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Coronavirus pandemic. Good evening. Im ken wayne and im pam moore Landlord Groups sued the city back in june calling the law unconstitutional overreach kron 4 dan thorn talked with the San Francisco supervisor who authored the ordinance stan joins us live in the city tonight with more dan. Well ken and pam district 5 supervisor dean preston says that this eviction ban is necessary to keep people who are struggling from being thrown out on the street but landlords say that this legislation is unfair. San francisco tenants struggling to pay rent because of the covid19 pandemic are off the hook for now a superior court judge striking down a challenge from landlords keeping a permanent ban on evictions in place really big win and just a huge relief for tenants across the city in a district overwhelmingly filled with renters city supervisor dean preston says he introduced the legislation to protect people. He feared without covid19 rent forgiveness, a wave of evictions would follow the small Property Owners of San Francisco weighed in on their failed attempt at suing the city over the eviction ban saying in part quote we are very disappointed in the decision we are not looking for ways to evict people we simply want the same rights in access to the state courts that any other citizens have the county board of supervisors has overstepped their Legal Authority they have the right to appeal and maybe theyll do that, but thats up to them but in the meantime, we know that for the foreseeable future this law will take effect it will stop any evictions preston has maintained the law does not mean the rent is wiped out renters will still have to eventually pay whats owed but without any late fees or interest most tenants are still paying their rent. For for those who cant they should lose their homes. For landlords that are going to be looking to collect their rent debt. They would have to do that through Small Claims Court or through a collection agency. They argue that both of those methods, however are. Ultimately on hart or ultimately harmful and also costly reporting live in San Francisco. Dan thorn kron 4 news. Thank you dan wilson night all 9 bay area counties are on the States Coronavirus watch list in total the bay area has recorded 54,000 coronavirus cases and 826 related deaths, alameda and Santa Clara County continue to lead the bay area with more than 11,000 cases and 10,000 cases respectively. And you can find a complete list of the cases by county on our website kron 4 dot com. In the south bay as we said Santa Clara County seen an increase in covid19 cases there are now more than 10,000 cases across the county 191 people have died. Santa clara county remains on the watch list that has been taken off at one point but was put back on in mid july. Just last week 31 kos coworkers were found to have the virus there. County officials continue to warn people to take precautions. You know were starting to see we have seen that mass or a big deterrent for. Spring covidnineteen so social distant protocols, a really key for preventing the spread. Covid especially when in the workplace. Right now the county is working on Contact Tracing to try to determine who else may have been exposed to those costs coworkers veterans, san quentin prison guard, a correction officer is said to be fighting for his life and another death row inmate has died from coronavirus more than 2000 inmates have tested positive at the prison, 21 inmates have died including this man orlando romero, a 48 yearold inmate who marin county hospital yesterday from complications related to covid19. Romero was put on death row after being convicted of firstdegree murder in Riverside County back in 1996. The growing spread and death rate has governor newsome releasing 8,000 eligible inmates by the end of this month. Today the state released the safety requirements Elementary Schools must follow if they apply for a waiver to reopen. They include developing plans for Health Screenings Contact Tracing physical distancing. Testing and triggers for switching to Distance Learning. Schools that are in counties currently on the state watch list can only apply for a waiver after meeting with the schools parents labor and community organizations. The state also provided an update on youth sports banning all outdoor and indoor events for social distancing is not possible. Businesses such as gymnasiums and hair salons in San Mateo County trying to adapt to the new order that forces them to move operations outdoors some of them are having that success with that but others are not at orange theory fitness in pacifica employees put out equipment in the parking lot today for a trial run of a workout. Employees say that theyre doing the best they can to prepare for anything that comes their way. And this could last a week this could last 6 months and we just dont know and so were going to be prepared for anything now its not going to work its too windy here and it gets chilly. And we have here over the parking lot you know its going to be. But the owner of the obsession salon and spa in pacifica says shes unable to work outdoors for both practical and health order related reasons which include the ban on using chemicals outdoors today, california became the first state in the country to eclipse halfamillion confirmed covid19 cases more than 516,000 people in california tested positive for coronavirus and the death toll in the state is now more than 9400 these numbers are according to the Johns Hopkins global coronavirus tracker and while those numbers are troubling calico california governor Gavin Newsome says there are also signs of optimism during his coronavirus update today the governor said the numbers are starting to move in the right direction when it comes to cases the number of people in the hospital and icu admissions. Dan kerman has more. So far from taking a victory lap. The governor announced statewide covid19 numbers are starting to move in the right direction cases in the last 2 weeks are down 21 and the percentage of those testing positive has dropped from 7. 5 to 7 is not where it needs to be and is still too high. But again. It is good to see. Number trending down not trending up the Governor Also Announced over the last 2 weeks hospitalizations are down 10 statewide and icu admissions are down 5 . Courage in signs but one week does not make kind of trend that gives us confidence to generate headlines week are looking forward to that well need to see another few weeks. This kind of data to come in to feel more confident about where we are as a state governor credited changes in personal behavior coupled with the shutdown of certain businesses for the improved numbers, but he says more distancing maskwearing and hand washing is needed. He also called on those exposed to do the right thing were seen a lot of spread now in peoples backyards, their front yards as well as in their living rooms and thats why we thought it important to reinforce from mind. People of the importance if you are. Living with someone whos tested positive or has come into contact with someone has tested positive please stay at home. Dont share items do the kind of disinfecting that is foundational in terms of mitigating the spread the improvement in overall state numbers doesnt reflect surges throughout the Central Valley. The governor says the strike Team Approach used to bring down the surge in Imperial County is now underway in a Central Valley counties in the meantime the governor had stern words for School Districts throughout the state that are forcing teachers to come into the classroom to conduct Distance Learning and i expect. And really demand respectfully that that spirit of collaboration cooperation manifest at the local level. And people not be put into harms way as caregivers as teachers as support staff from janitors the bus drivers. As secretaries to maintenance workers as well obviously as our children the governor says if the trend continues and the numbers keep going down that doesnt mean people can let up their guard. He says that second surge is still coming in the fall and that means people must remain vigilant. Dan kerman kron 4 news. A long time bay area sports radio broadcaster out barbee area has died. He was a fixture on knbr sports radio where he spent 28 years and was one of the most popular sports broadcasters for years marbury had struggled with parkinsons disease for a long time about 15 years he was diagnosed with the disease back in 2005 he reportedly died at his home in novato today very popular barry bonds paid tribute to barriere today on instagram he wrote in part. I am extremely saddened by the passing of ralph barbie area i have fond memories of rotten i visiting at the ballpark. Never missing a chance to pull each others leg. He loved to give me a hard time and you Better Believe i gave it right back. Other news now San Jose Police chief eddie garcia is stepping down after 28 years of serving the south bay police for secrecy announce, hes retiring. He is known for having served in almost every branch of that department from traffic to the homicide unit and he served as the citys chief for the last 4 years kron fours also the monae and is live in our newsroom with a look back at his long career l a. Tucker see was born in puerto rico and moved to san jose as a young boy before joining the force to service hometown in 1992. Chris he was promoted up the ranks and finally took on the role of police chief at a time would morale was low and there was an exodus of officers here in the south bays Largest Department known for fewest resources and police were leaving the Department Due to pension reform for higher paying jobs. Last year he faced a violent uptick in crime saying that that was a reflection of the struggle to rebuild overall. He was handson often found at a crime scene speaking directly with reporters san jose mayor sam liccardo today said that history will remember chief eddie garcia in the same way ive seen him embrace and countless Community Meetings as a dynamic exuberant leader who gave his heart and soul to his hometown. He brought this Police Department back from the brink. Rebuilding our officers ranks their morale and more most importantly their faith in themselves and their mission i wish him all the best as he moves into this next chapter of his life and the San Jose Police Officers Association president paul kelly said chief garcia never forgot what it was like to push a patrol car through the streets of san jose. What a difficult job Police Officers have been trying to keep our residents and businesses safe. We have been able to work collaboratively to start the process of rebuilding her Police Department after the debilitating measure, b and we have enjoyed a respectful and productive relationship will miss chief garcia and wish him and his family well in the future. Tucker see oversaw the rollout of bodyworn cameras and had to answer to recent criticism for tactics. There were used by officers to disperse black lives matter demonstrators. But according to reports his retirement had been in the works for months and was not related live in the newsroom. Ella sogomonian kron 4 news. Thank you all on also in san jose firefighters are cleaning up tonight after a fire destroyed a home on south 12th street. You see the smoke here from a roof camera crews say another home nearby was partially damaged done. 2 cars were badly damaged this is actually drone video from the scene from a viewer. Cruz declared the fire under control just about an hour and 15 minutes ago at 8 oclock tonight. The furnisher can. They can then we can buy it later, you know what but why florida has had to do was that i worry of hope. Carlos loyal one of 10 neighbors displaced because of that fire in San Franciscos north beach was broke out friday morning near powell and and water streets. One person was sent to the hospital another residents dog died from the fire. Tonight kron 4 say that the psac ii talked to several victims who lost everything in that blaze. Taylor joins us now live from the scene with more taylor. Well many of those neighbors are now staying at a nearby hotel and as you can see here behind me this Apartment Building is now boarded up and unlivable neighbors tell me that they left from that fire with nothing but the shirt on their backs. Came back in on the homeless. We can get my wallet. My keys. So my car was just so. A charcoal brick. And i just have nothing but the shirt on my back while albert putt on the last everything in this north beach plays friday morning. He says hes thankful to be alive crews rushed him to the hospital from smoke inhalation but he was released the next day and returned home to this the fire displaced 10 people and this 113 yearold pow street Apartment Building. Now its boarded up on monday as neighbors, reminisce on priceless items lost a really important thing said ahead. Hes a head. Week for those with muhammad ali. And jack dempsey in your fridge. Carlos moya is a former professional boxer and former coach in the city. In addition to losing captured memories with boxing legends he also lost in valuable photos with the kids he trained i feel real bad for the parish his sleep. Crucially of last night. And what have you are going to be alright, you is. Hes only material things over the 30 plus years lawyers lived here with his wife myra he says hes met great neighbors that became more like family people like juan salas who went knocking door to door to wake his neighbors get them out safely was very very i think it was more a finance ready before. The fire and then the colder side of the building being converted to a bass solo started a go fund me to help his neighbors. Albert carlos im myra find a new home i we just want to make sure that they can not why we dont ice they can reveal because of this area there are hardworking really nice people very going and we just one. Down to ok. And the cause of this fire is still under investigation, however, the neighbors that i spoke with believe the fire began in a another neighbors car that was parked right below this Apartment Building in one of the car port areas right here. They said thats where an initial explosion sound and flames started but again still no cause yet determined for now live in San Francisco Taylor Bisacky kron 4 news center. Thank walnut creek woman has been missing since the middle of june. After her trip to Joshua Tree National park in Southern California we first covered the story. When she vanished and now her family is renewing their plea for help hoping anybody who sings her will alert authorities well force has the money on reports. Just please call the so that you know we can. Bring her home to their families waiting for for her and said especially in her son. You know is this a new mom 37 yearold erika lloyd is a wall that creek resident whos been missing since june 1420 20. Her mother ruth lloyd recalled speaking to her daughter that day she sounded like she was driving. Ceo was speaking very rapidly and it was in a conversation, she was just talking to us was just hard to make out what exactly she was saying 2 days later erica lloyds 2006 honda accord was found abandoned about 19 miles outside of joshua tree village on shelton road so i just said just littered roads, california Highway Patrol officer casey, 7 says investigators found no evidence on the roadway consistent with a Traffic Accident even though the vehicle had clearly suffered some damage there was damage to the front ends and along with the wind chills. And back window. So looks like it possibly might have been involved in tc. But we can confirm anything there were. Items still in the vehicle. So there were no it didnt look like any items were taken out of the vehicle ruth and way lloyd learned from ericas friends that she spoke of needing a little break from the stress related to the pandemic her business got shut down by because of covid says she had no income coming in to her you know she was home schooling. Her child and. It was just you know getting to her. And you know after 3 months of being completely locked up you know way from doing what she loves way lloyd says investigators with the San Bernardino Sheriffs Department told him that they see no signs of foul play is reassuring and it gives us hope. You know that shes out there has a menu kron 4 news. Hurricane esa es has made landfall tonight. We want to show you video some of the flooding thats happening in this is in Georgetown South carolina where a hurricane warning has been issued our chief meteorologist Lawrence Karnow has been tracking this hurricane you know you went lawrence from a Tropical Storm then back to a hurricane and so whats next yeah, them yeah, well thats the big question is will that is next with this storm system looks licenses made landfall. It will probably begin. To a decrease but slowly here you can see the core that system really moving all right along the border, there of a South Carolina and North Carolina coming on shore with the i write about myrtle beach some very heavy rainfall. Theyre looking at some flooding. There of course with that heavy rain maybe 4 to 6 inches of rain along the path and thats going to move right up the eastern seaboard to go along with that right now were looking at a storm surge of maybe 3 to 5 feet the for motion, the storm and then you get clout counter clockwise rotation around the hurricane with all those winds and that makes the water pileup and before you know you many areas along the coastal sections. Seeing some flooding there in some of the tributaries and many of the bays to so certainly something to watch out for tonight so sustained winds of 85 Miles Per Hour moving to the northnortheast at 22 Miles Per Hour. So it is picked up it is going to move rapidly up the eastern seaboard which is good news. You dont want to just all out they stall out you can get just a ton of rain and theyre going to be enough already so moves right up along the coastline, millions of people will be affected by the storm system in the next couple days now its going to maintain a pretty good strength to 70 Miles Per Hour strong Tropical Storm even as it makes its way through virginia maryland all the way up to new york right on up through maine as well so certainly a strong storm that is going to cause many problems all along that way through tomorrow and probably wednesday, too. Outside right now weve got some low clouds and fog in the bay area that is beginning to move on shore that will be a big story, the next couple of days of the fog and just how deep that marine layer is going to get probably to about 4,000 feet or so that is deep enough that were going to see significant drizzle event, especially along the coastline winds. They will also be a storys been blustery this afternoon we have some gusts over 36 miles an hour along the coastline, but were likely going to see that visit once again maybe it was a 40 mile an hour gusts out toward the beaches that being said tomorrow the temperatures going to start to come down a bit special on the coastline and inside the bay, youre looking instead of 70s in San Francisco tomorrow, 60s there youll see a lot of 60s and 70s around the bay, still some lingering 80s inland, but even those temperatures going to cool way down the next couple days of those as we head into wednesday, these temperatures maybe 10 maybe 20 degrees below the average before slowly warming up headed toward next weekend. Thank you lauren girl is stepping up to help feed those in need during the coronavirus pandemic still to come. The one hack. To get back. [upbeat music] today was the day that i put everything in perspective. I fell asleep but when i woke up. boy hi, do you want to share my sandwich . vo good feeds our connections. Good feeds us all. Hormel Natural Choice lunch meats. Weve now passed to graham benchmarks in the coronavirus pandemic in this country more than a 155,000 people have died. And more than 4. 7 Million People have been infected. This as President Trump appeared to lash out on one of his Top Health Experts today doctor doctor deborah birx as a dent trump tweeted insults early this morning after doctor burke said that the pandemic has reached a new phase in the way it is spread even suggesting some people might need to start wearing a mask at home. In a tweet today, the president said quote so crazy nancy pelosi said horrible things about doctor berks going after her because she was too positive on the very good job we are doing on combating the chinese virus, including vaccines and therapeutics in order to counter Nancy Deborah took the bait and hit us, afenech when asked about the tweet at a White House Coronavirus briefing today the president said he has a lot of respect for doctor berks. I think were doing very well i told doctor birx i think were doing very well she was in my office a little while ago. And should person have a lot of respect for i think nancy pelosi is treated her very badly very very badly very nasty. Im just referring to the fact that i thought that. Really they should say the job weve done whether its on ventilators are testing weve tested. Now over 60 Million People know other countries even close to that. Speaker pelosi criticized berks over the weekend and when it comes to a new stimulus aid package for americans struggling during the pandemic. There is still no deal. Both House Speaker pelosi and white house chief of staff mark meadows describing democrats and republicans as quote far apart. Former president barack obama today announced his first wave of support for more than a 100 Democratic Candidates on social media. The former president posted a list 118 democrats and he says he will be endorsing from 4. 17 States Running for federal statewide and state legislative offices. His list includes 9 candidates from california. He is expected to issue a second round of endorsements this fall after all states have completed their primaries. Thats according to the news release. Up next we continue tracking wildfires burning across the state of accusations are still in place for the sites fire thats burning in Colusa County in the Central Valley, the latest on containment. When we come back. Several east bay salon owners say they are out of options and now they face tough decisions on whether to were living in uncertain times, but as californians well get through this together. If your income has been reduced or youve lost your job or your Health Insurance, covered california is here. We can help you find the Health Insurance you need to protect you and your loved ones. And, you may even get financial help to pay for your Health Insurance. So, if you or someone you know is without coverage, visit coveredca. Com to learn more or enroll today. So we know how to do it safely lets bring it back into our salons governor newsome hashtag open salons now. Some hair salon owners in the bay area say they plan to reopen later this month despite orders from the governor and local Health Officials to remain close. Over the weekend several salon owners in the tri valley met up in decided theyre going to reopen on august 17th with or without approval kron fours michelle case and talk with the attorneys for the professional Beauty Federation of california about their plan. Salons are unable to reopen here in Alameda County, not even outside on the sidewalk. But some salon owners here say that theyre going to reopen anyway on august 17th 5 months after initially having to shut down i 17 its been 5 months said salons across the state had to shut down because of the coronavirus pandemic some beauty salon owners in the tri valley and across the bay area decided over the weekend that they will reopen on august 17th even for just a day despite the state in their county Health Officials telling them they need to remain closed. We certainly can sympathize with folks that say. Now if and we have 53,000 licensed establishments thats day spas hair salons barbershops nail salons. If we all decided to help with that were going to reopen. Im not really sure what the 58 county Health Departments and the governor could do about it. The professional Beauty Federation of california is not endorsing this decision to reopen august 17th, but says they understand the reasoning behind the decision. Where exactly where it is either. O ne legally or ways every day and have we have now. Really getting any other option. The salon owners are frustrated not understanding why so many businesses have been able to reopen but they have not theres 621,000 individuals licensed by the california state board of barbering and cosmetology all of whom have hundreds of hours of formal education and training in cross contamination disinfection protocols sanitation procedures we know how to keep our clients safe Alameda County Health Officials said in a statement that they do not intend to open any new sectors at this time and well continue to monitor developments in state and local indicators to inform next steps if any of the salon owners are fined for violating the shelterinplace order. They plan to help each other out by sharing the cost of fights. In pleasanton michelle kingston kron 4 news. Find new ways to put food on the table has become yet another challenge for millions of unemployed californians. Now facing this issue because of the pandemic but one girl in the late ho inspired by the generosity of others is now looking to change that kron fours Jonathan Mccall is live in the newsroom tonight with her effort jonathan. Pham like so many families across the bay area gabby morris and her family needed a little help during the pandemic her mom came across a facebook message for some free produce she brought daddy along for the trip. From that moment on something sparked inside of her to help others. And just 8 years young i really like helping people w morris is trying to solve a problem that has even the biggest kid stumped shes hoping answers will come from the front of her valeo home everybody deserves food access to food in the last few weeks hes been collecting donations and restocking the shelves on this outdoor pantry. Its now become a lifeline providing food water books and other necessities for people caught in the covid19 crisis where actually a family that you know we struggle at by believe everybody does especially during. This whole pandemic its going on the desire to feed others started with the hunger in her own family. Debbies mom says that she recently found a woman giving away free produce to people in need. Gabby tagged along for that trip had no idea it was the whole foods and with all kinds of produce and. Childrens books the moment would be just the right ingredients she would need to cook up her own inspiration then send the next morning i woke up to clear her little. To show off and had it ready to go had snacks ready and this i gave her my moms way and some might view that it. Its me. I gave him my boy easily and night since then shes been flooded with donations but gabby isnt alone in her fight like this is amazing that right, there is worth every single hour ive ever spent on this the breeding is the founder of food is free debbies outdoor pantry is along more than 30 sights now set up across a lot of county giving away free donations donations secured by parading as part of a federal program but get this. She started in late june and in that time. Shes been able to give away more than 300,000 pounds of produce and a 1000 gallons of milk this country we have so much resources. And yet were needing people to create these hubs in their communities to feed their neighbors. Bring says that food is free was always looking for not only donations but they also need volunteers as well who can help them get that food to folks in need. If you like to help or even learn exactly where those food pantries are located. We have all the details posted right now on our website thats kron 4 dot com. Well tonight in the newsroom Jonathan Mccall kron 4 news sunday am thank you many students not returning to campus for the next school year or are looking ahead into virtual learning. Some parents and educators worry that many students are at risk of falling behind because they dont have access to the internet. In san jose. Theres an effort city officials are trying to prevent that from happening. The city partnered with atnt to provide 11,000 hot spots. 8,000 of which were donated to the Santa Clara County office of education which is working to identify those students and districts most in need. The hot spots come with free high Speed Internet access and an unlimited data plan. We continue tracking wildfires burning across the state in Northern California evacuations are still in place for the sites the fire thats burning north of clear lake and Colusa County that fire started just after 5 in the evening yesterday, it has burned more than 500 acres. In Southern California. They are new evacuations in place for the apple fire. It is burning in the San Bernardino National Forest cal fire says it is only 5 contained thats the same numbers yesterday and its burned more than 26,000 acres more on these fires and conditions where there bernie lets check in with our chief meteorologist Lawrence Karnow yeah, of a very hot in Southern California temperatures near triple digits today we have some wind gust there of 10 almost 20 Miles Per Hour. You get these canyons of course you get some Even Stronger gusts than that. But heres the good news firefighters going to see these temperatures coming down in the next 24 hours the winds probably going to stay up a bit so thats the downside but here we go High Pressure finally showing signs of weakening were going at those low spinning off the coastline that will likely bring a drizzle right along the coastline in Northern California that is going to ramp up the moisture in the atmosphere. That is great news that will slow down the fires even Southern California are going to feel the effect so instead of those temperatures near triple digits. I think by tomorrow afternoon theyre talking about some mid 80s. So a much more reasonable in that area the fog already moving in the bay area right now you see the clouds over sfo at this time the winds have been kicking up to we have some gusts over 30 Miles Per Hour today, temperatures are down 50 degrees in San Francisco. Now 63 in oakland 67 degrees in san jose 63 and live more 69 in concord and also in the santa rosa, but tomorrow morning we wake up it is going to be a wet start to your day, especially along the coastline expect a lot of drizzle the next couple of days by the afternoon. You notice those temperatures. A lot cooler. Thank you all right. Coming up the federal judge whose son was killed and has been critically wounded at their home in new jersey last month speaking out for the first time which is pushing for to the virus is still spreading. Californias economic challenges are deepening. Frontline workers stretched too thin. Our nurses and medical professionals in a battle to save lives. Our schools, in a struggle to safely reopen, needing money for masks and ppe, and to ensure social distancing. And the costs to our economy, to our state budget . Mounting every day. We need to provide revenues now, to solve the problems we know are coming. To solve the problems lily everyone in the house is online and i cant get enough bandwidth to video chat with my book club. Try 1 gig internet with at t fiber. You get more bandwidth and hbo max included. So, everyone stays entertained. So i can just watch the show instead of reading the book . You know, if you turn on your subtitles. Thats almost reading. Get 1 gig internet with at t fiber for 49. 99a month for a year. No annualcontract. And now get hbo max included. Limited availability in select areas. Call 1. 877. Only. Att its important californians have health coverage. If youve lost Health Insurance, covered california can help. You may even get financial help to pay for your Health Insurance. Just visit coveredca. Com today. A federal judge is speaking out for the First Time Since her son was killed and her husband was shot at their new jersey home last month as esther salas took to youtube to call for greater privacy protections for judges. We are living every parents worst nightmare. Making preparations. To barry barry. Our only child. You know. My family has experienced. A pain that no one should ever have to endure. We may not be able to stop Something Like this from happening again. But we can make it hard. For those who target us to track us down my sons that cannot be ending. Which is why i am begging those in power to do something to help my brothers and sisters on the bench. Now more than ever. We need to identify a solution. That keeps the lives of federal judges. The judges comments come about 2 weeks after a man wearing a Federal Express uniform opened fire at her home that gunman was an antifeminist mens rights attorney who had argued a case before the judge Authorities Say he killed her 20 yearold son Daniel Anderl and seriously wounded her husband mark when they opened the door to their home. He was later Found Dead Police believe he shot himself. Chicago Police Released a statistic said revealed the month of july had been one of the deadliest in the history of that city Police Department reported. There were a 105 homicides during just one month compared to 44 in july of 2019 that made it the deadliest month in chicago since september of 1992. Just this past weekend. Police say 9 people were killed and at least 23 others injured in shootings. Police also reported that children are increasingly becoming victims by getting caught in crossfire. This weekend a 9 yearold was killed after going outside with friends. Still ahead tonight to coronavirus disbelievers changed their tunes after contracting covid19. To coronavirus disbelievers in arizona are changing their tune. The couple through Health Safety measures out the window and ended up contracting covid19 they are now telling cnns Miguel Marquez they have learned their lesson the hard way. We were totally flaccid easy about it. Debbie and Michael Patterson didnt think the coronavirus would ever. Affect them. He was sort of almost like a joke in our group of friends did you wear masks know. Did you hang out with your friends as normal. So all the things youre told. You should back off of we did there. We did we did and we still there the price for yeah from Lake Havasu City on arizonas border with california the patersons didnt give the virus much thought even once developing symptoms in late june, we just kind of carried on went to the pool, good stuff. You know where the rest the weekend. And then not monday morning is when we both woke up and were just felt like a train had gone. Were both of us said michael got sick debbie had to be hospitalized put on oxygen but did not need a ventilator over a month later. How are you now. Well obviously so short of breath. Coughing just the fatigue and dizziness daily its almost like somebody hit you in the head they once laughed about the virus. Now they say. Its no joke. What is your message to people now be more careful keep your distance. Our forgiveness. In this ultraconservative corner of the state masks. Still highly controversial. We make any member any customer thats walking through our doors remove their face mask. Again thats our pride. Thats also the understanding that sure you make people remove the mass when they cast a movie. You do not shot my store without with a mask on period. For gun shop owner patrick boston, the corona virus itself. Doesnt add up, but a 150,000 people are dead heffley i definitely dont agree with that number that you just threw out there. Well i think it does not agree with and theres so many cases of claims as far as how theyre reporting numbers, public Health Officials believe the number of dead from covid19 is probably higher than the official count. Not lower when the president comes out and says wear a mask do you think hes just playing politics unfortunately i do at that point think that hes playing politics because originally he did come out calling this entire thing a hoax. For the patersons the coronavirus is no hoax and speaking out is not a political act because its a friendly warning. Its ridiculous not to take this seriously i mean. I could die just like the next person, i mean any anybody can it could have been either one of us are both of us. That was Miguel Marquez reporting according to Johns Hopkins University Arizona has seen more than 178,000 covid19 cases more than 3700 people in that state have died. All right, lets take a live look outside at the embarcadero in the city as we show you whats happ inch or drizzle along the coastline. You see the fog and low clouds moving in now well see more of that on the way low pressure going to roll in off the coastline is going to deepen as it moves in thats going to marine there so some standing in that shallow marine layer, all of a sudden its up to about 4,000 feet or so thats what enough that are going to see a lot of jazz lot along the coastline, maybe even inside the bay and some other places too so tomorrow to see the fog low clouds will most the cooler temperatures especially along the coastline and inside the bay, i think especially as we get into wednesday, well see some very wet conditions as that system is going to rotate a little bit closer so numbers are going down a little bit youve got some 60s in the San Francisco winds kicking up along the coastline with that fog so much cooler there about 61 in millbrae 62 degrees and burning him 69 in redwood city in 68 in palo alto 80 in campbell about 77 degrees in santa clara and san jose. Inland areas going to see some 70s and a couple of 80s about 70 degrees in fremont 76 degrees in moraga 81 in wannacry so still warm in some interior spots of this really going to the last day i think as we get into wednesday, these temperatures may be topping out only in the 70s for highs so really coming down across the board, heres the way its going to look as we look toward the middle of the week the temperatures really going to tumble maybe 10 to 20 degrees. Well below the average for this time of year then by thursday night going to warm up a little bit the more warming headed toward the weekend effect getting back in the 90s and some of the valleys over the weekend. And last night protesters gathered in Downtown Portland are going to gain this type of the 66 straight night, the continued demonstrations against racism and Police Practices followed several days of relative calm after federal agents withdrew from the city, but things did get tense on the citys east side last night protesters clash with police near the former south east precinct building. Police said people threw glass bottles at them ajar to that was filled with paint also reportedly an officer in the head. And despite the violence, some protesters say they want to keep the message focused over the coming weeks. It is important for christians to stand up this is not a blue red issue this a spiritual issue this protest is not season all and thats going to go through the fall and winter. State police took over for federal officers last week as a result of talks between Oregon Governor kate brown and Vice President mike pence activists from around the world are being recognized on the september cover of British Vogue magazines theme is activism now includes cover stars Marcus Rashford Soccer Player and campaigner against child poverty. At a wobble law a model an activist as well as 40 other advocates for social causes. The cover was shot by nissan harriman the first black photographer to do so in that magazines 104 year history. Coming up next legendary singer tony bennett celebrating his 94th birthday today how want restaurants to open . And schools . Want the economy to get back on track . Youre not alone. And you can help make it happen. Stay 6 feet apart. Wash your hands. Wear a mask every time you leave your home. Choose to join the fight against covid19. Do your part. Slow the spread. But as californians well get through this together. 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Tell your doctor if you have had hepatitis b, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or other medical conditions. And all medicines you take, including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with epclusa may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects include headache and tiredness. Ask your doctor today, if epclusa is your kind of cure. Legendary singer tony bennett celebrated his 94th birthday today and of course you got a lot of great shout outs from fans across social media, including Stevie Wonder who took one of Tony Bennetts most famous song sun, made it his own to pay tribute to Stevie Wonder reminisced about his history with been it and how they saying together but he also praised bennett for his track record of standing up for equality and civil rights for all take a look. Tony. Tony tony tony bennett. Its amazing to be able to be with you. On this day your birthday, i know when i think about you might go back to when i was little kid. One in to sing with you and we sang together in my lifetime. I think of even deeper things like how when people didnt feel that was proper. Well, it wasnt something. That people want to be associated with publicly. You associate yourself with the equal civil and social rights for african american. People. Various ethnicities of cholera. You were there with martin. You were there when al hitler. I did a little thing on here just for the fun of it. That is so cool. All of course i left my heart in San Francisco is one of our alltime favorites here in the city staying also paid tribute by covering a bennett classic the way you look tonight and says tony bennett is an inspiration who gives hope to everybody happy birthday mister bennett. Its been a music just kind of brings everybody yes, yes, yes, yes, across all divides all right that will do it for kron 4 news tonight at 09 00am and i are going to be back at the top of the hour new guidelines released today for how Elementary Schools can apply for a waiver to reopen what needs to happen before students are allowed back on campus and its in the city struggling to pay rent because of the pandemic can breathe a sigh of relief tonight details on the ruling upholding a ban on evictions those stories much more coming up on kron 4 news at 10. Motorcycle riders love the open road. And geico loves helping riders get to where theyre going, so to help even more, geico is giving new and current customers a fifteen percent credit on their motorcycle policies with the geico giveback. And because were committed for the long haul, the credit lasts your full policy term. The geico giveback. Helping riders focus on the road ahead. News stations. Youre watching kron 4 news at 10. Thousands of evictions. Now at 10 a big win for renters in San Francisco as a period court judge upholds the citys ban on evictions during the coronavirus pandemic thank you for joining us tonight, im pam moore and im ken wayne Landlord Group sued the city back in june calling the law unconstitutional overreach. Kron fours dan thorn talked with the San Francisco supervisor who authorized the ordinance in joins us now live in the city with more dan. Well ken and pam district 5 supervisor dean preston says that this. Legislation is necessary to keep people who are struggling from being thrown out on the street. But landlords say that this addiction ban is only going to hurt them and they call it unfair. San francisco tenants struggling to pay rent because of the covid19 pandemic are off the hook for now a superior court judge striking down a challenge from landlords keeping a

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