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Some good news from wall street today as the us stock market ended in the green stocks recouped all of yesterdays losses as investors grow optimistic about the governments response to the Coronavirus Crisis and the dow ended up over 2100 points thats its best gain on record. And after days of stalled talks today may be the day lawmakers are are able to reach a deal. And this Coronavirus Crisis and trying to get aid to americans which comes as the World Health Organization predicts the United States has the potential to be the next epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic Camila Bernal is in washington with the very latest. The coronavirus pandemic forcing about a 3rd of the worlds population into some kind of lockdown in the United States more than 40 of people are under sea at home orders we think we have the chance to significantly reduce the spread of the coronavirus some companies changing their Business Models to help americans, pizza hut amazon and walmart are just some of the businesses hiring more workers. Ford is working with other companies to produce mass and ventilators equipment medical professionals desperately need it by the middle of many. We could be making a hundreds of thousands of these of their leaders. On capitol hill, the white house and Congress Seriously negotiating a stimulus package to help people cope with the pandemic. Its the most serious threat to Americans Health and over a century. The roughly trillion plan would provide a jolt to the economy and give aid to hardhit workers and industries and like hopefully we can get it over the finish line as the days go by without a compromise that tense divide between republicans and democrats grows stronger, but now a bit of optimism as both sides hope a deal may be done soon we are very very pleased. With what seems to be moving forward in the bill and the bipartisan bill. In washington. Im Camila Bernal reporting. And governor gavin newsom is talking right now about the states response to the Coronavirus Crisis, lets listen in. Providing support on board that ship so that we can ultimately advance our protocols and procedures to get people and more appropriate care and more appropriate setting sun. So thats the purpose of the conversation we just had the conversations that are occurring quite literally in real behind me but were very very enthusiastic that that ship will be coming apart. As early as this friday. Accordingly we advanced a number of actions today, particularly on the issue of prisons and the state i did an executive order today as it relates to the intake process ii a both at cdc are california state. A Correction System and djj our juvenile in order to address the legitimate anxieties and concerns related 2 prisoners and to make sure that we have our procedures and protocols in place to protect staff as well as inmates from covid 19 as you know we have one official tested inmate we have 5 a Staff Members we are going to restrict the intake process in the system and we are putting together new protocols and procedures. And throughout that a system 35 presence to make sure that were isolating people were not mixing our prison populations as we tend to do transfers and the like on a typical basis. So the executive order a reinforced the guidelines and procedures and protocols. Now we are now advancing both for djj and cdc are. In addition to that. Something is very familiar to me on a weekly basis i review personally. The recommendations of our parole board for people that are eligible for parole. In each and every circumstance when people are made eligible they go through a very formal process of interviews and reviews thats done in person because of the nature of this virus, the nature of this moment, were going to be changing the procedures and protocols and in the executive we lay out a strategy to begin the process of doing a video conferences. This would be a temporary advancement but under the circumstances in terms of our isolation strategies in order to continue the processing of people that are eligible for parole and the encouragement to make sure that that process happens the scale its been happening in the past we think its appropriate to move forward with those teleconferences and that executive order lays out strategies to do just that and those orders i will be in effect. They are in effect immediately and the protocols and procedures are in effect in real time and look to talk more about that in the coming days. As we look not to the state prison population, but the county jail population as well. In addition to that we had a remarkable day conversations with the army corps of engineers. They are now stationed just right outside our sock here at the emergency operation. Centers we have 3 divisions throughout the state of california and theyve been with our state Leadership National guard within. Respective organizations to cite a to a survey process the appropriate for potential of our army edition, 2 sites that we have identified through our federal medical a program that we announced yesterday the fact that we have 2 sites coming up one in riverside and sent a clear were looking at additional sites in ways that the army corps can complement the to get those sites fully operational. And so thats Convention Facilities thats facilities, large and small up and down the state fairgrounds and the like, but we went through detail protocols and sharing expectations. So that we can lay exactly our expectations movie for the Army Corps Engineers most quickly and were very enthusiastic that partnership is a really taken shape over the course of last week and then advanced of the course last few hours in more meaningful ways. Additional that we and wonderful news. Sir Richard Branson of virgin and now partnering as tim cook did elon musk of tesla and space x. Just another individual it stepped up version stepping up bringing the 7. 47. Into a bay area and oakland. And we worked on the just ticks related to that for significant enhancement a personal protective gear will have more details on that and the next day or 2 just another point of emphasis. Another example, an indication of people that are stepping up in a row equates bringing from into the bay area to help support our efforts to help support when our largest Hospital Systems in that process. We had the tragic loss. A lot young life. A teenager in lancaster california, which underscores the enormity of the challenge in front of us this Health Crisis. And how it could impact anybody and everybody in i know its sobering when you read the so the headline said the child but to be more precise a teenager. Lost our lives and we are doing the investigation trying to understand or about to exactly what occurred but covid related i tragic loss of life. As of 10 00am this morning weve lost 40 lives in the state of california related to covid. 19 we have lost over 21 100 around that we have 2100 positives state of california 2102 which was 17. 5 . Higher than the previous day again thats a 10 00am number those numbers change in real time but a 17 increase. A loss of a Young Persons life i want to just make a point to emphasize this. Sen, my heartfelt. Sympathies to the family, the community. It has lost. Their loved one. But also make this point young people can and will be impacted. This virus in fact young people disproportionately are the ones testing positive. In the state of california 50 . Of the 2102 individuals that have tested positive 50 are repeat that. Of those who have tested positive today, the state of california are 18 to 49 years old. This disease. Impacts everybody the question is the acuity and the hospitalization rate that yes does skew. The side of older populations but with this tragic. Now death is a reminder to everybody to take this seriously. Its a Health Crisis that needs to be met first and foremost head on as such and thats why it is incumbent upon all californias to continue to take our stay at home order seriously to continue to do the kind of social distancing. The common sense dictates and heed the warnings we have asked yesterday to stay out of settings like beaches and parks where youre coming into close contact with others practice, social distancing and we had to step up our enforcement yesterday as it relates to shut down. Those Parking Facilities a consequence to reinforce and remind people the serious is the moment, but what more evidence do you need of a loss of a Young Persons life. And so i just cannot impress upon the young people out there more the seriousness of this moment and how critical they are dalton the getting us on the other by practicing that social that we are accustomed to hearing. But not in every case. Advancing individually by the way for those that are curious 26 . Individuals 50 to 64. Are represented in the 2102 individuals that have been tested positive 23 of all the other cases represented individuals at north of 65 years old the hospitalization rates tend to skew higher and those cohorts but the number of positives again remains have. 18 to 49. So Broad Strokes thats been most of the day as it relates operation allies in a lot of the work that weve been talking about the last number of days. I had a number of conversations with governors across the country about protocols and procedures to better work collaboratively on procurement strategies. We actually are lining up in linking together our teams with other states to make sure that were not competing with one another and were making sure were price conscience and dealing with the issue of price comparing best practices with state attorney generals and not just the work that the federal governments william barr and others that we were pleased to hear announced yesterday so those are good conversations and those conversations we hope will be made real in terms of organizing a more deliberative and strategic the procurement of the hundreds of millions of individual items that we need to pick your windshield and gloves and gowns and coveralls and face mask and swabs and the like we have testing numbers the testing has significantly increased. Across this country but also in the state of california. Tomorrow will be laying out new numbers that we have received that will show a significant jump in the numbers we made public as we brought together all of these one off Collection Sites and all of the Research Universities that are participating as well as the private labs and well have a new process to collect those numbers in real to bring to light, i think more comforting numbers on the scale of testing is still not close to where we need to be we still need more swabs we still need more reagents these arent extraction kits. But were seeing higher throughput and were seeing new technologies coming to bear were testing work with the fda Trump Administration to get on the market one meeting with folks today that have a 45 minute test because the issue now is not just swabs in our next traction and reagents its about turning around the tests which are in some cases taking days and days and days, some cases, many as 7, 8, 9, days. And so were going to have to address the timeliness of the diagnostic and the test results as well again it cost they have to enter a in this space as we from just public labs to this commercial quest. Lab now to needing specimen sample swabs in the Media Associated with that to now making sure we turn around these tests and a much quicker time the more on that. We also and closing ive done a lot on the ventilator side of things i mentioned yesterday the heroic work of elon musk who came through on his promise to deliver over 1000 and that was announced yesterday we brought in ourselves we just got another 1010 ventilators from the private sector, im working with them energy and others to convert that cash of 514 ventilators that we had to refurbish them and to get them fully operational we have received from the federal government and no direct ventilators from the National Stockpile a Los Angeles County did receive 170 they have a unique relationship to the National Stockpile but thats all we received a with in the state of california proper but were not discouraged by that we are encouraging the federal government we have direct orders and asks in to do more on the ventilators ah but we are doing everything we can to orient our around the world to get more ventilators in the state about 3,000 weve been able to bring online a Community College system is talking to a Community College system which also been heroic in this they provided just as one example, 60 ventilators and. Theyre also keeping by the way all of us safe because its remember Community College system is the backbone of our training in the state of california. By some estimates, 70 of our First Responders however, one would define them are trained through that Community College system and theyre doing heroic work. In this state is while the offer that because of other conversations we had today and they deserve to be highlighted protocols to make sure that we have safe. Logistics and supply chain. Theyre not just about toilet paper bread and the like ive had some very comforting conversations. From grocers their representatives and the that they feel like theyre up to the task to meet this moment theres some protocols is shifting away from something in some cases. Choice to quantity as purchasing habits are changing and some of the procedures and protocols around his distribution channels. Are also changing the supply chains are changing in real time ah, but as you know we are supplementing our workforce in that respect and making sure that people know if theyre over 10,000 Jobs Available for necessary that the hiring i know people want to hear that because our Unemployment Insurance system is being overwhelmed. I want folks to know we made some real chefs on staffing today will be doing a lot more in the coming days to meet the demands its now averaged over the last 7 days because of a huge increase. Even yesterday of a 114,000 its the sevenday rolling average of the number Unemployment Insurance claims that have been requested in the state member averaged before this crisis about 25 100 so we had a very robust conversation today with our to make sure that we are repurpose in our workforce and making sure were moving things around to make sure we adequately addressing the u i a request that are coming in so thats a Broad Strokes an update on where we today and tomorrow well be talking a lot more about economic mortgage related issues foreclosure related update on the testing. And of course, im here for facebook friends to answer any questions you have this evening as well. Yeah, well, the question of whether california will open april let me peace. Weve been listening live to governor Gavin Newsome giving us an update on the Coronavirus Crisis across our state one of these staggering statistics that he really says that there have been 40 deaths which now includes a teenager in Los Angeles County and out of the 2100 cases and our state right now most of them 50 of them. Our people the aged 18 to 49 the governor saying that young people new york state the hardest hit state in the us now has over 25,000 coronavirus cases which is half of all the cases in the country. Today Governor Andrew Cuomo said the rate of new infections is doubling every 3 days. And this is only predicted to even get worse in an emotional News Conference como demanded that thousands of ventilators from federal stockpiles be rushed to his state the governor says new york urgently needs 30,000 more ventilators but is getting only a fraction of that and although the economic concerns of the pandemic must be addressed. He says the focus first should be on saving lives. My mothers not expendable. And your mothers not expendable. And our brothers and sisters and not expendable. And were not going to. Accept the premise that. Human life. Is disposable. Despite the surge cuomo said his state could still sees. A lot more case as with the worst thing about 2 weeks from now when that could be the peak of this crisis. Still ahead as we see a rise in coronavirus related scams. How local a lot has changed overnight. But buick and gmcs commitment to you, remains the same. We understand you want to feel safe. So were offering current owners complementary onstar crisis assist services. Should you need a vehicle, were offering zero percent financing for up to 84 months with deferred Payment Options for 120 days. Plus, you may have the option to shop online and take delivery at home. Visit our websites for the help you need. Buick and gmc. Were here to help. So as if we did not have enough to concern ourselves during this Pandemic Police say theyre now people spreading covid 19 scams and hoaxes however as kron fours haaziq minute reports the Alameda County Sheriffs Office now has a new way that we can report these types of crimes. The call that 19 pandemic can bring out the best in people and it can unfortunately bring out the worst and others in some cases people going door to door pretending to be county workers conducting coronavirus test. Other situations fraudulently calling residents seeking to rob them of their body. Well weve seen in a vegas camps. Had to do as a people. Trying to get money to get loved ones out of a jail greco, the 19. There was another scam i think at a San Francisco that we saw weve seen some price gouging and things like that when it comes to fraudulent scams Alameda County sheriffs Deputy Sergeant ray kelly is just about see the ball but a recent incident involving a North Carolina been adjusted roads costly claiming he tested positive for cold at night hed and that he intended to spread the virus by going too crowded big box stores. Was beyond the pale even for this better a deputy we saw that video weve got sent to us we saw it so that it was always very disturbing and sure enough it turns out some of the research weve done it was a hoax and that it was out of North Carolina you perpetrate a hoax that endangers public state your causes like fear and panic. Oh that would cause a lot of the war. And so im glad those in north should Something Like that happened in Alameda County theres now a resource that could be used to report any call that 19 related hopes are scans we have something that people can go to the pope in 19 to clients is to go to work. And will i will look into complaints like that or any other place people have Haaziq Madyun kron 4 news. That wraps up kron 4 news at 5 our coverage of the Coronavirus Crisis continues on the kron 4 news at 6 we have just learned about a new report, a death from coronavirus here in the bay area and another county also has reported more cases. Plus well go back to see what the governor is saying about the Coronavirus Crisis interstate including the message that he gave about how many people the aged 18 to 49 have now come down with this virus. Im Justine Waldman the teammates help each other find a way to win, just like covered california helps you find Health Insurance you can afford. Theyre the only place you can get Financial Assistance to help pay for Health Coverage. Plus, this year, the state is providing more help than ever before. And because a new law requires californians to have Health Coverage or pay a penalty, covered california has made it easier to get financial help, but you gotta sign up by april 30th. Visit coveredca. Com or call to enroll today. From the station

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