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Save the city a lot of money as well as limiting the number of negative interactions between Police Officers and people of color. A new progressive proposal in berkeley could ban police from enforcing traffic stops the move being considered by City Government would instead create an unarmed civilian division to handle the job, you know the calvary threatened to cut co sponsor of the proposal Council Member ben bartlett would like to see changes to Public Safety in his city. Bartlett believes a new department of transportation would be better suited then police to take care of broken tail lights fender benders and the like its like going to Fire Department lot of mass. Its not necessary. Some transportation advocates have been taking a more serious tone. What were trying to do is prevent an escalation of minor Traffic Violation in 2 that meeting number being or nelly gauche with walk bike berkeley says a new department made up of traffic experts would go beyond what armed Police Officers can do. Especially when the driver is a person of color if youre getting pulled over for a broken taillight and thats the only thing youre getting pulled over for and it doesnt get released the rain. The search are our picks some berkeley residents did express some issues with how this might work. Im perhaps someone whos not armed might make a traffic stop in encounter some of the gun might encounter someone who is drunk or on drugs he acts of violently, however, others are fully on board with this new idea hopefully it will cost your occupation. Then again on the people of color Councilmember Bartlett says the move would not only be socially but fiscally smart for the ciy and the ball needs to get rolling this to happen now. Because matter who you are you deserve to feel safe in your community. Well, theres still a lot to figure out in terms of this proposal such as where the money is going to come from one suggestion thats been floating around is taking some funding from the from the Police Departments de budget. Next week theres going to be a vote that will take place and that will not be deciding whether or not this does happen in the city of berkeley, rather whether or not the conversation will continue within City Government reporting live in berkeley dan thorn kron 4 news. Thank you, dan, although Alameda County has banned Outdoor Dining the city of oakland says this new order is confusing and it contradicts the previous order allowing Outdoor Dining the city says that it in contact with both the state and the county to try and resolve the issue. And also it says it will not be changing the citys enforcement with the new county order in a statement. The city says in part given the lack of clarity regarding Outdoor Dining. We are temporarily putting oaklands flex streets for Restaurant Operations on hold until further clarification is received from the county and the state. And the city of hayward also responding to ellington counties orders. Today, the city released a statement saying in part that it would support local restaurants that choose to continue to allow Outdoor Dining tonight in accordance with the countys juneteenth order. Those warm in the city today and that as it always does on the weekends sent people flocking outside to dolores park. What kron fours Jonathan Mccall saw though may not bode well for limiting the spread of the coronavirus. And the summer heat wave takes over the bay Area Temperatures arent the only things on the rise. So are the number of coronavirus cases across california and as those case numbers continue to climb. Theres one group in particular being hit hard they think it in a sense of mortality him. I hope works out i cant stop talking on doors to bask in the summer sun too much vitamin d not the only potential risk these days. Coronavirus cases are climbing across california with folks in the 18 to 49 age group seeing the biggest surge. Saturday at dolores park in San Francisco. Most people could be seen social distancing, but a large number of people could be seen moving around in about. Now theyre faced companies. The side that would make Health Officials which has stressed the need for face coverings to limit the spread of the virus. James beach says its a dangerous risk that hes taking you also trying to enjoy this saturday, california recorded more than 8,000 new coronavirus cases in nearly 100 new deaths in a 24 hour period. Californians from 18 to 49 now make up the majority of confirmed cases with nearly 185,000 but get this if you add up the number of cases in every other age group. Its just 127,000 nearly 50,000 fewer. This door and thats how i take care of disinfect everything in my house and thats where we have more people should be were numb i wish they were at dolores park Jonathan Mccall kron 4 news. And the nation witnessed something it hasnt seen before in the fight against covid video today showing President Trump wearing a mask in public it was at walter reed. National military Medical Center happened this afternoon whitney wild brings us the inside story from washington. Its the photo op the president has long resisted after more than a week of pleading and coaxing by aides and political advisers. President donald trump finally donned a mask in public while visiting Service Members at Walter Reed National military Medical Center present when youre in hospitals. Especially in that particular setting where youre talking to a lot of soldiers the people that in some cases just got off the operating tables. I think its a great thing to wear a mask sources familiar with the discussions say some aides were startled by throngs of maskless supporters. At a june rally in tulsa they helped convince the president wearing a mask would set a positive example and help d politicize the issue something other members of the Republican Party have stressed lately there is no. For for months, the president has refused to wear a mask calling it unnecessary because hes tested regularly. His choice has defied recommendations from his top advisers on his Coronavirus Task force is no doubt. That Wearing Masks protects you and gets you to be protected we need to support maskwearing when im not in uniform, i wear them even with the efforts of his aides and recommendations of his experts the president implied this wont be a regular look. Ive never been against bags. I do believe at a time and a place, im whitney wild in washington. And for the second time this week, the u. S. Has set a record for the number of new covid cases in a single day thats according to Johns Hopkins university. Which says there were more than 66,000 new covid cases yesterday that brings the total number of cases in the u. S. So far too more than 3. 2 million. Nearly 135,000 people have died so far from the virus in the u. S. The 2020 race for the white house is heating up and so too are the campaign ads now between President Trump and his opponent Vice President former Vice President joe biden cnns tom foreman reports. The latest Joe Biden Campaign commercial is a warm salute to families caring commitment but in the rapidly heating ad wars. Ideas would crush our economy just as its recovery teams. Trump is lighting of the flame, throwing it youre calling to report a rape. Express want them. Attacking biden as soft on crime on able to revive the now flagging economy and biden hes hitting every week spot for the incumbent, the last 5 years, hes brought america down with them attacking health care for patients with preexisting conditions giving massive tax cuts to billionaires not working families. The white supremacist stoking racial divisions. Trump said sizzle with attacks on bidens record saying hes far too ready to embrace trade deals that have and will destroy american jobs losing 300,000 jobs in a field trade by these counter bunch trumps record has cost jobs security and lives even as trump denies know, i dont take responsibility all of my job and i take responsibility other trump said say its 77 just 3 years older than trump. Biden is clearly and bidens and suggest that is just the kind of talk that hurts everyone as the nation grapples with the pandemic racial strife and Economic Hardship country is crying out for leadership. The leadership to key 9 to thats what the presidency zoo the to hear. The Campaign Media Analysis Group says of more than 22,000 spot run by trump since july first nearly all were negative. The same group says biden in the same period has aired no negative ads, even though he frequently contrast his record with trumps and where are all these ads airing trumps are showing up in a broad range of states including some red ones where he is clearly trying to bolster his base. Bidens are in fewer places but notably playing in some critical swing states. Trump won in 2016. Tom foreman reporting for us tonight, theyre still to come. Well take a look at some new technology firefighters are using to contain fires, disney world in florida is back open how the park says its keeping its guests safe. Despite rising case numbers across the country. And high fire danger concerns continues in the bay area for one more day as the this cheeseburger is the best its about to get bester baby menutaur make it a double, yeah nice mane try my 5. 99 southwest cheddar cheeseburger combo and make it a double for a buck more. Order now with no contact delivery. Get a load of my southwest cheddar cheeseburger. Let menutaur make it a doubleeee, yeah its beautiful say what . I said its bea. Try my 5. 99 southwest cheddar cheeseburger combo and make it a double for a buck more. Order now with no contact delivery. The world officially open to the public today welcoming guests back for the First Time Since it closed down in march when the coronavirus prompted much of the country to shut down at almost 4 months later, the numbers are worse now than when the park closed. The New York Times estimates the park is limiting capacity to less than 50 making face masks mandatory in forcing social distancing and using temperature checks before you even get on the tram to the entrance and constantly cleaning. We feel safer at theme parks than we do. And any other normal store restaurant, it feel safer at the theme parks because theyre putting in that extra effort. Meanwhile florida is seeing a record breaking number of coronavirus cases and deaths but Governor Ron Desantis insists the higher numbers are due to increased testing. The roof on this historic Southern California church here was badly damaged this morning in a fire. San Gabriel Mission opened its doors in 1771 it caught fire overnight though about 50 firefighters rushed to the scene battled the blaze, they were able to put it out just before. Noontime today after about a 7 hour fight. Fortunately, no one was injured. Authorities have yet to determine the cause of the fire firefighters in oregon are now equipped with technology that lets them spot, small fires even at night. The idea is to find an extinguish the blazes before the become huge wildfires shay wesley reports state officials got that idea from the u. S. Military. Last week residents in the Columbia River gorge got their first warning of the season. Gusty winds mix with dry conditions a reminder of what can happen. We are gearing up for an average season, hell law goal is with the Oregon Department of forestry. He tells me this year fire crews have a new technology. That can spot fires in the dark of night and through a thick cloud of smoke. The best way to describe it is looking through black and white tv now night the goggles on ot of aircraft has been fully outfitted with cameras. And other night Vision Systems to help crews across the state battle wildfires this season. The new system now. It will look at those fares that its cool. Are there just to eat teacher and a single tree. Really clear camera youre getting off a little weaker realized that they were making those it through maybe goals. The system generates images that are crucial in detecting fires. Valuable information incident commanders. Like joe hustle can communicate crews battling fires sometimes blindly on the ground theres a a lot of Mapping Software that is on board. Theres a visible camera systems on board. And all of that technology is like together to work can be really you know isnt a hugely real fun to somebody on the ground in 2017 the eagle creek fire spread rapidly at one point it was considered the number one fire concern in the country. The military stepped in to assist with this system to help firefighters on the ground see where the fire was moving had they not. Pick up those fired with that infrared camera on board. You know kids have a lot larger fires on hand and we did we were able to get to them quickly. With one exception cattermole and what we call initially that organ firefighters are concerned by recent fires in the west like fires and the Redding California area they have burned through towns and consumed thousands of acres. They believe having this technology at their disposal will help prevent future devastation. A slush a wesley reporting for us tonight, the a price tag for the equipment is about 650,000 officials think it could save about a Million Dollars by making it easier to prevent large wildfires. My weather time now boy was it hot inland today if the winds have been whipping it would have been a real fire danger problem, but they sat down fortunately as we look live out here right saturday night above downtown San Francisco. Yeah, even the city was warm today. Meteorologist Mabrisa Rodriguez here with a look at the forecast. Yeah, its funny grant and vicki i got no complaints for people along the coast with the weather but inland. Fourmember im just the messenger i know it was very hot out there today, 90s and triple digit heat. Still tracking a warm air mass out there right now even at this 10 oclock hour low to mid 80s right over parts of the tri valley is like antioch in concord just to put it in perspective conquer this should be your average daytime high for today and youre hitting that at this 10 oclock hour this evening about 30 degrees warmer right now from Half Moon Bay in the cool 50s at 52 degrees. Thanks to that sea breeze influence, but fortunately tracking. Calmer wind speeds out there right now for your saturday night but in the teens for downtown San Francisco in fairfield tracking double digit wind speeds there but still seeing a very dry air mass for those of you in the north bay in the 30th to 40th percent tell, but you will notice a little bit more moisture during the overnight hours, thanks to the cooler temperatures but even drier conditions expected for your sunday afternoon where we could actually be in the Single Digits for yacht bill livermore and fairfield once again because of the warmer and drier air mass for your sunday afternoon. The good news is by sunday night were going to get the return of that marine layer that is going to help increase that moisture content for all of the bay area by sunday evening but from now until then another warm and dry hot day expected very similar to today so were about 5 to 15 degrees above average 5 degrees above normal along the coast in the low 70s, but triple digit heat for interior valleys and the tri valley is like livermore concord no records were broken today, but expect similar conditions for your sunday afternoon highs and lets take a live look outside for those in the east bay over berkeley marine layer nonexistent out there right now because of todays warm air mass overnight lows, widespread low to mid and even upper 50s so a few degrees warmer this evening. Then last night on account of the warmer air mass and tomorrows daytime highs just as hot if not hotter than today, widespread triple digit heat expected for those of you in the tri valley is low 80s throughout the east bay shoreline back in the 70s for downtown San Francisco, widespread low to midnineties for those of you in the north bay flirting with 90s for parts of the south bay like san jose 89 degrees and taking a look ahead at your 10 at 10 outlook. Were going to begin a gradual cooling trend starting monday, thanks to that strong sea breeze and the return of that marine layer near average highs are turning to the bay area on thursday with very little change temperature wise 10 days from now, but the good news grant and vicki after tomorrow, no more heat waves like what were experiencing right now so relief almost in sight back to you all right, thanks for precept coyote sightings in morocco, they usually come with the territory. But coyote attacks. Im humans thats another story. Yet thats what happened recently at an East Bay Park police now say an animal reported to be a coyote bit a 2 yearold boy on his leg happened in the parking lot. In the bathrooms adler agha comments park unclear what prompted this rare attack, fish and wildlife Officials Say that this would be just the second coyote attack on a human this year in the bay area. Starting this monday the San Francisco zoo will reopen with approved safety plans its going to re open only to members on monday with reservations required but as of wednesday, the general public will be welcome. The zoo says that its work hard to have the park declared an outdoor museum. Among the attractions that will remain closed for now indoor exhibit. Playgrounds and right. Coming up a new study says teachers may be a higher risk of contracting covid19. Preexisting conditions Many American teachers have in common. Plus the search for actress naya rivera continued this weekend after she presumably drowned during a the 30 say the search to find led tv show star naya rivera in a Southern California lake ended today without any positive results defend her a county Sheriffs Office said in a tweet tonight that the search of the lake will resume tomorrow morning. This is a video of the search from yesterday riveras parents and brother joined in the search. Authorities said thursday they believe 33 yearold rivera drowned in the lake. Her 4 yearold son was found alone in a rented boat. Deputies say the boy who was found asleep in mourning a life vest Late Wednesday afternoon told investigators that he and his mother went swimming and he got back on the boat, but his mom never made it out of the water. Lebron james says his thoughts about social justice cannot be. Contained on the back of a basketball jersey, the lakers star. Well not where one of the nba approved social justice messages on the back of his jersey. When the nba resumes competition later this month, they hope in orlando. As part of the leagues recognition of the nationwide social Justice Movement sparked by the death of george floyd nba players are allowed to choose from a lengthy list of possible messages to put on their uniforms during the games james will instead where his own name. And in a zoom call today with the media he explained saying quote i commend anyone who decides to put something on there. Back of their jersey is just something that didnt seriously resonate with my mission with my goal i would have loved to have had to say so on what would have went on the back of my jersey, a couple things in mind. But i wasnt part of that process and thats okay. Coming up a coronavirus outbreak of them are in nursing home facility that left 5 people dead how officials are responding when we come back. 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That situation in sandra fell where at least 5 people have died at a Skilled Nursing facility after getting infected with covid19 dozens of residents and staff have also tested positive. Forcefully to call reports that access to the facility is restricted. 5 patients that were imposed acute in sandra fell have died from covid19 its unclear when the first patient or staff member at the facility. First tested positive for the virus but access to the Skilled Nursing site has been restricted since march because of the pandemic my heart goes out to them is it just to the Community Marine postacute sits in a residential neighborhood, one neighbor who lives next door says its too early to place blame for the spread of the virus, its presumptuous of anybody in the community to make a judgment on how they are running things across the way when people are so very ill. And im the spokesperson for the Skilled Nursing facility confirms 46 inhouse patients have tested positive for covid19 has had 13 Staff Members who are off sight isolating at their homes or in county Public Health says it believes the peak of the outbreak has already passed adding that the administration at marine postacute has been fully transparent and cooperative with the Health Department is very real. This goes out thats a nationally in terms of them. A rough time for us all as for all the Staff Members and residents that have not tested positive for the virus. The facility spokesperson says theyre being tested. On a weekly basis in sandra fell 3 to go on for news today, we know california lawmakers are delaying their return to the State Capitol as some members have been diagnosed with covid. So far only one has needed hospitalization lawmakers originally scheduled the return from summer break for monday, but have since pushed back to july 27th. The legislatures final recess as scheduled month from that with several big pieces of legislation that need to be passed by the end of august. Nearly one in 4 american teachers are at higher risk of serious illness if they contract coronavirus that is according. To a Kaiser Family Foundation Report released yesterday. Nearly 1. 5 million teachers are either over the age of 65 or have Health Conditions like diabetes Heart Disease or obesity. Those are all high risk factors. The analysis comes as the nation is debating whether its safe to bring children back into the classroom, this fall. President trump claimed on thursday that he recently a stake cognitive test. This is his latest attempt to dismissed questions about his mental capabilities and to call into question. Those of his rival joe biden Jeremy Diamond reports. I proved that was all there because i stood as the pandemic rages on President Trump is focused on dismissing questions about his mental acuity. Claiming he recently ace the cognitive test very body as he called into question joe bidens Mental Fitness to get at walter reed Medical Center. In front of doctors and did they were very surprised, they said thats an unbelievable thing. The white house would not say when he took the test or provide any details. But cnn previously reported trump took the montreal, cognitive assessment in 2018 scoring highly on a test that includes simple memory and mental tasks which only indicates he is not suffering any mild cognitive dysfunction. Today trump spending the day in the countrys biggest coronavirus hotspot but his trip to florida has nothing to do with the pandemic instead trump appears focused on shoring up his reelection prospects in this critical battleground state posing with seize drugs accusing his democratic rival of supporting socialism and attending a highdollar fundraiser. But his chances at a second term may be tied to the crisis he is all but ignoring its a new poll revealing that just one 3rd of americans approve of trumps handling of the pandemic down from 41 just 3 weeks ago, even republicans are starting to lose faith support for trumps handling of coronavirus dipping from 90 to 78 in his own Party Activists out hes a nice man, but he met a lot of mistakes very difficult meanwhile, the president is locked in an increasingly public feud with the countrys most trusted doctor. His assessment of the surge in coronavirus cases is growing gloom year while the president tries to spin a rosier version of reality they have. Tested almost 40 million people. By so doing we show cases. 99 of which are totally harmless. Doctor fauci who says he hasnt seen trump in more than 5 weeks making clear thats not true telling the Financial Times what i think happened is that someone told in that the general mortality is about one percent and he interpreted therefore that 99 is not a problem when thats obviously not the case. And Jeremy Diamond reporting for us tonight doctor fauci was seen arriving for a Coronavirus Task force meeting friday morning. Administration Officials Say that trump has not attended a meeting since people gathered for a big protests this weekend in detroit. This is the same spot where police shot and killed a man police say the man had suspected gang ties and he started shooting at them which is when they say they returned fire killing him. And the Detroit Police Department Released the body camera video of that incident this video we want to warn you could be disturbing to some people chief james craig says the department is releasing it to address false rumors that the suspect was unarmed. Craig says officers went to investigate a potentially gangrelated shooting yesterday he says the video shows 20 yearold i came littleton brandishing a small caliber blue steel cylinder pistol, according to the chief littleton shot at police and then 3 officers returned fire. St. Louis police now have possession of 2 weapons a couple pointed at protesters on june 28th and attorneys for the mccloskeys turned over their handgun today. Patricia mccloskey had pointed at demonstrators when they entered her private gated community the couple says it is inoperable and police want to verify that on friday authorities searched their home and took Mark Mccloskeys ar 15 rifle. He had pointed it at protesters as well that same night the mccloskeys have not been charged with any crime. Military city usa remembered vanessa end today with a massive convoy of cars trucks and motorcycles to raise awareness about the murdered fort hood soldier before her murder the 20 yearold allegedly told her family. Shed been sexually harassed, but feared to report it. Alicia barrera has the story. It all started with one question on facebook about a week ago who would be down to do a jeep convoy in honor of the nest again thats the envision a turnout of about 30 cars to demand justice for those like begin who may suffer in silence people just kept reaching out and saying theyre all in and it was kind of overwhelming because it you can just see the support the san antonio and the military community in veterans have out here for her family to see if the lean because it shows that. Despite our differences might everything going on the world we can come together for the cause they say a full investigation of what by his side against family says was harassment she suffered at fort hood and that was never investigated by the Army Community members like thing that im most steps to help organize the event and direct the more than 500 vehicles that filled the in isd Athletic Complex parking lot this morning watching vanessas mother on the interviews no mother should be bagging the u. S. Government to bring their daughter home on us soil. And we need to keep her voice alive we need to keep her voice heard. And they pd Traffic Control helpfully hundreds of motorcycles trucks jeeps and cars headed west on loop 4. 10 down 35 so indy at stake for 2 weekends in a row fast that guy has served as a place for Community Members to come to mourn the loss of an aside the yen and today a fast think i will be donating 15 of their proceeds to go towards the young family, so they can continue to demand justice. We want there to be change there needs to be accountability for the people in charge for the people in command they need to see that this isnt going to get swept under the rug. This isnt going to go away and now it appears the army is listening. The secretary of the army, Ryan Mccarthy says they will now conduct a thorough and independent review of the van is a case, a command culture at fort hood and surrounding military community. That was Alicia Barrera reporting for us tonight i know fans are still plenty of high jinks to be had at the American Century celebrity golf event in lake tahoe, especially involving the half billion dollar man chiefs quarterback i welcome back as we get a check on the 4 zone forecast on this saturday night taking a live look outside in downtown San Francisco meteorologist Mabrisa Rodriguez is here and what are you standing in front of tonight of greece a whole Golden Gate Bridge but more importantly ground i have a question desk. U k guess what day it is today. We of july something or other july 7 or 7. 11 day it should have been or similar be day. Instead that coke and 11 of the pandemic and we get stuck with the patch of ice cream. But by 2020 so not going to miss you lets take a live look outside. And were in front of Golden Gate Bridge out there this evening, not really tracking much marine layer out there right now for your saturday night. Temperatures as you step outside widespread 50s and 60s starting to cool down still in the low 80s for parts of the tri valley is little more 76 degrees but Half Moon Bay in the low 50s some more than a 30 degree difference out there right now between Half Moon Bay conquered an antioch out there this evening. So very warm temperatures inland may not even need a sweater out there right now because that should be your average daytime high for this time of year and overnight lows tonight widespread 50s and taking a look at your microclimate sunday outlook its going to be just as hot if not hotter than today low 70s for downtown San Francisco and the Mission District mid 60s for daly city and happen base a very shallow marine layer if any as you wake up for your sunday morning. Brisbane in san bruno in the low 70s, but mid 70s for those of you in burlingame in san mateo flirting with 80s at 79 degrees with widespread upper 80s and low 90s as you make your way inland. Morgan hill 96 degrees so temperatures about 5 to 15 degrees above average triple digit heat yet again for livermore 80s throughout the east bay shoreline near 80s for richmond and berkeley and conquered 98 degrees but wouldnt be surprised if you hit that century mark once again for your sunday afternoon vacaville youre going to be in the triple digit heat once again at a 102 degrees antioch not that far behind. 99 degrees low 90s for those of you in napa midnineties for santa rosa in the north bay and novato 90 degrees for your sunday afternoon highs but one thing that we are going to notice and take advantage of this because this could be one of our last days that we could actually get to see it in july because of that lack of marine layer. The new wise comets so we are going to notice it peaking at around 4 for 15 for your sunday morning. The earlier the better, so head out and enjoy because this is going to be the first comment that is going to pass through earth as it approaches the sun and 6800 years and we will see the return of that marine layer on sunday bringing relief finally for inland valleys more than 10 degrees of cooling by monday and were going to gradually cool down on thursday to near average highs but no major heat waves like what were experiencing right now so one more day to go grant vicki until near average highs return late into the week back to you. All right. Now washington holds a 24 year record that he never expected to possess for so long hes the last black man to reach a grand slam final in tents, washington says he has firsthand experience of trying not to let the color of his skin dictate what he could achieve on the court and he explain to cnns mcfarland that hes fighting to make the sport more diverse. And the last you know black american to reach a final and im a little surprised that we dont have more americans period but of them inside but black men why dont you think. Tennis has progressed in that white in the mens day if you have. 10s of millions of young men playing football and basketball and then you have you know maybe hundreds of thousands maybe a million young men playing tennis when we were going to a young black boy whos 5 years old 10 years old he could turn on any saturday or sunday during the College Football or pro football season, and he can see a ton of players that look a lot like him and guess what. Thats his guy and thats who he wants to be thats not necessarily the case at all with tennis. There are times when you bring up your player junior tournament junior tennis tournament and the multiple age groups and youre playing it for final close around the city. There were times where we just kind of knew we were told. You were going to play at that particular club. They didnt allow it in a lot of black players that have to plug, this is something i think every every black players is kind of experience the scene on some level in their tennis career you see a drop 32 player but say and 3 of the players are black. There are times where it was just kind of uncanny how 2 of the last Players Police over in the first round and then if you want youre going to play the 3rd black person in the in the second round uses think e and i could have just been the luck of the draw. But then when it happens a few times it kind of makes you wonder ok are they basing the drone just to eliminate the black players from the drop i would argue that every black tennis player at some point has seen an end is this something old going on here or is that just the luck of the draw. For every Single Person that hears this message. That they feel inspired you come into that zip code and you see our Tennis Courts and you see a group of kids on the court playing tennis. They can go to tennessee just getting after it. I think expand your mind in 2 different possibilities helping the impact of life in a greater way which is what we morphed into a school here assistance and scholarships and helping students go to college and helping students with job skills and internships so we want to try to create real world opportunities for them that are going to benefit them long term. Good staff that was Christina Macfarlane reporting for us tonight grant. Right now up to tahoe where. Yeah, theyre good fun off today Patrick Mahomes throwing a bill pine cone at his Kansas City Chiefs teammate. Travis the biggest young star in head of fell mahomes there than jumping on kelseys back the home side a record contract this week with about half a billion dollars. So youve been a joyous mood to i guess this is second round action of the American Century. Celebrity Golf Tournament that is tennis player, mardy fish there with the beautiful tee shot on the par, 3 17th birdie that birdie this on a teen shot a course record 63 today birdied his last 5 holes, no fans on the course to cheer because of covid steph curry by the way 11th place heading into tomorrows final round. Up next a transgender woman makes history after appearing on Sports Illustrated were going when i have a breakout from eczema, i feel like im in this shell. Gold bond Eczema Relief relieves five frustrating symptoms of eczema. My skins back. New orleans is expecting the birth of a critically endangered gorilla i fingers crossed here a 13 yearold western lowland gorilla. Named to money is pregnant and zoo keepers are helping or practice for motherhood, using a doll that is roughly the size and weight of her future baby the keepers are using it to make sure. To money feels comfortable bringing her newborn to keepers and positioning the baby for care. If the birth this successful this will be the first gorilla born at the audubon zoo in some 24 years. Sports illustrated now has its first transgender model valentino sam pio will pose for the brands swimsuit issue the 23 yearold brazilian has already been the first transgender model for victorias secret. And 2 years ago, she made the cover of vogue paris sam pio praises Sports Illustrated in say now shes also using her fame to advocate for transgender rights. Actor armie hammer and his wife tv host Elizabeth Chambers are calling it quits after 10 years of marriage, the 2 posted the same message along with an old picture on their instagram accounts. It says in the past 13 years theyve been best friends soulmates partners and then parents the couple also says theyre now focused on their 2 kids send their relationship as coparents paired been quarantining together in the Cayman Islands for months. Hammer has since returned to l a. Former president jimmy carter and Rosalynn Carter are ging people to wear their masks there now making a point by posting a photo on twitter it shows them wearing mask today printed with the logo there atlanta based charity. The Carter Center caption please wear a mask and save lives. Coronavirus cases recently raged across the south. Georgia recently had 4400 new cases in just one day and before we leave we want to wish one of our favorite viewers, a very happy birthday elouise a dominguez turning 80 tonight. From originally from kermit texas in concord with her family tonight and theyre watching in. Shes commenting about your hair well so. Cut it well, whatever you want to carry a birthday louisa will will hook you up yeah, she recently. I had cataract surgery and she can really see. The news team here a lot more clearly so well, you know that might not be so good for her said already that up for us tonight, thanks for being with us everybody have a great night. Stay safe. Is a paid presentation for omega xl and is brought to you by great healthworks. upbeat music welcome, my name is connie craig carol and im so glad that youre joining me. Chances are you or someone you know is dealing with the challenges and the limitations of pain in our back, knee, shoulders every day. And we seem to miss out on life because we just cant find relief. I know what thats like, joint pain can be such a burden. Today were gonna tell you about omega xl, a product that millions of people have trusted

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