happened just tonight so we know that 35% of the results have been tallied but 0% 0% had been verified and so all of the candidates are moving forward right now and when you take a look at some of them who went on to the stage at their headquarters at different spots across the state of iowa to say thank you to all of their supporters to caucus for them who'd or not too cold who went across the neighborhoods to talk to people and even on caucus night trying to convince them to join them and they thanked all of their supporters tonight. but even we're hearing them talking about how they're moving on to new hampshire, joe biden elizabeth warren talking about the next steps for them in the next step the second state in this primary process we heard from mayor pete food, a judge claiming victory even though we don't know who actually won the iowa caucuses. there is still a lot of confusion right now about what's happening the iowa democratic party says that there are in consistencies in the results so they are looking at their app where precinct managers are supposed to report in the results. they have photographs of the results they have paper wreck of tallies of what happened at these caucuses. they are using 3 different ways to try to verify exactly what happened at this 1600 caucus sites across the 99 counties in iowa. we are still waiting for those results and as soon as we get more information, we'll get that to you but the iowa democratic party says they likely won't release those results until tuesday morning. live from des moines. i'm romero not is thank you democratic candidate. michael bloomberg was not in iowa today, he was here in california instead. >>me with voters in cities, including fresno sacramento. he announced today his campaign will opened 20 offices and add more than 300 staff members. he says by the end of the week there will be 800 staff members across california. >>so again that's super tuesday is on march 3rd it is the day of california's primary election early voting is already under way though secretary of state alex padilla announced today election officials sent out 15 million vote by mail ballots that is more than the registered voters in iowa, new hampshire, nevada and south carolina combined the dia says his office is also taking steps to keep this election secure trying to minimize misleading information. >>secretary of state's office is monitoring social media platforms constantly and reporting what we believe is the run this information. >>to the social media platforms for their review. we had a pretty successful relationship were pretty effective at a addressing some of the 2018 cycle. so we're building on that for 2020. >>california's can also going to county election offices in vote in person, but early voting doesn't necessarily mean early results. election officials will not start tallying votes until 10 days before the march 3rd election day. >>president trump is set to give his annual state of the union address tomorrow night in the prime-time speech the commander in chief is expected to focus on prosperity and issues affecting america's working families. tomorrow's address to the joint session of congress comes amid the impeachment proceedings in the senate and at a time of high tensions between the president and democratic lawmakers. it will be the first time in months that the president house speaker nancy pelosi will be in the same room the state of the union is set to begin at 6 o'clock tomorrow evening and you can watch it here on kron 4 we will air the president's address in its entirety without commercial us. >>let's step outside on this monday night see how things are shaking up on weather fronts were tape giving you a live view of the embarcadero in the city arch and the neighborhood and our chief meteorologist lawrence karnow is here because we've got a frigid night yeah, i mean really bundle up this want to be one of the coldest nights of the season. so far we saw cold weather this morning a lot of frost and some freezing additions we're headed that way right now in fact clear cold conditions out there. the air is extremely dry humidity in some parts of the bay area now down the team so that air so dry nothing really to hold up the temperatures except for some of the wind right now we still have enough when to hold up these numbers from getting as cold as they normally would be. >>we have 49 degrees in redwood city right now this 44 in san jose 48 in livermore 48 in pittsburgh, 49 in chile and cocker 50 degrees still temperatures on the move to the north bay start to see more of those 30's popping up again 39 degrees now in santa rosa 39 in petaluma 34 degrees just hovering above freezing there saying alina and 43 degrees in the napa valley so getting cold out there right now freeze warnings in the post by the national weather service across much of the north bay from mill valley all the way up to nevado runner park santa rosa heels bring them down through saint alina napa also the fairfield pittsburgh and needy idea very cold weather settling in tonight is that there's very dry in the north bay, some very cold temperatures with this about 27 degrees the forecast an overnight low in santa rosa, but you get in and around some of the areas outside of the main city there you'll certainly see temperatures maybe getting a little bit lower than that in your neck of the woods and 29 for an overnight low in napa about 31 just below freezing and conquered 30 in livermore but even inside the bay where normally the waters are just warming up to keep the temperatures from getting all that cold we're talking numbers in the mid 30's, even some low 30's as you make your way into san jose so you're waking up to some frost, some ice probably on your windshield even on the cars inside the bay may be some frost out along the coastline to some of the valleys there we've got high pressure overhead and we're seeing that kind of a northerly wind here and that is bringing that cold air right down from the gulf of alaska in the california so settled in now with a weak weather system moved through yesterday really help to kick up the winds. its team breezy outside that's the one thing that is holding up these temperatures somewhat here's a look at 18 mile an hour winds in the mill valley, the same with benicia and lay off 14 in the pacific and these winds begin to subside those temperatures are really want to fall off and i think we'll see that especially as we head in toward early tomorrow morning. so clear skies freezing temperatures in the forecast for tonight, plenty of sunshine and some cool temperatures for tomorrow and then some sunny days ahead publish warmer temperatures but still staying chilly at night. high pressure overhead now that ridge, we'll send i any chance of rain well to the north right now so we've got some clear skies and tomorrow to be one of those days. it is going to be hard to find the cloud anywhere in your sky tomorrow, but boy it is going to be an extremely cold start to the morning. there is a hand that the weather pattern is about to undergo major change we're talking about the possibility some rain coming our way we'll try pinpoint that with the 1010 coming up a few minutes saying thank you state senator scott wiener san francisco is moving forward with a plan to make pg and e a public utility. >>in san francisco today winner announced he'll introduce legislation to make pg e a state owned company. and rename it the northern california energy utility district. >>i was always true has become increasingly we're in business model is broken. otis is so extensively on pleasing wall street and creating the terms of dividends for shareholders. now is >>several union workers from pg e oppose a proposal they say they're worried that a state takeover the till a t could harm their benefits wiener says his legislation would protect workers benefits and he's bay neighborhood is on edge tonight after brazen armed robbery was caught on camera woman was seen walking her dog in alameda. >>when she was threatened with a gun and had her phone taken and police say it happened sunday afternoon on san jose avenue kron four's dan thorn is talking with concerned neighbors in that area tonight he joins us live from alameda with more dan. >>well up and they are concerned and scared neighbors telling us crimes like these are happening more and more and they wanted to stop. >>i mean armed robbery caught on home security video is upsetting neighbors on a mostly quiet street in alameda. the video shows a dark colored van pulling up to a woman walking her dog on san jose avenue, a person man jumps out and points a gun screams are then her does she is seen tossing the phone to the robber it's where it is. >>but it's getting too close to home. kris tanto says he's lived in this neighborhood for almost 20 years. he says this type of crime doesn't happen around here and it's becoming concerning of the kids and i'm worried about neighborhood but um i think going on everywhere don't know how to fix a neighbor tip of course he thinks the crime is bleeding into alameda from other areas you got to be hungry and desperate we drive along the street in broad daylight. >>rob people. we don't just vote point a gun at a take everything you want from i meet a police say the robbery happened sunday afternoon just before 1 o'clock they say they're now looking for 2 men who took off with the woman's brand new iphone the war ended. >>the streets are not safe anywhere in america. >>another neighbor told us tonight that there have also been a lot of car break-ins that have been happening on san jose avenue. meanwhile alameda police are still looking for more information on this robbery reporting live in alameda dan thorn kron 4 news. thank you dan. >>the 3rd suspect in the deadly laptop, a robbery in oakland is now charged with special circumstance murder and second-degree robbery police arrested 18 year-old cage on wiggins last thursday for the death of shore shame. chang died on new year's eve while chasing after thieves who stole his laptop from a starbucks in the montclair neighborhood. police arrested the first 2 suspects byron reed and shove oddly last month. they are charged with murder and other felonies up to $30,000 is now available in reward money for information leading to the arrest in the death of patrick scott junior today marks 2 years since the 27 year-old was shot and killed in oakland police say he was waiting at the bus stop at 62th street and market street to go to his grandmother's home today, the fbi announced a reward of up to $20,000 and oakland crime stoppers offered $10,000 more police on the from this. let's say a homeowner shot and killed an intruder in brisbane police say it happened. >>before 4 30 this afternoon on alvarado street near san bruno avenue. officers say they arrived there to find a man dead, but the resident was safe inside his home and cooperated with police. we'll continue to follow this story and bring you updates as they come in. a developing story tonight at 10 to patients with corona virus are being treated in san francisco couple from san benito county which is just south of gilroy race. the number of confirmed cases in northern california to farm that's the highest concentration in the entire country kron four's dan kerman explains. >>it was on january 24th when the 57 year-old san benito county man arrived at sfo. >>after a short stay in move on china. he was screened found to be totally healthy and asymptomatic it's wife picked him up and then they went home but his health quickly deteriorated. >>next day after the the mail that the came back from haim he developed some he developed a cough. >>in the low grade fever 5 days later after he got back his wife began to have some symptoms also so there is a person to death that occurred here that has caused her to become infected. >>the cdc says this is only the second case, a person to person transmission in the us and we can expect more of it. health officials are also concerned that someone can show no signs of the illness and yet be contagious and infect others. it's why on friday. the us took some dramatic steps to contain the spread of the virus. the government suspended entry of foreign nationals who have been in china within the past 14 days. exemptions include for immediate family members of us citizens and legal permanent residents. us citizens residents and their immediate family members who been in mainland china in the previous 14 days are allowed to enter the us, but they're subject to health monitoring and possible quarantine for up to 14 days. those people are being directed to 11 us airports, including sfo where they'll be screened for fever, cough and difficulty breathing. >>the cdc says the strategy is not to identify every single person coming into the us with the corona virus. they say the goal is to slow the entry of the virus into the us. dan kerman kron 4 news. >>the number of corona virus cases continues to spike in china. the country reports 425 deaths and more than 20,000 infections. that's up from 361 deaths in around 17,000 infections reported just yesterday outside of china there are at least a 180 cases, including one death in hong kong. and another in the philippines, the centers for disease control says evacuees from china will be arriving here in the bay area travis air force base near fairfield local universities are also suspending their study abroad programs in china. >>doug johnson reports. near term. travis will be selected. >>and not only as a base but there will be a vacuous there. >>congressman john garamendi admits there's not a lot of information coming out of the centers for disease control nor the air force and who exactly is being brought to travis air force base from china for corona virus quarantine by american contractors uh citizens. diplomats and the folks that are in china providing government services of all kinds. >>i hope to find out. >>well there's 9 currently on base. he says those people are coming and their numbers could be in the hundreds. there are many says from what he understands the air force is only providing facilities for the evacuees. we'll cdc personnel is the staffing. still he isn't so sure some support roles won't be done by civilian staff is going to be people providing service. >>other kinds of services will be necessary. what precautions with those people have that. >>we all sacrament of state museum davis there's a spending plan study-abroad programs in china due to the corona virus. >>the california state university system as prohibited all travel to china and until that is lifted. we will not be sending our students there. >>that tape there are currently 45 students from mainland china none of whom are hunt itself. >>they're free to go back and travel are we're providing them guidance that they should not go to china at this time our hope is to keep our students here to keep the entire campus community safe and disease for it. >>there you go. and that was doug johnson reporting stay with kron four's we continue our coverage of the corona virus will keep you posted on the latest updates and the best way to protect yourself. we have the very latest on our website that's kron 4 dot com just look for the corona virus tab under news. >>other news tonight hearing goes might be one of the last stories we do on the niners season, the 49 ers are back home from miami landed at san jose airport earlier today, a group of fans was there to welcome the team home and say thank you for a great season as kron four's rob fladeboe reports the 49 a faithful already looking ahead to the next season. >>the 49 ers united airlines charter touched down just after 2 o'clock on monday afternoon. as the plane taxied into a cardinal area here at mineta san jose international. forty-niners banner appeared out of the window of the cockpit. moments later amid cheers from a small but very enthusiastic welcoming committee. the players coaches and other staff members emerged and made their way minute they were disappointed what already thinking ahead to next year. for the team. >>they brought back the spirit save me as i love this team's energy so much. it's that combination of virtuosity with generosity. we need a lot more that the like our team raise you know it. do so great and so is this. the super stadium can attest, it looked like the 49 ers would bring home another hundreds today were having none of it they came to say thanks. >>a great year. we're still proud of ad is nothing they couldn't day they would make us want to be proud of and they did their it was still a >>coming up a community in disbelief, how families in the east bay are coming together after a teen get shot and killed outside his high school plus prosecutors say an employee of a drug store chain filled a prescription is in the bay area pretending to be a licensed pharmacist and the company's not handling a lawsuit humiliated enough said and east bay grocery worker with a disability says that he was berated by a customer the message. she wants people to tom: my mom always told me actions speak louder than words. she was a school teacher. my dad joined the navy and helped prosecute the nazis in nuremberg. their values are why i walked away from my business, took the giving pledge to give my money to good causes, and why i spent the last ten years fighting corporate insiders who put profits over people. i'm tom steyer, and i approve this message. because, right now, america needs more than words. we need action. >>tonight a story only on for about a local 18 year-old with autism you just got a job at an east bay grocery store he says the customer bullied him to tears tonight, he sticking up for other workers. those with disabilities asking customers to be patient. kron four's j r stone has more from the east bay. >>i'm working hard to do their make everyone proud even the managers 18 year-old joseph club and has autism but he doesn't use that as an excuse and says he is trying. but to one customer at the grocery store where he works. >>that wasn't good enough for asked me to get another frozen, i know from the frozen aisle. >>and i didn't know where it was an i asked another worker to help her out. and then she was all like you need to hire somebody that that knows where stuff is and while that may not sound very intense. joseph says the tone was so harsh. >>that another employee did their best to help him afterwards being autistic he get sensitive very easily. yes i was pretty upset about it in i had to talk to another worker at south and have fun and i was tearing up joseph's mom says her son was in tears for 2 days. >>she took to facebook asking for people to think before they talk saying you never know someone's back story. joseph is autistic. but he's also a normal person outside of work loves where walls and superhero >>this my best this guy and this is of rocket from the all-time also i'm a avengers endgame movie you gotta love that movie do the 3 days since the incident and joseph says he's doing better. >>and doing his best to learn the store is hopeful that others will do their best. >>to be patient. i'm sticking up for those workers to have been bullied by customers you know don't treat people like that just treat them nicely him people life. what just like i learned from the movie is few people like the world will all be right. >>now this did happen at a safeway location, not the one that i'm standing in front of here in concord but another one in the east bay, joseph though says it's not about the store. he's so thankful and happy to have his job. he just hopeful that folks will think twice before being me. encounter j r stone kron 4 news. >>coming up surveillance video captures 2 people stealing a car from the south bay parking lot where the victim says the thieves found her car key plus a new parking restrictions going into effect this week how one east bay city plans to clear out our and big parked just off the freeway. and and dry as of late but soon it could be cold and maybe a little wet to talk about that your tenant and is coming up it's time for the ultimate sleep number event on the sleep number 360 smart bed. can it help keep me asleep? absolutely, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus 0% interest for 24 months on all smart beds. only for a limited time economically powerfully influenced my values. bernie sanders he's fighting to raise wages. and guarantee health care for all. now, our country is at a turning point. hard working people, betrayed by trump, struggling to survive. in this moment, we need a fighter. bernie sanders. we know he'll fight for us as president because he always has. i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message. >>the theft in the south bay is left to college student without a car and behind on her schoolwork a surveillance video captured 2 people taking off with her car and san jose kron 4 say that the sacking reports the theft started inside a gym. surveillance cameras nearby reveal everything that once that couple walked out of the 24 hour fitness, the victim says employees at this fitness center taylor that this isn't the first time the car's been stolen from the area. >>the fans just wrapped up her night class and headed to this 24 hour fitness often the key road to blow off some steam when she returned to her locker though something was missing by her job that was really shocked. >>at the moment, i just want to tilt the final pham says someone stole her car keys from a locker ran to the front like if any one turn and keys and. >>the jacket and they told me. >>no should check to see if your car is missing. so i ran outside and it was in their nearby surveillance cameras captured a woman in a man walking around the parking lot searching for fans car using the signal from her keys i was just to see and just drive off of my car like that. >>the days i haven't been able to get them out of my head. and i've also been like very fearful since they have the keys to my house and says it happened around 11 20 wednesday night. now she's out a car and fell behind on college school work because all of our textbooks and work but aerials were inside that car ice on them to know that late. their actions have consequences. and even if they don't get caught for this flight if they continue to do something like this it will catch up to them and says she had to repurchase all ol textbo for work lost inside that car. she believes that the suspects are members at this gym and she's hoping that 24 hour fitness will work with her and the san jose police to share key surveillance video and information that could identify those 2 suspects in san jose taylor sackey kron 4 news. >>in these pay there's now a growing memorial in the parking lot of deer valley high school it's for the sophomore who was shot and killed there over the weekend kron four's well bellow tells us family and friends of johnson parker, we're still reeling from the teens sudden and violent death. >>and a lot of heartbreak and frustration for the family of jonathan parker dealing with something that no one should ever have to go through they say their message today has to stop the gun violence, i got to say is you know guns down a young life taken too soon the family of jonathan john john parker. >>still in disbelief, the 16 year-old is gone told me you love me, you know he he wanted me to get a job you want me to do some positive. he wanted me to go to school. and i do write foreman asked what i'm hearing a song onto his cousin messiah elliott says john john was a lovely friend who recently encouraged him to stay out of trouble and get a job he was like a friendly person, you know it was nothing that he'd iran to anybody friday night after a basketball game between deer valley high in antioch high a fight broke out in the school parking lot. shots were fired and john john was struck multiple times. he passed away sunday and according to antioch police. no arrests have been made we're all we're all heartbroken were all. >>speech was really really look don't want to do this but we want to make it clears without nephew and sun brother of them that he was no gang member. he was in in the gangs, he wasn't his uncle andre says john john barely even when out. >>making his death even more confusing and hurtful for everyone who knew him. the antioch unified school district put out a message sunday, saying quote we along with the rest usd denounced the senseless act of violence and call in the community to come together to address such vicious brutality. our students must be taught that solving disagreements through violence is not the answer. john johns family agrees mess is a. >>the game's dumb and this now what was you know we heard right now in antioch know al bello kron 4 news. >>there was us i think it was 2, 2 little girls and even that's imagine being in that situation where the shots are going on these kids are shaken up by i can you imagine the trauma that they went through >>that was witness trinity stone describing the chaotic scene after an early morning shooting on a greyhound bus stone was working the overnight shift at the jack in the box when the bus pulled into the gas station next door she says she saw several people being taken out on stretchers rushed into waiting ambulances including a mother and her 2 young daughters. >>shots and traumatized and the mom oh my gosh mom us. she was just in that shooting. >>investigators say the bus was heading to san francisco from los angeles carrying 42 passengers while the bus was traveling to grapevine a gunman opened fire on the passengers. he was on the bus with them killing one woman injuring 5 others. police arrested that suspect they are still trying to figure out exactly what happened and why. >>turning now to the weather was our chief meteorologist or his car and find out how much longer is going to be chilly out there. yeah we have some cold night ahead that's for sure by day concert warm-up over the next few days would love to be a little rain here going looks like the pattern is about to shift to more a wet pattern, although the storms that are coming in to be very cold so i can hold a ton of moisture clear skies out there right now and some cold temperatures developing more 39 degrees now in santa rosa 43 in napa 49 in oakland 44 degrees in san jose and the winds of stayed up so far still breezy outside so one of them wants those winds begin to subside the temperatures really going to drop off. here's your long range forecast and you can see a high pressure boat building overhead this ridge will continue to settle in the next couple days that's going to leave those nice clear night some beautiful days lot of sunshine and some dry weather all that energy from the storms heading up in the pacific northwest will we stay dry to the south now things begin to change a little bit will notice that as we get into lot of part of this week as we get into saturday you start seeing that little swirl well high pressure begins to break down somewhat this is going to drop in on sunday heights going brings in rain but it will bring us a much colder air right now the gulf of alaska and here we go again some more windy conditions i believe by this next sunday behind them we are getting a sense though there's going to be some change you can see a drop in again this one another cold storm system dropping right on the gulf of alaska and here we go i think we've got a chance some showers as we get to wednesday with that and maybe some lingering rainfall as we head into thursday as well so here's your tenant and we're keeping things mostly dry for this week ahead, we will see changes this weekend. those clouds roll back in on sunday and the winds are going to kick up the temperatures really going to drop next week we've got some very cold storms headed our way chance of showers next wednesday and thursday. >>thank you our school road leading to the tesla factory in fremont has become a magnet for big rigs an rv is according to authorities and that's leading to complaints about trash, another problem, the city of fremont plans to take action this week to try to clear the road kron four's maureen kelly explains. >>i mean they've already been forced in a david didn't want to appear on camera or give his last name says he's been living in rv with his girlfriend here on this stretch of kato road across from the tesla service center for about a month and a half. he says he's been hit with about 300 bucks worth of citations is getting ready to move on this a nice building here. yeah, i mean, and there is people out here. they can look bad so. >>just they can expect to live on the side for every goalie. >>a guy who are you guys going to go somewhere else mike an artist she says it doesn't have a last name it didn't seem to know much about the city's plans other than what's posted on the signs that new parking restrictions will be enforced on february 6 the city says permanent no parking signs will go in here as well as boulders to deter parking of large of cause a spokesperson for the city of fremont says they do not have the information about the cost of the boulders but that they are in response to complaints coming in from the community about trash and other problems stemming from vehicles parking along the frontage road to the 80 freeway. >>in what's primarily an industrial part of town. it's not just the homeless are these brand new tesla is another high end vehicles could be seen out here as well as car carriers loaded with tesla's and other tractor trailers. the city says they're in talks with tesla about their truck parking management. some people who work in the area who did not want to go on camera say a lot of the trash is thrown out by the truckers. the city says they plan to begin towing vehicles and removing trash on thursday. the boulders could be installed that very same day. reporting from fremont i'm maureen kelly kron 4 news. more than 300 pages of notes or public from former special counsel robert mueller's investigation the justice department released the documents to cnn today. >>documents contain notes from interviews with witnesses including sean spicer rick gates and michael cohen but the notes mostly redacted offering up very little new information. this is the 5th time documents have been released to cnn and buzzfeed news as part of a joint lawsuit against the department of justice in president trump's impeachment trial house managers and the president's legal team will make their closing arguments tomorrow. 4 senators hold a final vote on whether or not to impeach or to acquit the president to scented resume the trial today. suzanne malveaux has the latest from washington. >>despite senate republicans ready to acquit president trump. some of his top gop supporters are now saying it was wrong for the president to pressure ukraine into investigating his political rivals and the president has a lot of lot of 10 to to do what he wants to do. >>again not what i would have done but certainly again going after corruption, it's not something you would have done why wouldn't you have done it because it was wrong because it was inappropriate and i generally speaking going after corruption would be the right thing to why he did it may be in the wrong manner in the but i think he could have done it for different channels, the admissions coming after the justice department acknowledged the existence of blocked emails that could provide more insight on why trump withheld military aid to ukraine. >>still senators like lamar alexander arguing trump's conduct was not impeachable defending his choice to vote against witnesses and new evidence in the trial i think he should have done it think it was wrong. >>inappropriate was way i'd say improper crossing the line. and then the only question left is who decides what to do about that well who decides what to do in the people the people my conclusion lead house impeachment manager adam schiff saying it's not enough for republicans to just say trump's conduct was inappropriate. >>i also think it's important that the senate take the next step having found him guilty if indeed that's what they have found. >>they need to remove him from office because he is threatening to spill. cheat in the next election and by soliciting foreign interference. >>trump ally and senate judiciary chairman lindsey graham looking to vindicate trump vowing to issue subpoenas for the ukraine call whistleblower and former vice president joe biden to testify even after this week's vote and let me tell republicans out there. >>you should expect us to do this if we don't do it we're letting you down and i get them to you it were democrat, if it their shoe on the other foot. but democrats would be eating us alive and for the democrats schiff declining to say whether the house will subpoena former national security adviser john bolton. >>but i will say this so whether it's before in testimony before the house or it's in his book or it's in one form or another the truth will come out is will continue to come out. that was suzanne malveaux reporting earlier today kron on top of bay area, congresswoman zoe lofgren has been serving as an impeachment manager in the trial. she says what most are saying it is pretty unlikely the senate will remove the president from office take a listen. >>i think it's probably unlikely that 2 thirds of the senate will vote to convict. we didn't play out our case here wrapping up afternoon. i think the case we made was a compelling one. we'll to what happened factually as well that's what the constitution means a number of the has said to so the question is what is the senate going make of and what is the president going make of it if you if you its conduct is basically blessed by the i expect he will engage in for the misconduct in knots. not a good >>this interview first ran on our 24 7 streaming news service kron on make sure to download the app to watch the full interview tonight. >>coming up an artist in new york city honoring kobe bryant anusing his talent and spray paints we'll show you the mural that's already making plenty of people stopped look and remember the nba legend also has forced the forty-niners come home without the lombardi trophy, but still optimistic about the future. >>jason dumas has kyle shanahan and jimmy g's talking about what's come we tried to get the politicians to deal with the problem. but they wouldn't. so we took it to the voters and forced big tobacco to pay its share of healthcare costs. we fought oil companies for new clean air laws and closed a billion dollar corporate tax loophole to fund public schools. by going directly to the people we got results. that's not something you see a lot of from washington these days. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. let's make change happen. >>will pay million to settle a phony pharmacist case prosecutors say an unlicensed pharmacies use the license numbers of registered pharmacist to impersonate them and fill prescriptions at walgreen stores in santa clara and alameda counties from late 2006 to 2017. the prescriptions allegedly included more than 100,000 for opioids such as fentanyl morphine and coating the employee pleaded not guilty to felony impersonation charges a report from a university of california faculty task force as the public university system. >>should keep the s a t and a c t test as part of its admissions process. the recommendation comes amid growing an ongoing arguments rather by activists who say standardized test put minority and low income students at a disadvantage. the 192 page report is still preliminary. it will go before the u c board of regents in may. >>there's a new burger joint in san francisco, new york way shake shack opened his first store in the city this morning in cow hollow and as you can see there was a huge crowd for opening day this is the first shake shack in san francisco, but not the only one in the bay area there are others one in san mateo one in larkspur and one in palo alto a southern california charity that helps job. seekers is getting some help of its the nonprofit in irvine lost everything to a fire yesterday for 30 years the nonprofit called working wardrobes has helped men and women, including veterans dressed for job interviews, thousands of suits and dresses purses and shoes all gone the losses million. >>the building is also read but the nonprofit will continue to help people in need a few miles away in santa ana. >>good will open its doors to the charity giving it a temporary home at least for a few months, well, it's now been a little more than a week since kobe bryant's death and tributes to the nba legend and his daughter gianna have been coming in in all shapes and sizes now brian as you know never played basketball for any team in new york, but that did not stop one artist there from painting a tribute to the legend in brooklyn, ny mean showed a re has the story. >>i've always been a laker fan site called off from new york. i believe purple and morning queens, efron and loses of long island based artist at 33 years old he says the loss of bryant and his daughter. >>and 7 others in a tragic helicopter crash was nothing short of devastating. i just cry because i couldn't believe it like childhood gone like someone that i looked up to within front could only process his grief in one way by creating is definitely therapeutic anytime i do artist therapeutic effort also knew he wanted his work displayed in brooklyn to be searched on google maps and after finding a building owner who was open to the idea. it came across this home. at the corner of flatbush avenue and pacific street right across from the barclays that we'd never donned a new york jersey impact brian's life and career had on any lover of basketball anywhere, especially right here in new york. it is undeniable that the motivation. it's why this work is capturing a lot of attention york will be facing i were just very beautiful, so that not done on the net is it's made me stop the iconic image was first photographed by john soon and now brought to life front a girl dad himself efron says he chose this voting to replicate showing bryant laying on the court with his head resting on one his eyes appear to look into another. his daughter, his death of course like many people that are getting go in vain because. >>you know unfortunately we all have to go one day. but i feel like his death change the world in the weeks. >>well, i have is a beautiful new york yeah, it is something everybody can kind of relate to here own father and daughter together. again that was a car mean totally reporting in los angeles crews remove some memorabilia that fans have been leaving outside staples center in memory of bryant and the stable center president says that those items will be placing containers and sent to the bryant family. >>tonight's after >>okay we're looking ahead to yes, it was a disappointing game, but it's still a great team with tremendous potential exactly you know at what i've been telling people it could be worse, you know they have everyone coming back next year most important players they should be a good team. you can't one i'm on better luck next year, the forty-niners return home today from miami to san jose airport. it's been a wild ride this season, especially the past 2 weeks but of course it didn't and how most hope it would the niners got in around 2. and most of the players will clean out their lockers between now wednesday we also expect to hear from the team on wednesday and even though sunday night was a tough pill to swallow shanahan and drop below. we are excited for the future. >>with our winds will get over this will be fired over next, sure got a lot of people coming back. the we surprised a lot of people this year. and we knew we had a good team get almost all these guys back and and on that in a few more so than arrest a little bit since it over the summer will be very fired up for next year you see the guys eyes >>it means on the guy's son died and the g i guys you care about what they're doing guys care about each other not. we're a young team. we've got to take this in stride remember this feeling and. let us in offseason. >>meanwhile super bowl mvp patrick mahomes made a quick trip up the coastline to orlando where he made the traditional visit to disney world that the game a most valuable player at 24, he's the youngest super bowl mvp of all time chiefs head coach andy reid meanwhile he was back in miami with nfl commissioner roger goodell it reads new best friend though marty trophy which is given to the super bowl-winning team of course when asked what he did the night of his first super bowl title. however reed made it very clear the lombardi is still a distant second place. >>and really sleep last spent with the trophy. why do care my trophy wife >>that's a good idea now for the first time in about 5 years it feels like the warriors are the forgotten team in the bay area. that's what happens when you're having a bad season combined with the local football team making a super bowl run. but that is all over and now it is time to shift focus to the warriors who are on the road tonight in our nation's capital taking on the wizards on the eve of the state of the union address the dubs in dc and no they did not visit the white house 3rd quarter comes up 14 draymond green's off the screen to screen or plate. in for a layup he was 3 assists shy of a triple double 4th quarter where they're trying to make a comeback of bradley beal have 43 points. >>neil didn't make all-star game. he was complaining about that earlier this week the warriors though they would not let the wizards come back up that robinson, the 3rd was to lafayette, 22 points, the wizards the warriors that is go on to win one 25 1.17 they win their second game of the finally women's hoops third-ranked or a game they took on uconn and local product sabrina ionescu she was fabulous even though she was well below her points-per-game average the miramonte high school grad and 4 and a. graduated almost almost had another triple double at 10 9, 9 another bay area native money on more she attended sleazy and high school in richmond she chipped in with 12 points is 6 times the roof, the herbert had 22 12 for the they smash uconn 7456 hit list, this was the first law for uconn into our campus arena and 7 years in their worst. in 2005 some bay area doing great things that oregon but. >>you know everybody still think about those 49 ers will have their end-of-season press conference on wednesday. so kind of that last closure of the season before ever and looking ahead to next year all right the transition may be jason. >>laura says its cold nights yet get ready chilly temperatures already clear skies freeze warnings about to what'd we decide on the flyers again? uh, "fifteen minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance." i think we're gonna swap over to "over seventy-five years of savings and service." what, we're just gonna swap over? yep. pump the breaks on this, swap it over to that. pump the breaks, and, uh, swap over? that's right. instead of all this that i've already-? yeah. what are we gonna do with these? keep it at your desk, and save it for next time. geico. over 75 years of savings and service. >>it is clear out there right now getting cold around the bay area to check out these temperatures 43 now in the san jose 44 hayward 44 dublin still 50 in san francisco, the north bay in chile in spots, 39 on petaluma 39 in cloverdale 38. in the napa valley. so certainly seeing some cold temperatures out there we're talking 20's and 30's by tomorrow morning. so we're looking at a frost and freeze is around the bay area even inside the bay. we're likely going to see some patchy frost tomorrow morning and some of dollars to the coastline could even see some patchy frost too well we'll see the cold air early on and then here comes the sunshine by the afternoon temperatures going double up mainly in the 50's some low 60's out there and look at your tenant we're going to see some warmer weather near 70 degrees by thursday. those temperatures drop off late the weekend again with the winds kicking up and then next week i think a major pattern change coming that looks like the rain likely tomorrow. m: my mom always told me actions speak louder than words. she was a school teacher. my dad joined the navy and helped prosecute the nazis in nuremberg. their values are why i walked away from my business, took the giving pledge to give my money to good causes, and why i spent the last ten years fighting corporate insiders who put profits over people. i'm tom steyer, and i approve this message. because, right now, america needs more than words. we need action. the number of uninsurising.ricans, the cost of prescription drugs, rising. the threat to people with pre-existing conditions, rising. the good news, so is support for the one candidate who'll do something about it. as mayor, mike bloomberg helped expand coverage for seven hundred thousand people, including hundreds of thousands of kids. including hundreds of thousands of kids. as president, he'll lower drug costs and ensure everyone without coverage can get it. that's a promise. and unlike him, mike actually keeps his. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. narrator: in the criminal justice system sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. in new york city, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the special victims unit. these are their stories. it's an above- ground jacuzzi. i don't know why you're digging that deep. it's called a foundation, mr. sawyer. well, just make sure you don't hit a gas main or something. we know what we're doing. well, you know you'll have to take out all those weeds. the roots will break right through the concrete. the last owner left this place a mess. don't worry. we'll clear the whole yard. no extra charge. aren't those hydrangea bushes? why do you think i said we'd clear the yard for nothing? we can make more off those bushes than off this job.

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