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As it has been theres a look at the current particulate matter levels they particulate matter levels in the air much of the bay now in the yellow and orange which is much better than the dark purple and reds weve been seeing this past week and heres a look at the current air quality in the bay area as you can see. Much better tonight than the past few days the whole country theres feeling some sort of the bay area obviously. Producing a lot of it california producing a lot of it oregon washington, the whole west coast really for the most part. An incredible change from yesterdays air quality and that is good good news. No doubt about it. All right want to check in with our chief meteorologist right now. Lawrence karnow please tell me this trend will continue yeah going to get better to was certainly nice to see the skies begin to turn a little blue outside of weve been looking at this shot over the past few days we have been able to see the Golden Gate Bridge. How about that the Golden Gate Bridge is back now on our timber on cam and thats whats been playing out very nicely around the bay area with some clearing skies out there and certainly were seeing that right now to in fact as you look toward the Golden Gate Bridge. How about that gorgeous job. Returning to more normal around the bay area were not done with the smoke just yet we still got some lingering smoke outside, but certainly the air quality has vastly improved in fact its good air quality right now in the San Francisco to the moderate amounts and yellow as you make when the pacifica over to san mateo for the south and the Mountain View and stretching across the bay into fremont also live more still poor air quality in the san jose and then a nice spot of some good air quality as you head up toward just north of santa rose up in the guerneville some very their air there but looks like things are going to be improving tomorrow again youre looking at some moderate pollutes building up still some poor quality in parts of the south bay. But i think the worst will come in the morning, a stronger sea breeze in the afternoon. I think we feel a nice breath of fresh or air around much of the bay area by tomorrow up in the winds. Thats all about the wind with the smoke and weve seen strong winds out there all the way to 25 Miles Per Hour right now in s f o were starting to see some of those winds pick up over 20 and thats really what we need to mix out the smoke looks like it is going to be very nice fresher air over the next few days. Thank you for that war has now to our wildfire coverage, thousands of firefighters continue to fight dozens of fires, burning up and down the west coast. At least 35 people have died in california alone more than 3 million acres have burned and more than 4200 structures have been destroyed smoke from these fires has created poor air quality all over the state. The major wildfires burning in california right now include the august complex fire burning in mendocino and humboldt counties the north complex fires burning in butte county the creek fire burning in Fresno County and el dorado fire burning in riverside county. Cal fire is getting closer to full containment every day on the lightning complex fires that have been burning around the bay area for almost a month now, but there are still dangers that exist in those this kron fours morning kelly. Was out reporting in the fire zone near the czu lightning complex fire and had a close call with a hazardous situation. This is a firsthand look of of the dangers that are still left here and the fire zone, im the other 3 road here in unincorporated San Mateo County and taking a ride up with a local rancher to seeing the ruins of her, the property at the end of this road right near big basin on our way down. We were stopped by this. A tree that fell we just cross this road. They be about 45 minutes before half an hour for him to feel proud splintered. You can see up top in the 4th there how there are still flames. Burning right now since the hot spot interrupted a fair or not this is has anything to do. With the. The reason this tree fell right now several trees, it looks like. But there it is burning so we are going to. Soon as she is done parking her truck in a better spot. Me and her dog here were going fact. So hopefully find some hope. After climbing over the fallen trees and walking about a halfmile the ranch and i came across the San Mateo County road crew. Clearing up this very problem. They were able to drive us back and cut the trees up so we could drive out of there. They expect to be clearing the aftermath of this fire for at least another month. If not more im sure were going to be very busy here during the rainy season during the winter coming back for us more trees, falling and more slides also with debris. And dirt and then the rancher dire able to get out safely but our experience sends a very clear message. That the road closure signs out there in the fire zone are there for a very good reason. Maureen kelly kron 4 news. And on the north bay, many people in Solano County are returning to find their homes destroyed by the lnu complex fire. Some plan to rebuild, but others say it might be time to move on and live elsewhere. This morning john prado was sifting through the remains of his home for 35 years like so many of his neighbors. He and his wife had to flee the hennessy fire in the middle of the night. When they came back they found they had lost everything pictures name and whatever. You can get. And for so many years to lose it. And one night is kind of my wife. It couldnt handle it just. Weve come here and saw this. You know because here tears. The couple has decided they will not be rebuilding because theyve watched wildfires that threaten their home nearly every year since 2015 they worry if they rebuild will just be another fire next year or the year after the house. Murray county has moved out of the states most restricted to run into the substantial tier which means more businesses there can reopen indoors. Murray county now joins San Francisco santa clara and napa counties in the red tier while the rest of the bay area remains in the purple widespread here. And as covid19 numbers continue to fall in california. More counties are moving to reopen some indoor businesses kron fours Capitol Bureau reporter Ashley Zavala now has the latest covid update from state officials. Statewide covid19 numbers continue to fall with the Positivity Rate at 3. 6 over the last 2 weeks and an average case rate of 7. 7 per 100,000 People California tuesday was officially removed from the new york, new jersey connecticut, mandatory 14 day quarantine list for travelers 3 more counties got the green light tuesday to move forward into the next tier of reopening marine to him and inyo county has moved from the widespread purple tier to the substantial red tier this allows counties to reopen many indoor businesses with extremely limited capacities schools can also reopen for these counties in 2 weeks, we know theres a whole host another set of towels. Veteran corporal today but matt, the criteria for the red chair for one week so if those trends hold some additional counties for the move from purple to read San Diego County which was the first large county to move out of the states most restrictive tier could fall right back into it if their increased numbers continue for another week state officials wont say yet if the indoor businesses in College Reopenings accounted for their boosting cases and Positivity Rate that it made the decision to move the county and a more restrictive thoughtfully with a lot of deliberation to ensure that we dont cause businesses are communities to feel sort of stuck in the middle going back and forth with holidays around the corner, including young core rashaana state officials urge caution they warned a trick or treating could also look different as Health Leaders spend the next few weeks developing guidance for halloween in sacramento, Ashley Zavala kron 4 knees. And in San Francisco today marks the second day that salons and barbershops nail salons and gyms can the open indoors under specific guidelines say think this is an indication that residents are kind of crushing that covid curve right but in fact. The opposite is apparently happening kron fours dan kerman is live in San Francisco and city hall tonight and dan i understand these numbers are going in the wrong direction, it doesnt seem that up. Well at least the hospitalizations are going in the wrong direction. They are on the increase now after being on the decrease in terms of cases, San Francisco has crushed the curve twice. Now those cases continue to decline, but still San Francisco remains in the red zone in terms of new daily cases coming up with about 60 or so every single day. This week, San Francisco hair salons barber shops nail salons and gyms were among the businesses allowed to reopen indoors under strict guidelines. Well calling this a huge step. Mayor london breed cautioned residents tuesday, not to let their guard down causing a covid surge because that could stall additional reopenings enclosed these businesses again. This is progress but its not enough and its not certain the only way that we continue in this direction has everything to do with each and every one of us and the mayor has good reason for concern. One key indicator continues to move in the wrong direction. Hospitalizations started declining in august. But in september they started rising again. Now an increase of 29 i want to enjoy my life i want to live a want to go back to normal. But unfortunately, this is a deadly virus and it has a Significant Impact on the most vulnerable including our elderly. What we dont want to see is our bad behavior in packed them. We dont want to roll back the clock. The number of new daily cases is also a concern. Well theres been an overall decline since july. The number of new daily cases remains in the red zone, San Francisco averaging 61 new cases a day as people continue to move about the city and increase activities we will likely experience an ongoing increase in cases. To keep this reopen me to keep it moving forward. We need everyones help to limit that community spread. And that means hand washing and mask wearing and social distancing must continue. The city says they base their decisions on what to reopen and when based on what they feel. Is reasonable in terms of managing the risk and they say their role always be a risk as long as covid19 is with us and there is no vaccine. Live at city Hall Dan Kerman Kron 4 news. Thank you. Dan, the Berkeley City Council is set to vote tonight on whether or not to cite people to refuse to wear masks. If pass anyone in violation of the health order could be fined up to a 100 bucks the first time with penalties increasing for repeat violations. Many other counties are already in forcing Health Orders to try to prevent the spread of covid and most people we talked to said they agree with this proposal. I think its really important for public help take care of each other very important time. So by and this wearing a face mask is already required in berkeley stores. If youre waiting in line for Public Transit if youre inside a workplace or if youre outside dining. When youre not eating and when youre up from the table this vote will happen tonight at 6 oclock and we will. Let you know what happens as soon as the vote goes down. Coming up. A Santa Clara County Elementary School gets the green light from the county to reopen well hear more from the schools principal. And another roadblock regarding the next covid relief bill by republican and Democratic Leaders seem to be at a stalemate. Plus a major gang bust in the east bay, what we know about the coordinated law 31 girls were arrested by Law Enforcement. The charges in this case include murder. I mean all street gang conspiracy and consider conspiracy to commit crimes. These violent gang members are no longer on the streets of concord and indeed our community is safer. A major bust in the east bay has suspected sir a new gang members behind bars tonight more than 30 suspects facing charges of drug and firearms trafficking as well as charges in several cold case homicides. Today federal prosecutors revealed the accused even used a Concord Shopping Center as a onestop shop for guns and drugs force a secret unit explains how investigators pieced together the case. As a result of operation boulevard blues or 30 alleged criminal actors were arrested. Dozens of illegal firearms were removed. From our streets these criminal acts have instilled fear and many of our bay area communities. Todays charges explode the myths of the nonviolent drug dealer multiple arrest of a lead sir and youl game movers recorded Law Enforcement effort led by Concord Police and the fbi safe Streets Task Force the defendants are alleged to have sold methamphetamine cocaine. Heroin and firearms in concord pleasant hill. Brentwood and elsewhere in Contra Costa County in particular the complaints describe how this ring your gang members effectively took control of a Shopping Center parking lot on monument boulevard. In concord and turned it into kind of a one stop shop. Done this and drugs on board Police Arrested 26 of the 31 suspects seized or purchase 74 illegal firearms and confiscated over 50,000 in cash and you can see by the map. The monument boulevard in city conquered is safer today. Based on the fire power taking off the street. Contra costa County District diana becton says the operation started with a wiretap in led to multiple gang members allegedly involved in senseless murders cold cases that have now been solved these cold cases from 2014 2015. Actually involved. Multiple serrano gang members. 3 of the homicides occurred in concord and one in and has it made kron 4 news. Well most schools continue with Distance Learning an Elementary School in Santa Clara County is back open for in person classes yesterday was the first day of in person class for kids it primary plus private Elementary School. The desks as you can see here. Well spaced out and masks are being warned the school was able to reopen for in person classes because it got a waiver from the county Health Department principal Michelle Harris says students and staff for really excited to be back on campus and they will continue to follow. Some strict guidelines to ensure the health and safety of everyone. Theres hand washing that happens during every transition. And when they enter the building when they go to leave the building. In addition to this social distancing in the classrooms and the time that the students are outside sitting on any benches they are marked for where they are allowed to set. And we also have staggered our dropoff times and our recess times under lunch times to ensure that the distancing is taking place between the stable cohorts of students so it is definitely a learning curve for all of us and were getting used to the routine of it. But we are very excited to have everyone back on campus. There are no afterschool programs for now in any students whose families dont want them in person are still able to participate in zoom classes. They also have protocols in place they say should someone get covid19 at some point during the school year. And tonight, the Santa Clara County public Health Department is urging its residents to get flu shots this year. Thats in addition to taking measures to prevent the spread of covid19 Health Officials say seasonal flu aphex affects much of the same demographics who are at risk of getting coronavirus including those over the age of 65 and people with chronic medical conditions. Health experts also say symptoms of the flu and the coronavirus are very similar and the 2 illnesses could be mistaken for each other if someone has not been tested for covid19. Its such a big issue in our society right now, especially for parents and kids is what is happening with schools in the Distance Learning in the zooms in the in person kron fours actually airing a special program. Tonight on Virtual Learning in california thats right Catherine Heenan is hosting and shes here with the details catherine now hoping to answer some of these questions it is called back to school coping during a pandemic. Of course we know teachers and parents, were just blind side at this spring when the pandemic it, nobody was ready for this the first round of Virtual Learning last spring, a basically a mess. The question now are things getting any better some students head back to the classroom how will back going tonight, we will talk to teachers and parents and students top administrators, back to school coping during a pandemic that airs tonight at 9. 30 on kron 4. Thank you catherine look forward to that such an important topic in well switch gears now for a moment take a peek outside check on the 4 zone forecast. This is like breaking news you can actually see the building you can see that weve been doing ariel whether shots it feels like it has been really bad for about a week but dating back to you know the middle of august on and off the you could smell the smoke after that Lightning Storm and the heat wave the air quality just hasnt been good in so long, but this is certainly a good sign absolutely were taking some baby kron fours Lawrence Karnow our chief meteorologist standing by with a look at that yeah one wash the ash off your cars just yet were not done with all the smoke and the ash but certainly that haze out there tonight at least we can finally see across the bay something we havent been able to do for quite some time at least a week or so but things are changing now the sea breeze is picking up and that is some great news tomorrow, theyre a quality little bit improved again i starting out a little smoky early on especially in some of the valleys the chinese pay in the south and by the afternoon though that sea breeze really gets going. I think we see some fresh air mixing in all because we have a cold front thats approaching the doesnt look like its going bring us much in the way of rain but it is going to increase that on shore suddenly breeze really going to be picking up as we head toward tomorrow afternoon. That will be enough to mix out even more of the smoke around the bay area today, the winds kind of picking up in fact we have some winds moving up to 25 Miles Per Hour at sfo and continue to pick up in the afternoon hours, theyll do so overnight tonight into tomorrow morning tomorrow looks like a pretty nice day of the were going to see some nice temperatures outside got some 80s in the valley, some 70s inside the bay and some 60s along the coastline next few days should be nice to in fact the more sunshine less smoke and some nice temperatures, partly cloudy as we get to thursday and friday. Thank you lauren still ahead the search is on for a compton gunman who ambushed 2 sheriffs deputies. The dramatic new video from moments after the shooting. And next lines at bart, not trains but for covid testing. Hund just 3 days into a new covid19 testing site in berkeley and so far at least 1300 people have been tested theres a demand this is a drivethru contactfree operation and its totally free kron fours phillipe djegal reports that the city of berkeley has managed to keep positive cases low during the pandemic and many people say a big reason why. Is frequent testing. Through the second of october expect long lines entering the North Berkeley bart station from 9 in the morning until 3 oclock in the afternoon. Not for trains but for testing it seems pretty easy to drive through contact free covid19 testing site open friday and more than 1300 people have already taken the selfadministered test. There is at noon and her husband voting brought their 7 yearold son, so all 3 could get tested. None are showing symptoms of the virus but feel frequent testing helps everyone they might be traveling to visit his grandmother and even want to bring it to her. Its simple book an appointment online through the city or Curative Incorporated the covid19 Testing Company partnering with berkeley show up then youll be extended the lab kit and instructed on how to swab yourself open finally just dropped the finished it in a bin and be on your way its important to get tested to make myself. Feel assured that i dont have anything and if i do. I want to isolate myself so i dont give it to someone else the test itself only takes about 2 minutes and the city says results can be available. Within 2 days with air quality one of the things that we liked about the drivethru process is that people can do it within their own car. Theres a very minimal amount of air coming in cities spokesperson, wifi says the drivethru site also makes Testing Available to more vulnerable populations like seniors, so far berkeley is on the lower end of positive covid19 cases in Alameda County registering just over 3 . By comparison oakland accounts for nearly 40 of the countys case is the word hovering just above 14 . I think its safe and no insurance is needed the test is free in berkeley fleet and all kron 4 news. Coming up more evidence of a stalemate regarding another covid relief bill as far as most americans are concerned it means still too busy feuding to help. And the city of louisville has agreed to see a multi Million Dollar settlement in the wrongful death lawsuit of brianna taylor. The changes, the Police Department has also agreed to. The book plus Vice President ial candidate Kamala Harris story wildfire damage wi

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