Fire which is an extension of the glass fire and on the right part of your is the shady fire which is on the hills on the napa Sonoma County border along Spring Mountain road. A number of evacuations have already been we just learned a second ago that santa rosa fire issuing an evacuation. For the area of north calistoga south calistoga and the party in zones because of that approaching wildfire which is indeed the shady fire which is burning. Northeast of the city. According to state senator mike Mcguire Calfire local firefighters are trying to divert resources around they can contain all 3 of these fires that have started up. Santa rosa. Again the Fire Department theyre saying its no longer safe to remain in those locations that jonathan just said north calistoga south calistoga and people though that live in riken valley skyhawk and lows almost are being encouraged to review their evacuation and preparedness information right now theyre just being told to be ready because so far the glass fire has burned 2500 acres again at 0 contained. We dont have information just yet on acreage burned for the shady or the boys and fires or at this point if all 3 of those fires are going to be combined into one complex but more than 2000 structures are threatened by the fires that are burning right now. The cause has not been determined, but it started around 04 00am and it did spark in an area that was under a red flag warning and our meteorologist Mabrisa Rodriguez is tracking the extreme fire danger that is in the north bay tonight she joins us now with the very latest information good evening breeze. A good evening just cnn jonathan in tonight is going to be critical for firefighters starting to notice those winds for parts of the north bay increasing and it said offshore flow pattern winds out of the north northeast right now 20 Miles Per Hour sustained in the valleys but in the highest peaks could see wind gusts tonight through monday morning upwards of 45 Miles Per Hour or less lets take a look at relative humidity out there right now for our driest inland valleys in the north bay already down to 28 tell range for yacht bill and sonoma for those of you in fairfield not that much better 26 relative humidity down to 34 for those of you in livermore and orinda but as i fast forward to monday morning because were still tracking gusty. Wind speeds remember the glass fire sparked 4 oclock saturday or sunday morning and similar conditions are expected for your monday morning as well. But only drier conditions compared to this morning for monday morning because we did truck a warmer air mass today that really did dry out the vegetation so we could see relative humidity as we wake up by monday morning in the mid Morning Hours anywhere in the teens for those of you in the north bay and east bay down into the Single Digits by monday afternoon because of those triple digit temperatures that i am tracking for most of the north bay and even for the inland valleys of the east bay so critical fire weather kuntar concerns from now through monday afternoon by monday night getting a little bit more moisture and thats when that red flag warning is set to expire by 9 oclock monday night with that heat advisory set to expire by monday night as well, but a little bit earlier at 7 oclock in the evening wind gusts as you can see for those of you in the north bay sustain 20 to 30 Miles Per Hour. But gusts in the highest peaks upwards of 45 Miles Per Hour from now through monday morning in the Single Digits, though by monday afternoon but tracking triple digit heat on top of that thats we have the red flag warning in heat advisory in effect from now until then because the peak of this heat wave just cnn jonathan well be on monday 15 to 25 degrees above average and little relief in our inland valleys for most of this upcoming work week back to you what was the thinking so much as we told you at the top of the newscast, breaking news this sunday night in the past hour weve been following 2 new fires. As a result of the last fire which is the largest of 3 that weve been following one of those fires the shady fire stems from the fastmoving glass fire which is now forced authorities in Sonoma County to issue mandatory Evacuation Orders as well as some warnings we do want to show you this map tonight, the red dots that you see on the screen are the heat signatures of the wildfire has its burning. But the red orange area, those are mandatory Evacuation Orders that have now been placed into effect for near north calistoga south calistoga in the pie tins owns because of the shady fire which is burning very closely near the sonoma napa county border. For those for folks in that area. Once again youve been told to leave as quickly as possible. You are now being told to go to place to play which is that 2375 west, 3rd street according to the santa rosa Fire Department once again that evacuation zone for folks in that area. Place to play at 2375. West 3rd street we want to also tell just about some of those orders for folks who are impacted by that this is an area south of saint helena road, west of the napa Sonoma County line. North of the los alamos Cleveland Ranch roads in east of calistoga road as well so move the evacuation map over now for napa county. This map is a little bit different the areas that are shaded in blue mean that theres a mandatory evacuation that has been issued and you need to go now. The latest orders just into the newsroom are saint helena city limits from the 2900 block of White Sulphur springs to the dead end and north to Spring Mountain road from 1650s South Whitehall lane north the White Sulphur springs road and then west to the county line areas that are yellow mean theres an evacuation warning and as this fire is growing and its unpredictable tonight there could be new Evacuation Orders issued at any moment, so you can be sure that well bring you the very latest information we keep going through the maps here because theyve been changing throughout the hour now there is a Evacuation Center at the crosswalks church thats on a first street in napa county and kron fours dan thorn. He is there now hes been talking to people been forced to leave their homes there over 2000 structures that are threatened tonight. Dan whats the latest where you are. Well just in this has been a really stressful time for evacuees because just weeks ago they were dealing with the hennessy fire and now they are dealing with these fires tonight, the people that weve been talking to here at the Crosswalk Community church say that they are just trying to stay positive despite despite what might happen to their homes or their property. Its an escape from the fastmoving glass fire many evacuees are lucky. They did not experience. This video from napa county deputies showing a dramatic last minute break away getting out as quickly as possible was the route most traveled by people seeking shelter in napa well it was really weve. We had her neighbor knocking on her door. Jamie mcmurray had about 15 minutes to grab some family photos and Important Documents before fleeing her home in deer park others tried to pack their cars with as much as they could very its hard to believe they could i could lose everything safety was found in the friendly confines of the Crosswalk Community church but the frustration for many evacuees was having to do this once again just weeks after the hennessy fire something needs to be done with Forest Management something needs to be done with Climate Change i think i want to move. As for the fears of losing their homes or finding their property has been destroyed optimism is the mantra. It is stressful but. You know i feel my faith in god. It helped me a the mystics things can go. Everything it can go behind. And we can always turn you know. Were expecting to see more people coming to the church here tonight as more Evacuation Orders. Are put out their food in the meantime has been getting served here at the Crosswalk Community church as well as water and people that have been coming here have also been getting set up in nearby hotels, reporting live in napa dan thorn kron 4 news down its scary for people because some of the areas that. Under evacuation warnings tonight are some of the same places that had issues during the tubbs fire in 2017 in the camp fire in 2018. And hundreds of pg e customers in napa county are in the dark right now and also across all of Northern California because more than 65,000 customers. Well now be without power until tomorrow night. Pg e says will continue to de energia some lines as part of a Public Safety power shutoff in order to limit the high fire danger risks. And although the move does limit the risk of wildfires. It can also have a profound Financial Impact on businesses just going talk to some of them impossible on how theyre trying to stay open during those power shutoffs. We rely on this guy he works for pretty good with the help of the generator out great finish determined to make sure power shutoffs dont police his restaurant powerless hard for us to shut down were such a Small Business in you know losing losing a days worth of sales is not something thats easy to do. So he plans to keep plaster ville public house off and running through the outage is offering a limited menu this breeze to you know its its the year of 2020, we have nothing else to do. But just keep on going and the shirt paid my rent for april a year of hurdles that todd pickett is sick and tired of having to overcome we were close for 57 days due to covid make it tough on Small Business. Its store man cave plaster ville will have to close when the powers down my internet goes out and i cant use my credit card processing so yeah shut down pg shut offs are impacting thousands of Northern Californians all in an effort to prevent wildfires. But scorching temperatures and gusty winds in the forecast these towns are more like tinder boxes. Sacramento metro fire captain chris vestal explains these conditions are going to pre dry fuels so everythings ready to ignite will carry combustion and well see the explosive fire growth if anything starts while Business Owners understand the danger it does not make these days in the dark any less difficult what it does for downtown and what it does for Small Businesses its really its really devastating. That was Jessica Mensch reporting for us tonight and pga says its hoping to have all the power restored to most of those areas by tomorrow night. Now we move further into fire season and face the possibility of more Public Safety power shutoff its more important than ever that we can stay connected with you. So download the kron 4 mobile app right now to get breaking news alerts sent straight to your smart device and you can also stay up to date on all the latest developments in the bay area and beyond from there. Still to come tonight here on kron 4 news at 10 oclock were staying on top of breaking news for you tonight, 3 fires that we are watching in the north bay, mandatory Evacuation Orders under way tonight as those wildfires continue to burn. Our Team Coverage co Evacuation Order is you should get out right now dont stop to go look for things just get out. Kron 4 staying on top of breaking news, this sunday night at 10 oclock fastmoving flames now forcing thousands of folks to flee their homes in napa county. Some now in Sonoma County as well now being forced to leave as fire crews working to get the upper hand on not just the glass fire but 2 new spot fires. That has sparked in the past hour. Kron fours gayle ong was on the front lines with fire crews today as they tried to battle the glass fire. She has more on the conditions that they face. Im here right off of highway 29 near highway one 28 where you can see a view of the last incident fire the fire ignited early sunday morning in saint when the winds were at its worst firefighters up against walls of flames while trying to evacuate roughly 1500 people this is still vrbata trail road near Crystal Springs road to collect. Still very active fire and this is around the area where first broke out and you can see over there charred hills and in seeing firefighters and Law Enforcement through this road. I got here doesnt look like theres any end in sight the welcome to napa valley sign still a tourist attraction people watched as helicopters made water drops on the hillside, the winds calm down in the afternoon giving firefighters the upper hand really trying to get everything we can get done. Done before the wind picks up and then of course nighttime bring some additional complications, firefighters unable to catch a break many coming from other fires in the region, the glass incident fire broke out during a red flag warning about 200 pg and e napa county customers were scheduled for a Public Safety power shutoff down more than a 1000 homes under an evacuation warning really urge you to do what you can. To clear Defensible Space around your home. The ready water things to evacuate with that you need know what you need to pick up so youre not trying to find important papers things like that at the last minute. And this point in time it is too early to tell and many buildings have been damaged or destroyed. Firefighters are focusing on structure protection and stopping the spread of the fire the cause is under investigation. In saint helene gayle ong kron 4 news. So we want to take a look now at the cal fire incident page this is where we get all our information from cal fire. Just this is showing us where the glass fire is burning in you can see how close this fire as to the burn zone from the lnu lightning complex fires that started in august and that fire is still burning its only 90 contained. Tonight and take a look at this this is a time lapse of all the smoke thats coming from the glass fire that started earlier this morning in napa county hayes and smoky skies return to the bay area because of this fire from the north bay also the east and south bays got some of that smoke in the skies today. Made for a tough tough weekend these fire conditions thats right. We are what monitoring a spare the air alert also issued for the bay area. Meteorologist Mabrisa Rodriguez is here to get to not only head out the door but for a look at the Current Conditions are dealing with right now. Yeah, the dish the spare the air alert jonathan in just theres also an air quality advisory that has been extended from now all the way through monday so tracking unhealthy to very unhealthy air particles streaming not just for those of you in the north bay but also around the bay area shoreline as well we are noticing those some pretty good air quality those still throughout the northeast portion of the east and conquered and martinez but now tracking some moderate air particles for most of the inland valleys of the east bay, even as you head south into the south bay this evening with a spare the air alert in effect from now through monday. So we are going to notice unhealthy to moderate air particles continuing for the bay area tonight and also for the majority of the start of your workweek monday temperatures out there right now still relatively warm widespread 70s and 80s when speeds calm at least for now, but in the highest peaks tracking wind gusts tonight upwards of about 45 Miles Per Hour less for the inland valleys and the east bay hills and the north bay mountains as well for the most part downtown San Francisco still in the low 80s. So were about 10 degrees from what our average daytime high should be we should warm up into the low 70s but even at this 10 oclock hour still tracking warm temperatures for most of the north and even as you make your way in london the east low to mid 70s there with san jose flirting with 80s this evening, starting to notice some really fortunately for those of you in napa and also petaluma tracking temperatures are cooling down into the upper 60s as opposed to 70s 80s like everyone else but near where that fire is burning that glass fire leno right now tracking temperatures in the mid 90s for your sunday night and then heres a live look outside of downtown San Francisco. Tracking fog bang, but a lot of haze and smoke due to not just the august complex fire in our north but now those new fires that are burning in the north bay this evening overnight lows tonight low to mid 60s. So it is going to be a mild night with a record breaking or near record breaking heat to start your work week monday widespread mid 90s throughout the coast and east bay shoreline triple digit heat for valleys in the east bay and also the majority of the north a little relief in sight on tuesday into your wednesday with near average temperatures not returning to our inland valleys until next weekend along the coast going to see the return of those cool westerly sea breeze is bringing some relief as early as tuesday and he cannot come soon enough justine and jonathan back to you thank you so much 49 ers legend joe montana may be retired, but some quick moves by the hall of fame qb. Helped him now the woman who tried to kidnap one of his grandchildren. According to the entertainment site tmz the woman broke into montanas malibu home grab the child out of a womans arms then took her to another part of his house. Thats when the woman came face to face with montana and his wife. The couple wrestling the baby away from the woman she then took off but didnt get too far. An officer nearby arrested or shes now facing a number of charges. Today on twitter montana called the situation scary. But says hes thankful that everybody is doing well. Tonight Berkeley Police are looking for a man who they say attacked a woman inside of her apartment overnight this happened just after midnight near parker and worrying. Investigators say the woman was attacked in her apartment by a man with a gun. The woman told detectives the man hit her several times before taking off. Anyone with information is asked to contact Berkeley Police. A quick break tonight, but we are staying on top of breaking news, this sunday night at 10 oclock mandatory Evacuation Orders in effect tonight for a number of most of north bay counties as wildfires continue to burn. Well have kron 4 staying on top of breaking news for you this sunday night at 10 oclock we are monitoring a to spot fires as a result of the glass fire. In the last 90 minutes weve learned that the shady fire stemming from the glass fire. Now forcing authorities in Sonoma County to issue mandatory evacuations. For a number of folks there this is a look at the map of where those Evacuation Orders have been issued that orange areas where exactly where those Evacuation Orders have been issued. That is west or i should say east some areas near calistoga north callisto that as well south calistoga and some other areas which are once again part of a mandatory Evacuation Order for the folks there in a sonoma we do know for folks who have been given those Evacuation Orders. They are supposed to go to. Play play by play. I believe it is. There santa rosa. Authorities there in santa rosa, encouraging folks in the rain can valley skyhawk and los alamos areas to review their evacuation and preparedness. Information as the shady fire from this is now causing some evacuations orders for folks there Sonoma County so move the map over now to napa counties we can see the situation there. This maps a little different because the area that is in blue. That means a mandatory evacuation has been issued and you need to leave immediately. The latest orders just into our newsroom are 4 of the same holiness city limits. Thats the concern right now its mostly around the area of deer park as well. But the areas that are in yellow. Thats an area that means that you should have an evacuation warning because this fire is growing. There could be new Evacuation Orders that are listed any moment, the fire is burning on the west side of saint but the winds are unpredictable tonight and thats why evacuation warnings being issued for people in all different areas surrounding the fire. Again because the fire is burning northeast of santa rosa near the napa and Sonoma County lines. People in riken valley skyhawk and lows almost are being encouraged to review their evacuation unprepared. This information. Again all this is on our website kron 4 dot com weve been getting updated information throughout the night and thats will continue to put it were going to take for staying on top of breaking news for you this sunday night at 10 oclock multiple wildfires burning near the napa Sonoma County line tonight, spreading dangerously fast and forcing thousands of folks to flee their homes to get the very latest information right now were being joined by paul lo and fall with the santa rosa Fire Department, thank you for joining us here tonight on kron 4 news you have. New evacuation warnings for people in the city limits of santa rosa to share with us. But we do have evacuation and orders imposed on the part out on the although part in not all of to the or edward are under a warning. Already in the city work of highway 12 and make. Of out of the road a order we have a number of law or all on and then there those with a haul of firearm. Topic and all off i well getting people out we do understand that there is traffic in the area. Expected and thats what were trying to get everybody out the fire in ne, on the hill above that and about here. And so people arent that familiar with the locations that you listed these are communities these this wild land area. What is being threatened right now. Yeah, so the areas of u. S. And offer dont with the no its early by the different the house to the north out of the or if the m our number or different are 3 different youve got the glitter is on the east side of the road. Essentially that all residents. North of highway 12 and in the palace to the road in the middle of that or about order. The remainder of all residents. On the side there any of spring lake and north of an adults take part are under evacuation warning right now. So that is significant volume of president. All right. Theyre being asked to evacuate and prepare to evacuate at this time significant volume talking thousands of people. Likely 10s of thousands of people are currently under Evacuation Orders and warnings right now all we know that this fire is moving very quickly have you been given a timetable or did you know particularly a timetable of when this could potentially threaten. The folks in that area. Based on the information were and what that was to be expected with the lens tonight, the concern right now not only what were experiencing right but were going out of the night goes on we are getting wrong on the upper elevations are pushing. The fire towards the valley so we do understand theres fire up off of los alamos road which great that come out of the unincorporated parts noma county into the city limit on the north side of highway 12. So that fire originally came from pat not online. We do have information that based on the novel we are getting spot fires of upwards ill add of a body of power. So all the or prompting the large scale evacuation, especially given what we the 1000 where we were evacuating when the fire got into the city limits. That is not the were not taking any chances, the arm. Weve had the and the resources a lot of improvement to made 2017 thats why youre number of our summer to urge is and large evacuation of that area getting people out of potential employers as quickly as possible. Has the resources continue to move up into the not actively fight the fire but also be prepared. Her to potentially look at the city limits. Weve implemented all call the county of sonoma. Its read comment referred to them activated. And all call all of their own i resources throughout the entire town hama all the dispatch and i think parking lot in the city limits the law that cal i well. The coin handful of congress that utilized a in october 2017. Im really for the kincade walbert fire now for the shady fire. So whats going just so you know were were showing people now the updated evacuation map for Sonoma County. Youre saying that 10s of thousands of people are now part of warning and also the evacuation thats mandatory. Where are you telling these people to go is at highway 12 thats most choked right now by all the traffic. Yeah the highway 12 that have traffic and we expect that with the bachmann but the bottom of accusations that they can play 3rd Law Enforcement. And a number major intersections of continuing to push traffic we recognize the fact there will be people quickly to be patient. Why we put the evacuation in place as quickly as we did City Attorney general the refer to as a temporary evacuation point place to play thats a large parking lot on west 3rd street almost out towards open road. And i will be an area where residents can live back you in a parking lot or they plans under drought what additional aid. It can be made that i need to be made that he would do a plan that weve had in open the knowing that with that and weve made arrangements no longer than the life before lot of people lot got away in a vehicle and then implement their that weve people on the way for some time of house, so gave well be see people care about are for want get paul can you tell us that theres been any significant damage what has burned who we have heard. There are thousands of structures that are threatened but ive seen images on twitter of of things burning to the ground can you be specific with us of what the damage is right now. No i dont have any report or any of the makes at the area where the fire it the focus right now 4 of day. I making sure that weve got the resources evacuate shuns the plate. Obviously with what we experienced in 2017 and again i will be back with a large part of our city during the kincade fire out my aunt. Were implementing a lot of plans that weve had place to make sure we get lot it is effort tonight to try to put the fire out or to get people out. Its a combination of both though going walk course meant that we have in place now the partnership between center we sure. Absolutely effect right now is other law or 8 feet the goal to get them out of harms way and yes absolutely bring to actively fight the fire. As well as that what the people are out and allow our firefighters get in there start to work on getting in place protect neighborhoods. Paul you said youre getting reports that that these fires are about a mile ahead of the actual flames themselves have you guys started responding to any of those fires yet that are in front of the main fire. Yeah, i know that is the that are burning from the main fire or what we are actively responding to. Weve had a from the city center on the on the most about the los alamos road. So thats the concern that the weeks passed in 2017 with the wind pushed in a lot of embers and spot fires ahead and the faa are while other the difference this time is that absolutely activated and pulled a lot of our resource for got the activation of the evacuations going on about earlier we have the ability a number of years ago. Paul this is just eerily similar to what happened in with the tubbs fire in october of 2017 red flag warning whipping winds dry conditions. It sounds like you learned a lot of lessons then a better being applied tonight. Yeah, absolutely the big differences 2017 we are going our lineup ground of people actually make the call. I was in town grow in 17. And with members literally raining who made that decision to because that was our pick how quickly things going and to try to evacuate upwards a 100,000 people. It all want. Was you know not the best scenario given the circumstances. Today with improvements have been made with or fire were were able to monitor the fire watch it develop on our camera that we monitor across the were able to quickly start activating or communication he murmured manager. Resources even though there of things that went into a place thats going to power with the badge even before people actually got on scene. But ahead of what we could have been what would possibly would have been able to do a job summit in though, fairly similar in some respects opposite side on the other side. A ton of improvements have been made a lot most even reporter not in the past. Paul long ballot. The santa rosa Fire Department, thank you so much for joining us here tonight on kron 4 news with all the new information about evacuations and warnings. We appreciate it. All right we do want to get a final check of forecast and the conditions right now with meteorologist Mabrisa Rodriguez before we. Leaving tonight versus yen edition of those gusty winds that weve just heard about were also tracking very hot and dry conditions as well so were currently under a heat wave today believe it or not didnt break any records but we were certainly close especially in downtown San Francisco warming up near the 90s with widespread 90s along the east bay shoreline and most of our valley santa rosa and napa warming up into the triple digits but tomorrow going to be even hotter 15 to 25 degrees above average so expect some records to be broken if not once again very close like today live look outside Golden Gate Bridge and were not noticing any fog bank out there so that warm dry air mass is preventing any of that cloud cover from inching nearer coastline widespread 70s out there for most bay area cities still in the low 80s for downtown San Francisco. But just to your south Half Moon Bay about 15 degrees cooler at 66 degrees. Napa 69 degrees but everyone else in the mid to upper 70s even at this 10 oclock hour overnight lows tonight little relief low to mid 60s with antioch only cooling down into the low 70s. So lets take a look at your hot and dry microclimate monday forecast as we start out the work week the peak of the heat wave downtown San Francisco warming up into the mid 90s so youre going to be about 25 degrees above average Half Moon Bay 81 degrees with a low to midnineties for millbrae and burlingame right along the San Francisco peninsula winds out of the eastnortheast so getting that offshore flow pattern keeping temperatures from san mateo to Mountain View in the low to mid 90s there with widespread mid to upper 90s for those of you in the south bay santa clara 97 degrees campbell 98, san jose 93 degrees when you should be in the upper 70s this time of year so easily about more than 15 degrees above average livermore a 100 degrees hitting the century mark their wives for low to midnineties for the east bay shoreline but walnut creek and concord also warming up into the triple digits as most cities in the north bay because of those northerly winds were tracking widespread triple digit heat in Petaluma Nevado even santa rosa and also going to see little relief in the next couple of days for most of this upcoming workweek going to remain in the 90s for inland valleys relief will arrive along the coast on tuesday, thanks to that cool sea breeze, but we wont be near average for most of our interior valleys until next weekend so night into tomorrow going to be critical fire danger concerns that red flag warning in heat advisory expire monday night back to you just seen and jonathan. Well that does it for us here on kron 4 news at 10 oclock tonight, thanks for being with us here during all this breaking news, im justine waltman Jonathan Mccall definitely a busy night on wolf coverage continues right now at kron 4 dot com. Its a safer one sports night alive with we saw the cloud of smoke and my heart fell. I knew wed lose our home. And we did. Over 24,000 homes have been destroyed by wildfires in the past few years. Wildfire victims need help so im voting yes on 19. It limits property taxes on wildfire victims so families can move to a replacement home without a tax penalty. You never know what youll be faced with. Please, vote yes on 19

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