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Growing number of cases in the white house alexander. Also said that President Trump is still receiving the medication remdesevir and that he will need at least one more dose of that tomorrow, but still the plan is for President Trump to return to the white house shortly and this despite the fact that covid19 continues to spread through the white house staff. President trump announced on twitter that he was leaving Walter Reed Medical Center shortly after doctors gave an update on the president s condition over the past 24 hours. The president has continued to improve. Hes met or exceeded all standard hospital discharge criteria meanwhile covid19 continues to spread through the White House Press secretary Kayleigh Mcenany announced she tested positive back in any spoke to reporters sunday afternoon without wearing a mask in all we know of at least 26 people who have been around the president or his closest aides and have tested positive. I say for him not return to the white house where thereve been so many cases any of us if we work with our Infectious Disease experts. To make some recommendations for how to keep. Everything safe california congressman raul ruiz who is also a doctor questions the decision to discharge the president without the guarantee that he is no longer. Going to be a risk not only for his family but for the coworkers and the security detail and everybody who. Has to be around him is is mind boggling to me joe biden says so far hes tested negative and as for the next debate. Say. Theres still many Unanswered Questions such as when President Trump last tested negative for covid19 neither his doctors nor the white house will answer that question. But they say the white house is Contact Tracing live in washington, alexandra le mon thank you for that alexandra. Meanwhile, joe bidens Campaign Says the democratic but president ial nominee and tested negative for the coronavirus again on sunday. Biden had 2 negative tests on friday as well next Vice President is in florida today. The biden Campaign Says it will continue to observe Public Health guidelines on masks social distancing. And crowd side sizes. Now were continuing to see more people close to the president test positive for covid19 as of this morning here are the latest positive tests, the president and first lady press secretary Kayleigh Mcenany tested positive. This morning Trumps Campaign manager bill stepien trumps close aide hope hicks and his personal assistant nick luna also on that list, former counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway rnc chairwoman Ronna Mcdaniel utah senator mike lee. North carolina senator thom tillis and wisconsin senator ron johnson. Also testing positive is former new jersey governor chris christie. We have full update list, the positive and negative covid tests on our website thats a kron 4 dot com. Coverage continues at kron 4 dot com there you can track the president s progress and treatments. Honor the Virus Outbreak at the white house and watch expert analysis from doctors in the bay area and beyond thats on our web site again thats kron 4 dot com. Governor Gavin Newsome weighed in on the aftermath of president Donald Trumps covid19 diagnosis kron 4 Capitol Bureau reporter Ashley Zavala joins us live with details on that ashley. Hey sanaas yell when the president was first diagnosed with covid19 last week governor Gavin Newsome would not comment but that changed today when he was asked about the president s latest approach to covid19. Back to the president s life quite directly and quite significantly. Governor Gavin Newsome weighing in for the first time on the president s covid19 diagnosis just before the governors update monday. The president tweeted while preparing to leave Walter Reed Medical Center feeling really good dont be afraid of covid dont let it dominate your life weve developed some really great drugs and feel better than i did 20 years ago its a political season so it doesnt surprise me or anybody to dismiss this pandemic is anything but what it is a deadly pandemic deadly disease thats impacting lives destroying families. As well as our economy, i dont think advances collective cause. Bringing this country back together statewide case rates are stable, but the governor says decreases are starting to slow in california for cases hospitalizations and icu admissions state Health Leaders are projecting california could see an 89 increase in covid19 hospitalizations by the end of the month, newsome noted 21 states and parts of europe are already seeing increases in covid19 this is the second wave. That many had predicted. Now the president s diagnosis prompted questions about how some gets tested for covid19 he said hes been tested several times especially before certain events in certain meetings. He says all of those tests have come back negative and if he were to test positive the public would certainly have a right to know, reporting live in sacramento, Ashley Zavala kron 4 news. All right ashley, thank you for that. And thats our big story on the glass fire burning in napa and sonoma counties over 65,000 acres have burned and is now 30 contained more than 1200 structures have been destroyed. 28,000 are still threatened thousands of people still cannot return to their homes. And the city of santa rosa has put up a Damage Assessment not for homeowners to be able to see the status of their homes as the glass fire rages on here is that not red shaded areas or evacuation orders yellow shaded areas are evacuation warnings. Now if you zoom in to certain neighborhoods in red for example the redhawks neighborhood here then is able to see if your home is marked green for safe to live in yellow for safe to live in but repairs are needed or read for destroyed or unsafe to enter. County Officials Say structures that are not color coded they were not assessed a soon to be safe. Should know surrounding damage structures or vegetation. Moving now to the south bay. We are we are revisiting the destruction in the lightning complex fire along with the Environmental Protection agency kron fours rob fladeboe has more on this now from Boulder Creek road. Thats right and a cruise with the epa are now going said the Santa Cruz Mountains and also you know up into San Mateo County they are inspecting a hundreds of burned out properties, theyre searching for disposing of household waste, another potentially toxic materials i joined the outside of Boulder Creek here at one home side lets take a closer look. Phase one of a 2 step Fire Debris Removal Program is now underway here in Boulder Creek among the hardest hit areas of the 86,000 acres czu lightning complex fire zone equipped with extreme ppe the team from the Environmental Protection agency is combing through the rubble and whats left of this home is search of residue from household chemicals and other potentially Hazardous Materials says the epa is jeremy johnstone. Anything that any one of us might find in our home, you cleaning chemicals under the sink. Things in the garage paints thinners. Fuels propane bottles fertilizers pesticides. Batteries the crew is equipped with a device to detect radiation Carbon Monoxide and other gases. And a site like this most of the potentially Hazardous Materials were incinerated by the fire. But usually moved items are immediately removed well other potentially Hazardous Materials are marked with paid for later disposal by still other crews in phase 2 of the operation everythings going to either be recycled such as a lot of the steel that will be collected. Or concrete can be reused recycled. Everything else is going to go to a landfill. All totaled the landfills that they use particularly for phase 2 and will take everything left has left behind. They dont use landfills that are licensed for hazardous. Weiss so thats why were here to try to get the Hazardous Waste first to make their job. Easier in phase 2 and also safer for those workers when they come in. Pretty good. Now with more than not 900 Different Properties to expect here in both santa cruz and san mateo counties these crews have their work cut out for them its not just Hazardous Materials in some cases, the soil is contaminated and that will have to be removed by still other crews and then that with the rain is coming in the potential for runoff still other crews will have to try and mitigate keep some of these toxic out of the nearby creeks streams and other watershed and when theyre done in this fire until theyre moving on to the river fire in Monterey County live in Boulder Creek rob fladeboe kron 4 news. Take a live look outside at mount saint helene on the north bay where the glass fire continues to burn much better visibility today compared to the past several days, but still quite poor we want to check in with kron 4 meteorologist dave spahr on what the heat and the wind conditions look like for this week, i have. Good afternoon sanaas good afternoon, everybody and by the way looks like still spare the air day it looks like for San Francisco continuing into tomorrow, even though as soon as talk about the skies, look good decent around the bay area today and really weve been battling around San Francisco and parts has been because the golden gate has been this continuation of the fog now, this means a marine layer is back we like that thats good well keep that going on it looks like to the week ahead, heres what happens late tonight tomorrow discover, San Francisco. And it looks like for southern moore and as well mixing out for the most part it looks like as we get to the late Morning Hours with all of that. Now upstream things get very interesting looks like almost a whether to a winter diet pattern as we watch a low from the gulf of alaska come like that, and also there might be some tropical moisture thrown in here by friday. So its friday saturday to look out for for that little chance of rain may be developing. This is a big flip terms of our weather pattern at this really hold current temperatures 92 antioch 94 for livermore hard to get that influence out there, but 80s up in the north bay there, 91 a bottle 85 for san jose. So for comparison sake were in some cases almost a half a dozen degrees above. Its a on shore drift. Well call it not major winds going on here i guess thats some good news, 93 or so going on in land for right now by 07 00pm 7868 by 10 coming up a little bit well take a look at this long range forecast models of the big juicy low coming our way and also take a look at your extended forecast knots. For that. Coming up on kron 4 news at 3 San Francisco Police Searching for a missing at u c Berkeley Student where she was last seen and details on what she looks like. A live look outside Walter Reed Hospital President Trump set to leave the hospital and returned to the white house and the next couple of minutes. Well have all the latest developments right here on kron 4 the kron on app and online at kron your brain is an amazing thing. But as you get older, it naturally begins to change, causing a lack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall. Thankfully, the breakthrough in prevagen helps your brain and actually improves memory. The secret is an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. The last several days have been filled with questions about the president s covid19 diagnosis and today as we wait for him to be released from the hospital questions still remain about his condition. Kron fours noelle bellow joins us now live with a look at whats transpired over this. Is. Eisen eyes. Yeah, weve received daily updates on the president since his diagnosis thursday and as more of his staff continues to test positive. We still dont know when and where the president got infected. Today his doctors wouldnt answer when asked that question but here is what we do know on thursday we learned what white house aide hope hicks tested positive for the virus. Late that evening technically early friday morning, the president announced he and the first lady tested positive as well we have learned after a couple of confusing and some Misleading Press conference as from his doctors that over the course of the day friday, the president s vital signs were very concerning and he was put on supplemental oxygen before being transported to Walter Reed Medical Center the president was also given an experimental antibody cocktail on friday as well around of remdesevir which is an antiviral drug on saturday. We learned the president was fever free while at walter reed he began tweeting out videos and photos of himself working while at the hospital on sunday trumps physician, sean conley disclosed the president s blood oxygen level had dropped suddenly over the course of the day saturday and he was given the steroid dexamethasone but again doctors were still optimistic the president then took a bit of a joy ride around the Medical Center sunday evening waving to supporters from the back of an suv and today his doctors announce the president was continuing to respond well to treatment and would be discharged this afternoon. Hes met or exceeded all standard hospital discharge criteria. They receive another dose of remdesivir youre here today and then we plan to get him home. Its been more than 72 hours since his last fever. Oxygen levels, including ambulatory saturation and his work of breathing. Were all normal. May not entirely be out of the woods yet the team and i agree that all or evaluations, most importantly, his clinical status. Support the president s safe return home. Well be surrounded by world class medical care, 24 7. Mentioned we still dont have a definitive answer of when or where the president contracted covid but this is a look at the president s schedule in the 5 days before he tested positive on the 26th of september he did host that now infamous rose garden ceremony at the white house more than 150 guests attended that event about a dozen of those attendees would go on to test positive for the virus. That same day on the 26 the president went with his adviser hope hicks to an outdoor rally in pennsylvania, a few days later on the 29th the president and first family attended the debate in cleveland moderator. Chris wallace says the president did not take a covid test upon arrival there the following day the president held another Outdoor Campaign rally in minnesota after which his aide hope hicks fell ill and tested positive for the virus, even still the next day on october first the president held a roundtable and private fundraiser in bedminster new jersey. Later that night he would test positive for the virus now seen as we know Contact Tracing is being done. However, the president s doctors didnt have details on how or what method was being used for Contact Tracing. We brought you his Doctors Press Conference Live on kron on this morning be sure to download that app its free we bring you the latest in local National News there 24 7 set off. Now for more on the president s diagnosis and discharged from the hospital were joined by doctor, Peter Chinhong Infectious Disease specialist from ucsf doctor chinhong thank you so much for joining us again today. I saw me on now we spoke i spoke to on friday about the concerns that you had regarding the president s diagnosis as a highrisk patients. Its great news to hear that hes Getting Better and hes recovering, but can we is safe to say that hes now in the clear. Hes definitely not in the clear soon we find a few patients who have gone home like the president s who are on what i think all of us the honeymoon phase and then day 7 the 10. All of a sudden they need a lot of oxygen again rushed back to the hospital. They go to the intensive care unit and may get a breathing tube put in so not out of the woods yet but im hoping that he will recover and be healthy. And it would be crossed on you know possibly behind it. So he went and i believe it was friday. Today is what i believe day for so we saw he saw his doctors and they have to keep an eye on him he has to kind of keep an eye on on his own health for at least the next what 7 to 10 days at least. Yeah, definitely so i think at the white house, theyll be checking as auction nation. Maybe checking its fever is alive he continues to be on steroids. Its like taking. You know a lot of ibuprofen basically has the same effect of blunting the fevers so to be looking at other things make sure that hes doing okay. And when i would assume that given that he is coming out, but he still in a gray zone with covid19 still has to be in somewhat of an isolation mode right. Undoubtedly cdc guidelines very clear. You met someone has mild disease you cant go out to the rest of the world unless you have tend york 10 days the on time of symptoms and you have to have 20 followers have no symptoms. If we call him severely ill with somebody on would be theoretically than that in the bill increases of 20 days. Wow okay. Now if you were to catch covid19 again which hopefully he doesnt. But if he did could he potentially be at a lower risk of complications simply because hes already had it once. Thats a great question soon i think the jurys still out but in the cases so far on the world they havent been many. So its a rare event so far as we know it thats the patients the Second Time Around seem to less severe disease. All right well like i said hopefully doesnt get to that point now my last question he tweeted earlier today saying quote dont be afraid of covid dont let it dominate your life. Doctor chinhong what are your thoughts on that. Well i continue to be our respectful from boulevard covid its surprises me all the time not only about the acute illness. But after effect so we prayed about long haulers people out product symptoms of fatigue bring fog, snowing where things like forest fires of cigarettes smoked weve seen that in florida conditions in children even long after the infection. Covid toes happened after the infection. But i hope thats you know for most of the people they just get over it and thats it. Like i said we are happy that the president is getting released from the hospital today fingers crossed that he remains that he improves to up continues to improve the he recovers completely and he doesnt face Something Like this again doctor chinhong always such a pleasure to speak with you thanks for joining us today. Thanks so and an intense game underway right now at Dodger Stadium facing off with the Houston Astros and well have the latest on game one of the alds coming up. Plus why the bumper stickers on your car may be putting your family in danger. And as we head to the break a live look outside at Walter Reed Hospital over and the best the maryland marine one has arrived. President trump will be welcome back a warning now about the dangers are car decals or stickers reflect our personalities. But again also let people with less than good intentions. Prey on you and your family, even Something Like a sticker about paddleboarding may reveal more than it should. In a notice howard sticker and theyll know that i have quite a bit of equipment a home. Crime prevention specialists also suggest that if you want to show off your kids accomplishments on your car just remind the child of somebody they dont know references the sticker or has that bit of information but that is a red flag. And in other news, a u c Berkeley Student from North Carolina has vanished in San Francisco. A 19 yearold girl named as sydney west has been living in the area since late august. But has not been in contact with family or friends since september 30th thats according to the Orange County sheriffs office. Last known location was in San Francisco near crissy field. Authorities say west is likely wearing dark shorts, slipon vans shoes and her hair in a ponytail kron fours morning. Kelly is following the story well have a full report coming up on kron 4 news at 5. We just learned of a missing San Jose State University students 26 yearold to on when was last seen on friday morning near story road and mclaughlin her car was found near the interstate to 80 on ramp. Her friends and family say that its not like her to miss classes, anyone with information on her whereabouts is asked to call police. And coming up at 3. 30 a live look at Walter Reed Hospital in dc marine one is ready to transport the president once he leaves the hospital. All the latest d breaking news President Trump will be leaving Walter Reed Hospital any moment now this is a live shot of marine one right outside of the hospital thats over in. But thats the maryland. I want to check in with kron 4 political analyst michael yaki and Tom Del Beccaro michael thank you for joining us today a lot has been going on over the last few days a lot i guess emotional up and down whether you support the president or you dont. What do you think about whats going on just you know as a whole. Well i i i guess the best way to put it is that time. I was hopeful this weekend. If this experience word provide some some kind of revelation or breakthrough for the president and instead has 9 hits been solely about the president his desire to be in the front of the whether it was the joy ride that court certain secret Service Detail at risk or the fact that hes getting discharged today probably against the consensus to medical advice. To basically go and a tweet that you do not be afraid of covid im doing great i feel better than i have in last 20 years is just irresponsible. The fact is that. You have to be afraid of covid to be wary of covid and you certainly dont make it sound as if it was just like a walk in the park feeling, youre feeling great feeling better than you have 20 years thats not what the American People know thats not the experience of the 210,000 on families whove experienced a loss of a loved not to mention the people who are still suffering from the aftereffects having contracted covid there now and its related related so you know as as far as breakthrough for the president nothing happened. Its disappointing. I know some people were hoping that you know the diagnosis of covid19 for the president would help possibly a supporters. Change the way they view the virus, you know and even himself as you mentioned change the narrative that he has surrounding the particular virus so you surprised that he tweeted that out downplaying the virus has he has. Well you know you hope for the best but prepare for the worst and the case of the president seems to be more. Preparing for the worst in years of perfect instance of that happening case where chance for guys with the American People are you chose some since Charity Leadership and in fact some concern for the people who we may have infected through his. The fundraisers are 3 the Supreme Court presentation of of amy barrett, you saw none of that was just all about him. No sympathy for the secret Service Agents or for or for the or for the people being exposed. Support over the past 5 or 7 days, lets lets not lets make sure the president is leaving the Walter Reed Hospital. Hes going to the equivalent of a hospital in the white house they have a complete medical units. You can get that rimmed as severe and the dick smith met the zone in in the b in the white house where you really cant get it or if youre ordinary human being you need to be in the hospital for that entire season essentially going to a hospital in the white house and hes getting treatment that quite frankly probably no one else in this country ever gotten in terms of being able to get experimental drug. Experimental therapy, the Monoclonal Antibody therapy, a rimmed as severe and the dexamethasone at the same time. When he didnt wear it. When i think it was bill to get any and all of that at the same time which is good good for him, but again i think this is this is the kind of thing that brings home. The distinction between the way donald trump is and the American People when it comes to things Like Health Care that is hes getting everything that he needs. Hes gaining anything that he wants and the American People had obama care on on the Supreme Court docket week after the election these are the things that are contradictions that he could have taken leadership on they could have you could have brought empathy and sympathy to the American People who suffered through this. Since march march of this year. But that hasnt happened. I also think it shows a distinction between just you know people receiving those that have you know that essentially have the money to receive quality treatment and lets see those that dont im not saying that everyone thats you know wealthy is going to be able to receive the kind of the president did but they definitely have better access to things then lets say someone that is you know receiving welfare or is receiving government aid so i took it shows someone of a distinction and almost highlights. The fact that people are disproportionately impacted by this disease just by virtue of where they are monetarily. Well i mean and think about it. At last the black community, jean, the latino community. These American Community disproportionately die because of covid compared to the majority of the community. This is some and it has a lot of it can be traced to community factors, healthcare factors. I mean all of us wish the president well and were all glad he got everything that he did. But the same time. There there are probably a lot of families out there we never got to see their loved ones while theyre still in the hospital when they passed who are. Concerned about of the aftereffects on loved ones right now along all people who have continued credit receipt 14th rain fog. Restaurateur respiratory distress and in fact these are the things that you know for all of us are happy happy. Talk that the doctors gave at the press conference they did say this one thing which is hes not out of the woods yet and given the course of how this disease works theyre very theyre very concerned about how he would get through this next through the rest of this week. Through the weekend so you know there theres a lot of things here and still in play. And if the president should not be downplaying the kitchen should exhibit fear. But he should exhibit empathy concern and in real about what but how he despite all the protections, socalled protection that they thought they had at the white house that the coronavirus struck peru and now the white house itself. Any epicenter of the coronavirus. Now michael lets play devils advocate here, lets say he goes and hes gone and he has been receiving all different kinds of treatments, this met these medications and lets say he does feel better than you did 20 years ago, would you still say its irresponsible of him that its have tweeted out that tweet if thats really how he feels. Well if he feels that way you have to ask yourself why does he feel that way and and. One of the things that comes to mind is think something that a lot of doctors have pointed out which is that the that the dexamethasone which is a powerful steroid one of its side effects is know whats called steroid euphoria where you basically feel that youre invincible youre better, youre youre youre feeling great. This happens in a lot of people. It doesnt mean youre not going to get the next next clipped off the next clip. This disease as far as we know and remember we dont know everything there is about it. Does it have cycles and a lot of people get well, they feel great. And then boom they fall off a cliff. Now this is pretty clear medication is usually given to people or on ventilators they expanded its you somewhat. As from what i can tell but all steroids have have potential side effect of inducing this euphoria and you got to to wonder what is going on here, i mean there are the lack of i guess this goes to. The number one issue that a lot of people are critical of that which is the lack of transparency about the president s condition. We dont know. The day doctors were deliberately vases about. Is xrays but what what was the work is what the of his lungs reveal. Theyve been delivery of a son about what his temperature was was box level drop down to their lot of instances of president s in the modern era, or you can find out everything that. Going to catch you off right now with President Trump he is stepping out of Walter Reed Hospital hes at the top of the stairs right now. Wearing a mask he just you know showed his fist you know a sign that hes doing okay. Again he is suited up coming down. Looks the same as he did going in is again he says he feels better according to his tweet. He this is now a live look outside of. Walter reed hospital over it and the best a maryland the president went in on friday afternoon he was diagnosed or you received a positive covid19 test. He was taken into the Walter Reed Hospital on friday. Hes been there since they put the supplied game supplement supplemental oxygen at some points. We saw earlier he was doing what they call a almost like a victory lap. Going around the parking lot waving to supporters and today, hes being released its about 40 3 oclock for about 6. 30 a little after 6. 30 over on the east coast and that was a live look of the president coming out of Walter Reed Hospital again thats where hes been since friday afternoon receiving treatments for covid19 receiving all the therapeutic drugs the remdesevir the deck, some of his own. That various treatment of possibilities. And now they say that he is feeling better to be sent home but as we spoke to doctor chinhong a little earlier the president isnt necessarily in the clear just yet but again hes being released from the hospital today, and we just saw him board on to marine one. Now if youre just joining us President Trump tweeted out earlier today he leave Walter Reed Hospital 6. 30 eastern time we just saw him leave the hospital, he said quote, ill be leaving the great Walter Reed Medical Center today at 6. 30 feeling really good. Dont be afraid of covid dont let it dominate your life we have developed under the trump administrations some really great drugs and knowledge. I feel better than i did 20 years ago, and quote now again. This is a live look outside of the Walter Reed Hospital where the president we just saw him walk out he just boarded marine one. Again the tweets had said that he was leaving today, we just saw him leave he says hes feeling really good. Hes telling people quote dont be afraid of covid dont let it dominate your life and he also said that under his administration some really great drugs and knowledge have been developed again. He says hes feeling amazing, but as we spoke to doctor chinhong a little earlier he was admitted into the hospital on friday at friday, this is about day 4 of journey with covid19 so hes not necessarily in the clear just yet just a something that he and his positions have to keep an eye out for. Now we also have former chairman for the California Republican party Tom Del Beccaro tom thanks for joining us. Tom are you there. I guess were well get well bring in once we connect again were taking a live look at Walter Reed Hospital. Michael as i believe we have Michael Michael are you there. Hello michael. So here. Ok mike im i guess i want to ask you another my other question to you sure there are a lot of conspiracy theories flying around on the internet that he wasnt necessarily sick. He was taken you know he he claims. Again these are the stories that i saw online that he was faking a positive covid19 test was taken to the hospital and basically just wants to show everyone despite my risk factors despite being 74 years old. Despite you medically obese im still able to recover from this vi virus therefore its not that big of a deal what are your thoughts on that. I i i think thats probably ridiculous to think that his chief of staff mark meadows. Who he was furious said basically essentially told the truth. Because of the president has been precipitous drops in is not your nation and his and his on friday. I took turn for the worse from just why they matter of fact him to walter reed so i dont believe that went up again. This instead goes to the issue of. With this experience changed at all. And apparently it has now. Yes, so and so and said said to i was talking to earlier today about you know whats so bad about saying dont be afraid lend a major life not my or to that is that. Well the fact is that if we had a National Plan if we had if he had said that we will and and we will enforce masks and social distancing. The crush the curve and stopping increases that were seeing still seen in this country whether its in your city now whether its in the south and the midwest parts of california. You name it. If he had that kind of national leadership. I think that we would be would be able to say you know we dont have to well be so. We have to be wearing with the cautious route to be we to act in the best way possible to prevent this from us from catching it or give it to others. We dont have any that instead it says its his cavalier dont be afraid to lay your life i feel better than i did. The last 20 years of somehow or another covid will make you feel like a new person, its a its like its just like covid is the botox or Something Like that thats not it. Its killed 210,000 americans. Its gravely injured. Scores more people who have chronic said where the manifestation of of some form or Chronic Fatigue syndrome brain fog. Lung damage, joint damage. This is a this is not this is not something to be taken lightly and as this blind tweet that he gave is either manifestation of the drugs hes taking or is just the way that he is its its its all about him and its all about trying to convince people that this endemic which American People believe he has done very little to manage is actually not a big problem at all thats been his message since day one its been a lie. Hes told ever since he told bob woodward that he knew it was airborne and deadly. But was telling the American People dont panic its the same kind of thing American People want the truth. You dont have to live in fear and they want panic. But if they have the truth and they have a plan. Wed be a lot better off right now than what we are then we are right now. When you say American People want the truth i would you know think that his supporters think that you know it or truth or the those that believe thats covid19 is a real threat and those that dont believe it or the you know those are following his word. Both of those groups of people think their truth is different so i dont necessarily know if its you know they werent you saying that the American People want the truth i do think that the American People want the truth but i also think that a lot of his supporters think that what the president is saying is the truth and you know those that say that covid19 is so deadly and is so dangerous there that you know they think that theyre the ones that dont know what theyre talking about how much of this do you think has to do with. You know what happened on the stage the night of the debate do you think that its possible that has nothing to do with that or do you think maybe some of them have to do with you know him wanting to kind of draw attention away from that night and then kind of put the spotlight back on him. And maybe draw some sympathy from his supporters. This is a key and instance where the last thing that the president wanted was to make this election about the pandemic of covid19. And being medivac from the white house to walter reed with this and theyre in the minds of every american and thats and students were voting right now. We all got our ballots just california. This is not what he wants to see he is not what the pandemic to be to be the folk. Point of peoples decisionmaking election because by a vast majority, especially among the swings in the independence. They believe it is lack of leadership cut you off really quick were just seeing marine one. Taking off right now again the president just left Walter Reed Hospital. Its about 15 to 7 east coast time or about 3 46 here in on the west coast. Hes leaving Walter Reed Hospital heading back to the white house. He was admitted into the hospital on friday. Thats a positive for covid19 was taken in they placed him on it, cocktail of of medications from remdesevir you seems the various types eat all treatments that have not yet been fda approved for the use by the public, but again given the fact that he was at Walter Reed Hospital and given the fact that he is the president he was able to have access to these medications and these treatments again he tweeted a little earlier this morning saying that he was going to be released at 00 30pm tonight again this is that is east coast time. We just saw him leave the hospital. Hes now going back but he did say in his tweet that quote dont be afraid of covid19. Dont let it dominate your life. We were speaking with michael yaki our political analysts he was saying that it was irresponsible to make such claims. And that. Your concern for covid19 is ita very dangerous a virus. It was this is a shot of his supporters standing outside you can see the flag flags in their hands. It looks like theyre dispersing this is outside of Walter Reed Medical Center and we have are a political analyst Tom Del Beccaro hes joining us. Now, hi tom thanks for joining us. Tommy their can hear me. Yes or no law. Okay, all right again were seeing a live. Look this is outside of Walter Reed Hospital you can see all the flowers and the balloons. Top and we have turned up a car joining us tom. Talk to me about what this you know what these last 4 days have been for you the president went in on friday. He you know he tested positive for covid19 he was taken into the hospital on friday. Were the last course the last couple days. He was given supplemental oxygen. He was given a cocktail of medications that have not yet been fda approved for public use. He is now leaving the hospital talk to us what its been like for you. As someone writes history books, im impressed by how stable are system in us we have great medical care we white house that operates you have. Meeting something were to happen to the president so for im always in crest by the stability, many other countries in the world this plan on it was set off a potentially bad number one of course is 2020. And i dont know what else is going to happen in but i hopefully nothing any more serious note campaigns have been like that so campaigns have been interrupted in his fashion now the question is how did things go forward weiss the president s message now that he has been personally affected will they a different s im emphasis. On how to deal with this Going Forward and thats really what were going to need to see. Now president having been personally impacted by covid19 what do you think about his tweet that he sent out earlier saying quote dont be afraid of covid19 dont let it dominate your life a lot of people are thinking that now that he has been diagnosed and now that he has been taken to the hospital for the virus that perhaps his narrative surrounding the virus would change it appears just from from the tweet that it hasnt changed much whats your take on that. No president ever told the American People to hear something and know that no one could be a leader by telling people to fear something remember fdr scene and he said the only thing we have fear is fear itself and fdr also talked about a road about this and one of kids about the telling of distortions by those who are critics only adds to the problem and he didnt want that back then and remember how serious the crisis was then you have. I mean that that changed world history, americans didnt know what going to happen. So i think hes right to say dont fear it we buy shoes say about the same time we need to conquer this together and he needs to use in my mind i thought i was writing for him to use words not same we now now that we understand even more and i go into this mine is all. She was all to conquer this grows and were going to be doing additional things to make top. And you mentioned just now that our system is so stable that you know he was able to get the medical care needed that you know this is you the president ial succession act is in place everything is there. So if something does happen there are processes that we follow as a country procedurally i was talking to michael just now talking about how the president was able to have access to this kind of treatment in this kind of medical care obviously because he is the president and he was able to have access to these treatments and these medications. Before fda approval for the public. What do you know it does set somewhat of a a pretty hard line between people that have access to it by virtue of just. Who they are the money they have and what not versus those that are you know the the quote unquote average american who may not necessarily be a celebrity or may not necessarily have the money or access to to such medications. So keep him on a couple things just many bus and complaining all along that congress has Better Health care system and the rest of us and they should have to under our system this is serious vance unit that they are look it is the presidency and you need to have stability there so they need to get its members. The president also signed the right to try which is not medicine given to those in significant danger the president did get this action remember he take he took something that has been approved and took risk on i would have done the same in it it me and people will eventually begin to benefit from that remember theres a 160 million rapid tests that they just sent out and also. Consider that the operation warp speed which is the combined vaccination effort is working about normally shes 40 years for vaccination may think theyre going to get down to you have to put resources federal government spent 5 trillion dollars on kobe so far and doubling of the national. Budget dont fight were going end up spending 10 trillion this year we spent 5, 6, a cut you off really quick were just taking a look right now marine one is landing in front of the white house again if youre just joining us. President trump was released from Walter Reed Hospital, he boarded marine one i would say about what maybe 20 minutes ago, 1520 minutes ago. He was just flown over to the white house and you can see marine one is landing has been at the hospital since friday was getting treated for covid19 he was given a cocktail of drugs and he again tweeted earlier saying that he feels better than he did. 20 years ago, tom, sorry to have cut you off to go you know thats okay actually i was concerned about what but they told the world what he was going to be leaving the hospital in flying in the air that made me nervous because she you know this day in age, but it often takes an enormous amount of money push in one direction and then then it gets experimental that it gets you a few people and that it takes time to get to i think the fact this is a great test case the fact that as soon as he shown any signs of this that they him. And if he go follows through on this and doesnt have any further complication that that tells doctors a lot i when i was tested once for kobe didnt turn out i didnt have this is early on it was ok, well tell you in 7 to 10 days and i thought to myself. My son going to be here in 7 to 10 days. Now theyre Getting Better my daughter goes to work and they want her in the tester and we day she comes to work so it takes some time for some of us. Just to go back to what you had mentioned saying that you are worried about. People knowing that he was leaving the hospital. From what i understand a president ial aircraft theyre pretty well protected so thankfully, you know he didnt run into any in issues but i dont think anyone would be able to even intercept anything with regard to the president because again as you mentioned theres so many things in place so many processes and mechanisms in place to keep the president and you know of his level and power protected which again that is good news. Tom i want to draw your attention to some things that i was reading online, im sure youve seen it as well. Some of the conspiracy theories that they say you know the president was again this is the reason i read online people saying that made you know hes not sick. He pretended to have covid19 to draw attention away from you know things that happened at the debate to possibly say you know what im 74 years old i have high cholesterol im overweight im fall into that risk factor group im diagnosed with covid19 i was taken to the hospital and i still got out what do you think about that. Chris christies in the hospital and very high risk category. I dont think he believes in en masse theory i dont think hope hicks believes in in that hearing now. You know there was no way that may i was i was told early on by yes really have so i didnt much has been politics recent years, you know i was chairman party, you never cancel fundraisers for anything. But and so and and this isnt a net wind out of the gate and its very easy for critics to say you should follow the cdc with mask and by the way it was in the white house they do do this so its very easy for critics to to criticize him that he didnt do enough so. Look they he had it there are people who have it as a result it is spreading it may go back to that rose garden. Vents and what said then i thought to myself i wouldnt want to be there me personally because it looked like there were too many people there. So no im not buying that that is a conspiracy here there is a big lesson and i hope for everyone. At the white house and others. Step up to and say were going to take additional steps. Again their conspiracy theories i think when people hear the word the name, the label Conspiracy Theory were kind of. Just take it for what it is so again i wasnt necessarily pushing that i was just saying that some things that i was reading online. October 7th is the day of the next president ial. Out. Well 2 is the vp debate and then after that. So let be really like i was. Tom im so sorry to cut you off right now again this is a live look outside of the white or where marine one. Just landed the president is now you can in the distance, he is the gentleman wearing a black suit hes walking into the white house he i believe hes going to be waiting to us you can see him a standing in front of the american flags. He was released from Walter Reed Hospital today. Less than 30 minutes ago here we cant see it from the shopping were told that he has just taken off his mask again. He tested positive for covid19 on friday he was taken to the hospital. He is feeling better. You deserve he obviously the you know given what we know the virus. The virus is still in his system. But he has just arrived at the white house walked up the stairs he no longer is wearing his mask. He were told hes going to be in the white house, but again as we spoke to a medical expert a little earlier. Given that this is day 4 or so of you know the progression of the virus. The president is not necessarily in the clear just yet again if youre just joining us were taking a live look at the white house you could see marine one right in front. Dont know if you can make it out on your screens but you could see a few american flags, the president s, donald trump is standing in front of those flags. He had just walked up those stairs and were told that he has taken off his mask again they say that he potentially had contracted the virus from his aide, a former for a top aide hope hicks his First Lady Melania Trump she contracted the virus as well. President trump however was taken to the hospital in addition he had contracted it. He is taking it he was taken to the hospital Walter Reed Hospital in the best a maryland on friday. Hes been there since theyve given supplemental oxygen he was given remdesevir dexamethasone these are all fda. Non fda approved medications that are right now in trials not not accessible by the public but the president did receive these medications. Hes now back at the white house. We now say were going to send you now to doctor phil now i believe not were going to be on this now you can see marine one taking off right now again the president got got into the white house marine one had gone to the best maryland. He was released from the hospital we spoke to political experts Tom Del Beccaro and michael yaki a little earlier today talking about their what they think about the president s tweet. Telling people quote dont be afraid of covid19 dont let it dominate your life michael yaki believes that it was irresponsible, however. Tom del beccaro says that it was it was a good move in that he doesnt want people to supporters to be scared, but he does believe that he should have taken a Firm Approach to the fact thov

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