop 20 that offered a range of policies meant to make California Laws, tougher on crime. The 2 key changes. Would have been increasing penalties for theft and making it harder for people to get out of prison on supervised release. And proposition 22 has passed this allows. Ap based drivers to be classified as independent contractors, it also creates new labor and wage policies for the drivers. You know that was one of the most anticipated props that californians voted on it was a big win for Rideshare Companies like uber and lyft the passage of prop 22 it means that drivers can stay independent contractors as opposed to fulltime employees. The reaction from drivers kron 4 spoke with it was mixed but ken jacobs, the chair of U C Berkeley Labor Center says theres plenty to dislike about the passage of the measure. What it means for drivers is that they will not have access to the main California Labor employment was interim so that the benefits that they would. Again under California Law including californias minimum wage paid sick leave. Unemployment Insurance Workers compensation insurance. So those basic benefits will be denied. Drivers. Jacobs added that he would not be surprised if the same Rideshare Companies spent a fortune to get similar measures passed to other states. Californians voted down several propositions that polls there they are again had at one time suggested would pass to were focused on repealing older propositions kron fours terisa stasio dove deeper into these for us and joins us live with more hi theresa. Grant you know the day after an election were always kind of taking things apart trying to figure out exactly what went one way or another so we took a stab at com a couple of the propositions just see where the analysts had to say. I dont now. Yeah let the their reasons were that people teens and its clear that it didnt catch on and only passed in few being area and sand trees. Area and los angeles a tendency to get broad support across the state thats Professor Larry sokoloff with sent us a state university. He teaches Political Science and weighed in on several propositions facing voters in this past general election, including prop 16. And look at repealing prop 2 09 that blocked affirmative action at schools, Public Institutions or public construction contracts, it would be interesting to see more dana on who voted for united against an. And more exit polls. I think at this point. Its clear that it was it wasnt a surprise it sale because that the calls were saying and i think we need more dana. Another big ticket item on the ballot prop 15 that chipped away at tax protections on commercial properties. If passed it could dramatically increase taxes taken by cities and counties supporters had argued that it would have made it a more accurate tax value perspective for a building. Just i think theres probably absentee ballots to be counted. And wouldnt it wouldnt surprise me in us. In the end it. Its creeks fire or at least it will be even he has. And it was always going to be a tight was always going to be a tie race. I think itd be one of the bigger issues is how do you get people to change the tax system when theyre worried about the economy and then theres prop 25 calling for no cash bail for those arrested of a crime it was a little confusing 10, you know both sides are saying kind of like its going to harm people. If you do and i think the voters probably just throw their hands and said im going on now. Theyre also said grand thinking that there was a lot of like hands being brought up in the air when it came to light of the propositions because a lot of voters were over around 2 goes you can to downplay the pandemic and how it had an effect. On looking at some of these propositions because it does take a lot of homework and so a lot of people may have just voted for the president and didnt even weigh in on the propositions because it just was too much work with Distance Learning and all thats going on right now in trying to just live your life. Months the pandemic reporting live here in the north bay theresa stasi back to you all right terry said we know Distance Learning life, its a lot right now by the way we have the latest on the president ial race as well as all the local and state measures. On our website kron 4 dot com were updating them. All try to play through the niners player has tested positive for the core of our coronavirus and say yeah we buy scheme is now closed. But so far theres no indication thursdays game is going to be postponed lot of other players are not able to play though because of proximity to the affected player Contact Tracing the whole bit kron fours rob fladeboe reports the covid news comes a day after the facility was used as an in person voting center. As an immediate result of word that a player tested positive for the coronavirus the fortyniners close the facility early wednesday for the first time this season. Levi stadium sealed off the 49 ers as seen here during a recent practice next door to the stadium are scheduled to host the Green Bay Packers for an evening game on thursday. The fortyniners said the player immediately went into self quarantine and that the organization has since entered the nfls intensive protocols for Contact Tracing. Levis stadium served as a vote center on tuesday, however, where dozens of people cast their ballots in person. Voters and poll workers were separated by plexiglass masks were required in all voting booths in Common Services were regularly sanitized. The voters we spoke with felt comfortable with the precautions. Fans have not been allowed to attend games this year and other events have been canceled even though the state cleared the way for a limited attendance Santa Clara County continues to enforce the no fan rule until further notice in a statement the fortyniners said the health and safety of its players are the organizations top priority. The Santa Clara County Health Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment and there are so far no indication that it will be weighing in on the status of thursdays game. In santa clara rob fladeboe kron 4 news. Next today, the count to 270 electoral votes drawing closer for joe biden where the race for the white house stands tonight plus a republican here who express racist views and support for q and on the conspiracy theories has won a congressional seat by has there been a shift in power in either house and open while boarded up local business is the election still up in the air tonight, the lack of a clear winner has many people still on edge. No matter who they voted for and local businesses theyre still bracing for potential rioting over the final outcome. Kron fours Maureen Kelly talked to voters today who are feeling a bit teary. Its plywood city in downtown San Francisco as merchants settle in to working with their windows and doors barricaded against potential anger over the election results. I found the Alexander Mcqueen boutique in union square getting fitted for plywood coverings this morning with much of the merchandise gone from the display windows and employee says he understands why its happening in case things go down, you know theyre protecting those walking by the boarded up businesses say it doesnt help their nerves already frayed by a long night of watching and waiting for a winner to the president ial election with little sleep i mean seeing everything boarded up is kind of alarming because where democracy, the whole point is that its a election its a night of. Of all been to violent protests after its. So i think thats definitely what the president has insight into our community is. I think also him declaring a victory last night for absolutely no actual reason at all. And telling people to stop counting votes to says that makes sense i was you know talking my friends like calling a game at halftime you up in the lead, but just not how it works and certainly not in the you know the most free country in the world and will serve the ball and violence. This my only concern thats going to be no harm. Trump trumpers are prone to bidens in you know republicans and democrats started like a war thats my concern most of the people i spoke with today are biden supporters but a trump voter to says he has mixed feelings about the results so far i what what what i dont like that i can tell by looking at the votes in states country split in half. And thats what i see. Theres no like a 100 not even half a cent, but at least no shore. You know positive fo weaning for either one voter i spoke to said her greatest wish is that this election. And peacefully. Maureen kelly kron 4 news yeah, you know biden won michigan and wisconsin today reclaiming a key part of the blue wall that slipped away from democrats 4 years ago and dramatically narrowing President Trumps path way to reelection they have full day now after election day neither candidate has cleared the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win the white house but. Bidens victories up in the great lakes states left him at 264 meaning is one battleground state away from crossing the threshold and becoming president elect the long bitter election season conducted in the shadow of the deadly. Covid pandemic seems to be nearing an end to all though President Trump is tryingito mount legal objections in several states in addition to the presidency weve been watching how congressional races have been playing out while seats have been scrambled in the senate it appears the gop will maintain control right now both parties hold 48 seats with 51 needed for a majority, but it doesnt appear as though democrats flipped enough seats to make that happen democrats did pick up a seat in colorado where former Governor John Hickenlooper won that also in arizona where mark kelly won the nomination there. The gop flipped a seat in alabama where former a College Football coach Tommy Tuberville defeated doug jones and then in maine, incumbent republican susan collins, she actually held on to her seat as did South Carolina republican lindsey graham, those were all seats to the democrats thought they had a legitimate crack meantime as Speaker Nancy Pelosi is on track to keep control of the house but she saw her democratic majority shrinking one of those losses west to Marjorie Taylor green a republican who expressed racist spews and support for cuban on conspiracy theories. She won a seat representing georgia in the house, those results almost ensures partisan gridlock regardless of who wins the presidency and now for the latest out President Trumps camp we now head to washington dc outside the white house that is where we find our dc correspondent jessi to nor jesse thanks for being with us tonight last night we heard President Trump declare victory. That was not the case today. Hes claimed victory in pennsylvania. Where there are still 800,000 votes or so to be counted in joe biden is surging. Wheres the president s head tonight and how does he see this. These next couple days playing out. Yeah good evening grandin vickies so we can get kind of into the mind of the Trump Campaign by watching what happened today, even though we didnt hear from President Trump sense that speech that he gave so the campaign did start filing lawsuits in key battleground states of michigan pennsylvania and georgia. And then also called for a recount already in wisconsin. These are all kind of last ditch efforts and shows really how the campaign is feeling quite vulnerable. Theyre Still Holding on for arizona, even though outlets that we typically depend on for these results such as the Associated Press called it pretty early on even before President Trump even took the stage but that is really its getting close. Its getting a lot tighter and so are these other states that weve been monitoring as well. We were hearing that nevada and georgia. We would hear more results on those to nevada wont be until tomorrow now georgia though some of that come out we were hearing around maybe 03 00am eastern time. And that would be huge for biden if he was able to take that and that would essentially secure the presidency for him so thats why President Trumps campaign is really hoping for these key battleground states to go to him. You just see how common is to see whats looking like a defeat of an incumbent president. Yeah its actually pretty rare just because its hard to do and usually theres an event that you can point to thats happening around this campaign. When you look back at history. Theres vietnam. The iran hostage crisis a sagging economy of course its very easy to pick on in 2020 with the coronavirus pandemic but just taking a look at exit polls. It shows really that the election was more about a referendum of President Trump himself. Do voters like him or do they not. Jesse do we see this country moving more to a place where people dont necessarily vote for the candidates. They dont vote for President Trump or joe biden but theyre more committed to voting republican or democrat to you know help with whoever is actually on the ticket whatever their policies are, but theyre just red or the blue and thats what it is. Yeah, i think it really depends on the candidates in the election, but it does seem like as far as this election goes. But you know it definitely one of the big topics going into this you would think would be the pandemic since were all living through it and it affected a lot of the way that the election. Even occurred. But it does sound like that it really just came down to a person and what President Trump has done over the past 4 years or people happy with it then they vote for his reelection are people not then they vote for biden. All right jesse here on like man ive ever seen before. Well be checking back with as as you know things. Flush out. That gave us some answers, thanks jesse. Still ahead tonight at 8 oclock here. Holding Police Officers more accountable for their actions the new measure approved by oakland voters that would do just that. East bay about measure has passed giving the Oakland Police commission. More independents to investigate alleged Police Misconduct by the measure even at the backing of the police union Ground Forces acquit unit reports. Oakland voters approve a bidding. The city charter passing measure s won by an overwhelming 88 giving arguably the most powerful independent Police Commission in america having already fired a police chief. Even more power we were pretty confident. Open voters were going to pass this by overwhelming numbers and they did. Kathy littered is on the Steering Committee for the coalition for police accountability, the Police Reform Advocacy Group that wrote the initial draft of measure s one which amends the city charter creating the Police Commissions own office of the Inspector General they need a civilian Inspector General who report directly to the Police Commission and not to the police chief which is critical in order for them to effectively monitor. The police department. Measure has wanted will also in the Police Commissions relationship as a client of the oakland City Attorneys Office and give them the ability to hire their own Legal Counsel they needed their own counsel in order to get unbiased legal advice. Passage of measure s one now means Police Body Camera videos will be turned over to the commission with investigating Police Misconduct cases so thats been a problem with not releasing the camera body footage so by getting direct access to these files to all the investigative files. The Police Commission can immediately start their investigation when some allegation of misconduct occurred in an unexpected twist even the oakland Police Officers association often at odds with the Police Commission supported the passage of measure s one opioide president barry donna lynne sent kron 4 statement reading quote we hope to talk to the victory gives the Police Commission the power they desire and then we can actually address rampant crime unquote Haaziq Madyun kron 4 news next today very residents be where what you may be asked to do if youre planning to travel for the upcoming thanksgiving holiday and in sports. The niners week just got worse. One other top receivers testing positive for covid bunch of other key players. Cant play tomorrow because bay area residents who travel outside the state for the holidays coming up maybe urge to quarantine for 2 weeks when they get back a group of San Francisco, Public Health officials is discussing with 5 other bay area counties whether to issue a regional advisory. They say it would likely be more of a strong suggestion rather than in order. San francisco has not seen a similar spike in covid cases like other cities in california and across the country have. Right now our 4 zone forecast yeah is it going to rain kron 4 chief meteorologist Lawrence Karnow is with us. Hey were that is a really good question is going to be kind of spotty around the bay area this very cold system thats coming in so it doesnt have a lot of moisture but it is going to feel a whole lot colder. And yes, theres a chance we could see some showers out there now we do have some patchy fog that is making his way in along the coastline, the toward sfo right now and certainly were going to see some changes coming our way that hugging the coastline overnight tonight. Ince tomorrow morning staying dry during the day tomorrow and then there you go theres that frontal system not a huge storm system coming in but maybe the first one of the season, 3 least a chance of a few scattered showers and maybe more importantly, a big change in the weather weve got some very cold air that is dropping down the backside of this you see coming in there thats going to keep things unsettled through friday. I think we stay dry. On saturday, but temperatures running below the average so were talking going from a tease to temperatures in the 50s in the 60s and its going to be little bit windy out there too so, yeah gets time to get out warm weather close. Weve got some much colder temperatures coming our way you see the rainfall totals on this forecast model certainly not going to be a whole lot. If you see any its probably just a few hunters of an inch of rainfall so enjoy one more nice day tomorrow well see temperatures up in the 70s and the 80s inland lot of 70s around the bay and along the coastline will keep those temperatures cooler the fog in the 50s and the 60s. Next couple days big changes on the horizon as we really cool things off a good 20 plus degree drop as we head in toward friday. Its going to be brisk and windy and the possibility of maybe a little bit wet outside theyll be on and off through the weekend then warming up just a little bit as we head toward the middle of next week. On 4 sports from the 18 t fiber sports desk. Has been an eventful day over in santa clara my phone was buzzing off the hook wide receiver Kendrick Bourne tested positive for covid19 the fortyniners swiftly shut down their facility born had the best game of his season on sunday 8 catches for 81 yards. Now hes on that covid list kron 4 Sports Reporter kayla mills has more details. For the most part all is quiet here at levi stadium weve seen a few cars going in and out of headquarters but not a whole lot of activity as we know the facilities are closed today due to positive covid19 test result. Just when you think it cant get any worse for the fortyniners already dealing with a long list of injuries this year were learning that an impact player has tested positive the fortyniners confirm wide receiver Kendrick Bourne has been placed on the reserve covid19 list. More is coming off his biggest game of the season, he had 8 catches for 81 yards against the seahawks hes recently seen an increased role in the offense with deebo samuel out with injury the team said the statement earlier today before born was identified in part quote our organization has entered the nfls intensive protocol and we are working with the league on Contact Tracing to identify highrisk individuals. They also added that the health and safety of our players staff and community or the organizations highest priority today outside the teams training building there was a Health Screening check in tents set up but otherwise were told the facilities are closed if tomorrow nights game is in fact played and Kendrick Bourne has to sit out. Not a single offensive player who touched the ball in last years nfc championship game will be on the field so that says something about just how bad the injuries have gotten for the 49 ers this season of course stick with kron 4 news and stay with us on kron 4 dot com for the very latest developments in santa clara kylen mills kron 4 sports. Great reporting kylen the 49 ers have also placed Trent Williams Brandon Aiyuk and deebo samuel on the covid19 list as of now the game is still on tomorrow the niners will host the Green Bay Packers thats tomorrow 5. 20 thursday night football kyla mills will be live at levis both pregame and post game. Now some good news for College Football fans here in the bay area on saturday pac, 12 schools will kick off their seasons. This will mark the first weekend that all power 5 conferences are back in action stanford will open its season on the road in eugene to take on the 14th ranked oregon ducks, the cardinal is hoping to turn things around in this shorten covid season after finishing just 3 of 5 impact 12 play last year. The stanford offensive line will be challenge right out of the game oregon has one of the best defensive lines in College Football. As for stanfords defense its hard to know what theyll be getting on saturday oregon obviously is always known for having that explosive offense, but theyll have a new starting quarterback after losing Justin Herbert to the nfl and a new offensive coordinator in joe moore head. And theyre trying to give an inch what they perceive as our week this so. Well have to see how progresses to see how theyre going to attack us. Is whats going to little bit freeing to say hey guys you know what here are rules. Heres what were going to do and heres how were going to do it because we any film truly that we could trust. So we have pak 12 football coming back. Khalaf also has a game this weekend guys they host washington. Kyle and well be covering that game as well so College Football back in the bay area and begin with the niners the other missing like all their Wide Receivers now and the packers dont have the running backs. You would think the nfl would postpone the game but always say you would think but nfl they they care about their money you so you would think that thats a logical thought you know but they they they like their logic escape, thanks. It. Yeah. Thank you jason. Coming what is sparking a series of cosmic bursts astronomers finding an answer to of this world but not much. Bubbles at this price . Is this for real . Oh, its real. Believe me. I mean this is upexpected. You would say. Remarkable . Absolutly. A remarkable deal. Thanks. I get that all the time. Wait. What . grocrey outlet jingle welcome back in a flash of luck astronomers say theyve solved a mystery about weird cosmic radio bursts these fast radio bursts happened so quickly. Scientists had been able to figure out whats causing them until now. They say they could trace an outburst to our own galaxy and a type of powerful energetic young star called a magnetar magnetar sev. May not magnet or may not be the only cause of these outbursts saddam or say every day there may be 1000 of these powerful bursts that last a fraction of a second, but you have to be in the right place at the right time to track them daryn i thought these radio bursts were from some alien dj. I know a beast maybe they havent figured that out yet youre on to something already that wraps up kron 4 news today. But our primetime coverage continues at this hour. More results are expected to come in tonight from the parish states still up for grabs. How new numbers in georgia and arizona could shape the Electoral College map plus San Francisco, voters giving a big boost to Business Owners struggling to recover during the pandemic. Why they say proposition h is being viewed as a game changer those stori we love our new home. Theres so much space. We have a guestroom now. But, we have aunts. Youre slouching again, ted. Expired, expired. Expired. Thanks, aunt bonnie. Its a lot of house. I hope you can keep it clean. At least geico makes bundling our home and Car Insurance easy. Which helps us save a lot of money oh, teddy. Did you get my friend request . Uh, ill have to check. doorbell ringing aunt jonis here for bundling made easy, go to geico. Com. Hello . From the bay areas local news stations. Watching kron 4 news. Every vote to count going to win this election without one. Just a matter of counting the votes fair. Now at 9 as joe biden creeps closer to the magic number needed to secure

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