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Just hours after white house staff aide hope hicks tested positive for the virus. Since that many top level regularly in contact with the president and hope hicks have been getting tested for the virus. And diagnosis of course comes just days after the first president ial debate on tuesday. The president shared a stage with former Vice President Joe Biden Biden says that he has been tested several times today and both he and his wife are negative for the virus joining us now live from washington dc is jesse to noren jesse just a stunning turn of events just weeks now about a month away from the election. How does this shape the month that we have now before we have a president ial election. Yeah thats a good question really isnt so much is still up in the air president Trumps Campaign did say that all of the scheduled events these next few weeks. Would either go to a virtual platform or be postponed altogether and like you mentioned really a month away from the election were less than 2 weeks from the next president ial debate and that falls within the 14 day quarantine period that the president should be abiding by and so we dont even know what that could potentially look like whats a little less up in the air is the Vice President ial side since Vice President mike pence and Kamala Harris both tested negative for covid19 today, so that debate scheduled for next week should still move forward from what weve been hearing and their Campaign Events as well joe biden himself has been campaigning today. A new development there is that they are going to be pulling negative ads for the time being following the president s diagnosis. Boy i just see so many questions also begs the question how far his this spread into the halls of power and whats the response from congress ben. Yeah, i mean the response from Congress Following you know their condolences and their well wishes for President Trump in the first lady really came to testing. Congress doesnt have a testing protocol for its members. And thats been true since the very beginning of the pandemic apparently the white house came forward and offered up a plan to Speaker Pelosi majority leader mcconnell and they declined and so that will be another development to watch over the next couple days to see if this puts enough pressure on members of congress to do to implement their own testing strategy. Jesse was exactly 2 weeks ago tonight that we were all stopped in our tracks it from washington once when obviously the Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg died and now we have this confirmation hearing process that has already started in earnest to try to get judge Amy Coney Barrett on the bench, what happens in that regard. So judge barrett was tested today for covid19 that came back negative after that we found out that she is actually already recovered from covid19 over the summer and so republicans are saying that President Trumps diagnosis doesnt change their process theyre still moving full speed ahead for that october 12 confirmation hearing start date and then getting that vote to the senate floor before election day to get judge barrett confirmed to the but as far as democrats are concerned this is just yet another reason why this process should be postponed some of them even delivered letters. In person to the leadership, asking them to come to their side because of these recent developments just saying theres no way this can happen before the election, but it looks like its still going to. All right jesse thank you so much well be checking in with you from time to time as there are many many more questions that are being raised tonight just eaten or reporting live from washington. And when it comes to the coronavirus President Trump is in a highrisk group and has several factors that can contribute to more severe symptoms first of all age the president is 74. He is considered clinically obese. According to the cdc people in the 65 to 74 age range. Face a 5 times greater risk of hospitalization. And then 90 times greater risk of death from covid that is compared to young adults between the ages of 1829. Joining us right now are political analyst Tom Del Beccaro michael yaki. Where do we begin. Tom does it gone on and the hospitalization have on the election. If you keep this in mind that still 99 recovery rate for people in his category one as you mentioned and hes getting the best treatment in the world which changes everything, look depends on how this goes forward is not that theres nothing certain about the next couple of 3 weeks weve never faced this in history. But im confident that hes going to get the care and then the question becomes how does he carry himself throughout this process. I know wants no, but you could trump for 4 decades now. And i watched him walk out bostons speech and hes a look on his face is i dont like this to the world, white house, but theyre making me do this sort of thing so im confident hes going to be okay. But it takes them off the trail and then but who gets the advantage from 9 10 sometimes. People rally around the president in these conditions menifee bounces out of the office you may actually help on the other hand is like was about to tell you this center stage today covid and trump rather have the debate about the economy which is supposed to grow 34 this quarter. Well get with mom but first of all back to you and from a practical standpoint, the president has been reluctant at best to encourage the American People to wear masks and all of the doctors and Scientists Say that does help he wore a mask today when he got on marine one. Do you think that this will change the messaging at all from the president and the white house when it comes to protecting the American People and trying to get folks to do Everything Possible to prevent the spread. We needed to even my we all know when he caught hes probably 5 to 6 days into this which carries it asked what the symptoms that that hope added may carry it back to the rose garden is not clear how he be could pick it up in a sense having said all. I do believe that there will be a different tone Going Forward now that is more than personalize for him and he can day is spent 5 trillion dollars in the last 6 months and doubling of the federal budget with respect to the response. So yes i think itll be different tone. Yes, you will see more mass but lets not understate the time that they spent 5 trillion dollars which is a doubling the federal budget in the last 6 months. So so talk talk. How do you think his base will respond to this do you think that people will now start taking it seriously and start donning masks. Contends dont think his base as a whole can be said doesnt take it seriously im trump supporter and i have been virtually quarantine compared to most people many of us take this very very seriously. I think youre going to see a lot of political dance that out there trying to show support for him as the weeks go forward. Trump supporter in the bay area little bit different and we want to bring michael into this conversation michael what does this mean for the former Vice President joe biden he has adopted a new tone today in terms of messaging and in terms of the attacks on the president do you think could help the president in some way how do you think this affects the big picture election. This is an instance where there is opportunity and danger 9 of not talking the physical danger and to the health of the president over the political danger to the president he has been trying mightily over the past to 3 months talk about anything but the pandemic talk about law and order but voter fraud about im are immigrants immigration anything that can take away from the fact that people do and then join the American People blame him for the fact that 200,000 americans have died because of the pandemic now the opportunity comes from the fact that as someone is now suffering from it does that triggered that bet empathy gene that everyone thinks that he doesnt quite have and as a result for example and kelly mark meadows and seeming newton to go over the capitol hill and talk to pelosi and say lets signed lets sign that bad heroes act bill for Coronavirus Relief and get the checks out to people and get the money to the state local government said that theyre going to be that they need desperately to keep their front line workers going now would be that would be an enormous accomplishment if you try to do that. But again people are voting now a lot of them a lot of peoples minds are said and joe biden doesnt need to criticize the president. He can still do implicitly by talking about what his plan will be for dealing with the pandemic Going Forward this. This does change the nature of the race. Instead lou or at least it it changes the ability to train change the nature of the race, i was that was going to be about the pandemic this incident is going to crystallize it and make it even more so yeah, this is a very bizarre october surprise. I imagine. Either one of you can answer this and this is almost had a basic civics question. But in terms of succession should the president become sicker and incapacitated in some way. Whats the order of events. When the constitution is is very clear. The Vice President succeeds the president if you for example were too. You know pass away but then issuing capacitacion is something thats much more legally problematic because the 25th amendment essentially gives the president. The first right of to decide whether or not he or she cant you cant continue in the office. If if the Vice President disagrees strongly. Theres section 4 which enables him to her or take anything the cabinet and take a vote and transfer the powers our to the Vice President and then from there. The succession goes in the speaker there which is nancy pelosi, the president pro tem which is charles grassley. Many mike pompeo as secretary of state. All right, lets hope doesnt get to that michael yaki Tom Del Beccaro we appreciate your time tonight, thank you. Thank you both here. And i wish is signed for certainly with the president and the first lady. Mister cano hey guys we are looking at serious fire conditions here in the bay area, the winds are now just picking up again. How long will the fire conditions last well talk about that coming up. And our breaking News Coverage on President Trump and his Coronavirus Diagnosis and admission to walter reed hospital. Continues all evening long right here on kron 4 news said you can follow our coverage always at kron 4 dot com there you can find the president s message to americans today. Also the Contact Tracing underway right now at the white house and you can see reaction to that covid diagnosis saw that much more on taking california for a ride. Companies like uber, lyft, doordash. Breaking state employment laws for years. Now these multibilliondollar companies wrote deceptive prop 22 to buy themselves a new law. To deny drivers the rights they deserve. No sick leave. No workers comp. No unemployment benefits. Vote no on the deceptive uber, lyft, doordash prop 22. One ride california doesnt want to take. Well continue to follow the president s Coronavirus Diagnosis. But our other top story tonight that massive glass fire still burning tonight in the north bay at this hour, the glass fire has burned more than 60,000 acres and remains at 6 containment. Thousands of residents remain evacuated in sonoma and napa counties. Cal fire says the blaze has destroyed 589 buildings in his damaged 110 others right now more than 28,000 structures remained threatened. And in the napa valley skies are filled with smoke as residents cope with yet another day of fire and another day of fears for their homes forcing kerman has been talking to many of those folks he joins us now live from the Cross Walk Church in napa which is by the way doubling as the countys Evacuation Center. Then how are People Holding up. People are doing the best they can you know many of these people have been out of their homes for 2, 3 days at this point others still in their homes but are just waiting for that Evacuation Order to come as everyone knows they are forecasting higher winds tonight nets putting everybody on edge. This is what it looked like driving north through the napa valley, thick smoke choked the air permeating even the biggest of masks. Across the valley utility crews are reconnecting wires and the bad air. In cities like calistoga remain evacuated. Due to fire fears its been pretty hard i mean we cant go outside to even. And on the line. This woman and her family were evacuated from calistoga earlier in the week. They were among those picking up lunch friday at the Evacuation Center at nap us Cross Walk Church the fire is really really puts the phone. So now he says thing the fire which burned within a halfmile of calistoga continues to threaten that city as well as anguish. Once again winds are expected to pick up friday. Its been horrible and and weve been fortunate in our neck of the woods. We havent lost any the fire has come up there burned slowly the firefighters have done an amazing job winemaker bob foley owns robert fully vineyards and ang one which continues the harvesting process through it all we have in the. The they know what theyre they know the lay of the land of their neighbors do too. Were a quip but were not stupid were going to leave with that now at this point here in napa and even when i was up valley in calistoga and in saint helene of the winds had yet to pick up. But again they are forecast so people once again be keeping their fingers crossed and one eye open throughout the night live in napa Dan Kerman Kron 4 news right and im glad it had a chance to talk with bob foley good guy. This increased fire danger remains a a real threat for the firefighters tonight, bad red flag warning is in effect until early tomorrow morning you see chief meteorologist Lawrence Karnow largely been. Tracking this all weekend just a little bit more time here that we have to get through the really dangerous bit yeah, are seen the worst of the northerly winds were starting to see those pick up again very similar to last night remember and i can calm down during the day and then all of a sudden the evening hours we started to watch those winds picking up again. Now beginning to see that almost exactly although i think this will intensify a little bit more as compared to last night so certainly something to watch out for tonight here the very latest winds. Youre looking a 30 mile an hour wind saint helene a this is a westerly component the wind here say withhold valley the 17 weve seen some of those winds over 20 miles an generally been more of a northerly component but High Pressure starting to weaken somewhat and slide further to the east tonight more of a northerly component tomorrow going to see a little more westerly component to that wind and that will change the focus of where firefighters are trying to fight that fire right now overnight. We expect these winds to intensify a little bit especially in the evening hours, well begin to see some of the yellows beginning to show up those going to be winds gusting over 20 weve seen that already likely to see that more widespread right over that opened fire and thats whats dangerous. We have the fire already burning certainly can spread that fire with the sparks and the embers continue to move along with the general trend pushing further to the southeast well well see that continue into 8 oclock and 9 oclock probably going to see those winds intensifying over the tops of those mountain, so certainly firefighters need to be aware that tonight before things look like theyll start to calm down least in the morning our tomorrow it looks like a calm down but watch what happens by the afternoon all of a sudden those winds get calm and that High Pressure ridge weakens and then you get more of a westerly component to the wind which will push fire toward the east that means folks are going to get ready in those spots in and around that fire east of that area. Fire conditions around the bay area not just in the north bay, but also the Santa Cruz Mountains some of those gusts 20 maybe 35 Miles Per Hour over the mountain tops very low humidity. There. Gusty winds also across the Oakland Hills and the diablo range some of those gusts 20 to 30 Miles Per Hour maybe over mount double as high as 35 Miles Per Hour humidity down almost 50 in some spots and of course the north bay with the fire burning there already the major concern right now some of those winds 15 to 25 Miles Per Hour could gust as high as 35 Miles Per Hour overnight tonight and the humidity still dry but things are going to start to shift gears just a little bit i think as we get to tomorrow afternoon will notice more that sea breeze kicking in High Pressure this big dome thats been in place since last weekend finally that is going to start to break down the ship a little bit for the south and the east. Thats going allow for more that sea breeze to kick in that will bring some of that cool ocean air and more high humidity, the bay area thats good news for firefighters. All right. Thank you lawrence fingers crossed by the way we are tracking the breaking news will be doing so all night you see. Marine one there taking off from the south lawn of the white house heading to Walter Reed Medical Center just a couple hours ago President Trump now hospitalized, less than 24 hours after the world learned that he welcome back state lawmakers are weighing in on the president s covid19 diagnosis, some of the reaction tonight coming in from a republican state lawmaker who was hospitalized because of the virus kron fours Capitol Bureau reporter Ashley Zavala has that story. I would just hope that everyone again would respond like they did with me and separate the politics out of it, i know becomes much harder at the highest office in the last republican Assemblyman Tom Lackey disheartened by the response to the president s covid19 diagnosis, 3 months after being hospitalized for the virus himself. He says he still doesnt feel like his health is completely back to normal. He says hes praying for the president we need to really try to focus on being better people think beyond ourselves california, democrats were mostly quiet on the topic friday by Late Afternoon governor Gavin Newsome and the leaders of both legislative chambers stayed silent on the diagnosis, silicon valley, assemblyman evan low mocked trump on twitter late thursday night writing thoughts prayers bleach and hydroxychloroquinn it will go away just like that let me tell you black he says his own experience with covid19 changed his view of the virus do you think this is likely to change the president s perspective, i would certainly hope so i know humility may not be as his strongest asset that will change one way or another i think it will make you a better person as long as a guest intervention that that he demands and people will pray in sacramento, Ashley Zavala kron 4 news. Coming up after the break well get back to our breaking news, the president hospitalized for covid19 a they do one of the most difficult jobs there is, even in normal times. Our Frontline Health care workers. And when these heroes lack the resources they need, that risky job gets ten times harder. Prop fifteen makes corporations pay their fair share. To invest in our communities, in our clinics, in the essential workers who treat everyone rich, poor, and inbetween. Whether its this pandemic or the next health crisis, vote yes on prop fifteen. For all of us. Back to our breaking News Coverage of President Trumps covid diagnosis sent a short time ago we spoke with ucsf doctor. Peter chinhong about the president s condition. He says the fast escalation from diagnosis to hospitalization is cause for concern. I think a normal it probably wouldnt mean as much but at the white house actually have quite a lot of medical level care facilities. So the fact that hes going to cute Care Hospitals said just that you may need oxygen. You know just listening to voice on the recording and didnt really song just from listening to a lot of some peoples voices, it didnt sound very robust to me. Some worried you know a high level of care that you might need or maybe theyre thinking using more investigational drugs in him which wont be necessary given be able to be given nazis and white house, although he did get. You know regeneron which engine aired and somebody infused into him given that she is older he 74 hes im he this temple is actually a little bit fostering he was on a debate didnt very many symptoms all of a got ill yesterday now we hear has a fever. Hes going to the hospital. The time poll in an older person like him. Makes me a little bit worried, but in my experience taking care of covid particularly elderly patients you kind of girl on on a flat line and all of a sudden we call it falling off the cliff people get like really really sick. Gary foss an unexpected so. I knew all of us and require a lot of oxygen and and thats what happened to from the uk as well some trump is older than he is so id be even more worried and that requirement of oxygen or enough this a getting a breathing tube in him. Which you know again with lung requires a lot of other gymnastics that even if you know he survives through that period which i hope just as another human being does. The Recovery Period even this point. Its not a walk in the park. And well be following the. Breaking news regarding the president all night long of course by the way well be hearing more from doctor chinhong tonight on kron 4 news at 10 5 times. Meanwhile the south bays making progress trying to slow the spread of the coronavirus in communities that have been disproportionately affected our kron fours rob fladeboe brings us up to date now live from san jose rob

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