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Official vote. One week later that was set up a final confirmation vote on the full senate floor the week of october 26 tonight, California Democratic senator Dianne Feinstein is alling grahams move unprecedented senator find side tweeted is another example of republicans ignoring rules and tradition so they can rush this nominee through before the election and in time to supply a vote to strike down the Affordable Care act today was the day of Opening Statements from barrett, herself and senators democrats unified their message on the Affordable Care act, joe khalil reports from washington dc. The truth, the whole truth. And nothing but the truth so help you God Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett played out her judicial philosophy in the first Senate Hearing of her confirmation process i believe americans of all backgrounds deserve an independent Supreme Court that interprets our constitution and laws as they are written barrett described herself as a textualist who strictly interpret the constitution as written by the founders much of her Opening Statement was personal focused on her husband and 7 children i ask myself how i would view the decision if one of my children was the party that was ruling against that is the standard that i set for myself Senate Democrats brought a Clear Strategy to the hearings focus on the Affordable Care act, 10 republicans are rushing to put a nominee on to the Supreme Court to be the deciding vote to take healthcare away now donald trump has said explicitly hes going to do it through the courts. By making the nomination. We see here today every democrat on the committee highlighted at least one story of a person from their state relies on the ac a people. Like marriage and michelle. Know what a future without the a looks like democrat cory booker also argued because the president ial election is under way the process to nominate and confirm barrett undermines the will of the voters people are voting right now the American People should decide the American People should decide the American People. Decide to every democrat who spoken. Weve heard virtually not a single word about judge bear republican ted cruz countered the democrats focused on the ac a because they cant criticize berets judicial resume on any measure. Judge barrett credentials. Our impact you can see for yourself. This is a high quality person senator Lindsey Graham agree he told us he felt democrats focus more on criticizing President Trump then on judge barrett qualifications what you saw today was basically. Donald trump was the nominee 9 amy barrett and. Again that was joe khalil reporting there is confirmation hearing is set to resume tomorrow morning 9 oclock washington time 6 oclock here in california. Take a live look outside were talking weather that could be causing problems for us even though looks nice right now and our chief meteorologist Lawrence Karnow was here and nationally the hot weather could bring along some fire danger. Yeah thats kind of the irony is that certainly is gorgeous weather all the way to the coastline but in the right conditions of we get the hot temperatures and we get that strong offshore wind and things so dry already certainly fires. Can be a major problem were looking those conditions this week right now weve got kind of flat ridge here you see the jet stream on those moon straight across up in the pacific northwest, weve got a cold front up here in the gulf of alaska watch what happens as we move in the next 24 hours. High pressure builds in behind that cold front as that kicks east and all of a sudden we Start Talking about some of those northerly winds for going to see those effects even starting tomorrow night but only breezy its not going to be too strong at warm temperatures are to be found. And then were going to start crank up those temperatures and the winds as we head toward the middle the week right, map with a iso bars, these are lines of equal pressure the for their part the light of the winds the closer they are together. The stronger the winds that means a large difference in a short amount of to put this through time here you know if we begin to tighten things up and there you go we start to see some lines much tighter as were expecting some gusty winds to move into much of Northern California that will continue to be the case may be even stronger, i believe the thursday morning but even thursday afternoon and possibly into friday morning. Youre going to see that extreme difference in pressure and thats going to bring with it a lot of gusty winds through that period and probably continuing into friday morning before watching those winds begin start to fall apart somewhat, but out there now fairly on shore breeze. Thats pretty common but watch what happened we move this through time and youll see the effects of those bars being so close all of a sudden you Start Talking about those normally strong winds you look at the colors here youre starting to see some red beginning to show those winds gusting over 30 Miles Per Hour the mountains thats by wednesday afternoon. I think the strongest winds will from this event probably coming on thursday morning you begin to see some of the purple showing up especially in the north bay, some of those gusts over 40 Miles Per Hour but those winds continue in thats when you start to factor in parts of the east bay, the Oakland Hills, the diablo range also in the Santa Cruz Mountains as we get toward thursday afternoon very gusty winds expected there as well so National Weather service has issued a fire weather watch this is soon to become a warning expecting gusts of about 30 to 40 Miles Per Hour on this is about a 1000 feet down the urban areas, youre probably just going to have a light breeze but very gusty over the mountain tops and the humidity is likely to drop down to about 1020 . Its been no way up there 8090 plus as we have that nice see breeze and that nice ocean air but thats all going to change with that northerly wind so that being said today we saw the temperatures warming up a little bit today, 81 degrees in San Francisco, 84 in oakland 85 degrees 10 degrees above the average in san jose 87 in livermore 88 degrees in concord and 90 degrees. In santa rosa out there right now beautiful conditions clear skies just a gentle breeze. The be found around the bay area, no fog to speak up. Were probably not going to see much in the way of fog all week long but fire danger going to be elevated wednesday thursday and friday before things start to calm down guys. Thank you lawrence well hear more from you later meantime, pg and e says power shut offs are likely this week because of the weather that you just heard about from laura is hot and dry conditions combined with expected high wind gusts. The Utility Company says it has notified some 51,000 customers in targeted portions of 21 counties potentially affected by the Public Safety power shutoff which are also called p s p s on this map you can see the areas affected are in yellow of those 21 counties alameda contra costa napa san Mateo Santa Clara santa cruz solano and sonoma counties are all expected to be affected in some way in the bay area alone more than 24,000 customers could be potentially affected by the power shut offs and one area that may feel all of this is the city of piedmont in the east Bay Hill Club for surreys us asio talks with people there who are bracing for the possibility of the worst. Most people say that they are in support of p s p s but they do have some questions about why everyone is in this position in the first place pg e meteorologist are constantly monitoring the weather during wildfire season. To make sure that there are any wind or weather events that could be dangerous that could lead to wild fires. We want to make sure we know about the ahead of time so that we can if necessary call a Public Safety power shutoff pg spokesperson tamara sarkis cn on how the Power Company is looking ahead. She says right now it is possible several zones in the bay area may have their power turned off. To stave off a wild fire erupting due to a down hot power line. It has happened before several times every cent calfire determined the camp fire in paradise was caused by an electrical pg e power line that fell in butte county 86 people died. It was the deadliest most destructive wildfire in californias history. We would be notifying any customer who would be affected by a p s p s should one be called as you get direct communication from pg any either via text email or phone call in the east bay pg and e says that the Oakland Hills east of piedmont between highway 24 and Upper San Leandro Reservoir could be affected. Piedmont residents were generally supportive of the move. Well its inconvenient but if it keeps us all safe. Pg and he needs to do a good job of keeping us safe do you think its the right move to make for p g name. Yes for the safety of the community. For fire safety. We dont want another firestorm like we did like we had been during the oakland fire storm again there will be a 24 hour notice that pg and e will send out so that families can take the measures that they need to take. Here in piedmont theresa kron 4 news. A glass fire burning in the north bay as close to full containment cal fire says the fire is currently 96 contained after burning more than 67,000 acres in napa and sonoma counties the fire destroyed more than 800 homes. More than 1200 structures remain threatened. In the south bay, there is a growing call for safety tonight after an elderly man accidentally drove his vehicle into a group of outdoor diners. The incident happened sunday at the grand century mall in san jose. This was the scene after that suv crashed into a tent outside a restaurant and injured 8 people 2 of them critically it turns out the restaurant responsible for the setup did not have a permit to serve outdoors if the restaurant had registered with the city protective barriers might have been installed to keep diners safe. We ask even private entities to register and we do once they register work with them to provide same metal barricades, thank me specifically goes in parkland where were taking part of the parking area and blocking that on. And jose police say they believe the 69 yearold driver had a medical emergency and accidentally stepped on the cars accelerator instead of the brakes. The investigation is ongoing. Tonight investigators in the east bay are looking for a man who police say tried to sexually assault a 70 yearold woman police say the attack happened outside of that womans home on friday morning, but police also say the attacker did not expect his victim to fight back kron fours dan thorn has the story from oakland. Well kicking and screaming this 70 yearold woman was able to stop this would be attacker from doing more harm. Police are now looking for this man after he ran away and neighbors are telling us tonight. They are now keeping their heads on a swivel the quiet neighborhood of Cleveland Heights get shaken up after a 70 yearold woman is attacked and is almost sexually assaulted police say an unidentified man first tried lording the woman with a 100 bill while she was gardening. The woman refused and turned away, but the man then grabbed her from behind and pinned her to the ground never in my wildest dreams where i think that would happen here pretty shocking because this is a just a really quiet peaceful neighborhood. Police say this happened in front of a home on prospect avenue just before 8 oclock friday morning. Despite her age the victim was able to fight the suspect off forcing him to run toward can win road. She did the right thing she started screaming, she started fighting, fighting him off shes able to get away good for her that kind of time enough like i dont know if i could do that and id like to have that age the victims neighbors were impressed by her self defense but with the man still on the loose awareness is high. I think people need to Pay Attention a little more perhaps rattled by what happened the woman did not want to be interviewed about the attack and were asking anyone in the neighborhood or the community who may have information about this individual. We certainly want to hear from you. Crime stoppers is right now offering up to 7500 for information leading up to an arrest in this case. Police are also encouraging other possible victims to come forward, reporting in oakland, dan thorn kron 4 news. And we are learning more tonight about how a San Francisco firefighter died last week during a Training Exercise a preliminary investigation found that 42 yearold jason cortez was knocked over a thirdfloor railing by a water blast from of al that he inadvertently open the report also says the Training Exercise had reduced staffing because of covid19 safety concerns and only one Engine Company was president when there are normally 2 cortez died on wednesday morning he leaves behind his wife and the 2 children. Governor Gavin Newsome says hell unveil the states covid19 guidelines tomorrow to safely celebrate halloween. He also says more counties are expected to advance into new tears tomorrow during a News Conference today the governor touted the states efforts to increase contract contact tracing. So far almost 11,000 workers have been trained for the task which Health Experts say is key to containing the virus. The state is also upped its Testing Capacity and is averaging a 125,000 tests a day over the last 7 days the state average to about 3300 new cases after months of preparations in Person Learning will resume tomorrow for some students in Alameda County but not every School District in the county is ready for Jonathan Mccall is live in the city of alameda tonight with. The Safety Measures one school is implementing every School District in Alameda County has been given the green light to begin in person classes again, but not every district has those plans in place but thats not the case here at the Child Unique Montessori School alameda, theyre now one of 8 schools set to reopen to begin those in person classes for tomorrow starting tomorrow as well. Officials here and say theyve been working for months to try and get ready for this day they say that theyve been talking with. Officials across the country. Theyve been talking with officials across the country and even across the world as well trying to get ready for this event. The officials here say that classes will be limited to 11 students temperatures of students and staff will be checked 4 times a day. Dividers will also be in place to help keep kids from gathering in a single location, and a person known as a disinfect or well go around each room collecting items used by students that are marked with yield size to lead. Those folks know that those things need to be collected in claimed. Because taiwan her record that was not elevating the way that it has been elevating in the United States and so i wanted to know what they did so we started back in march. Interviewing them asking people for feedback and then starting to generate a plan so literally no child touches something twice without being disinfected and south as opposed to disinfecting at the end of the day which we do anyway. Were disinfecting every minute. As we mentioned this is one of 8 schools set to reopen to allow in Person Learning inside the classrooms here in Alameda County talking with county leaders and education leaders here in Alameda County so far 20 schools have submitted their plans to allow in Person Learning at schools all 20 of those are private schools. Education Officials Say they do expect more Public School some of the smaller districts here in Alameda County to begin submitting their plans to allow in Person Learning some time in the coming weeks. Were live tonight in alameda Jonathan Mccall kron 4 news started since thank you in person classes started today for some students in palo alto. Palo alto unified School District welcome back to kindergartners and first graders the district is resuming in person instructions in phases, second and 3rd graders will return to their classrooms later this month, 4th and 5th graders will go back in november. Middle and High School Students will have to wait until january. Pacifica hot yoga studio is catching heat online because its breaking health guidelines. The owner of beach yoga is holding yoga classes apparently without Face Covering requirements kron fours terror attack he has the story. The yoga studio held several hot yoga classes on monday i spoke to the owner over the phone and he confirms that no masks are worn during his indoor classes despite state and county guidelines specifically yoga studio is do the classes without masks. Civic of the children posted this schedule on social media, including hashtags mask free fear free virusfree coward free and trump 2020 among others kron 4 news spoke to the owner over the phone on monday confirming indoor classes are held without masks breaking covid19 Health Protocols it saddens me. That someone whos done this on social media has of late teens. Disregard. Of the rules masks are worn during the height classes. The owner tells me social distancing is in place, hes allowing up to 10 people per class with reservations, however, according to current guidelines Fitness Studios in San Mateo County are only allowed to operate a 10 capacity. So allowing 10 people would mean this small building normally holds classes with 100 people, San Mateo County supervisor david cannabis as the class size might also be an issue that the last thing we want to do is why it a corona. Iris hotspots and. Havent people there im sweating. Doing all you know these exercises, you know are they socially distant. You know you have an owner who. Basically says that the coronavirus. Its a hoax neighbors are taking to yell voicing their concerns. The owner known as on yelp leader for applies to a visitors post writing quote does it make you feel good to post this why so angry because youre jealous do you know that i never closed ever weve been having classes the whole time saving lives that one case of the virus while stupid my stuff. Police spread the word loser pacific a City Council Member mary baer says you the studios actions are disturbing and says this is an opportunity for people to make informed decisions its an opportunity for people to choose where they where they dont have yoga right. They can choose they choose they want to they can choose the protocols that the gyms are putting in place and this kind of conversation gives them that chance because theres a lot of gyms in the second book on out their way and busted their butts to get all the protocols in place and theyre doing the right thing county health Officials Say this business could be fined hundreds even up to several 1000 because its breaking Health Protocols. By not requiring Face Coverings in pacifica to live the psac ii kron 4 news. A miniature city of sorts could be coming to Concord Community park the Congress City council could decide tomorrow night to endorse the concept of a bicycle playground, the network of smallscale bicycle size roads. The park would be built and paid for by the Contra Costa Transportation Authority through is street smarts diablo program the council will decide and discuss the topic during its meeting tomorrow evening. Still ahead Johnson Johnson is hitting pause on its covid19 vaccine trial what prompted the suspension plus a controversy brewing across california over ballot boxes set up by the state Republican Party. And coming up how native americans nationwide in right here in the bay area have reclaimed co when was the last time your property tax bill went down . What . Never. Are you kidding me . For years, the residential burden has gone up. While the corporate burden has gone down. Prop 15 reverses that. It closes corporate loopholes and invests in schools, small business, and firefighters. And when the big corporations pay more, your tax bill goes down. Thats right. A savings of a hundred twentyone dollars a year for the average home. Give homeowners a break. Vote yes on 15. Woman 1 get your woman 2 you can stay healthy and fill it out from the safety of home. Surfer or you can fill it out anywhere. Man 1 its easy to mail it back. You dont even need a stamp. Man 2 or you can use an official drop box. Woman 3 you can even drop it off at the polls. Man 3 then, track it to confirm your county got it. See . They got it woman 4 mail ballots are the simple, safe, and secure way to ensure that your vote is counted. His Indigenous Peoples day for the last 3 decades cities across the country have adopted this event it is no coincidence that it falls on the same day that has served as a tribute to the italian explorer Christopher Columbus who native americans hold accountable for their genocide. Well foretell sogomonian joins us live in the newsroom now with the story l a common can the second monday of october has slowly evolved into a dual holiday. Given that columbuss violent history has these native americans pledging that they are going to share their part of the story so cities across the United States have eliminated his name altogether from the day. Well others have reclaimed it for native americans. Columbus didnt get as far as the bay area was actually other colonizers from europe who arrived to the bay in the 1770s and the National Park service says that alcatraz continued as a staging ground for the indian wars throughout the late 1800s today, 50 members from various tribes gathered once again on the island which the park service recognizes as within a loney territory. The sunrise ceremony which you see here is a local annual tradition on this day. And last year julian brave noise cat led a grassroots effort to launch a canoe journey in the bay in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the 1969 alcatraz occupation thats when native americans for more than a year recovered the rock. I spoke with a bay area native American Community member who together with his daughter took part in todays events and he explains the significance of changing the way that this day is commemorated. Its really really good to have a day that we can do celebrate. Our indigent 80. Be able to come together as a community and celebrate continue legacies of our tribes. Our cultures, our languages in a very seats and time. Respected place. You know for our communities 2 to one to denounce the actress cities by Christopher Columbus and the rest of the people on those types of expeditions. Is one part of free telling the story. So that its real so that truth rooted in truth. Theres all kinds of read scripts and documents that really highlight. The sinking of the time what was done to the indigenous people. And again like in this false idea of of discovery just because you came from a different place to another place. Thats just the story of migration thats not a story of discovery. Also on this day as the year goes on weve seen columbus statues like this one in north beach in front of coit tower splattered with red paint to symbolize the blood of slain native americans that one has since been taken down. There was just last year that San Francisco voted to replace the columbus day holiday. Berkeley was actually the First American city to adopt Indigenous Peoples day back in 19 91 live in the newsroom. Ella sogomonian kron 4 news well i thank you today is Indigenous Peoples day for the last 3 decades cities across the country have. Adopted that we told you about that so still coming up. We want to tell you about joe morgan who passed away today played with the as and the giants. Well remember his life. Plus President Trump returning to the campaign trail how he is trying to use his experience with covid19 to win votes in swing states. And weve got clear skies now high fire danger had some hot temperatures due check out the unfair money bail system. He, accused of rape. While he, accused of stealing 5. The stanford rapist could afford bail; got out the same day. The Senior Citizen could not; forced to wait in jail nearly a year. Voting yes on prop 25 ends this failed system, replacing it with one based on Public Safety. Because the size of your wallet shouldnt determine whether or not youre in jail. Vote yes on prop 25 to end money bail. California is going to help thats according to President Trumps tweet early this morning. Also tweeted the same message about new york and said illinois has no place to go governors of all 3 states have in the past criticized the president s response to covid19 and tonight President Trump is back on the campaign trail. He was in florida earlier today for his First Campaign rally on the road since being diagnosed with covid19 the president stood before a crowd in sanford florida without wearing a mask claiming that he is now immune to covid19. I went through it now they say im im you i can see i feel so powerful rockets. Just i just think guys in the beautiful women every bout just give you big factor is. The president also scheduled Campaign Events this week in pennsylvania, iowa and North Carolina and Wisconsin Democratic president ial nominee joe biden was in ohio today. He highlighted his role as Vice President as the Obama Administration rescue the u. S. Auto industry after the 2008 financial collapse. He also stressed an economic message and criticize the trump administration. Check it out first president i can ever remember the number the National Economic crisis did not try to call the parties together. It turns back on you. I promise you i will never do that. Vice president mike pence was also in ohio today, his speech touched on his support for law enforcements the administrations Coronavirus Response and tax cuts a controversy brewing in california after an official ballot drop boxes have been discovered in several counties the California Republican party says they own those boxes. The state says the boxes are illegal. Kron fours dan kerman has the story. This is an official ballot dropoff box theyre scattered across San Mateo County in other bay area counties by the registrar of voters in that county. This however is not an official drop box nor is this. Theyve been discovered in la orange and fresno counties problem here is with starters unknowingly delivering their ballots to an unofficial got the mislabeled and misrepresented as an official drop they do not know who it is theyre surrendering their ballot because the impression they have with the word official top boxes that theyre surrendering to a county official and thats not the case and now californias Republican Party says they own these collection boxes and have to write an official ballot drop boxes are not submitted by state law to the state of and to misrepresent unofficial boxes as further misleads donors erodes public trust at a News Conference late monday afternoon. The secretary of state and the attorney general made it clear these boxes are illegal. And they filed a cease and desist order against the cal gop requiring they be removed by thursday to anyone who trying to him. After solicit. Obtain. Manage e. Citizens vote that they are. Subject to prosecution. Well that uh fresno countys gop says he plans to remove those 12 an official ballot boxes. The head of the California Republican party says no dice. He says any of those drop boxes that the gop owns in california will stay put he says the ballot Harvest Program will continue and he plans not to let the secretary of state suppress the vote. So it looks like we might have a legal fight on our hands. Dan kerman kron 4 news voters, the San Mateo County can watch their ballots get counted. The countys Election Officials are set to start opening and processing returned vote by mail ballots tomorrow the process will take place at the registration and elections Divisions Office at 40 tower road in sam, a tail it will be open through friday from 00 05am in the morning until one 30 in the afternoon and again from 00 02pm in the afternoon until 10 30 at night or until all ballots a process for the day and we are just 22 days away from november, 3rd and the vote a reminder kron 4 is your local election headquarters this election season weve got you covered on air and online and on election night. Prime time coverage of results from the bay area and around the nation. The mother of former arizona senator and republican president ial candidate. John mccain has died Roberta Mccain was a 108 years old. Senator mccain credited his will to survive his years as a vietnam p o w to his mother. John mccain was a navy pilot he was shot down over hanoi during the war his mother said to be navy through and through married to a navy admiral she encouraged her son to launch his political career after he returned from vietnam. She sometimes joined her son on his Straight Talk express campaign and occasionally stole the show their comments about john mccains political rivals. Covid19 vaccine trials are on pause at johnson and johnson tonight thats after a study participant reported an unexpected illness. The company did not say what the patients illness involved the company did say it is following guidelines and the participants illness is being reviewed adding that illnesses are an expected part of any clinical study. This is not the first vaccine trial that has had to stop astrazeneca you might remember had to stop this trial twice back in september. Meantime members of the numbers of drug related deaths since the pandemic took hold continue to rise. No one knows the dangers more than those who have gone through drug and alcohol addiction. Reporter lonnie wong introduces us to one man who battled those demons in his current encouraging others in their own struggle. This month means a lot to me job and has been sober for 14 years recovering from Substance Abuse that started with alcohol and graduated to prescription drugs oxycodone percocet darpa set and i was one of these what they call highfunctioning alcoholics and addicts i never even knew i had a problem. Health experts are alarmed at the nearly 27 increase in offside alcohol sales since the spring, the number of suicides are also up of the same time last year add to that that 40 states are now reporting that there have been an increase in opioid related the same time last year. Adam is echoing with other Health Experts are saying. Between worry. Anxiety boredom, confusion be stuck in there who doesnt want a little relief the fear is that the problem will continue even after the pandemic subsides when the pandemics over its not like everyone gets their job back the signs of addiction are visible even on zoom calls weight loss. Puffiness in the face redness of the skin. Changes irritability exhaustion or. Euphoria. Too much. Experts say Substance Abuse sometimes turn their zoom cameras off to hide facts couldnt kick his habit by himself take Substance Abuse counselors along with intervention from friends and loved ones without being confrontational person that youre worried about should be told how much you miss that. How much you care for them. How would anyone drinking and drugging or doing this behavior how much you enjoy their company. Far easier said than done, but adam is proof that it can be done i learned how to. How to. Live a beautiful beautiful life. One day at a time. Now as lonnie wong reporting jablon is now a life coach speaker and awardwinning author who wrote about his struggle with Substance Abuse. Turning now to the weather was Lawrence Karnow to tell us whats happening or guys point nice start to the week a lot of sunshine out there today looking good tonight, no fog of the coastline right now looking toward the golden gate bridge, nice and clear their the air quality hey it is looking very good. The most part the bay area to really green as you can see out there right now that is a good place to be except back million little yellow there moderate amounts of fluid building up in the atmosphere but right now overall, its looking like good air quality for most of the bay area tomorrow along the coastline, the east and the south bay of course you have the smoldering glassfire still in the north bay that may cause a little smoke to pile up there but other than that right now looks like High Pressure taking over would love to get some rain in here certainly would love to bring into the fire season right now doesnt look like thats going to happen. Look at jet stream boyd start to buckle a move to the north as High Pressure begins to build in we start to see that offshore wind developing along california coastline and that ridge just kind of intensifies as we head through thursday that is going to send the jet stream any rain well to the north and that continues, but finally breaking down little bit into the weekend theres going to be couple systems kind of roll over the top of that ridge will help break it down our temperatures cool off and then you see a return of some patchy fog along the coastline as we get into next week unfortunately, no rain it looks like that looks like cooler temperatures on tap of the bay areas looks like fun that ridge will start to weaken somewhat not going to go away but its going to weaken somehow, heres your 10 them as we look through october here you see the 90s for the next couple days in some of the valleys some 80s as you make your way into friday and saturday with some cooler temperatures we maybe see some 80s near the coastline over the next couple of days so really warming up those offshore winds that as we get into next week, no rain in sight right now, but looks like cooler temperatures as we head in toward next monday and tuesday. Thank you lawrence, a loss of a major baseball starts tonight, Major League Baseball hall of famer, joe morgan died today at the age of 77 occur is matic second baseman grew up playing baseball in oakland and was a role model to many including another hall of famer kron fours Haaziq Madyun reports from oakland joe or one of more influential people how many coming as a young black kid in the bay playing baseball 2 kids from oakland that made it to the big leagues. That is former oakland as pitcher in Major League Baseball hall of famer, dave stewart reflecting on the life and influence of his childhood baseball idol joe Morgan Stewart says he was in his early 20s when their lifelong friendship begin what i respect about him is that you know was a rookie in. If missed my phone call with you know was called back and giving back to the boys and girls club in his hometown of oakland. Theres also a major part of joe morgans legacy. Thank supporters. All of will be in so its a sad day for oakland its certainly a sad day for baseball fans sideshow arguably is second baseman of all time not but as a humanitarian. As someone who always came back to his community and never forgot where he was from. Joe morgan started his baseball career in 1962, he retired 28 years later he was ultimately inducted into the Major League Baseball hall of fame. The second baseman was a 2 time World Champion with his primary team, the Cincinnati Reds would suit up for both the oakland as at the San Francisco giants before his career and job or gun died sunday at the age of 77 Haaziq Madyun kron 4 news. Still ahead tonight was in a name a closer look at latin x and what it means for americans of hispanic descent next in sports. Kyle shanahan explains why he pulled Jimmy Garoppolo from the 2nd half of yesterdays disastrous game jackie, im looking at your mri. Your shoulder seems to be healing nicely. Well, dr. Farrell, it feels really good. Thats good. And. Im sorry. Baby, dont touch that. I dont want you to play with that. singing twinkle, twinkle little star. How i wonder what you are. still singing up above the world so high. Like a diamond in the sky. Im so glad that your shoulder is feeling better. But, how are you doing . Im hanging in there. Schedule a video visit with your doctor. And get quality care with no copay. Kaiser permanente. Thrive. Tonights weve doubled our speeds the fastest just got faster. A lot of 49 ers fans left scratching their heads after sundays game, the return of quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo should have led to a window for a below average Miami Dolphins team instead the dolphins put up 43 points on their way to routing the niners. The one thing that was apparent is that droplet was way off his game in the 1st half completing just 17 passes for 77 yards while throwing 2 interceptions schools, its painful to watch even even washing it back. And jimmys 15. 7 rating was the worst of his career of course this was his first game back after suffering a high ankle sprain in week 2, so you have to wonder how much that was a factor yesterday after the game jimmy said he definitely felt it and that ankle took some hits 2 thanks to another shaky performance by the offensive line shanahan said the decision to start cj beathard the 2nd half. Was all about protecting jimmy more than anything else. Was and that is in closer to bad tory can a function of play. But it was definitely prohibit you can tell you is throwing just mechanically doing a little bit different than normally does when i do see that with my own eyes and then when i talked to a guy when comes out the field and ask him. Any kind echo some of the same self. I know is going to be tough for him to throw the way normally does. Meanwhile the raiders got the signature win of the new jon gruden and certainly the Las Vegas Air of the franchise beating the defending super bowl champion, an unbeaten chiefs in kansas city yesterday. Derek carr put to bed his past 4 performances in arrowhead stadium, throwing for 347 yards and 3 touchdowns he also converted the crucial 4th and one quarterback sneak to seal the win late in the game. Today coach gruden was asked about the importance of the win for his team. We needed to beat the chiefs because earn our way we got it we want what they have so its its time we went out there did a better job taking care of the football which we finally did and secondly we hung in there and whether to storm a found a way to win. According to the wall street journal as executive Vice President and minority owner billy beane could be leaving the franchise. Beans red ball Acquisition Corporation may be merging with Fenway Sports Group which owns the Boston Red Sox if the merger goes through being would likely have to leave the as due to a conflict of interest fsg also owns English Premier League champion liverpool and being has long been a soccer fan as minority owner of 2 european teams, being the inspiration for the book and movie moneyball has been the as front office since 1990 in 2002 he turned down a multimillion dollar offer to become the red sox gm, the rangers. Now the rays took a twogame tonight 2 games to none lead against the astros in the alcs as for the nlcs game one dodgers braves. Pablo sandoval the panda right here now with the braves to reach first after being hit by a pitch in his only atbat austin riley breaks 1 one tie with that last swing. That shot to left field off former oakland 8 Blake Treinen and solo home run 2 to one braves. They would tack on 3 more in the inning atlanta winds 5 to one. They lead the series one nothing. And down at petco park in san diego, the astros and rays on the diamond for game 2 of the alcs the rays struck first manual man well margo sending this one out to center over the wall thats gone. Putting the race up by 3 in the first margot in action again this time in the field on defense hes chasing down this fall, foul ball also fighting the sun and there he goes over the wall complete somersault and still comes up with the ball, the rays hold off the stros 4 to the final incredible play there. They also now lead the series 2 to nothing. Thats a look at sports back to you kylen thank you. Well, you have probably heard us use the term next it has emerged as an inclusive genderneutral term which refers to people of latin american descent living in the United States, but its still not widely accepted by the same people its meant to describe Carlos Saucedo takes a closer look at its meaning and im going to make the that the spot for latin next entertainment shows to Critical Public Health briefings, latin x that the you know let latin acts is catching on, but what does it mean. For that we head to a popular salvadoran restaurant and the Pico Union District of l a owned by self identified latin x family. I serve year of my they make the police us and much more with the twist tall on item he kind which is like i have talking points that come together. I am so ready and theyve joined me would stephanies parents manuel and sonia figaro a to talk about the x factor i was this as you work living in l a the family found itself stereotyped because sometimes people than me now mexico. There you make the guy im from mexico. Yes i from hour by hour. Normally we would see him as the culture and we would try to understand we were but it was really difficult there any that you are safe next. Over the years theyve come to embrace latin acts as an umbrella term for people of latin american descent living in the u. S. The song at mit. It took some convincing. So when you first sir you are just kind of like what i like what is this a union not know are yeah. Got a lot of the older generation, so light. Its more of a term that is more or not the older generation arts. Dont feel that when we talk to older generations that even from an order i mean i you know that water park and i thought theres another turned out, think that may not know for that. Instead of saying latino and latina the ax in latin x is used as gender neutral word. I think its too. United all not separate bomb. Because everybody. But not everyone is on board he recent survey found only 3 of latinos in the u. S. Have embrace latin x, while a majority had never heard of before hispanic or latino is still the preferred choice. Umbrella turns and especially in in reference to the left the knicks population are always going to have their limitations and and their benefits for siliva is chicano chicano studies professor at Loyola Marymount the battle over this term is in a lot of ways highlighting the fact that we still have a lot of work to do within our communities to kind of think of all of the higher fees that are in the way of social justice. For people who are old school dorm or traditional you dont identify as live. Next what you what do you tell them you know i agree i will review but also for me if i wanted a quiet saturday. With identity being so personal its nearly impossible to win everyone over whether its hispanic latino or now latin x. We will have to wait and see if survives the test of time. Im still the same. In los angeles several. And our hispanic heritage special runs this saturday october, the 17th the 30 minute special with our very own Nadia Gonzales will begin at 9 30 at night you can also find more stories online at kron 4 dot com just when was the last time your property tax bill went down . What . Never. Are you kidding me . For years, the residential burden has gone up. While the corporate burden has gone down. Prop 15 reverses that. It closes corporate loopholes and invests in schools, small business, and firefighters. And when the big corporations pay more, your tax bill goes down. Thats right. A savings of a hundred twentyone dollars a year for the average home. Give homeowners a break. Vote yes on 15. All right out there tonight skies mostly clear fog to speak of the golden gate bridge, beautiful shot out there tonight as were going to see clear skies almost all week long as High Pressure now building in those offshore winds. Our kicking in and yes, indeed it is going to be one of those beautiful autumn weeks ahead, beautiful over a San Francisco right now shining lights all the way across the bay and looking like were going to see that ridge of High Pressure sticking around fire danger. Yeah, its going to be running high. Well see some gusty winds specially get to wednesday thursday and possibly friday morning, cold front kind of clip, the northern part of the tomorrow afternoon. But once that moves through all of a sudden get High Pressure building in those clouds just kind of get blown away with that northerly wind that clears out bridge a lot of sunshine and here we go weve got some nice temperatures ahead 73 downtown San Francisco about 69 in the sunset about 16 over of 67 degrees apple bay where theyre joined waiting those pumpkins today, 75 degrees in burlingame 72 in san bruno 71. In south San Francisco 80s as you make your way in redwood city and san carlos to see plenty of these in the south bay tomorrow by the 83 in downtown san jose 85 in cupertino about 82 degrees, los gatos 90 still hot in some spots in the 91 in pleasanton about 79 degrees union city 79 also in hayward should be a Beautiful Day at stanley and are waking up with Sunshine State sunny all day and 79 degrees there 90 in hot water creek 90 in volusia back toward the coastline with temperatures in the 70s next couple days. We keep things on the hot side finally cooling down a little bit over the weekend. And no rain in sight. Thank you. Lawrence tonight, Supreme Court nominee amy kony bay were to. What its like entirely the mic inside of her tight knit community. When you pray in tongues and jumping around. Then superman trump . Did he really want to wear a superman costume when he made his big appearance . And covid19 immunity . Very risky to think we might be potentially immune. Plus mistry of a bandaid. And a Home Invasion nightmare. The hero 5yearold who through his toys at the hom

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