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Maintaining that it is not liable for the fire. And we will be talking to an attorney representing some of those families but that will be coming up later on. All right another big story that were following pg and e being blamed for causing 29 teams kincade fire in Sonoma County cal fire has released the results of its investigation into that very destructive fire. The report says investigators have determined that pg and e on power lines near geyserville and thats to blame not a surprise. The kincade fire burned for more than 13 days covering more than 77,000 acres 374 buildings were destroyed 4 people were injured. Pg and is responding to the cal fire release of the investigation results blaming the company for the kincade fire. The Statement Reads in part were aware of cal fires news release stating that pg and e facilities caused the fire at this time we do not have access to cal fires investigator for port or the evidence it has collected we look forward to reviewing both at the appropriate time. And we first told you about the story with a push alert you can stay connected when breaking news happens with the kron 4 app it is free to download now Alameda Police say that their investigation into a missing man is now a homicide investigation, 21 yearold donald standifer was reported missing july 7th. The next day his car was found parked in san leandro with evidence that a Violent Crime might have happened sunday july 12th a body was found at huckleberry botanical regional preserve in oakland and today the Alameda County coroner has identified the remains as stand up for the east bay, regional parks district police. There are now assuming the lead role into the investigation into his death. With covid19 cases racing out of control across the state a lot of School Districts, including San Francisco and la they have opted to begin the school year with online instruction. But it has been kind of a piecemeal district by district approach its been criticized. Some say the state should step in and provide guidelines as to when it is safe to hold in Person Instruction and now the governor has decided to do exactly that kron fours dan kerman is live in San Francisco with more. Well many are saying its all about consistency. Catherine the state is giving guidelines as to when a salon can open up and when a restaurant can open up for Outdoor Dining or Indoor Dining so why not schools that guidance now coming tomorrow from the governor. Should kids be in a vulnerable environment should teachers be and that type of political environment with the spread of infection that were seen in most places in california that question was the focus of a virtual town hall meeting thursday hosted by east bay state senator steve glazer the central issue that most School Districts are wrestling with is is it still safe to do those things. Well many School Districts have already opted to start the school year with online instruction. During the meeting glaser told state schools chief Tony Thurmond more guidance is needed from the state. The rules are confusing and conflicting and if youre trying to stop the spread it doesnt really do it thurmond agreed the state needs to do more in as we speak i know for a fact that the California Department of public health. The experts on Health Matters all are working around the clock to put out some new guys just we all knew and in fact on friday the governor is now planning to provide covid19 guidance for schools. Glazer says to do it correctly the state must dispense with the county by county piecemeal approach to reopening. The jurisdiction lines are necessarily a way to keep communities healthy. Their artificial lights and so to allow the county to do one thing or School District to do one thing it doesnt just resolve around that space. There are interactions that naturally occur when you leave school or when you a drive to go to it if outdoor restaurant. In the county next door that might be 2 blocks away. Glazer says the states guidance for schools must employ a broader approach. We need regional decisions if were going to contain this virus because the virus doesnt doesnt pay any attention to the School District lines county line city lights. Back live. We can tell you that the governor is expected to release his covid19 guidelines for schools during an online News Conference scheduled for noon tomorrow live in San Francisco. Dan kerman kron 4 news. Sanders i Public Schools get ready for the fall semester nearly all School Districts in the city have sent surveys to determine how parents and how students want to return to school some of the results have been published we know nearly 80 of parents and the bear of various a Union District they say there has attempt to send their kids back to school nearly a 3rd said they just wouldnt do that until a vaccine is available. The district is planning to start the new year with Distance Learning hoping there might later be some in person classes, east Side Union High School District and a survey it found roughly 40 of Staff Students and parents are not comfortable with in person classes. The district is also starting the year with Distance Learning. And 65 of parents and the moreland a School District say they feel comfortable with sending their children back to school with a mixture of Distance Learning and in person, the will hold classes virtually and is finalizing details of what will follow. Well have a full details available on our website kron 4 dot com. We told you earlier in the show oakland has agreed to pay more than 32 Million Dollars to settle lawsuits filed over the deadly. Ghost ship warehouse fire. 36 people again died in that 2016 fire and now more than 4 years later, the city is agreeing to pay families of 32 of 32 of the victims. Joining us now to talk about the development is Mary Alexander mary represents the families of some of the victims. Let me just get your reaction mary to the settlement isnt enough. We know there will never be enough to compensate these families for having lost a lot once there. Their children. And there were 2 girls who are for the time lost father to twin girls. Well, this is never enough. It is a sense of some just as for the family and a sense of accountability on the part of the city where there were hundreds of contacts with them shep but police and firemen and they did nothing on that turned a blind eye and and as a result. Theyre 32 people. That are now starting line. People who lost their lives. Have you had a chance to talk to any of the victims families said any of their reaction available. Well there are. Yes and so on. Sadness there is a sense of some justice and accountability. But its not something that is just celebrate it does. It is raw she won, but they still have these years later what a horrible night and the way that loved one side. You know that the the case is not over. The city is not so with the people who live there and had to run for their lives through some names dark smoke. Darkness run for their lives. Some lost their homes. We lost everything they had. And so thats still pending and we have it. Trial date set for next year. I know were going to be talking about this for a while mary let me ask this oakland, not acknowledging any liability in the. Settlement agreement and just 4. Those of us who are not attorneys whats the significance of that. Well what we usually see in some months that the defendant does not liability. But we feel that we proved our case against the city that they knew what their what police know that were in there and saw the People Living there. And one policeman said that. When they saw party going on so we dont have a way to put it in one batch. As Police Report nothing was done. The firemen went to a party. And so the. Turned a blind eye to what was going on and then ship and did not make it safe. And did not protect. Well the people who came there for listening to music that my. You know that the city has a promise to make spaces like the ghost ship warehouse, a fouryear more plugged in than most of us. Do you know if theyre making good on that kind of promise. Well i think thats so long way to know what we should do is help arms. People who cannot afford to have their own urban still want to let in these conditions and and to make some say with regard to the Fire Equipment you know this was not left well. The fire extinguishers or sprinklers or exits and exit signs. He opens see how to get up. And so those kinds of basically i or cautions and procedures and equipment need to be provided and how it safe places for people to remember. All right Mary Alexander, thank you so much, i know youre busy and we are we really appreciate your time. Thanks very much. Thank you. Now to the latest on the pandemic in california since tuesday hospitalizations have gone down slightly in the state but in the same time frame. There have been more than 8500 new cases 180 new deaths, california has had more than 356,000 confirmed cases of covid19 and a 7300 deaths over the last 14 days, the rate of positive test. Thats climbed to 7. 2 and in what could be a sign that more people are taking the pandemic seriously the demand for testing is up that there are long lines at some of the test sites. This is what youre saying in Santa Clara County. But there are also 3 new pop up test sites in the county opened this week in addition to at least a dozen other public and privately run test sites an average of 6,000 people a day are being tested in santa clare county kron fours rob fladeboe paid a visit to one of the test sites. Hes got the story. The scene this morning here at the countyrun test site at Independence High School in san jose. The line stretched halfway across campus 800 wristbands guaranteeing a test today were gone by noon the wait for a test was about 40 minutes. Well worth the wait says job ear honors rounded shape to know the not too now and how if you know you dont have to be a good to go. And just keep yourself healthy from then on the increase in demand for testing comes as Santa Clara County has pulled back from further reopening after being placed on the states watch list and that increases in new cases and hospitalizations of the increased numbers of cases that were having are 2 things its certainly coming somewhat from the testing so were testing more and finding some of these cases, but we know in addition to that theres additional spread testing a 1000 people a day in april shot a clare county is now averaging 5 to 6,000 tests per day and as many as 9,000 on some days, but still more are needed to as theres additional spread we want to identify those through testing and those and keep those people away from others so that they dont expose anyone else and protect themselves. And their family and identify any of the contacts to protect them also doctor faster shots as testing and tracing is showing much of the additional spread of the virus in people who reported being in groups and gatherings wear face coverings and physical distance for lacking as i told i might have been exposed so harry m to just see if i. And then i want to be a carrier i want to get anybody else so thats why. Im here to in san jose rob fladeboe kron 4 news. I have 4 major retailers are requiring customers to wear masks also why neighbors are upset about where a trump flag was placed and as the coronavirus cases across the bay area continue to go up. More counties are mandating napa county is toughening it swirls about Wearing Masks in public and the ban on social gatherings. This week, the board of supervisors passed an emergency ordinance allowing for fines up to 500 a person up to 5,000 for businesses kron fours Maureen Kelly has the story. Not the county says they already had Code Enforcement officers in forcing the local health order and as of july first they even started working on weekends. But a rise in coronavirus cases has made them realize they need to get tougher on violators that the county supervisors passed the emergency ordinance which authorizes Code Enforcement officers to find individuals anywhere from 25 to 500 and businesses from 200 to 5,000. For violating the state and local Health Orders related to covid19. But the fines will only come after both verbal and written warnings and local deputies and Police Officers will only be involved as back up to the code compliance workers, its education first. A second reminder and then we proceed down the path of more stern warnings and citations that the county supervisor, diane dillon says they felt like they needed to double down to get the message through to residents and businesses here that masks in public are a must and this is no time to be hosting a party were really hoping that people understand that the reason we did this is to reinforce its social gatherings. And one of the main reasons that the virus is spreading. The public will be able to report violations via email that email address can be found on our website kron 4 dot com. Maureen kelly. Kron 4 nace maureen where her miskin the north by the owner of a vacaville a barber shop again defying state orders to close although this time hes doing some good for the community at the same time. Ryan hill has details. Renos barbershop in vacaville isnt letting the state trimmed back on their hours one bit to better question is why decide to close down yet again we know that the closure hurt our economy. This isnt New Territory for pre mozza shot determined to stay open also defied the previous order to shut down starting to put my barbers hill who are sole providers for their young family is still a category that we are not essential and that were not able to provide for our families. The owner free most barbershop tells me he received about 12,000 in donations to pay for potential fines for staying open during the first closure. But when they reopened instead of putting that money towards own business. Hes donating the money to different charitable organizations, one of them helps out youth sports here in Solano County and then he reached out to my daughter and he wanted to give us half of it and i was absolutely shocked because thats the biggest donation weve ever had from a single donor ever show was a big deal and of course we pump that money right back out to the u the charge on foundation is in honor of fallen the legal officer james who is an avid Girls Basketball coach. The money was also spread to know call flynn whos from vacaville and does transcontinental runs to raise awareness for rare diseases. It it was a testament to the goodwill of long and the goodwill of backing and general. The barber shop owner says its an awesome feeling helping out his community and just wanted to help the community thats helping him i couldnt be prouder to give away the money that people gave to me. Not continue should get shut down im going to have to figure out a way to deal with that financially and i will. And that was ryan hill reporting. Most us states are requiring people to wear masks in public today, the governors of arkansas and colorado they for the latest issue mask mandates, but some governors a few anyway are taking the opposite approach, refusing to require masks Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced today, he is suing atlanta in fact to block the city from enforcing its mask mandate. Hundreds of firefighters in california, theyre not only battling a huge fire but theyre doing so wearing their masks, theyre trying to get control of the 16,000 acre fire and Fresno County its been burning since monday it has forced some evacuations and other people in the area have been told to get ready they might have to go. A cal fire officer says that through all of this theyre still trying to protect themselves by social distancing and Wearing Masks. Firefighters kind of getting used to the new we are trying to hear to social distancing. We are wearing our masks and just trying our best just to the kind and keep our exposure at a minimum. That fire in fresno its only about 20 contained last time we checked almost 17,000 acres have burned. Lets take a live look outside overlooking downtown San Francisco know the Golden Gate Bridge in fact and a pretty gloomy and weve been talking about fire weather that doesnt seem to be a huge concern right breeze so yeah we are noticing though. Very Cool Temperatures along the coast near seasonable averages. So thats certainly helping but as we make our way inland still a little bit warm out there and were going to warm up into the 90 so not out of the woods just yet catherine but lets take a live look outside from the east bay over berkeley and were noticing. No sky july out there right now with that deepening marine layer starting to make its way throughout the east bay shoreline, widespread 60s out there right now along the coast and along the bay with 70s as you make your way inland but to outliers this evening happened a 59 degrees, thanks to that cool sea breeze and also that increasing cloud cover an antioch warm temperatures there still even at the 6 oclock hour at 82 degrees, the current wind speeds out there right now stronger sea breeze cooling down temperatures for most of the bay area today downtown San Francisco, 20 mile per hour sustained winds as is oakland but fairfield gusty winds around 30 Miles Per Hour out there right now so future wind gusts will show calmer conditions for your friday morning and afternoon winds out of the westsouthwest keeping our coastal areas and even along the bay shoreline. Cool temperatures there with near average highs but warming up inland starting on friday afternoon but air quality improving thanks to that change in wind direction from the mineral and coyote fires we are noticing. Good air particles for most of the bay area with the exception of the coast still going to remain a moderate level so limit Outdoor Activity for all of you with any respiratory or pulmonary issues but tracking a warm up peaking on saturday for most of our inland areas more my full forecast in a few minutes catherine back to you thank of greece uh still ahead why the cdc says travel bans on china and europe came way too late. After the break, well continue our destination California Well many people have such a misunderstanding as to how a reverse mortgage works. People think that the bank takes your home, but that is not true. Thats absolutely 100 wrong. The home is ours. We can sell it if we want to at any time. I like the flexibility of not having a payment, but i can make the payment if i want to. Youre responsible for keeping up your property taxes and youre responsible for paying your insurance on the property. For us, it was a security blanket. The value of our house, was to fund our longterm health care. For years, reverse Mortgage Funding has been helping customers like these use the equity from their homes to finance their lives. They know the importance of having financial security. Make an appointment so they can tell you how it works. Its a good thing. Access your equity. Stay in your home. Have peace of mind. So strong. So. Not ripped. Whatre we talkin about. Thats the hefty ultra strong bag hefty hefty hefty whispers gimme. confused give me the bag . Get hefty ultra strong at a low price time now for destination california. Brought to you by this auto collisions. Summer is here but of course were all been forced to re imagine how to take a vacation so kron fours launching our destination california series to give you ideas for hitting the road for getting outdoors this weeks destination takes us along the most famous highway in the country. Route 66. Were kicking off our destination california series by getting our kicks on route 66. This summer consider cruising down the most famous road in california before you get your motor running. We suggest you get a good nights rest in a teepee its a one in the kind of traction on route 66 so this is the ultimate motel for social distancing all the teepees are outside and when youre ready to hit the road if you happen to be close to someone with the classic convertible hitch arrive. As you motor west you will find plenty of places considered the best the mcdonalds museum. Oh my gosh the cameras are just 15 thats this is the site where the Mcdonald Brothers build their first burger stand we have maybe 10,000 toys in this museum right now. The museum is free and once you get your fill you are bound to work up an appetite. Theres a fine dining option at sycamore in steakhouse of course you could top off your trip by hitting the hat or order a route 66 special at flapjacks you fire at 66 on our boots on menus are murals or paintings everywhere and when you make this california trip get hip to this timely tech plan to park yourself in pasedena dont forget to roll right through road and drive. And then set your sights on santa monica. Well things are constantly changing because of the pandemic of course so theyre advising assault check on whats open before finalizing any travel plans and we will be bringing you a new destination california road trip. Every thursday and friday this summer you can also find more vacation ideas on our website kron 4 dot com. That San Jose Police chief says do not assume everybody wants less police sent. Well explains. Also the latest study on whether children are likely to spread the coronavirus. A there was one of were a huge huge problem. And what experts think need to be done to deal with the nationwide were all doing our part by staying at home. That could mean an increase in energy bills. You can save by using a fan to cool off. Unplugging and turning off devices when not in use. Or closing your shades during the day. Stay well and keep it golden

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