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Something that were learning more about time. Doctor out front point. And wouldnt want folks to and i think part of whats influencing governmental out of existence really to come home or out and recommend that everyone wear masks is the potential casting affected people having a false sense of security. I think doctor birx and one of those around a virus set and all conferences yesterday and then she exactly tear earlier question of those who even without masks certain across town to visit their family. The last thing that we want to hold on to people to get mass and then feel that they couldnt really walk about disregard some of the more stringent and frankly more important recommendations of this and saying frankly to shelter in place of the extent that you can so it can be a little bit of a double edged sword to arm people with new thats an information black i within context of an overarching frustrating scenario i would say a little bit of understanding that you had things are changing in real time by the is how i try frustration in my own family and its really the recommendations and use the folks are now as a doctor wiley i heard someone on cnn referring to it as a noble lie talking about how in the very early stages. Some government officials were going to the extreme again of saying forget wearing any kind of mask even if you own one not going to do any good. Is that the kind of you turn in policy that you find interesting. So it certainly has has been interesting for everyone, the lack of consistency in terms of what the policy response should be is certainly frustrating both policymakers and people i we all see, but frankly just individuals trying about today. But as doctor song mentioned the situation is really evolving very and so its really important that you get to juuls from across the country just kind of stay up to date learned about actions are trying their best photos. Coming up next i asked the doctors what do you do if yo how should people and this is another viewer question how should you handle a situation where one person in the family has been exposed or perhaps a sick, but that person is still under the same roof any basic advice. I can leave that this and its another sad to say, but basically the idea there is to have that person to be quarantined to the run one run that possible. And you know stay in that room for the bulk of at all times that they can that doesnt always work is not everybody has a. Living situation where the room is also has a an attached bathroom for instance, but really what youre trying to do is to minimize the exposure that person if that person leaves that private space station probably put a mask on. So that they can help prevent that to spread of that of those germs on that can be very very difficult and if youre caring for somebody you should who is known to be positive you thats one of the recommendations from the cdc. Wearing a mask. And that is typically a quarantine for 14 days that you have the opportunity to be able to be separate im completely from somebody. Thats what you should try to do and have a friends or family. Deliver food to you et so its really about maintaining to be 9 taking those steps that you can they can take that will help mitigate the spread of that to others and the people who are in that house of course. Are effectively going to quarantine themselves as well. And canned gentleman, everybody agrees basically with that. Yeah its taken a lot of what the girlfriend just mentioned. I would say that seen that kind of ties together some of the responses of writing the questions here today is that its unfortunate. There are many absolute rules we have suggestions to certainly socially distance thats as close to think that we have to an absolute rule and the scenario its everyones living circumstances are quite different offer and what it means if you are situation allows you to have in a separate and a separate bathroom would be a deal just because it reduces the likelihood is across the internet those others that you you share homeland. I came back from the mercy of our men last week in early so learn to being in a completely different locations side yet to return all folks are able to do that know why its for that degree of separation thats the advice for the of what is known to be one of the iris period of time its not as mentioned 14 ace, ah its difficult to their many users on users but years rather this program that im sure dont have the ability to separate even within the same into a separate room that they truly can be the only person in that room and those kinds of instances you just have to take as many. Cautions that you possibly can addresses and washing mention that im asked little bit odd to be sitting in a room this family Wearing Masks and i know thats not necessarily what people would like to do but the extent to which that you can go see that inconvenience for a short period of these are the methods that we. Weve been out over the course of many types of infectious on to really really prevent the spread its so we just urge folks to do as many of those things they can present to their lives to coming up we know that preexisting conditions can be a problem of someone get set. But what are those the best way to predict the future is to create it and change the world. Here at abie, were inventing medicines of the future to create tomorrows that wilbe healthier. And happier, while making medicines that help people right now. Because thats the present we wanted to live in. And thats the future we all want to see. Abbvie. Here. Now. Abbvie. Bubbles at this price . Is this for real . Oh. Its real. Believe me. I mean, this is unexpected. You would say, remarkable . Absolutely. A remarkable deal thanks, i get that all the time. Wait what . grocrey outlet jingle wow. I think ill take two. For the love . You know we keep hearing about the added risk for people with preexisting conditions thats a pretty broad category what does th include it. To preexisting conditions that are put someone at for coronavirus our cardc problems so congestive Heart Failure diabetes. Im also is an and theres also seems to be an association with patients with hypertension who also can have worse course of the coronavirus inftion. So its really this chronic illnesses of hypertension diabetes corner of the disease congestive Heart Failure just to make it. All right doctor paul anything to add. Covered it well, i mean thats its not to say that you have those conditions you immediately to sound the alarm its a matter of being aware of that and actually place you not hirisk category d destruction of the guidance is still to monitor us in on this practice to if you it develops that are actually getting money know it is a fairly light as it headed on trying provider discuss what it is that you are experiencing and they can help treat as the situation out of directing you to testing or advising that youve actually going to be about ready first. Coming up a lot of people are still concerned about their patch they want to know whether animals can carry the viruinto th what we do now will forever change our tomorrow. So lets do the right thing, today. Lets stay at home. Lets wa up. Lets always kp our distance please, six feet apart at least. Lets lo after ourselves, as well as others. It will all be worth it. We can all do our part. So those on the front line can do their part. We will all, continue, to thrive. Doctor poll of viewers asking wther its safe to use at her apartment complex the hot tub and the pool thats the kind of everyday thing people wonder about what would you tell them. Well i will have to admit that i do not have disposal directly answer that specific question but circle back to that point the doctor out for just a in times like these the general idea is to try and way commonly touched surfaces at the very least and its so put yourself in a position where you might be accessing our the apartment complex that other folks would be as well it goes back to that theme that i mentioned earlier about control of things that you can control it and then just to reiterate pointed out her outrageous ne, really change want versus what is a knee so in this type of scenario. I trust me understand that it is very very frustrating to not do the things that you do on a daily basis in a normal situation or did things that you would like to dwhen you find yourself at how much just i struggle withthat person and a sneak in terms of just sitting and reading in a game frankly as much as i can that really sells i understand that its frustrating but you should probably avoid those types of interactions with shared spaces as well as other folks that ain do not live directly in your own you. Yeah, so bottom line stay out of the hat of people still asking a lot of questions about there are animals one viewer for example, wondering whether his dog could somehow pick up the virus when they go for walks well what would you say that. Im not so im there have been a lot of questions about from patients and also from the remit ive done and im sure the others have done as well about pets and you know a couple things is that the coronavis can not cause an illness europe. These that we know of in your dog or cat or or other animal, its its a its a human illness. At this point at least with common in Domestic Animals that we wold have in terms of them picking it up or it being able to. Exist on the animal and then touch Something Else i dont im not aware of any documented transmissions other i i could have missed that. But i think its incredibly unlikely that your pet can do that and in terms of acting as that transmission issue. So i think that itsimportant to just maintain the same things that you wouldnt otherwise which is maintned social distance, et cetera. I think your pets are probably safe. But theres no as i mentioned is no real good data on that. I have heard that the animals may not become ill, but they might be capable of carrying the rus on there. For is that a legitimate. Is that true. Yeah like i its i dont think anybody really knows. Im like i mentioned i dont think theres any documented tranission and a sense of having it exist on a text. Its and brought i but it also could be that ive not read that. And were still learning like so manyther and sacks of this. People are depending on deliveries so more than ever including for food be touched on this a little bit but theres been some conflicting advice on what kind of precautions to take when you get boxes one viewer with a. Compromised immune system a woman with a look he saying should i be ring washing things down when they arrive at the front do what what are you telling people. Doctor paul. Its a tough similar to the questions that you see about i dont think theres that from body of science yet to tell you exactly what risks youre taking by edging a deliery that any word on i to keep on going back to saying social distancing it. It was partly in this case her recommendations. Frankly the family is he touched anything washington the judge anything washer and its and then repeat that if you get any day watching patience if you the that montrachet and your the receipt you yourself or your family at orange or rather by virtue of getting a delivery is try and limit the touching of your i noticed myself here in tampa that its been a spice during this ca segment here its almost impossible to avoid, but i watched my hands at least 25 times today, so its really ok thats your role model 25 times today. It turns out i myself that wants to live or deny, but yoknow so you have to make sure the u n ingrained that into your psyche and your team in order there lot of questions here today and frankly a lot of questions that theyre generally speaking that dont exclusive answers to right now many of them can be addressed by the simple measures that we just try and be mindful of your surroundings, particularly here and pay close attention to that and more in tax and you implement those practices this a free of virus coming up we asked the doctors what theyre telling all ight finally quickly want to buy not ask you anything interesting or surprising that you might want to share that we havent talked about. Doctor p front. You know i think weve had a pretty thorough i really cant honestly think of a much this has been a really great around what one can do and its a its obviously an all consuming conversations so. Nothing in particular strikes new just against a positive follow the you know follow the hygiene recommendations and realize that we will get through and guess the only thing i guess i would mention is you know look out for your neighbors look out for your community. There everyone is dependent on every other person here in the situion and were only as strong as we are together in this. All right perfecanything to add a doctor for earlier doctor poll. Im saving those great recommendation that a girlfriend just meant were all in this together d that has certainly given the my own that and the practice of trying to reduce and stress and anxiety in the sense of situations. I all the questions are actually really really. Insightful questions so kudos to your viewers for sending them in. Our or personal list and also some of the things that are and the look vel. I just urge everyone to try their best to stay positive were heading into the weekend here. Leverage that time to rest as much as possible and try mindset as a and dont watch news 24 hours a chris youre going to add something there. Just be a good citizen and take your care of yourselves and you start school of media guidelines that that ask you to stay on. All right gentlemen, thank you so much again for your advice and your ti and your insight. I really appreciate it. Thank you. We have more of your qutions we have to do this again. We have more information on our website kron 4 dot com. Im Catherine Heenan thanks for joining us. Cold comfort. Is red tape preventing hundreds of patients from boarding the u. S. Navy ship the comfort. Then, are these beautiful beaches spreading the virus. One expert describes each wave as a giant sneeze. And another cnn anchor says she has covid19. And new recommendations for personal hygiene. When should u take a shower and how often. It would be a good idea to clean your clothes and takea shower. A call for all americans to

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