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fires in parts of the east bay and south bay or 55% contained the lnu lightning complex fires, the north bay are now 58% contained and the czu all this lightning complex fires in parts of san mateo and santa cruz counties are now 37% contained so czu fire has burned nearly 85,000 acres destroyed nearly 1300 structures almost 7,000 structures are still under threat tonight but people are being allowed to go back home to see. >>what if anything is left kron four's gayle ong is live for us tonight in scotts valley with the very latest good evening, wales. a pair of some residents in santa cruz county they are returning home for the first time in almost 2 weeks. >>to some sense of normalcy. hackett and her daughter emily return home to been lowman sunday like thousands of residents not knowing what they come back to you they expected. >>and to be gone and i was expected it to somehow be here because of the amount of the fire but as they ended up bringing in relieved to see their homes still standing, but no others are experiencing loss this is the one that we kind of with believe in fearing for a long time there's been a long time since we had a fire in the valley. >>and you know the fact that it was you know the bonny doon boulder creek and the basin areas is tragic. >>and a lot of students and colleagues have lost their homes this easy lightning complex fire broke out the morning of august 16th, the cause believed to be lightning the fire mostly burned through santa cruz county approaching week 3. >>most of the activity now is in southern san mateo county. meantime crews worked on areas along highway, 9 utility workers could be seen on the roads, the focus clearing hazards like this while some communities are beginning to repopulate firefighters warn we're not out of the woods just yet to want to remind everybody that we are still very early in our fire season. it's just the end of we're just getting into what we consider normal fire season, our window of opportunity for fire events of magnitude that we just had. >>firefighters utility workers are working to clear out debris and those areas hit hard like boulder creek and. >>on for news don't think so much our coverage continues right now at kron 4 dot com. there you can find a complete list of evacuation orders and warnings. you can also track the fires on our interactive map along with any weather alerts in your neighborhood. it's all available right now on kron 4 dot com. >>and we want to bring in our back a strong to give us an update on the fire conditions if things will get better. this week at all for firefighters to get even more containment what do you think rebecca. >>well we are going to see temperatures start to rise we're going to see temperatures bump up by a few degrees as we look at a warming trend over this and next couple of days and into the rest of the week, so it's going make it a bit harder for firefighters, however i am tracking current conditions right now. temperatures in the south bay right now that we're looking 66 degrees so things are getting mild there relative humidity about 70% and wind speeds just really breezy about 9 miles per hour that we are tracking a moving over to the north they were looking at nasa conditions currently right now 63 degrees there humidity at 78% and wind speeds very low at 9 miles per hour. so a little bit breezy there and things have really dip down. near a santa cruz monterey we're tracking 63 degrees right now relative humidity at 75. wind speeds about 20 miles per hour that we're seeing gusts there so along the coast, yes, definitely more gusty and things are going to continue i'd like to mention temperature wise going to climb will have more of those conditions on our warming trend that we're seeing over the next couple of days. coming up in my next weather report back to you art thank you mean on a number of businesses getting ready to reopen across the bay area tomorrow. >>the move comes as part of the state's revamped reopening strategy which will allow counties to oversee their reopening based on the 4 tiered system. purple means widespread infections which means most non essential indoor businesses are closed. yellow is minimal spread and most indoor businesses are open but with modifications starting tomorrow retail hair salons and barbershops will start indoor services are in san mateo santa clara and solano counties indoor malls in alameda county will reopen tomorrow but only at 25% capacity. napa county which is only the second county to be in the substantial tier. we'll have some indoor businesses reopen on monday, san francisco. the other county in that substantial tier will allow outdoor gyms to reopen on september 9th. health officials in contra costa and sonoma counties say they're now looking into governor newsom's new guidance. >>kron four's dan thorn spoke with a owner of a barbershop was getting ready to reopen its operations tomorrow that's a big deal it definitely is live tonight in daly city with a look at how they're getting ready and and this news can't come soon enough for them. >>that's right jonathan in justine this barber shop owner says that he's ready to get back to work. it's been months of uncertainty for businesses like his and they're all just hoping that a roll-back won't happen again. >>this self san francisco barbershop is one of several san mateo county businesses ready for a purple tier reopening, it's been more than a month since people have been allowed back inside feel-good cuts for a trend, i'm happy that we are able to open absolutely but for fill our party, it's bittersweet because many within his industry continue to struggle. with not having enough space to service customers outside he's had to make several adjustments inside mask-wearing has required chairs are now spread out 6 feet apart and there will be limited capacity. he's also making sure sanitizer is readily available but weighing heavy on his mind is if he and others have to close up again most important we're just looking to open and shut. road to reopening hasn't been easy and san mateo county. the state says widespread transmission of covid-19 is still evident as of sunday there's been more than 8,000 cases recorded and more than 130 deaths show me we're the polyphony a shun of the boxes spread. beauty salons and hair salons our health officer says it does not county supervisor david cannabis as thousands within san mateo county remain out of work and that trend will likely continue he's pushing for more longer term support for local businesses and suggests rethinking how we look at the virus. but i'm worried about is that we have to take another step back we take another step back. >>you know where we have issues. >>well a party says that he's working with other barbers and beauty workers on getting recognized as essential workers. he and those others have set up the peaceful protest for that recognition at san francisco city hall on tuesday morning. reporting live in daly city dan thorn kron 4 news dan thank you meanwhile here are the latest covid-19 numbers will breaking down for you worldwide there are now more than 25 million cases. >>here in the united states we are creeping closer to 6 million cases in just the last 24 hours, california seeing 6,000 new cases bring the golden state's toll to 705,000 with nearly 13,000 deaths. here in the bay area there are more than 82,000 cases and more than a 1000 deaths. >>during a mostly peaceful demonstration. this morning, hundreds of president trump supporters marched across the golden gate bridge. the rescue america rally was organized by the walk away foundation in partnership with the san francisco republican party in addition to the march that is also a parade of boats under the bridge at the same time. the walk away foundation believes the democratic party has become to extreme. meanwhile tonight we've learned that 6 people were arrested during protest in oakland last night. >>we brought you breaking news of the demonstrations and the clashes on kron 4 news at 9.10 last night. more than a 100 folks taking to the streets protesting the shooting of jacob lake in wisconsin. police say the demonstrators using rocks bottles lasers and even shields to attack officers. we learned at least one officer was heard their condition unknown at this time, we're told officers meanwhile used to gas and smoke to try and break up those crowds. today oakland city councilman dan call telling kron 4 that educators taking away the purpose of those protest. >>if if there are a small number of people wear it devolves into rioting into violence destruction of a business small business is harder on bottles of entering other human beings that is unacceptable and that is that that is not fall into the category of protest demonstration that's nothing more than then violent rioting and we could not accept that. >>so far we've not heard of any property damage cause from the demonstration. >>san jose police have made one arrest after they say an agitator vandalized city hall friday night during a jacob blake protest. this follows a similar incident. that same night changers vandalized san jose mayor sam liccardo is home. and tonight investigators are trying to figure out of both those incidents are connected. >>our news continues with the bay area wildfires tonight at 8.30 hear from a couple who says they lost everything they owned in the l a new fire. >>and a member of the oakland a's has tested positive for covid-19 and a 45 find out what this could mean for games going forward. >>but first new details from last night's deadly shooting in portland oregon tonight. what the mayor of portland is now saying the response to president trump and why he says it's fueling deadly unrest in the ci we made usaa insurance for veterans like liz and mike. an army family who is always at the ready. so when they got a little surprise... two!? ...they didn't panic. they got a bigger car for their soon-to-be-bigger family. after shopping around for insurance, they called usaa - who helped find the right coverage for them and even some much-needed savings. that was the easy part. usaa insurance is made the way liz and mike need it- easy. >>do you seriously wonder. mister president. why this is the first time in decades that america has seen this level of violence. it's you. who have created the hate in the division. >>that was portland's mayor ted wheeler blasting president trump during a news conference addressing the shooting at a protest that has left one person dead police now searching for answers in that shooting that took place between trump supporters. >>and black live matter protesters conway has a closer look at where the investigation stands right now and also has reaction from federal authorities. >>the night of protests in portland, turning deadly on saturday night one person was shot and killed near violent clashes, one death. is one death too many. join me in denouncing all violence. let's pull together in the name of peace a trump 2020 cruz rally started earlier in the afternoon and spilled into downtown where protesters denouncing police brutality were rallying. authorities haven't said whether confrontations between the 2 groups were directly connected to the shooting. our constitution permits freedom of speech and assembly and individuals are free to disagree. but criminal activity, especially violence is out of bounds. >>police haven't released any details about the victim only saying that person was shot in the chest we you the video there of the people is being fired from the back of pickup trucks, 7 people in the crowd throwing things back the new york times reports the man who was killed was wearing a hat with the insignia of patriot prayer, a far right group based in portland. according to the times that same group has clashed with protesters in the past. >>president trump took to twitter to criticize local leaders and acting homeland security secretary chad wolf on abc's this week back to the president they continue to refuse federal any type of federal assistance to bring that violent activity going on from us 90 days now a little over 90 days. >>to a close. >>that was brett connelly reporting and police have not released any suspect information. president trump responded to mayor wheeler's comments this afternoon on twitter saying ted wheeler is a do nothing democrat mayor who has watched great death and destruction of his city during his tenure, portland will never recover with a full for mayor. >>members of democratic presidential nominee joe biden's campaign meanwhile are accusing president trump of stirring up an rq violence and chaos. his deputy campaign manager tackling the topic this morning on fox news sunday. >>he has encouraged his supporters to go out to be aggressive. you heard you were just discussing with lara trump kellyanne conway said it unapologetically it is better for this president if there is more anarchy more violence more chaos he has at every opportunity tried to fan the flames here and we're and that is the reason we're living in donald trump's america, you know he is trying to make that argument he's trying to make an argument about joe biden's america pointing to things that are happening in donald trump's america. >>but in field says that biden will be in kenosha this week to address the situation. >>president trump is expected to visit kenosha wisconsin on tuesday to meet with law enforcement to this is in response to the jacob blake shooting. the president says he wants to crack down on the unrest that has unfolded there, however, the lieutenant governor mandela barnes says the president should cancel his plans. >>you look at the incendiary remarks that the president has may the senate entire convention around creating more animosity and creating more division around what's going on in kenosha so i don't know how given any of the previous statements that the president may that he intends to come here to be helpful and we absolutely don't need that right now. >>you know shes mayor and wisconsin's governor have both said they would prefer president trump not to come. but this time, however, wisconsin senator ron johnson says he embraces the president's law and order approach. he says peaceful protests should not be allowed to turn into a quote siege. we do know have some breaking news just into our newsroom right now the st. louis police officer who was shot in the head yesterday has now died that officer was responding to a shooting on the city's south side. he has now been identified as 29 year-old to merece bohan and had he had been with the department for 3 and a half years. a second officer who was shot in the leg was treated and released after the shooting yesterday. this information is just coming into our newsroom and all new the new details are all on our website kron 4 dot com. >>and let's switch gears right now, let's talk weather a live look tonight outside of our studio at the bay bridge courtesy of the embarcadero camera yeah, a little fog out there this evening and in with our forecast right now is rebecca strong she's got details on. >>the week ahead good evening, good evening. guys, yes we are starting to see a little bit of the marine layer start to set in through san francisco and actually as we're looking here this hour south of market camera in downtown as well and you can see a that is definitely foggy out and we're going to need that marine layer to keep the temperatures, nice and cool during the overnight hours helping those firefighters. get a hold of those fines, especially in san jose and napa and santa temperatures outside right now we're looking at very widespread 50's 60's and even some 70's on the board 66 currently in san jose right now alameda you're at a current 59 degrees 71 in concord 68 in fairfield napa coming in at 63 novato you're currently at 61 degrees. futurecast for showing us said the marine layer we will only see it typically through the overnight hours tonight because we are going to see a warming trend over the next couple of days highpressure starting to build through about tuesday and wednesday and that's really going to keep the marine layer very thin over the next couple of days and future cast for showing it's going to be pushing out rather quickly tomorrow morning and opening up to some pretty warm temperatures. in tomorrow's highs as we get there we're going to see some 90's on the board once again and as we get further inland, it's going to be really hot especially in concord n livermore and you'll be both the at 94 degrees tomorrow afternoon we're going to see some 80's around the bay 82 in hayward tomorrow expected 84 if you're going to be in fremont upper 80's in san jose, 91 though if you're going to be in morgan hill a lot cooler at our coast 68 degrees. in half moon bay expecting 73 in downtown san francisco, those 80's continue in the north bay all have my full weather check coming up and your seven-day around the bay forecast a little bit later back to you jonathan thanks so much a crazy story from the peninsula this weekend a test drive for a new car turns into a chase. >>ins with the man behind bars now facing carjacking charges the scene unfolding yesterday at the carlson porsche dealership in redwood city. police say that jeremy morton of hayward test drove a car then turned around threatened to hurt the salesman then drove away in that porsche more then leading officers on a chase from redwood city to fremont chp officers finally caught up with them that's when they took him into custody. >>gone too soon the news of chadwick boseman staff has been felt all over the world how one city in the bay area is paying tribute to the black panther actor. >>people around the world are still reeling over the news of chadwick boseman is passing due to colon cancer in oakland local activists projected the words of a condor forever. the abandoned kaiser convention center. those monies most well known for his role in the blockbuster film black panther, the projection was visible across lake merritt where people gathered individual for black lives. >>meanwhile the director for black panther ryan coogler who is from oakland pending an emotional tribute to bozeman in a statement kobler says he had no idea about bozeman is fight with cancer because the actor was a private person. he also hope to reunite with bozeman for a black panther sequel which apparently is in the works. he says he is broken knowing that he won't be able to work with or talk with bozeman ever again. he called bozeman a care taker. a leader a man of faith dignity and pride. >>other news tonight, a man who says he was having a quote bad day has now been arrested for starting a grass fire. the sonoma county sheriff's office says 27 year-old wesley bourbon was seen walking by a fire near lighten springs road and highway one o one in healdsburg in sonoma county on saturday. deputies say bergman admitted to setting the fire. he was arrested for causing a fire to force land as and is being held at the sonoma county bail with the bat a bail at about $40,000. >>still to come tonight as fire crews continue to get an upper hand on containing fires burning in the bay area and that we should orders are now being updated some being lifted. we'll let you know what folks need to know as they head back home to rebuild their lives. >>and because of those fires we're definitely still under smoky conditions around the entire bay area in fact another spare the air alert is in effect a more details just you know geico is now offering an extra 15% credit on car and motorcycle policies? that's great! that's 15% on top of what geico could already save you. so what are you waiting for? john stamos to knit you a scarf? all finished, jean. enjoy! thank you. i give. the stitch work is impeccable. it's just a double fleck pattern with a reverse garter stitch. no big deal. is your hair this soft? softer. geico. save an extra 15% when you switch by october 7th. >>lava coming over the hills, there is a finger of red here finger of red here. i would see it torch go up in a flame that tree just catching fire. >>exactly the homeowner recounts. the moment he saw the lnu lightning complex fire is approaching his home and he shot this video during the terrifying moments when the fire. eventually burned it down while look at that as kron four's taylor, the sacking reports now. >>the cleanup continues for him and his partner even though they say they have nothing left. >>the couple says this was supposed to be there forever home they put all the money that they had left into this 2 story house as you can see behind me now it's all gone, i'm standing in what used to be their spare bedroom down below. well that was the living room and garage area. >>i watched the house citing got so hot it caught fire. so i watch my whole house burn in half an hour. it started here. and it went to that side of the house in half an hour, the roof was collapsed already been 10 man's home went up in flames right before his eyes. >>he stayed behind to fight the fire but later recorded this video when he realized the house was beyond saving as the fire swelled from was everything on the property onions partner michael moore already evacuated. we came home to was this everything is gone. there's nothing to do that. pick up the pieces and. a rebuild but rebuilding for these 2 will be a challenge they don't have fire insurance and they put all of the money they had into this home plus areas in the house were designed specifically for mir who has to use a wheelchair to get around. >>i. >>i love it here with only been here. to a half years. they're going to rebuild. >>for hang man this is the second time a fire has destroyed his house in 2008 he says he lost his napa home due to a fire started by a candle. despite so much loss. the couple say they're thankful for the help from friends family and the community as they try to stay positive during this devastating time i work with a nonprofit that. >>provides outdoor recreation and open space access for people with disabilities. tell my students that i teach how to drive. horses with adaptive equipment. i said it's important to. not focus on what you've lost. to keep your attention on what you can do. that's how we'll survive this. we can be looking back. we have to look ahead. >>for now been son michael are staying at a family member's house. then it has been out here on the property every day since the fire working to clean this area up. he says they have plans to rebuild here but for now they're taking it one day at a time. in vacaville taylor bisacky kron 4 news, let's go over now the latest containment numbers, the scu lightning complex fires in parts of the east and south bexar 55% contained. >>the lnu lightning complex fires in the north bay are now 58% contained and the czu august lightning complex fire some parts of san mateo and santa cruz county are now 37% contained tonight a number of folks know being allowed to return back home from the fires as evacuation orders are now being lifted. >>want to show you some of those evacuations. right now this is an interactive map that we have on our website right now kron 4 dot com there you can track the progress of those fire just to see exactly where they're burning right now all across the bay area but we do want to show you some of those evacuations that have been ordered this one is in santa cruz county specifically for areas in the ben lomond area to give you exact perspective where that is that's around this area once again crews are continuing to gain the upper hand on those fires santa cruz county where kron four's gayle ong has been reporting from the czu fire for many days now so this is the area once again folks in that area can go back after those evacuation orders have been lifted. meanwhile, we do want to show you some resource centers that have been set up across the area we do want to show those to you as well the very first one here is the macau, the city center it's at bank of america, it's located on main street and once again it's open today and will be open from 10 until 7. >>at least september 4th for the foreseeable future as long as those services are needed moving on we also there's also the sonoma county. in healdsburg at the high school gym, located at 1024 prince street. once again this one will be open 10 until 7 tomorrow as well this will also be open through september 4th then in vacaville that's lot. community college on north village parkway from 9 until 5 and also the south bay for the folks at the czu lightning complex at the kaiser permanente arena located on front street that's where the golden star. the santa cruz warriors play. once again from 11 until 7 all of these will be open this week as long as they are needed to help folks and just ting. >>our coverage continues on kron 4 dot com and there you can find a complete list of evacuation orders and warnings. you can also track the wildfires on an interactive map and find about any alerts with the weather in your neighborhood, it's all on our website kron 4 dot com. i want to show you this because nasa just posted these pictures on twitter today and this shows the smoke from the wildfires burning in the state the state as seen from space. nasa says the fires have spread black carbon and other gases and particles found in the smoke as far as new york state. for more on the fire conditions and the spare a spare the air alert which is now in effect we want to bring in rebecca stopped to take a look at the forecast now yeah just do thank you we do have another spare the air alert in effect through tomorrow because of the poor air quality then rinsing around the bay area because of those fires. >>outside right conditions here at san francisco international airport. air quality a is actually quite good. it's definitely dark out there you can't really see it that you can definitely see it here on our math is or air quality map as of right now most of our coastal have good air quality because of that marine layer pushing through and pushing the smoke out of your direction we are seeing a some of that to unhealthy levels and even some moderate levels as we get further inland parts of san ramon hayward the east bay zone and parts of our south bay zone and throughout the fair food area all the way into davis that's what we're seeing those unhealthy levels once again and as i step out of the way here we can see what it's going to break for tomorrow, moderate to unhealthy levels that we're going to be seeing across the bay area as far as their quality and that is what has issued the spare the air in effect for tomorrow as well for your monday. so just keep that in mind if you're going to be out and about and we can see a up a lot of the smoke and pollution that we're going to be seeing it will affect the entire bay area so stay indoors if you can especially if you do have respiratory issues or the elderly the elderly so just take note of that and you can see we are going to be on a temperature climb, especially inland, we're going to start to see over the next couple of days a little bit of a warming trend through tuesday and then a slight dip, we'll get a little bit of a relief as we get into wednesday, so 90's across the board if you're going to be inland and then we're going to see 70's mostly around the bay and then 60's to low 70's at the coast of your 7 day around the bay forecast with the rest of the week old son and also getting into next weekend that will be in a couple of minutes. thank you so much. >>we have a story of survival ahead tonight, a mother gives birth weeks early after being hit by a drunk driver. how doctor saved the baby even though the mom and not make it. ♪ ♪ try my $4 mini munchies with marinara or ranch. back at jack in the box. try my $4 mini munchies with marinara or ranch. so you're a small bor a big one. you were thriving, but then... oh. ah. okay. plan, pivot. how do you bounce back? you don't, you bounce forward, with serious and reliable internet. powered by the largest gig speed network in america. but is it secure? sure it's secure. and even if the power goes down, your connection doesn't. so how do i do this? you don't do this. we do this, together. bounce forward, with comcast business. ♪ try my $4 mini munchies with marinara or ranch. back at jack in the box. >>a baby girl in southern california who was delivered under extreme circumstances is thriving tonight. the mom gave birth more than a month early in an emergency c section after a drunk driver hit and killed her horrible story, but stacey butler has more on this child's next big milestone. >>it was there. >>a new was than men. >>every time you bottle feed his daughter in the hospital, it's a big milestone because they tell me she's technically not supposed to be in this world yet you know, she's she's a pre mean she was our duty was september 20th at tin rose now 5 pounds 2 ounces was delivered in an emergency c section just after her mother was struck and killed by a suspected dui driver earlier this month when i see here when i hold dear and when i put her on my chest everything just washes away. >>2 very good people leaving. >>she is taking a bottle every 3 hours. doctors say she's almost ready to go home they can't predict what the future may bring to her but at this point you know cheese healthy her dad james over a spoke to a city department where he plans to live with his daughter on chile bus at least have a part of my life still here on earth and you know michael has to be the best father that could possibly be in. and give her the best life i can get very he still has his wife's things were she left that someday he will pack them up and save them for his daughter when she has died. all money was like i'll be ready for that moment to to show her you know tv shows like. >>a mom she had because to the last very last second she gave her life for her. she protected or so it's only fair that i would do the same alvarez is ready to bring his daughter home get a little jacket and a onesie every day he says he asked his wife use for sites that he is not alone that she's guiding him i want to raise my daughters like in her image i want my wife to be proud of me. >>she will that was stacey butler reporting little baby at a little rose is expected to be released from the hospital. tomorrow. >>in sports the a's canceling today's game against the houston astro's because of a positive covid-19 tests the details still to come. >>with protests to racial injustice dominating the sports world this week today was in on one reminder that covid-19 is still very much prevalent. in the sports world that's because the oakland a's, having to cancel their game in houston against the astros today after an unidentified member of the organization tested positive for covid-19. it's not revealed if that person is a player or coach. the team though did conduct testing and contact tracing for the entire traveling party this morning. the team now self-isolating in houston with recommended safety precautions in place. we're told the a's will stay in houston until at least tomorrow morning with hopes of receiving more test results in determining whether or not this is an isolated incident. meanwhile, johnny cueto and the giants shutting down the d'backs in arizona today, pitching 6, 2 thirds innings only given up a run and 3 hits while striking out 6 with the trade deadline looming just less than 24 hours away that include the looking to deal the right hander. alex dickerson also coming up big for the giants hitting a home run and getting an rbi single putting them up and that we've been in a giants go on to win 41. the head to colorado to take on the rockies tomorrow that we all the nba playoffs back for a second day after not playing for the past 3 days for calling for attention for the players fight against racial injustice. clippers coach doc rivers maps coach, rick carlisle along with all the players taking a knee and even locking arms during the national anthem. >>kawhi leonard dominant in this game scoring 33 points grabbing 14 boards and dishing out 7 assists. the clips go on to win the series against the now has won 1194. in 4 games to 2 meanwhile, the celtics beat the raptors in game one of the eastern conference semifinals and the nuggets evening, the series against the jazz tonight that series now tied at 3 games apiece. that does it for sports. >>and now for your money united airlines is eliminating some of its change fees permanently. the new policy will apply to domestic ticket holders and economy and premium cabins, starting in january they will be able to fly same day standby or change flights for free. united is extending its waiver for tickets issued before that it allows travelers to change flights as many times as they want with no penalty. >>a switch gears right now, let's talk weather again tonight a live look at sfo we're talking about a potential rise in temperatures after a nice little cool down it's a pretty shot there's some fog in the background. >>we're not just rahm is here with us on this sunday night with a look at the forecast for the week ahead. >>yeah jonathan justine the are seeing a some fog around the bay area, especially through parts of san francisco. this is our south of market camera you can see in the city and we are getting some of that marine layer pushing through much of the city. right now temperatures mostly in the 60's and 70's that we're looking at 66 in san jose 63 currently in morgan hill 64 degrees and hayward 59 if you're in alameda 55 in pacifica 58 degrees in berkeley right now 70's though low 70's in dublin and in concord both coming in at 71 59 degrees currently in novato and 55 in petaluma futurecast for showing us some of that marine layer is going to be a quickly moving in and quickly moving out futurecast for showing us right around the 5 o'clock hour that you can see some of our east bay zone will be seeing and much of it those sticking to our coastal spots and the peninsula and in san francisco and then really pushing out because we are going to start to see a warming trend over the next couple of days, dry conditions are expected with some hot temperatures around the bay we're looking at 90's once again, especially you're going to be in livermore tomorrow 94 is the high they're expected 94 in conquered as well upper 80's in antioch at 87 tomorrow, yourself a zone upper 80's to low 90's, san jose you'll be at a high of 88 tomorrow, 91 in morgan hill, 84 in mountain view and then a lot cooler for a coastal spots, 68 if you're going to be in the half moon bay area, 73 in san francisco expected 77 in mill valley. and those mid to upper 80's continue through parts of the north bay like the bottom you'll be at a high of 87 tomorrow. your seven-day around the bay forecast like i was mentioning a little bit of a warming trend over the next couple of days, we're going to see a 90's inland 70's to 80's around the bay and then 60's to low 70's at the tuesday's definitely going to be quite hot, especially inland. we will get a little bit of during the middle of the week and then we'll start to see things that get hot especially inland as we get closer to next weekend back to you guys. >>now under the governor's new reopening guidelines. salons and barbershops across the state can start serving people inside again even in counties who have widespread cases of covid-19 however county health leaders though must first change their orders before those businesses can reopen jessica mensch caught up but the salon owner who is anxiously preparing to reopen on monday. >>so when people come and they get their temperature taken we sanitize their phone a welcome back months in the making for station ressa covid each and then we make sure that everybody is fitted with a n 95 mask finally allowed to reopen her pomegranate lawn in davis indoors after on and off closures to the pandemic never in my career has my income been interrupted. this has always been a career where you could work anywhere anytime have scissors will even with unemployment insurance and a ppp loan, these closures have been very difficult reserves are now gone. and now it's time to get back to work so she was relieved to hear the governor's latest reopening guidance, allowing hair salons and barbershops to reopen indoor services across the state even in counties were case are considered widespread yolo county amended its health order to allow the reopening starting monday with masks and strict social distancing protocols required if you're in an industry where you already have a sanitary practice it was pretty it wasn't easy. >>but it was less difficult to add more. she says they're stepping up sanitation requiring personal protective equipment like face masks and shields and even have a room for customers to leave all their belongings that might carry germs. they'll only be allowing to clients in the building at a time a step above the state's requirement operate 25% capacity or and i have to be particularly safe because my husband has a really compromised immune system and he's on chemotherapy that reduces his ability to fight illnesses and they lean back they can put this over their face and while she's nervous to get back to work she feels right maybe it's that little bit of concern that keeps us vigilant and keeping a practice so maybe that's a good thing. >>that was jessica mensch reporting and under the governor's guidance, other personal care services like nail salons and tattoo parlors must wait until cases are no longer considered widespread. before they can reopen their doors. >>due to an increase in covid cases were told that all classes at chico state will be held virtually at this university says in just 3 days since the beginning of the fall semester. more than 30 cases have been reported. the move comes as 36 states across the country have reported a total of 8700 cases at college campuses across the united states. >>supermodel chrissy tiegen is making the school year a little bit. better for some lucky teachers who reached out to her on twitter as students preparing to learn and the covid-19 era, many teachers do not have the appropriate school supplies in order to be successful and taken said that she wanted to help the cookbook icon posted a photo of the room that she set up for her home schooling for her children luna and miles and she s teachers to send her their amazon wish list and in one week taken says she fulfilled 50 list, she's still encouraging educators to post what they need. >>and after several release date changes new movies, snow hitting theaters in some parts of the country this weekend. we'll let for the sweaty faces... and the hidden smiles. the foggy glasses... and the muffled laughs. a simple piece of fabric makes a big statement: i care. wear a mask. let's all do our part to slow the spread. >>hollywood released 3 new films in theaters in some parts of the country this weekend. but who won the battle between bill and ted and the new mutants who knows rick damigella has the box office countdown. >>some people just to force is in mourning. but i see line the schizophrenia drama words on bathroom walls fell from 3rd place to 5th this weekend with an estimated $450,000 deal human love izu islands, she's back the personal history of david copperfield starring dev patel is charles dickens character about in 4th with $520,000. >>whole life trying to unite the world. we have a destiny to the fell. >>29 years after their bogus journey bill and ted face the music time traveled into theaters with a 1 million dollar opening the movie debuted simultaneously on vo d which isn't factored into box office figures. a road rage thriller unhinged slowed from first to second on ticket sales of 2.6 million dollars. and the canes after multiple release date changes and being filmed prior to disney's purchase of 20th century fox, the x men spin off the new mutants debuted at number one at the box office with an estimated 7 million dollars deadline reports only about 62% of north american theaters are currently open with capacity restrictions of between 2550% due to pandemic protocols in hollywood, i'm rick damigella. >>and that wraps up kron 4 news at 00:08pm tonight. >>kron 4 news at 9 starts at the top of the hour, we'll see you there. >>news stations. you're watching kron 4 news at no last several firefighters continue to make positive gains on this fire. >>with that said though i want to advise everybody that we're not completely out of the woods yet. >>fire crews quickly getting the upper hand on 3 major wildfires burning across the bay area and tonight we've learned that even more help is on the way. thanks for joining us here at 9 i'm jonathan mccall and i'm justine waltman 2 of the 3 major fires are now more than 50% contained. >>and tonight we have learned that containment could go up soon because 300 members of the california national guard will come in to help fight the

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