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Decision to restart production here at the fremont facility even came as a surprise to californias gov rnor today newsome was asked by a reporter about what his thoughts were on musk reopening the production of end he said that he was not aware of that situation and that he needed some more details on it. But as weve been here tonight weve seen some settles that have been moving in and out of the facility even some new cars rolling into the lots. Keep an eye on out here Tesla Ceo Elon musk restarts production at the companys fremont factory monday. Its the first move in what has been a verbal fight between the car giant and the Alameda County Health Department mosque announcing the restart on twitter saying i will be on the line with everyone else if anyone is arrested i ask that it only be me i dont want to it on get arrested, i think that would be a horrible. A few and something we dont want to see a levee to county supervisor Scott Haggerty who helped bring tessa to fremont says hes been trying for weeks to come up with a way to help the company while also appeasing the county Health Department to find a little fortunate because i think we were there since march 23rd Alameda County has deemed the fremont plant non essential tesla is defying the local shelter in place order by having its more than 10,000 factory workers return the public Health Department has responded to the re start by saying in part quote we have notified tesla that they can only maintain minimum basic operations until we have an approved plan that can be implemented in accordance with the local Public Health order we are addressing this matter using the same phased approach we use for other businesses which have violated the order in the past and we hope that tesla will likewise comply without further enforcement measures haggerty says he hopes cooler heads will prevail and an agreement can be reached soon where it goes from there. Im not sure but factual continue to work with us. In terms of enforcing the shelterinplace order the Alameda County Sheriffs Office has been differing it. To the countys public Health Department but they have been differing it. To the Fremont Police department that have so far taken no ones here at the fremont it is important to note that last week Governor Newsom said that manufacturing can continue in the state of california but he has allowed on restrictions to remain in place depending on each individual public Health Department and may will determine what can reopen meanwhile mosque has threatened to move tesla out of the state of california which haggerty has warned can be really detrimental to the bay area economy. Thats the latest here live in fremont dan thorn kron 4 news jan. Thank you tomorrow Governor Newsom is expected to release guidelines for reopening dinein restaurants. Last week the California Restaurant Association sent a draft of recommendations to the governors office. They include know sharing tables only family members or people who live together will be able to sit at the same table getting rid of buffets salad bars and shared bread baskets requiring servers to wear face masks and salt and pepper shakers could be replaced by bottles of hand sanitizers were going live stream the governors announcement tomorrow at noon on kron on and also on our kron 4 Facebook Page avenue, some also announced today that california and 4 other western states are asking the federal government for 1 trillion in relief for their states and local governments. The governor says california had a projected 21 billion surplus just one year ago. Now the state is on track to have a budget shortfall of more than billion. San francisco could allow more businesses to reopen with Curbside Pickup and Delivery Services on monday mayor london breed says that possibility is a big step as well as a big risk all because the city has not yet seen a substantial downward trend in the number of people hospitalized for covid19 right now the number of hospitalizations is at 71. The more access we provide people with where there is a contact with a number another human being the more the possibility that infections can spread. The city has also set up a new set of guidelines for stores which are already open the city is creating a health and safety plan ensuring social distancing and face coverings providing cleaning materials, protecting customers by marking off 6 feet areas and cleaning frequently touched surfaces and ending selfservice food items and handling of produce without purchases existing stores which are operating now will have to comply with the guidelines by midnight on friday despite some loosening of restrictions dozens of bars and restaurants across the city air closing their doors for good. The owner of archive bar and kitchen on Mission Street in San Francisco is forced to close. And file for bankruptcy kron fours taylor sackey talk to the owner about this this difficult decision and she joins us now live from the city. Unfortunately taylor not to the only case of a such a Certain Circumstance taking place. Yeah thats right ken this is something that hits every neighborhood across the city and were seeing a lot of it now of course those places though in downtown and near the financial district are of course affected they rely normally headley on that work week foot traffic but of course since shelterinplace orders. Its been a ghost town and now places like archive bar and kitchen are permanently closing. Its devastating because ive spent my entire life building this business you are getting to the place to be an honor and you know worked really hard entire life to everything my bills on time always pay my rent on always took care of my guests always took care of my employees and to go from that position to position. Im in right now is its kind of legal Gabriel Bryant owner of archive bar and kitchen recently filed for bankruptcy be closed because of the shelterinplace order and said take out one in generate enough sales to stay open the star all these costs are pretty much the same youre going to be doing 25 of and thats only a Consumer Confidence is there to allow people to want to so. You know, its its tough and our situation. In neighboring business was supposed to buy his restaurant last month they have since put out of the deal because of the Financial Burdens of the coronavirus i looked at all other options like loans and Financial Aid to stay afloat but says it wouldnt be enough to save his business something he says is now common across the industry on all the numbers i work with people on work consulting groups you know they are there. Theyre going between like 30 to 40 to even like 50 of restaurants having to close in the next 3 or 4 months brian says Small Businesses and restaurants in the city were already struggling to make margins before the pandemic now the coronavirus is the breaking point for many the margins and restaurants are so small and theyve been getting smaller and smaller and smaller every year, especially in San Francisco ca saluting haas of rents also you know employees all that all that and so those margins are so slim when i started looking at the numbers and started punching everything realizing that you know when we opened back up when we come back to the restrictions on the spaces are. Are going to be completely debilitating restaurants like ristorante french you know in north beach which has been around for 3 decades are no exception the shutdown when the shelterinplace order went into effect because owners couldnt imagine transforming into a takeout spot with the pandemic and high operating costs the family says it wasnt feasible to continue once their lease runs up later this year without serious help from local and state and federal Government Agencies where. Were in for a look at times. Of course the coronavirus is crippling many of these businesses but this is also something that weve seen over the last year, im sure many of you can relate weve watched some of our favorite neighborhood businesses closed within the last year and thats because theres just a very high cost of doing business in the city so with the coronavirus this is only making things more difficult for these businesses to stay afloat they say if things dont change soon. We will see much more of those at the store front reporting live in San Francisco Taylor Bisacky kron 4 news taylor. Thank you. San joses plan to reopen restaurants for dining is picking up approval from the Restaurant Owners this week City Committee members are expected to talk about what is being called the al fresco plan and the city council could approve it later this month. The idea is to make more room for dining out doors, one restaurant tells us he is in favor. Oh definitely its a good idea of people with us avery eating outside the party inside for the nation purpose. And we can maximize our seeding based on at 6 the radius never wavered seats we can get enough even make it work for outside 92. Right now fewer than 10 of restaurants in downtown san jose are open for takeout and delivery a blast from the past Car Hop Services back at mels drivein in San Francisco here is the scene at the mels drivein on geary boulevard in the city you can see a driver picking up an order missing the roller skates but you know theyre working on it so to work in progress mels first opened up in San Francisco back in 1947 with a year round car hop serviceman now that 50s fine is back. Its happy days all over again as a social distancing measure to keep things going and safe if your restaurant is open for business. We want to know about it we have a new section on our website is called yes were open its a list of restaurants and Dining Options for takeout or delivery in the bay area. Restaurant owners can submit their businesses to be added to the list and viewers can search to find places near them that are now open and just like San Francisco 5 other bay area counties continue to enforce a stricter shelter in place order than the rest of the state. Health officers and 6 perry county San Francisco alameda contra costa moran. San mateo and santa clara say that they will measure progress in containing the virus by these 5 indicators whether the number of covid19 cases and hospitalizations is flat or decreasing whether theres an adequate supply of personal protective equipment, whether the need for testing is being met and whether there is adequate capacity for Contact Tracing. Police in really similar to the governors plan for reopening the economy. But we thought we wanted to really put some hard numbers on them. And those numbers are based on a lot of expert as to what is really needed to be sure that where not going to have a surge in that we are prepared for any surges in cases that might happen. The city of berkeley says it will take some time to see the effects of allowing construction and outdoor businesses to resume and it is closely looking at the data and will make changes accordingly. Santa clara county Health Officials say they are still in need of ppe in need of testing and Contact Tracing. The Restrictions Mean a huge financial loss of course for bay area cities as well city leaders in the east bay say they are having to put furloughs in place and decrease pay to try and save their city budget kron fours noelle bellow joins us live in the newsroom with the struggles as some of those cities are facing noel. And many cities facing tax revenue losses that will likely lead to more layoffs and furloughs as you just mentioned, as they face 10s of millions of dollars in budget deficits today, we spoke with city leaders and walnut creek concord and richmond to are all coming to terms with the major impacts this pandemic has on their economies. Were looking forward to finishing the youre in good shape, richmond mayor tom says the city had a balanced budget ahead of the coronavirus pandemic but when the shelterinplace order hit. Our staff predicted a million. Decrease in revenues for the 4th quarter of this fiscal year. And then they are projecting at million. Budget deficit for the next fiscal year. Its a similar situation over in concord where mayor tim a gallon is predicting upwards of a 20 million hit you know this directly impacts. You dont cleese this directly impacts public works are Planning Department me you name it across the board and this will have significant impacts for peoples lives and over in walnut creek, the chamber of commerce says the citys annual intake of retail sales tax will undoubtedly be lower this fiscal year, the city we are going to get over 20 million in retail sales tax. In addition, no vermilion and francine occupant act the fact that they want to stay in rooms. And those to speak and that pretty much shut off so far in Concord City Council and administrators have taken a 10 pay decrease. Which has shaved about 5 million off the budget over in richmond, theyre looking at a list of about 60 different ways to whittle down their projected deficit just possible that we could recover about 8 or million to buy. Its too hard for years. You know something the city of el serino next door did is they put on a furlough were people are not going to work on fridays. You dont get paid for. So you know were looking at hard for asians were looking at furloughs looking at diminishing a lot of our programs and services. Every city is going to be dealing with it differently but this definitely exposes the fact that a lot of cities where are you with budget staff had some stress on them already and then this unfortunately made it even worse. The mayor of richmond says he has an email news letter that he sends out and he wants subscribers to reach out to him and let him know which City Services they might be able to do without for this next year this way he says they can make better choices on what to cut moving forward and ken back to you. Noel thank you. Well napa solano and sonoma counties enter stage 2 of reopening last friday, allowing retailers in those counties to resume business, although some still have the doors closed. Thats including a bookstore in vallejo kron fours Maureen Kelly talked to the owner who says she just wants to be careful. Well this weekend saw some retailers in north bay towns like subasta pull selling their merchandise curbside under phase 2 of the new guidelines billy os alibi bookshop. Is keeping their store front firmly closed for now they said that that we can open with some restrictions but we. We stressed about it weve been stressing about it since you know we mark 16 after being shuttered nearly 2 months, their loyal customers were excited at the idea of the downtown shop reopening. Once a county decided to go along with the governors timeline of phase 2 but after going back and forth about it the owners have decided to hold back for now heres why i think going downtown and ive been going to the store and a lot of people are Wearing Masks a lot of people are. Is social distancing and we dont want that to happen in the store. For now theyre taking orders via email and letting their customers come to their house in a quiet are part of town to pick up their books or doing Home Delivery to i want nothing more than to be back in the bookstore i you know we have folks piled everywhere. We want to sell books but we also. Want our community to be safe for mean that what it boiled down to is that we really love our customers we really love our community and we do not want to put them in any sort of danger at all the couple says theyre considering opening up their store to curbside retail. Some time in the future on sundays. When theres not as much foot traffic downtown and they look forward to the day when its safe for people to go inside and browse their shelves. Instead of just window shop. Maureen kelly kron 4 news. The number of coronavirus cases and deaths continues to climb tonights in the bay area there are more than 9800 coronavirus cases and a total of 347 deaths. Statewide there are now more than 67,000 cases and more than 2700 deaths across the country there are more than 79,000 deaths and 1. 3 million infections. And new tonight, the centers for Disease Control and prevention says airports screenings in california did little to prevent covid19 from spreading in the state. This is video from sfo back in january one Health Officials screened passengers arriving from china. State Health Officials checked up on more than 11,000 travelers who arrive from china and iran. They only found 3 infected people in that group. The cdc says the program was ineffective because travel information was incomplete and asymptomatic infections may have been missed the report also notes passenger information was often entered incorrectly because it wasnt pulled directly from flight manifests the cdc recommends improving passenger Data Collection and transmission in the future. It also suggests using text messaging to reach at risk travelers quickly. Lets take a live look outside on this monday night checking out the Golden Gate Bridge you can see the fog is there tonight. We didnt see so much of that last night cant know chief meteorologist Lawrence Karnow tracking the ever changing conditions that seem to be taking place out there lawrence. Yeah weve got more storms coming our way and got the rain out there now kind of begin to taper off still a chance more scattered showers overnight tonight of a few bands of rain will likely move on shore out toward San Francisco, the clouds are moving in own received some drizzle actually along the coastline right now and all that moisture the atmosphere are left over from the storm system and look at that little swirl off the coastline that is the core low that brought us the rain today now whats interesting is the core that low is likely going to stay off the coast is not going to come on shore so theres some more moisture to likely get caught up in that system and spin on shore over the next couple of days and keep things unsettled in a times looks like a little bit wet that being said today we have some nice rain falling around the bay area, some heavier amounts in the north bay just some scattered showers across the rest the bay area most that pretty light out there we continue to see a few light showers theyre continuing to 9 pc most that now headed toward the central you see tailing off now moving just east over the ultimate past for tracy and then take down to our south and the monterey bay theyre getting some rainfall. Theres were seeing it move out of the bay area for the most part now. And the north bay finally drying things out after a pretty nice soaking there in fact some parts of the north they had over half an inch some of the mountains there an inch and a 3rd. That for the win though the winds kind of whipping around the bay area today and seeing the effects of that storm says muslims ipcoming up on the south some o the gusts as high as 20 almost 30 Miles Per Hour rainfall totals over half an inch in santa Rosa Campfield over a 3rd the napa valley almost a 10th of an inch of rain there and also into oakland or end up really getting a nice rain there almost a 3rd of an inch in san jose, not reporting any official rain yet, although certainly some raindrops in and around san jose tonight. Going to stay mostly cloudy with a few scattered light showers tomorrow again mostly cloudy skies will see some sunny breaks and the occasional shower move on through but the unsettled weather pattern which is somewhat unusual likely continue not only this week but probably in the next week too. All right one storm system comes on shore another band likely to bring a few more showers for tomorrow and then you can see off the coastline. Weve got another band of moisture that will move in looks like on wednesday overnight tonight, well time out for and you can see a few scattered showers popping up as we head into early tomorrow morning then that will continue right through the Morning Hours you see that really not a sustained rain but more showery activity outside will taper off in the latter part of the afternoon. But theres more rain to come on wednesday to well time that out and your 1010 coming up in a few minutes guys back to you all right, thank you. Lawrence growing tension between the former and current president ial administrations. What sparked Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell to say former president obama should keep his mouth shut plus getting infected on purpose. Surveillance footage captures inmates sharing bottles and masks in la county what the sheriff says happened within a week of this incident and disney world gears up for its the new house is amazing. So much character. Original crown molding, walk in closets. We do have a ratt problem. Round and round with love well find a way, just give it time. At least geico makes bundling our home and Car Insurance easy. It does help us save. Round and round with love well find a way, just give it time. Round and round what comes around, goes around. For bundling made easy, go to geico. Com this could be a dream come true disney world and disneyland could reopen sometime this summer both parks have been closed of course since midmarch because the pandemic disney world announced today that it will start taking reservations for the florida theme park in july. We didnt get into details yet from disneyland in california. But the company does say it has planned a phased reopenings for all of his locations but with some restrictions those will include everything from limiting the number of visitors and requiring masks. To checking temperatures at the gate. Shanghai disneyland reopened yesterday and Disney Springs Shopping Dining and entertainment area at disney world is set to reopen on may the 20th twitter says it will start labeling information about covid19 that it deems misleading the social Networking Service says it will use labels or warnings. For coronavirus related tweets it classifies in 3 categories include misleading information disputed claims and unverified claims labels will be added to new messages and to one cent earlier twitter says the labels will link users to trusted information about the pandemic. In the president ial election if it were held right now one win in california our next our Emerson College poll finds the states favorite president ial candidate and what our political analysts have to say about the results in the context of the current pandemic plus coping with death of california author is helping children understand the challenging topic and an everlasting gift we will introduce you to tonights kron 4 hero who is helping grieving fa were here for you and were open. Wow. Im an original. One of a kind. You feel me . Love ya. Oop you look cute better than you . Pop my 100 allwhitemeat classic or spicy popcorn chicken combo for just 5. 99. What can i do to help you . Come on buddy, headphones. What. Hey. Ok, alright, what kind of i said i dont want to talk about it. Wait, wait tray what are you doing . Its ok. Its ok. we may be stopped, but the people we need, they keep moving. So we can start again. Thank you. My new bitesized, crispy popcorn chicken is so so we can start again. Irresistible youll want them whenever, so dont resist pop em while you game, hang, or do your thing. Pop my 100 allwhitemeat classic or spicy popcorn chicken combo for just 5. 99. The push continues tonight from the oval office to reopen the nation and that americans go back to work but there are now heightened concerns about President Trumps own workplace. The white house. Karin caifa reports from washington. President trump wants the nations economy up and running i wanted open safely. But i want it open governors have said expanding coronavirus testing is crucial to reopening their states in the white house said monday billion will go to help them ramp up capacity, our states aspired to do well over 12 million test over the next 4 weeks by may 17th at least 48 states will be partially reopened with governors keeping a close eye on trends its a risk if you. If you didnt open up into risk if you do open up and were trying to do it in a measured a measured pace on monday, the u. S. Death toll past 80,000 per account by the Johns Hopkins university. And as President Trump pushes to get back to business 3 members of his Coronavirus Task force are quarantining to some degree after contact with the white house staffer who tested positive. Thats led to questions about precautions in the west wing concerns the president downplayed we have a lot of people coming in and many of those people most of those people are tested depending on what portion of the. Oval office area they going in everybody coming into the president s office gets tested. And i felt no vulnerability on monday white house staffers were advised to wear face coverings in the west wing. And to maintain social distancing in washingtcn karen caifa kron 4 news. Some harsh words tonight from the Senate Majority leader to former president obama this after 3 sources confirmed that in a private call friday. Mister obama called President Trumps response to covid19 quote an absolute chaotic disaster on a Video Conference today with the trump campaigns lara trump. Senator Mitch Mcconnell said president obama former president obama is not in a position to criticize. And president obama im sure john rau shot, you we know he doesnt like much us against ration. You know thats understandable. I think its a little classless from verjee and ministrations that comes up to you. You had your shot you were there for 8 years. Of them, the tradition of the bushes, so not cringing the president to come to you is a good decision. Former president obama was on the call with his former Staff Members to convince them to support joe bidens president ial campaign the entire former president obama and mrs. Obama dropped in on a Chicago Public School Civics town hall, the former first couple talk with the students about how the Public School community in chicago can stay connected and engaged in civic life even during the pandemic. When some lane. Things are going good, you have to look up and Pay Attention. And what i think mom. Young people. Online or so we Pay Attention to is. So its not for. Its not well planned and we could be doing and the scary thing but the exciting thing is that the with the responsibility on you to figure out i want my room. And as our points out what they all say for certain you cant do it by yourself. The obama say the students and the Broader Community can still build a sense of belonging while they are all living apart. Both obamas have agreed to deliver virtual commit the Commencement Ceremonies for various High School Graduations during the pandemic. The california author has written to childrens books to help little ones cope with death one is called trevor and me and its based on the true story of a friendship that develops between an elderly white man in deteriorating health and a young asian girl. The other is called the last meal its about for fictional death row inmates who happen to be birds. Author you know, im i says the books are timely because of the families that are now coping with death during the pandemic she says she wrote the books because her own mother didnt want to talk about the subject. I dont know my mom or anybody to go through life being scared to death. So you know i decided to create stories that introduced s inner nonthreatening a manner and compassion and hope the covid19 is now the leading cause of deaths in the u. S. And i know many people are hurting right now and they have lost their loved ones and i thought maybe more than ever. Readers could get polly for my stories and i hope my stoli slow inspire or hero leaders and help them cope with this. You know says shes already been hearing from people who are currently dealing with death. She says her books can help children be less afraid as they face the possible deaths of loved ones. All right turning now to our weather more showers on the way man of the hour words karnow is here to tell us whats going on. Yeah guys boy somewhat unusual this pattern really a getting a very wet from a u ck janell storm or so but well see it open up like this somewhat unusual but here we go out there right now tonight, we see the core that low still spinning off the coastline that will bring a few more bands of rainfall across the bay area overnight tonight and tomorrow too. And then weve got more starting line up behind that as well in fact maybe more impressive storm as we get into the weekend. Heres laurie forecast for you see things staying on settle the wet here and all the way up to the Pacific Northwest behind that here comes that system rolling in on wednesday. We are going to get a little bit of a break on thursday and friday a few clouds but will dry things out but look at that system. Coming in late on saturday night into early on sunday morning. I think that could be a real soaker. Well into the bay area and then the core that lowes also once that along the coastline bringing more unsettled weather possibly what conditions right through monday in few showers could actually linger into tuesday, well have to wait and see heres your 1010 for those showers a possibility the next couple of days, dry weather returns with warmer temperatures on thursday and friday clouds gather again on saturday by next sunday. Were expecting some rain showers to continue on monday, maybe a lingering shower even in the fall into the government. Thank you lauren if the president ial election, alyssa happen right now as is probably expected Democrat Joe Biden would be the winner in california that is according to our new next our emerson paul hamm thats cameramen are Capitol Bureau reporter Ashley Zavala has the a democratic candidate joe biden is the president ial favorite in california, according to the latest next our Emerson College poll asked if the president ial election was today nearly 60 of respondents said they would vote for biden while 29 said they would reelect donald trump nearly half the respondents said they were extremely or very excited to support biden the concern that i have is one voters dont even in california where hes winning by 30 points. Only 54 expected actually become the president. So the expectation is in the primary expectation was that i was the most electable now that were in the general election people are now questioning and he be elected on recent allegations, he sexually harassed his former staffer tara reid 41. 1 of california respondents said they thought the claims were false well almost a 3rd said they were unsure when asked who should be his Vice President ial pick californias top choices are former state attorney general Kamala Harris with Elizabeth Warren trailing by one percent, but its also interesting to note about 22 of voters want somebody else and thats going to a lot of pressure on the mining business traicion to find a Vice President ial candidate that would be a consensus months ago. Its staple results showed the economy is the top issue in determining how voters will pick the president. The next most pressing issue here in california who can beat President Trump in sacramento, Ashley Zavala kron 4 news so did President Trumps response to the coronavirus pandemic influence the poll results our political analyst michael yaki and Tom Del Beccaro each talked about the results on their podcasts. Californians intuitively understand. That theres something wrong with the way that the federal government is handling the pandemic except of course for one place. Theres one place in america where you get testing on demand. Contact tracing on demand. You can have strict enforcement if you so choose. Social i of isolation and quarantine. And that place is 1600 pennsylvania avenue which of course is completely ironic given that thats actually where policies being made to try to reopen the states without access to testing. Well access to Contact Tracing and certainly without any real ability to enforce quarantine or social distancing or even social distancing guidelines because they refused to do so. Joe biden has a big lead on trump similar to hillary 59 to 29 thats only 2 less than hillary was challenging that california. Hes pretty firm in its opinions. Interesting read and now. When you ask who you gonna vote for the question is do they really come out to vote and even in california and joe biden has a problem. His extremely enthusiastic very enthusiastic greeting remains below 50 . Thats historically very bad and matches what it is nationally in the sense of he is there is an abc Washington Post poll said the worse enthusiastic greeting theyve ever had from canada and california is slightly higher than the national average, but the point remains he made in california. Joe biden has an enthusiasm problem which doesnt bode well for turnout. In the fall. And you can watch michael jockey and Tom Del Beccaro on kron on right now our 24 hour local news streaming service is free to download so you can stay informed and updated on the Current Health crisis. And now to a big story. The Justice Department is considering whether to bring federal hate crime charges in the shooting death case of ahmad arbery 25 yearold robbery, a black male was shot and killed on february the 23rd in georgia, he was unarmed. His death causing nationwide outrage after this video of the deadly confrontation surface. The suspects 64 yearold Greg Mcmichael and his 34 yearold son Travis Mcmichael are white. According to a Police Report grant michael told authorities that he and his son grabbed their guns and chased arbery in their truck believing that arbery was responsible for burglaries in their neighborhood. While this incident happened back in february local authorities did nothing and the 2 were not arrested until may the 7th. They now face charges of murder and aggravated assault. Georgias attorney general has requested the federal department of justice investigate the handling of this case. Los angeles county sheriff says inmates in county jails are deliberately trying to infect themselves with coronavirus take a look at the Surveillance Video was shot on april 26th. The sheriff says this shows inmates sharing bottles and masks. The sheriff says the inmates apparently thought if they tested positive they would get released. The sheriff says that will not happen. Its sad to think that someone deliberately try to expose himself to covid19 as a result of this behavior. From this particular mizael 21 image tested positive for covid19 within a week of these videos of been taking. Right now the la county jail has more than 5,000 inmates in quarantine that makes up about 40 of the jails total population also in Los Angeles County to people facing battery charges after a fight. Over wearing a face mask, the incident happened inside a target store in van nuys earlier this month police say the target employees were escorting the 2 men out for refusing to wear face masks. The video shows a man punching one of the employees that person fell and broke his arm. The suspects are now being held on a 50,000 bail kron 4 saluting the class of 2020 in the bay area every night were going to shine the spotlight on a specific senior and tonight we want to congratulate. Kaylee Briana Campos scaly is graduating from leadership Public School in richmond, shes staying close to home. Shes heading to u c berkeley, this fall, go bears congratulations kaley good luck you can let us know about a graduate in your life, go to kron 4 dot com find a salute to grads 2020 under the news tab. And give us a picture of your grad and let us know which High School Graduate attended and whats next for him or her. The arts state. He had a row months, no, i sheets and you want somebody in water. No roads, no problem and offduty chp officer tal a dramatic water rescue in Madera County in the sierra foothills, we showed you this video yesterday of a hiker who was stuck in the water and not about to go over the waterfall fortunately an offduty Highway Patrol officer happened to be hiking nearby really fortunate. He sprang into action just in time Christina Lopez talked with that officer today. Thats the voice of Christina Donley filming this dramatic water rescue by her husband brent donley and other rescuers a day of hiking through willow creek trail with in the Sierra National forest quickly turned into an intense water rescue for donley an offduty chp officer and his wife for the arts state. He had a row months, no, i sheets and you want somebody water the warm water off the scene becoming increasingly serious his time began to pass this instance stop that youd say so. I walked over to where things stand in. And when a or so arrests people there and they were trying to the audience, whats neat idea or donnelly had to act fast no rope. No problem, don lee used his adidas backpacks airportstyle. Awesome. And i was you. Im like a stress no more need site the 2 pieces together. My son was there one side more regular once that starts to mature to what we saw strong up to you more about what he and a group of about 5 others were about to do was rescued this man from the frigid waters of angel falls in the midst of the rescue the man in the water told donley he couldnt feel his arms and legs any longer i was and why. I just wont sell. Trying to trying to be quick about it and see i know what i eat more water from the time the call to 911 was placed around noon to the time the group completed the rescue he entire event lasted about 10 minutes but their county Sheriffs Office says thats long enough to be in the cold waters as visitors venture out to the Sierra National forest earlier than normal this season deputies warn of the dangers water crossings can have as far as these trails and water crossings thats something we really want people to be extra cautious s. You know be mindful that youre out here earlier than you normally would be during the year and that the water is deeper inspector and the way it appears. That was Christina Lopez reporting the Madera County Sheriffs Office says last year 90 of his water rescues were at angel falls. In San Francisco, a Startup Company is helping grieving families honor their loved ones with memorial change we are recognizing better place for us as tonights kron 4 hero. The Company Announced last week it was offering up to a Million Dollars worth of. Protected memorial trees. They say they want to honor frontline heroes who have died from covid19 by providing them with a legacy that will endure for a long long time while lifting the financial burden of a burial service. Families can reserve a tree and plan for a future ceremony, the arena forest overlooking the Pacific Ocean in mendocino county. If you want to learn more about the service we shared a link on our website kron 4 dot com and while you are on our website you can spotlight, someone making a difference in your community we have a new section is called kron 4 yearold and i have to do is fill out a quick form and let us know about your hero. Tonights weve doubled our speeds the fastest just got banned. Well we just may be getting americas pastime back on americas birthday today, the mlb owners approved a plan that will be presented to the Players Association tomorrow that aims to bring the sport back into home stadiums on july 4th. The catch is fans would not be allowed to attend these games, the players of course have to agree to this proposal and both sides expect a pretty contentious negotiation. The owners of course are worried about revenue loss and according to reports are seeking a 5050 revenue split with the players. But the players are unlikely to agree to that proposal ultimately the ability to agree on the finance part of things could be the difference of whether there will be a season or not now over on the gridiron there have been no concrete details or plans to get the 2020 nfl season started. But the schedule was released on friday and vegas has updated their betting odds. According according to caesars palace, the 49 ers have the best chance of any nfc team to return to the super bowl. The niners bring back mostly the same team that was a 10 point. Blown 4th quarter lead away from winning that lombardi trophy. Its biggest loss is Deforest Buckner who was traded to the colts, San Francisco added South Carolina defensive tackle javan kinlaw in the first round caesars has the bucks will tom brady now, cowboys and the saints as the next 3 teams with the best odds to represent the nfc in the super bowl. Now on the other hand, the Kansas City Chiefs well, they are favorites to win another super bowl in 2020 and their signal caller Patrick Mahomes is the favorite to win the mvp award at caesars mahomes is 4 to one to win what would be his second regular season mvp award in the past 3 years mark jackson last seasons mvp. Hes 13 to 2 odds to win the award again this year at Caesars Sportsbook of course the niners fans are very familiar with Patrick Mahomes as we all know he threw for 286 yards and 2 touchdowns in last years super bowl victory over the niners. He is viewed by many as the best player in the nfl. Thats your look at sports back to you guys all right did we have here those numbers it still hurts thanks jason. Coming up next a surprise for graduating seniors, how a special delivery for graduating seniors in castro valley, teachers at Redwood Christian High School Put together packages and deliver them to 62 of their seniors today, each package included a cap and gown along the sign handwritten letters from teachers and a cupcake. Teachers Stacy Clawson is also a mother of a graduating senior she says it was a way for the teachers to be part of their students milestone moment. They need to know that theyre loved. And that they are really special to each and every one of us here. And. That they needed to feel that they needed to have something to be able to say you know. Ive done it ive made it and really to press to be able to celebrate with them in this moment and so was a way for us to be able to to do that to celebrate. You now with them and not moments personally have teachers deliver that had you know invested in their lives. Throughout their careers here and so it that was my inspiration, i just wanted them to know that even now these these times are unpredictable and its hard to walk through that this might be just. A time for them to see what theyve accomplished and. Understand that that theyre loved and that theres reason to celebrate. Wow what a lovely gesture. Clawson says that there are a few International Students who have already gone back home the school will be mailing them their packages coming up next the news continues on our 24 7 streaming Service Called kron on it is commercial free and our noelle bellow is standing by in the newsroom with more on what were working on tonight. Noel. Well hopefully we all know how to wash our hands a by now to avoid spreading and catching coronavirus but a new study is saying the virus could enter through our eyes as well so were talking about ways that glasses and contact wearers can protect themselves plus if youre like me youre pretty sad to hear about the passing of actor and comedian Jerry Stiller will take a look at his legacy next at 11. All right well, thank you very much make sure to download the kron on app to get 24 7 commercial free local news coverage, florence. The guys were dealing with some of late season rains here the bay area weve got. More to come outside in fact a few scattered showers likely to continue overnight tonight, although things have been tapering off a bit as the main cold front has moved on through you can see it pushing in the central valley, there but that area of low pressure still centered off the coastline stock and come on shore. And that is going to allow was like a spokes on a bicycle wheel youll see these bands kind a on shore from time to time as we head through the night tonight and tomorrow too and then maybe a little bit of a break but then watch this as we get in though on wednesday there comes a more substantial band moving on shore bring another round of some rain. All right so tomorrow plan a lot of clouds some scattered showers temperatures the 50s and 60s in the San Francisco, 59 in daly city about 61 degrees and burlingame i think further south you go the less chance of rain i think the focus going to be a little further to the north especially by the afternoon tomorrow chilly chance to squeeze out a couple showers around the bay area and the temperatures going to be running below the average still may be speaking in 70 degrees in livermore 64 in fremont 68 degrees in concord 67 degrees in walnut creek. In the north bay that will be the better chance to see the raindrops 67 in benicia 66 and the napa valley about 64 degrees in santa rosa should be about 60 degrees in the bottom 61 in sandra fell so here we go, heres your 1010 40 oh were going to see some showers continue on tuesday that a better chance in the more rain on wednesday thursday and friday, well catch a break in the temperatures going to warm up a little bit clouds gathering once again on saturday, a return of more rain a more substantial storm i think moves in on sunday. And in the monday guys. Unite sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In new york city, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the special victims unit. These are their stories. Is there anyone sitting here . Want to go somewhere a little more private . Lead the way. Police everybody stay right where you are police nypd nypd everybody remain where you are hey, hey, that means dont move, sir. Police everybody zip up and stand against the wall

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