Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 10 20240712

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Contained. The fire has destroyed 223 homes. More than 28 1000 structures remain threatened and while an exact cause could take months to determine one possible cause is reportedly electric fencing around remote vineyard. Heres a point of origin. It has been nearly a week since it started, but the glass fires refusing to give firefighters a break chief meteorologist Lawrence Karnow tracking the dangerous fire weather conditions that are expected to last for the next few days or yeah, really just to the winds going to keep switching directions here right now were seeing a turn mainly out of the north and the winds. Now after a day where they had calmed down now they are really beginning to pick up just was we had feared. And now were looking at some pretty gusty winds in around an active fire, not what firefighters wanted to see your everybody lives in these locations so here the very latest wins. It is 19 Miles Per Hour out of the northwest right there the po valley sailing at 11 miles an hour 17 spanish flat 17 atlas 18 in sonoma 15 in glen ellen but over these mountaintops youre talking about some very strong gusty winds now developing and you can see the general push here is from the north to the south so that is going to take some of the fires and pushed back toward the napa valley possibly push that back toward glen ellen certainly these areas are of concern in the calistoga saint helene a rather for you know bill certainly those areas are under gun tonight as were going to see those fire conditions continuing and the winds continue to howl throughout the night so red flag warnings have been extended now not just through today, but now through saturday as were going to see some strong gusty winds stick around and not only in the north bay, but in the Santa Cruz Mountains were looking at some gusty winds our gust look at the humidity down to about 1020 , maybe some gusts as high as 30 Miles Per Hour there east bay Oakland Hills are right along the 1000 feet or so looking at some gusty winds developing and some very low humidity down to 10 maybe 15 maybe some 30 mile an hour gusts, maybe 35 over mount diablo in the north bay thats of greatest concern we are seeing those gusty winds developing now they will continue to push through the bay area tomorrow, then settle down, i think by tomorrow morning just a little bit only to pick up again by tomorrow night. And the baby mean more blustery around parts of the bay area so certainly watching out for that is the fire boy just not good as were going to see those Winds Continuing latest forecast youll see some of these winds overnight begin really kind slack just a bit as we head toward tomorrow morning and then again by tomorrow evening. You begin to see the yellows and even some orange beginning to develop that northerly component the winds kicking up once again getting very blustery i think as we head in toward the middle of the evening tomorrow and continuing to write about 10 oclock man looks like after that those winds will begin to subside but then as we look toward the following day saturday. Those winds start to come out of the west and thats even a bigger concern is now the wind pushes the fire in a different direction you can see right there santa rosa thats a northerly wind very strong to 25 Miles Per Hour see these winds begin to push more toward ingwen and that could be a concern so wherever that fire gets pushed thats going to cause problems fire conditions continuing for the next few days. Thank you lawrence, we have some breaking news to tell you there is word that has just come out from a President Trump. Here it is tonight flotus First Lady Melania Trump and i referring to the president tested positive for covid19. We will begin our quarantine and Recovery Process immediately. We will get through this together theres been a lot of speculation tonight because about 3 hours ago. We something close to the president had tested positive and that the president and first lady had received a test and generally those tests only take about 15 minutes or so to get a result, but we havent heard anything for as i said 2 or 3 hours so a lot of people were wondering what was going on in here we have the answer pam well, the president and first lady were apparently by one of the president s top aides here she is hope hicks she is a counselor to the president shes been traveling with him. A lot the last the week that this is at a rally yesterday. She is the closest aide to the president so far to test positive. She traveled with him on a number of trips as we said including on marine one the president ial helicopter for rally in minnesota yesterday also on Board Air Force one on tuesday night for the president ial debate. The president and the first lady testing positive for covid19 of course the president had planned a rally and i think it was wisconsin this week right we dont know how all of this is going to affect his duties as president of the united there will certainly be more to come in the days ahead and how he decides to he and his staff and Health Care Providers decide to handle this news. Well theres a some other Big Questions pam forest since the president ial debates as you just mentioned the typical quarantine is 14 days. The next president ial debate is supposed to happen and im looking at the schedule here. October 15th. So that is add about 2 weeks from now thats supposed to happen. In in miami. Im sorry in miami and then the debate after that is october 22nd, the last one in nashville. So the question is will he be able to make. The debate on october 15th. Will he have joe biden there to debate him world Vice President biden former Vice President want to be in the same room with somebody who has tested positive so Vice President has taken precautions Wearing Masks and so on President Trump has been downplaying that again youre looking at the president s tweet this is breaking news that he and the first lady have tested positive for covid19 this has been such a controversial issue during his presidency. About the whole thing over vaccines. The whole wearing mask and whether doctor fauci said one thing and another doctor said something has been such a contentious subject and now for the president of the United States to have tested positive for covid even elevates the discussion even more as we know the president of the united the Prime Minister Boris Johnson also went through a severe as was explained during his exposure to covid19 and other World Leaders have tested positive as well the leader of brazil. But the Boris Johnson the uk was in icu for a brief period of time. And survives. What we have to see what happens next. We do not know. If the president has any sometimes you can test positive in actually not have any symptoms and be just fine but were going to keep our eye on this and of course are questions about other people in the white house said might have been exposed you can guess it everybodys getting tested right now said any contact with the president and first lady. So we know 3 people the president the first lady and hope hicks one of his Senior Advisers are have all tested. Positive so this is a stunning Stunning Development and happening right. Before the election 33 days to go up and before the election 2 more debates that are supposed to happen. So here we we got the president the United States who has been a very critical of this whole covid 19 situation the pandemic the United States with the most cases of any country in the world, hes been down playing it for months. Hes hes also criticized joe biden for coming out at his events Wearing Masks is saying then he comes out and im asking you as the small crowds because nobody wants to support him and then he says he has these big and you know that the people are im not be as you can see in this video one of his rallies where theres no social distancing and while the people in the video behind him seem to have amassed many of the crowds that weve seen over the course of the last month or so do include people who are Wearing Masks and the cdc m mister redfield many of the other leaders in the administration and the Health Community have said wearing mask is probably the key for preventing the spread of covid19 and we know that herman cain one top advisers in a loyalist to the died from covid19 by after he attended we dont know if theres a direct connection but certainly he was at the rally in oklahoma city. When so many other people were there without masks and not social distancing. And there are plenty of camera shots of herman cain sitting there without a mask surrounded by others and he ended up getting covid19 and died so again, and just to recap. We just found was in the last few minutes 5 minutes or so that President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump both have tested positive. For covid19 after their Senior Adviser, the president s Senior Adviser hope hicks had tested positive. Earlier in the the president had indicated that he was going to get tested we expected to have results soon because typically only takes about 15 minutes in the white house to get the results from a covid test. But we havent heard anything for 2 or 3 hours that led to a lot of speculation that something was going on and the president just a short time ago confirmed it that he and the first lady have covid19 and are going to be taking quarantine procedures. Its not clear exactly family that means that theyre going to stay in the white house for 14 days and this certainly raises a lot of questions if he is going to be under quarantine does that mean that Vice President mike pence steps up to take on some of the president ial duties of course, 3rd in is House Speaker nancy pelosi. So there are a lot of things that are going to unfold over the next few days. Certainly people are hoping that the president does not have a siri the president first lady to not have a serious case of covid but as we he is in the age range where it is considered. Difficult age to be of illness like its an attorney category where doctors have warned people in that age group that hes in his 70s need to be particularly careful about dealing with covid there again hell have the top notch care. The full federal Government Health care system while absolutely the best Health Care Money in bring up a really interesting point because if Vice President pence also has covid19 because theyre together so often. What does that mean for the for the administration of the executive branch of our government we could have the white house the entire executive branch of the government somehow affected by a lot of questions coming out of this announcement tonight and most certainly theyll be more coming out through be in the coming hours certainly anything else develops within this our that we are on the air we will bring it to you, but again the breaking news tonight, the president and the first lady have both. Tested positive for the coronavirus. Well return to this as soon as we get more information, lets continue on with our fire coverage here in the bay area which is of course very important Evacuation Orders are changing by the day with the course of the wind out there on fours Ella Sogomonian live in our newsroom tonight to bring us up to le pen and wind is pushing flames southeast tonight. So lets take a look at the Evacuation Orders and warnings right now. Starting in napa county mandatory evacuations continue for north napa valley in the areas where we see most of that fire activity like deer park angwin is a big concern at the springs and now east and north of calistoga between highway one 28 and the county line plus east and west around saint and along both sides of highway 29 including old volley toll road between calistoga in lee county. We also saw a Diamond Mountain road as part of the list thats all. Taking a look there in the blue area. Were also seeing the glass far move into the birds cars that were left behind by the hennessy fire recently switching gears to Sonoma County, a big focus there is to prevent the glass fire from reaching further south of glen ellen is now on the radar including kenwood because of the wind blowing in that direction is mentioned mandatory evacuations are in place for this is owned bred here for whitehall lane to bella oaks recently added to the list west to the county line including the 500 block of wall road. And oakland is still evacuated of course because we have seen some of the worst damage out there. A warning is in place for the valley floor south of the and of bella oaks lane and north of oakville great grade and dry creek road west of highway 29 between whitehall lane and oakville grade were going to continue to keep you guys updated on our website kron 4 dot com back to you. All right, thank you very much al as she mentioned the city of calistoga has been under Evacuation Orders since monday kron fours gayle ong talked with the mayor Chris Channing and gail joins us live now with how the city is holding up under all of this pressure gayle. Pam and ken everyone seems to be heating those Evacuation Orders as the fire continues to burn. Right on the ridges of calistoga or surrounding the entire city, it is dangerously close that is a major concern and here on highway 29 near deer park right in lena. It is raining ash to smoke is thick. Earlier today, firefighters working in hot dry. The rugged terrain. Beyond those trees is the glass fire firefighters are keeping a close eye on Diamond Mountain road off highway one 28 in calistoga where the fire burned actively throughout the day threatening homes and vineyards the area filled with heavy timber and narrow roads water tenders are also on standby in case the fire jumps all of calistoga is roughly 5,000 residents were ordered to evacuate monday. We spoke to the citys mayor chris canning only the second time in our history as a town since 1863 that this has happened. The last time was only 3 years ago so why world it used to it its not something you want to get good at or become used to. Big big thank you to all the communities around us who are taking our residents sheltering them in making sure that theyre cared for sincerely appreciate that the fire is threatening the city of calistoga plus the communities of angwin and pope valley in napa county. And gyms are station 5 homes. Firefighters performed a fire operations earlier this week. The smoke grounded aircraft on thursday, one of the biggest impediments we have is the visibility because of smoke which is not only a health hazard, but also impedes our operations actually affected with our air in a press briefing cal fire deputy chief Information Officer jonathan cox says 80 gallons of retardant was dropped in napa and sonoma counties, wednesday 2500 personnel are working the class fire utility crews could be seen stationed throughout the burn scars along deerpark road. The fire destroyed more than 200 homes still threatening almost 29,000. That youre alive and lena. Crews have just been driving up and down highway lot of utility crews Law Enforcement and earlier in the day much of the activity was mopping up getting rid of those trees on the here down here on the napa valley floor, quite cool a slight breeze but of course the concern is in the Higher Elevations with high winds expected through the night and it was just definitely be an anxious wait ken and pam live in saint gayle ong kron 4 news gayle. Thank you very much as dangerous fire weather conditions continue. Communities are in the glass fire area are bracing for the possibility their area could be hit next. Already today, another small fire broke out this morning to the west of highway 29 in napa county near you dont fill. And firefighters quickly put it out fortunately, but it certainly put towns like youngsville on high alert and thats where we find kron fours here over sacking live taylor how are things looking out there at this house. Well its a ghost town can here in downtown yonnet bill normally wed see a lot of people shopping around throughout the day but none of that it was very quiet and they also want to mention that probably also had something to do with that but its also important to know that john bill is an under a mandatory evacuation or an evacuation warning. However many residents here are getting prepared just in case. Concerns grow with the glass fire in napa and sonoma counties concerns are of course the wind and that is indicated probably will get speedier especially altitude which im being in the top of the mountains here as a red flag warning is expected to last through saturday. As we enter day 5 in this firefight its a time of nervousness as we began a another red flag warning which started 01 00pm today and is expected to last until 06 00am on saturday. Heat advisory for our area also has now been extended until friday night creating some challenging conditions for those on the front line of this fire freezer for fire growth and new fires beginning scare the napa county had thursday morning when a small fire named to the kindle fire started off oakville great road just to the west of young bill. The fire was only several miles southeast of the glass fire southern edge thankfully. Firefighters quickly put it out the cause is still under investigation. But its possible wind blew embers from the glass fire to the area people who live nearby in say its just another reason to be prepared to leave in a moments notice it concerns concerns every weve heard from our town manager steve rogers and hes provided information to residents on on the town website sta. Prepared for if in case we have evacuate and my family is is doing that right now were were preparing for if we have if we have to leave. Well the weather of course is something that all of these neighbors will be watching very closely over the next couple of days, its also important for everyone you havent already to get a go bag ready just in case live in your bill Taylor Bisacky kron 4 news taylor. Thank you very much more than 2000 firefighters are assigned to battle the glass fire him on many of them are sleeping in less than favorable conditions after working 24 hour shifts sometimes even longer. Well, one tent company stepped in to make sure that our heroes get the best arrested they can Cole Jennings and his family with the jennings tech company said of these large tents in the Sonoma County fairgrounds today. The tense give the firefighters a place to eat and to sleep and to shower and there are lights and imagine how much they appreciate the air conditioning. Its really cool to be able to be a part of it and you know another were part of the big. The Bigger Picture like where a small part but it does help they need a place to go sleep. It takes about 2 hours to set up just one of those big tense, but how lovely that theyre doing that for the First Responders also a Sonoma County a restaurant near the fire zone feeding hundreds of hungry hardworking First Responders its delivering up to a 100. Pizzas every day to firefighters kron fours dan thorn live in glen ellen in Sonoma County tonight was. What is now a communitywide effort isnt it dan. Thats right ken and pam the owner and the chef of the glen ellen starr says he wanted to give back in one of the best ways that he could he is so overwhelmed by the secured in the Community Support that theyve gotten so far and he just wanted to give back to the brave First Responders on the front lines by delivering stacks of pizza to glass fire First Responders chef and owner of the glen ellen starr and his team are showing their gratitude theres a sense of pride theres Immediate Gratification when you. Hand firefighters are fighting fire. Not a 100 yards away just pizza or you know, candy bar or just smile and thank you gary weiss wasser aims to give out at least 100 fresh woodfired pies a day at the front lines in Sonoma County and its being done with lots of help from the community in 24 hours. It was an support were just continuing the effort every day until we until we get back into business. This part of glen ellen is under an Evacuation Order as the glass fire continues to rage on dangerously close arnold drive restaurant falling within that order has been unable to serve customers in a year thats already been difficult because of the covid19 crisis, the glen ellen stark decided to step up anyway by fighting the fire with pizza is helping fill the stomachs and hopefully the hearts of the brave men and women fighting the flames has become a labor love it has been. Well a go fund me page has been set up by the restaurant has so far raised more than 36,000. These deliveries are expected to continue for the next few days in the afternoon and they will be getting dropped off in the areas in and around kenwood and santa rosa reporting live in glen allen dan thorn kron 4 news. This is the worst. This is the worst. And anxiety building up among evacuees as winds begin to pick up ahead our continuing coverage on the glass fire plus governor newson was in af county today surveying the fire damaged the states new financial commitment to try to help communities deal with extreme fire conditions also a disappointing report on oaklands Fire Department and his role in ensuring Public Safety how the city auditor says the department has failed to keep the promise it made 4 years ago also more on tonights breaking news President Trump and the first this election, all californians will be able to vote safely from home. Every active, registered voter will receive a votebymail ballot with a unique barcode. You can track it using wheres my ballot . And youll receive automatic notifications by text, email or voice call to let you know the status of your ballot once you mail it, drop it off at your polling place or at a drop box. Vote by mail ballots. Simple, safe, secure. Counted. Learn more at vote. Ca. Gov information tonight on a shooting Near Union Square in San Francisco, weve just learned that the victim who is a 21 yearold male has died so this is now a homicide investigation. It happened just after 5 this evening on geary street not far from Union Square Police say it started as some kind of alter cation though its unclear exactly what happened. Police say if you have any information give them a call. Nearly 4 years after the deadly go ship warehouse fire opens Fire Department is still slow to ensure building safety. Yeah thats according to a report released this week by the oakland city auditor the Fire Department had promised reforms after the 2016 ghost ship warehouse fire killed 36 people. In the days following that fire city officials found that the warehouse in the fruitvale district had never been inspected and was not even on the citys internal list of properties to inspect. 4 years later the audit found the Fire Department is still failing to inspect hundreds of schools and apartment buildings as is required by state law that audit report said that more than half of all buildings that are supposed to be inspected each year went unchecked for 3 straight years, we want to continue now with our breaking News Coverage of the president and first having tested positive. For covid19 the said just became about 25 minutes ago the president made that announcement on twitter on the line with us now is east bay congressman Eric Swalwell. To try and dig deeper into what this means so congressman swalwell can you hear us good. You like and all right with him back washington. We just voted earlier this evening on the covid relief ok could you start off by telling us exactly what this means with the president being diagnosed and having to quarantine and get treatment we dont know the extent of his case of the coronavirus but we do know that as 74 years of age he is in a highrisk category. What happens now in terms of our government function. I hope hes okay, i mean for the sake of our country, you know he is in the age group where. Youre at the highest risk you know we are just 32 days away from a very pivotal election. So i hope hes you know we also. It to the American People to have you know a very vigorous debate between both candidates going into. November 3 and so im sure this will shake up you know opportunities for both campaigns to debate per ounce of hope you know every american now get serious that if the president the United States to have access to testing every single day. But someone who has not worn a mask or can get their start. All of us to get this and the sooner we all take this seriously wear a mask and have access to testing the sear you come out of this. Congressman weve heard from the president s physician who says that the president is doing well, but did not really a lab or 8 and said that the president will continue his duties but if he is positive with covid theres that limits his ability to travel do you think hes going to be staying at the white house or camp david in doing his 14 day quarantine what do you expect to happen with daily activities. Have to 14 days, you know thats what any of us would not to do after their protest to the middle of october. But you know also you know way i see this is fact. Anyone around is also are subjected to quarantine and so you traveled with a large delegation and has put others at risk as well and again i i hope hes okay. I just spoke to a friend today. Was 37 years old and he had it for about a month and contact contracted pneumonia after having it. And told me it wasnt until day 3 year. 4 after. Mean no fever and chills when he started to respiratory issues so it could take some time for this ticket can help you know kerry. Acre anyone else could be around him self quarantine for 14 days and thats when to go. So congressman is expected then that the Vice President mike pence would take in to help carry some of the president s duty since he will have to not only quarantine but certainly be treated for this illness. And again its its he of course well have to be and tested not just today but for the next 2 days because everything we know about this virus and that could take a couple days. You know from transition to a positive test. And you know, ill let them sort it out right right now you know as an american im rooting our leaders to be healthy and able to cover me because you know we why make sure that the case with her you know continuity you know plan succession plan. Even in place and so yes, a possibility, but i think all of us are hoping you know our sitting president is healthy. Unable to govern because i want to start going down that line of succession in this one. You things get on certain. Congressman im im curious how you found out this news because you just you have been voting. Were you at the capitol how how did you get the news and if you had a chance to talk to any of your colleagues on either side of the island. Well yeah was home earlier in the week at youth like the word up in washington now but i a live arm. You know pacific. Im im so although its late here i was just watching the news and i and of course just like you. My phone is blowing up with people. You know wondering whats next new role in the campaign what next for the president. And again you know what back at the capitol tomorrow. Youre trying to get a deal that the president on covid really hopefully maybe this motivates me to understand the gravity of you know circumstances so that every american to have this. I can get the really things. So what is your major message to. The citizens of this country in light of of hearing this news. The million americans have contracted this 205,000 have died and now. No leader of the free world. 100 positive talk here and again we know wish him well, but. They should demonstrate that your could get this and so the best thing we can do where a monster have others around us wear a mask because when you wear mask, youre not protecting yourself, youre protecting other son. If others around the president for not Wearing Masks that very likely may be the reason either he contracted this and so you know in our workplaces, you know as we gather with family and friends are as we go to church and go about our lives the fast track seeing right now is the match. The next debate is scheduled for october 15th in miami that is just about right at the and of the 14 day quarantine that the should be undertaking. Do expect that date is going to happen or do you think theyll push it back do you think its all over. Thats a decision you really for the president help and forced by sprint and i you know doctors and you know it. For any advice, you know you really want to see negative test. You get a positive test and not only that a Health Professional to make that decision. Other campaign well continue again theres a collection. Coming forward, but this had to be a message every american no wear a mask protect yourself, but the proper way to come with. Congressman as you know this has been such a contentious issue about first of all whether covid was even real been called something that would just go away. Then there was the whole debate of people are even fighting on occasions about being told to wear masks when they go into public spaces weve seen video of young people people have demonstrations all over the country not wearing mask not social distancing. How do you think this news is going to impact that behavior. More help to track become more of an for precaution, fact correct all of know now that he popped at like hes going to or not the responsible thing. After u n i youre the parent of a 3 yearold year 2 year old. I understand the frustration that parents right now that our kids cannot be in school and we had widespread have you we would be able to understand. Spread events in high point people were positive. But allow people who are negative go back to in Person Learning and teaching or so i really hope your trip up our game hard no understanding in the tracy and that review that we have do to get back well you mention that the our first concern should be about the health of our and and i hope that all of us share that a concern but this is a political season. We have a momentous election just 32 days away, and theres politics theres a lot of politics involved in this whole issue of what the president s health is all about and what americans across the country are facing with covid19. So having set the plate that way, im just curious about your interpretation of the potential spin. Particularly by republicans. Fox news who have supported the president when he says that this is all just a how do you think that spin is going to work now. You earlier this evening, the president also spoke to a catholic organizations pay this one. About over pandemic and clearly not now reached the highest office in the land. The worry that have to. Strict as precautions for anyone would be around the president people and literally have to be tested to be in his presence. And now he has a positive test and i think that should just demonstrate all about that you know this virus does not know. Republicans or democrats you know at the victims it just in 10 you know to spread if it is not a knock you later against him right now the best way to inoculate against that to wear a mask and go where action. I believe were also getting a tweet now from the First Lady Melania Trump and were putting that on the screen it reads as too Many Americans have done this year potus and i are quarantining at home after testing positive for covid19 were feeling good and i have postponed all upcoming engagements please be sure you are staying safe and that we are all getting that through this do you know have you heard now that youre back in washington and any other lawmakers may have been around the first couple of been around hope hicks in recent days are our most folks just getting back into washington. Well i serve on the Judiciary Committee and the Ranking Member the Top Republican is june jordan and he was traveling with the president yesterday i made a conscious decision over the last couple weeks back to not in person for Judiciary Committee hearing because of the number of republicans have come out who dont wear masks, ive been participating virtually action is not expose myself my family, my constituents. So there may need to be a you know what. Updated as and your precautions taken by my what happens tomorrow congressman whats on your agenda tomorrow and how do you think this news that were learning tonight is going to affect activity in washington starting tomorrow. Well again he because the evening and updated heroes act billed for more the local relief. Unemployment insurance until the end of the year paycheck protection plan. We dont have a deal yet with the white house. I hope this provokes our view. Congressman Eric Swalwell thank you for joining us tonight to talk about tonights breaking that the president and the first lady have tested positive for the coronavirus at a time when 7 million cases have been reported in the United States with more than 200,000 people who have died. Certainly everyone is wishing the president and his family well there is much more to come out of this information that were learning tonight and well be proposition 16 takes on discrimination. Some women make as little as 42 of what a man makes. Voting yes on prop 16 helps us fix that. Its supported by leaders like Kamala Harris and opposed by those who have always opposed equality. We either fall from grace or we rise. Together. Proposition 16 provides equal opportunities, levelling the Playing Field for all of us. Vote yes on prop 16. Well get back to the latest on President Trumps covid condition. But we also want to continue to follow the glass fire thats burning in napa and sonoma counties. This is a live image from a web camera on top of mount saint and you can see the image is frozen right now it skips around a little bit because it. Its coming through on the web but youre looking south from about 4300 feet from this camera. From the top of Mount Saint Helena toward the community of calistoga which is not in this shop, if you look down the hills eventually out there in the darkness would be calistoga and you can see this fire is still burning very active this glass fire has scorched already 59,000 acres in 5 days. Its only 5 contained it has destroyed 223 homes and more than 28,000 other structures are still threatened tonight. While the exact cause could take months to determine one possible cause is reportedly electric fencing around a remote vineyard, which is near the point of origin of the blaze and as the winds pick up the uncertainty of what could happen is pretty unsettling to thousands of evacuees forced anchorman was in saint helena today where anxiety is running high. The air is thick with smoke and ash is increasingly everywhere in saint helena. This is the skies turned a menacing grade. Its just its the not okay, i mean you cant even see the hills forget about the hills you can and you will see live up to 500 feet, its just awful. Its no surprise the downtown area was mostly deserted as most businesses were closed. Those who were out have been through this before this is the worst. This is the worst of the first 2 years we didnt really have to evacuate. But this year weve had to evacuate twice. So its just been really really scary. This couple has a home in angwin they hope is Still Standing theyre staying with family now and saying alina after being evacuated a fire house burns down building in or on so yeah. Summers calls idaho, montana. And about a dozen burn much haha so side. This couple was evacuated from calistoga they too hope their home survives because theyre now remembering the things they left behind. We have 4 get some beach are. We forget some people key well winds were calm much of the afternoon. The forecast calls for them to pick up. Raising the threat level once again in many areas, including saint a leader calistoga in england. Kathy didnt its all customers were talking about and people or more. Reason people are just waiting like that mandatory evacuations. I think that this kind of around as much as they can to see that whatever they can you can definitely seeing this and everybody its a lot and still some choose to remain hopeful is looking kind of graham but we have high hopes haha have high hopes. Them all we can do all we can do. And for many its that kind of optimism that will carry them through the next 48 hours. Others will just be on pins and needles, insane alina dan kerman kron 4 news. All right, lets check in now and see how the weather situation shaping up their chief meteorologist Lawrence Karnow yeah guys the winds have been picking up in the north bay and that northerly winds setting all that smoke back into the bay so looking horrible out there tonight as that smoke is kind of settled in county interesting a San Francisco look here and couldnt see a little bit early on so that smoke is blowing about the bay area right now these are very light particles that continue to move around. So right now youre looking at very unhealthy air through parts of San Francisco all the way down in the san mateo and san jose and live more as youre all shaded in red there tomorrow doesnt look to be a whole lot better in fact probably fairly similar may be worse by the afternoon as lot of that smoke is going to continue to move to the south with that northerly wind so very unhealthy air in the forecast, but i think this red maybe move further south and San Francisco again all the way down maybe the or so before we start to see a sea breeze moving in now what we need is a big change in the weather pattern. I think were finally going to see this that same ridge of High Pressure that has been sitting over head since last weekend and brought us some record temperatures so that same ridge bringing us that offshore wind now and continuing into tomorrow then that ridge going to start to break down over the weekend finally i think on sunday, well see a significant sea breeze that will bring with it some much cooler air some ocean air moving in and then a few more clouds be in work their way into our skies looks like we really cool things down the middle of the week and then watch this an actual cold front approaches the coastline and there you go bringing with it a chance of rain too far Northern California wants to try and drag here the debt might be just a little bit early yet, but still interesting thats what we want to see would love to get that rain going back in the bay Area Temperatures going to be hot again tomorrow weve got heat advisories up cooling down on as we head in towards sunday, those temperatures staying down partly cloudy as we head toward the end of next week. They dorrance another major concern during the extreme heat is the possibility of power shot plan the states independent system operator cal iso actually issued a flex alert for today it happened to expire at the top of the hour at 10 oclock nonetheless there was the potential for power shut off the governor touring fire damage in napa county today pointed out that the state did distribute millions of dollars to local governments to respond to possible outages 13 Million Dollars for cities and counties, 20 million to special districts and 2. 5 million to tribal governments. We prioritize those dollars in a way to help support. More broadly the and safety of communities impacted by bad air quality associated. With these fires as well. As impacting the ability provide Quality Health care in a system thats impacted by Power Outages and evacuations and the like. With nearly 4 million acres charred across the state of california and 20,000 firefighters on the frontlines the governor noted that this fire season gives his administration of bigger no to our breaking news tonight word that President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump, both have tested positive for the coronavirus the president and the first lady tweeting out this information letting the nation know that they were going to work to get through this together. The president s aide hope hicks was first diagnosed with coronavirus and then it came to know that she was traveling with the president and now he and the first lady both have the illness as well we spent some time earlier this newscast talking to congressman Eric Swalwell. Who is in washington dc tonight, and he expressed which is that the president does well and is healthy. We now are joined by our political analyst michael yaki. Michael thanks for joining us. Your reaction first of all to hearing this news. Well i think i think with everyone in the nation our hopes and so the and first ladies recovery and help them that helped to discredit it is a crisis, but i think that. Just goes to show. The fact that no matter what kind of protocols you have in place. No one is safe and that last and social distancing and probably the best. Any measure thats available they did not follow that. Michael what happens next in terms of government how is that determined whether the Vice President has to step in and as the president make that decision what is the next order of business, how things happened with our government. I think the first order of business engage in will ship sheer is Contact Tracing understand when may have shedding the virus who she contact with. Theres some indication that you may have been with as as late as tuesday of this week. Well so its with the president during that time may have been in big contagious. Mark meadows human nature you know they were meeting Speaker Pelosi for 90 minutes on on monday. Theres a whole and the reason say that is because those are those are the next people in the chain of chain of command in terms of the united all of this depends on president help on nothing nothing can happen until. Theres a determination needed by the president himself. Or by the hour by cabinet under the 25th amendment that she is unable to deal with the what range of power and you need transfer them next to the Vice President again. Part of this exercise is going to be doing the Contact Tracing in and quarantine quite frankly all these an all these individuals. I could extend that they find the chain a possible. Infection in order to sort of stabilize. Its because you know this is a National Security matter for this country as well the ability to have to be transfer of power in case the president is in didnt remember. Boris johnson had to do that in in in england here early this year began in april so this is this is this is a very serious event. Actually on the market by tomorrow morning. But all of this will depend on how. Quite frankly how well or or not the president does in dealing with this and now you know. Whatever you may think of the president or not hes someone who seen the always been in hopefully that will stand him very good stead going forward. But if they asked you to trust me ask you to contact reaching and the testing. Sure that he next to people online and change policy protected as well in case. Got so big. The new doesnt do as well. Wild about one of the virus goes to post a this question michael by the New York Times right under the president ial succession act if both mister trump and mister pence were unable to serve Speaker Pelosi would step in in the spring, the white house said it had no plan for such an eventuality thats not even something that were addressing said caylee mcenany the White House Press secretary. We know there has been some attempt to keep Vice President pence separated from President Trump because there have been other people in the white house or but who have tested positive but not key players and not you know super close to the president but a valet some secret Service Members and the like right. Not sure but end of amendment even if they dont have a phone call. The fact he thought he kept can meet at the direction, the Vice President and. And under a new one of the articles and foresight and have a family right now. They can essentially by majority vote. So which to. Change for the power power of the presidency to to the Vice President and only the succession act. Next by congress if the Vice President becomes incapacitated then the game by check the power transfers over to the speaker of the there there there are play there are laws in place that will govern governors asaociation, but thats premature right now i think the first thing is huge is you have the president s health due to contract regime. Make sure that everyone in the line of succession is is that. But youre treated and you can see them and treating this needed at 80 and theyre under quarantine and you go from there, but i think it all depends right now. How well the president does in the next few days and i think thats what all of us will be. Im hoping and praying that everything goes well because you dont want to see. This buyers hit anyone. At all is in the that in what it how you do it that age so and and michael we have about a minute left in this just real quickly do you think the now contracting this disease will shift the political debate in terms of the priorities of wearing that has been become so contentious in the nation. Well i think i think it should because you can just because you have everyone around you getting chance again to me and you cant get it and the best way to prevent it nice and the cta said is where mask and practice social distance thats put that you can do all right michael yaki thank you for your time, thanks for joining us on short notice on major breaking news. President trump first Melania Trump have both tested positive for covid19 the made that just about a little more than an hour ago or just less than an hour ago. And they are going to be in quarantine for 14 days our news continues on kron on and this story will of course carry over through the night and into tomorrow, thank you for being with us tonight, stay safe everybody good night good night. Our home was burned to the ground in the tubbs fire. The flames, the ash, it was terrifying. Thousands of family homes are destroyed in wildfires. Families are forced to move and higher property taxes are a huge problem. Prop 19 limits taxes on wildfire victims so families can move without a tax penalty. Nineteen will help rebuild lives. Vote yes on 19. Narrator the great debate blowback. Moderator Chris Wallace breaks his science. And the proud boys. They want them to stop wearing their shirts. Narrator and controversy over the return of saturday night live. What the state Health Department once the show to do before they allow a live start audience into their studio. They are putting in some serious precautions. Narrator then. What were they thinking drinking from the stanley cup during the pandemic . And the family of seven that lost everything in the wildfire. Now they all have

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