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Morning and the vote count is not done the votes have been cast but the counting is long from over we still dont know who is the next president of the united states, im darya folsom and im james the race still too close to call ballots as daryn mentioned have been cast theyre in. Their ballot boxes being open being certified being counted and thats a process as it is every election cycle that takes days and as expected it is going to take days once again for this election cycle as well we heard joe biden saying be patient. We heard President Trump saying falsely that he has one. The election. And then he will go to the Supreme Court to get the vote counting to stop. He falsely claimed the democrats are trying to steal the election. By continuing to tally the vote. Youre going to hear exactly what he had to say in its entirety we will have that in just a moment right now though were waiting for 6 states to be called because james as we said they are not done counting. The legitimate vote, no and as for the Electoral College count. Where we stand as we head to the big wall this morning. We have Vice President joe biden standing at 232 electoral votes to president Donald Trumps 213 with a handful of states still outstanding among that we have the state of alaska hasnt been officially call just yet we do anticipate it going for President Trump however, the state of nevada right now it is leaning in the direction of Vice President joe biden but there are still a number of votes that have yet to be counted. So no call there well get into more detail about each of these states in a moment, but want to give you a broad overlay of what the situation is as we stay awake up this morning. The state of wisconsin also leaning slightly toward joe biden but again not every vote counted is still too close to call we cant confirm yet which candidate will get that state same goes for the state of michigan at the moment, we have President Trump leading in the count. However, there are a number of democratic areas where the vote is still being counted. So that number could very well change and well zoom in here in a bit in a moment. We still have pennsylvania again a close thats one where we anticipated we would know the answer as to who would win pennsylvania until perhaps maybe friday at the earliest and that certainly does seem to be playing out to be the case this morning and then down across the south the southeast we have North Carolina and we have georgia at the moment, we have President Donald Trump leading in the vote count. But not every vote is counted and the margin is still within striking distance of either candidate to make up that gap so well have to wait and again as more and more numbers come in, but thats the play as we see it at the moment later on well zoom in and start getting into more detail about the each of these states, but daria thats the situation as it stands all right, lets go live to wilmington delaware then and a warning here correspondent is there with how the Biden Campaign. Is feeling this morning and President Trump also spoke not long ago threatening legal action so lets get to the biden take on that as well. The former Vice President stressing that we need to be patient. What do you have to say whats going on right now. Good morning. Id say the mood right now is cautious optimism here in wilmington we heard from the former Vice President just a few hours ago, he said that he was comfortable with the results as they are right now obviously this was not the Election Night that he had hoped for it was not the sweep that he had hoped for he didnt win florida that was a big upset for the Biden Campaign but biden said it himself hes confident he will win pennsylvania and hes confident that his blue wave will turn some of these historically red states to blue is safe that have yet to be completely tallied as of right now so its its very cautiously optimistic would say right now here in wilmington. Now we heard the former Vice President joe biden stressed the importance of early voting and how everything needed to be counted. Do does he think that when this all comes in thats whats going to lead them to victory is that thats why hes appealing to patients. Absolutely biden supporters are much more in favor of early voting and mail in ballots and thats a big chunk of the ballots that have yet to be counted so theyre really hoping once those are counted that will push them to by Campaign Says that they have a clear path to 2. 70 and they believe they have a better path to 2. 70 then President Trump. Okay well were not quite at 2. 70 at were a long way off because there are hundreds of thousands of votes to count so well check in with you throughout the morning, thanks for the update. Anna. But for live last night President Trump gave his speech while the votes were still being counted. And said that he is preparing to challenge the results. Heres a speech if you missed it we have it for you in its entirety. I want to thank the American People for their tremendous support millions and millions of people voted for a very sad group of people. Is trying to disenfranchise that group of people and we wont stand for i want to thank the first lady, my entire family. And we were getting ready. For a big winning everything and all of a sudden it was just called off. The results tonight have been phenomenal and we are getting ready i mean literally we were just all set to get outside in just celebrate something that was so beautiful, so good. Such a vote such a success, the citizens of this country have come out. In record numbers this is a record theres never been anything like it to support our incredible movement. We won states that we werent expected to win florida. We didnt win it. We won it by a lot. The great state of he won texas by 700,000 votes and they dont even included in the tabulations its also clear that we have one georgia. 2. 5 or 117,000 votes with only 7 left the difficulty catches they can catch us. Likewise weve clearly one North Carolina. For 77,000 votes with only approximately 5 left the king catches. We if you look and you see. Arizona we have. A lot of life and that and somebody said somebody declared that it was a victory for us and maybe it will and thats possible. But certainly there were a lot of votes out there that we could get because were now just coming in to what they call trump territory. I dont know what you call it. But these were friendly. Trump voters. And that could be over 10 the gentleman that called and i watch tonight. He said well we think its fairly unlikely that he could catch will fairly unlikely. And we dont even need we dont need that that was just a state that we would have gotten it would have been nice arizona but theres a possibility maybe even a good possibility in fact since i saw that originally has been change in the numbers of substantially come down just in. A small amount of votes so we want that obviously the stay and play. But most importantly where winning pennsylvania by a tremendous. 600 think of this taken this think of this. Were up 690,000 votes in pennsylvania, these arent even close this not its less. 64 of the voting. Its going to be almost impossible to catch and what coming into. Good pennsylvania areas where they happen to like you were winning michigan by i look at the numbers i i looked i said. Wow thats a lot. I almost 300,000 votes. 65 of the votes. And were winning so when we dont need all of them. We need because when you add texas in which was an added. I spoke with the. Really wonderful governor of texas just a little while ago. Greg abbott he congratulations a coma to congratulate me on winning texas 72 1 texas i dont think they finished quite the tabulation but theres no way. And it was almost complete, but he congratulated me. He said by the way whats going on and never seen anything like this can i tell you what nobody has. So we won. They 107,000 votes with 81 of the vote. Its michigan. So when you take those 3 states in particular. And you take all of the others, i mean we have we have so many we had such a big night. You just take a look at all of these states that weve won tonight and then you take a look at the kind of margins that we want to buy. All of a sudden. Its not like were up 12 votes and we have 60 left. We won state and all of a sudden. This is what happened to the election its off. And we have all these announces saying. What happened and then they said oh. Because you know what happened. They knew they couldnt win. So they said. Lets go to court and did i predict this noon today say this ive been saying this from the day i heard they were going to send out 10s of millions of said exactly. Because either they were going to win or if they didnt win. Theyll take us to court. So florida was a tremendous victory. 307 a tremendous state a big state, i love ohio. We won by 8. 1 almost 500,000 pounds. North carolina big victory with north so we won their wheelie by 76,000 votes with almost nothing left. And all of a sudden everything just stopped. This is a fraud. On the american this is an embarrassment to our country. We were getting ready to win this election. Frankly we did when last. The integrity. For the good of this nation. This is a very big moment. This is a major fraud or nation. We want. A lot to be used in a proper manner. So well be going to the u. S. Supreme court. We want to voting to stop. We dont want them to find any ballot said. 4 oclock in the morning and them to the last. Very sad. Very sad moment to me this a very sad moment and. We will win this and we far as im concerned we already have i want to thank all of the people that worked with this. And again we heard from both candidates last night you just heard from the president there coming up in about a half hours time were going hear from Vice President joe biden well have his speech in its entirety coming up them. And were going to continue following the race as the local and state measures have come in as well to kron 4 news and you can go to our kron 4 website kron 4 dot com weve got the very latest on all the results of the big ballot measures that you voted on statewide and here in the bay area. All right in the meantime, if you have to get up and out this morning, lets find out from john triple what the weather is going to be like today morning jog, good morning guys. Yeah, were looking at another day thats going to be pretty favorable way favorable weather and were going to be seeing conditions out there today a lot like yesterday really all in all low cloud cover hanging out right over San Francisco right now you can see the very bottom of a financial district there in the distance. Under those low clouds that have pushed in yet again during our overnight hours as far as visibility goes we should be just fine as youre heading into work this morning no major interruptions as far as weather is concerned. Were in the 40s and 50s for current temperatures right now with oakland at 54 degrees San Francisco also right at 54. Well fairfield san anselmo santa rosa and saint helene a summer cooler spots kicking off this morning in the 40s later on today, daytime highs will eventually rise into the 60s and 70s like i said a whole lot like yesterday was pretty much repeating all the nice things that we had for your election day yesterday im talking more about a big cool down that we have just around the corner still to come in the rest of your forecast back to you guys thanks a lot john and as we go to the break we want to take a peek at some of the propositions that that we voted on here in the bay area as you can see. In San Francisco. Proposition g this was to lower the age for voting for local elections. And it appears to have the passing but its a close one and then in the senate just as well proposition j. That was a partial tax and it looks as though 75 of the electorate said yesterday proved that with a 100 of precincts reporting so that was the situation with those to proposition should prop k and San Francisco, Affordable Housing authorization that would also passing well moment, 74 voting yes and then lastly we have an update here on proposition l this is a business tax again as you see based on top executives pay and that one also passing with 65 that with more election coverage as the vote counting continues to see who will be the next president of the united states. Wild thing, you make my heart sing wild thing i. Think i. You know what i think . I think you owe us 48. 50. Wild thing. If you ride, you get it. Geico motorcycle. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. And if youre up youre probably wondering what is going on with the president ial race things are changing as they continue to count ballots in some states and in some states theres a lol. And were not going to know the results before tomorrow or the next day yeah and we talked about this yesterday, how we might not know the results until perhaps even friday because there was a scenario in which it could come down to just a handful of states and we would know what those counts were and so were prepared to yesterday for the long haul and it very aware what the big surprise is that biden is locked in a close race and if you thought about you know the. Pre surveys and the rest of it i think you can give up on all of that because this is very very close as the vote counting has stalled and continues if from state to state we are looking very close calls in 6 key states where the votes are still being counted. Lets zoom in i want to briefly update you on a couple key states this morning and theyre up in the rust belt want to start first off with wisconsin. We have some new information coming in from more numbers are coming in and it looks as though. Joe bidens lead is growing slightly in these Early Morning so thats sort of the update from wisconsin this morning and you can see there on the screen as we zoom in that the vote is awfully narrow. Were looking at right now. See the latest information here, were looking a 49 joe biden leading by 49. 5 7 , donald trump by a 48. 9 4. So a slight lead for joe biden led that appears to be growing. Wisconsin is one of those areas where. Most of the democratic strongholds had already been counted what theyre counting. Now are the early votes in some of the outlying republican districts which is sort its sort of a conflict right that the republican counties which you think would skew towards donald trump, however, these are the early votes and these early votes for that. All all evening long up to this point had been favoring joe biden democrat encourage you to vote early and republicans encourage you to vote at the polls. Yes and thats why as some of these counts are coming in from republican counties we actually see joe bidens lead increasing because those early votes are skewing towards him will continue to watch these numbers, lets go back to the national map and briefly i just want to mention michigan were also getting some new numbers there as more the count comes in and it looks as though the lead, the donald trump has in michigan has actually shrunk a bit as more and more areas are being counted this morning and then there were the propositions so we many propositions. On here in california, including the uber and lyft one thats right, lets see what happen robin good morning. Good morning. Yes i am following the latest on some of the biggest propositions a state propositions so first were going to start off with proposition, 22 which has passed now you may be wondering whats that will this allows app based drivers to be classified as independent contractors, this also creates new labor and wage policies for workers so for this one we have a 58 , yes, 42 voted no. All right and then were going to move on to the we have proposition 22 which voters have rejected now proposition 22 would have loosened state right restrictions on rent control you know, rick control is a big issue. So 60 of voters voted no for 21 and then a 40 decided to vote. Yes all right now were moving on to proposition 25 now thats the proposition that could actually in the cash bill system in california check these numbers out youll see that theyre very close a little too close to tell right now because of course numbers are still coming in. But so far 55 have voted no 45 . 45 have voted yes. All right now for the same proposition a proposition 16 which would have allowed formative auction another hot topic, 56 of voters said no 44 voted yes once again still very close numbers are still coming in so well continue to check these numbers and propositions and results throughout the morning you can get a full list on our website if youd like to see them all listed in get all the details you can always head over to kron 4 dot com james darya thanks a lot rob of so well take a quick break and as we go well update you on a couple of other uh local measures that have been coming in as you can see here. We dont have a result usd governing board area, one in union city here we go, heres proposition measure measure s one. In offices office to review Police Misconduct and this had overwhelming support by those voting on that in oakland 81 saying yes they want that will take a quick break well be right back. Welcome back everyone the time now is 4. 26 good morning and thanks for staying with us we want to take a look at some of our results for the state propositions now were starting off with proposition 15 there it is on your screen. A little too close to call just yet those numbers are inching closer and closer. Well, this proposition could change how commercial properties are tax based on current market value rather than the actual Purchase Price now it would also provide between 6. 5 billion and 11. 5 billion dollars in new funding to local governments and to school so so far 52 of voted no moving on to proposition 18 which has not been call just yet we have no of at 55 and yes at 45 keep in mind that if it would allow it would allow 17 year olds who would be 18 right at the time of the next general election to vote in primary and special election. So thats another one thats really close keep in mind we will continue to update these numbers and these propositions and the results throughout this newscast. You can also get a full list of all the propositions on our website just head over to kron 4 dot com. Well as we go to break we want to take a look at some of the results from your local measures we just going to roll in through on your screen. This is for the city of berkeley measure, gigi. Thats a tax on transportation measure h h utility users tax is right there for you and measure what is that measured i for Police Accountability and Charter Amendment. Theres also measure jj the Charter Amendment 4 major and Council Compensation will continue to update these numbers throughout the newscast so and is counted every ballot is counted. We will win this and we far as im concerned we already have President Trump falsely claiming victory joe biden saying all the votes havent been counted and here we are 04 30am california is a landslide

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